

Dear Gerri,

Thanks very much, both options work like a charm!

Best wishes,

On Oct 6, 2010, at 7:07 AM, Gerardo Ganis wrote:

>     Hi Ofer,
>     By default the missing components of the path are not created  
> (just for 'fopen(...)' or 'open(...)').
>     However, you can force their creation in the following way:
>         1. At file level, by adding the option 'mkpath=1' in the  
> URL (e.g. 'root://theserver//new/path/file.root?mkpath=1')
>         2. Globally using the setting
>                   XNet.Mkpath: 1
>             in the relevant .rootrc file ($HOME/.rootrc or $ROOTSYS/ 
> etc/system.rootrc or /etc/root/system.rootrc)
>     When this option is set, TXNetFile sets the 'kXR_mkpath' bit in  
> the option field when opening the file.
>     Most likely xrdcp sets always this bit, which would explain the  
> different behavior.
>     Hope it helps.
>     Gerri