Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example on MAIN -> 1.2
added checks to see if axial-only tracking  has been done so it can still run without it

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/HPSUsers/Example 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	20 Apr 2011 20:07:39 -0000	1.1
+++	19 May 2011 17:21:48 -0000	1.2
@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@
     public String outputTextName = "myevents.txt";
     FileWriter fw;
     PrintWriter pw;
-  double[] beamsize = {0.001, 0.02, 0.02};
+    double[] beamsize = {0.001, 0.02, 0.02};
     public DetailedAnalysisDriver(int layers) {
         nlayers[0] = layers;
@@ -280,13 +281,15 @@
 //        List<HelicalTrackHit> hthits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "MatchedHTHits");
         List<HelicalTrackHit> toththits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "HelicalTrackHits");
-        List<HelicalTrackHit> axialhits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "AxialTrackHits");
+        if (event.hasItem("AxialTrackHits")) {
+            List<HelicalTrackHit> axialhits = event.get(HelicalTrackHit.class, "AxialTrackHits");
-        int nAxialHitsTotal = axialhits.size();
-        int nL1Hits = 0;
-        for (HelicalTrackHit hth : axialhits)
-            if (hth.Layer() == 1)
-                nL1Hits++;
+            int nAxialHitsTotal = axialhits.size();
+            int nL1Hits = 0;
+            for (HelicalTrackHit hth : axialhits)
+                if (hth.Layer() == 1)
+                    nL1Hits++;
+        }
         Map<String, Integer> occupancyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
         for (RawTrackerHit rh : rawHits) {
@@ -340,24 +343,30 @@
         RelationalTable hittomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
 //        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
-        List<LCRelation> mcrelationsAxial = event.get(LCRelation.class, "AxialTrackMCRelations");
-        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelationsAxial)
-            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
-                hittomcAxial.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
+        if (event.hasItem("AxialTrackMCRelations")) {
+            List<LCRelation> mcrelationsAxial = event.get(LCRelation.class, "AxialTrackMCRelations");
+            for (LCRelation relation : mcrelationsAxial)
+                if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
+                    hittomcAxial.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
+        }
         //  Instantiate the class that determines if a track is "findable"
         FindableTrack findable = new FindableTrack(event);
         //  Create a map between tracks and the associated MCParticle
         List<Track> tracklist = event.get(Track.class, "MatchedTracks");
-        List<Track> axialtracklist = event.get(Track.class, "AxialTracks");
         aida.cloud1D("Matched Tracks per Event").fill(tracklist.size());
-        aida.cloud1D("Axial Tracks per Event").fill(axialtracklist.size());
         aida.cloud1D("HelicalTrackHits per Event").fill(toththits.size());
         RelationalTable trktomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
-        RelationalTable trktomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        List<Track> axialtracklist = null;
+        RelationalTable trktomcAxial = null;
+        if (event.hasItem("AxialTracks")) {
+            axialtracklist = event.get(Track.class, "AxialTracks");
+            aida.cloud1D("Axial Tracks per Event").fill(axialtracklist.size());
+            trktomcAxial = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
+        }
         int _nchRec = 0;
         int _neleRec = 0;
         int _nposRec = 0;
@@ -382,11 +391,13 @@
         Map<Track, Double> l1Isolation = new HashMap<Track, Double>();
         Map<Track, Double> l1DeltaZ = new HashMap<Track, Double>();
         Map<Track, BilliorTrack> btMap = new HashMap<Track, BilliorTrack>();
-        String atrackdir = "TrackInfoAxial/";
-        //  Analyze the tracks in the event
-        for (Track atrack : axialtracklist) {
-            double apx = atrack.getPX();
-            aida.cloud1D(atrackdir + "pX").fill(apx);
+        if (event.hasItem("AxialTracks")) {
+            String atrackdir = "TrackInfoAxial/";
+            //  Analyze the tracks in the event
+            for (Track atrack : axialtracklist) {
+                double apx = atrack.getPX();
+                aida.cloud1D(atrackdir + "pX").fill(apx);
+            }
         String trackdir = "TrackInfo/";
         //  Analyze the tracks in the event
@@ -705,13 +716,15 @@
 //analyze the axial only tracks
-        for (Track track : axialtracklist) {
-            TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomcAxial);
-            MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
-            if (mcp != null)
-                //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
-                trktomcAxial.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+        if (event.hasItem("AxialTracks")) {
+            for (Track track : axialtracklist) {
+                TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomcAxial);
+                MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
+                if (mcp != null)
+                    //  Create a map between the tracks found and the assigned MC particle
+                    trktomcAxial.add(track, tkanal.getMCParticle());
+            }
         for (HelicalTrackHit hit : toththits) {
@@ -801,7 +814,7 @@
         MCParticle posMC = null;
         for (Track track : tracklist) {
-            TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(track);          
+            TrackAnalysis tkanal = tkanalMap.get(track);
             //  Calculate purity and make appropriate plots
             MCParticle mcp = tkanal.getMCParticle();
             if (mcp == null)
@@ -817,11 +830,11 @@
                 double phi = Math.atan2(py, px);
                 double cth = pz / Math.sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
-              SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) track;
+                SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) track;
                 SeedCandidate seedEle = stEle.getSeedCandidate();
-              HelicalTrackFit ht = seedEle.getHelix();
-              double doca=ht.dca();
-              double[] poca={ht.x0(),ht.y0(),ht.z0()};
+                HelicalTrackFit ht = seedEle.getHelix();
+                double doca = ht.dca();
+                double[] poca = {ht.x0(), ht.y0(), ht.z0()};
                 if (mcp.getCharge() > 0) {
                     posID = track;
                     posMC = mcp;
@@ -838,7 +851,7 @@
         String vertex = "Vertexing/";
         String selected = "Selection/";
         String nhitsTotal = "NumberOfHits/";
-        List<BilliorTrack> btlist = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();       
+        List<BilliorTrack> btlist = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();
         for (Track track1 : tracklist) {
             Track ele = null;
             Track pos = null;
@@ -858,14 +871,14 @@
                     int nElectron = ele.getTrackerHits().size();
                     int nPositron = pos.getTrackerHits().size();
-                        BilliorTrack btEle = btMap.get(ele);
+                    BilliorTrack btEle = btMap.get(ele);
                     BilliorTrack btPos = btMap.get(pos);
                     BilliorVertex bvertexUC = new BilliorVertex(bfield);
@@ -873,38 +886,38 @@
                     BasicMatrix bvtxPosUC = (BasicMatrix) bvertexUC.getVertexPosition();
                     BasicMatrix bvtxCovUC = (BasicMatrix) bvertexUC.getVertexCovariance();
-                    double invMass=bvertexUC.getInvMass();
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X  -- UnConstrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(0, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y -- UnConstrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(1, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z -- UnConstrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(2, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex ChiSq -- UnConstrained", 100, 0, 50).fill(bvertexUC.getChiSq());
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X Pull -- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(0, 0)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y Pull-- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(1, 1)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z Pull-- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(2, 2)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Mass  -- UnConstrained", 250, 0.0, 0.25).fill(bvertexUC.getInvMass());
+                    double invMass = bvertexUC.getInvMass();
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X  -- UnConstrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(0, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y -- UnConstrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(1, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z -- UnConstrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(2, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex ChiSq -- UnConstrained", 100, 0, 50).fill(bvertexUC.getChiSq());
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X Pull -- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(0, 0)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y Pull-- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(1, 1)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z Pull-- UnConstrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPosUC.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCovUC.e(2, 2)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Mass  -- UnConstrained", 250, 0.0, 0.25).fill(bvertexUC.getInvMass());
                     aida.cloud1D(apdir + "e+e- Invariant Mass").fill(invMass);
                     if (eleMC != null && posMC != null && ele == eleID && pos == posID)
                         aida.cloud1D(apdir + "Matched A' Invariant Mass").fill(invMass);
-                   BilliorVertex bvertex = new BilliorVertex(bfield);
+                    BilliorVertex bvertex = new BilliorVertex(bfield);
                     BasicMatrix bvtxPos = (BasicMatrix) bvertex.getVertexPosition();
                     BasicMatrix bvtxCov = (BasicMatrix) bvertex.getVertexCovariance();
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X  -- Constrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bvtxPos.e(0, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y -- Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPos.e(1, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z -- Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPos.e(2, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex ChiSq -- Constrained", 100, -10, 50).fill(bvertex.getChiSq());
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X Pull -- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(0, 0)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y Pull-- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(1, 1)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z Pull-- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(2, 2)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X  -- Constrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bvtxPos.e(0, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y -- Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPos.e(1, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z -- Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bvtxPos.e(2, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex ChiSq -- Constrained", 100, -10, 50).fill(bvertex.getChiSq());
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X Pull -- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(0, 0)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y Pull-- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(1, 1)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z Pull-- Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bvtxPos.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(2, 2)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Mass  -- Constrained", 250, 0.0, 0.25).fill(bvertex.getInvMass());
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Mass  -- Constrained", 250, 0.0, 0.25).fill(bvertex.getInvMass());
@@ -916,15 +929,15 @@
                     BasicMatrix bsconvtxPos = (BasicMatrix) bsconfit.getVertexPosition();
                     BasicMatrix bsconvtxCov = (BasicMatrix) bsconfit.getVertexCovariance();
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X  -- BS Constrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(0, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y -- BS Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(1, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z -- BS Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(2, 0));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex ChiSq -- BS Constrained", 100, -10, 50).fill(bsconfit.getChiSq());
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex X Pull -- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(0, 0)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Y Pull-- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(1, 1)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Z Pull-- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(2, 2)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X  -- BS Constrained", 100, -10, 20).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(0, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y -- BS Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(1, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z -- BS Constrained", 100, -0.4, 0.4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(2, 0));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex ChiSq -- BS Constrained", 100, -10, 50).fill(bsconfit.getChiSq());
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex X Pull -- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(0, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(0, 0)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Y Pull-- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(1, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(1, 1)));
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Z Pull-- BS Constrained", 100, -4, 4).fill(bsconvtxPos.e(2, 0) / Math.sqrt(bvtxCov.e(2, 2)));
-                    aida.histogram1D(vertex+"BilliorVertex Mass  -- BS Constrained", 100, 0.08, 0.12).fill(bsconfit.getInvMass());
+                    aida.histogram1D(vertex + "BilliorVertex Mass  -- BS Constrained", 100, 0.08, 0.12).fill(bsconfit.getInvMass());
@@ -970,10 +983,11 @@
             //  Check cases where we have multiple tracks associated with this MC particle
             Set<Track> trklist = trktomc.allTo(mcp);
             int ntrk = trklist.size();
-            Set<Track> trklistAxial = trktomcAxial.allTo(mcp);
-            int ntrkAxial = trklistAxial.size();
+            int ntrkAxial=0;
+            if (event.hasItem("AxialTracks")) {
+                Set<Track> trklistAxial = trktomcAxial.allTo(mcp);
+                ntrkAxial = trklistAxial.size();
+            }
             if (mcp.getPDGID() == 622) {
                 boolean bothreco = true;
CVSspam 0.2.8