

Commit in hps-java/src/main on MAIN
java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example/ -> 1.2
                               / -> 1.3
                               / -> 1.2
java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3/ 1.1
                             / -> 1.9
                             / -> 1.5
                             / -> 1.8
resources/DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml+3-31.1 -> 1.2
         /DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml+5-91.2 -> 1.3
java/org/lcsim/HPSTestv1/ -> 1.7
                        / -> 1.5
1 added + 10 modified, total 11 files
Bunch of minor changes

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	10 Mar 2011 22:53:00 -0000	1.1
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:45 -0000	1.2
@@ -575,6 +575,7 @@
             double theta = 180. * Math.acos(cth) / Math.PI;
             double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(pt, pz) / 2));
             double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+            int pdgid=mcp.getPDGID();
             //  Find the number of layers hit by this mc particle
 //            System.out.println("MC pt=" + pt);
             int nhits = findable.LayersHit(mcp);
@@ -686,10 +687,12 @@
                     ctheffElectrons.fill(cth, wgt);
                     d0effElectrons.fill(d0, wgt);
                     z0effElectrons.fill(z0, wgt);
-                    if (wgt == 0) {
+                    if (wgt == 0&&pdgid>0) {
                         System.out.println("Missed a findable ELECTRON!!!!!");
+                    if (wgt == 0&&pdgid<0) {
+                        System.out.println("Missed a findable POSITRON!!!!!");
+                    }
                     double wgtAxial = 0.;
                     if (ntrkAxial > 0) {

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
---	11 Mar 2011 17:52:58 -0000	1.2
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:45 -0000	1.3
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
     //   set pname to the detector you want to run...HPS1pt8 is the default test detector (uses strategy file 1.3)
     //  see "setPName" method for list
-    public String pName = "HPS1pt8";
+//    public String pName = "HPS1pt9";
+    public String pName = "HPS3pt4";
     JasAnalysisDriver jad;
     FastTrackAnalysisDriver ftad;
     List<int[]> pairs = new ArrayList();
@@ -102,7 +103,8 @@
             nlayers = 12;
             axialStrategy = "DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml";
             finalStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml";
-            llStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2-LongLived.xml";
+//            llStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2-LongLived.xml";
+             llStrategy = "none";
             int[] p1 = {1, 2};
             int[] p2 = {3, 4};
@@ -141,5 +143,27 @@
 //            passLayers.add(11);
+            if (pName.contentEquals("HPS1pt9")) {
+            nlayers = 10;
+            bfield = 0.25;
+            axialStrategy = "none";   //  don't fit tracks axially first
+            finalStrategy = "HPS-Test-1pt3.xml";
+            llStrategy = "none";//  don't fit tracks ignoring first plane
+            int[] p1 = {1, 2};
+            int[] p2 = {3, 4};
+            int[] p3 = {5, 6};
+            int[] p4 = {7, 8};
+            int[] p5 = {9, 10};
+            pairs.add(p1);
+            pairs.add(p2);
+            pairs.add(p3);
+            pairs.add(p4);
+            pairs.add(p5);
+//            passLayers.add(11);
+        }

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	10 Mar 2011 22:53:00 -0000	1.1
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:45 -0000	1.2
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
     FileWriter fw;
     PrintWriter pw;
-    double[] beamsize = {0.001, 0.2, 0.02};
+    double[] beamsize = {0.001, 0.02, 0.02};
     int flipSign=-1;
     public FastTrackAnalysisDriver(int layers) {
         nlayers[0] = layers;

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3 added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1460 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package org.lcsim.HPSDedicatedv3;
+import Utilities.FindableTrack;
+import Utilities.TrackAnalysis;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.matrix.BasicMatrix;
+import hep.physics.matrix.MutableMatrix;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Formatter;
+import java.util.Set;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.FindableTrack;
+//import org.lcsim.contrib.sATLAS.TrackAnalysis;
+import org.lcsim.HPSVertexing.HelixConverter;
+import org.lcsim.HPSVertexing.StraightLineTrack;
+import org.lcsim.HPSVertexing.VertexFit;
+import org.lcsim.HPSVertexing.VertexFitter;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.LCRelation;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.RelationalTable;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseRelationalTable;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHitStrip1D;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedCandidate;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedStrategy;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.StrategyXMLUtils;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ *
+ * @author partridge
+ */
+public class TrackAnalysisDriver extends Driver {
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private IAnalysisFactory af = aida.analysisFactory();
+    private ITupleFactory tf = af.createTupleFactory(aida.tree());
+    private ITuple tuple;
+    private IProfile1D phifake;
+    private IProfile1D pfake;
+    private IProfile1D cthfake;
+    private IProfile1D peffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D phieffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D d0effFindable;
+    private IProfile1D z0effFindable;
+    private IProfile1D peffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D phieffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D d0effElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D z0effElectrons;
+    private IProfile1D peffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D thetaeffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D phieffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D ctheffAxial;
+    private IProfile1D d0effAxial;
+    private IProfile1D z0effAxial;
+    private IHistogram1D fakes;
+    private IHistogram1D nfakes;
+    private IProfile1D HitEffdEdX;
+    private IProfile1D ClHitEffdEdX;
+    private IProfile1D ClHitEffY;
+    private IProfile1D ClHitEffZ;
+    private IProfile1D STdEdXY;
+    private IProfile1D STdEdXZ;
+    private IProfile1D frdEdXY;
+    private IProfile1D VxEff;
+    private IProfile1D VyEff;
+    private IProfile1D VzEff;
+    private IProfile1D VxEffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D VyEffFindable;
+    private IProfile1D VzEffFindable;
+    public String outputPlots = "myplots.aida";
+    Map<String, IProfile1D> clsizeMap = new HashMap<String, IProfile1D>();
+    String[] detNames = {"Tracker"};
+    Integer[] nlayers = {8};
+    int trk_count = 0;
+    int nevt = 0;
+    int _nmcTrk = 0;
+    double _nrecTrk = 0;
+    double phiTrkCut = 0.3;
+    double cosThTrkCutMax = 0.2;
+    double cosThTrkCutMin = 0.05;
+    double pTrkCut = 0.5; //GeV
+    double d0TrkCut = 2.0; //mm
+    double z0TrkCut = 2.0; //mm
+    double etaTrkCut = 2.5;
+    int totelectrons = 0;
+    double foundelectrons = 0;
+    int findableelectrons = 0;
+    int findableTracks = 0;
+    double foundTracks = 0;
+    double xref = 0.0; //mm
+    public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
+    FileWriter fw;
+    PrintWriter pw;
+    double maxP=2.2;
+    public TrackAnalysisDriver(int layers) {
+        nlayers[0] = layers;
+        String names = new String(
+                "float chi2; float Xoca; float Yoca; float Zoca; float Px; float Py; float Pz" +
+                "; float mcXoca; float mcYoca; float mcZoca; float mcPx; float mcPy; float mcPz" +
+                "; int charge; int nbad; int nhits; ITuple layerTuple={int layer, int nstrips, int bad" +
+                ", boolean isAxial, float htsY, float htsZ, float sthY, float sthZ}" +
+                "; ITuple planeTuple={int plane, int bad" +
+                ", float hthY, float hthZ, float hthYErr, float hthZErr, float trkY, float trkZ}");
+        tuple = tf.create("trackFitterResults", "properties of track", names, "");
+        //  Define the efficiency histograms
+        IHistogramFactory hf = aida.histogramFactory();
+        peffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., maxP);
+        thetaeffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
+        z0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
+        peffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., maxP);
+        thetaeffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs d0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        z0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs z0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        peffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs p", "", 20, 0., maxP);
+        thetaeffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
+        phieffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        ctheffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        d0effAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs d0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        z0effAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs z0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
+        cthfake = hf.createProfile1D("Fake rate vs  cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        phifake = hf.createProfile1D("Fake rate vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
+        pfake = hf.createProfile1D("Fake rate vs p", "", 20, 0, 6);
+        fakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (unnormalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
+        nfakes = hf.createHistogram1D("Number of mis-matched hits (normalized)", "", 10, 0., 10.);
+        HitEffdEdX = hf.createProfile1D("Strip Hit Efficiency vs dEdX", "", 50, 0, 0.3);
+        ClHitEffdEdX = hf.createProfile1D("Cluster Hit Efficiency vs dEdX", "", 50, 0, 0.3);
+        ClHitEffY = hf.createProfile1D("Cluster Hit Efficiency vs y", "", 50, -100, 100);
+        ClHitEffZ = hf.createProfile1D("Cluster Hit Efficiency vs z", "", 50, -100, 100);
+        STdEdXY = hf.createProfile1D("SimTHit dEdX vs y", "", 50, -100, 100);
+        frdEdXY = hf.createProfile1D("fractional dEdX vs y", "", 50, -100, 100);
+        STdEdXZ = hf.createProfile1D("SimTHit dEdX vs z", "", 50, -100, 100);
+        VxEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vx", "", 25, 0., 50.);
+        VyEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vy", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VzEff = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vz", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VxEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vx: Findable", "", 25, 0., 50.);
+        VyEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vy: Findable", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        VzEffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Aprime Efficiency vs Vz: Findable", "", 40, -0.2, 0.2);
+        int i, j;
+        for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
+            for (j = 0; j < nlayers[i]; j++) {
+                int laynum = j + 1;
+                String profname = detNames[i] + "_layer" + laynum + " cluster size vs y";
+                String key = detNames[i] + "_layer" + laynum;
+                clsizeMap.put(key, hf.createProfile1D(profname, 20, -15, 15));
+            }
+    }
+    public void process(
+            EventHeader event) {
+        if (nevt == 0)
+            try {
+//open things up
+                fw = new FileWriter(outputTextName);
+                pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
+            } catch (IOException ex) {
+                Logger.getLogger(TrackAnalysisDriver.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+            }
+        //  Increment the event counter
+        nevt++;
+        String resDir = "residualsPlots/";
+        String resDirBar = "residualsBarrelPlots/";
+        String resDirEC = "residualsEndcapPlots/";
+        String simDir = "STHitPlots/";
+        String debugDir = "debugPlots/";
+        String occDir = "occupancyPlots/";
+        //  Get the magnetic field
+        Hep3Vector IP = new BasicHep3Vector(200., 0., 0.);
+        double bfield = event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(IP).z();
+        List<RawTrackerHit> rawHits = event.get(RawTrackerHit.class, "RawTrackerHitMaker_RawTrackerHits");
+        List<SiTrackerHitStrip1D> stripHits = event.get(SiTrackerHitStrip1D.class, "StripClusterer_SiTrackerHitStrip1D");
+        // dump SThit information
+        String[] input_hit_collections = {"TrackerHits"};
+        for (String input : input_hit_collections) {
+            List<SimTrackerHit> sthits = event.getSimTrackerHits(input);
+            int[] nhits = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+            for (SimTrackerHit st : sthits) {
+                String detector = st.getDetectorElement().getName();
+                int layer = st.getLayerNumber();
+                double[] hp = st.getPoint();
+                Hep3Vector hitPos = new BasicHep3Vector(hp[0], hp[1], hp[2]);
+                double r = Math.sqrt(hp[0] * hp[0] + hp[1] * hp[1]);
+                double theta = Math.atan2(r, hp[2]);
+//                double eta = -Math.log(r / (2 * Math.abs(hp[2])));
+                double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(theta / 2));
+                double phi = Math.atan2(hp[1], hp[0]);
+//                System.out.println("r= " + r + "  theta = "+theta+"  eta = " + eta+ " phi=" + phi);
+                nhits[layer]++;
+                //double mom=0,dedx=0;
+                //if(st.getMCParticle()!=null){
+                //    mom = st.getMCParticle().getMomentum().magnitude();
+                //    dedx = st.getdEdx() * 1000.0;
+                // }
+                double hitwgt = 0;
+                double clhitwgt = 0;
+                for (RawTrackerHit rth : rawHits) {
+                    List<SimTrackerHit> SthFromRth = rth.getSimTrackerHits();
+                    if (SthFromRth.contains(st))
+                        hitwgt = 1.0;
+                }
+                for (SiTrackerHitStrip1D cluster : stripHits) {
+                    double measdedx = cluster.getdEdx() * 1000.0;
+                    List<RawTrackerHit> RthFromSith = cluster.getRawHits();
+                    for (RawTrackerHit rth : RthFromSith) {
+                        List<SimTrackerHit> SthFromRth = rth.getSimTrackerHits();
+                        if (SthFromRth.contains(st)) {
+                            clhitwgt = 1.0;
+                            double totdedx = 0;
+                            for (SimTrackerHit sthtemp : SthFromRth)
+                                totdedx = totdedx + sthtemp.getdEdx() * 1000.0;
+                            aida.histogram1D(simDir + "delta dEdX", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(measdedx - totdedx);
+                            aida.histogram1D(simDir + "fractional dEdX", 50, -1, 1.).fill((measdedx - totdedx) / totdedx);
+                            aida.cloud1D(simDir + "fractional dEdX Cloud").fill((measdedx - totdedx) / totdedx);
+                            //          if (Math.abs((measdedx - dedx) / dedx) < 1)
+                            frdEdXY.fill(hp[1], (measdedx - totdedx) / totdedx);
+                        //          if (dedx == 0)
+                        //              System.out.println("*****************         dedx==0    ********");
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                //HitEffdEdX.fill(dedx, hitwgt);
+                //ClHitEffdEdX.fill(dedx, clhitwgt);
+                ClHitEffY.fill(hp[1], clhitwgt);
+                ClHitEffZ.fill(hp[2], clhitwgt);
+                //STdEdXY.fill(hp[1], dedx);
+                //STdEdXZ.fill(hp[2], dedx);
+                //aida.histogram1D(simDir + " dedx", 50, 0, 0.3).fill(dedx);
+//                if (hitwgt == 0) {
+//                    System.out.println("TrackAnalysis:  found an inefficiency hit:  " + dedx);
+//                }
+                //aida.cloud1D(simDir + input + " layer " + layer + " STHit p").fill(mom);
+                aida.cloud1D(simDir + input + " layer " + layer + " STHit y").fill(hp[1]);
+                aida.cloud1D(simDir + input + " layer " + layer + " STHit z").fill(hp[2]);
+                aida.cloud2D(simDir + input + " layer " + layer + " STHit y vs z").fill(hp[2], hp[1]);
+                aida.histogram2D(simDir + input + " layer " + layer + " STHit y vs z occupancy", 100, -15, 15, 500, -15, 15).fill(hp[2], hp[1]);
+            }
+            int i = 0;
+            while (i < nlayers[0]) {
+                if (nhits[i] > 0)
+                    aida.cloud1D(simDir + input + "layer " + i + " number of ST hits").fill(nhits[i]);
+                i++;
+            }
+        }
+//        List<HelicalTrackHit> hthits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "MatchedHTHits");
+        String strategyPrefix = "/nfs/sulky21/";
+        String sfile = "DarkPhoton-Final.xml";
+        List<SeedStrategy> slist = StrategyXMLUtils.getStrategyListFromFile(new File(strategyPrefix + sfile));
+        List<HelicalTrackHit> toththits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "HelicalTrackHits");
+        List<HelicalTrackHit> axialhits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "AxialTrackHits");
+        int nAxialHitsTotal = axialhits.size();
+        int nL1Hits = 0;
+        for (HelicalTrackHit hth : axialhits)
+            if (hth.Layer() == 1) nL1Hits++;
+        Map<String, Integer> occupancyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+        for (RawTrackerHit rh : rawHits) {
+            IDetectorElement rhDetE = rh.getDetectorElement();
+            String rhDetName = rhDetE.getName();
+            int rhLayer = rh.getLayerNumber();
+            for (String myname : detNames)
+                if (rhDetName.contains(myname)) {
+                    String detlayer = myname + "_" + rhLayer;
+                    Integer myint = occupancyMap.get(detlayer);
+                    if (myint == null)
+                        myint = 1;
+                    myint++;
+                    occupancyMap.put(detlayer, myint);
+                }
+        }
+        Set<String> mykeyset = (Set<String>) occupancyMap.keySet();
+        for (String keys : mykeyset)
+            aida.cloud1D(occDir + keys + " # of hits").fill(occupancyMap.get(keys));
+        for (SiTrackerHitStrip1D stripCluster : stripHits) {
+            Hep3Vector strCluPos = stripCluster.getPositionAsVector();
+            double yHit = strCluPos.y();
+            Set<MCParticle> mcparts = stripCluster.getMCParticles();
+            aida.cloud1D(occDir + "associated MC Particles").fill(mcparts.size());
+            List<RawTrackerHit> rthList = stripCluster.getRawHits();
+            int nhits = rthList.size();
+            String detlayer = "Foobar";
+            for (RawTrackerHit rth : rthList) {
+                IDetectorElement rhDetE = rth.getDetectorElement();
+                String rhDetName = rhDetE.getName();
+                int rhLayer = rth.getLayerNumber();
+                for (String myname : detNames)
+                    if (rhDetName.contains(myname))
+                        detlayer = myname + "_layer" + rhLayer;
+            }
+//               System.out.println(detlayer);
+            clsizeMap.get(detlayer).fill(yHit, nhits);
+            aida.cloud1D(occDir + detlayer + "associated MC Particles").fill(mcparts.size());
+            aida.cloud1D(occDir + detlayer + " cluster size").fill(nhits);
+        }
+        //  Find the minimum pT among the strategies
+        double ptCut = 9999.;
+        for (SeedStrategy s : slist)
+            if (s.getMinPT() < ptCut)
+                ptCut = s.getMinPT();
+        //  Create a relational table that maps TrackerHits to MCParticles
+        RelationalTable hittomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
+        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelations)
+            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
+                hittomc.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
+        RelationalTable hittomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+//        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
+        List<LCRelation> mcrelationsAxial = event.get(LCRelation.class, "AxialTrackMCRelations");
+        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelationsAxial)
+            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
+                hittomcAxial.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
+        //  Instantiate the class that determines if a track is "findable"
+        FindableTrack findable = new FindableTrack(event);
+        //  Create a map between tracks and the associated MCParticle
+        List<Track> tracklist = event.get(Track.class, "MatchedTracks");
+        List<Track> axialtracklist = event.get(Track.class, "AxialTracks");
+        aida.cloud1D("Matched Tracks per Event").fill(tracklist.size());
+        aida.cloud1D("Axial Tracks per Event").fill(axialtracklist.size());
+        aida.cloud1D("HelicalTrackHits per Event").fill(toththits.size());
+        RelationalTable trktomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        RelationalTable trktomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        int _nchRec = 0;
+        int _neleRec = 0;
+        int _nposRec = 0;
+        int _neleTru = 0;
+        int _nposTru = 0;
+        int _neleFake = 0;
+        int _nposFake = 0;
+        RelationalTable mcHittomcP = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        //  Get the collections of SimTrackerHits
+        List<List<SimTrackerHit>> simcols = event.get(SimTrackerHit.class);
+        //  Loop over the SimTrackerHits and fill in the relational table
+        for (List<SimTrackerHit> simlist : simcols)
+            for (SimTrackerHit simhit : simlist)
+                if (simhit.getMCParticle() != null)
+                    mcHittomcP.add(simhit, simhit.getMCParticle());
+        Map<Track, TrackAnalysis> tkanalMap = new HashMap<Track, TrackAnalysis>();
+        Map<Track, StraightLineTrack> sltMap = new HashMap<Track, StraightLineTrack>();
+        RelationalTable nearestHitToTrack = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        Map<Track, Double> l1Isolation = new HashMap<Track, Double>();
+        Map<Track, Double> l1DeltaZ = new HashMap<Track, Double>();
+        String atrackdir = "TrackInfoAxial/";
+        //  Analyze the tracks in the event
+        for (Track atrack : axialtracklist) {
+            double apx = atrack.getPX();
+            aida.cloud1D(atrackdir + "pX").fill(apx);
+        }
+        String trackdir = "TrackInfo/";
+        //  Analyze the tracks in the event
+        for (Track track : tracklist) {
+            //  Calculate the track pT and cos(theta)
+            double d0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
+            double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index);
+            double phi0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index);
+            double slope = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex);
+            double curve = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex);
+            double d0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex, HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex));
+            double z0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index, HelicalTrackFit.z0Index));
+            double phi0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index, HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index));
+            double slopeErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex, HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex));
+            double curveErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex, HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex));
+            int charge=track.getCharge();
+            double chisq=track.getChi2();
+            _nchRec++;
+            if (charge < 0){
+  aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Chi2 Electrons").fill(chisq);
+                _neleRec++;
+            }
+            if (charge > 0){
+                 aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Chi2 Positrons").fill(chisq);
+               _nposRec++;
+            }
+            SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) track;
+            SeedCandidate seedEle = stEle.getSeedCandidate();
+            HelicalTrackFit ht = seedEle.getHelix();
+            Map<HelicalTrackHit,MultipleScatter> scatMap=ht.ScatterMap();
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomc);
+            tkanalMap.put(track, tkanal);
+            double truedoca=d0;
+            double xoca=0;
+            double[] poca={0,0,0};
+            double[] trueP = track.getMomentum();
+            double px = trueP[0];
+            double py = trueP[1];
+            double pz = trueP[2];
+            double pperp = Math.sqrt(py * py + pz * pz);
+            double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+            double p = Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+            double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+            double cth = pz / Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+            double sth = pt / Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+            double th = Math.atan2(pt, pz);
+            double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(th / 2));
+            double s = HelixUtils.PathLength(ht, (HelicalTrackHit) track.getTrackerHits().get(0));
+            double y1 = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(ht, s).y();
+            double z1 = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(ht, s).z();
+            int nhits = tkanal.getNHitsNew();
+            double purity = tkanal.getPurityNew();
+            int nbad = tkanal.getNBadHitsNew();
+            int nbadAxial = tkanal.getNBadAxialHits();
+            int nbadZ = tkanal.getNBadZHits();
+            int nAxial = tkanal.getNAxialHits();
+            int nZ = tkanal.getNZHits();
+            List<Integer> badLayers = tkanal.getBadHitList();
+            Integer badLayerEle = encodeBadHitList(badLayers);
+            if (badLayers.size() > 0) {
+                System.out.println(badLayers.toString());
+                System.out.println("Bad Layer code:  " + badLayerEle);
+            }
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Mis-matched hits for all tracks").fill(nbad);
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "purityNew for all tracks").fill(purity);
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Bad Axial hits for all tracks").fill(nbadAxial);
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Bad Z hits for all tracks").fill(nbadZ);
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Number of Axial hits for all tracks").fill(nAxial);
+            aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Number of Z hits for all tracks").fill(nZ);
+            for (Integer bhit : badLayers)
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "Layer of Bad Hit", nlayers[0], 1, nlayers[0] + 1).fill(bhit);
+            //  Generate a normalized histogram after 1000 events
+            trk_count++;
+            if (nevt <= 1000)
+                fakes.fill(nbad);
+            //  Make plots for fake, non-fake, and all tracks
+            if (purity < 0.5) {
+                if (track.getCharge() < 0)
+                    _neleFake++;
+                if (track.getCharge() > 0)
+                    _nposFake++;
+                cthfake.fill(cth, 1.0);
+                phifake.fill(phi, 1.0);
+                pfake.fill(p, 1.0);
+                fillTrackInfo(trackdir, "fake tracks", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, truedoca, xoca, poca[1], poca[2]);
+            } else {
+                if (track.getCharge() < 0)
+                    _neleTru++;
+                if (track.getCharge() > 0)
+                    _nposTru++;
+                cthfake.fill(cth, 0.0);
+                phifake.fill(phi, 0.0);
+                pfake.fill(p, 0.0);
+                fillTrackInfo(trackdir, "non-fake tracks", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, truedoca, xoca, poca[1], poca[2]);
+            }
+            fillTrackInfo(trackdir, "all tracks", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, truedoca, xoca, poca[1], poca[2]);
+            if (nbadZ == 3)
+                fillTrackInfo(trackdir, "3 Bad Z-hits", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, truedoca, xoca, poca[1], poca[2]);
+            //  Now analyze MC Particles on this track
+            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+            if (mcp != null) {
+                //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
+                trktomc.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+                //  Calculate the MC momentum and polar angle
+                Hep3Vector Pmc = mcp.getMomentum();
+                double pxmc = Pmc.x();
+                double pymc = Pmc.y();
+                double pzmc = Pmc.z();
+                double ptmc = Math.sqrt(pxmc * pxmc + pymc * pymc);
+                double pmc = Math.sqrt(ptmc * ptmc + pzmc * pzmc);
+                double pxtk = track.getPX();
+                double pytk = track.getPY();
+                double pztk = track.getPZ();
+                double pttk = Math.sqrt(pxtk * pxtk + pytk * pytk);
+                double ptk = Math.sqrt(pttk * pttk + pztk * pztk);
+                //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle and pulls in pT, d0
+                HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
+                double d0mc = helix.getDCA();
+                double z0mc = helix.getZ0();
+                double phi0mc = helix.getPhi0();
+                double slopemc = helix.getSlopeSZPlane();
+                double curvemc = 1 / helix.getRadius();
+                double pinvresid = (1 / ptk - 1 / pmc);
+                double presid = (ptk - pmc);
+                double z0newMC = z0mc;
+                double y0newMC = d0mc;
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "d0 Pull", 200, -8, 8).fill((d0 - d0mc) / d0Err);
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "z0 Pull", 200, -8, 8).fill((z0 - z0mc) / z0Err);
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "phi0 Pull", 200, -8, 8).fill((phi0 - phi0mc) / phi0Err);
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "slope Pull", 200, -8, 8).fill((slope - slopemc) / slopeErr);
+                aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "curvature Pull", 200, -8, 8).fill((curve - curvemc) / curveErr);
+                double truedydx = pymc / pxmc;
+                double truedzdx = pzmc / pxmc;
+                double truey0 = mcp.getOriginY() + truedydx * xref;
+                double truez0 = mcp.getOriginZ() + truedzdx * xref;
+                BasicHep3Vector axial = new BasicHep3Vector();
+                axial.setV(0, 1, 0);
+                String hitdir = "HitsOnTrack/";
+                List<TrackerHit> hitsOnTrack = track.getTrackerHits();
+                MCParticle bestmcp = tkanal.getMCParticleNew();
+                String tkresid = "TrackResiduals/";
+                int ndaug = 0;
+                if (bestmcp != null) ndaug = bestmcp.getDaughters().size();
+                double mcmom = 0;
+                double prevmom = 0;
+                double mytotchi2 = 0;
+                for (TrackerHit hit : hitsOnTrack) {
+                    int iplane = 0;
+                    HelicalTrackHit htc = (HelicalTrackHit) hit;
+                    List<MCParticle> mcpsHTH = htc.getMCParticles();
+                    int isbad = 0;
+                    if (mcpsHTH.size() == 0 || mcpsHTH.size() > 1 || !mcpsHTH.contains(bestmcp))
+                        isbad = 1;
+                    double sHit = ht.PathMap().get(htc);
+                    Hep3Vector posonhelix = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(ht, sHit);
+                    double yTr = posonhelix.y();
+                    double zTr = posonhelix.z();
+                    HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) htc;
+                    List<HelicalTrackStrip> clusterlist = cross.getStrips();
+                    TrackDirection trkdir = HelixUtils.CalculateTrackDirection(ht, sHit);
+                    cross.setTrackDirection(trkdir, ht.covariance());
+                    double y = cross.y();
+                    double z = cross.z();
+                    double yerr = Math.sqrt(cross.getCorrectedCovMatrix().e(1, 1));
+                    double zerr = Math.sqrt(cross.getCorrectedCovMatrix().e(2, 2));
+                    double htcMSdrphi=scatMap.get(htc).drphi();
+                    double htcMSdz=scatMap.get(htc).dz();
+                    mytotchi2 += Math.pow((y - yTr) / yerr, 2);
+                    mytotchi2 += Math.pow((z - zTr) / zerr, 2);
+                    int htlayer = htc.Layer();
+                    if (htlayer == 1) l1DeltaZ.put(track, z - zTr);
+                       if(charge<0){
+                             aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " MS Error drphi-- Electrons " + htlayer).fill(htcMSdrphi);
+                              aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " MS Error dz-- Electrons " + htlayer).fill(htcMSdz);
+                        }
+                         if(charge>0){
+                             aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " MS Error drphi-- Positrons " + htlayer).fill(htcMSdrphi);
+                              aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " MS Error dz-- Positrons " + htlayer).fill(htcMSdz);
+                        }
+                    if (purity == 1 && track.getCharge() > 0 && nhits == 12) {
+                        if (clusterlist.get(0).rawhits().size() == 1 && clusterlist.get(1).rawhits().size() == 1) {
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + "SingleStrip--Track delta y:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(y - yTr);
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + "SingleStrip--Track delta z:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(z - zTr);
+                        }
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Measured y:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(y);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track y:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(yTr);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Measured z:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(z);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track z:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(zTr);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Measured y ").fill(y);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track delta y:  Layer " + htlayer + "; ndaug=" + ndaug).fill(y - yTr);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track delta z:  Layer " + htlayer + "; ndaug=" + ndaug).fill(z - zTr);
+                        aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track deltay vs delta z:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(z - zTr, y - yTr);
+                        if (htlayer == 1) {
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltay vs xoca").fill(poca[0], y - yTr);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltay vs yoca").fill(poca[1], y - yTr);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltay vs zoca").fill(poca[2], y - yTr);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltaz vs xoca").fill(poca[0], z - zTr);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltaz vs yoca").fill(poca[1], z - zTr);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Layer 1 deltaz vs zoca").fill(poca[2], z - zTr);
+                        }
+                        aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track vs measured y:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(y, yTr);
+                        aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track vs measured z:  Layer " + htlayer).fill(z, zTr);
+                        aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track deltay vs S ").fill(sHit, y - yTr);
+                        aida.cloud2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track deltaz vs S ").fill(sHit, z - zTr);
+                        aida.histogram1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track pull y:  Layer " + htlayer, 200, -8, 8).fill((y - yTr) / yerr);
+                        aida.histogram1D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track pull z:  Layer " + htlayer, 200, -8, 8).fill((z - zTr) / zerr);
+                        aida.histogram2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track pull y vs p:  Layer " + htlayer, 200, -8, 8, 200, 0, 5).fill((y - yTr) / yerr, pmc);
+                        aida.histogram2D(hitdir + tkresid + " Track pull z vs p:  Layer " + htlayer, 200, -8, 8, 200, 0, 5).fill((z - zTr) / zerr, pmc);
+                    }
+                    for (HelicalTrackStrip cl : clusterlist) {
+                        int ilayer = 0;
+                        List<MCParticle> mcps = cl.MCParticles();
+                        Hep3Vector corigin = cl.origin();
+                        Hep3Vector u = cl.u();
+                        double umeas = cl.umeas();
+                        Hep3Vector uvec = VecOp.mult(umeas, u);
+                        Hep3Vector clvec = VecOp.add(corigin, uvec);
+                        int layer = cl.layer();
+                        HelicalTrackStrip nearest = getNearestHit(cl, toththits);
+                        if (layer == 1) {
+                            Double l1Dist = getNearestDistance(cl, toththits);
+                            if (l1Dist != null)
+                                l1Isolation.put(track, l1Dist);
+                        }
+                        if (nearest != null)
+                            nearestHitToTrack.add(track, nearest);
+                        int badCl = 0;
+                        if (mcps.size() == 0 || mcps.size() > 1 || !mcps.contains(bestmcp))
+                            badCl = 1;
+                        if (badCl == 1)
+                            if (mcps.size() > 0 && mcps.get(0) != null) {
+                                MCParticle tmpmc = mcps.get(0);
+                                aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " Momentum of bad hit ").fill(tmpmc.getMomentum().magnitude());
+                                aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " PDGID of bad hit ").fill(tmpmc.getPDGID());
+                                for (MCParticle mymc : tmpmc.getParents())
+                                    aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " PDGID of bad hit mother ").fill(mymc.getPDGID());
+                            }
+                        String label = "False hit";
+                        if (badCl == 0)
+                            label = "True Hit ";
+                        SimTrackerHit mcbesthit;
+                        Set<SimTrackerHit> mchitlist = mcHittomcP.allTo(bestmcp);
+                        double ymc = 0, zmc = 0;
+                        for (SimTrackerHit sthbest : mchitlist) {
+                            int slayer = sthbest.getLayer();
+                            if (layer == slayer) {
+                                mcbesthit = sthbest;
+                                ymc = mcbesthit.getPoint()[1];
+                                zmc = mcbesthit.getPoint()[2];
+                                mcmom = getMag(mcbesthit.getMomentum());
+                                if (prevmom > 0 && badCl == 0) {
+                                    aida.histogram1D(hitdir + layer + " MC energy difference ", 100, -0.005, 0.0).fill(mcmom - prevmom);
+                                    aida.histogram1D(hitdir + " MC energy difference ", 100, -0.005, 0.0).fill(mcmom - prevmom);
+                                }
+                                prevmom = mcmom;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        double axdotu =, axial);
+                        boolean isAxial = false;
+                        if (axdotu > 0.5)
+                            isAxial = true;
+//                    aida.cloud2D(hitdir + layer + " y vs z " + label).fill(z, y);
+                        if (isAxial) {
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " y " + label).fill(clvec.y());
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " deltay " + label).fill(clvec.y() - ymc);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + layer + " y vs yMC " + label).fill(ymc, clvec.y());
+                        } else {
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " z " + label).fill(clvec.z());
+                            aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " deltaz " + label).fill(clvec.z() - zmc);
+                            aida.cloud2D(hitdir + layer + " z vs zMC " + label).fill(zmc, clvec.z());
+                        }
+                        Set<MCParticle> mclist = hittomc.allFrom(hit);
+                        aida.cloud1D(hitdir + layer + " Associated MC particles").fill(mclist.size());
+                    }
+                }
+                aida.histogram2D(hitdir + "trkChi2 vs my chi2", 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100).fill(track.getChi2(), mytotchi2);
+                tuple.addRow();
+            }
+        }
+        //  Make the normalized fake plot after the specified number of events
+        if (nevt == 1000) {
+            double wgt = 1. / trk_count;
+            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                System.out.println(" Entries: " + fakes.binEntries(i) + " for mismatches: " + i);
+                for (int j = 0; j < fakes.binHeight(i); j++)
+                    nfakes.fill(i, wgt);
+            }
+            System.out.println("Normalization: " + nfakes.sumAllBinHeights() + " after ntrk = " + trk_count);
+        }
+//analyze the axial only tracks
+        for (Track track : axialtracklist) {
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomcAxial);
+            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+            if (mcp != null)
+                //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
+                trktomcAxial.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+        }
+        for (HelicalTrackHit hit : toththits) {
+            int nAssHits = hit.getRawHits().size();
+            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " nAssHits").fill(nAssHits);
+            Hep3Vector HTHPos = hit.getCorrectedPosition();
+            double rHit = Math.sqrt(HTHPos.x() * HTHPos.x() + HTHPos.y() * HTHPos.y());
+            double zHit = HTHPos.z();
+            double etaHit = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(rHit, zHit) / 2));
+            double hitchisq = hit.chisq();
+//                    double s = helixTrack.PathMap().get(hit);
+//                    Hep3Vector posonhelix = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helixTrack, s);
+            if (hit instanceof HelicalTrackCross) {
+                HelicalTrackCross cross = (HelicalTrackCross) hit;
+//                        TrackDirection trkdir = HelixUtils.CalculateTrackDirection(helixTrack, s);
+//                        cross.setTrackDirection(trkdir, helixTrack.covariance());
+                List<HelicalTrackStrip> clusterlist = cross.getStrips();
+                double du_stereo = 0;
+                double du_axial = 0;
+                for (HelicalTrackStrip cluster : clusterlist) {
+                    int nstrips = cluster.rawhits().size();
+                    aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " nStrips-per-layer").fill(nstrips);
+                    Hep3Vector corigin = cluster.origin();
+                    Hep3Vector u = cluster.u();
+                    List<RawTrackerHit> rawhits = cluster.rawhits();
+                    double umc = -999999;
+                    double stenergy = -999999;
+                    String stripdir = "axial";
+                    double umeas = cluster.umeas();
+                    double charge = cluster.dEdx() * 1000.0;
+                    for (RawTrackerHit rhit : rawhits) {
+                        String deName = rhit.getDetectorElement().getName();
+                        if (deName.contains("sensor1"))
+                            stripdir = "stereo";
+                        //                           System.out.println("Layer number  " + rhit.getLayerNumber() + "  " + deName);
+                        List<SimTrackerHit> sthits = rhit.getSimTrackerHits();
+                        int nsthits = sthits.size();
+                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " associated ST hits").fill(nsthits);
+                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " layer" + stripdir + " associated ST hits").fill(nsthits);
+                        if (nsthits == 1) {
+                            double[] sthitD = sthits.get(0).getPoint();
+                            BasicHep3Vector sthit = new BasicHep3Vector(sthitD);
+                            stenergy = sthits.get(0).getdEdx();
+                            Hep3Vector vdiff = VecOp.sub(sthit, corigin);
+                            umc =, u);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //                        System.out.println("filling...");
+                    if (umc != -999999) {
+//                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "dedx").fill(charge);
+                        aida.histogram1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "dedx", 50, 0, 0.3).fill(charge);
+                        if (umc < 1 && umc > -1)
+                            aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "cluster reco vs cluster mc").fill(umeas - umc, umc);
+                        aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "cluster vs STHit dedx").fill(stenergy, charge);
+                        aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "cluster dedx vs delte(u)").fill(umeas - umc, charge);
+                        if (stripdir.contains("stereo"))
+                            du_stereo = umeas - umc;
+                        if (stripdir.contains("axial"))
+                            du_axial = umeas - umc;
+                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)").fill(umeas - umc);
+                        aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)").fill(umeas - umc);
+                        if (nstrips == 1) {
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--1 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--1 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                        }
+                        if (nstrips == 2) {
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--2 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--2 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                        }
+                        if (nstrips == 3) {
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + "layer=" + stripdir + " delta(u)--3 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                            aida.cloud1D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u)--3 strip").fill(umeas - umc);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                aida.cloud2D(debugDir + hit.Detector() + " delta(u) stereo v axial").fill(du_stereo, du_axial);
+            }
+        }
+        //analyze the event
+        int ApCand = 0;
+        String apdir = "Aprime/";
+        Track eleID = null;
+        Track posID = null;
+        MCParticle eleMC = null;
+        MCParticle posMC = null;
+        for (Track track : tracklist) {
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(track);
+            StraightLineTrack slt = sltMap.get(track);
+            //  Calculate purity and make appropriate plots
+            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+            if (mcp == null)
+                continue;
+            if (mcp.getParents().size() == 1 && mcp.getParents().get(0).getPDGID() == 622) {
+                int nhits = tkanal.getNHitsNew();
+                double px = track.getPX();
+                double py = track.getPY();
+                double pz = track.getPZ();
+                double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+                double pperp = Math.sqrt(py * py + pz * pz);
+                double p = Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+                double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+                double cth = pz / Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+                if (mcp.getCharge() > 0) {
+                    posID = track;
+                    posMC = mcp;
+                    fillTrackInfo(apdir, "positron", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, doca, poca[0], poca[1], poca[2]);
+                } else {
+                    eleID = track;
+                    eleMC = mcp;
+                    fillTrackInfo(apdir, "electron", track.getChi2(), nhits, p, pperp, px, py, pz, phi, cth, doca, poca[0], poca[1], poca[2]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of Aprime candidates found").fill(ApCand);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of negative candidates found").fill(_neleRec);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of true electrons").fill(_neleTru);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of fake electrons").fill(_neleFake);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of positive candidates found").fill(_nposRec);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of true positrons").fill(_nposTru);
+        aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Number of fake positrons").fill(_nposFake);
+        //  Now loop over all MC Particles
+        List<MCParticle> mclist = event.getMCParticles();
+        int _nchMCP = 0;
+        int _nchMCPBar = 0;
+        for (MCParticle mcp : mclist) {
+            //  Calculate the pT and polar angle of the MC particle
+            double px = mcp.getPX();
+            double py = mcp.getPY();
+            double pz = mcp.getPZ();
+            double pt = Math.sqrt(px * px + py * py);
+            double p = Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
+            double cth = pz / p;
+            double theta = 180. * Math.acos(cth) / Math.PI;
+            double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(pt, pz) / 2));
+            double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+            //  Find the number of layers hit by this mc particle
+//            System.out.println("MC pt=" + pt);
+            int nhits = findable.LayersHit(mcp);
+            boolean isFindable=findable.InnerTrackerIsFindable(mcp, nlayers[0]-2);
+            Set<SimTrackerHit> mchitlist = mcHittomcP.allTo(mcp);
+            Set<HelicalTrackCross> hitlist = hittomc.allTo(mcp);
+            //  Calculate the helix parameters for this MC particle
+            HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bfield);
+            double d0 = helix.getDCA();
+            double z0 = helix.getZ0();
+            //  Check cases where we have multiple tracks associated with this MC particle
+            Set<Track> trklist = trktomc.allTo(mcp);
+            int ntrk = trklist.size();
+            Set<Track> trklistAxial = trktomcAxial.allTo(mcp);
+            int ntrkAxial = trklistAxial.size();
+            if (mcp.getPDGID() == 622) {
+                boolean bothreco = true;
+                boolean bothfindable = true;
+                //it's the A'...let's see if we found both tracks.
+                List<MCParticle> daughters = mcp.getDaughters();
+                for (MCParticle d : daughters) {
+                    if (trktomc.allTo(d).size() == 0) bothreco = false;
+//                    if (findable.LayersHit(d) != nlayers[0])
+                      if (!findable.InnerTrackerIsFindable(d, nlayers[0]-2))
+                        bothfindable = false;
+                }
+                double vtxWgt = 0;
+                if (bothreco) vtxWgt = 1.0;
+                VxEff.fill(mcp.getOriginX(), vtxWgt);
+                VyEff.fill(mcp.getOriginY(), vtxWgt);
+                VzEff.fill(mcp.getOriginZ(), vtxWgt);
+                if (bothfindable) {
+                    VxEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginX(), vtxWgt);
+                    VyEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginY(), vtxWgt);
+                    VzEffFindable.fill(mcp.getOriginZ(), vtxWgt);
+                }
+            }
+            if (ntrk > 1) {
+                //  Count tracks where the assigned MC particle has more than 1 hit
+                int nmulthits = 0;
+                for (Track trk : trklist) {
+                    TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(trk);
+                    if (tkanal.getNBadHits() < tkanal.getNHits() - 1)
+                        nmulthits++;
+                }
+                //  Flag any anomalous cases that we find
+                if (nmulthits > 1)
+                    System.out.println("2 tracks associated with a single MC Particle");
+            }
+//            if (nhits == nlayers[0]) {
[truncated at 1000 lines; 464 more skipped]

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3 1.8 -> 1.9
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
---	21 Jan 2011 16:15:28 -0000	1.8
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:45 -0000	1.9
@@ -115,27 +115,27 @@
     FileWriter fw;
     PrintWriter pw;
     boolean isBeamConstrain = false;
+    double maxP=2.2;
     public TestVertexing(int layers) {
         //  Define the efficiency histograms
         IHistogramFactory hf = aida.histogramFactory();
-        peffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., 11.);
+        peffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., maxP);
         thetaeffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
         phieffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
         ctheffFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
         d0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs d0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
         z0effFindable = hf.createProfile1D("Findable Efficiency vs z0", "", 50, -2., 2.);
-        peffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., 11.);
+        peffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., maxP);
         thetaeffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
         phieffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
         ctheffElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
         d0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs d0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
         z0effElectrons = hf.createProfile1D("Electrons Efficiency vs z0", "", 20, -1., 1.);
-        peffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., 11.);
+        peffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs p", "", 50, 0., maxP);
         thetaeffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs theta", "", 20, 80, 100);
         phieffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs phi", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
         ctheffAxial = hf.createProfile1D("Axial Efficiency vs cos(theta)", "", 25, -0.25, 0.25);
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@
     public void process(
             EventHeader event) {
@@ -178,11 +177,9 @@
         RelationalTable hittomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
         List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
-        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelations) {
-            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null) {
+        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelations)
+            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
                 hittomc.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
-            }
-        }
 //        RelationalTable hittomcRemaining = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
 //        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
@@ -196,18 +193,24 @@
         //  Create a map between tracks and the associated MCParticle
 //        List<Track> tracklist = event.getTracks();
+        List<Track> axialtracklist = event.get(Track.class, "AxialTracks");
         List<Track> tracklist = event.get(Track.class, "MatchedTracks");
-        List<Track> lltracklist = event.get(Track.class, "LLTracks");
+//        List<Track> lltracklist = event.get(Track.class, "LLTracks");
+        RelationalTable hittomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+//        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
+        List<LCRelation> mcrelationsAxial = event.get(LCRelation.class, "AxialTrackMCRelations");
+        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelationsAxial)
+            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
+                hittomcAxial.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
         RelationalTable trktomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
         aida.cloud1D("Matched Tracks per Event").fill(tracklist.size());
-        aida.cloud1D("Long Lived Tracks per Event").fill(lltracklist.size());
+//        aida.cloud1D("Long Lived Tracks per Event").fill(lltracklist.size());
         aida.cloud1D("HelicalTrackHits per Event").fill(toththits.size());
         RelationalTable trktomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
 //        RelationalTable trktomcLL = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
-        tracklist.addAll(lltracklist);
+//        tracklist.addAll(lltracklist);
         RelationalTable mcHittomcP = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
@@ -215,13 +218,10 @@
         List<List<SimTrackerHit>> simcols = event.get(SimTrackerHit.class);
         //  Loop over the SimTrackerHits and fill in the relational table
-        for (List<SimTrackerHit> simlist : simcols) {
-            for (SimTrackerHit simhit : simlist) {
-                if (simhit.getMCParticle() != null) {
+        for (List<SimTrackerHit> simlist : simcols)
+            for (SimTrackerHit simhit : simlist)
+                if (simhit.getMCParticle() != null)
                     mcHittomcP.add(simhit, simhit.getMCParticle());
-                }
-            }
-        }
         Map<Track, TrackAnalysis> tkanalMap = new HashMap<Track, TrackAnalysis>();
         Map<Track, StraightLineTrack> sltMap = new HashMap<Track, StraightLineTrack>();
@@ -250,7 +250,8 @@
+            if(track.getCharge()>0)aida.cloud1D("chi2 -- Positrons").fill(chisq);
+               if(track.getCharge()<0)aida.cloud1D("chi2 -- Electrons").fill(chisq);
             double mom[] = track.getMomentum();
             SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) track;
@@ -297,9 +298,8 @@
             aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Number of Axial hits for all tracks").fill(nAxial);
             aida.cloud1D(trackdir + "Number of Z hits for all tracks").fill(nZ);
-            for (Integer bhit : badLayers) {
+            for (Integer bhit : badLayers)
                 aida.histogram1D(trackdir + "Layer of Bad Hit", nlayers[0], 1, nlayers[0] + 1).fill(bhit);
-            }
             //  Generate a normalized histogram after 1000 events
@@ -366,9 +366,8 @@
                 String tkresid = "TrackResiduals/";
                 int ndaug = 0;
-                if (bestmcp != null) {
+                if (bestmcp != null)
                     ndaug = bestmcp.getDaughters().size();
-                }
                 int imain = 0;
@@ -382,8 +381,8 @@
         SpacePoint SP = new SpacePoint(IP);
         List<Track> vlist = new ArrayList<Track>();
         List<BilliorTrack> btlist = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();
-        for (Track track1 : tracklist) {
-            for (Track track2 : tracklist) {
+        for (Track track1 : tracklist)
+            for (Track track2 : tracklist)
                 if (track1 != track2 && track1.getCharge() > 0 && track2.getCharge() < 0) {
@@ -516,7 +515,40 @@
                     aida.histogram1D("BilliorVertex Mass  -- BS Constrained", 100, 0.08, 0.12).fill(bsconfit.getInvMass());
-            }
+        String axialDir="Axial Tracks/";
+        for (Track track : axialtracklist) {
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomcAxial);
+            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+            if (mcp != null)
+                //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
+                trktomcAxial.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+                  //  Calculate the track pT and cos(theta)
+            double d0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
+            double z0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index);
+            double phi0 = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index);
+            double slope = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex);
+            double curve = track.getTrackParameter(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex);
+            double d0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex, HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex));
+            double z0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index, HelicalTrackFit.z0Index));
+            double phi0Err = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index, HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index));
+            double slopeErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex, HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex));
+            double curveErr = Math.sqrt(track.getErrorMatrix().e(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex, HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex));
+            double chisq = track.getChi2();
+            //plot the helix parameters
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"d0").fill(d0);
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"z0").fill(z0);
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"phi0").fill(phi0);
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"slope").fill(slope);
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"curve").fill(curve);
+            aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"chi2").fill(chisq);
+            if(track.getCharge()>0)aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"chi2 -- Positrons").fill(chisq);
+               if(track.getCharge()<0)aida.cloud1D(axialDir+"chi2 -- Electrons").fill(chisq);
@@ -536,6 +568,7 @@
             double theta = 180. * Math.acos(cth) / Math.PI;
             double eta = -Math.log(Math.tan(Math.atan2(pt, pz) / 2));
             double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
+            double pdgid = mcp.getPDGID();
             //  Find the number of layers hit by this mc particle
 //            System.out.println("MC pt=" + pt);
             int nhits = findable.LayersHit(mcp);
@@ -558,23 +591,21 @@
             Set<Track> trklistAxial = trktomcAxial.allTo(mcp);
             int ntrkAxial = trklistAxial.size();
             if (mcp.getPDGID() == 622) {
                 boolean bothreco = true;
                 boolean bothfindable = true;
                 //it's the A'...let's see if we found both tracks.
                 List<MCParticle> daughters = mcp.getDaughters();
                 for (MCParticle d : daughters) {
-                    if (trktomc.allTo(d).size() == 0) {
+                    if (trktomc.allTo(d).size() == 0)
                         bothreco = false;
-                    }
-                    if (!findable.InnerTrackerIsFindable(d, nlayers[0] - 2)) {
+                    if (!findable.InnerTrackerIsFindable(d, nlayers[0] - 2))
                         bothfindable = false;
-                    }
                 double vtxWgt = 0;
-                if (bothreco) {
+                if (bothreco)
                     vtxWgt = 1.0;
-                }
                 VxEff.fill(mcp.getOriginX(), vtxWgt);
                 VyEff.fill(mcp.getOriginY(), vtxWgt);
                 VzEff.fill(mcp.getOriginZ(), vtxWgt);
@@ -590,23 +621,20 @@
                 int nmulthits = 0;
                 for (Track trk : trklist) {
                     TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(trk);
-                    if (tkanal.getNBadHits() < tkanal.getNHits() - 1) {
+                    if (tkanal.getNBadHits() < tkanal.getNHits() - 1)
-                    }
                 //  Flag any anomalous cases that we find
-                if (nmulthits > 1) {
+                if (nmulthits > 1)
                     System.out.println("2 tracks associated with a single MC Particle");
-                }
             if (isFindable) {
                 double wgt = 0.;
-                if (ntrk > 0) {
+                if (ntrk > 0)
                     wgt = 1.;
-                }
                 foundTracks += wgt;
                 peffFindable.fill(p, wgt);
                 phieffFindable.fill(phi, wgt);
@@ -618,9 +646,8 @@
 //                    System.out.println("Missed a findable track!");
                 double wgtAxial = 0.;
-                if (ntrkAxial > 0) {
+                if (ntrkAxial > 0)
                     wgtAxial = 1.;
-                }
                 peffAxial.fill(p, wgtAxial);
                 phieffAxial.fill(phi, wgtAxial);
                 thetaeffAxial.fill(theta, wgtAxial);
@@ -637,9 +664,8 @@
                 if (isFindable) {
                     double wgt = 0.;
-                    if (ntrk > 0) {
+                    if (ntrk > 0)
                         wgt = 1.;
-                    }
                     foundelectrons += wgt;
                     peffElectrons.fill(p, wgt);
                     phieffElectrons.fill(phi, wgt);
@@ -647,15 +673,14 @@
                     ctheffElectrons.fill(cth, wgt);
                     d0effElectrons.fill(d0, wgt);
                     z0effElectrons.fill(z0, wgt);
-                    if (wgt == 0) {
+                    if (wgt == 0 && pdgid > 0)
                         System.out.println("Missed a findable ELECTRON!!!!!");
-                    }
+                    if (wgt == 0 && pdgid < 0)
+                        System.out.println("Missed a findable .....  .....  POSITRON!!!!");
                     double wgtAxial = 0.;
-                    if (ntrkAxial > 0) {
+                    if (ntrkAxial > 0)
                         wgtAxial = 1.;
-                    }
                     peffAxial.fill(p, wgtAxial);
                     phieffAxial.fill(phi, wgtAxial);
                     thetaeffAxial.fill(theta, wgtAxial);
@@ -671,7 +696,6 @@
     public void endOfData() {
         try {
@@ -716,9 +740,8 @@
     private double getphi(double x, double y) {
         double phi = Math.atan2(y, x);
-        if (phi < 0.) {
+        if (phi < 0.)
             phi += 2. * Math.PI;
-        }
         return phi;
@@ -835,9 +858,8 @@
         double dzdx1 = slt1.dzdx();
         double s1sq = 1 + 1 / (dydx1 * dydx1) + (dzdx1 * dzdx1) / (dydx1 * dydx1);
         double truep1y = Math.sqrt(p1mag2 / s1sq);
-        if (dydx1 < 0) {
+        if (dydx1 < 0)
             truep1y = -truep1y;
-        }
         double truep1x = truep1y / dydx1;
         double truep1z = dzdx1 * truep1x;
@@ -851,9 +873,8 @@
         double dzdx2 = slt2.dzdx();
         double s2sq = 1 + 1 / (dydx2 * dydx2) + (dzdx2 * dzdx2) / (dydx2 * dydx2);
         double truep2y = Math.sqrt(p2mag2 / s2sq);
-        if (dydx2 < 0) {
+        if (dydx2 < 0)
             truep2y = -truep2y;
-        }
         double truep2x = truep2y / dydx2;
         double truep2z = dzdx2 * truep2x;
@@ -940,9 +961,8 @@
         double dzdx1 = slt1.dzdx();
         double s1sq = 1 + 1 / (dydx1 * dydx1) + (dzdx1 * dzdx1) / (dydx1 * dydx1);
         truep[1] = Math.sqrt(p1mag2 / s1sq);
-        if (dydx1 < 0) {
+        if (dydx1 < 0)
             truep[1] = -truep[1];
-        }
         truep[0] = truep[1] / dydx1;
         truep[2] = dzdx1 * truep[0];

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	7 Jan 2011 17:15:08 -0000	1.4
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:45 -0000	1.5
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
     public String outputFile = "foobar.slcio";
     public String plotsFile = "myplots.aida";
     public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
-//    TestVertexing tad;
-    FastTrackAnalysisDriver tad;
+//     TestVertexing tad;
+     TrackAnalysisDriver tad;
+//    FastTrackAnalysisDriver tad;
     List<int[]> pairs = new ArrayList();
     List<Integer> passLayers = new ArrayList();
     double referenceX = 0.0;
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@
 //        tad = new LongLivedAnalysis(nlayers);
-//        tad = new TestVertexing(nlayers);
-        tad = new FastTrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
+ //       tad = new TestVertexing(nlayers);
+        tad = new TrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
+//        tad = new FastTrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
 //        atd=new AnalysisTupleDriver(nlayers);
 //        add(new OccupancyDriver());
@@ -98,9 +100,10 @@
             nlayers = 12;
             axialStrategy = "DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml";
+//            axialStrategy = "none";
             finalStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml";
-            llStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2-LongLived.xml";
+//            llStrategy = "DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2-LongLived.xml";
+            llStrategy = "none";
             int[] p1 = {1, 2};
             int[] p2 = {3, 4};
             int[] p3 = {5, 6};

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSDedicatedv3 1.7 -> 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
---	7 Jan 2011 17:15:08 -0000	1.7
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.8
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
             SeedTracker st = new SeedTracker(slist);
-//            st.setBField(BField);
+            st.setBField(BField);
-//        st.setDiagnostics(new SeedTrackerDiagnostics());
+        st.setDiagnostics(new SeedTrackerDiagnostics());
 //            st.setTrackCheck(new CheckAxialTrack());
             st.setReferencePoint(referenceX, referenceY);
@@ -100,12 +100,13 @@
-//         stFinal.setDiagnostics(new SeedTrackerDiagnostics());
-  //      stFinal.setBField(BField);
+         stFinal.setDiagnostics(new SeedTrackerDiagnostics());
+        stFinal.setBField(BField);
+          stFinal.setSectorParams(false);
     StripHitsOnTrack shot = new StripHitsOnTrack();
@@ -120,6 +121,6 @@
+  */

DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml	28 Oct 2010 17:26:33 -0000	1.1
+++ DarkPhoton-HPS3pt2.xml	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.2
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <Strategy name="HelicalTrackHit Strategy">
-        <MinPT>0.1</MinPT>
+        <MinPT>0.2</MinPT>
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
-        <MaxDCA>10.0</MaxDCA>
-        <MaxZ0>100.0</MaxZ0>
+        <MaxDCA>4.0</MaxDCA>
+        <MaxZ0>4.0</MaxZ0>

DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml 1.2 -> 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml	10 Nov 2010 20:08:08 -0000	1.2
+++ DarkPhoton-Axial-HPS3pt2.xml	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.3
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <Strategy name="Barrel inside out">
-        <MinPT>0.5</MinPT>
+        <MinPT>0.2</MinPT>
@@ -28,17 +28,13 @@
        <Strategy name="Long Lived Barrel inside out">
-        <MinPT>0.5</MinPT>
+        <MinPT>0.2</MinPT>
-        <MaxDCA>100.0</MaxDCA>
-        <MaxZ0>1000.0</MaxZ0>
-        <MaxChisq>2500.0</MaxChisq>
-        <BadHitChisq>1000.0</BadHitChisq>
@@ -53,6 +49,6 @@
             <Layer type="Confirm" layer_number="10" detector_name="Tracker" be_flag="BARREL" />

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSTestv1 1.6 -> 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
---	10 Mar 2011 22:53:00 -0000	1.6
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.7
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
 //        tad = new LongLivedAnalysis(nlayers);
-        tad = new TestVertexing(nlayers);
+//        tad = new TestVertexing(nlayers);
 //        tad = new FastTrackAnalysisDriver(nlayers);
 //        atd=new AnalysisTupleDriver(nlayers);
-//        add(new OccupancyDriver());
-        add(tad);
+        add(new OccupancyDriver());
+//        add(tad);
 //        add(atd);

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSTestv1 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	10 Mar 2011 19:02:46 -0000	1.4
+++	18 Apr 2011 16:07:46 -0000	1.5
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
-        add(stFinal);
+//        add(stFinal);
  StripHitsOnTrack shot = new StripHitsOnTrack();
CVSspam 0.2.8