

Commit in lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples on MAIN 1.1 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.2
2 added + 2 modified, total 4 files
Added more examples

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	29 Dec 2010 22:26:56 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import java.util.Random;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.pixsim.*;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.FieldMap;
+import hep.physics.vec.*;
+import hep.aida.*;
+ *
+ *
+ * Created on July 31, 2005, 3:03 PM
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * @author Nick Sinev
+ */
+public class CarrierPropagatorMakeTable 
+  /*
+  *  Here is the example of how to create CarrierPropagator tables.
+  *  The CarrierPropagator can simulate charge collection in the
+  *  pixilated sensor by simulating the movements of every charge
+  *  carreier, generated by ionizing particle on it's path through 
+  *  sensor. But this takes a long time, and not sutable for pixilated
+  *  sensor digitization simulation in the event processing framework
+  *  of org.lcsim, where thousands of track segments may be observed in 
+  *  the vertex detector sensors in every event. For such application
+  *  it is more rational to do full simulation of charge carrier propagation 
+  *  from evry point inside sensitive volume of silicon, and determine 
+  *  probability of collecting this charge by central or any of neighboring
+  *  pixels. Such probabilities can be saved in the form of tables in
+  *  special file, and be used for faster simulation of charge collection.
+  *  Creating of such table is very lenghtly process, it depends on how
+  *  fine grid of sample points inside pixel we want to have, and how
+  *  many times we want to propagate particle from the same point to
+  *  get estimation of collection probabilities.
+  *  For 16x16x12 micron pixel, with 0.5 micron spacing between sample
+  *  points (in either direction) and 1000 tests in each point we will
+  *  create grid of 24576 points and generate 24576000 charge carrier tracks.
+  *  On my DELL Optiflex 745 desctop, running 2 CPUs at 2.66 GHz with 3.25 GB
+  *  of memory, it took about 5 hours to make such table.
+  *  Before investing such amount of CPU time into table creation, it makes
+  *  sense to generate more accurate electric field map (not the coarse one,
+  *  used in previous examples). Here I am using map with 0.2 micron spacing.
+  *  I did not put such map into CVS, as it is rather large. So, you will
+  *  need to create your own one, and edit this file for proper map file name.
+  */ 
+    public static void main(String[] args)  throws IOException
+    {
+     /* the name of the output file for CarrierPropagator table: */
+     String oname = "Chronopix_20x20x20_hr_B5_EC_propagator.dat";
+     /* The name of electric field map file (converted from TCAD into regular grid map 
+     *  see for example of how to do such conversion.)
+     */ 
+     String efname = "thick3d_20hr_2V_emap";
+     String tcmname = efname+".txt";
+     /* We are going to use TCAD Field Map for electric field */ 
+     TCADFieldMap tc_fm= new TCADFieldMap(efname);
+     /* Reading in electric field. If there are problems - nothing we can do here. */
+     if(!tc_fm.readMap(tcmname)) return;
+     System.out.println("Found normalized field map file: "+tcmname);
+     /*
+     *   Dimensions of field map can tell us about pixel dimensions,
+     *   as correctly saved field map should be exactly of the size of one pixel.
+     */
+     double[] flims = tc_fm.getMapLimits();
+     double pszx = flims[1]-flims[0];
+     double pszy = flims[3]-flims[2];
+     double pszz = flims[5]-flims[4];
+     System.out.println("Field limits: X"+flims[0]+" "+flims[1]+" Y: "+flims[2]+" "+flims[3]+" Z: "+flims[4]+" "+flims[5]); 
+    /*
+     * We need to define magnetic field also.
+     * This should be in the sensor coordinate system, which is same as global for EC 
+     * (inversed B direction for z-minus ec)
+     * For barrel sensors y axis is directed along global z, so for them Bfield should be (0.,5.,0.) 
+     * Bfield in endcap would not do anything if e-field is always parallel to z axis (as in case of CCD), 
+     * but for complex e-field  map, like in active pixel devices, Bfield may have some effect
+    */ 
+     Hep3Vector B = new BasicHep3Vector(0.,0.,0.);
+     NamedFieldMap Bfield = new UniformFieldMap(B);
+     /* tell them, that this is silicon detector ! */
+     Medium bulk=new Silicon();
+     /* PixelConfiguration objec may have name, which the first argument in following call sets.
+     *  Currently this name is not used anywhere, except for interactive info output
+     */
+     PixelConfiguration pcf = new PixelConfiguration("Chrono_20x20x20hr_2V_EC",bulk,tc_fm,Bfield,pszx,pszy,pszz);
+     /* announce that B field is uniform - to speed up Lorentz angle calculations */
+     pcf.setBFieldIsUniform(true);
+     /* define pixel inner geometry. 
+     *  See for detailed explanations.
+     */
+     List<SensorRegion> collectors = new ArrayList<SensorRegion>();
+     List<SensorRegion> absorbers = new ArrayList<SensorRegion>();
+     List<SensorRegion>  reflectors = new ArrayList<SensorRegion>();
+     SensorRegion ce = new SensorRegion();
+     ce.setBox(0.,0.,0.,0.004,0.004,0.002);
+     collectors.add(ce);
+     SensorRegion refl = new SensorRegion();
+       refl.setBoxLimits(flims[0],flims[1],flims[2],flims[3],flims[5]-0.002,flims[5]+0.002);
+       reflectors.add(refl);
+       SensorRegion ab = new SensorRegion();
+       ab.setBoxLimits(flims[0],flims[1],flims[2],flims[3],-0.001,0.0001);
+       absorbers.add(ab);
+     pcf.setCollectors(collectors);
+     pcf.setAbsorbers(absorbers);
+     pcf.setReflectors(reflectors);
+     /* Now, when pixel configuration is set, we can create CarrierPropagator for this pixel: */
+     CarrierPropagator cpr = new CarrierPropagator(pcf);
+     /* setting simulation steps - again, see for explanations. */
+     cpr.setDiffusionSteps(0.0005);
+     cpr.setDriftSteps(0.0002);
+//     cpr.setIgnoreDiffusion(true);  // for debuging only 
+     /* In call to makeTable function, we define how many cells in each direction
+     *  our table will be made of. To have cell size 0.5 micron we need 40x40x40 cells for our pixel size.
+     *  Also, the statistics for each point (1000), and number of neighboring pixels (7x7 matrix) are
+     *  passed as arguments.
+     */
+     System.out.println("OK, be partient. It will take long, long time (hours) to finish"); 
+     cpr.makeTable(oname,1000,21,21,21,7,7);
+     /*
+     * And finally we will see this message: 
+     */
+     System.out.println("Table is recorded !");
+   }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	29 Dec 2010 22:26:56 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.pixsim.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.trackingdrivers.clic_sid.MainTrackingDriver;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+public class TrackingWithPixSimTest extends Driver
+   int evnum = 0;
+    AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    ITree tree = aida.tree();
+    IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+    IHistogramFactory hf = af.createHistogramFactory(tree);
+    IHistogram1D hnhptr = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of hits linked to track",40,0,40);
+    IHistogram1D hnmchpe = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of hits linked to MC particle in event",40,0,40);
+    IHistogram1D hlthr = hf.createHistogram1D("Hit pos. radius of linked to track hits",240,0,1200.);
+    IHistogram1D hltmcr = hf.createHistogram1D("Hit pos. radius of linked to MC particle hits",240,0,1200.);
+    IHistogram2D hlthxy = hf.createHistogram2D("Hit pos. xy of linked to track hits",250,0.,250.,250,0.,250.);
+    IHistogram2D hltmcxy = hf.createHistogram2D("Hit pos. xy of linked to MC particle hits",250,0.,250.,250,0.,250.);
+    IHistogram2D hlthvxy = hf.createHistogram2D("Hit pos. xy of linked to track hits in VTX",160,0.,80.,160,0.,80.);
+    IHistogram2D hltmcvxy = hf.createHistogram2D("Hit pos. xy of linked to MC particle hits in VTX",160,0.,80.,160,0.,80.);
+    IHistogram1D hnarh = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of row hits associated with VTX hit",20,0,20);
+    IHistogram1D hspzr = hf.createHistogram1D("z residual of reconstructed  VTX hit",100,-25.,25.);
+    IHistogram1D hsprpr = hf.createHistogram1D("rphi residual of reconstructed  VTX hit",150,-25.,50.);
+    IHistogram1D hd0res = hf.createHistogram1D("reconstructed track d0 residual, microns",100,-25.,25.);
+    IHistogram1D hz0res = hf.createHistogram1D("reconstructed track z0 residual, microns",100,-25.,25.);
+    IHistogram1D hdptopt = hf.createHistogram1D("reconstructed track deltaPt over Pt",100,-0.02,0.02);
+//    IHistogram2D hrptvspt = hf.createHistogram2D("recon track relative Pt error vs Pt",100,0.,10.,50,-0.02,0.02);
+//    IHistogram2D hrd0vspt = hf.createHistogram2D("recon track d0 (u) vs Pt",100,0.,10.,50,-25,25);
+    IHistogram2D hcovrp = hf.createHistogram2D("rphi cov.matr. error estimate vs res. for  VTX hit",50,0.,25.,50,0.,5.);
+    IHistogram2D hcovz = hf.createHistogram2D("z cov.matr. error estimate vs res. for  VTX hit",50,0.,25.,50,0.,5.);
+    IHistogram1D hcptstm = hf.createHistogram1D("time stamp of central pixel in beam crossing intervals",50,0,200);
+    IHistogram1D hsptstm = hf.createHistogram1D("time stamp of over pixels in cluster in beam crossing intervals",100,0,400);
+   public TrackingWithPixSimTest()
+   {
+      // this constructor will build PixilatedSensorManager with sensor option Chronopis 20x20x20 u and use of propagator tables
+      // instead of following track of each charge carrier in the sensor
+        PixilatedSensorManager psm = new PixilatedSensorManager(SensorOption.Chrono20x20x20,true);
+      // available options are NOMINAL, SHORT_INT, LONG_INT or CLIC
+        psm.setIlcOption(IlcOption.CLIC);
+      // if option is CLIC we can set time window for accepting clusters. It is set in beam crossings (which is 0.5 ns for CLIC)
+      // and it works only with digiital readout (when chronopix electronics is used). By default for CLIC it is set to 50
+       psm.setTimeWindow(30);
+        psm.setNoiseLevel(25.);
+       // setting digital readout true or false will assign correct electronics for hit processing
+        psm.setDigitalReadout(true);
+      // these settings are relevant only if we are using analog readout. They are ignored if readout is digital
+       psm.setPixelThreshold(3);
+       psm.setClusterThreshold(6);
+     // and this  setting only make difference if electronics has analog readout .   
+      psm.setThresholdToNoiseRatio(4.5);
+      // including elrctronic noise hits may increase event processing time by orders of magnitude (depending on noise level and
+      // pixel threshold). So, unless we are interested in the ability of our software to handle huge number of hits, it is
+      // better to keep this option off (set it to false)
+        psm.includeElectronicsNoiseHits(false);
+      // we can use pixsim package with any detector, not only clic_sid. To be independent on the fact that detector conditions files
+      // may not have propagator tables for given type of sensors, we can set local option for tables, which will allow us
+      // to read tables not from LCdetectors/detectors/detector_name database, but from local file     
+        psm.useLocalPropagatorTables(false);
+      // and the same for resolution tables 
+        psm.useLocalResolutionTables(false);
+      // if we defined new sensor configuration and have used CarrierPropagatorMakeTable program to generate propagator tables,
+      // it is easy to build resolution tables, it can be done within pixilated sensor manager
+      // Second argument - number of tracks for each bin of tanlam, tanalpha and sigtonoise. With 1000 it will take about 10 minutes
+      // to build tables with more or less satisfactory precision. 
+//        psm.calibrateBarrelResolution(true,1000,"Chronopix_20x20x20_hr_B5_res_bar.dat");  
+//        psm.calibrateEndcapResolution(true,1000,"Chronopix_20x20x20_hr_B5_res_EC.dat","Chronopix_20x20x20_hr_res_EC.dat");
+    add(new MainTrackingDriver(psm));
+   }
+   public void process(EventHeader event) 
+   {
+    if(evnum%10 == 0) System.out.println("Processing event: "+evnum);
+    super.process(event);
+     List<List<TrackerHit>> evthits = event.get(TrackerHit.class);
+     List<List<HelicalTrackHit>> helhits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class);
+     List<List<Track>> trks = event.get(Track.class);
+     int nmclnk=0;
+     short[] tstmp = new short[50];
+     if(evthits != null)
+     {
+ //     System.out.println("Event has  "+evthits.size()+" TrackerHit collections: ");
+      int narh = 0;
+      double[] mchco=new double[3];
+      for(List<HelicalTrackHit> thits:helhits)
+      {
+        EventHeader.LCMetaData md = event.getMetaData(thits);
+//        System.out.println(md.getName()+" size: "+thits.size());
+        for(HelicalTrackHit tht:thits)
+       {
+        narh=0;
+        List<RawTrackerHit> rhits = tht.getRawHits();
+        boolean lnkMC=false;
+        if(rhits != null)
+        {
+         if(rhits.size() != 0)
+         {
+          for(RawTrackerHit rht:rhits)
+          {
+            short[] adv = rht.getADCValues();
+            if(adv.length == 3)
+            {
+             if(narh<50) tstmp[narh]=adv[2];
+            } 
+            narh++;
+            List<SimTrackerHit> simhits = rht.getSimTrackerHits();
+            if(simhits != null)
+            { 
+             if(simhits.size() != 0)
+             {
+               lnkMC=true;
+               for(SimTrackerHit simhit:simhits)
+              {
+               mchco[0]=(simhit.getPoint())[0];
+               mchco[1]=(simhit.getPoint())[1];
+               mchco[2]=(simhit.getPoint())[2];
+              }
+             }
+            }
+          }
+         }
+        }
+        if(lnkMC)
+        {
+         nmclnk++;
+         double[] hpos=tht.getPosition();
+         double[] covm = tht.getCovMatrix();
+         if(!((covm[0]+covm[2])>0.0000001)) System.out.println("Error in cov. matrix values: "+covm[0]+" , "+covm[2]);
+         double rperr = 1000.*Math.sqrt(covm[0]+covm[2]);
+         double zerr = 1000.*Math.sqrt(covm[5]);
+         double rad=Math.sqrt(hpos[0]*hpos[0]+hpos[1]*hpos[1]);
+         if(rad < 1.) rad=1.;
+         double tl=Math.abs(hpos[2])/rad;
+         if(tl < 0.9) hltmcr.fill(rad);
+         if((hpos[0] > 0.) && (hpos[1] > 0.) && (tl < 0.9) && (rad < 250.)) hltmcxy.fill(hpos[0],hpos[1]);
+         if((hpos[0] > 0.) && (hpos[1] > 0.) && (tl < 0.9) && (rad < 80.)) hltmcvxy.fill(hpos[0],hpos[1]);
+         if((tl<1.0) && (rad < 80.))
+          {
+           hnarh.fill(narh);
+           int mintst=1000;
+           int mintsi=-1;
+           int i;
+           for(i=0; i<narh; i++)
+           {
+             if(tstmp[i] < mintst)
+             {
+               mintst=tstmp[i];
+               mintsi=i;
+             } 
+           }
+           if(mintsi!=-1)
+           {
+            hcptstm.fill(mintst);
+            for(i=0; i<narh; i++)
+             if(i != mintsi) hsptstm.fill(tstmp[i]);
+           }
+           double dz=(hpos[2]-mchco[2])*1000.;
+           double phh = Math.atan2(hpos[1],hpos[0]);
+           double phmc = Math.atan2(mchco[1],mchco[0]);
+           double dx = hpos[0]-mchco[0];
+           double dy= hpos[1]-mchco[1];
+           double drp = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
+           if(phmc > phh) drp=0.-drp;
+           drp*=1000.;
+           hsprpr.fill(drp);
+           hspzr.fill(dz);
+           hcovrp.fill(Math.abs(drp),rperr);
+           hcovz.fill(Math.abs(dz),zerr);
+          } 
+         }
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    hnmchpe.fill(nmclnk);
+    if(trks != null)
+    {
+//     System.out.println("Seed tracker generated "+trks.size()+" track collections");
+     int cnum=1;
+     for(List<Track> tracks:trks)
+     {
+      EventHeader.LCMetaData md = event.getMetaData(tracks);
+      int tnum=1;
+      for(Track track:tracks)
+      {
+        boolean lnkMC=false;
+      double[] trmom = track.getMomentum();
+      double[] trpars = track.getTrackParameters();
+      double trPt = Math.sqrt(trmom[0]*trmom[0]+trmom[1]*trmom[1]);
+      double trTanL = trmom[2]/trPt;
+      double mcPt=0.;
+      double mcTanL = 0.;
+       List<TrackerHit> trthits=track.getTrackerHits();
+       int nh=trthits.size();
+       hnhptr.fill(nh);
+       tnum++;
+       for(TrackerHit tht:trthits)
+       {
+         double[] hpos=tht.getPosition();
+         double rad=Math.sqrt(hpos[0]*hpos[0]+hpos[1]*hpos[1]);
+         if(rad < 1.) rad=1.;
+         double tl=Math.abs(hpos[2])/rad;
+         if(tl < 0.9) hlthr.fill(rad);
+         if((hpos[0] > 0.) && (hpos[1] > 0.) && (tl < 1.) && (rad < 250.)) hlthxy.fill(hpos[0],hpos[1]);
+         if((hpos[0] > 0.) && (hpos[1] > 0.) && (tl < 1.) && (rad < 80.)) hlthvxy.fill(hpos[0],hpos[1]);
+         List<RawTrackerHit> rhits = tht.getRawHits();
+         for(RawTrackerHit rht:rhits)
+         {
+            List<SimTrackerHit> simhits = rht.getSimTrackerHits();
+            if(simhits != null)
+            { 
+             if(simhits.size() != 0)
+             {
+              MCParticle mcp = simhits.get(0).getMCParticle();
+              lnkMC=true;
+              Hep3Vector mcmom=mcp.getMomentum();
+              mcPt = Math.sqrt(mcmom.x()*mcmom.x()+mcmom.y()*mcmom.y());
+              mcTanL = mcmom.z()/mcPt;
+             }
+           }
+        }
+       }
+       if(lnkMC && (Math.abs(mcTanL) < 1.))
+       {
+         hd0res.fill(trpars[0]*1000.);
+         hz0res.fill(trpars[3]*1000.);
+         hdptopt.fill((trPt-mcPt)/mcPt);
+//         hrptvspt .fill(mcPt,(trPt-mcPt)/mcPt);
+//         hrd0vspt.fill(mcPt,trpars[0]*1000.);
+       }
+      }
+     }
+    }
+    evnum++;
+   }
\ No newline at end of file

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	17 Dec 2010 21:47:11 -0000	1.1
+++	29 Dec 2010 22:26:56 -0000	1.2
@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
    public static void main(String[] args)  throws IOException
-     double cesz = 1.;  // half of charge collection electrode
-     double psz = 15.;
-     double ethick=12.; 
-     int nzplanes = 48; 
+     double cesz = 1.5;  // half of charge collection electrode
+     double psz = 20.;
+     double ethick=20.; 
+     int nzplanes = 80; 
      double zs=17.; 
      double[] efield = new double[3];
      TCADFieldMap Efield = new TCADFieldMap();
-     String fname = "C:\\org_lcsim_cvstop\\lcsim\\sandbox\\NickSinev\\Examples\\thick3d_8_hr_33_emap_coarse.txt";
+//     String fname = "C:\\org_lcsim_cvstop\\lcsim\\sandbox\\NickSinev\\Examples\\thick3d_8_hr_33_emap_coarse.txt";
+     String fname = "thick3d_20hr_2V_emap.txt";
      boolean map_found = Efield.readMap(fname);
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
       in CarrierPropagatorUseExample 
     SensorRegion collector = new SensorRegion();
-    collector.setBox(0.,0.,0.,0.5*pszx,0.5*pszy,0.004);
+    collector.setBox(0.,0.,0.,cesz,cesz,0.004);
     SensorRegion refl = new SensorRegion();

lcsim/sandbox/NickSinev/Examples 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	26 Jul 2008 01:28:46 -0000	1.1
+++	29 Dec 2010 22:26:56 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import java.util.*;
 import hep.aida.*;
 import org.lcsim.detector.*;
-import org.lcsim.contrib.NickSinev.PixSim.*;
+import org.lcsim.recon.vertexing.pixsim.*;
 import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
 public class TCADReadSaveExample 
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 *   Then I define pixel dimensions, as they were used in TCAD simulation,
 *   and I need them to translate from TCAD to pixel coordinate system
-    double psizexy =0.016;
-    double psizez=0.012;
+    double psizexy =0.02;
+    double psizez=0.02;
 *   Now we need to define coordinate transformation from TCAD into
 *   PixSim convention. By default, TCAD uses Y axis as the axis directed from
@@ -72,18 +72,18 @@
 *   And, of course, we need to tell everybody where to find TCAD data
 *   the name of mesh file:
-    String mname = "c:\\Tcad\\thin3dhr_msh.grd";
+    String mname = "c:\\Tcad\\thick3d_20hr_msh.grd";
 /*   The name of dessis output file:
-    String dname  =   "c:\\Tcad\\thin3dhr_33_des.dat";
+    String dname  =   "c:\\Tcad\\thick3d_20hr_2V_des.dat";
 /*   And the name for new file, which will be created, and where
 *    transformed map, on regular grid, will be saved:
 *    (I gave it extension txt not to have problems with putting it into CVS.It is really ASCII file,
 *     as all TCAD outputs also).
-     String oname = "thin3dhr_33_emap_coarse.txt";
+     String oname = "thick3d_20hr_2V_emap.txt";
 *    We may want to choose weight function for interpolation,
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@
 *    and recording of it faster.
-     tc_fm.setGrid(0.0005,0.0005,0.0003334);
+ //    tc_fm.setGrid(0.0005,0.0005,0.0003334);
 *   if we want to see some info output, set debug level to 1
 *   by default it is 0 - no info will be printed
-//   tc_fm.setDebugLevel(1);
+   tc_fm.setDebugLevel(1);
 *    And, finally, we can call readMap function with all
 *    necessary arguments to save transformed field map:
CVSspam 0.2.8