

Hi All,
  Sorry for the typo. The meeting starts at the usual time 11:30 AM on Wednesday.  Here is the correct version.
-- Estia

  The next meeting of the Muon Collider Physics and Detector Working Group will be this Wednesday:
         Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM CST in the Fishtank (WH 13th floor crossover)
      Remote access Remote access is available at:

       To Join the Audio Conference
           Dial-In:           1 (888) 762-3768
                                   1 (847) 944-7644    Local US
           Enter Passcode:       9765689#

    Slides will be available at:
    The agenda is:
      (1)  "Preliminary occupancy results"  Norman Graf (10 minutes)
      (2)  "Preliminary studies of the fusion process $\mu^+ \mu^- \rightarrow \nu_{\mu} + \bar{\vu}_{\mu} + Z^0$
            using ILCroot"   Vito Di Benedetto  (40 minutes)
    We encourage your active participation.
    -- Estia
    P.S.  Please mark the dates and plan to attend the Muon Collider Meeting (at Telluride)  June 27- July 1, 2011.