

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact on MAIN -> 1.26
corrections to DiskTracker geometry implementation

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact 1.25 -> 1.26
diff -u -r1.25 -r1.26
---	9 Feb 2011 01:28:15 -0000	1.25
+++	10 Feb 2011 00:27:46 -0000	1.26
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
 import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
 import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IRotation3D;
@@ -49,17 +50,17 @@
         // Some DiskTracker subdetectors are used for support material
         // so need to make sure Readout is not null before using it.
-        int systemNumber = 0;         
+        int systemNumber = 0;
         DetectorIdentifierHelper helper = null;
         if (subdet.getReadout() != null)
             systemNumber = tracker.getSystemID();
             helper = (DetectorIdentifierHelper)tracker.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper();
         // Get the Subdetector name.
         String subdetName = tracker.getName();
         // Create the two endcap containers.
         DetectorElement endcapPos = new DetectorElement(subdetName + "_positive", tracker.getDetectorElement());
         DetectorElement endcapNeg = null;
@@ -72,41 +73,41 @@
         IRotation3D reflect = new RotationPassiveXYZ(0, Math.PI, 0);
         // Loop over the layers.
-        //int sensorNum = 0;
+        // int sensorNum = 0;
         Layering layering = tracker.getLayering();
         for (int i = 0; i < layering.getNumberOfLayers(); i++ )
-        {                        
+        {
             // Layer parameters.
             Layer layer = layering.getLayer(i);
             double layerInnerRadius = tracker.getInnerR()[i];
             double layerOuterRadius = tracker.getOuterR()[i];
             double layerInnerZ = tracker.getInnerZ()[i];
             // Layer names.
             String layerName = subdetName + "_layer" + i;
             String posLayerName = layerName + "_pos";
             String negLayerName = layerName + "_neg";
             // Create layer solid and LogicalVolume.
-            Tube layerTube =
-                    new Tube(layerName, layerInnerRadius, layerOuterRadius, layer.getThickness() / 2);
+            Tube layerTube = new Tube(layerName, layerInnerRadius, layerOuterRadius, layer.getThickness() / 2);
             LogicalVolume layerLV =
                     new LogicalVolume(layerName + "_volume", layerTube, detector.getDetectorElement().getGeometry()
             // Positive and negative PhysicalVolumes.
             IPhysicalVolume posLayerPV =
-                new PhysicalVolume(
-                                   new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0, 0, layerInnerZ + layer.getThickness() / 2)),
-                                   posLayerName, layerLV, mother, i);        
-            IPhysicalVolume negLayerPV = null;            
+                    new PhysicalVolume(
+                                       new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0, 0, layerInnerZ + layer.getThickness() / 2)),
+                                       posLayerName, layerLV, mother, i);
+            IPhysicalVolume negLayerPV = null;
             if (tracker.getReflect())
-                negLayerPV = new PhysicalVolume(new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0., 0., -layerInnerZ - layer.getThickness() / 2),
-                                               reflect), negLayerName, layerLV, mother, i);
+                negLayerPV =
+                        new PhysicalVolume(new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0., 0., -layerInnerZ
+                                - layer.getThickness() / 2), reflect), negLayerName, layerLV, mother, i);
             // Create the layer paths.
             String posLayerPath = "/";
             String negLayerPath = "/";
@@ -114,15 +115,16 @@
                 posLayerPath += detector.getTrackingVolume().getName() + "/";
                 negLayerPath += detector.getTrackingVolume().getName() + "/";
-            }           
+            }
             posLayerPath += posLayerPV.getName();
             negLayerPath += negLayerPV.getName();
             // Create the layer DetectorElements.
-            new DetectorElement(posLayerPV.getName(), endcapPos, posLayerPath);            
+            IDetectorElement posLayerDE = new DetectorElement(posLayerPV.getName(), endcapPos, posLayerPath);
+            IDetectorElement negLayerDE = null;
             if (negLayerPV != null)
-                new DetectorElement(negLayerPV.getName(), endcapPos, negLayerPath);
+                negLayerDE = new DetectorElement(negLayerPV.getName(), endcapNeg, negLayerPath);
             // Loop over the slices.
@@ -136,48 +138,47 @@
                 String sliceName = layerName + "_slice" + j;
                 // Create the solid and LogicalVolume.
-                Tube sliceTube =
-                        new Tube(sliceName + "_tube", layerInnerRadius, layerOuterRadius,
-                                 sliceThickness / 2);
+                Tube sliceTube = new Tube(sliceName + "_tube", layerInnerRadius, layerOuterRadius, sliceThickness / 2);
                 LogicalVolume sliceLV = new LogicalVolume(sliceName + "_volume", sliceTube, sliceMaterial);
                 // Increment to correct slice Z for this placement.
                 sliceZ += sliceThickness / 2;
-                // Create the positive slice PhysicalVolume.  Only one placement is necessary because
+                // Create the positive slice PhysicalVolume. Only one placement is necessary because
                 // the negative and positive layers use the same LogicalVolume.
                 PhysicalVolume slicePV =
-                        new PhysicalVolume(new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0, 0, sliceZ)), sliceName, sliceLV, layerLV, j);                
+                        new PhysicalVolume(new Transform3D(new Translation3D(0, 0, sliceZ)), sliceName, sliceLV,
+                                           layerLV, j);
                 // Increment slice Z for next placement.
                 sliceZ += sliceThickness / 2;
                 // Create Identifiers if this is a sensor.
-                IIdentifier posId = null;
-                IIdentifier negId = null;
+                IIdentifier slicePosId = null;
+                IIdentifier sliceNegId = null;
                 if (slice.isSensitive())
-                    posId = makeIdentifier(helper, systemNumber, helper.getEndcapPositiveValue(), i, j);
-                    negId = makeIdentifier(helper, systemNumber, helper.getEndcapNegativeValue(), i, j);
-                }
-                // Create the DetectorElement paths for the slices.
-                String posPath = posLayerPath + "/" + sliceName;
-                String negPath = negLayerPath + "/" + sliceName;
-                // Make DetectorElements.
-                new DetectorElement(sliceName + "_pos", endcapPos, posPath, posId);
-                if (tracker.getReflect())
-                {
-                    new DetectorElement(sliceName + "_neg", endcapNeg, negPath, negId);
+                    slicePosId = makeIdentifier(helper, systemNumber, helper.getEndcapPositiveValue(), i, j);
+                    sliceNegId = makeIdentifier(helper, systemNumber, helper.getEndcapNegativeValue(), i, j);
+                    // Create the DetectorElement paths for the slices.
+                    String posPath = posLayerPath + "/" + sliceName;
+                    String negPath = negLayerPath + "/" + sliceName;
+                    // Make DetectorElements.
+                    new DetectorElement(sliceName + "_pos", posLayerDE, posPath, slicePosId);
+                    if (tracker.getReflect())
+                    {
+                        new DetectorElement(sliceName + "_neg", negLayerDE, negPath, sliceNegId);
+                    }
                 // Increment sensor number if slice was sensitive.
-                //if (slice.isSensitive())
-                //{
-                //    ++sensorNum;
-                //}
+                // if (slice.isSensitive())
+                // {
+                // ++sensorNum;
+                // }
CVSspam 0.2.8