

Hello All,
 First, thanks to Nikolai for his presentation.  I had a few followup questions
to this morning's presentation to make sure I understood the content of

1.)  There was some question about the content of the file excl-8e4-pl.
     The slide says the particle position is on the face of the nozzle, but during
     the talk it was mentioned that that was a typo. Plotting r-z for the contents
     of the file indicates that the particles are being produced from +/-~7m in z
    and out to 2m in r.

2.) The readme file at
      describes the format of the file, but there are more columns than are
     documented. Can someone remind me of the full format of this text file
     so I can make the distributions myself?

3.) Is it correct that this file represents 1% of a mu+ beam bunch?
      Do other runs exist? There were questions during the talk about
      the magnitude of fluctuations. I would expect that anything with 100 million
      particles would be smooth, but if the files exist, it would be easy enough
      to do this study.

4.) Do files corresponding to the mu- bunch exist? If so, please point me to them.
      I would like to understand how smooth these distributions are, and if there
      are any systematic differences between the two beams.

I understand fully that this is very much a work in progress, but I would appreciate
the opportunity to understand the current snapshot.

From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Estia Eichten
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 12:22 PM
To: mcd-l
Cc: Young-Kee Kim; Ron Lipton
Subject: Muon Collider Physics and Detectors Meeting - Tomorrow

Hi All,

  The meetings of the Muon Collider Physics and Detector Working Group will resume tomorrow:
        Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 11:30 AM  to 12:30 PM CST in the Fishtank (WH 13th floor  crossover)

    Remote access is available at:

       To Join the Audio Conference
           Dial-In:           1 (888) 762-3768
                                   1 (847) 944-7644    Local US
           Enter Passcode:       9765689#

    Slides will be available at:

    The agenda is:
      (1) Introductory remarks and update of developments (Estia Eichten + ...)
      (2)  Nikolai Terentiev, "Update on MARS simulation and CLICCT geometry"  30 minutes

    We encourage your active participation.

    -- Estia