Commit in CDMS/src/CDMS/kscheck on MAIN -> 1.5 -> 1.3
2 modified files
Major upgrade to sorting algorithm.

First, refactored to be more java-like. To use, first construct, then sort (using method sortAlpha or SortBeta, more on this later), then printOut(). Note that printOut(1) generates a csv file useful for debugging, while 0 or no argument generates the standard space delimmited .txt.

Original sorting algorithm moved to sortAlpha.

New sorting algorithm implemented with sortBeta. Need to write up a summary post, but in effect, looks for right angles and handles them in a smart way. Many branching paths and tweaked parameters that look for the specific types of right-angle paths available in the iZIP4 model.

As of now, sorting the iZIP4 using sortBeta gives an effectively continuous path through all QETs, with no outliers and such. All coordinates can be interpolated between in order to get the long, thin sections covered, etc.

CDMS/src/CDMS/kscheck 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	25 Jan 2011 23:43:29 -0000	1.4
+++	28 Jan 2011 23:41:04 -0000	1.5
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@
     public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
         //SortCoordsFile pcfile = new SortCoordsFile("side1_copy.txt","sortedCoords.txt");
-        CreateRoadMapFile roadmap1 = new CreateRoadMapFile("/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/sortedCoords_long.txt","/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/testfiles1-25/autorun_long.csv",0.00059,1);
+        //CreateRoadMapFile roadmap1 = new CreateRoadMapFile("/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/sortedCoords_long.txt","/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/testfiles1-25/autorun_long.csv",0.00059,1);
         //CreateRoadMapFile roadmap2 = new CreateRoadMapFile("shortTest2.txt","testautorun2.txt",0.00067);
         //CreateRoadMapFile roadmap3 = new CreateRoadMapFile("longTest.txt","testautorun3.txt",0.00067);
         //SplitSortedFile splitfile = new SplitSortedFile("sortedCoords.txt","splittest.txt");
+    	SortCoordsFile pcfile = new SortCoordsFile("/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/side1_copy.txt","/Users/maxinion/Documents/Work/CDMS/code/imaging/testfiles1-28/sortedCoords_test_beta.csv");
+    	if(pcfile.getInputStatus()==true){
+    		pcfile.sortBeta();
+    		pcfile.printOut(1);
+    	}

CDMS/src/CDMS/kscheck 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	22 Jan 2011 19:08:28 -0000	1.2
+++	28 Jan 2011 23:41:04 -0000	1.3
@@ -19,18 +19,35 @@
  * Note: requires blank line as last line of input file
  * Ignores everything on a line after %
  * Blank lines are safe, ignored
+ * Usage: construct, sort, print. sort kills the input'ed coordinate list: create a new object
+ * to sort your list again. bool getInputStatus tells us if there is a list ready to be sorted.
 public class SortCoordsFile {
+	private static double RIGHT_CUTOFF = 500;
+	private static double BIG_CUTOFF = 2000;
+	int ncoords;
     private List<Double[]> _coordinates;
-    public List<Double[]> sortedCoords;
+    private List<Double[]> sortedCoords;
+    private List<Double[]> nextCoords;
+    FileWriter fw;
+    FileReader fr;
+    /**
+     * Constructor: takes in inputCoordsFile and parses to a list.
+     * @param inputCoordsFile
+     * @param outputSortedFile
+     * @throws FileNotFoundException
+     * @throws IOException
+     */
     public SortCoordsFile(String inputCoordsFile, String outputSortedFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
         //  Open the autorun file and setup a StreamTokenizer for a space delimited list
-        FileReader fr = new FileReader(inputCoordsFile);
-        FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputSortedFile);
-        BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(fw);
+        fr = new FileReader(inputCoordsFile);
+        fw = new FileWriter(outputSortedFile);
         StreamTokenizer tok = new StreamTokenizer(fr);
         tok.wordChars(33, 126);//normal text are words
@@ -64,14 +81,74 @@
 			  							  // if it's blank, we'll just continue on
         System.out.println("out of loop?");
-        int ncoords = _coordinates.size();
+        ncoords = _coordinates.size();
         	//quick error check on reading data
-        	output.close();
         	System.out.println("Is input setup correctly? 0 arguments.");
-        	return;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    public boolean getInputStatus(){
+    	if(ncoords == 0){
+    		return false;
+    	}
+    	return true;
+    }
+    public void printOut() throws IOException{
+    	printOut(0);
+    }
+    public void printOut(int flag) throws IOException{
+    	//write all elements in sortedCoords to the output file
+        BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(fw);
+        Double[] coordsToAdd;
+        for(int k = 0; k < ncoords; k++){
+           coordsToAdd = sortedCoords.get(k);
+           Double x = coordsToAdd[0];
+           Double y = coordsToAdd[1];
+           Double angle = coordsToAdd[2];
+           Double type = coordsToAdd[3];
+           String xString = String.valueOf(x);
+           String yString = String.valueOf(y);
+           String angleString = String.valueOf(angle);
+           String typeString = String.valueOf(type);
+           if(flag == 0) output.write(xString+" "+yString+" "+angleString+" "+typeString+"\n"); //normal txt
+           else if(flag == 1) { //csv format for debugging
+               output.write(xString+","+yString+","+angleString+","+typeString);
+        	   if(k!=0){ // check that we're not at the first thing...
+        		   // we're not at the first one. there's going to be one behind. Check the distance.
+        		   Double[] next = sortedCoords.get(k-1);
+        		   Double x2 = next[0];
+        		   Double y2 = next[1];
+        		   Double dist = Math.pow(Math.pow(x-x2,2)+Math.pow(y-y2,2), 0.5);
+        		   output.write(","+String.valueOf(dist));
+        		   if(dist>1000){
+        			   output.write(",BIG JUMP");
+        		   }
+        		   if(dist>5000){
+        			   output.write("\n"); // skip a line for the hugest
+        		   }
+        	   }
+        	   output.write("\n");
+           } //close if on debug check
+        output.close();
+    }
+    /**	
+     * First sorting method. Simply finds the things closest to each other, with no concern 
+     * for how to deal with right angles and more complicated paths. Remember to printOut
+     * to actually get a txt file output of the sorted qet's.
+     */
+    public void sortAlpha(){
         sortedCoords = new ArrayList<Double[]>();
         //add first element of _coordinates to sortedCoords
@@ -82,7 +159,7 @@
         //sort by looking for minimum distance between coords
-        while(sortedCoords.size()<=ncoords){
+        while(sortedCoords.size()<ncoords){
             double minDist = 10000000000.0;//some really large number
             Double[] minCoords = {10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0};
             //look at last element (most recently added) of sortedCoords
@@ -113,24 +190,334 @@
-        //write all elements in sortedCoords to the output file
-        Double[] coordsToAdd;
-        for(int k = 0; k < ncoords; k++){
-           coordsToAdd = sortedCoords.get(k);
-           Double x = coordsToAdd[0];
-           Double y = coordsToAdd[1];
-           Double angle = coordsToAdd[2];
-           Double type = coordsToAdd[3];
-           String xString = String.valueOf(x);
-           String yString = String.valueOf(y);
-           String angleString = String.valueOf(angle);
-           String typeString = String.valueOf(type);
-           output.write(xString+" "+yString+" "+angleString+" "+typeString+"\n");           
-        }
-        output.close();
+    	return;
+    /**
+     * New sorting method. Takes care of right angles in a smarter way (goes back to them after closing the loop
+     * or finding a dead end).
+     */
+    public void sortBeta(){
+    	 sortedCoords = new ArrayList<Double[]>();
+    	 nextCoords = new ArrayList<Double[]>();
+         //add first element of _coordinates to sortedCoords
+         //this becomes the first element in the sorted list
+         sortedCoords.add(_coordinates.get(0));
+         //remove this element from _coordinates
+         System.out.println("Before all, ncoords = " + _coordinates.size());
+         System.out.println("the last guy in coordinates is: " +  _coordinates.get(_coordinates.size()-1)[0]);
+         _coordinates.remove(0);
+         //sort by looking for minimum distance between coords
+         while(sortedCoords.size()<ncoords){
+             double minDist = 10000000000.0;//some really large number
+             double minDist2 = 10000000000.0;
+             double minDist3 = 10000000000.0;
+             Double[] minCoords = {10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0,10000000000000.0};
+             Double[] minCoords2 = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};
+             Double[] minCoords3 = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};
+             //look at last element (most recently added) of sortedCoords
+             Double[] coords1 = sortedCoords.get(sortedCoords.size()-1);
+             Double x1 = coords1[0];
+             Double y1 = coords1[1];
+             //loop over all elements in _coordinates
+             for(int j = 0; j < _coordinates.size(); j++){
+                 //get next coords for comparison
+                 Double[] coords2 = _coordinates.get(j);
+                 Double x2 = coords2[0];  
+                 Double y2 = coords2[1];
+                 //calculate distance squared between coords1 and coords2
+                 double dist = Math.pow(Math.pow((x1-x2),2)+Math.pow((y1-y2),2),0.5);
+                 //assign coords2 to minCoords if the distance is smaller than previous
+                 //  distances and if coords2 is not already in sortedCoords
+                 if(dist <= minDist && dist != 0.0){
+                     if(sortedCoords.contains(coords2)==false && nextCoords.contains(coords2)==false){
+                    	 // if it's already sorted, then it shouldn't be considered
+                    	 // slide everything on down
+                    	 minDist3 = minDist2;
+                    	 minCoords3 = minCoords2;
+                    	 minDist2 = minDist;
+                    	 minCoords2 = minCoords;
+                         minCoords = coords2;
+                         minDist = dist;
+                     }
+                 }
+                 else if(dist <= minDist2 && dist != 0.0){
+                	 if(sortedCoords.contains(coords2)==false && nextCoords.contains(coords2)==false){
+                    	 // if it's already sorted, then it shouldn't be considered
+                    	 // slide everything on down, less this time
+                    	 minDist3 = minDist2;
+                    	 minCoords3 = minCoords2;
+                    	 minDist2 = dist;
+                    	 minCoords2 = coords2;
+                     }
+                 }
+                 else if(dist <= minDist3 && dist != 0.0){
+                	 if(sortedCoords.contains(coords2)==false && nextCoords.contains(coords2)==false){
+                    	 // if it's already sorted, then it shouldn't be considered
+                    	 // slide everything on down, less this time
+                    	 minDist3 = dist;
+                    	 minCoords3 = coords2;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+             //check the distance between current and the next, and the current and the next closest
+             //if the two are very similar, that means we're at a right angle: should be a large (qet size)
+             //value between "normal" qet's. Also, shouldn't be a big distance: these guys should be close to our
+             //current qet.
+             //System.out.println(String.valueOf(Math.abs(minDist2-minDist)));
+             //if(Math.abs(minDist2-minDist) < RIGHT_CUTOFF && minDist < BIG_CUTOFF){
+            	// nextCoords.add(minCoords2); // add the guy at the right angle that we're not doing to to-do list
+            	 //System.out.println("added to do-list!"+String.valueOf(minCoords2));
+             //}
+             //System.out.println(String.valueOf(nextCoords.size()));
+             /*if(x1==1294&&y1==-29047){
+            	 System.out.print("closest for weirdo are: ");
+            	 System.out.print(minCoords[0]); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(minCoords[1]);System.out.print("\n");
+            	 System.out.print("2nd closest for weirdo are: ");
+            	 System.out.print(minCoords2[0]); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(minCoords2[1]);System.out.print("\n");
+            	 System.out.print("3rd closest for weirdo are: ");
+            	 System.out.print(minCoords3[0]); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(minCoords3[1]);System.out.print("\n");
+            	 System.out.println("isStraight for 3rd: " + String.valueOf(isStraight(coords1,minCoords3)));
+             }*/
+             if(isStraight(coords1,minCoords3)!=0 && isStraight(coords1,minCoords2)==0 && isStraight(coords1,minCoords)==0 ){
+            	 // then we have a straight between current and not the closest 2
+            	 // put the closest on the to-do list, keep going straight though
+            	 System.out.println("Found a third-string match");
+            	 System.out.print(minCoords3[0]); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(minCoords3[1]);System.out.print("\n");
+            	 sortedCoords.add(minCoords3);
+            	 boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(minCoords3);
+            	 System.out.println("removestatus on 3-0: " + String.valueOf(removestatus));
+            	 nextCoords.add(minCoords);
+             }
+             else if(isStraight(coords1,minCoords2)!=0 && isStraight(coords1,minCoords)==0){
+            	 // here, we have a straight between 2nd closest and the orig, and a right angle to closest
+            	 // move onto the straight, put the closest on the to-do
+            	 sortedCoords.add(minCoords2);
+            	 if(minCoords2[0]==1294) System.out.println("removing the devil-child");
+            	 boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(minCoords2);
+            	 System.out.println("removestatus on 2-0: " + String.valueOf(removestatus) + ", removed " + 
+            			 String.valueOf(minCoords2[0]) + " " + String.valueOf(minCoords2[1]));
+            	 nextCoords.add(minCoords);
+             }
+             /*
+             else if(isStraight(coords1,minCoords2)==0 && isStraight(coords1,minCoords)!=0 
+            		 && Math.abs(minDist2-minDist) < RIGHT_CUTOFF){
+            	 // here, a straight to the closest and a right angle to second closest,
+            	 // with the additional requirement that the distance between the two be very close
+            	 // want to be careful here, and only put the 2nd closest dude on the list if
+            	 // he's actually connected, which is what the RIGHT_CUTOFF is aiming for
+            	 sortedCoords.add(minCoords);
+            	 if(minCoords[0]==1294) System.out.println("removing the devil-child");
+            	 boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(minCoords);
+            	 System.out.println("removestatus on 0-2: " + String.valueOf(removestatus) + ", removed " + 
+            			 String.valueOf(minCoords[0]) + " " + String.valueOf(minCoords[1]));
+            	 nextCoords.add(minCoords2);
+             }*/
+             // if the distance to the next qet is REALLY BIG that means we've reached a dead end or have
+             // looped back on ourselves. Either way, before we do a big huge jump to somewhere, check that
+             // we don't have anything on our to-do list.
+             else if(minDist > BIG_CUTOFF && nextCoords.size()>0){
+            	 Double[] removeme = nextCoords.remove(nextCoords.size()-1);
+            	 while(sortedCoords.contains(removeme)){
+            		 if(nextCoords.size() > 0) removeme = nextCoords.remove(nextCoords.size()-1);
+            		 else{
+            			 removeme = null;
+            			 break;
+            		 }
+            	 }
+            	 if(removeme!=null){
+            		 sortedCoords.add(removeme);
+            		 boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(removeme);
+            		 System.out.println("removestatus on jump: " + String.valueOf(removestatus));
+            		 System.out.println("jumped to to-do-list!"+String.valueOf(minCoords2));
+            	 }
+             }
+             else if(isStraight(minCoords,minCoords2) == isStraight(minCoords,minCoords3) 
+            		 && isStraight(minCoords,minCoords2)!=0 && isStraight(coords1,minCoords)==0){
+            	 //we have a not straight between coords and mincoords
+            	 //BUT we have a straight between mincoords1-2-3. This means we've hit a straight line.
+            	 if(isStraight(minCoords,minCoords2) == 1){
+            		 // then we're vertical!
+                	 //if they're all on the same side, just go to mincoords normally
+            		 double sy1 = minCoords[1]; double sy2 = minCoords2[1]; double sy3 = minCoords3[1];
+            		 if((sy1 > y1 && sy2 > y1 && sy3 > y1) || (sy1 < y1 && sy2 < y1 && sy3 < y1) ){
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            		 }
+            		 // but if they're not, then go towards the center
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sy1)-Math.abs(y1) < 0){ // first one is towards the center!
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            			 if(Math.abs(sy2)-Math.abs(y1) > 0 ){
+            				 // then the 2nd guy is in the opposite direction, add him to next
+            				 nextCoords.add(minCoords2);
+            			 }
+            			 else if(Math.abs(sy3)- Math.abs(y1) > 0){
+            				 // then the 2nd guy is in the same direction, and the third is in the opposite
+            				 nextCoords.add(minCoords3);
+            			 }
+            		 }// done handling the case with the first one towards the enter
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sy2) - Math.abs(y1) < 0){ //second one is towards the center!
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords2);
+            			 nextCoords.add(minCoords); // closest wasn't towards the center, so add to to-do
+            			 // third closest will then be eaten up in the next hit
+            		 }
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sy3) - Math.abs(y1) < 0){//third one is towards the center
+            			 // other two are towards the outside
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords3);
+            			 nextCoords.add(minCoords);
+            			 System.out.println("Towards the center on the third closest, vert.");
+            		 }
+            	 }
+            	 if(isStraight(minCoords,minCoords2) == -1){
+            		 // then we're horizontal
+            		 double sx1 = minCoords[1]; double sx2 = minCoords2[1]; double sx3 = minCoords3[1];
+            		 //if they're all on the same side, go to the mincoords normally
+            		 if((sx1 > y1 && sx2 > y1 && sx3 > y1) || (sx1 < y1 && sx2 < y1 && sx3 < y1) ){
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            		 }
+            		 // but if they're not, then go towards the center
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sx1)-Math.abs(y1) < 0){ // first one is towards the center!
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            			 if(Math.abs(sx2)-Math.abs(y1) > 0 ){
+            				 // then the 2nd guy is in the opposite direction, add him to next
+            				 nextCoords.add(minCoords2);
+            			 }
+            			 else if(Math.abs(sx3)- Math.abs(y1) > 0){
+            				 // then the 2nd guy is in the same direction, and the third is in the opposite
+            				 nextCoords.add(minCoords3);
+            			 }
+            		 }// done handling the case with the first one towards the enter
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sx2) - Math.abs(y1) < 0){ //second one is towards the center!
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords2);
+            			 nextCoords.add(minCoords); // closest wasn't towards the center, so add to to-do
+            			 // third closest will then be eaten up in the next hit
+            		 }
+            		 else if(Math.abs(sx3) - Math.abs(y1) < 0){//third one is towards the center
+            			 // other two are towards the outside
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords3);
+            			 nextCoords.add(minCoords);
+            			 System.out.println("Towards the center on the third closest, horiz.");
+            		 }
+            	 }
+             }
+             // before doing the normal thing, just finally check if there's a closer thing on the to-do list
+             // this is if we have a really big jump coming
+             else if(minDist > BIG_CUTOFF*0.5 && nextCoords.size()>0){
+            	 System.out.println("in the new small jump branch");
+            	 // if we have a fairly large jump to go, check that there's nothing closer on the to-do list
+            	 Double[] removeme = nextCoords.get(nextCoords.size()-1);
+            	 int i = nextCoords.size()-1;
+            	 while(sortedCoords.contains(removeme)){
+            		 i--;
+            		 if(nextCoords.size() > 0 && i >= 0) removeme = nextCoords.get(i);
+            		 else{
+            			 removeme = null;
+            			 break;
+            		 }
+            	 }
+            	 System.out.println(i); System.out.println(removeme[1]);
+            	 if(removeme!=null){
+            		 double removedist = Math.pow(Math.pow(x1-removeme[0],2)+Math.pow(y1-removeme[1],2),0.5);
+            		 System.out.println(removedist); System.out.println(minDist);
+            		 if(removedist < minDist){
+            			 sortedCoords.add(removeme);
+            			 boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(removeme);
+            			 System.out.println("removestatus on jump: " + String.valueOf(removestatus));
+            			 System.out.println("jumped to short to-do-list!"+String.valueOf(minCoords2));
+            		 }
+            		 else{
+            			 //default stuff otherwise
+            			 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            		 }
+            	 }
+             }
+             else{ // just do the normal thing otherwise... going to get here most of the time
+            	 //finally, the real default.
+            	 boolean removestatus = defaultAdd(minCoords);
+            	 //System.out.println("removestatus on normal: " + String.valueOf(removestatus));
+             }
+             //System.out.println("Size of coordinates: " + String.valueOf(_coordinates.size()) );
+         }
+        //Double blah[] = _coordinates.get(0);
+        //System.out.println("remaining guy is: " + String.valueOf(blah[0])+ " "+ String.valueOf(blah[1]));
+        //System.out.println("Size of nextCoords is " + nextCoords.size());
+        //System.out.println("Does nextCoords contain last dude? " + nextCoords.contains(blah));
+     	return;
+    }
+    private boolean defaultAdd(Double[] add){
+    	sortedCoords.add(add); //add resulting minCoords to sortedCoords
+    	boolean removestatus = _coordinates.remove(add);
+    	return removestatus;
+    }
+    private static double FLAT_ANGLE_CUT = 0.1;
+    private static double FLAT_XY_CUT = 100;
+    // returns 0 if not straight
+    // returns -1 if horizontal
+    // returns 1 if vertical
+    private int isStraight(Double[] coords1, Double[] coords2){
+    	Double x1 = coords1[0];
+    	Double x2 = coords2[0];
+    	Double y1 = coords1[1];
+    	Double y2 = coords2[1];
+    	Double angle1 = coords1[2];
+    	Double angle2 = coords2[2];
+    	//double piremain1 = Math.abs(angle1)%Math.PI;
+    	//double piremain2 = Math.abs(angle2)%Math.PI;
+    	//if((piremain1 < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT || piremain1 > Math.PI-FLAT_ANGLE_CUT)
+    	//		&& (piremain2 < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT || piremain2 > Math.PI-FLAT_ANGLE_CUT) ){
+    	if(Math.abs(Math.abs(angle1)-Math.PI) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT && Math.abs(Math.abs(angle2)-Math.PI) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT ){
+    	//both are horizontal in this case: check that they're in the same line now
+    		if(Math.abs(y1-y2) < FLAT_XY_CUT){
+    			// they're in the same line, and they're horizontal
+    			return -1;
+    		}
+    	}
+    	//else if(((Math.abs(angle1)%(Math.PI/2)) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT ) && (Math.abs(angle1)%(Math.PI) > FLAT_ANGLE_CUT )
+    	//		&& ((Math.abs(angle2)%(Math.PI/2)) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT) && (Math.abs(angle2)%(Math.PI) > FLAT_ANGLE_CUT )){
+    	else if(Math.abs(Math.abs(angle1)-Math.PI/2) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT && Math.abs(Math.abs(angle2)-Math.PI/2) < FLAT_ANGLE_CUT){
+    	// both are vertical.
+    		if(Math.abs(x1-x2) < FLAT_XY_CUT){
+    			return 1;
+    		}
+    	}
+    	return 0;
+    }
     public List<Double[]> getImageCoordinates() {
         return _coordinates;
CVSspam 0.2.8