Commit in CDMS/src/CDMS/ImageNavigatorII on MAIN 1.1
Rearrange CDMS code

CDMS/src/CDMS/ImageNavigatorII added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	28 Jul 2010 17:32:33 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+package CDMS.ImageNavigatorII;
+import java.awt.Graphics2D;
+import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
+import java.awt.image.*;
+import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
+import java.util.*;
+public class Stitcher {
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+    	try {
+    		//read in the file and create a list of command lines (split by SET_PART_REPEAT)(dont use arg 0)
+    	    String path = "/Users/chriswilen/Documents/Work/Summer_2010/IZipG18M_TB_75x3/tiles/gmapviewer/dropbox";
+    	    String autorunFile = "/origional_images/"+"Autorun_IZipG18M_TB_75x3_11May10.txt";
+        	String imageFileName = "/"+"IZipG18M_TB_75x3-#.png";
+    		String[] lines = getLines(path+autorunFile);
+    	    //split the arguments of each line into a list of arguments: number of repeats in row, corrected start X value
+    	    //also, declares some relevant variables: minimum start x, pixel size, maximum number of repeats
+    		ArrayList<Integer> cols = new ArrayList();
+    	    ArrayList<Double> ymins = new ArrayList();
+    	    ArrayList<Double> xmins = new ArrayList();
+    	    ArrayList<Double> moveX = new ArrayList();
+    	    double xMin = 1000;
+    	    int maxCols = 0;
+    	    double pxSize = 3.37085208/620;//1.396/100;
+    	    for (int i=1; i<lines.length; i++){
+    	    	int repeat = Integer.parseInt(lines[i].split(",")[1]);
+    	    	cols.add(repeat);
+    	    	moveX.add(  Double.parseDouble(lines[i].split(",")[3])*2.54*10  );
+    	    	double currentXMin = Double.parseDouble(lines[i].split(",")[11]);
+    	    	xmins.add(currentXMin);
+    	    	double currentYMin = Double.parseDouble(lines[i].split(",")[12]);
+    	    	ymins.add(currentYMin);
+    	    	if (currentXMin<xMin) xMin = currentXMin;
+    	    	if (repeat>maxCols) maxCols = repeat;
+    	    }
+    	    //declare variables 
+    	    /*********************/
+            double theta = Math.atan(3/640);//Math.toRadians(0.0);
+        	BufferedImage image = File(  path+"/origional_images/"+imageFileName.replace("#","1")  ));
+            int imgW = image.getWidth();
+            int imgH = image.getHeight();
+            int tileW = 2048;
+            int tileH = 2048;
+            double dX = moveX.get(0)/pxSize;
+            double dY = (ymins.get(0)-ymins.get(1))/pxSize;
+            System.out.println("{"+dX+","+dY+"}");
+            //find size of image holder and make holder
+            int holderW = (int)Math.ceil(imgW*Math.cos(theta)+imgH*Math.sin(theta));
+            int holderH = (int)Math.ceil(imgW*Math.sin(theta)+imgH*Math.cos(theta));
+            BufferedImage holder = new BufferedImage(holderW, holderH, image.getType());
+            //find size of total stitched image
+    	    double totalW = (maxCols-1)*dX + imgW*Math.cos(theta) + imgH*Math.sin(theta);
+    	    double totalH = (lines.length-1)*dX + imgW*Math.sin(theta) + imgH*Math.cos(theta);
+            AffineTransform at;
+    	    /*********************/
+            for (int row=0;row<Math.ceil(totalH/tileH); row++) {
+            	for (int col=0;col<Math.ceil(totalW/tileW); col++) {
+            		System.out.println("new tile("+row+","+col+")");
+            		//figure out which images to use
+            		//make a tiled image square
+            		//write the image to toStore
+            		BufferedImage toStore = new BufferedImage(tileW, tileH, image.getType());
+            		WritableRaster toStoreRaster = toStore.getRaster().createCompatibleWritableRaster();
+            		int[][] layers = new int[tileW][tileH];
+    	            Graphics2D g2 = holder.createGraphics();
+            		int lastImage = 0;
+            		for (int r=0; r<lines.length-1; r++) {
+            	    	int nCols = cols.get(r)+1;
+            	    	for (int c=0; c<nCols; c++) {
+            	    		//find out if the img might have a part in the tile
+            	    		double imgDiagonal = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(imgW, 2)+Math.pow(imgH, 2));
+            	    		double minTileRenderX = col*tileW-imgDiagonal;
+            	    		double maxTileRenderX = (col+1)*tileW+imgDiagonal;
+            	    		double minTileRenderY = row*tileW-imgDiagonal;
+            	    		double maxTileRenderY = (row+1)*tileW+imgDiagonal;
+            	    		double drawX = c*dX+(xmins.get(r)-xMin)/pxSize;
+            	    		double drawY = r*dY;
+            	    		lastImage++;
+            	    		//if it is in the tile, make a square with the image tilted appropriately
+            	        	if (drawX>minTileRenderX && drawX<maxTileRenderX && drawY>minTileRenderY && drawY<maxTileRenderY) {
+	            	        	String imagePath = path+"/origional_images/"+imageFileName.replace("#",""+lastImage);
+        	        			image = File(imagePath));
+	            	    		at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(imgH*Math.sin(theta), holderH-imgH);
+	            	            at.rotate(-theta, 0, imgH);
+	            	            g2.drawRenderedImage(image, at);
+	            	            WritableRaster holderRaster = holder.getRaster();
+	            	            //write the square with the tilted image to toStore, averaging with any values already there
+	            	            for (int y=0; y < holderH; ++y) {
+	            	            	for (int x=0; x < holderW; ++x) {
+	            	            		int drawXtoStore = (int)Math.round(drawX-col*tileW+x);
+		            	                int drawYtoStore = (int)Math.round(drawY-row*tileH+y);
+		            	                if (drawXtoStore > 0 && drawXtoStore < tileW && drawYtoStore > 0 && drawYtoStore < tileH) {
+		            	                	double sumR = toStoreRaster.getSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 0);
+			            	                double sumG = toStoreRaster.getSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 1);
+			            	                double sumB = toStoreRaster.getSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 2);
+			            	                double multiplier = 1;
+			            	                if (x<20) { multiplier = 1-x/20; }
+	            	                		if (x>(holderW-20)) { multiplier = (1/20)*(x-(imgW-20)); }
+			            	                int z = layers[drawXtoStore][drawYtoStore];
+			            	                sumR = (z*sumR + multiplier*holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 0))/(z+1);
+			            	                sumG = (z*sumG + multiplier*holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 1))/(z+1);
+			            	                sumB = (z*sumB + multiplier*holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 2))/(z+1);
+			            	                layers[drawXtoStore][drawYtoStore]++;
+			            	                /*sumR += holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 0);
+			            	                sumG += holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 1);
+			            	                sumB += holderRaster.getSample(x, y, 2);*/
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 0, sumR);
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 1, sumG);
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(drawXtoStore, drawYtoStore, 2, sumB);
+		            	                }
+	            	            	}
+	            	            }
+	            	            /*for (int ypx=0; ypx < tileW; ypx++) {
+	            	            	for (int xpx=0; xpx < tileW; xpx++) {
+	            	            		int divisor = layers[xpx][ypx];
+	            	            		if (divisor!=0) {
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(xpx, ypx, 0, toStoreRaster.getSample(xpx, ypx, 0)/divisor);
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(xpx, ypx, 1, toStoreRaster.getSample(xpx, ypx, 1)/divisor);
+		            	            		toStoreRaster.setSample(xpx, ypx, 2, toStoreRaster.getSample(xpx, ypx, 2)/divisor);
+	            	            		}
+		            	            }
+	            	            }*/
+		            	        toStore.setData(toStoreRaster);
+            	        	}
+            	        }
+            	    }
+            		ImageIO.write(toStore, "PNG", new File(path+"/stitched_tiles/tile"+row+"_"+col+".png"));
+            		g2.dispose();
+            	}
+            }
+    	} catch (IOException e) {
+    	}
+    }
+    //takes an input path and returns a list of values split by the SET_PART-REPEAT
+    public static String[] getLines(String path) {
+    	try {
+	    	BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
+		    String str;
+		    String text = "";
+		    while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
+		        text += "\n"+str;
+		    }
+		    in.close();
+		    String[] lines = text.split("SET_PART_REPEAT");
+		    return lines;
+    	} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("File could not be read"); return null;}
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.8