


Here's a link to the agenda for the ILC Baseline Assessment Workshop #2
currently underway at SLAC:

Of particular interest is Marc Ross' overiew talk:

The main discussion items were the proposed cut in the number of bunches by
half, with luminosity recovery to 0.5 - 1.0 x 10^34 by use of strong focusing 
("traveling focus"), repositioning of the positron target from 2/3 down 
the linac (150 GeV point) to the end of the linac (250 GeV point), and 
designing to allow certain mitigation options down the road (like a larger 
diameter tunnel to allow a third DR (2nd positron DR) if needed).
There was also discussion of ways to restore the number of bunches (1300 -->
2600) sometime after the machine is operating.  

Thank you,