

Commit in CDMS/src/CDMS/ImageNavigatorII on MAIN -> 1.3
Added some commented, removed old debugging printouts, and changed it to fit the new filesystem.

CDMS/src/CDMS/ImageNavigatorII 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	28 Jul 2010 17:43:23 -0000	1.2
+++	28 Jul 2010 22:22:34 -0000	1.3
@@ -4,91 +4,102 @@
 import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
 import java.awt.image.*;
 import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
 import java.util.*;
+ * After running, this program takes the resulting image files and slices them
+ * into the appropriate 256 px square tiles needed for the Google API, and makes the tiles for
+ * different zoom levels.
+ * 
+ * File Structure:
+ * 	>Image Set Folder
+ * 		>gmapviewer.htm	[the website navigator file!]
+ * 		>original_images	[place the autorun.txt file and images in this folder before running]
+ * 		>resources	[do not touch these files, they are used by the Google API for the navigator]
+ * 		>stitched_images	[stitched images will be saved here by]
+ * 		>tiles	[when you run this program, the tiles for the navigator will be placed here.]
+ * 
+ * @author Chris Wilen
+ */
 public class Tiler {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
     	Date startDate = new Date();
-    	//try {
-    	    String path = "/Users/chriswilen/Documents/Work/Summer_2010/IZipG18M_TB_75x3/tiles/gmapviewer/";
-    	    int numXimgs = 7;
-    	    int numYimgs = 10;
-    	    int tileSize = 256;
-    	    //get info on imgs
-    	    BufferedImage img = File(path+"/dropbox/stitched_tiles/"+"/tile0_0.png"));
-    	    int imgW = img.getWidth();
-    	    int imgH = img.getHeight();
-    	    //find max zoom level
-    	    double totalSize = 10000;
-    	    int maxZoom = 0;
-    	    while (totalSize > tileSize) {
-    	    	maxZoom++;
-    	    	totalSize = Math.max(imgW*numXimgs, imgH*numYimgs)/Math.pow(2, maxZoom);
-    	    }
-    	    //create .txt file for google maps api
-    	    double scale = 283;//3.37085208/640;
-    	    String scaleunit = "mm";
-    	    try {
-	    	    FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(path+"/tiles/detectorTiles/detectorTiles.txt");
-	    	    BufferedWriter outFile = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
-	    	    String outText = 	"name\tdetectorTiles"+
-	    	    					"\r\nwidth\t"+(numXimgs*imgW)+
-	    	    					"\r\nheight\t"+(numYimgs*imgH)+
-	    	    					"\r\nmaxzoom\t"+maxZoom+
-	    	    					"\r\ntilesize\t"+tileSize+
-	    	    					"\r\nscale\t"+(int)scale+
-	    	    					"\r\nscaleunit\t"+scaleunit+
-	    	    					"\r\nformat\t"+"png";
-	    	    outFile.write(outText);
-	    	    outFile.close();
-	    	    System.out.println("Google API file created.");
-    	    } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("out file could not be created: " + e); }
-    	    //loop through all zoom levels
-    	    for (int zoom=0; zoom<=maxZoom; zoom++) {
-    	    	double totalW = imgW*numXimgs/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
-    	    	double totalH = imgH*numYimgs/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
-    	    	int numXtiles = (int)Math.ceil(totalW/tileSize);
-    	    	int numYtiles = (int)Math.ceil(totalH/tileSize);
-    	    	System.out.println("  ("+totalW+","+numXtiles+")  ("+totalH+","+numYtiles+")  ");
-    	    	//loop through all the tiles for specified zoom level
-    	    	for (int row=0; row<numYtiles; row++) {
-    	    		for (int col=0; col<numXtiles; col++) {
-            	    	BufferedImage toStore = new BufferedImage(tileSize,tileSize,img.getType());
-            	    	Graphics2D g2 = toStore.createGraphics();
-            	    	//loop through each image, test if it is in tile, and draw it if it is
-            	    	for (int yImg=0; yImg<numYimgs; yImg++) {
-            	    		for (int xImg=0; xImg<numXimgs; xImg++) {
-                	    		//does the img belong in the tile?
-            	    			double scaleFactor = 1/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
-            	    			int xpos = (int)Math.ceil(xImg*imgW*scaleFactor)-col*tileSize;
-            	    			int ypos = (int)Math.ceil(yImg*imgH*scaleFactor)-row*tileSize;
-        	    				if (xpos>=(-imgW*scaleFactor) && xpos<tileSize && ypos>=(-imgH*scaleFactor) && ypos<tileSize) {
-            	    				try {
-            	    					img = File(path+"/dropbox/stitched_tiles/tile"+yImg+"_"+xImg+".png"));
-            	    				} catch (Exception e) {
-            	    					img = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(),img.getHeight(),img.getType());
-            	    				}
-            	    				AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 0);
-            	    				at.setTransform(scaleFactor, 0, 0, scaleFactor, xpos, ypos);
-            	    				g2.drawRenderedImage(img, at);
-            	    				System.out.print("{"+(xpos+imgW*scaleFactor)+","+(ypos+imgH*scaleFactor)+"}");
-            	    			}
-                	    	}
+	    String path = "/Users/chriswilen/Documents/Work/Summer_2010/IZipG18M_TB_75x3/tiles/gmapviewer/";
+	    int numXimgs = 7;
+	    int numYimgs = 10;
+	    int tileSize = 256;
+	    //get info on imgs
+	    BufferedImage img = File(path+"/stitched_images/"+"/0_0.png"));
+	    int imgW = img.getWidth();
+	    int imgH = img.getHeight();
+	    //find max zoom level
+	    double totalSize = 10000;
+	    int maxZoom = 0;
+	    while (totalSize > tileSize) {
+	    	maxZoom++;
+	    	totalSize = Math.max(imgW*numXimgs, imgH*numYimgs)/Math.pow(2, maxZoom);
+	    }
+	    //create .txt file for google maps api
+	    double scale = 283;//3.37085208/640;
+	    String scaleunit = "mm";
+	    try {
+    	    FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(path+"/tiles/detectorTiles.txt");
+    	    BufferedWriter outFile = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
+    	    String outText = 	"name\tdetectorTiles"+
+    	    					"\r\nwidth\t"+(numXimgs*imgW)+
+    	    					"\r\nheight\t"+(numYimgs*imgH)+
+    	    					"\r\nmaxzoom\t"+maxZoom+
+    	    					"\r\ntilesize\t"+tileSize+
+    	    					"\r\nscale\t"+(int)scale+
+    	    					"\r\nscaleunit\t"+scaleunit+
+    	    					"\r\nformat\t"+"png";
+    	    outFile.write(outText);
+    	    outFile.close();
+    	    System.out.println("Google API file created.");
+	    } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("out file could not be created: " + e); }
+	    //loop through all zoom levels
+	    for (int zoom=0; zoom<=maxZoom; zoom++) {
+	    	double totalW = imgW*numXimgs/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
+	    	double totalH = imgH*numYimgs/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
+	    	int numXtiles = (int)Math.ceil(totalW/tileSize);
+	    	int numYtiles = (int)Math.ceil(totalH/tileSize);
+	    	//loop through all the tiles for specified zoom level
+	    	for (int row=0; row<numYtiles; row++) {
+	    		for (int col=0; col<numXtiles; col++) {
+        	    	BufferedImage toStore = new BufferedImage(tileSize,tileSize,img.getType());
+        	    	Graphics2D g2 = toStore.createGraphics();
+        	    	//loop through each image, test if it is in tile, and draw it if it is
+        	    	for (int yImg=0; yImg<numYimgs; yImg++) {
+        	    		for (int xImg=0; xImg<numXimgs; xImg++) {
+            	    		//does the img belong in the tile?
+        	    			double scaleFactor = 1/Math.pow(2, maxZoom-zoom);
+        	    			int xpos = (int)Math.ceil(xImg*imgW*scaleFactor)-col*tileSize;
+        	    			int ypos = (int)Math.ceil(yImg*imgH*scaleFactor)-row*tileSize;
+    	    				if (xpos>=(-imgW*scaleFactor) && xpos<tileSize && ypos>=(-imgH*scaleFactor) && ypos<tileSize) {
+        	    				try {
+        	    					img = File(path+"/stitched_images/"+yImg+"_"+xImg+".png"));
+        	    				} catch (Exception e) {
+        	    					img = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(),img.getHeight(),img.getType());
+        	    				}
+        	    				AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 0);
+        	    				at.setTransform(scaleFactor, 0, 0, scaleFactor, xpos, ypos);
+        	    				g2.drawRenderedImage(img, at);
+        	    			}
-            	    	ImageIO.write(toStore, "PNG", new File(path+"/tiles/detectorTiles/"+zoom+"_"+col+"_"+row+".png"));
-            	    	System.out.println(zoom+"_"+col+"_"+row);
+        	    	ImageIO.write(toStore, "PNG", new File(path+"/tiles/"+zoom+"_"+col+"_"+row+".png"));
+        	    	System.out.println(zoom+"_"+col+"_"+row);
-    	    }
-    	//}
+	    	}
+	    }
     Date endDate = new Date();
 	System.out.println("\nRuntime: "+(endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime())/1000/60);
CVSspam 0.2.8