

Dear Colleagues,

Plans for ALCPG11 March 19-23 are coming together.  We are planning a very 
strong physics program, with eight parallel sessions and two plenaries devoted 
to physics. Other topics presented in the plenaries will include Tevatron results, 
LHC status and plans, and work on the CLIC detectors. Recent detector R&D
results will be fully covered in the parallel sessions, and reviewed in plenary talks.
Both SiD and ILD plan their own plenary sessions.  

The GDE will review recent work on the rebaselining of the machine design,
and prepare for the next steps toward the TDR.  The physics prospects and
detector and machine challenges for 1 TeV will be discussed in a joint
plenary session.

The program is being regularly updated on the workshop web page:

The early registration fee rates for ALCPG11 will be continued until February 20.
On that date we will implement the late fee schedule.  If you have
not yet registered, or paid your fees, please do so soon if you
would like to benefit from the early fee rates.

Jim Brau