

Commit in slic on MAIN
include/lStdHep.hh-3971.4 removed
       /lXDR.hh-1471.2 removed
src/ removed
   / removed
4 removed files
removing files duplicated in LCIO

lStdHep.hh removed after 1.4
diff -N lStdHep.hh
--- lStdHep.hh	24 Jan 2006 18:39:27 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-//// lStdHep.hh
-// Header file for a light-weight StdHep class.
-// This class is based on the light-weight XDR class lXDR,
-// and parses/writes StdHep files. It was mainly written,
-// to provide a faster alternative to the more cumdersome
-// methods using mcfio in CLHEP.
-// W.G.J. Langeveld, 24 May 2002
-// Release notes:
-// - Version 1.0 (23-Oct-2003, WGL):
-//   o Implements "read" but not "write" functions
-//   o Standalone (previous versions depended on sgarray,
-//     which comes with the "vec" package in the Lelaps
-//     distribution). It now uses one std::vector.
-// - Version 1.1 (18-Mar-2004, WGL):
-//   o Fixed a file positioning bug which made it fail to
-//     read some files.
-// - Version 1.2 (18-Mar-2004, WGL):
-//   o Fixed a bug where it would skip one event at the
-//     boundaries between event blocks.
-// - Version 1.3 (19-Mar-2004, WGL):
-//   o Improved handling of end-of-file. Now, when there
-//     are no more events, readEvent() returns an error.
-//     The error code is LSH_ENDOFFILE.
-// - Version 1.4 (30-Mar-2004, WGL):
-//   o Fixed memory leak
-// - Version 1.5 (10-Aug-2004, WGL):
-//   o Added numEvents() method by request.
-#ifndef LSTDHEP__HH
-#define LSTDHEP__HH
-#include "lXDR.hh"
-#include <vector>
-// MCFIO block codes
-#define LSH_GENERIC           0
-#define LSH_FILEHEADER        1    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_EVENTTABLE        2    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_EVENTHEADER       4    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_NOTHING           5
-// lStdHepError codes
-#define LSH_SUCCESS           0
-#define LSH_BLOCKERROR      101
-#define LSH_NOEVENTTABLE    102
-#define LSH_NOEVENT         103
-#define LSH_NOTSUPPORTED    104
-#define LSH_ENDOFFILE       106
-// StdHep block codes
-#define LSH_STDHEP          101    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_TRACEARRAYS     104
-#define LSH_STDHEPM         105
-#define LSH_STDHEPBEG       106    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_STDHEPEND       107    // supported 5/28/2002
-#define LSH_STDHEPCXX       108
-#define LSH_STDHEPEV4       201    // supported 1/23/2006
-// The basic lStdHep track. Note that access controls are
-// unneeded here since this is an old standard unlikely to
-// change.
-struct lStdTrack {
-   double         X;
-   double         Y;
-   double         Z;
-   double         T;
-   double         Px;
-   double         Py;
-   double         Pz;
-   double         E;
-   double         M;
-   long           pid;
-   long           status;
-   long           mother1;
-   long           mother2;
-   long           daughter1;
-   long           daughter2;
-// The basic lStdHep event
-struct lStdEvent : public std::vector<lStdTrack>  {
-   long evtNum;
-   long nTracks(void) { return(size()); };
-// The lStdHep class is the "handle" for the StdHep file, and
-// provides the access mechanism to the events.
-class lStdHep : public lXDR {
-// The current version/revision is:
-   enum { MAJOR = 2, MINOR = 0, DAY = 23, MONTH = 1, YEAR = 2006 };
-//       ========================================================
-   static int         getMajor(void) { return(MAJOR); };
-   static int         getMinor(void) { return(MINOR); };
-   static const char *getText(void)  {
-      static char buff[80];
-      sprintf(buff, "lStdHep version %d.%d (%02d.%02d.%d) by W.G.J. Langeveld, SLAC",
-              MAJOR, MINOR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR);
-      return(buff);
-   };
-// Constructors, destructor
-// ------------------------
-// Constructor opens file, destructor closes file. Once opened for
-// reading, the file cannot be written to, and v.v.
-   lStdHep(const char *filename = 0, bool open_for_write = false);
-// Prevent copying:
-   lStdHep(const lStdHep &);
-   virtual ~lStdHep();
-// Prevent assignment:
-   lStdHep       &operator=(const lStdHep &);
-// See if there are more events
-   bool           more(void);
-// Event reading functions. They return the last error encountered,
-// - Read the next event into the event buffer:
-   long           readEvent(void);
-// - Fill the provided lStdEvent with the current event:
-   long           getEvent(lStdEvent &lse) const;
-// - Combine readEvent() with getEvent():
-   long           readEvent(lStdEvent &lse);
-// Get the number of events in the input file
-   long           numEvents()      const { return(numevts);                  };
-// Direct access to the event buffer. Note that using readEvent(void)
-// in combination with the functions below is faster than using
-// readEvent(lStdEvent &), especially when only a few quantities are
-// needed.
-   long           blockId()         const { return(event.blockid);            };
-   long           nTracks(void)     const { return(event.nhep);               };
-   long           evtNum(void)      const { return(event.nevhep);             };
-   long           runNum(void)      const { return(event.runnum);             };
-   double         X(int i)          const { return(event.vhep[i * 4 + 0]);    };
-   double         Y(int i)          const { return(event.vhep[i * 4 + 1]);    };
-   double         Z(int i)          const { return(event.vhep[i * 4 + 2]);    };
-   double         T(int i)          const { return(event.vhep[i * 4 + 3]);    };
-   double         Px(int i)         const { return(event.phep[i * 5 + 0]);    };
-   double         Py(int i)         const { return(event.phep[i * 5 + 1]);    };
-   double         Pz(int i)         const { return(event.phep[i * 5 + 2]);    };
-   double         E(int i)          const { return(event.phep[i * 5 + 3]);    };
-   double         M(int i)          const { return(event.phep[i * 5 + 4]);    };
-   long           pid(int i)        const { return(event.idhep[i]);           };
-   long           status(int i)     const { return(event.isthep[i]);          };
-   long           mother1(int i)    const { return(event.jmohep[i + i + 0]);  };
-   long           mother2(int i)    const { return(event.jmohep[i + i + 1]);  };
-   long           daughter1(int i)  const { return(event.jdahep[i + i + 0]);  };
-   long           daughter2(int i)  const { return(event.jdahep[i + i + 1]);  };
-   double         eventweight(void) const { return(event.eventweight);        };
-   double         alphaQED(void)    const { return(event.alphaqed);           };
-   double         alphaQCD(void)    const { return(event.alphaqcd);           };
-   double         scale(int i, int j) const { return(event.scale[i * 10 + j] ); };
-   double         spinX(int i)      const { return(event.spin[i * 3 + 0] );   };
-   double         spinY(int i)      const { return(event.spin[i * 3 + 1] );   };
-   double         spinZ(int i)      const { return(event.spin[i * 3 + 2] );   };
-   long           colorflow(int i, int j)  const { return(event.colorflow[i * 2 + j] ); };
-   long           idrup(void)       const { return(event.idrup);              };
-// Call this to make sure you can call things like scale, spin and colorflow:
-   bool           isStdHepEv4(void) const { return(event.scale != 0);         };
-// Event writing functions. They return the last error encountered,
-// - Write the current event buffer to thefile:
-   long           writeEvent(void);
-// - Fill the event buffer with the data from the provided lStdEvent:
-   long           setEvent(const lStdEvent &lse);
-// - Combine setEvent() with writeEvent():
-   long           writeEvent(lStdEvent &lse);
-// Direct access to the event buffer.
-   void           setNTracks(long n)          { event.nhep = n; return;               };
-   void           setEvtNum(long n)           { event.nevhep = n; return;             };
-   void           setX(int i, double x)       { event.vhep[i * 4 + 0] = x; return;    };
-   void           setY(int i, double y)       { event.vhep[i * 4 + 1] = y; return;    };
-   void           setZ(int i, double z)       { event.vhep[i * 4 + 2] = z; return;    };
-   void           setT(int i, double t)       { event.vhep[i * 4 + 3] = t; return;    };
-   void           setPx(int i, double px)     { event.phep[i * 5 + 0] = px; return;   };
-   void           setPy(int i, double py)     { event.phep[i * 5 + 1] = py; return;   };
-   void           setPz(int i, double pz)     { event.phep[i * 5 + 2] = pz; return;   };
-   void           setE(int i, double e)       { event.phep[i * 5 + 3] = e; return;    };
-   void           setM(int i, double m)       { event.phep[i * 5 + 4] = m; return;    };
-   void           setPid(int i, long pid)     { event.idhep[i] = pid; return;         };
-   void           setStatus(int i, long s)    { event.isthep[i] = s; return;          };
-   void           setMother1(int i, long n)   { event.jmohep[i + i + 0] = n; return;  };
-   void           setMother2(int i, long n)   { event.jmohep[i + i + 1] = n; return;  };
-   void           setDaughter1(int i, long n) { event.jdahep[i + i + 0] = n; return;  };
-   void           setDaughter2(int i, long n) { event.jdahep[i + i + 1] = n; return;  };
-// Informational printout
-   void           printFileHeader(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printBeginRunRecord(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printEndRunRecord(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printEventTable(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printEventHeader(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printEvent(FILE *fp = 0);
-   void           printTrack(int i, FILE *fp = 0);
-   long           readFileHeader(void);
-// File Header
-   long           ntot;
-   const char    *version;
-   const char    *title;
-   const char    *comment;
-   const char    *date;
-   const char    *closingDate;
-   long           numevts_expect;
-   long           numevts;
-   long           firstTable;
-   long           dimTable;
-   long           nNTuples;
-   long           nBlocks;
-   long          *blockIds;
-   const char   **blockNames;
-// Event table
-   class EventTable {
-   public:
-      EventTable();
-      ~EventTable();
-      void cleanup(void);
-      long read(lStdHep &ls);
-      long print(FILE *fp);
-// ...Empty flag
-      long  isEmpty;
-// Index into the event table
-      long  ievt;
-// ...MCFIO header
-      long  blockid;
-      long  ntot;
-      const char *version;
-// ...Location of next table
-      long  nextlocator;
-// ...The event table itself
-      long  numEvts;
-      long *evtnums;
-      long *storenums;
-      long *runnums;
-      long *trigMasks;
-      long *ptrEvents;
-   };
-   EventTable     eventTable;
-// The event
-   class Event {
-   public:
-      Event();
-      ~Event();
-      void cleanup(void);
-      long read(lStdHep &ls);
-      long printHeader(FILE *fp);
-      long print(FILE *fp);
-// ...Empty flag
-      long isEmpty;
-// ...MCFIO header
-      long blockid;
-      long ntot;
-      const char *version;
-// ...Event header:
-      long    evtnum;
-      long    storenum;
-      long    runnum;
-      long    trigMask;
-      long    nBlocks;
-      long    dimBlocks;
-      long    nNTuples;
-      long    dimNTuples;
-      long   *blockIds;
-      long   *ptrBlocks;
-// ...Event:
-      long    nevhep;
-      long    nhep;
-      long   *isthep;
-      long   *idhep;
-      long   *jmohep;
-      long   *jdahep;
-      double *phep;
-      double *vhep;
-// ...New for STDHEPEV4:
-      double  eventweight;
-      double  alphaqed;
-      double  alphaqcd;
-      double *scale;
-      double *spin;
-      long   *colorflow;
-      long    idrup;
-// ...Begin run record:
-      long    bnevtreq;
-      long    bnevtgen;
-      long    bnevtwrt;
-      double  bstdecom;
-      double  bstdxsec;
-      double  bstdseed1;
-      double  bstdseed2;
-// ...End run record:
-      long    enevtreq;
-      long    enevtgen;
-      long    enevtwrt;
-      double  estdecom;
-      double  estdxsec;
-      double  estdseed1;
-      double  estdseed2;
-   };
-   Event          event;

lXDR.hh removed after 1.2
diff -N lXDR.hh
--- lXDR.hh	4 Mar 2005 22:54:33 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-//// lXDR.hh
-// Header file for a light-weight XDR class
-// This class does not support the full XDR protocol, and
-// neither does it work for all platforms. It was mainly 
-// written, in combination with lStdHep, to provide a faster
-// alternative to the more cumdersome methods using mcfio in
-// CLHEP.
-// W.G.J. Langeveld, 24 May 2002
-// Release notes:
-// - Version 1.0 (23-Oct-2003)
-#ifndef LXDR__HH
-#define LXDR__HH
-#include <stdio.h>
-// The main lXDR class.
-   @class  lXDR
-   @author Willy Langeveld
-   @brief  Light-weight XDR interface class.
-class lXDR {
-// The current version/revision is:
-   enum { MAJOR = 1, MINOR = 0, DAY = 23, MONTH = 10, YEAR = 2003 };
-//       ========================================================
-   static int         getMajor(void) { return(MAJOR); };
-   static int         getMinor(void) { return(MINOR); };
-   static const char *getText(void)  {
-      static char buff[80];
-      sprintf(buff, "lXDR version %d.%d (%02d.%02d.%d) by W.G.J. Langeveld, SLAC",
-              MAJOR, MINOR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR);
-      return(buff);
-   };
-// Constructors, destructor
-// ------------------------
-// Constructor opens file, destructor closes file. Once opened for
-// reading, the file cannot be written to, and v.v.
-   lXDR(const char *filename = 0, bool open_for_write = false);
-private: // Prevent copying
-   lXDR(const lXDR &);
-   virtual ~lXDR();
-// Change the file being read/written. If another file is currently
-// being read or written, it is first closed. The new file position
-// is the start of the file.
-   void        setFileName(const char *filename, bool open_for_write = false);
-   const char *getFileName(void) const { return(_fileName); };
-// Prevent assignment:
-   lXDR       &operator=(const lXDR &);
-// Check for errors in the last operation.
-   long        getError(void) const { return(_error); };
-// Read data.
-// ----------
-// The following routines read single longs floats or doubles.
-// Check getError() for succes or failure.
-   long        readLong(void);
-   double      readFloat(void);  // Note that this returns a double!!
-   double      readDouble(void);
-// The following routines read the length of an array of char, long or double
-// from the file, allocate a suitably large array, and read the data from the
-// file. Character strings are null terminated.
-// Check getError() for succes or failure.
-   const char *readString(long &length);
-   long       *readLongArray(long &length);
-   double     *readFloatArray(long &length); // Note that this returns an array of doubles!!
-   double     *readDoubleArray(long &length);
-// Write data
-// ----------
-// The following routines write single longs or doubles.
-// They return getError().
-   long        writeLong(long data);
-   long        writeDouble(double data);
-// The following routines write the length of an array of char, long or double
-// to the file, then write the data itself.
-// The functions return getError().
-   long        writeString(const char *data);
-   long        writeString(const char *data, long length);
-   long        writeLongArray(const long *data, long length);
-   long        writeDoubleArray(const double *data, long length);
-   void        setError(long error) { _error = error; return; };
-// Set or get (with no arguments) file position.
-   long        filePosition(long pos = -1);
-   char      *_fileName;
-   FILE      *_fp;
-   long       _error;
-   bool       _openForWrite;
-   bool       _hasNetworkOrder;
-   double     ntohd(double d) const;
-   double     htond(double d) const { return(ntohd(d)); };
-   long       checkRead(long *);
-   long       checkRead(float *);
-   long       checkRead(double *);
-   long       checkWrite(long *);
-   long       checkWrite(double *);
-#define LXDR_SUCCESS         0
-#define LXDR_OPENFAILURE     1
-#define LXDR_READONLY        2
-#define LXDR_WRITEONLY       3
-#define LXDR_NOFILE          4
-#define LXDR_READERROR       5
-#define LXDR_WRITEERROR      6
-#define LXDR_SEEKERROR       7

slic/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	6 Jun 2006 19:53:41 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
-// This class is based on the light-weight XDR class lXDR,
-// and parses/writes StdHep files. It was mainly written,
-// to provide a faster alternative to the more cumbersome
-// methods using mcfio in StdHep.
-// W.G.J. Langeveld, 24 May 2002
-#include "lStdHep.hh"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-// The main lStdHep class.
-// Constructors, destructor
-// ------------------------
-// Constructor opens file, destructor closes file. Once opened for
-// reading, the file cannot be written to, and v.v.
-lStdHep::lStdHep(const char *filename, bool open_for_write) : lXDR(filename, open_for_write),
-   version(0), title(0), comment(0), date(0), closingDate(0), blockIds(0), blockNames(0)
-   if (open_for_write) {
-      setError(LSH_NOTSUPPORTED);
-   }
-   else {
-      readFileHeader();
-   }
-   return;
-   delete [] version;
-   delete [] date;
-   delete [] closingDate;
-   delete [] comment;
-   delete [] title;
-   delete [] blockIds;
-   if (blockNames) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) {
-         delete [] blockNames[i];
-      }
-      delete [] blockNames;
-   }
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printFileHeader(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   fprintf(fp, "====== File Header ===========\n");
-   fprintf(fp, "    total blocks: %ld\n", ntot);
-   fprintf(fp, "         version: %s\n",  version);
-   fprintf(fp, "           title: %s\n",  title);
-   fprintf(fp, "         comment: %s\n",  comment);
-   fprintf(fp, "            date: %s",    date);
-   fprintf(fp, "    closing date: %s",    closingDate);
-   fprintf(fp, " expected events: %ld\n", numevts_expect);
-   fprintf(fp, "          events: %ld\n", numevts);
-   fprintf(fp, "      firstTable: %ld\n", firstTable);
-   fprintf(fp, "        dimTable: %ld\n", dimTable);
-   fprintf(fp, "        nNTuples: %ld\n", nNTuples);
-   fprintf(fp, "         nBlocks: %ld\n", nBlocks);
-   if (nBlocks) fprintf(fp, "     block names:\n");
-   for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) {
-      fprintf(fp, "                : %s\n", blockNames[i]);
-   }
-   fprintf(fp, "=============================\n");
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printEventTable(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   eventTable.print(fp);
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printEventHeader(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   event.printHeader(fp);
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printEvent(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   event.print(fp);
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printTrack(int i, FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   if (i < event.nhep) {
-      fprintf(fp, "    Track: id: %ld, vtx: (%g, %g, %g, %g), mom: (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
-                   pid(i), X(i), Y(i), Z(i), T(i), Px(i), Py(i), Pz(i), E(i), M(i));
-      fprintf(fp, "    Track: wgt: %g, alpha QED: %g, alpha QCD: %g, idrup: %ld\n",
-                   eventweight(), alphaQED(), alphaQCD(), idrup());
-   }
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printBeginRunRecord(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   return;
-void lStdHep::printEndRunRecord(FILE *fp)
-   if (fp == 0) fp = stdout;
-   return;
-bool lStdHep::more(void)
-   return(getError() == LSH_SUCCESS);
-long lStdHep::readEvent(void)
-// Look for an event or an event table
-   event.isEmpty = 1;
-   while (1) {
-      if (eventTable.ievt < eventTable.numEvts) {
-         if (filePosition(eventTable.ptrEvents[eventTable.ievt]) !=
-                          eventTable.ptrEvents[eventTable.ievt]) return(getError());
-         if (*this) != LSH_SUCCESS) return(getError());
-         eventTable.ievt++;
-         if (event.isEmpty) continue;
-         return(getError());
-      }
-      eventTable.isEmpty = 1;
-      while (eventTable.isEmpty) {
-         if (eventTable.nextlocator == -2) {
-// This was the last event table, signal quitting. Not an error.
-            setError(LSH_ENDOFFILE);
-            return(getError());
-         }
-         else if (eventTable.nextlocator == -1) {
-            setError(LSH_EVTABLECORRUPT);
-            return(getError());
-         }
-// Go to the next event table
-         if (filePosition(eventTable.nextlocator) != eventTable.nextlocator) return(getError());
-         if (*this) != LSH_SUCCESS) return(getError());
-      }
-   }
-   return(getError());
-long lStdHep::getEvent(lStdEvent &lse) const
-   if (long status = getError() != LSH_SUCCESS) return(status);
-   lse.evtNum  = event.nevhep;
-   lse.clear();
-   for (int i = 0; i < event.nhep; i++) {
-      lStdTrack lst;
-      lst.X         = X(i);
-      lst.Y         = Y(i);
-      lst.Z         = Z(i);
-      lst.T         = T(i);
-      lst.Px        = Px(i);
-      lst.Py        = Py(i);
-      lst.Pz        = Pz(i);
-      lst.E         = E(i);
-      lst.M         = M(i);
-       = pid(i);
-      lst.status    = status(i);
-      lst.mother1   = mother1(i);
-      lst.mother2   = mother2(i);
-      lst.daughter1 = daughter1(i);
-      lst.daughter2 = daughter2(i);
-      lse.push_back(lst);
-   }
-   return(LSH_SUCCESS);
-long lStdHep::readEvent(lStdEvent &lse)
-   long status = readEvent();
-   if (status != LSH_SUCCESS) return(status);
-   return(getEvent(lse));
-long lStdHep::readFileHeader(void)
-   long len, blockid;
-   blockid   = readLong();
-   if (blockid != LSH_FILEHEADER) {
-      setError(LSH_BLOCKERROR);
-      return(getError());
-   }
-   ntot      = readLong();
-   version   = readString(len);
-   title     = readString(len);
-   comment   = readString(len);
-   date      = readString(len);
-   if ((strcmp(version, "2.00") == 0) || (strcmp(version, "1.00") == 0)) {
-      closingDate = new char[len + 1];
-      strcpy((char *) closingDate, date);
-   }
-   else {
-      closingDate = readString(len);
-   }
-   numevts_expect = readLong();
-   numevts        = readLong();
-   firstTable     = readLong();
-   dimTable       = readLong();
-   nBlocks        = readLong();
-   if (*version != '2') {
-      nNTuples    = 0;
-   }
-   else {
-      nNTuples     = readLong();
-   }
-   blockIds       = readLongArray(nBlocks);
-   blockNames     = new const char *[nBlocks];
-   for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) blockNames[i] = readString(len);
-   if (nNTuples > 0) setError(LSH_NOTSUPPORTED);
-// Read the first event table
-   return(getError());
-long lStdHep::writeEvent(void)
-long lStdHep::setEvent(const lStdEvent &lse)
-// ***************set up event buffer!
-   setNTracks(lse.size());
-   setEvtNum(lse.evtNum);
-   for (int i = 0; i < event.nhep; i++) {
-      setX        (i, lse[i].X);
-      setY        (i, lse[i].Y);
-      setZ        (i, lse[i].Z);
-      setT        (i, lse[i].T);
-      setPx       (i, lse[i].Px);
-      setPy       (i, lse[i].Py);
-      setPz       (i, lse[i].Pz);
-      setE        (i, lse[i].E);
-      setM        (i, lse[i].M);
-      setPid      (i, lse[i].pid);
-      setStatus   (i, lse[i].status);
-      setMother1  (i, lse[i].mother1);
-      setMother2  (i, lse[i].mother2);
-      setDaughter1(i, lse[i].daughter1);
-      setDaughter2(i, lse[i].daughter2);
-   }
-   return(LSH_SUCCESS);
-long lStdHep::writeEvent(lStdEvent &lse)
-   long status = writeEvent();
-   if (status != LSH_SUCCESS) return(status);
-   return(setEvent(lse));
-lStdHep::EventTable::EventTable() :
-   isEmpty(1), ievt(0), blockid(0), ntot(0), version(0),
-   nextlocator(-3), numEvts(0), evtnums(0),
-   storenums(0), runnums(0), trigMasks(0), ptrEvents(0)
-   return;
-   cleanup();
-   return;
-void lStdHep::EventTable::cleanup(void)
-   delete [] version;    version   = 0;
-   delete [] evtnums;    evtnums   = 0;
-   delete [] storenums;  storenums = 0;
-   delete [] runnums;    runnums   = 0;
-   delete [] trigMasks;  trigMasks = 0;
-   delete [] ptrEvents;  ptrEvents = 0;
-   isEmpty = 1;
-   ievt    = ntot = blockid = numEvts = 0; // leave nextlocator alone!
-   return;
-long lStdHep::EventTable::read(lStdHep &ls)
-   long len;
-   cleanup();
-   blockid  = ls.readLong();
-   ntot     = ls.readLong();
-   version  = ls.readString(len);
-   if (blockid != LSH_EVENTTABLE) {
-      ls.setError(LSH_NOEVENTTABLE);
-      return(ls.getError());
-   }
-   nextlocator = ls.readLong();
-   numEvts     = ls.readLong();
-   evtnums     = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   storenums   = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   runnums     = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   trigMasks   = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   ptrEvents   = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   if (numEvts > 0) isEmpty = 0;
-   return(ls.getError());
-long lStdHep::EventTable::print(FILE *fp)
-   fprintf(fp, " EventTable: blockid: %ld, ntot: %ld, version: %s\n", blockid, ntot, version);
-   fprintf(fp, " EventTable: nextlocator: %ld, numEvts: %ld\n", nextlocator, numEvts);
-   for (int i = 0; i < numEvts; i++) {
-      fprintf(fp, " EventTable: %d: evtnums %ld storenums %ld runnums %ld trigMasks %ld ptrEvents %ld\n",
-               i, evtnums[i], storenums[i], runnums[i], trigMasks[i], ptrEvents[i]);
-      if (i == 10) {
-         fprintf(fp, " EventTable: etc.\n");
-         break;
-      }
-   }
-   return(0);
-lStdHep::Event::Event() :
-   isEmpty(1), blockid(0), ntot(0), version(0), blockIds(0),
-   ptrBlocks(0), nevhep(0), nhep(0), isthep(0), idhep(0),
-   jmohep(0), jdahep(0), phep(0), vhep(0), eventweight(0.0),
-   alphaqed(0.0), alphaqcd(0.0), scale(0), spin(0), colorflow(0),
-   idrup(0)
-   return;
-   cleanup();
-void lStdHep::Event::cleanup(void)
-   delete [] version;     version   = 0;
-   delete [] ptrBlocks;   ptrBlocks = 0;
-   delete [] blockIds;    blockIds  = 0;
-   delete [] isthep;      isthep    = 0;
-   delete [] idhep;       idhep     = 0;
-   delete [] jmohep;      jmohep    = 0;
-   delete [] jdahep;      jdahep    = 0;
-   delete [] phep;        phep      = 0;
-   delete [] vhep;        vhep      = 0;
-   delete [] scale;       scale     = 0;
-   delete [] spin;        spin      = 0;
-   delete [] colorflow;   colorflow = 0;
-   blockid = ntot = nevhep = nhep = 0;
-   isEmpty = 1;
-   return;
-long lStdHep::Event::read(lStdHep &ls)
-// Read event header
-   long len;
-   cleanup();
-   blockid = ls.readLong();
-   ntot    = ls.readLong();
-   version = ls.readString(len);
-   if (blockid != LSH_EVENTHEADER) ls.setError(LSH_NOEVENT);
-   evtnum    = ls.readLong();
-   storenum  = ls.readLong();
-   runnum    = ls.readLong();
-   trigMask  = ls.readLong();
-   nBlocks   = ls.readLong();
-   dimBlocks = ls.readLong();
-   if (*version == '2') {
-      nNTuples = ls.readLong();
-      dimNTuples = ls.readLong();
-      if (dimBlocks) {
-         blockIds  = ls.readLongArray(len);
-         ptrBlocks = ls.readLongArray(len);
-      }
-      if (dimNTuples) {
-         ls.setError(LSH_NOTSUPPORTED);
-         return(ls.getError());
-      }
-   }
-   else {
-      nNTuples   = 0;
-      dimNTuples = 0;
-      blockIds   = ls.readLongArray(len);
-      ptrBlocks  = ls.readLongArray(len);
-   }
-// Read event
-   for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) {
-      blockid = ls.readLong();
-      ntot    = ls.readLong();
-      if (version) delete [] version;
-      version = ls.readString(len);
-      isEmpty = 0;
-      switch (blockIds[i]) {
-         case LSH_STDHEP          : // 101
-            nevhep = ls.readLong();
-            nhep   = ls.readLong();
-            if (isthep) delete [] isthep;
-            isthep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (idhep)  delete [] idhep;
-            idhep  = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (jmohep) delete [] jmohep;
-            jmohep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (jdahep) delete [] jdahep;
-            jdahep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (phep)   delete [] phep;
-            phep   = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-            if (vhep)   delete [] vhep;
-            vhep   = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-            break;
-         case LSH_STDHEPEV4       : // 201
-            nevhep = ls.readLong();
-            nhep   = ls.readLong();
-            if (isthep) delete [] isthep;
-            isthep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (idhep)  delete [] idhep;
-            idhep  = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (jmohep) delete [] jmohep;
-            jmohep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (jdahep) delete [] jdahep;
-            jdahep = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            if (phep)   delete [] phep;
-            phep   = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-            if (vhep)   delete [] vhep;
-            vhep   = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-// New stuff for STDHEPEV4:
-            eventweight = ls.readDouble();
-            alphaqed    = ls.readDouble();
-            alphaqcd    = ls.readDouble();
-            if (scale) delete [] scale;
-            scale       = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-            if (spin)  delete [] spin;
-            spin        = ls.readDoubleArray(len);
-            if (colorflow) delete [] colorflow;
-            colorflow   = ls.readLongArray(len);
-            idrup       = ls.readLong();
-            break;
-         case LSH_OFFTRACKARRAYS  : // 102
-         case LSH_OFFTRACKSTRUCT  : // 103
-         case LSH_TRACEARRAYS     : // 104
-         case LSH_STDHEPM         : // 105
-            break;
-         case LSH_STDHEPBEG       : // 106
-            bnevtreq  = ls.readLong();
-            bnevtgen  = ls.readLong();
-            bnevtwrt  = ls.readLong();
-            bstdecom  = ls.readFloat();
-            bstdxsec  = ls.readFloat();
-            bstdseed1 = ls.readDouble();
-            bstdseed2 = ls.readDouble();
-            isEmpty  = 1;
-            break;
-         case LSH_STDHEPEND       : // 107
-            enevtreq  = ls.readLong();
-            enevtgen  = ls.readLong();
-            enevtwrt  = ls.readLong();
-            estdecom  = ls.readFloat();
-            estdxsec  = ls.readFloat();
-            estdseed1 = ls.readDouble();
-            estdseed2 = ls.readDouble();
-            isEmpty = 1;
-            break;
-         case LSH_STDHEPCXX       : // 108
-            break;
-      }
-   }
-   return(ls.getError());
-long lStdHep::Event::printHeader(FILE *fp)
-   fprintf(fp, "  EventHeader: blockid: %ld, ntot: %ld, version: %s\n", blockid, ntot, version);
-   fprintf(fp, "             : evtnum: %ld, storenum: %ld, runnum: %ld, trigMask: %ld, nBlocks: %ld, dimBlocks: %ld\n",
-           evtnum, storenum, runnum, trigMask, nBlocks, dimBlocks);
-   fprintf(fp, "             : nNTuples: %ld, dimNTuples: %ld\n", nNTuples, dimNTuples);
-   for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) {
-      const char *labels[10] = {"Event", "Off-track arrays", "Off-track struct", "Trace arrays",
-                                "Event with multiple interactions", "Begin run", "End run", "StdHepCXX",
-                                "EventV4", "Unknown" };
-      int j = blockIds[i] - 101;
-      if (blockIds[i] == LSH_STDHEPEV4) j = 8;
-      if ((j < 0) || (j > 9)) j = 9;
-      fprintf(fp, "             : %d: blockIds %ld (%s) ptrBlocks %ld\n",
-              i, blockIds[i], labels[j], ptrBlocks[i]);
-   }
-   return(0);
-long lStdHep::Event::print(FILE *fp)
-   fprintf(fp, "   Event: nevhep: %ld, nhep: %ld\n", nevhep, nhep);
-   return(0);

slic/src removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	23 Nov 2004 21:19:31 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-// Simple XDR class, see header
-// WGL, 24 May 2002
-#include "lXDR.hh"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(__linux) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include <winsock.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-// Constructor, destructor
-   if (_fp) {
-      fclose(_fp);
-      _fp = 0;
-   }
-   if (_fileName) {
-      delete [] _fileName;
-      _fileName = 0;
-   }
-   return;
-lXDR::lXDR(const char *filename, bool open_for_write) : _fileName(0), _fp(0) 
-   setFileName(filename, open_for_write);
-   if (htonl(1L) == 1L) _hasNetworkOrder = true;
-   else                 _hasNetworkOrder = false;
-   return;
-void lXDR::setFileName(const char *filename, bool open_for_write)
-// First check if we can open this file
-   if (filename == 0) {
-      _error = LXDR_OPENFAILURE;
-      return;
-   }
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-   FILE *fp = fopen(filename, open_for_write ? "wb" : "rb");
-   FILE *fp = fopen(filename, open_for_write ? "w" : "r");
-   if (fp == 0) {
-      _error = LXDR_OPENFAILURE;
-      return;
-   }
-   if (_fp) fclose(_fp);
-   _fp = fp;
-   if (_fileName) {
-      delete [] _fileName;
-      _fileName = 0;
-   }
-   int n = strlen(filename);
-   _fileName = new char [n + 1];
-   strncpy(_fileName, filename, n);
-   _fileName[n] = '\0';
-   _openForWrite = open_for_write;
-   _error = LXDR_SUCCESS;
-   return;
-double lXDR::ntohd(double d) const
-// If we already have network order, we don't swap
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) {
-      union {
-         double        d;
-         unsigned char b[8];
-      } dd;
-      int i;
-      dd.d = d;
-      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-         unsigned char c = dd.b[i];
-         dd.b[i]         = dd.b[7 - i];
-         dd.b[7 - i]     = c;
-      }
-      d = dd.d;
-   }
-   return(d);
-long lXDR::checkRead(long *l)
-   if (_openForWrite) return(_error = LXDR_READONLY);
-   if (_fp == 0)      return(_error = LXDR_NOFILE);
-   if (l) {
-      long nr;
-      if ((nr = fread(l, 4, 1, _fp)) != 1) return(_error = LXDR_READERROR);
-      *l = ntohl(*l);
-   }
-   return(LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::checkRead(double *d)
-   if (_openForWrite) return(_error = LXDR_READONLY);
-   if (_fp == 0)      return(_error = LXDR_NOFILE);
-   if (d) {
-      if (fread(d, 8, 1, _fp) != 1) return(_error = LXDR_READERROR);
-      *d = ntohd(*d);
-   }
-   return(LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::checkRead(float *f)
-   if (_openForWrite) return(_error = LXDR_READONLY);
-   if (_fp == 0)      return(_error = LXDR_NOFILE);
-   if (f) {
-      if (fread(f, 4, 1, _fp) != 1) return(_error = LXDR_READERROR);
-      *((long *) f) = ntohl(*((long *) f));
-   }
-   return(LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::readLong(void)
-   long l = 0;
-   checkRead(&l);
-   return(l);
-double lXDR::readDouble(void)
-   double d = 0.0;
-   checkRead(&d);
-   return(d);
-double lXDR::readFloat(void)
-   float f = 0.0;
-   checkRead(&f);
-   return((double) f);
-const char *lXDR::readString(long &length)
-   if (checkRead(&length)) return(0);
-   long rl = (length + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
-   char *s = new char[rl + 1];
-   if (fread(s, 1, rl, _fp) != (unsigned long) rl) {
-      _error = LXDR_READERROR;
-      delete [] s;
-      return(0);
-   }
-   s[rl] = '\0';
-   _error = LXDR_SUCCESS;
-   return(s);
-long *lXDR::readLongArray(long &length)
-   if (checkRead(&length)) return(0);
-   long *s = new long[length];
-   if (fread(s, 4, length, _fp) != (unsigned long) length) {
-      _error = LXDR_READERROR;
-      delete [] s;
-      return(0);
-   }
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) s[i] = ntohl(s[i]);
-   _error = LXDR_SUCCESS;
-   return(s);
-double *lXDR::readDoubleArray(long &length)
-   if (checkRead(&length)) return(0);
-   double *s = new double[length];
-   if (fread(s, 8, length, _fp) != (unsigned long) length) {
-      _error = LXDR_READERROR;
-      delete [] s;
-      return(0);
-   }
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) s[i] = ntohd(s[i]);
-   _error = LXDR_SUCCESS;
-   return(s);
-double *lXDR::readFloatArray(long &length)
-   if (checkRead(&length)) return(0);
-   long *st = new long[length];
-   if (fread(st, 4, length, _fp) != (unsigned long) length) {
-      _error = LXDR_READERROR;
-      delete [] st;
-      return(0);
-   }
-   double *s = new double[length];
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) {
-      for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-         long l = ntohl(st[i]);
-         s[i] = (double) (*((float *) &l));
-      }
-   }
-   _error = LXDR_SUCCESS;
-   return(s);
-long lXDR::checkWrite(long *l)
-   if (_openForWrite == false) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEONLY);
-   if (_fp == 0)               return(_error = LXDR_NOFILE);
-   if (l) {
-      long ll = htonl(*l);
-      if (fwrite(&ll, 4, 1, _fp) != 4) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   }
-   return(LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::checkWrite(double *d)
-   if (_openForWrite == false) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEONLY);
-   if (_fp == 0)               return(_error = LXDR_NOFILE);
-   if (d) {
-      double dd = htond(*d);
-      if (fwrite(&dd, 8, 1, _fp) != 8) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   }
-   return(LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::writeLong(long data)
-   return(checkWrite(&data));
-long lXDR::writeDouble(double data)
-   return(checkWrite(&data));
-long lXDR::writeString(const char *data)
-   return(writeString(data, strlen(data)));
-long lXDR::writeString(const char *data, long length)
-   if (checkWrite(&length)) return(_error);
-   if (fwrite(data, 1, length, _fp) != (unsigned long) length) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   long l = ((length + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) - length;
-   if (fwrite(&l, 1, l, _fp) != (unsigned long) l) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   return(_error = LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::writeLongArray(const long *data, long length)
-   if (checkWrite(&length)) return(_error);
-   long *s = (long *) data;
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) {
-      s = new long[length];
-      for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) s[i] = htonl(data[i]);
-   }
-   long l = fwrite(s, 4, length, _fp);
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) delete [] s;
-   if (l != length) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   return(_error = LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::writeDoubleArray(const double *data, long length)
-   if (checkWrite(&length)) return(_error);
-   double *s = (double *) data;
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) {
-      s = new double[length];
-      for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) s[i] = htond(data[i]);
-   }
-   long l = fwrite(s, 8, length, _fp);
-   if (_hasNetworkOrder == false) delete [] s;
-   if (l != length) return(_error = LXDR_WRITEERROR);
-   return(_error = LXDR_SUCCESS);
-long lXDR::filePosition(long pos)
-   if (_fp == 0) {
-      _error = LXDR_NOFILE;
-      return(-1);
-   }
-   if (pos == -1) return(ftell(_fp));
-   if (fseek(_fp, pos, SEEK_SET)) {
-      _error = LXDR_SEEKERROR;
-      return(-1);
-   }
-   return(pos);
CVSspam 0.2.8