

There are some extra cost of doing bulk data access via xrootdfs but I don't think the cost is high in today's multicore environment.

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)

On May 18, 2011, at 11:55 AM, Paul T. Keener wrote:

> Doug,
> Yes, xrootdfs can provide listings, but it encourages users to do bulk 
> data access through xrootdfs and that is a Bad Thing.
> 	-paul
>> Hi Paul,
>>  xrootdfs can provide lists of what is in storage.
>> Doug
>> On 05/18/2011 12:37 PM, Paul T. Keener wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a number of users who have been generating lists of files to 
>>> run over on the fly.  Now that we have moved to xrootd, that doesn't 
>>> seem possible.
>>> Is there any script friendly way of generating directory listings?
>>> Ideally, something like
>>>    xrd hn ls '/foo/bar/quux/*.root'
>>> would generate a list like
>>>    root://hn//foo/bar/quux/one.root
>>>    root://hn//foo/bar/quux/two.root
>>>    root://hn//foo/bar/quux/three.root
>>> The output that the xrd ls command produces can indeed be hacked to do 
>>> this, but it isn't pretty.  Something closer to POSIX behavior would 
>>> be much preferred.
>>> Is there some other way of doing this that I am missing?
>>> Thanks.
>>>    Paul T. Keener
>>>    Department of Physics and Astronomy
>>>    University of Pennsylvania