

Commit in lcsim/src/org/lcsim/fit/helicaltrack on MAIN -> 1.11
Switch to matrix operations methods added by Tony to matrix class

lcsim/src/org/lcsim/fit/helicaltrack 1.10 -> 1.11
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
---	21 May 2009 21:48:15 -0000	1.10
+++	16 Nov 2010 16:23:18 -0000	1.11
@@ -173,21 +173,28 @@
         double separation = SensorSeperation(strip1, strip2);
         //  Calculate v1hat . u2hat, which is equivalent to sin(alpha) where alpha is the stereo angle
         double salpha = v1Dotu2(strip1, strip2);
-        //  Calculate the scale factor:  factor = (1 + gamma) / 2 * sin(alpha)
-        double factor = (1 + gamma) / (2. * salpha);
-        //  Calculate the covariance matrix from resolution:  cov = factor * (v2 * v2^T * du1^2 + v1 * v1^T * du2^2)
-        BasicMatrix cov = Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(strip1.du() * factor, strip2.v()));
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(strip2.du() * factor, strip1.v())), cov);
+        //  Calculate the scale factor:  factor = (1 + gamma)^2 / 4 * sin^2(alpha)
+        double factor = (1 + gamma)*(1 + gamma) / (4. * salpha*salpha);
+        //  Calculate v * v^T for strips 1 and 2
+        Matrix v1 = v2m(strip1.v());
+        Matrix v2 = v2m(strip2.v());
+        Matrix v1v1t = MatrixOp.mult(v1, MatrixOp.transposed(v1));
+        Matrix v2v2t = MatrixOp.mult(v2, MatrixOp.transposed(v2));
+        //  Find measurement uncertainties for strips 1 and 2
+        double du1 = strip1.du();
+        double du2 = strip2.du();
         //  Calculate the uncertainty in the unmeasured coordinate due to not knowing the track direction
         //  by assuming phat . u has an uncertainty of 2/sqrt(12) so dv = 2 / sqrt(12) * seperation / sin(alpha)
         double dv = Math.abs(2. * separation / (Math.sqrt(12) * salpha));
         //  Don't let dv by greater than the strip length / sqrt(12)
         double dv1 = Math.min(dv, (strip1.vmax()-strip1.vmin()) / Math.sqrt(12.));
         double dv2 = Math.min(dv, (strip2.vmax()-strip2.vmin()) / Math.sqrt(12.));
-        //  Add the covariance contributions from not knowing the track direction
-        //  cov += v1 * v1^T * (dv1/2)^2 + v2 * v2^T * (dv2/2)^2
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(0.5 * dv1, strip1.v())), cov);
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(0.5 * dv2, strip2.v())), cov);
+        //  Calculate the covariance matrix.
+        //    From resolution:  cov = factor * (v2 * v2^T * du1^2 + v1 * v1^T * du2^2)
+        //    From direction:                + (v1 * v1^T * (dv1/2)^2 + v2 * v2^T * (dv2/2)^2
+        Matrix cov1 = MatrixOp.mult(factor * du2*du2 + 0.25 * dv1*dv1, v1v1t);
+        Matrix cov2 = MatrixOp.mult(factor * du1*du1 + 0.25 * dv2*dv2, v2v2t);
+        Matrix cov = MatrixOp.add(cov1, cov2);
         return new SymmetricMatrix(cov);
@@ -229,9 +236,9 @@
         Hep3Vector dir = trkdir.Direction();
         Matrix dirderiv = trkdir.Derivatives();
         //  Calculate phat x v1
-        Hep3Vector pcrossv1 = VecOp.cross(dir, strip1.v());
+        Matrix pcrossv1 = v2m(VecOp.cross(dir, strip1.v()));
         //  Calculate phat x v2
-        Hep3Vector pcrossv2 = VecOp.cross(dir, strip2.v());
+        Matrix pcrossv2 = v2m(VecOp.cross(dir, strip2.v()));
         //  Calculate phat . w
         double pdotw = NonZeroDotProduct(dir, strip1.w());
         //  salpha is the sin of the stereo angle
@@ -240,16 +247,22 @@
         double factor = SensorSeperation(strip1, strip2) / (2 * salpha * pdotw*pdotw);
         //  Create the matrix of position derivatives:  d_i,j = dr_i / dphat_j
         //  The matrix d is given by factor * (v1 * (phat x v2)^T + v2 * (phat x v1)^T  where ^T means transpose
-        MutableMatrix d = Vec2Matrix(strip1.v(), VecOp.mult(factor, pcrossv2));
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(strip2.v(), VecOp.mult(factor, pcrossv1)), d);
+        Matrix v1 = v2m(strip1.v());
+        Matrix v2 = v2m(strip2.v());
+        Matrix d = MatrixOp.mult(factor, MatrixOp.add(MatrixOp.mult(v1, MatrixOp.transposed(pcrossv2)),
+                                                      MatrixOp.mult(v2, MatrixOp.transposed(pcrossv1))));
         Matrix dh = MatrixOp.mult(d, dirderiv);
         //  Construct the transpose of dh
-        Matrix dht = MatrixTranspose(dh);
+        Matrix dht = MatrixOp.transposed(dh);
         //  Calculate the covariance contributions from the direction uncertainty:  cov = dh * hcov * dh^T
-        MutableMatrix cov = (MutableMatrix) MatrixOp.mult(dh, MatrixOp.mult(hcov, dht));
-        //  Add the contributions from measurement errors:  cov += (v2 * v2^T * du1^2 + v1 * v1^T * du2^2) / sin(alpha)^2
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(strip1.du()/salpha, strip2.v())), cov);
-        MatrixAdd(Vec2Matrix(VecOp.mult(strip2.du()/salpha, strip1.v())), cov);
+        Matrix cov_dir = MatrixOp.mult(dh, MatrixOp.mult(hcov, dht));
+        //  Calculate the contributions from measurement errors:  cov += (v2 * v2^T * du1^2 + v1 * v1^T * du2^2) / sin(alpha)^2
+        double du1 = strip1.du();
+        double du2 = strip2.du();
+        Matrix cov1 = MatrixOp.mult(du1*du1 / (salpha*salpha), MatrixOp.mult(v2, MatrixOp.transposed(v2)));
+        Matrix cov2 = MatrixOp.mult(du2*du2 / (salpha*salpha), MatrixOp.mult(v1, MatrixOp.transposed(v1)));
+        //  Sum all the contributions
+        Matrix cov = MatrixOp.add(cov_dir, MatrixOp.add(cov1, cov2));
         //  Convert to a symmetric matrix
         return new SymmetricMatrix(cov);
@@ -298,7 +311,7 @@
         //  Construct the matrix dh = d^T * dirderiv
         Matrix dh = MatrixOp.mult(dT, dirderiv);
         //  Construct the transpose of dh
-        Matrix dhT = MatrixTranspose(dh);
+        Matrix dhT = MatrixOp.transposed(dh);
         //  Calculate the uncertainty in v1 from the direction uncertainty:  cov = dh * hcov * dh^T
         MutableMatrix cov = (MutableMatrix) MatrixOp.mult(dh, MatrixOp.mult(hcov, dhT));
         //  Return the uncertainty in v1: dv1^2 = ((u1 . u2)^2 * du1^2 + du2^2) / sin^2(alpha) + cov
@@ -324,66 +337,12 @@
         return cth;
-    /**
-     * Form the outer matrix product vec1 * vec2^T from the vectors
-     * vec1 and vec2.
-     * @param vec1 first vector
-     * @param vec2 second vector
-     * @return outer product
-     */
-    private static BasicMatrix Vec2Matrix(Hep3Vector vec1, Hep3Vector vec2) {
-        BasicMatrix mat = new BasicMatrix(3, 3);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
-                mat.setElement(i, j, vec1.v()[i] * vec2.v()[j]);
-            }
-        }
+    private static Matrix v2m(Hep3Vector v) {
+        BasicMatrix mat = new BasicMatrix(3, 1);
+        mat.setElement(0, 0, v.x());
+        mat.setElement(1, 0, v.y());
+        mat.setElement(2, 0, v.z());
         return mat;
-    /**
-     * Form the outer product matrix vec * vec^T from the vector vec.
-     * @param vec vector to be used in creating outer product
-     * @return outer product
-     */
-    private static BasicMatrix Vec2Matrix(Hep3Vector vec) {
-        return Vec2Matrix(vec, vec);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Matrix addition method that is for some reason missing from matrix
-     * package.  In this method, m2 = m1 + m2.
-     * @param m1 first matrix
-     * @param m2 second matrix, containing sum when method returns
-     */
-    private static void MatrixAdd(Matrix m1, MutableMatrix m2) {
-        //  Add the contents of matrix m1 to matrix m2
-        if (m1.getNColumns() != m2.getNColumns()) throw new RuntimeException("HelicalTrackCross matrix dimension mismatch!");
-        if (m1.getNRows() != m2.getNRows()) throw new RuntimeException("HelicalTrackCross matrix dimension mismatch");
-        for (int i = 0; i < m1.getNRows(); i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < m1.getNColumns(); j++) {
-                m2.setElement(i, j, m1.e(i, j) + m2.e(i, j));
-            }
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the transpose of the matrix (again, inexplicably not handled by
-     * the matrix package for non-square matrices).
-     * @param m matrix to be transposed
-     * @return transposed matrix
-     */
-    private static Matrix MatrixTranspose(Matrix m) {
-        MutableMatrix mt = new BasicMatrix(m.getNColumns(), m.getNRows());
-        for (int i = 0; i < m.getNRows(); i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < m.getNColumns(); j++) {
-                mt.setElement(j, i, m.e(i, j));
-            }
-        }
-        return mt;
-    }
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CVSspam 0.2.8