

Hi Paul,

xrootd uses the standard IP/hostname mapping interface. That should use 
whatever you've configured the kernel to use. So, xrootd doesn't care. If 
you can't get that to work (which I would be suprised) you can always use 
actual IP addresses.

As for the the error, the host name can have no more than one asterisk in 


On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, Paul T. Keener wrote:

> I am trying to restrict access to my xrootd servers to a private network. 
> The documentation for xrd.allow specifically mentions DNS. Does xrootd force 
> the use of DNS, or does it use whatever name resolution is configured on the 
> local machine?
> I am getting log file lines along the lines of "XrdConfig: invalid allow type 
> - at3*.at3f".  Is this a name resolution problem or something else?
> Thanks.
> 	-paul