Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim on MAIN
HPSDedicatedv3/ -> 1.2
HPSDedicatedv2/ -> 1.5
HPSVertexing/ 1.1
            / 1.1
2 added + 2 modified, total 4 files
Updated TestVertexing with eff plots and moved BFitter so we can edit

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	17 Jun 2010 00:31:45 -0000	1.1
+++	12 Jul 2010 21:02:18 -0000	1.2
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
 import hep.aida.*;
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
 import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseRelationalTable;
@@ -46,8 +48,8 @@
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedStrategy;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.StrategyXMLUtils;
-import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.billoir.BilloirFitter;
 import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.billoir.Vertex;
+import org.lcsim.HPSVertexing.BFitter;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
 import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
@@ -59,6 +61,30 @@
     private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
     private IAnalysisFactory af = aida.analysisFactory();
+    private IProfile1D peffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D phieffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D d0effFindable;
+    private IProfile1D z0effFindable;
+    private IProfile1D peffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D phieffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D d0effElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D z0effElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D peffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D phieffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D d0effAxial;
+    private IProfile1D z0effAxial;
+    private IProfile1D VxEff;
+    private IProfile1D VyEff;
+    private IProfile1D VzEff;
+    private IProfile1D VxEffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D VyEffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D VzEffFindable;
     public String outputPlots = "myplots.aida";
     Map<String, IProfile1D> clsizeMap = new HashMap<String, IProfile1D>();
     String[] detNames = {"Tracker"};
@@ -83,8 +109,42 @@
     public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
     FileWriter fw;
     PrintWriter pw;
+    boolean isBeamConstrain = false;
     public TestVertexing(int layers) {
+     //  Define the efficiency histograms
+        IHistogramFactory hf = aida.histogramFactory();
+        peffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., 6.);
+        thetaeffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
+        z0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
+        peffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., 6.);
+        thetaeffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs d0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        z0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs z0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        peffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., 6.);
+        thetaeffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs d0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        z0effAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs z0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        VxEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vx", "", 25, 0., 50.);
+        VyEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vy", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VzEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vz", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VxEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vx: Findable", "", 25, 0., 50.);
+        VyEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vy: Findable", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VzEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vz: Findable", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
@@ -109,7 +169,6 @@
         List<HelicalTrackHit> toththits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "HelicalTrackHits");
         List<HelicalTrackHit> remaininghits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "RemainingHits");
         //  Create a relational table that maps TrackerHits to MCParticles
         RelationalTable hittomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
         List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
@@ -133,6 +192,8 @@
         List<Track> tracklist = event.get(Track.class, "MatchedTracks");
         List<Track> lltracklist = event.get(Track.class, "LLTracks");
+        RelationalTable trktomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
         aida.cloud1D("Matched Tracks per Event").fill(tracklist.size());
         aida.cloud1D("Long Lived Tracks per Event").fill(lltracklist.size());
         aida.cloud1D("HelicalTrackHits per Event").fill(toththits.size());
@@ -171,6 +232,14 @@
             double slopeErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex, HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex));
             double curveErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex, HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex));
+            //plot the helix parameters
+            aida.cloud1D("d0").fill(d0);
+            aida.cloud1D("z0").fill(z0);
+            aida.cloud1D("phi0").fill(phi0);
+            aida.cloud1D("slope").fill(slope);
+            aida.cloud1D("curve").fill(curve);
             double mom[] = track.getMomentum();
             //extrapolate straight back...
@@ -232,6 +301,8 @@
                 double pttk = Math.sqrt(pxtk * pxtk + pytk * pytk);
                 double ptk = Math.sqrt(pttk * pttk + pztk * pztk);
                 //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle and pulls in pT, d0
                 HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
@@ -266,19 +337,24 @@
-        BilloirFitter bFit = new BilloirFitter(1.0);
+        // Fitting procedure: Creat BilloirFitter. Pass two matched tracks from track
+        // list into the fitter with the Space Point set as the Interaction Point.
+        // BilloirFitter returns a Vertex object
+        BFitter bFit = new BFitter(1.0);
         SpacePoint SP = new SpacePoint(IP);
         List<Track> vlist = new ArrayList<Track>();
-        for (Track track1 : tracklist)
-            for (Track track2 : tracklist)
+        for (Track track1 : tracklist){
+            for (Track track2 : tracklist){
                 if (track1 != track2) {
-                    Vertex vtx =, SP, true);
-//                    System.out.println(vtx.toString());
+                    Vertex vtx =, SP, isBeamConstrain);
+                    System.out.println(vtx.toString());
                     double vtxChi2=vtx._chi2;
                     double[] vtxPos=vtx._xyzf;
                     aida.histogram1D("Vertex Chi2",100,0,1000).fill(vtxChi2);
@@ -286,12 +362,148 @@
                      aida.histogram1D("Vertex Y",100,-1,1).fill(vtxPos[1]);
                        aida.histogram1D("Vertex Z",100,-1,1).fill(vtxPos[2]);
+            }
+        }
+        //  Now loop over all MC Particles
+        List<MCParticle> mclist = event.getMCParticles();
+        int _nchMCP = 0;
+        int _nchMCPBar = 0;
+        for (MCParticle mcp : mclist) {
+            //  Calculate the pT and polar angle of the MC particle
+            double px = mcp.getPX();
+            double py = mcp.getPY();
+            double pz = mcp.getPZ();
+            double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+            double p = Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+            double cth = pz / p;
+            double theta = 180. * Math.acos(cth) / Math.PI;
+            double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(pt, pz) / 2));
+            double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+            //  Find the number of layers hit by this mc particle
+//            System.out.println("MC pt=" + pt);
+            int nhits = findable.LayersHit(mcp);
+            Set<SimTrackerHit> mchitlist = mcHittomcP.allTo(mcp);
+            Set<HelicalTrackCross> hitlist = hittomc.allTo(mcp);
+            //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle
+            HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
+            double d0 = helix.getDCA();
+            double z0 = helix.getZ0();
+            //  Check cases where we have multiple tracks associated with this MC particle
+            Set<Track> trklist = trktomc.allTo(mcp);
+            int ntrk = trklist.size();
+            Set<Track> trklistAxial = trktomcAxial.allTo(mcp);
+            int ntrkAxial = trklistAxial.size();
+            if (mcp.getPDGID() == 622) {
+                boolean bothreco = true;
+                boolean bothfindable = true;
+                //it's the A'...let's see if we found both tracks.
+                List<MCParticle> daughters = mcp.getDaughters();
+                for (MCParticle d : daughters) {
+                    if (trktomc.allTo(d).size() == 0) bothreco = false;
+                    if (findable.LayersHit(d) != nlayers[0])
+                        bothfindable = false;
+                }
+                double vtxWgt = 0;
+                if (bothreco) vtxWgt = 1.0;
+                VxEff.fill(mcp.getOriginX(), vtxWgt);
+                VyEff.fill(mcp.getOriginY(), vtxWgt);
+                VzEff.fill(mcp.getOriginZ(), vtxWgt);
+                if (bothfindable) {
+                    VxEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginX(), vtxWgt);
+                    VyEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginY(), vtxWgt);
+                    VzEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginZ(), vtxWgt);
+                }
+            }
+            if (ntrk > 1) {
+                //  Count tracks where the assigned MC particle has more than 1 hit
+                int nmulthits = 0;
+                for (Track trk : trklist) {
+                    TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(trk);
+                    if (tkanal.getNBadHits() < tkanal.getNHits() - 1)
+                        nmulthits++;
+                }
+                //  Flag any anomalous cases that we find
+                if (nmulthits > 1)
+                    System.out.println("2 tracks associated with a single MC Particle");
+            }
+            if (nhits == nlayers[0]) {
+                _nchMCP++;
+                findableTracks++;
+                double wgt = 0.;
+                if (ntrk > 0)
+                    wgt = 1.;
+                foundTracks += wgt;
+                peffFindable.fill(p, wgt);
+                phieffFindable.fill(phi, wgt);
+                thetaeffFindable.fill(theta, wgt);
+                ctheffFindable.fill(cth, wgt);
+                d0effFindable.fill(d0, wgt);
+                z0effFindable.fill(z0, wgt);
+                //              if (wgt == 0)
+//                    System.out.println("Missed a findable track!");
+                double wgtAxial = 0.;
+                if (ntrkAxial > 0)
+                    wgtAxial = 1.;
+                peffAxial.fill(p, wgtAxial);
+                phieffAxial.fill(phi, wgtAxial);
+                thetaeffAxial.fill(theta, wgtAxial);
+                ctheffAxial.fill(cth, wgtAxial);
+                d0effAxial.fill(d0, wgtAxial);
+                z0effAxial.fill(z0, wgtAxial);
+            }
+            if (mcp.getParents().size() == 1 && mcp.getParents().get(0).getPDGID() == 622) {
+                totelectrons++;
+                if (nhits == nlayers[0]) {
+                    findableelectrons++;
+                    double wgt = 0.;
+                    if (ntrk > 0)
+                        wgt = 1.;
+                    foundelectrons += wgt;
+                    peffElectrons.fill(p, wgt);
+                    phieffElectrons.fill(phi, wgt);
+                    thetaeffElectrons.fill(theta, wgt);
+                    ctheffElectrons.fill(cth, wgt);
+                    d0effElectrons.fill(d0, wgt);
+                    z0effElectrons.fill(z0, wgt);
+//                    if (wgt == 0)
+//                        System.out.println("Missed a findable ELECTRON!!!!!");
+                    double wgtAxial = 0.;
+                    if (ntrkAxial > 0)
+                        wgtAxial = 1.;
+                    peffAxial.fill(p, wgtAxial);
+                    phieffAxial.fill(phi, wgtAxial);
+                    thetaeffAxial.fill(theta, wgtAxial);
+                    ctheffAxial.fill(cth, wgtAxial);
+                    d0effAxial.fill(d0, wgtAxial);
+                    z0effAxial.fill(z0, wgtAxial);
+                }
+             }
+         }
     public void endOfData() {
         try {

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv2 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	24 Jun 2010 20:22:53 -0000	1.4
+++	12 Jul 2010 21:02:18 -0000	1.5
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
     public String outputFile = "foobar.slcio";
     public String plotsFile = "myplots.aida";
     public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
-//    TrackAnalysisDriver tad;
-    TestConstrainedVertex tad;
+    TrackAnalysisDriver tad;
+//    TestConstrainedVertex tad;
     List<int[]> pairs = new ArrayList();
     List<Integer> passLayers = new ArrayList();
     double referenceX = 0.0;
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
         TrackReconstructionDriver trd = new TrackReconstructionDriver(referenceX, referenceY, bfield, axialStrategy, finalStrategy, pairs, passLayers);
-//        tad = new TrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
-        tad=new TestConstrainedVertex(nlayers);
+        tad = new TrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
+//        tad=new TestConstrainedVertex(nlayers);
         //        atd=new AnalysisTupleDriver(nlayers);
         add(new OccupancyDriver());

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSVertexing added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Jul 2010 21:02:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+package org.lcsim.HPSVertexing;
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2010/07/12 21:02:18 mgraham Exp $
+ * @version Billior Fitter used in the HPS Java package. Meant to simulate
+ * the multiple scatters of the detector
+ */
+// Performs a Kalman fit to a list of tracks and returns
+// a Vertex object
+import Jama.util.Maths;
+import static java.lang.Math.sin;
+import static java.lang.Math.cos;
+import static java.lang.Math.tan;
+import static java.lang.Math.atan;
+import static java.lang.Math.atan2;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+import static java.lang.Math.PI;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.billoir.Vertex;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.billoir.Perigee;
+import Jama.Matrix;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
+public class BFitter implements VFitter {
+    // the value of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the vertex
+    // default is a constant field along the z axis
+    private double _bField;
+    // constructor
+    public BFitter(double bField) {
+        _bField = bField;
+    }
+    // Function copied from trf to avoid unnecessary dependency on that package.  --JM
+    public static double fmod1( double value, double range )
+    {
+        double tmp = value%range;
+        if ( tmp < 0.0 ) return tmp + Math.abs(range);
+        return tmp;
+    }
+    // fitter
+    private Vertex fit(int ntrk, boolean fitwb, boolean[] invtx, double[][] par, double[][] wgt, double[] xyz) {
+        return pxfvtx(ntrk, fitwb, invtx, par, wgt, xyz);
+    }
+    public Vertex fit(List<Track> tracks, SpacePoint initialPosition, boolean withBeamConstraint) {
+        int ntrk = tracks.size();
+        boolean[] isInVtx = new boolean[ntrk];
+        for (int i=0; i<ntrk; i++) {
+            isInVtx[i] = true;
+        }
+        double[][] parameters = new double[5][ntrk];
+        double[][] errors = new double[15][ntrk];
+        for (Track iTrack : tracks) {
+            double[] iOldParams = iTrack.getTrackParameters();
+            Matrix jacobi = new Matrix(getJacobi(iOldParams));
+            Matrix olderrors = Maths.toJamaMatrix(iTrack.getErrorMatrix());
+            double theta = PI/2 - atan(iOldParams[4]);
+            double[] newparams = new double[]{iOldParams[0], iOldParams[3], theta, iOldParams[1], iOldParams[2]};
+            double[] iErrors = flattenMatrix(jacobi.times(olderrors).times(jacobi.transpose()).getArray());
+            int iTrackIndex = tracks.indexOf(iTrack);
+            for (int i=0; i<iErrors.length; ++i) {
+                errors[i][iTrackIndex] = iErrors[i];
+            }
+            for (int i=0; i<newparams.length; ++i) {
+                parameters[i][iTrackIndex] = newparams[i];
+            }
+        }
+        return pxfvtx(ntrk, withBeamConstraint, isInVtx, parameters, errors, initialPosition.getCartesianArray());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Conversion matrix from org.lcsim track parameters (old) to internal parameters
+     */
+    private double[][] getJacobi(double[] old) {
+        double[][] jacobi = new double[][]{
+                 {old[0], 0, 0, 0, 0}
+               , {0, 0, 0, old[1], 0}
+               , {0, 0, 0, 0, old[2]}
+               , {0, old[3], 0, 0, 0}
+               , {0, 0, -1-old[4]*old[4], 0, 0}};
+        return jacobi;
+    }
+    private double[] flattenMatrix(double[][] matrix) {
+        int length = matrix.length;
+        double[] result = new double[length*(length+1)/2];
+        int count = 0;
+        for (int i=0; i<length; ++i)
+            for (int j=0; j<=i; ++j)
+                result[count++] = matrix[i][j];
+        return result;
+    }
+    private double[] pxmi5(double[] wgt) {
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // * *
+        // * *
+        // * inversion of a (5x5) symmetric positive matrix (cholesky method) *
+        // * internal computation in double precision *
+        // * check on positivity (ierr=2 if wgt not positive) *
+        // * *
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // *
+        double[] cov = new double[15];
+        double t11, t12, t13, t14, t15;
+        double t22, t23, t24, t25;
+        double t33, t34, t35;
+        double t44, t45;
+        double t55;
+        double s12, s13, s14, s15;
+        double s23, s24, s25;
+        double s34, s35;
+        double s45;
+        if (wgt[0] < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t11 = 1. / sqrt(wgt[0]);
+        s12 = wgt[1] * t11;
+        s13 = wgt[3] * t11;
+        s14 = wgt[6] * t11;
+        s15 = wgt[10] * t11;
+        //
+        t22 = wgt[2] - s12 * s12;
+        if (t22 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t22 = 1. / sqrt(t22);
+        s23 = (wgt[4] - s12 * s13) * t22;
+        s24 = (wgt[7] - s12 * s14) * t22;
+        s25 = (wgt[11] - s12 * s15) * t22;
+        //
+        t33 = wgt[5] - s13 * s13 - s23 * s23;
+        if (t33 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t33 = 1. / sqrt(t33);
+        s34 = (wgt[8] - s13 * s14 - s23 * s24) * t33;
+        s35 = (wgt[12] - s13 * s15 - s23 * s25) * t33;
+        //
+        t44 = wgt[9] - s14 * s14 - s24 * s24 - s34 * s34;
+        if (t44 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t44 = 1. / sqrt(t44);
+        s45 = (wgt[13] - s14 * s15 - s24 * s25 - s34 * s35) * t44;
+        //
+        t55 = wgt[14] - s15 * s15 - s25 * s25 - s35 * s35 - s45 * s45;
+        if (t55 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t55 = 1. / sqrt(t55);
+        //
+        t45 = -t44 * (s45 * t55);
+        t34 = -t33 * (s34 * t44);
+        t35 = -t33 * (s34 * t45 + s35 * t55);
+        t23 = -t22 * (s23 * t33);
+        t24 = -t22 * (s23 * t34 + s24 * t44);
+        t25 = -t22 * (s23 * t35 + s24 * t45 + s25 * t55);
+        t12 = -t11 * (s12 * t22);
+        t13 = -t11 * (s12 * t23 + s13 * t33);
+        t14 = -t11 * (s12 * t24 + s13 * t34 + s14 * t44);
+        t15 = -t11 * (s12 * t25 + s13 * t35 + s14 * t45 + s15 * t55);
+        //
+        cov[0] = t11 * t11 + t12 * t12 + t13 * t13 + t14 * t14 + t15 * t15;
+        cov[1] = t12 * t22 + t13 * t23 + t14 * t24 + t15 * t25;
+        cov[2] = t22 * t22 + t23 * t23 + t24 * t24 + t25 * t25;
+        cov[3] = t13 * t33 + t14 * t34 + t15 * t35;
+        cov[4] = t23 * t33 + t24 * t34 + t25 * t35;
+        cov[5] = t33 * t33 + t34 * t34 + t35 * t35;
+        cov[6] = t14 * t44 + t15 * t45;
+        cov[7] = t24 * t44 + t25 * t45;
+        cov[8] = t34 * t44 + t35 * t45;
+        cov[9] = t44 * t44 + t45 * t45;
+        cov[10] = t15 * t55;
+        cov[11] = t25 * t55;
+        cov[12] = t35 * t55;
+        cov[13] = t45 * t55;
+        cov[14] = t55 * t55;
+        return cov;
+    }
+    private double fwdch2(double[] wgt, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5) {
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // * *
+        // * computation of dt*wgt*d *
+        // * wgt is a (5x5) symmetric matrix ; d is a 5-vector *
+        // * *
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // *
+        return wgt[0]
+                * d1
+                * d1
+                + wgt[2]
+                * d2
+                * d2
+                + wgt[5]
+                * d3
+                * d3
+                + wgt[9]
+                * d4
+                * d4
+                + wgt[14]
+                * d5
+                * d5
+                + 2
+                * (d2 * d1 * wgt[1] + d3 * (d1 * wgt[3] + d2 * wgt[4]) + d4 * (d1 * wgt[6] + d2 * wgt[7] + d3 * wgt[8]) + d5
+                        * (d1 * wgt[10] + d2 * wgt[11] + d3 * wgt[12] + d4 * wgt[13]));
+    }
+    // ************************************************************************
+    // * *
+    public Perigee perigee(double[] rawdat, double xb, double yb) {
+        // * *
+        // ************************************************************************
+        // name : perigee
+        //
+        // created : 30-jun-1998 author : norman a. graf
+        // based on pxfxpe 7-jun-1989 author : p. billoir (cdf)
+        //
+        // function : compute from input data (with cylindrical or cartesian
+        // coordinates)
+        // the "perigee" parameters (point of closest approach to the
+        // reference axis) and the covariance matrix on them
+        // for error propagation, an approximation is made, assuming
+        // that the r coordinate of reference point is small w.r.t.
+        // the radius of curvature
+        // no account is taken for multiple scattering, so that the
+        // error matrix is underestimated if the data reference point
+        // is outside the beam pipe (except at high momentum)
+        //
+        // references : none
+        //
+        // arguments : input : dat(1:21) : tix array
+        // dat(1:3) : coord. of a point on the track
+        // if "cylindrical" coord. : r,r*phi,z
+        // if "cartesian" coord. : x,y,z
+        // dat(4:5) : theta, phi of the tangent at this point
+        // dat[5] : 1/p with geometrical sign
+        // dat(7:21) : covariance matrix on 5 "free" param. :
+        // rphi,z,theta,phi,1/p if "cylind." coord. (r fixed)
+        // x,y,theta,phi,1/p if "cartes." coord. (z fixed)
+        //
+        // xb,yb : coordinates of the reference axis
+        //
+        // output : par(1:5) : "perigee" parameters
+        // 1 : epsilon (impact par. in xy projection, with sign)
+        // 2 : z coordinate
+        // 3 : theta angle
+        // 4 : phi angle
+        // 5 : 1/r (r = radius of curvature, with sign)
+        // cov(1:15) : covariance matrix of par
+        // wgt(1:15) : weight matrix of par (inverse of cov)
+        //
+        // errors : ierr = 1 : incorrect data in tkr array
+        // (for example not cylindrical coordinates)
+        // 2 : cov not positive (wgt not computed)
+        //
+        // ************************************************************************
+        //
+        //
+        // conversion from d0 cylindrical coordinates to mine...
+        //
+        double sthet, sthet2, cthet, gamma;
+        double d0der11, d0der43, d0der45, d0der55;
+        // double[] rawdat = new double [21];
+        //
+        double cosf, sinf, r0, rcosb, d11, d12, d21, d22, cov1, cov3, cov4, cov7, cov11;
+        // to define the magnetic field - values to be provided :
+        // FIXME this needs to be replaced by the official org.lcsim constant
+        double consa = 0.0003;
+        double bmag = _bField;
+        double consb = consa * bmag;
+        // consa = velocity of light (here in GeV/(mm.T) ; depends on units)
+        // bmag = magnetic field along z axis
+        //
+        //
+        double[] par = new double[5];
+        double[] cov = new double[15];
+        double[] wgt = new double[15];
+        double sgn;
+        double[] dat = new double[21];
+        //
+        // local variables
+        // __________________
+        //
+        int ierr, ii;
+        double capphi, cotth, dphi, rdphi, rtrk, xc, x0, yc, y0;
+        double der1, der2, der11, der14, der15, der23, der45;
+        //
+        //
+        // executable statements
+        // ________________________
+        //
+        double twopi = 2. * PI;
+        double halfpi = PI / 2.;
+        int icypl = 1;
+        // icypl = 1 if "cylindrical" coordinates, 0 if "plane" coordinates
+        //
+        // convert here...
+        //
+        //
+        // ::: parameters r, rphi, z, theta, phi, 1/p
+        //
+        dat[0] = rawdat[0]; // r
+        dat[1] = rawdat[0] * rawdat[1]; // r*phi
+        dat[2] = rawdat[2]; // z
+        dat[3] = atan(1. / rawdat[4]); // theta
+        if (rawdat[4] < 0)
+            dat[3] = dat[3] + PI;
+        dat[4] = rawdat[1] + rawdat[3]; // phi (recall beta= phi(dir)-phi(pos) )
+        dat[5] = -rawdat[5] * sin(dat[3]); // 1/p (recall 1/pt = 1/(p*sin(theta))
+        //
+        // ::: covariance matrix
+        // ::: there are seven terms in the conversion from
+        //
+        // phi rphi
+        // z z
+        // alfa to theta
+        // cot(theta) phi
+        // q/pt 1/p
+        //
+        // d0der14 = 1
+        // d0der22 = 1
+        // d0der34 = -1
+        //
+        sthet = sin(dat[3]);
+        sthet2 = sthet * sthet;
+        cthet = cos(dat[3]);
+        gamma = -rawdat[5] * cthet * sthet2;
+        d0der11 = rawdat[0];
+        d0der43 = -sthet2;
+        d0der45 = -rawdat[5] * cthet * sthet2;
+        d0der55 = sthet;
+        //
+        dat[6] = rawdat[6] * rawdat[0] * rawdat[0];
+        dat[7] = rawdat[7] * rawdat[0];
+        dat[8] = rawdat[8];
+        dat[9] = -rawdat[12] * rawdat[0] * sthet2;
+        dat[10] = -rawdat[13] * sthet2;
+        dat[11] = rawdat[15] * sthet2 * sthet2;
+        dat[12] = (rawdat[6] - rawdat[9]) * rawdat[0];
+        dat[13] = rawdat[7] - rawdat[10];
+        dat[14] = (rawdat[14] - rawdat[12]) * sthet2;
+        dat[15] = rawdat[6] - 2 * rawdat[9] + rawdat[11];
+        dat[16] = - (rawdat[16] * sthet + rawdat[12] * gamma) * rawdat[0];
+        dat[17] = -rawdat[17] * sthet - rawdat[13] * gamma;
+        dat[18] = (rawdat[19] * sthet + rawdat[15] * gamma) * sthet2;
+        dat[19] = (rawdat[14] - rawdat[12]) * gamma + (rawdat[18] - rawdat[16]) * sthet;
+        dat[20] = (rawdat[15] * gamma + 2 * rawdat[19] * sthet) * gamma + rawdat[20] * sthet2;
+        //
+        // icypl = 1 if "cylindrical" coordinates, 0 if "plane" coordinates
+        //
+        if ( (icypl == 1 && dat[0] == 0.) || dat[3] == 0. || dat[5] == 0.) {
+            System.err.println("******error in perigee*******");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Choke!");
+        }
+        //
+        // now computation of "perigee" parameters
+        //
+        capphi = dat[1] / dat[0];
+        if (icypl == 1) {
+            x0 = dat[0] * cos(capphi) - xb;
+            y0 = dat[0] * sin(capphi) - yb;
+        } else {
+            x0 = dat[0] - xb;
+            y0 = dat[1] - yb;
+        }
+        rtrk = sin(dat[3]) / (consb * dat[5]);
+        cosf = cos(dat[4]);
+        sinf = sin(dat[4]);
+        xc = x0 - rtrk * sinf;
+        yc = y0 + rtrk * cosf;
+        // epsilon (impact parameter in xy projection, with geometrical sign)
+        sgn = 1.;
+        if (rtrk < 0.)
+            sgn = -1.;
+        par[0] = rtrk - sgn * sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc);
+        // phi at perigee (range 0,2*PI)
+        par[3] = atan2(yc, xc) + PI + sgn * halfpi;
+        if (par[3] < 0.)
+            par[3] = par[3] + twopi;
+        else if (par[3] > twopi)
+            par[3] = par[3] - twopi;
+        // variation of phi from reference point of tkr to perigee (range -pi,+pi)
+        dphi = fmod1(par[3] - dat[4] + twopi + PI, twopi) - PI;
+        rdphi = rtrk * dphi;
+        cotth = 1. / tan(dat[3]);
+        // z of perigee
+        par[1] = dat[2] + cotth * rdphi;
+        // theta and 1/r at perigee (unchanged)
+        par[2] = dat[3];
+        par[4] = 1. / rtrk;
+        //
+        // computation of covariance matrix
+        //
+        for (ii = 0; ii < 15; ++ii) {
+            cov[ii] = dat[6 + ii];
+        }
+        //
+        // transformation from 1/p to 1/r = consb * (1/p) / sin(theta)
+        //
+        der1 = -cotth * par[4];
+        der2 = par[4] / dat[5];
+        cov[14] = der1 * der1 * cov[5] + 2 * der1 * der2 * cov[12] + der2 * der2 * cov[14];
+        cov[10] = der1 * cov[3] + der2 * cov[10];
+        cov[11] = der1 * cov[4] + der2 * cov[11];
+        cov[12] = der1 * cov[5] + der2 * cov[12];
+        cov[13] = der1 * cov[8] + der2 * cov[13];
+        //
+        // if cartesian coordinates transformation from (x,y) to (r*phi,z)
+        // (neglecting curvature effects )
+        //
+        if (icypl == 0) {
+            r0 = sqrt(dat[0] * dat[0] + dat[1] * dat[1]);
+            rcosb = dat[0] * cosf + dat[1] * sinf;
+            d11 = -r0 * sinf / rcosb;
+            d12 = r0 * cosf / rcosb;
+            d21 = -dat[0] * cotth / rcosb;
+            d22 = -dat[1] * cotth / rcosb;
+            cov1 = d11 * d11 * cov[0] + 2 * d11 * d12 * cov[1] + d12 * d12 * cov[2];
+            cov3 = d21 * d21 * cov[0] + 2 * d21 * d22 * cov[1] + d22 * d22 * cov[2];
+            cov[1] = d11 * d21 * cov[0] + (d12 * d21 + d11 * d22) * cov[1] + d12 * d22 * cov[2];
+            cov[0] = cov1;
+            cov[2] = cov3;
+            cov4 = d11 * cov[3] + d12 * cov[4];
+            cov[4] = d21 * cov[3] + d22 * cov[4];
+            cov[3] = cov4;
+            cov7 = d11 * cov[6] + d12 * cov[7];
+            cov[7] = d21 * cov[6] + d22 * cov[7];
+            cov[6] = cov7;
+            cov11 = d11 * cov[10] + d12 * cov[11];
+            cov[11] = d21 * cov[10] + d22 * cov[11];
+            cov[10] = cov11;
+        }
+        //
+        // transformation from (r*phi,z0,theta,phi0,1/r)
+        // to (epsilon,zp,theta,phip,1/r)
+        //
+        // approximation for derivatives d(epsilon)/d(r*phi), d(epsilon)/d(phi0),
+        // d(epsilon)/d(1/r), d(zp)/d(z0) and d(phip)/d(1/r)
+        // the other ones are exactly or approximately 1 (diagonal terms)
+        // or 0 (non-diagonal terms)
+        //
+        der11 = rdphi / sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0);
+        der14 = -rdphi;
+        der15 = -rdphi * rdphi / 2.;
+        der23 = - (1. + cotth * cotth) * rdphi;
+        der45 = rdphi;
+        //
+        cov[0] = der11
+                * der11
+                * cov[0]
+                + 2
+                * der11
+                * (der14 * cov[6] + der15 * cov[10])
+                + der14
+                * (der14 * cov[9] + 2 * der15 * cov[13])
+                + der15
+                * der15
+                * cov[14];
+        cov[1] = der11
+                * (cov[1] + der23 * cov[3])
+                + der14
+                * (cov[7] + der23 * cov[8])
+                + der15
+                * (cov[11] + der23 * cov[12]);
+        cov[2] = cov[2] + 2 * der23 * cov[4] + der23 * der23 * cov[5];
+        cov[3] = der11 * cov[3] + der14 * cov[8] + der15 * cov[12];
+        cov[4] = cov[4] + der23 * cov[5];
+        cov[6] = der11
+                * (cov[6] + der45 * cov[10])
+                + der14
+                * (cov[9] + der45 * cov[13])
+                + der15
+                * (cov[13] + der45 * cov[14]);
+        cov[7] = cov[7] + der23 * cov[8] + der45 * (cov[11] + der23 * cov[12]);
+        cov[8] = cov[8] + der45 * cov[12];
+        cov[9] = cov[9] + 2 * der45 * cov[13] + der45 * der45 * cov[14];
+        cov[10] = der11 * cov[10] + der14 * cov[13] + der15 * cov[14];
+        cov[11] = cov[11] + der23 * cov[12];
+        cov[13] = cov[13] + der45 * cov[14];
+        //
+        // invert matrix cov to get wgt
+        //
+        wgt = pxmi5(cov);
+        //
+        return new Perigee(par, cov, wgt);
+    }
+    private double[] pxmi3(double[] wgt) {
+        double[][] x = new double[3][3];
+        x[0][0] = wgt[0];
+        x[0][1] = wgt[1];
+        x[1][0] = wgt[1];
+        x[0][2] = wgt[2];
+        x[2][0] = wgt[2];
+        x[1][1] = wgt[3];
+        x[1][2] = wgt[4];
+        x[2][1] = wgt[4];
+        x[2][2] = wgt[5];
+        Matrix xMat = new Matrix(x);
+        double[][] y = xMat.inverse().getArray();
+        return new double[] {y[0][0], y[0][1], y[0][2], y[1][1], y[1][2], y[2][2]};
+    }
+    private double[] pxmi3_old(double[] wgt) {
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // * *
+        // * *
+        // * inversion of a (3x3) symmetric positive matrix (cholesky method) *
+        // * internal computation in double precision *
+        // * check on positivity (ierr=2 if wgt not positive) *
+        // * cov (output) may overwrite wgt (input) *
+        // * *
+        // ***********************************************************************
+        // *
+        double[] cov = new double[6];
+        double t11, t12, t13;
+        double t21, t22, t23;
+        double t33;
+        double s12, s13;
+        double s23;
+        if (wgt[0] < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t11 = 1. / sqrt(wgt[0]);
+        s12 = wgt[1] * t11;
+        s13 = wgt[3] * t11;
+        //
+        t22 = wgt[2] - s12 * s12;
+        if (t22 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t22 = 1. / sqrt(t22);
+        s23 = (wgt[4] - s12 * s13) * t22;
+        //
+        t33 = wgt[5] - s13 * s13 - s23 * s23;
+        if (t33 < 0.)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad weight matrix!");
+        t33 = 1. / sqrt(t33);
+        //
+        t23 = -t22 * (s23 * t33);
+        t12 = -t11 * (s12 * t22);
+        t13 = -t11 * (s12 * t23 + s13 * t33);
+        //
+        cov[0] = t11 * t11 + t12 * t12 + t13 * t13;
+        cov[1] = t12 * t22 + t13 * t23;
+        cov[2] = t22 * t22 + t23 * t23;
+        cov[3] = t13 * t33;
+        cov[4] = t23 * t33;
+        cov[5] = t33 * t33;
+        return cov;
+    }
+    // ************************************************************************
+    // * *
+    public Vertex pxfvtx(int ntrk, boolean fitwb, boolean[] invtx, double[][] par, double[][] wgt, double[] xyz) {
+        // * *
+        // ************************************************************************
+        // * name : pxfvtx
+        // *
+        // * created : 5-jan-1989 author : p. billoir (cdf)
+        // *
+        // * function : perform a full vertex vertex fit with weighted mean
+        // * of tracks considered as ellipsoids in 5d space of
+        // * "perigee" parameters (epsilon,zp,theta,phi,1/r)
+        // *
+        // ******** 1-12-90 changes in pxfvtx routine : p. billoir
+        // * - to allow the use of the beam spot constraint (logical var. fitwb)
+        // * - to know the contribution of individual tracks to the total chi2.
+        // *
+        // * references : none
+        // *
+        // * arguments : input : ntrk : number of tracks
+        // * fitwb = .true. if we want the beam spot
+        // * constraint
+        // * invtx(i)=.true. to use the track i in the
+        // * vertex fit
+        // * par(1:5,1:ntrk) : "perigee" parameters
+        // * 1 : epsilon (impact par. in xy projection, with sign)
+        // * 2 : z coordinate
+        // * 3 : theta angle
+        // * 4 : phi angle
+        // * 5 : 1/r (r = radius of curvature, with sign)
+        // * wgt(1:15,1:ntrk) : weight matrix on par
+        // * xyz(1:3) : approximate coordinates of the vertex
+        // *
+        // * output : xyzf(1:3) : fitted coordinates of the vertex
+        // * parf(1:3,1:ntrk) : fitted parameters at the vertex
+        // * 1 : theta
+        // * 2 : phi
+        // * 3 : 1/r
+        // * vcov(1:6) : covariance matrix on xyz(vertex)
+        // * tcov(1:6,1:ntrk) : covariance matrix on parf
+        // * chi2 : chi2 of the fit
+        // * chi2tr(i)=contribution of track i to the
+        // * total chi2
+        // *
+        // * errors : ierr = 1 : too many tracks (ntrk > ntrmax)
+        // * ierr = 2 : covariance or weight matrix not positive
+        // *
+        // *************************************************************************
+        // *
+        // *
+        // * "beam spot" description (common to be provided by the user)
+        // * beamoy(1-3) are the mean beam spot positions in x,y and z.
+        // * sigxbe,sigybe,sigzbe are the beam spread in x,y,z
+        // common/pxcpro/beamoy[2],sigxbe,sigybe,sigzbe
+        // double beamoy,sigxbe,sigybe,sigzbe
+        // *
+        // formal parameters
+        // *____________________
+        // *
+        // int i,j,ierr,ntrk,ntrmax
+        // *
+        int ntrmax = 1000;
+        double[] xyzf = new double[3];
+        double[][] parf = new double[3][ntrk];
+        double[] vcov = new double[6];
+        double[][] tcov = new double[6][ntrk];
+        double chi2;
+        // *
+        // * local variables
+        // *__________________
+        // *
+        double[] wa = new double[6];
+        double[][] wb = new double[9][ntrk];
+        double[][] wc = new double[6][ntrk];
+        double[][] wci = new double[6][ntrk];
+        double[][] wbci = new double[9][ntrk];
+        double[] tv = new double[3];
+        double[][] tt = new double[3][ntrk];
+        double[] dxyz = new double[3];
+        double[] phiv = new double[ntrk];
+        double[] eps = new double[ntrk];
+        double[] zp = new double[ntrk];
+        double[] deps = new double[ntrk];
+        double[] dzp = new double[ntrk];
+        double cotth, cosf, sinf, uu, vv, d11, d12, d21, d22, d41, d42, e12, e13, e21, e22, e23, e43, dw11, dw12, dw13, dw14, dw15, dw21, dw22, dw23, dw24, dw25, dw31, dw32, dw33, dw34, dw35, ew11, ew12, ew13, ew14, ew15, ew21, ew22, ew23, ew24, ew25, ew31, ew32, ew33, ew34, ew35, chi2i, epsf, zpf, phif;
+        double fwdch2;
+        double[] chi2tr = new double[ntrk];
+        // needs to be set
+        double sigxbe = .1;
+        double sigybe = .1;
+        double sigzbe = .1;
+        double beamoy[] = { 0., 0., 0. };
+        //
+        // *
+        // * executable statements
+        // *________________________
+        // *
+        // *
+        // * loop over the tracks
+        // *
+        chi2i = 0.;
+        for (int i = 0; i < ntrk; ++i) {
+            if (invtx[i]) {
+                // *
+                // * starting conditions :
+                // * "perigee" parameters eps and zp if the trajectory goes through xyz
+                // * and its theta,phi,1/r at perigee are equal to the values at input
+                // *
+                cotth = 1. / tan(par[2][i]);
+                uu = xyz[0] * cos(par[3][i]) + xyz[1] * sin(par[3][i]);
+                vv = xyz[1] * cos(par[3][i]) - xyz[0] * sin(par[3][i]);
+                eps[i] = -vv + .5 * uu * uu * par[4][i];
+                zp[i] = xyz[2] - uu * cotth;
+                // * phi at vertex with these parameters
+                phiv[i] = par[3][i] + uu * par[4][i];
+                cosf = cos(phiv[i]);
+                sinf = sin(phiv[i]);
+                // *
+                // * contribution of this track to chi2 with initial values
+                // *
+                deps[i] = par[0][i] - eps[i];
+                dzp[i] = par[1][i] - zp[i];
+                chi2i = chi2i
+                        + wgt[0][i]
+                        * deps[i]
+                        * deps[i]
+                        + 2
+                        * wgt[1][i]
+                        * deps[i]
+                        * dzp[i]
+                        + wgt[2][i]
+                        * dzp[i]
+                        * dzp[i];
+                // *
+                // * derivatives (deriv1) of perigee param. w.r.t. x,y,z (vertex)
+                d11 = sinf;
+                d12 = -cosf;
+                d21 = -cosf * cotth;
+                d22 = -sinf * cotth;
+                d41 = -cosf * par[4][i];
+                d42 = -sinf * par[4][i];
+                // *
+                // * matrix dw = (deriv1)t * weight
+                dw11 = d11 * wgt[0][i] + d21 * wgt[1][i] + d41 * wgt[6][i];
+                dw12 = d11 * wgt[1][i] + d21 * wgt[2][i] + d41 * wgt[7][i];
+                dw13 = d11 * wgt[3][i] + d21 * wgt[4][i] + d41 * wgt[8][i];
+                dw14 = d11 * wgt[6][i] + d21 * wgt[7][i] + d41 * wgt[9][i];
+                dw15 = d11 * wgt[10][i] + d21 * wgt[11][i] + d41 * wgt[13][i];
+                dw21 = d12 * wgt[0][i] + d22 * wgt[1][i] + d42 * wgt[6][i];
+                dw22 = d12 * wgt[1][i] + d22 * wgt[2][i] + d42 * wgt[7][i];
+                dw23 = d12 * wgt[3][i] + d22 * wgt[4][i] + d42 * wgt[8][i];
+                dw24 = d12 * wgt[6][i] + d22 * wgt[7][i] + d42 * wgt[9][i];
+                dw25 = d12 * wgt[10][i] + d22 * wgt[11][i] + d42 * wgt[13][i];
+                dw31 = wgt[1][i];
+                dw32 = wgt[2][i];
+                dw33 = wgt[4][i];
+                dw34 = wgt[7][i];
+                dw35 = wgt[11][i];
+                // *
+                // * summation of dw * dpar to vector tv
+                tv[0] = tv[0] + dw11 * deps[i] + dw12 * dzp[i];
+                tv[1] = tv[1] + dw21 * deps[i] + dw22 * dzp[i];
+                tv[2] = tv[2] + dw31 * deps[i] + dw32 * dzp[i];
+                // *
+                // * derivatives (deriv2) of perigee param. w.r.t. theta,phi,1/r (vertex)
+                e12 = uu;
+                e13 = -.5 * uu * uu;
+                e21 = -uu * (1. + cotth * cotth);
+                e22 = -vv * cotth;
+                e23 = uu * vv * cotth;
+                e43 = -uu;
+                // *
+                // * matrix ew = (deriv2)t * weight
+                ew11 = e21 * wgt[1][i] + wgt[3][i];
+                ew12 = e21 * wgt[2][i] + wgt[4][i];
+                ew13 = e21 * wgt[4][i] + wgt[5][i];
+                ew14 = e21 * wgt[7][i] + wgt[8][i];
+                ew15 = e21 * wgt[11][i] + wgt[12][i];
+                ew21 = e12 * wgt[0][i] + e22 * wgt[1][i] + wgt[6][i];
+                ew22 = e12 * wgt[1][i] + e22 * wgt[2][i] + wgt[7][i];
+                ew23 = e12 * wgt[3][i] + e22 * wgt[4][i] + wgt[8][i];
+                ew24 = e12 * wgt[6][i] + e22 * wgt[7][i] + wgt[9][i];
+                ew25 = e12 * wgt[10][i] + e22 * wgt[11][i] + wgt[13][i];
+                ew31 = e13 * wgt[0][i] + e23 * wgt[1][i] + e43 * wgt[6][i] + wgt[10][i];
+                ew32 = e13 * wgt[1][i] + e23 * wgt[2][i] + e43 * wgt[7][i] + wgt[11][i];
+                ew33 = e13 * wgt[3][i] + e23 * wgt[4][i] + e43 * wgt[8][i] + wgt[12][i];
+                ew34 = e13 * wgt[6][i] + e23 * wgt[7][i] + e43 * wgt[9][i] + wgt[13][i];
+                ew35 = e13 * wgt[10][i] + e23 * wgt[11][i] + e43 * wgt[13][i] + wgt[14][i];
+                // *
+                // * computation of vector tt = ew * dpar
+                tt[0][i] = ew11 * deps[i] + ew12 * dzp[i];
+                tt[1][i] = ew21 * deps[i] + ew22 * dzp[i];
+                tt[2][i] = ew31 * deps[i] + ew32 * dzp[i];
+                // *
+                // * summation of (deriv1)t * weight * (deriv1) to matrix wa
+                wa[0] = wa[0] + dw11 * d11 + dw12 * d21 + dw14 * d41;
+                wa[1] = wa[1] + dw11 * d12 + dw12 * d22 + dw14 * d42;
+                wa[2] = wa[2] + dw21 * d12 + dw22 * d22 + dw24 * d42;
+                wa[3] = wa[3] + dw12;
+                wa[4] = wa[4] + dw22;
+                wa[5] = wa[5] + dw32;
+                // *
+                // * computation of matrix wb = (deriv1)t * weight * (deriv2)
+                wb[0][i] = dw12 * e21 + dw13;
+                wb[1][i] = dw22 * e21 + dw23;
+                wb[2][i] = dw32 * e21 + dw33;
+                wb[3][i] = dw11 * e12 + dw12 * e22 + dw14;
+                wb[4][i] = dw21 * e12 + dw22 * e22 + dw24;
+                wb[5][i] = dw31 * e12 + dw32 * e22 + dw34;
+                wb[6][i] = dw11 * e13 + dw12 * e23 + dw14 * e43 + dw15;
+                wb[7][i] = dw21 * e13 + dw22 * e23 + dw24 * e43 + dw25;
+                wb[8][i] = dw31 * e13 + dw32 * e23 + dw34 * e43 + dw35;
+                // *
+                // * computation of matrix wc = (deriv2)t * weight * (deriv2)
+                wc[0][i] = ew12 * e21 + ew13;
+                wc[1][i] = ew22 * e21 + ew23;
+                wc[3][i] = ew32 * e21 + ew33;
+                wc[2][i] = ew21 * e12 + ew22 * e22 + ew24;
+                wc[4][i] = ew31 * e12 + ew32 * e22 + ew34;
+                wc[5][i] = ew31 * e13 + ew32 * e23 + ew34 * e43 + ew35;
+                // *
+                // * computation of matrices wci = (wc)**(-1) and wbci = wb * wci
+                // Not very efficient here...
+                double[] tmp = new double[6];
+                for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
+                    tmp[j] = wc[j][i];
+//                    System.out.println("tmp[" + j + "]= " + tmp[j]);
+                }
+                double[] tmpinv = new double[6];
+                tmpinv = pxmi3(tmp);
+                for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
+                    wci[j][i] = tmpinv[j];
+                }
+                // wci[0][i] = pxmi3(wc[0][i]);
+                wbci[0][i] = wb[0][i] * wci[0][i] + wb[3][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[6][i] * wci[3][i];
+                wbci[1][i] = wb[1][i] * wci[0][i] + wb[4][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[7][i] * wci[3][i];
+                wbci[2][i] = wb[2][i] * wci[0][i] + wb[5][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[8][i] * wci[3][i];
+                wbci[3][i] = wb[0][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[3][i] * wci[2][i] + wb[6][i] * wci[4][i];
+                wbci[4][i] = wb[1][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[4][i] * wci[2][i] + wb[7][i] * wci[4][i];
+                wbci[5][i] = wb[2][i] * wci[1][i] + wb[5][i] * wci[2][i] + wb[8][i] * wci[4][i];
+                wbci[6][i] = wb[0][i] * wci[3][i] + wb[3][i] * wci[4][i] + wb[6][i] * wci[5][i];
+                wbci[7][i] = wb[1][i] * wci[3][i] + wb[4][i] * wci[4][i] + wb[7][i] * wci[5][i];
+                wbci[8][i] = wb[2][i] * wci[3][i] + wb[5][i] * wci[4][i] + wb[8][i] * wci[5][i];
+                // *
+                // * subtraction of wbci * (wb)t from matrix wa
+                wa[0] = wa[0] - wbci[0][i] * wb[0][i] - wbci[3][i] * wb[3][i] - wbci[6][i] * wb[6][i];
+                wa[1] = wa[1] - wbci[0][i] * wb[1][i] - wbci[3][i] * wb[4][i] - wbci[6][i] * wb[7][i];
+                wa[2] = wa[2] - wbci[1][i] * wb[1][i] - wbci[4][i] * wb[4][i] - wbci[7][i] * wb[7][i];
+                wa[3] = wa[3] - wbci[0][i] * wb[2][i] - wbci[3][i] * wb[5][i] - wbci[6][i] * wb[8][i];
+                wa[4] = wa[4] - wbci[1][i] * wb[2][i] - wbci[4][i] * wb[5][i] - wbci[7][i] * wb[8][i];
+                wa[5] = wa[5] - wbci[2][i] * wb[2][i] - wbci[5][i] * wb[5][i] - wbci[8][i] * wb[8][i];
+                // *
+                // * subtraction of wbci * tt from vector tv
+                tv[0] = tv[0] - wbci[0][i] * tt[0][i] - wbci[3][i] * tt[1][i] - wbci[6][i] * tt[2][i];
+                tv[1] = tv[1] - wbci[1][i] * tt[0][i] - wbci[4][i] * tt[1][i] - wbci[7][i] * tt[2][i];
+                tv[2] = tv[2] - wbci[2][i] * tt[0][i] - wbci[5][i] * tt[1][i] - wbci[8][i] * tt[2][i];
+                // *
+            }// check on whether to use track
+        }// loop over tracks
+        // beam constraint
+        if (fitwb) {
+            wa[0] += 1. / (sigxbe * sigxbe);
+            wa[2] += 1. / (sigxbe * sigybe);
+            wa[5] += 1. / (sigzbe * sigzbe);
+            tv[0] += (beamoy[0] - xyz[0]) / (sigxbe * sigxbe);
+            tv[1] += (beamoy[1] - xyz[1]) / (sigybe * sigybe);
+            tv[2] += (beamoy[2] - xyz[2]) / (sigzbe * sigzbe);
+        }
+        // *
+        // * solution of the linear system
+        // *
+        // * covariance matrix on vertex
+        vcov = pxmi3(wa);
+        for (int ii = 0; ii < vcov.length; ++ii) {
+//            System.out.println("vcov[" + ii + "]= " + vcov[ii]);
+        }
+        //
+        // *
+        // * corrections to vertex coordinates
+        dxyz[0] = vcov[0] * tv[0] + vcov[1] * tv[1] + vcov[3] * tv[2];
+        dxyz[1] = vcov[1] * tv[0] + vcov[2] * tv[1] + vcov[4] * tv[2];
+        dxyz[2] = vcov[3] * tv[0] + vcov[4] * tv[1] + vcov[5] * tv[2];
+        xyzf[0] = xyz[0] + dxyz[0];
+        xyzf[1] = xyz[1] + dxyz[1];
+        xyzf[2] = xyz[2] + dxyz[2];
+        // *
+        // * corrections to track parameters and covariance matrices
+        // *
+        for (int i = 0; i < ntrk; ++i) {
+            if (invtx[i]) {
+                // *
+                // * variation on par is wci * tt - (wbci)t * dxyz
+                parf[0][i] = par[2][i]
+                        + wci[0][i]
+                        * tt[0][i]
+                        + wci[1][i]
+                        * tt[1][i]
+                        + wci[3][i]
+                        * tt[2][i]
+                        - wbci[0][i]
+                        * dxyz[0]
+                        - wbci[1][i]
+                        * dxyz[1]
+                        - wbci[2][i]
+                        * dxyz[2];
+                parf[1][i] = phiv[i]
+                        + wci[1][i]
+                        * tt[0][i]
+                        + wci[2][i]
+                        * tt[1][i]
+                        + wci[4][i]
+                        * tt[2][i]
+                        - wbci[3][i]
+                        * dxyz[0]
+                        - wbci[4][i]
+                        * dxyz[1]
+                        - wbci[5][i]
+                        * dxyz[2];
+                parf[2][i] = par[4][i]
+                        + wci[3][i]
+                        * tt[0][i]
+                        + wci[4][i]
+                        * tt[1][i]
+                        + wci[5][i]
+                        * tt[2][i]
+                        - wbci[6][i]
+                        * dxyz[0]
+                        - wbci[7][i]
+                        * dxyz[1]
+                        - wbci[8][i]
+                        * dxyz[2];
+                // *
+                // * covariance matrix of par is wci + (wbci)t * vcov * wbci
+                tcov[0][i] = wci[0][i]
+                        + wbci[0][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[0][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[1][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[2][i])
+                        + wbci[1][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[0][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[1][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[2][i])
+                        + wbci[2][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[0][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[1][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[2][i]);
+                tcov[1][i] = wci[1][i]
+                        + wbci[0][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[5][i])
+                        + wbci[1][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[5][i])
+                        + wbci[2][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[5][i]);
+                tcov[2][i] = wci[2][i]
+                        + wbci[3][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[5][i])
+                        + wbci[4][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[5][i])
+                        + wbci[5][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[3][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[4][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[5][i]);
+                tcov[3][i] = wci[3][i]
+                        + wbci[0][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[1][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[2][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[8][i]);
+                tcov[4][i] = wci[4][i]
+                        + wbci[3][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[4][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[5][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[8][i]);
+                tcov[5][i] = wci[5][i]
+                        + wbci[6][i]
+                        * (vcov[0] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[1] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[3] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[7][i]
+                        * (vcov[1] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[2] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[8][i])
+                        + wbci[8][i]
+                        * (vcov[3] * wbci[6][i] + vcov[4] * wbci[7][i] + vcov[5] * wbci[8][i]);
+                // *
+            } // check on whether to use track
+        } // loop over tracks
+        // *
+        // * chi2 with fitted values
+        // *
+        chi2 = 0.;
+        if (fitwb)
+            chi2 += ( (xyzf[0] - beamoy[0]) / sigxbe)
+                    * ( (xyzf[0] - beamoy[0]) / sigxbe)
+                    + ( (xyzf[1] - beamoy[1]) / sigybe)
+                    * ( (xyzf[1] - beamoy[1]) / sigybe)
+                    + ( (xyzf[2] - beamoy[2]) / sigzbe)
+                    * ( (xyzf[2] - beamoy[2]) / sigzbe);
+        for (int i = 0; i < ntrk; ++i) {
+            if (invtx[i]) {
+                uu = xyzf[0] * cos(parf[1][i]) + xyzf[1] * sin(parf[1][i]);
+                vv = xyzf[1] * cos(parf[1][i]) - xyzf[0] * sin(parf[1][i]);
+                epsf = -vv - .5 * uu * uu * parf[2][i];
+                zpf = xyzf[2] - uu / tan(parf[0][i]);
+                phif = parf[1][i] - uu * parf[2][i];
+                // not very efficient here...
+                double[] tmp = new double[15];
+                for (int j = 0; j < 15; ++j) {
+                    tmp[j] = wgt[j][i];
+                }
+                chi2tr[i] = fwdch2(tmp, epsf - par[0][i], zpf - par[1][i], parf[0][i] - par[2][i], phif - par[3][i],
+                        parf[2][i] - par[4][i]);
+                chi2 += chi2tr[i];
+            }
+        }
+//        System.out.println("chi2= " + chi2);
[truncated at 1000 lines; 5 more skipped]

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSVertexing added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	12 Jul 2010 21:02:18 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on March 25, 2006, 4:54 PM
+ *
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2010/07/12 21:02:18 mgraham Exp $
+ */
+package org.lcsim.HPSVertexing;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.billoir.Vertex;
+ *
+ * @author jstrube
+ */
+public interface VFitter {
+    // better have an enumset of possible constraints
+    // or better even some kind of map for the constraints
+    public Vertex fit(List<Track> tracks, SpacePoint initialPosition, boolean withBeamConstraint);
CVSspam 0.2.8