

Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Cassell/recon/analysis on MAIN 1.1
Add phi cut

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/Cassell/recon/analysis added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	13 Nov 2010 21:29:15 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+package org.lcsim.contrib.Cassell.recon.analysis;
+import org.lcsim.recon.analysis.RMS90Calculator;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class QqbarPhiCutAnalysisDriver extends Driver
+   private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+   int ievt;
+   int nmax = 1000000;
+   String skip = "ForVtxingReconParticles";
+   List<String> rplnames;
+   double[] ctl = {.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,.925,.95,.975,1.};
+   String[] ctname;
+   String[] phiname;
+   double[] phil = {3.333,6.667,10.,13.333,16.667,20.,23.333,26.667,30.};
+   double[] cutval = {.8,.95,.95};
+   String[] cutname;
+   double ZE;
+   RMS90Calculator calc;
+   IAnalysisFactory  analysisFactory;
+   ITreeFactory      treeFactory;
+   ITree             tree;
+   IDataPointSetFactory dpsf ;
+   boolean first;
+// Keep track of the different cm Energies for plots
+   int nE;
+   int[] Eevt;
+   public QqbarPhiCutAnalysisDriver()
+   {
+      ievt = 0;
+      analysisFactory = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+//      treeFactory = analysisFactory.createTreeFactory();
+//      tree = treeFactory.create();
+      tree = aida.tree();
+      dpsf   = analysisFactory.createDataPointSetFactory(tree);
+      calc = new RMS90Calculator();
+      rplnames = new ArrayList<String>();
+      ctname = new String[ctl.length];
+      phiname = new String[phil.length];
+      cutname = new String[cutval.length];
+      double ll = 0.;
+      for(int i=0;i<ctl.length;i++)
+      {
+	 if(i > 0)ll = ctl[i-1];
+         double ul = ctl[i];
+         double lls = ((int)(ll*100. + .5))/100.;
+	 double uls = ((int)(ul*100. + .5))/100.;
+         ctname[i] = lls+"<ct<"+uls;
+      }
+      ll = 0.;
+      for(int i=0;i<phil.length;i++)
+      {
+	 if(i > 0)ll = phil[i-1];
+         double ul = phil[i];
+         double lls = ((int)(ll*1000. + .5))/1000.;
+	 double uls = ((int)(ul*1000. + .5))/1000.;
+         phiname[i] = lls+"<csc<"+uls;
+      }
+      cutname[0] = "barrel";
+      cutname[1] = "forward";
+      cutname[2] = "all";
+      first = true;
+      nE = 0;
+      Eevt = new int[10];
+   }
+   protected void process(EventHeader event)
+   {
+      List<MCParticle> mcl = event.get(MCParticle.class,"MCParticle");
+      double Zmass = 0.;
+      ZE = 0.;
+      double ct = 0.;
+      double phi = 0.;
+      double phidf6 = 0.;
+      for(MCParticle p:mcl)
+      {
+         int id = Math.abs(p.getPDGID());
+         if( (id == 1 )||(id == 2 )||(id == 3 ) )
+         {
+            if(p.getParents().get(0).getPDGID() == 23 )
+            {
+                Zmass = p.getParents().get(0).getMass();
+                ZE = p.getParents().get(0).getEnergy();
+                Hep3Vector pp = p.getMomentum();
+                ct = Math.abs(pp.z()/pp.magnitude());
+                   double ph = Math.atan2(pp.y(),pp.x());
+                   if(ph < 0.)ph += 2.*Math.PI;
+                   double phideg = ph*180./Math.PI;
+                   int n12 = (int) (phideg/30.);
+                   phi = phideg - 30.*n12;
+                   int n6 = (int) (phideg/60.);
+                   phidf6 = phideg - 60.*n6;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+//      System.out.println("Processing event "+ievt);
+      if(Math.abs(phidf6 - 30.) < 1.5)
+      {
+         ievt++;
+         return;
+      }
+      super.process(event);
+// Initialize cmE on first event
+      if(first)
+      {
+	 first = false;
+         int El = (int) (ZE + .5);
+         Eevt[0] = El;
+         nE = 1;
+         tree.mkdirs("cmE="+Eevt[0]+"/");
+         System.out.println("New CM Energy = "+El+"GeV at event "+ievt);
+      }
+// See if cmE changed
+      int Ec = (int) (ZE + .5);
+      boolean match = false;
+      for(int i=0;i<nE;i++)
+      {
+	 if(Ec == Eevt[i])
+	 {
+	    match = true;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      if(!match)
+      {
+         System.out.println("New CM Energy = "+Ec+"GeV at event "+ievt);
+         Eevt[nE] = Ec;
+         tree.mkdirs("cmE="+Eevt[nE]+"/");
+         nE++;
+      }
+      int ctb = 0;
+      for(int i=0;i<ctl.length;i++)
+      {
+	 if(ct < ctl[i])break;
+         ctb++;
+      }
+      int phib = 0;
+      for(int i=0;i<phil.length;i++)
+      {
+	 if(phi < phil[i])break;
+         phib++;
+      }
+      List<List<ReconstructedParticle>> all = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class);
+      for(List<ReconstructedParticle> rl:all)
+      {
+	 if(event.getMetaData(rl).getName().compareTo(skip) != 0)
+	 {
+	    String rpname = event.getMetaData(rl).getName();
+            if(!rplnames.contains(rpname))rplnames.add(rpname);
+            String rname = "cmE="+Ec+"/"+rpname;
+            double Etot = 0.;
+            double px = 0.;
+            double py = 0.;
+            double pz = 0.;
+            double Ech = 0.;
+            double Enh = 0.;
+            double Eph = 0.;
+            for(ReconstructedParticle p:rl)
+            {
+               Etot += p.getEnergy();
+               Hep3Vector mom = p.getMomentum();
+               px += mom.x();
+               py += mom.y();
+               pz += mom.z();
+               if(p.getCharge() == 0.)
+               {
+                  if(p.getMass() == 0.)Eph += p.getEnergy();
+                  else Enh += p.getEnergy();
+               }
+               else Ech += p.getEnergy();
+            }
+            double M = Math.sqrt(Etot*Etot - px*px - py*py - pz*pz);
+            double dE = Etot - ZE;
+            if(Etot/ZE > 1.5)
+            {
+               System.out.println("dE = "+dE+": Etot, ZE = "+Etot+", "+ZE);
+               throw new RuntimeException("oops");
+            }
+            double nhfrac = Enh/ZE;
+            double dM = M - Zmass;
+            int nhfb = 0;
+            if(nhfrac > .25)nhfb = 4;
+            else if(nhfrac > .1)nhfb = 3;
+            else if(nhfrac > .05)nhfb = 2;
+            else if(nhfrac > 0.)nhfb = 1;
+            if(ct < cutval[0])
+            {
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[0]+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[0]+"/dM",nmax).fill(dM);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[0]+"/nhE fraction",nmax).fill(nhfrac);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[0]+"/nhfbin "+nhfb+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+            }
+            else if(ct < cutval[1])
+            {
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[1]+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[1]+"/dM",nmax).fill(dM);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[1]+"/nhE fraction",nmax).fill(nhfrac);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[1]+"/nhfbin "+nhfb+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+            }
+            if(ct < cutval[2])
+            {
+                aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[2]+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+                aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[2]+"/dM",nmax).fill(dM);
+                aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[2]+"/nhE fraction",nmax).fill(nhfrac);
+                aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[2]+"/nhfbin "+nhfb+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+            }
+            aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+ctname[ctb]+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+            aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+ctname[ctb]+"/dM",nmax).fill(dM);
+            if(ct < .8)
+            {
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+phiname[phib]+"/dE",nmax).fill(dE);
+               aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+phiname[phib]+"/dM",nmax).fill(dM);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      ievt++;
+   }
+   protected void suspend()
+   {
+      IDataPointSet[][] dpsM = new IDataPointSet[rplnames.size()][cutname.length];
+      IDataPointSet[][] dpsE = new IDataPointSet[rplnames.size()][cutname.length];
+      IDataPointSet[][] dpsE2 = new IDataPointSet[rplnames.size()][cutname.length];
+      IDataPointSet[][] dpsE3 = new IDataPointSet[rplnames.size()][cutname.length];
+      for(int i=0;i<rplnames.size();i++)
+      {
+         for(int j=0;j<cutname.length;j++)
+         {
+            dpsM[i][j] = dpsf.create(rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":mean90 vs cmE",rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":m90 vs cmE",2);
+            dpsE[i][j] = dpsf.create(rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":alpha90 vs jetE",rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":alph vs jetE",2);
+            dpsE2[i][j] = dpsf.create(rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":dEoE vs cmE",rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":res vs cmE",2);
+            dpsE3[i][j] = dpsf.create(rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":dEoE vs jetE",rplnames.get(i)+":"+cutname[j]+":res vs jetE",2);
+         }
+      }
+      for(int iE=0;iE<nE;iE++)
+      {
+      ZE = Eevt[iE];
+      System.out.println("Results for cmE = "+ZE+": jetE = "+ZE/2.);
+      for(int k=0;k<rplnames.size();k++)
+      {
+         String rpname = rplnames.get(k);
+         System.out.println(" ReconstructedParticles = "+rpname);
+         String rname = "cmE="+Eevt[iE]+"/"+rpname;
+         System.out.println("    ctcut   entries  mean   rms    m90    rms90   alpha90 jetdE/E");
+         for(int i=0;i<cutname.length;i++)
+         {
+             ICloud1D thisc = aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+cutname[i]+"/dE");
+             double r90 = calc.calculateRMS90(thisc);
+             double m90 = calc.getMEAN90();
+             int ent = thisc.entries();
+             double m = thisc.mean();
+             double r = thisc.rms();
+             double alpha = r90/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+             double dEoE = r90/(ZE+m90);
+             double err = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+             double err2 = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/(ZE+m90);
+             double errm = 1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(.9*ent);
+             double jde = r90*Math.sqrt(2.)/(ZE+m90);
+             System.out.println(cutname[i]+" "+ent+" "+m+" "+r+" "+m90+" "+r90+" "+alpha+" "+jde);
+            dpsM[k][i].addPoint();
+            dpsE[k][i].addPoint();
+            dpsE2[k][i].addPoint();
+            dpsE3[k][i].addPoint();
+            IDataPoint dpm = dpsM[k][i].point(iE);
+            IDataPoint dp = dpsE[k][i].point(iE);
+            IDataPoint dp2 = dpsE2[k][i].point(iE);
+            IDataPoint dp3 = dpsE3[k][i].point(iE);
+            dp.coordinate(0).setValue(ZE/2.);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setValue(alpha);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err);
+            dp2.coordinate(0).setValue(ZE);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setValue(dEoE);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err2);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err2);
+            dpm.coordinate(0).setValue(ZE);
+            dpm.coordinate(1).setValue(m90);
+            dpm.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(errm);
+            dpm.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(errm);
+            dp3.coordinate(0).setValue(ZE/2.);
+            dp3.coordinate(1).setValue(dEoE*Math.sqrt(2.));
+            dp3.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err2*Math.sqrt(2.));
+            dp3.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err2*Math.sqrt(2.));
+         }
+         IDataPointSet dps = dpsf.create(rname+":alpha90 vs ct",rpname+":alph vs ct",2);
+         IDataPointSet dps2 = dpsf.create(rname+":dEoE vs ct",rpname+":res vs ct",2);
+         IDataPointSet dps5 = dpsf.create(rname+":mean dE vs ct",rpname+":m90 vs ct",2);
+         double ll=0.;
+         for(int i=0;i<ctl.length;i++)
+	 {
+	    ICloud1D thisc = aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+ctname[i]+"/dE");
+            double r90 = calc.calculateRMS90(thisc);
+            double m90 = calc.getMEAN90();
+            int ent = thisc.entries();
+            double alpha = r90/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+            double dEoE = r90/(ZE+m90);
+            if(i > 0)ll = ctl[i-1];
+            double x = (ctl[i]+ll)/2.;
+            double err = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+            double err2 = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/(ZE+m90);
+            double err5 = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(.9*ent));
+            dps.addPoint();
+            dps2.addPoint();
+            dps5.addPoint();
+            IDataPoint dp = dps.point(i);
+            IDataPoint dp2 = dps2.point(i);
+            IDataPoint dp5 = dps5.point(i);
+            dp.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setValue(alpha);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err);
+            dp2.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setValue(dEoE);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err2);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err2);
+            dp5.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp5.coordinate(1).setValue(m90);
+            dp5.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err5);
+            dp5.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err5);
+         }
+         IDataPointSet dps3 = dpsf.create(rname+":alpha90 vs phi",rname+":alph vs phi",2);
+         IDataPointSet dps4 = dpsf.create(rname+":dEoE vs phi",rname+":res vs phi",2);
+         IDataPointSet dps6 = dpsf.create(rname+":mean dE vs phi",rname+":m90 vs phi",2);
+         ll=1.;
+         for(int i=0;i<phil.length;i++)
+	 {
+	    ICloud1D thisc = aida.cloud1D(rname+"/"+phiname[i]+"/dE");
+            double r90 = calc.calculateRMS90(thisc);
+            double m90 = calc.getMEAN90();
+            int ent = thisc.entries();
+            double alpha = r90/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+            double dEoE = r90/(ZE+m90);
+            if(i > 0)ll = phil[i-1];
+            double x = (phil[i]+ll)/2.;
+            double err = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/Math.sqrt(ZE+m90);
+            double err2 = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(1.8*ent))/(ZE+m90);
+            double err6 = (1.1*r90/Math.sqrt(.9*ent));
+            dps3.addPoint();
+            dps4.addPoint();
+            dps6.addPoint();
+            IDataPoint dp = dps3.point(i);
+            IDataPoint dp2 = dps4.point(i);
+            IDataPoint dp6 = dps6.point(i);
+            dp.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setValue(alpha);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err);
+            dp.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err);
+            dp2.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setValue(dEoE);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err2);
+            dp2.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err2);
+            dp6.coordinate(0).setValue(x);
+            dp6.coordinate(1).setValue(m90);
+            dp6.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(err6);
+            dp6.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(err6);
+         }
+      }
+      }
+      super.suspend();
+   }
CVSspam 0.2.8