Commit in lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom on MAIN removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed
18 removed files
moving spacegeom tests to separate package

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// CartesianPathTest.cpp
-// Test the SpacePath class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPath;
-public class CartesianPathTest extends TestCase
-    //**********************************************************************
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static final boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCartesianPath()
-    {
-        String name = "SpacePoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double dx = 0.23;
-        double dy = 0.45;
-        double dz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space path element
-        CartesianPath cart = new CartesianPath(x,y,z,dx,dy,dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPath cyl = new CylindricalPath( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.drxy(), cart.rxy_dphi(), );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPath sph = new SphericalPath( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.drxyz(), cyl.rxyz_dtheta(), cyl.rxy_dphi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePath dpth = new SpacePath();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( dpth.magnitude() == 0.0 );
-        dpth = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( n0 );
-        double ncart = dpth.dx()*dpth.dx() +
-                dpth.dy()*dpth.dy() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncart );
-        double ncyl = dpth.drxy()*dpth.drxy() +
-                // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncyl );
-        double nsph = dpth.drxyz()*dpth.drxyz();
-                // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() + dpth.rxyz_dtheta()*dpth.rxyz_dtheta();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), dpth.magnitude() ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-public class CartesianPointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //
-    // Test the SpacePoint class.
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    double x;
-    double y;
-    double z;
-    String name;
-    String ok_prefix;
-    String error_prefix;
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        super.setUp();
-        x = 1.23;
-        y = 2.46;
-        z = 3.69;
-        name = "CartesianPoint";
-        ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" ----- Testing component " + name + ". -------");
-    }
-    public void testCartesianPoint() {
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing constructors.");
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianPoint cart = new CartesianPoint(x,y,z);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart);
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPoint cyl = new CylindricalPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi(), cart.z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cyl);
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPoint sph = new SphericalPoint( cyl.rxyz(), cyl.phi(), cyl.theta() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(sph);
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.x(),x) ||
-                myequal(sph.y(),y) ||
-                myequal(sph.z(),z) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment.");
-        SpacePoint spt = new SpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        spt = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        assertTrue( myequal(spt.x(),sph.x()) ||
-                myequal(spt.y(),sph.y()) ||
-                myequal(spt.z(),sph.z()) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns.");
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosTheta(), Math.cos( spt.theta() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinTheta(), Math.sin( spt.theta() ) ));
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test equality.");
-        CartesianPoint spt2 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2));
-        assertTrue( !spt.notEquals(spt2) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt = spt2" );
-        CartesianPoint spt3 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        assertTrue( !spt.equals(spt3) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt3" );
-        CartesianPoint spt4 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2,spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt4" );
-        CartesianPoint spt5 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z()+0.3);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt5));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt5" );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test distance function.");
-        assertTrue( SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dz = 3.3;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
-        CartesianPoint cart2 = new CartesianPoint(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart2);
-        double dist = SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist);
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------");
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// SpacePointVecTest.cpp
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPointVector;
-// Test the SpacePointVector class.
-public class CartesianPointVectorTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCartesianPointVector()
-    {
-        String name = "CartesianPointVector";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double vx = 0.23;
-        double vy = 0.45;
-        double vz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a spacevector
-        CartesianPointVector cart = new CartesianPointVector(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl = new CylindricalPointVector( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.v_rxy(), cart.v_phi(), cart.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph = new SphericalPointVector( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.v_rxyz(), cyl.v_theta(), cyl.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_z(),vz) );
-        // Create a cartesian coordinates from spacepoint
-        CartesianPointVector cart2 = new CartesianPointVector( sph.getStartPoint(), sph.v_x(), sph.v_y(), sph.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl2 = new CylindricalPointVector( cart2.getStartPoint(),
-                cart2.v_rxy(), cart2.v_phi(), cart2.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl2 );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph2 = new SphericalPointVector( cyl2.getStartPoint(),
-                cyl2.v_rxyz(), cyl2.v_theta(), cyl2.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph2 );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing equality." );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph) );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph2) );
-        if( sph.notEquals(sph2) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePointVector svec = new SpacePointVector();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.magnitude() and 0 " + svec.magnitude() + " " + 0. );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(  "spacepoint equal " + (svec.magnitude()==0.0) );
-        //	Assert.assertTrue( SpacePoint.equal(svec.magnitude(),0.0) );
-        svec = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.x() and x " + svec.getStartPoint().x() + " " + x );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "n0= " +n0 );
-        double ncart = svec.v_x()*svec.v_x() +
-                svec.v_y()*svec.v_y() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncart= " +ncart );
-        double ncyl = svec.v_rxy()*svec.v_rxy() +
-                // FIXME if this worked before, there is a serious problem svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncyl= " +ncyl );
-        double nsph = svec.v_rxyz()*svec.v_rxyz();
-        // FIXME this might really indicate a problem + svec.v_theta()*svec.v_theta() + svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "nsph= " +nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), svec.magnitude() ) );
-        //
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Testing copy constructor and clone");
-        SpacePointVector spv = (SpacePointVector) svec.clone();
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:55 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-//package spacegeom;
-// Test the spacepoint class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.TwoSpacePoint;
-public class CartesianTwoPointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return (Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12);
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCartesianPoint()
-    {
-        String name = "CartesianTwoPoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart = new CartesianTwoPoint(x,y);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalTwoPoint cyl = new CylindricalTwoPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        if ( ! myequal(cyl.x(),x) || ! myequal(cyl.y(),y) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        TwoSpacePoint spt = new TwoSpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        spt = cyl;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        if ( ! myequal(spt.x(),cyl.x()) || ! myequal(spt.y(),cyl.y()) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns." );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test equality." );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2) );
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.notEquals(spt2)) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt3 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y());
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.equals(spt3)) );
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt4 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test distance function." );
-        assertTrue( TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(x+dx,y+dy);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        double dist = TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist );
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// CartesianPathTest.cpp
-// Test the SpacePath class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPath;
-public class CylindricalPathTest extends TestCase
-    //**********************************************************************
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static final boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCylindricalPath()
-    {
-        String name = "CylindricalPath";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double dx = 0.23;
-        double dy = 0.45;
-        double dz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space path element
-        CartesianPath cart = new CartesianPath(x,y,z,dx,dy,dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPath cyl = new CylindricalPath( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.drxy(), cart.rxy_dphi(), );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPath sph = new SphericalPath( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.drxyz(), cyl.rxyz_dtheta(), cyl.rxy_dphi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePath dpth = new SpacePath();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( dpth.magnitude() == 0.0 );
-        dpth = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( n0 );
-        double ncart = dpth.dx()*dpth.dx() +
-                dpth.dy()*dpth.dy() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncart );
-        double ncyl = dpth.drxy()*dpth.drxy() +
-                // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncyl );
-        double nsph = dpth.drxyz()*dpth.drxyz();
-        // FIXME + dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() + dpth.rxyz_dtheta()*dpth.rxyz_dtheta();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), dpth.magnitude() ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-public class CylindricalPointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //
-    // Test the SpacePoint class.
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCylindricalPoint()
-    {
-        String name = "CylindricalPoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" ----- Testing component " + name + ". -------");
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing constructors.");
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianPoint cart = new CartesianPoint(x,y,z);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart);
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPoint cyl = new CylindricalPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi(), cart.z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cyl);
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPoint sph = new SphericalPoint( cyl.rxyz(), cyl.phi(), cyl.theta() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(sph);
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.x(),x) ||
-                myequal(sph.y(),y) ||
-                myequal(sph.z(),z) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment.");
-        SpacePoint spt = new SpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        spt = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        assertTrue( myequal(spt.x(),sph.x()) ||
-                myequal(spt.y(),sph.y()) ||
-                myequal(spt.z(),sph.z()) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns.");
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosTheta(), Math.cos( spt.theta() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinTheta(), Math.sin( spt.theta() ) ));
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test equality.");
-        CartesianPoint spt2 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2));
-        assertTrue( !spt.notEquals(spt2) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt = spt2" );
-        CartesianPoint spt3 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        assertTrue( !spt.equals(spt3) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt3" );
-        CartesianPoint spt4 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2,spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt4" );
-        CartesianPoint spt5 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z()+0.3);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt5));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt5" );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test distance function.");
-        assertTrue( SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dz = 3.3;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
-        CartesianPoint cart2 = new CartesianPoint(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart2);
-        double dist = SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist);
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------");
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// SpacePointVecTest.cpp
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPointVector;
-// Test the SpacePointVector class.
-public class CylindricalPointVectorTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCylindricalPoint()
-    {
-        String name = "CylindricalPointVector";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double vx = 0.23;
-        double vy = 0.45;
-        double vz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a spacevector
-        CartesianPointVector cart = new CartesianPointVector(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl = new CylindricalPointVector( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.v_rxy(), cart.v_phi(), cart.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph = new SphericalPointVector( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.v_rxyz(), cyl.v_theta(), cyl.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_z(),vz) );
-        // Create a cartesian coordinates from spacepoint
-        CartesianPointVector cart2 = new CartesianPointVector( sph.getStartPoint(), sph.v_x(), sph.v_y(), sph.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl2 = new CylindricalPointVector( cart2.getStartPoint(),
-                cart2.v_rxy(), cart2.v_phi(), cart2.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl2 );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph2 = new SphericalPointVector( cyl2.getStartPoint(),
-                cyl2.v_rxyz(), cyl2.v_theta(), cyl2.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph2 );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing equality." );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph) );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph2) );
-        if( sph.notEquals(sph2) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePointVector svec = new SpacePointVector();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.magnitude() and 0 " + svec.magnitude() + " " + 0. );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(  "spacepoint equal " + (svec.magnitude()==0.0) );
-        //	Assert.assertTrue( SpacePoint.equal(svec.magnitude(),0.0) );
-        svec = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.x() and x " + svec.getStartPoint().x() + " " + x );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "n0= " +n0 );
-        double ncart = svec.v_x()*svec.v_x() +
-                svec.v_y()*svec.v_y() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncart= " +ncart );
-        double ncyl = svec.v_rxy()*svec.v_rxy() +
-                // FIXME this isn't supposed to be here svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncyl= " +ncyl );
-        double nsph = svec.v_rxyz()*svec.v_rxyz();
-        // FIXME this shouldn't have worked before + svec.v_theta()*svec.v_theta() + svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "nsph= " +nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), svec.magnitude() ) );
-        //
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Testing copy constructor and clone");
-        SpacePointVector spv = (SpacePointVector) svec.clone();
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-//package spacegeom;
-// Test the spacepoint class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.TwoSpacePoint;
-public class CylindricalTwoPointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return (Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12);
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testCylindricalTest()
-    {
-        String name = "CylindricalTwoPoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart = new CartesianTwoPoint(x,y);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalTwoPoint cyl = new CylindricalTwoPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        if ( ! myequal(cyl.x(),x) || ! myequal(cyl.y(),y) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        TwoSpacePoint spt = new TwoSpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        spt = cyl;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        if ( ! myequal(spt.x(),cyl.x()) || ! myequal(spt.y(),cyl.y()) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns." );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test equality." );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2) );
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.notEquals(spt2)) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt3 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y());
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.equals(spt3)) );
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt4 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test distance function." );
-        assertTrue( TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(x+dx,y+dy);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        double dist = TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist );
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// SpacePathTest.cpp
-// Test the SpacePath class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPath;
-public class SpacePathTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //**********************************************************************
-    private static final boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testSpacePath()
-    {
-        String name = "SpacePoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double dx = 0.23;
-        double dy = 0.45;
-        double dz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space path element
-        CartesianPath cart = new CartesianPath(x,y,z,dx,dy,dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPath cyl = new CylindricalPath( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.drxy(), cart.rxy_dphi(), );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPath sph = new SphericalPath( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.drxyz(), cyl.rxyz_dtheta(), cyl.rxy_dphi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePath dpth = new SpacePath();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( dpth.magnitude() == 0.0 );
-        dpth = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( n0 );
-        double ncart = dpth.dx()*dpth.dx() +
-                dpth.dy()*dpth.dy() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncart );
-        double ncyl = dpth.drxy()*dpth.drxy() +
-        // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncyl );
-        double nsph = dpth.drxyz()*dpth.drxyz();
-                // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() +
-                // FIXME dpth.rxyz_dtheta()*dpth.rxyz_dtheta();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), dpth.magnitude() ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-public class SpacePointTest extends TestCase {
-boolean debug = false;
-// Test the SpacePoint class.
-public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2) {
-  return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12;
- public void testSpacePoint() {
-	String name = "SpacePoint";
-	String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-	String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-	if (debug) System.out.println(" ----- Testing component " + name + ". -------");
-	double x = 1.23;
-	double y = 2.46;
-	double z = 3.69;
-	if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing constructors.");
-	// Create a space point
-	CartesianPoint cart = new CartesianPoint(x,y,z);
-	if (debug) System.out.println(cart);
-	// Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-	CylindricalPoint cyl = new CylindricalPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi(), cart.z() );
-	if (debug) System.out.println(cyl);
-	// Create in spherical coordinates.
-	SphericalPoint sph = new SphericalPoint( cyl.rxyz(), cyl.phi(), cyl.theta() );
-	if (debug) System.out.println(sph);
-	assertTrue( myequal(sph.x(),x) || 
-	               myequal(sph.y(),y) || 
-	               myequal(sph.z(),z) );	
-	//**********************************************************************
-	if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment.");
-	SpacePoint spt = new SpacePoint();
-	if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-	spt = sph;
-	if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-	assertTrue( myequal(spt.x(),sph.x()) ||
-	               myequal(spt.y(),sph.y()) ||
-	               myequal(spt.z(),sph.z()) );	
-	//**********************************************************************
-	if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns.");
-	assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ));
- 	assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ));
-	assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosTheta(), Math.cos( spt.theta() ) ));  
-	assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinTheta(), Math.sin( spt.theta() ) ));
-	//**********************************************************************
-	if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test equality.");
-	CartesianPoint spt2 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z());
-	assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2));
-	assertTrue( !spt.notEquals(spt2) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt = spt2" );
-	CartesianPoint spt3 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y(),spt.z());
-	assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-	assertTrue( !spt.equals(spt3) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt3" );
-	CartesianPoint spt4 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2,spt.z());
-	assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt4" );
-	CartesianPoint spt5 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z()+0.3);
-	assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt5));
-	 if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt5" );
-	//**********************************************************************
-	if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test distance function.");
-	assertTrue( SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-	double dx = 1.1;
-	double dy = 2.2;
-	double dz = 3.3;
-	double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
-	CartesianPoint cart2 = new CartesianPoint(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz);
-	if (debug) System.out.println(cart2);
-	double dist = SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-	if (debug) System.out.println("Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist);
-	assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-	//**********************************************************************
-	if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-	     + "------------- All tests passed. ------------");	
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:55 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPointVector;
-// SpacePointVecTest.cpp
-// Test the SpacePointVector class.
-public class SpacePointVecTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testSpacePointVec()
-    {
-        String name = "SpacePointVector";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double vx = 0.23;
-        double vy = 0.45;
-        double vz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a spacevector
-        CartesianPointVector cart = new CartesianPointVector(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl = new CylindricalPointVector( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.v_rxy(), cart.v_phi(), cart.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph = new SphericalPointVector( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.v_rxyz(), cyl.v_theta(), cyl.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue(myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x));
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_z(),vz) );
-        // Create a cartesian coordinates from spacepoint
-        CartesianPointVector cart2 = new CartesianPointVector( sph.getStartPoint(), sph.v_x(), sph.v_y(), sph.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl2 = new CylindricalPointVector( cart2.getStartPoint(),
-                cart2.v_rxy(), cart2.v_phi(), cart2.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl2 );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph2 = new SphericalPointVector( cyl2.getStartPoint(),
-                cyl2.v_rxyz(), cyl2.v_theta(), cyl2.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph2 );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing equality." );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph) );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph2) );
-        if( sph.notEquals(sph2) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePointVector svec = new SpacePointVector();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.magnitude() and 0 " + svec.magnitude() + " " + 0. );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(  "spacepoint equal " + (svec.magnitude()==0.0) );
-        //	Assert.assertTrue( SpacePoint.equal(svec.magnitude(),0.0) );
-        svec = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.x() and x " + svec.getStartPoint().x() + " " + x );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "n0= " +n0 );
-        double ncart = svec.v_x()*svec.v_x() +
-                svec.v_y()*svec.v_y() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncart= " +ncart );
-        double ncyl = svec.v_rxy()*svec.v_rxy() +
-                //FIXME this better didn't work until now. svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncyl= " +ncyl );
-        double nsph = svec.v_rxyz()*svec.v_rxyz();
-        // FIXME Norman, please take a look at the Fixmes here
-        // FIXME this shouldn't have worked before + svec.v_theta()*svec.v_theta() +  svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "nsph= " +nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), svec.magnitude() ) );
-        //
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Testing copy constructor and clone");
-        SpacePointVector spv = (SpacePointVector) svec.clone();
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class SpacePointVectorTest extends TestCase {
-    boolean debug = false;
-    public static boolean myEqual(Hep3Vector x1, Hep3Vector x2)
-    {
-        return VecOp.sub(x1, x2).magnitude() < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    private SpacePointVector thisPath;
-    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
-        super.setUp();
-        thisPath = new SpacePointVector(new SpacePoint(), new CartesianPoint(1, 1, 1));
-    }
-    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        super.tearDown();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Test method for 'org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePath.getPointAtLength(double)'
-     */
-    public void testGetPointAtLength() {
-        if (debug) {
-            System.out.printf("To be equal: %s and %s\n\n", thisPath.getPointAtLength(0), thisPath.getStartPoint());
-        }
-        assertTrue(myEqual(thisPath.getPointAtLength(0), thisPath.getStartPoint()));
-        if (debug) {
-            System.out.printf("To be equal: %s and %s\n\n", thisPath.getPointAtLength(1), thisPath.getEndPoint());
-        }
-        assertTrue(myEqual(thisPath.getPointAtLength(1), thisPath.getEndPoint()));
-        assertFalse(thisPath.getPointAtLength(1).equals(thisPath.getStartPoint()));
-        SpacePoint farPoint = new CartesianPoint(2, 2, 2);
-        assertTrue(thisPath.getPointAtLength(2).equals(farPoint));
-        SpacePoint halfPoint = new CartesianPoint(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
-        assertTrue(thisPath.getPointAtLength(0.5).equals(halfPoint));
-        SpacePoint negPoint = new CartesianPoint(-1, -1, -1);
-        assertTrue(thisPath.getPointAtLength(-1).equals(negPoint));
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	9 Aug 2007 00:03:53 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-// Test the SpaceXform class.
-public class SpaceXformTest extends TestCase
-	static class TestXform extends SpaceXform
-	{	    
-	    public static int _check = 0;
-	    public SpaceXform inverse()
-	    { return this; }
-	    public SpacePoint apply( SpacePoint spt)
-	    { _check=1; return spt; }
-	    public SpacePointVector apply( SpacePointVector svec)
-	    { _check=2; return svec; }
-	}
-    //**********************************************************************
-    boolean debug = false;
-    public void testSpaceXForm()
-    {
-        String name = "SpaceXform";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructor." );
-        TestXform xf = new TestXform();
-        SpacePoint spt1 = new SpacePoint();
-        SpacePointVector svec1 = new SpacePointVector();
-        SpacePath spth1 = new SpacePath();
-        assertTrue(xf._check == 0);
-        SpacePoint spt2 = xf.transform(spt1);
-        assertTrue(xf._check == 1);
-        SpacePointVector svec2 = xf.transform(svec1);
-        assertTrue(xf._check == 2);
-        SpacePointVector spth2 = xf.transform(spth1);
-        assertTrue(xf._check == 2);
-        spt2.x();
-        svec2.getStartPoint().x();
-        spth2.getStartPoint().x();
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// CartesianPathTest.cpp
-// Test the SpacePath class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePath;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPath;
-public class SphericalPathTest extends TestCase
-    //**********************************************************************
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static final boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testSphericalPath()
-    {
-        String name = "SphericalPath";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double dx = 0.23;
-        double dy = 0.45;
-        double dz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space path element
-        CartesianPath cart = new CartesianPath(x,y,z,dx,dy,dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPath cyl = new CylindricalPath( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.drxy(), cart.rxy_dphi(), );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPath sph = new SphericalPath( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.drxyz(), cyl.rxyz_dtheta(), cyl.rxy_dphi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePath dpth = new SpacePath();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( dpth.magnitude() == 0.0 );
-        dpth = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( dpth );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dx(),dx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(dpth.dy(),dy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(,dz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( n0 );
-        double ncart = dpth.dx()*dpth.dx() +
-                dpth.dy()*dpth.dy() +
-      *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncart );
-        double ncyl = dpth.drxy()*dpth.drxy() +
-                 // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() +
-       *;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ncyl );
-        double nsph = dpth.drxyz()*dpth.drxyz();
-                // FIXME dpth.rxy_dphi()*dpth.rxy_dphi() + dpth.rxyz_dtheta()*dpth.rxyz_dtheta();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), dpth.magnitude() ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPoint;
-public class SphericalPointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //
-    // Test the SpacePoint class.
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testSphericalPoint()
-    {
-        String name = "SphericalPoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" ----- Testing component " + name + ". -------");
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Testing constructors.");
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianPoint cart = new CartesianPoint(x,y,z);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart);
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPoint cyl = new CylindricalPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi(), cart.z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cyl);
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPoint sph = new SphericalPoint( cyl.rxyz(), cyl.phi(), cyl.theta() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(sph);
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.x(),x) ||
-                myequal(sph.y(),y) ||
-                myequal(sph.z(),z) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment.");
-        SpacePoint spt = new SpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        spt = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println(spt);
-        assertTrue( myequal(spt.x(),sph.x()) ||
-                myequal(spt.y(),sph.y()) ||
-                myequal(spt.z(),sph.z()) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns.");
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosTheta(), Math.cos( spt.theta() ) ));
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinTheta(), Math.sin( spt.theta() ) ));
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test equality.");
-        CartesianPoint spt2 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2));
-        assertTrue( !spt.notEquals(spt2) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt = spt2" );
-        CartesianPoint spt3 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y(),spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        assertTrue( !spt.equals(spt3) );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt3" );
-        CartesianPoint spt4 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2,spt.z());
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt4" );
-        CartesianPoint spt5 = new CartesianPoint(spt.x(),spt.y(),spt.z()+0.3);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt5));
-        if (debug) System.out.println(" spt != spt5" );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println(ok_prefix + "Test distance function.");
-        assertTrue( SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dz = 3.3;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
-        CartesianPoint cart2 = new CartesianPoint(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(cart2);
-        double dist = SpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist);
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------");
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// SpacePointVecTest.cpp
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalPointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePointVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SphericalPointVector;
-// Test the SpacePointVector class.
-public class SphericalPointVectorTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-10;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testSphericalPointVector()
-    {
-        String name = "SphericalPointVector";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        double z = 3.69;
-        double vx = 0.23;
-        double vy = 0.45;
-        double vz = 0.67;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a spacevector
-        CartesianPointVector cart = new CartesianPointVector(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        // FIXME adjust for new definition of class. Needs to be done throughout the class
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl = new CylindricalPointVector( cart.getStartPoint().rxy(), cart.getStartPoint().phi(), cart.getStartPoint().z(),
-                cart.v_rxy(), cart.v_phi(), cart.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        // FIXME adjust for new definition of class
-        SphericalPointVector sph = new SphericalPointVector( cyl.getStartPoint().rxyz(), cyl.getStartPoint().phi(), cyl.getStartPoint().theta(),
-                cyl.v_rxyz(), cyl.v_theta(), cyl.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph.v_z(),vz) );
-        // Create a cartesian coordinates from spacepoint
-        CartesianPointVector cart2 = new CartesianPointVector( sph.getStartPoint(), sph.v_x(), sph.v_y(), sph.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalPointVector cyl2 = new CylindricalPointVector( cart2.getStartPoint(),
-                cart2.v_rxy(), cart2.v_phi(), cart2.v_z() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl2 );
-        // Create in spherical coordinates.
-        SphericalPointVector sph2 = new SphericalPointVector( cyl2.getStartPoint(),
-                cyl2.v_rxyz(), cyl2.v_theta(), cyl2.v_phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( sph2 );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(sph2.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing equality." );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph) );
-        assertTrue( sph.equals(sph2) );
-        if( sph.notEquals(sph2) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        SpacePointVector svec = new SpacePointVector();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.magnitude() and 0 " + svec.magnitude() + " " + 0. );
-        if (debug) System.out.println(  "spacepoint equal " + (svec.magnitude()==0.0) );
-        //	Assert.assertTrue( SpacePoint.equal(svec.magnitude(),0.0) );
-        svec = sph;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( svec );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "testing assignment svec.x() and x " + svec.getStartPoint().x() + " " + x );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().x(),x) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().y(),y) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.getStartPoint().z(),z) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_x(),vx) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_y(),vy) );
-        assertTrue( myequal(svec.v_z(),vz) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing normalizations." );
-        double n0 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "n0= " +n0 );
-        double ncart = svec.v_x()*svec.v_x() +
-                svec.v_y()*svec.v_y() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncart= " +ncart );
-        double ncyl = svec.v_rxy()*svec.v_rxy() +
-                // FIXME or not... svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi() +
-                svec.v_z()*svec.v_z();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "ncyl= " +ncyl );
-        double nsph = svec.v_rxyz()*svec.v_rxyz();
-        // FIXME not really + svec.v_theta()*svec.v_theta() + svec.v_phi()*svec.v_phi();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "nsph= " +nsph );
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncart,n0) );
-        // FIXME I hope this never really passed 
-        assertTrue( myequal(ncyl,n0) );
-        // FIXME This isn't supposed to pass, either, is it ?
-        assertTrue( myequal(nsph,n0) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( Math.sqrt(n0), svec.magnitude() ) );
-        //
-        if (debug) System.out.println("Testing copy constructor and clone");
-        SpacePointVector spv = (SpacePointVector) svec.clone();
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:56 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// Test the TwoSegment class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.TwoSegment;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.TwoSpacePoint;
-public class TwoSegmentTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    public void testTwoSegmentTest()
-    {
-        String name = "TwoSegment";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        TwoSpacePoint a = new CartesianTwoPoint(1.,1.);
-        TwoSpacePoint b = new CartesianTwoPoint(2.,2.);
-        TwoSegment seg = new TwoSegment(a,b);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(seg);
-        assertTrue(a.equals(seg.startPoint()));
-        assertTrue(b.equals(seg.endPoint()));
-        assertTrue(seg.length()==TwoSpacePoint.distance(a,b));
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing intersection." );
-        TwoSegment seg2 = new TwoSegment(a,b);
-        assertTrue(TwoSegment.intersection(seg,seg2)==null);
-        TwoSegment seg3 = new TwoSegment(new CartesianTwoPoint(-1.,-1.),new CartesianTwoPoint(1.,1.));
-        TwoSegment seg4 = new TwoSegment(new CartesianTwoPoint(-1.,1.),new CartesianTwoPoint(1.,-1.));
-        TwoSpacePoint intersection = TwoSegment.intersection(seg3, seg4);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(intersection);
-        assertTrue(intersection.x()==0.);
-        assertTrue(intersection.y()==0.);
-        // try another...
-        TwoSegment t1 = new TwoSegment(new CartesianTwoPoint(0.25, 0), new CartesianTwoPoint(1.25, 2.0));
-        TwoSegment t2 = new TwoSegment(new CartesianTwoPoint(0.05, 0), new CartesianTwoPoint(-0.947, 2.0));
-        intersection = TwoSegment.intersection(t1, t2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println(intersection);
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }

lcsim/test/org/lcsim/spacegeom removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	7 Sep 2005 01:09:55 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
-// Test the spacepoint class.
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CylindricalTwoPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.TwoSpacePoint;
-public class TwoSpacePointTest extends TestCase
-    boolean debug = false;
-    private static boolean myequal(double x1, double x2)
-    {
-        return (Math.abs(x2-x1) < 1.e-12);
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    public void testTwoSpacePoint()
-    {
-        String name = "TwoSpacePoint";
-        String ok_prefix = name + " test (I): ";
-        String error_prefix = name + " test (E): ";
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------- Testing component " + name + ". -------" );
-        double x = 1.23;
-        double y = 2.46;
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing constructors." );
-        // Create a space point
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart = new CartesianTwoPoint(x,y);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        // Create in cylindrical coordinates.
-        CylindricalTwoPoint cyl = new CylindricalTwoPoint( cart.rxy(), cart.phi() );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cyl );
-        if ( ! myequal(cyl.x(),x) || ! myequal(cyl.y(),y) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Testing assignment." );
-        TwoSpacePoint spt = new TwoSpacePoint();
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        spt = cyl;
-        if (debug) System.out.println( spt );
-        if ( ! myequal(spt.x(),cyl.x()) || ! myequal(spt.y(),cyl.y()) )
-        {
-            if (debug) System.out.println( error_prefix + "Mismatch." );
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test cos and sin returns." );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.cosPhi(), Math.cos( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        assertTrue( myequal( spt.sinPhi(), Math.sin( spt.phi() ) ) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test equality." );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y());
-        assertTrue( spt.equals(spt2) );
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.notEquals(spt2)) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt3 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x()+0.1,spt.y());
-        assertTrue( ! (spt.equals(spt3)) );
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt3) );
-        CartesianTwoPoint spt4 = new CartesianTwoPoint(spt.x(),spt.y()+0.2);
-        assertTrue( spt.notEquals(spt4) );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix + "Test distance function." );
-        assertTrue( TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart) == 0.0 );
-        double dx = 1.1;
-        double dy = 2.2;
-        double dist0 = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
-        CartesianTwoPoint cart2 = new CartesianTwoPoint(x+dx,y+dy);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart );
-        if (debug) System.out.println( cart2 );
-        double dist = TwoSpacePoint.distance(cart,cart2);
-        if (debug) System.out.println( "Distance = " + dist0 + " " + dist );
-        assertTrue( Math.abs( dist - dist0 ) < 1.e-12 );
-        //**********************************************************************
-        if (debug) System.out.println( ok_prefix
-                + "------------- All tests passed. ------------" );
-    }
CVSspam 0.2.8