Commit in lcsim/sandbox/Partridge on MAIN 1.1
Stash version of FastCheck with lots of printouts in the sandbox area

lcsim/sandbox/Partridge added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	14 Nov 2010 00:36:31 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import org.lcsim.constants.Constants;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.BarrelEndcapFlag;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.diagnostic.ISeedTrackerDiagnostics;
+ *
+ * @author Richard Partridge
+ */
+public class FastCheck {
+    private SeedStrategy _strategy;
+    private double _bfield;
+    private double _RMin;
+    private double _dMax;
+    private double _z0Max;
+    private double _nsig;
+    private TwoPointCircleFitter _cfit2;
+    private ThreePointCircleFitter _cfit3;
+    private static double twopi = 2. * Math.PI;
+    private double _eps = 1.0e-6;
+    private ISeedTrackerDiagnostics _diag;
+    public FastCheck(SeedStrategy strategy, double bfield, ISeedTrackerDiagnostics diag) {
+        _strategy = strategy;
+        _bfield = bfield;
+        _diag = diag;
+        //  Calculate the minimum radius of curvature, maximum DCA and Maximum z0
+        _RMin = strategy.getMinPT() / (Constants.fieldConversion * bfield);
+        _dMax = strategy.getMaxDCA();
+        _z0Max = strategy.getMaxZ0();
+        _nsig = Math.sqrt(strategy.getMaxChisq());
+        //  Instantiate the two point circle fitter for this minimum radius, maximum DCA
+        _cfit2 = new TwoPointCircleFitter(_RMin);
+        //  Instantiate the three point circle fitter
+        _cfit3 = new ThreePointCircleFitter();
+    }
+    public boolean CheckHitSeed(HelicalTrackHit hit, SeedCandidate seed) {
+        //  Check the hit against each hit in the seed
+        for (HelicalTrackHit hit2 : seed.getHits()) {
+            if (!TwoPointCircleCheck(hit, hit2, seed)) return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public boolean CheckSector(SeedCandidate seed, Sector sector) {
+        boolean match = false;
+        if (_diag != null && seed.isTrueSeed()) {
+            for (HelicalTrackHit hit : sector.Hits()) {
+                for (MCParticle mcp : hit.getMCParticles()) {
+                    if (seed.getMCParticles().contains(mcp)) match = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //  Get limits on r, phi, and z for hits in this sector
+        double rmin = sector.rmin();
+        double rmax = sector.rmax();
+        double phimin = sector.phimin();
+        double phimax = sector.phimax();
+        double zmin = sector.zmin();
+        double zmax = sector.zmax();
+        //  Calculate the midpoint and half the span in phi for this layer
+        double midphisec = (phimin + phimax) / 2.;
+        double dphisec = 0.5 * (phimax - phimin);
+        //  Check each hit for compatibility with this sector
+        for (HelicalTrackHit hit : seed.getHits()) {
+            //  Adjust the hit position for stereo hits
+            CorrectHitPosition(hit, seed);
+            //  Calculate the max track angle change between the hit and sector layer
+            double dphitrk1 = dphimax(hit.r(), rmin);
+            double dphitrk2 = dphimax(hit.r(), rmax);
+            double dphitrk = Math.max(dphitrk1, dphitrk2);
+            //  Calculate the phi dev between the hit and midpoint of the sector
+            double dphi = phidif(hit.phi(), midphisec);
+            //  The maximum dphi is the sum of the track bend and half the sector span
+            double dphimx = dphitrk + dphisec;
+            if (dphi > dphimx) {
+                if (match) {
+                    for (MCParticle mcp : seed.getMCParticles()) {
+                        System.out.println("phi sector error - p: "+mcp.getMomentum().toString());
+                    }
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            double smin1 = smin(rmin);
+            double smax1 = smax(rmax);
+            double r = hit.r();
+            double smin2 = smin(r);
+            double smax2 = smax(r);
+            //  Get the z limits for the hit
+            double zlen = 0.;
+            if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) {
+                zlen = ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit).zlen();
+            }
+            double zmin2 = hit.z() - 0.5 * zlen;
+            double zmax2 = zmin2 + zlen;
+            //  Check the z0 limits
+            boolean zOK = checkz0(smin1, smax1, zmin, zmax, smin2, smax2, zmin2, zmax2);
+            if (!zOK) {
+                if (match) {
+                    for (MCParticle mcp : seed.getMCParticles()) {
+                        System.out.println("z sector error - p: "+mcp.getMomentum().toString());
+                    }
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public boolean CheckSectorPair(Sector s1, Sector s2) {
+        //  Calculate the maximum change in azimuth
+        double dphi1 = dphimax(s1.rmin(), s2.rmax());
+        double dphi2 = dphimax(s1.rmax(), s2.rmin());
+        //  Calculate the angular difference between the midpoints of the 2 sectors
+        double mid1 = (s1.phimax() + s1.phimin()) / 2.0;
+        double mid2 = (s2.phimax() + s2.phimin()) / 2.0;
+        double dmid = phidif(mid1, mid2);
+        //  Calculate the half widths of the 2 sectors
+        double wid1 = s1.phimax() - mid1;
+        double wid2 = s2.phimax() - mid2;
+        //  Check that the sectors are compatible in the bend coordinate
+        boolean phiOK;
+        phiOK = dmid < dphi1 + wid1 + wid2;
+        if (!phiOK) phiOK = dmid < dphi2 + wid1 + wid2;
+        if (!phiOK) return false;
+        // Get the minimum and maximum path lengths
+        double s1min = smin(s1.rmin());
+        double s2min = smin(s2.rmin());
+        double s1max = smax(s1.rmax());
+        double s2max = smax(s2.rmax());
+        //  Get the minimum and maximum z's
+        double z1min = s1.zmin();
+        double z2min = s2.zmin();
+        double z1max = s1.zmax();
+        double z2max = s2.zmax();
+        //  Check that the sectors are compatible in the non-bend coordinate
+        boolean zOK = checkz0(s1min, s1max, z1min, z1max, s2min, s2max, z2min, z2max);
+        return zOK;
+    }
+    public boolean TwoPointCircleCheck(HelicalTrackHit hit1, HelicalTrackHit hit2, SeedCandidate seed) {
+        boolean match = false;
+        MCParticle mcp = null;
+        for (MCParticle mcptrial : hit1.getMCParticles()) {
+            if (hit2.getMCParticles().contains(mcptrial)) {
+//                match = true;
+                mcp = mcptrial;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        //  Initialize the hit coordinates for an unknown track direction
+        CorrectHitPosition(hit1, seed);
+        CorrectHitPosition(hit2, seed);
+        //  Check that hits are outside the maximum DCA
+        if (hit1.r() < _dMax || hit2.r() < _dMax) return false;
+        //  Try to find a circle passing through the 2 hits and the maximum DCA
+        boolean success = false;
+        try
+        {
+            success = _cfit2.FitCircle(hit1, hit2, _dMax);
+        }
+        catch(Exception x){}
+        //  Check for success
+        if (!success) return false;
+        //  Initialize the minimum/maximum arc lengths
+        double s1min = 1.0e99;
+        double s1max = -1.0e99;
+        double s2min = 1.0e99;
+        double s2max = -1.0e99;
+        //  Loop over the circle fits and find the min/max arc lengths
+        for (TwoPointCircleFit fit : _cfit2.getCircleFits()) {
+            double s1 = fit.s1();
+            double s2 = fit.s2();
+            if (s1 < s1min) s1min = s1;
+            if (s1 > s1max) s1max = s1;
+            if (s2 < s2min) s2min = s2;
+            if (s2 > s2max) s2max = s2;
+        }
+        //  If we are consistent with a straight-line fit, update the minimum s1, s2
+        TwoPointLineFit lfit = _cfit2.getLineFit();
+        if (lfit != null) {
+            //  Find the distance from the DCA to the maximum DCA circle
+            double x0 = lfit.x0();
+            double y0 = lfit.y0();
+            double s0 = 0.;
+            double s0sq = _dMax*_dMax - (x0*x0 + y0*y0);
+            if (s0sq > _eps*_eps) s0 = Math.sqrt(s0sq);
+            //  Update the minimum arc length to the distance from the DCA to the hit
+            s1min = lfit.s1() - s0;
+            s2min = lfit.s2() - s0;
+        }
+        //  Now check for consistent hits in the s-z plane
+        //  First get the z limits for the hits
+        double z1len = 0.;
+        double z2len = 0.;
+        if (hit1 instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) {
+            z1len = ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit1).zlen();
+        }
+        if (hit2 instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) {
+            z2len = ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit2).zlen();
+        }
+        double z1min = hit1.z() - 0.5 * z1len;
+        double z1max = z1min + z1len;
+        double z2min = hit2.z() - 0.5 * z2len;
+        double z2max = z2min + z2len;
+        if (match) System.out.println(" z1min: "+z1min+" z1max: "+z1max+" z2min: "+z2min+" z2max: "+z2max);
+        if (match) System.out.println("Hit 1 position: "+hit1.getCorrectedPosition().toString());
+        if (match) System.out.println("Hit 2 position: "+hit2.getCorrectedPosition().toString());
+        if (match) {
+            HelixParamCalculator hmc = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, _bfield);
+            double[] pars = new double[5];
+            pars[HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex] = hmc.getMCOmega();
+            pars[HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex] = hmc.getDCA();
+            pars[HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index] = hmc.getPhi0();
+            pars[HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex] = hmc.getSlopeSZPlane();
+            pars[HelicalTrackFit.z0Index] = hmc.getZ0();
+            HelicalTrackFit helixmc = new HelicalTrackFit(pars, null, null, null, null, null);
+            double s1mc = HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(helixmc, hit1.z());
+            Hep3Vector pos1mc = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helixmc, s1mc);
+            double s2mc = HelixUtils.PathToZPlane(helixmc, hit2.z());
+            Hep3Vector pos2mc = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helixmc, s2mc);
+            System.out.println("s1 mc: "+s1mc+" pos 1 mc: "+pos1mc.toString());
+            System.out.println("s2 mc: "+s2mc+" pos 2 mc: "+pos2mc.toString());
+            if (hit1 instanceof HelicalTrackCross) {
+                HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) hit1;
+                for (HelicalTrackStrip strip : cross.getStrips()) {
+                    Hep3Vector dist = VecOp.sub(VecOp.add(strip.origin(), VecOp.mult(strip.umeas(), strip.u())), pos1mc);
+                    System.out.println("Strip 1 error: "+(, strip.u())));
+                }
+            }
+            if (hit2 instanceof HelicalTrackCross) {
+                HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) hit2;
+                for (HelicalTrackStrip strip : cross.getStrips()) {
+                    Hep3Vector dist = VecOp.sub(VecOp.add(strip.origin(), VecOp.mult(strip.umeas(), strip.u())), pos2mc);
+                    System.out.println("Strip 2 error: "+(, strip.u())));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //  Check the z0 limits using the min/max path lengths
+        boolean zOK = checkz0(s1min, s1max, z1min, z1max, s2min, s2max, z2min, z2max);
+        //  Done!
+        return zOK;
+    }
+    public boolean ThreePointHelixCheck(HelicalTrackHit hit1, HelicalTrackHit hit2, HelicalTrackHit hit3) {
+        //  Setup for a 3 point circle fit
+        double p[][] = new double[3][2];
+        double[] pos;
+        double z[] = new double[3];
+        double dztot = 0.;
+        int indx;
+        HelicalTrackHit hit;
+        boolean zfirst = true;
+        //  While not terribly elegant, code for speed
+        //  Use calls that give uncorrected position and error
+        //  Get the relevant variables for hit 1
+        indx = 0;
+        hit = hit1;
+        pos = hit.getPosition();
+        p[indx][0] = pos[0];
+        p[indx][1] = pos[1];
+        z[indx] = pos[2];
+        if (hit.BarrelEndcapFlag() == BarrelEndcapFlag.BARREL) {
+            if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack3DHit) dztot += _nsig * ((HelicalTrack3DHit) hit).dz();
+            else {
+                zfirst = false;
+                if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) dztot += ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit).zlen() / 2.;
+                else dztot += _nsig * Math.sqrt(hit.getCovMatrix()[5]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            dztot += hit.dr() * Math.abs(pos[2]) / Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]);
+        }
+         //  Get the relevant variables for hit 2
+        indx = 1;
+        hit = hit2;
+        pos = hit.getPosition();
+        p[indx][0] = pos[0];
+        p[indx][1] = pos[1];
+        z[indx] = pos[2];
+        if (hit.BarrelEndcapFlag() == BarrelEndcapFlag.BARREL) {
+            if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack3DHit) dztot += _nsig * ((HelicalTrack3DHit) hit).dz();
+            else {
+                zfirst = false;
+                if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) dztot += ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit).zlen() / 2.;
+                else dztot += _nsig * Math.sqrt(hit.getCovMatrix()[5]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            dztot += hit.dr() * Math.abs(pos[2]) / Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]);
+        }
+        //  Get the relevant variables for hit 3
+        indx = 2;
+        hit = hit3;
+        pos = hit.getPosition();
+        p[indx][0] = pos[0];
+        p[indx][1] = pos[1];
+        z[indx] = pos[2];
+        if (hit.BarrelEndcapFlag() == BarrelEndcapFlag.BARREL) {
+            if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack3DHit) dztot += _nsig * ((HelicalTrack3DHit) hit).dz();
+            else {
+                zfirst = false;
+                if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit) dztot += ((HelicalTrack2DHit) hit).zlen() / 2.;
+                else dztot += _nsig * Math.sqrt(hit.getCovMatrix()[5]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            dztot += hit.dr() * Math.abs(pos[2]) / Math.sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]);
+        }
+        //  Add multiple scattering error here - for now, just set it to 1 mm
+        dztot += 1.;
+        //  Unless the three hits are all pixel hits, do the circle checks first
+        if (!zfirst) {
+            if (!TwoPointCircleCheck(hit1, hit3, null)) return false;
+            if (!TwoPointCircleCheck(hit2, hit3, null)) return false;
+        }
+        //  Do the 3 point circle fit and check for success
+        boolean success =[0], p[1], p[2]);
+        if (!success) return false;
+        //  Retrieve the circle parameters
+        CircleFit circle = _cfit3.getFit();
+        double xc = circle.x0();
+        double yc = circle.y0();
+        double rc = Math.sqrt(xc*xc + yc*yc);
+        double rcurv = circle.radius();
+        //  Find the point of closest approach
+        double x0 = xc * (1. - rcurv / rc);
+        double y0 = yc * (1. - rcurv / rc);
+        //  Find the x-y arc lengths to the hits and the smallest arc length
+        double phi0 = Math.atan2(y0-yc, x0-xc);
+        double[] dphi = new double[3];
+        double dphimin = 999.;
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            //  Find the angle between the hits and the DCA under the assumption that |dphi| < pi
+            dphi[i] = Math.atan2(p[i][1]-yc, p[i][0]-xc) - phi0;
+            if (dphi[i] > Math.PI) dphi[i] -= twopi;
+            if (dphi[i] < -Math.PI) dphi[i] += twopi;
+//            System.out.println("dphi = "+dphi[i]+" for hit "+i);
+            if (Math.abs(dphi[i]) < Math.abs(dphimin)) dphimin = dphi[i];
+        }
+        //  Use the hit closest to the DCA to determine the circle "direction"
+        boolean cw = dphimin < 0.;
+        //  Find the arc lengths to the hits
+        double[] s = new double[3];
+        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            //  Arc set to be positive if they have the same sign as dphimin
+            if (cw) s[i] = -dphi[i] * rcurv;
+            else s[i] = dphi[i] * rcurv;
+            //  Treat the case where a point has dphi opposite in sign to dphimin as an incoming looper hit
+            if (s[i] < 0.) s[i] += twopi * rcurv;
+        }
+        //  Order the arc lengths and z info by increasing arc length
+        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+            for (int j=i+1; j<3; j++) {
+                if (s[j] < s[i]) {
+                    double temp = s[i];
+                    s[i] = s[j];
+                    s[j] = temp;
+                    temp = z[i];
+                    z[i] = z[j];
+                    z[j] = temp;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //  Predict the middle z and see if it is consistent with the measurements
+        double slope = (z[2] - z[0]) / (s[2] - s[0]);
+        double z0 = z[0] - s[0] * slope;
+        double zpred = z0 + s[1] * slope;
+        if (Math.abs(zpred - z[1]) > dztot) return false;
+        //  If we haven't already done the circle checks, do them now
+        if (zfirst) {
+            if (!TwoPointCircleCheck(hit1, hit3, null)) return false;
+            if (!TwoPointCircleCheck(hit2, hit3, null)) return false;
+        }
+        //  Passed all checks - success!
+        return true;
+    }
+    private double dphimax(double r1, double r2) {
+        //  Order the two radii
+        double rmin = r1;
+        double rmax = r2;
+        if (rmin > rmax) {
+            rmin = r2;
+            rmax = r1;
+        }
+        //  Don't let the maximum DCA exceed rmin
+        double d = _dMax;
+        if (d > rmin) d = rmin = _eps;
+        //  First try for a circle that fits between the DCA and rmax...
+        double R = (rmax + _dMax) / 2.0 + _eps;
+        //  ...but don't let the circle have a radius smaller than the minimum allowed
+        if (R < _RMin) R = _RMin;
+        //  Calculate the maximum deviations from a straight-line track
+        double cth1 = (d * d + rmin * rmin - 2 * R * d) / (2 * rmin * (R - d));
+        double cth2 = (d * d + rmax * rmax - 2 * R * d) / (2 * rmax * (R - d));
+        if (Math.abs(cth1) > 1 || Math.abs(cth2) > 1) return 0.;
+        return phidif(Math.acos(cth1), Math.acos(cth2));
+    }
+    private double smin(double r) {
+        return r - _dMax;
+    }
+    private double smax(double r) {
+        double R = _RMin;
+        if (r > _RMin) R = r;
+        return 2.0 * R * Math.asin((r + _dMax) / (2.0 * R));
+    }
+    private boolean checkz0(double s1min, double s1max, double zmin1, double zmax1,
+            double s2min, double s2max, double zmin2, double zmax2) {
+        double z0[] = new double[2];
+        double z1[] = new double[4];
+        double z2[] = new double[2];
+        double s1[] = new double[4];
+        double s2[] = new double[2];
+        //  Set limits on z0
+        z0[0] = -_z0Max;
+        z0[1] = _z0Max;
+        //  Set corners of allowed region for s1, z1
+        z1[0] = zmin1;
+        z1[1] = zmin1;
+        z1[2] = zmax1;
+        z1[3] = zmax1;
+        s1[0] = s1min;
+        s1[1] = s1max;
+        s1[2] = s1min;
+        s1[3] = s1max;
+        //  Set limits on z2, s2
+        z2[0] = zmin2;
+        z2[1] = zmax2;
+        s2[0] = s2min;
+        s2[1] = s2max;
+        //  Initialize min/max of s, z at point 2
+        double zmax = -1.0e10;
+        double zmin = 1.0e10;
+        double smax = -1.0e10;
+        double smin = 1.0e10;
+        //  Loop over z0 limits
+        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
+            //  Loop over corners of s1, z1
+            for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
+                //  Calculate slope of line in s-z space from z0 limit to point 1 corner
+                double slope = (z1[j] - z0[i]) / s1[j];
+                //  Loop over limits on z2, s2
+                for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
+                    //  Calculate extrapolation of s-z line to the point 2 limit
+                    double z = z0[i] + s2[k] * slope;
+                    double s = (z2[k] - z0[i]) / slope;
+                    //  Find the min/max values of the extrapolated s, z at point 2
+                    if (z > zmax) zmax = z;
+                    if (z < zmin) zmin = z;
+                    if (s > smax) smax = s;
+                    if (s < smin) smin = s;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //  Check to see if the extrapolated points are consistent with measurements
+        boolean checkz0 = (zmin2 <= zmax && zmax2 >= zmin) || (s2min <= smax && s2max >= smin);
+        return checkz0;
+    }
+    private double phidif(double phi1, double phi2) {
+        //  Find the magnitude of the phi difference
+        double phidif = Math.abs(phi2 - phi1);
+        //  Properly wrap around two pi to always give the smaller phi dif
+        if (phidif > Math.PI) phidif = 2. * Math.PI - phidif;
+        return phidif;
+    }
+    private void CorrectHitPosition(HelicalTrackHit hit, SeedCandidate seed) {
+        if (hit instanceof HelicalTrackCross) {
+            HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) hit;
+            HelicalTrackFit helix = null;
+            if (seed != null) helix = seed.getHelix();
+            if (helix != null) {
+                TrackDirection trkdir = HelixUtils.CalculateTrackDirection(helix, helix.PathMap().get(hit));
+                cross.setTrackDirection(trkdir, helix.covariance());
+            } else {
+                cross.resetTrackDirection();
+            }
+        }
+    }
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CVSspam 0.2.8