Hi Wilko,
That is something I missed, and is an issue that possibly conflates this. It is very good to know. It, however, doesn't quite seem to explain why after returning an error, xrd stops returning any output at all. I show 3 attempts to stat. The first is successful. The second returns an error, and the third returns nothing. At this point I've had to exit xrd and start it again to get output from the commands.

Anyway, I'm going to update as Lukasz and Brian suggested and see what happens.



On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Wilko Kroeger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello Lukasz and Ian

It looks to me the issue is that xrd gets redirected after a stat command (which is the expected behavior).

The first xrd connection is to xrootd.unl.edu which I guess is a redirector. The first stat that succeeds connects xrd to the server cmsstor144.fnal.gov because that is the server that has the file. The second stat is now issued against cmsstor144.fnal.gov and not xrootd.unl.edu and if the server doesn't have the file it will return an error.
Issuing a "connect" command should connect xrd back to the redirector. The command prompt always shows the current server xrd is connected to.

The xrd commands isfileonline and existfile will also cause xrd to get redirected to the data server that has the file which is maybe something
that should not happen.


On Thu, 5 May 2011, Lukasz Janyst wrote:

Follow-up Comment #1, sr #120758 (project xrootd):

Hi Ian,

 the client just prints the response it gets from the server. Here it got an
error. In any case, the version you use is rather old, many bug fixes have
been applied since then. In particular the xrd tool has been rewritten from
scratch. Could you try a newer version?

 I cannot see any problem with a recent version.


]==> xrd castorpublic
(C) 2004-2010 by the Xrootd group. Xrootd version: v20110503-7f4981f
Welcome to the xrootd command line interface.
Type 'help' for a list of available commands.
stat /castor/cern.ch/user/l/ljanyst/bigfile-80G.dat
Id: 2278963111010500608 Size: 85899345920 Flags: 117 Modtime: 1281027488

root://c2publicsrv102.cern.ch:1094//castor/cern.ch/user/l/ljanyst> stat
Id: 2278963111010500608 Size: 85899345920 Flags: 117 Modtime: 1281027488

root://c2publicsrv102.cern.ch:1094//castor/cern.ch/user/l/ljanyst> stat
Id: 2278963111010500608 Size: 85899345920 Flags: 117 Modtime: 1281027488



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