

Dear Colleagues,

  As you know, we desire to have a "big" Muon Collider workshop that reaches out to the community and covers physics, detectors, and accelerator design and R&D.  We had hoped to have such a meeting later this fall,  but the physics and detector effort is not yet sufficiently advanced to make that possible.
We  want to schedule this  meeting next summer (2011) to enable good participation from scientists and engineers from both laboratories and universities.
To minimize potential conflicts with other meetings, the possible dates are already constrained.

We propose to hold the Muon Collider meeting, at a place to be determined, *June 27 - July 1st,  2011*. If you know of any other meetings that conflict with these dates, please let us know in the next few days (by Friday Sept.10) so we can take this into consideration before finalizing the dates.

Hoping you will be able to participate in the meeting.

Sincerely yours,

 Estia Eichten (Physics, Detectors and MDI) and Steve Geer (MAP)