

Dear Colleagues,
 As most of you may already know, another Continuing Resolution 
was passed on Friday, which keeps the government running until 
April 15. The budget deal which led up to this CR cuts spending 
by $78.5 billion from the President's FY 2011 Budget request.
The details of the agreement will be finalized by Congress in the 
coming week. How this affects basic research, science, or HEP is
difficult to say, but the White House has released some 
information on its blog, specifically:

"We protected funding for critical programs that invest in science 
programs, our kids' education, and critical health programs." 


"Even though we will no longer double the funding of key research and 
development agencies, you will still see strong investments in National 
Institute of Standards and Technology, National Science Foundation and 
the Office of Science."

The full blog posting, "Details of the Bipartisan Budget Deal," can be 
found online at:

Norman Graf