

Dear HPS Software,

I would like to see if any of you have updates you would like to report for tomorrow's (Friday April 22) HPS software meeting. I think we currently  don't have quite enough items to discus to justify a meeting. I will send out another email tomorrow morning updating all of you on the status of the meeting. 

There are several items that are "in the works", but not sufficiently advanced to report on tomorrow. I list them here so that people can start thinking about them. If anyone does want to report on these items, please let me know.

1) Data format and contents. What do we write out of the DAQ and what information will be there for the analysis. We have some choices here. Sergey will be able to help.

2) The response curve of the ECal crystals.  FX is looking up a parametrization of the curve from the crystals that is based on data taken with a digital scope. We need to incorporate this into the simulation chain. This summer we will be able to take some data with the crystals in combination with an FADC so we have the read curves.

3) Gemc writing out LCIO format. Ebrahim took this on as a project.

4) SLIC Ecal geometry and digitization. 
