

I think that is what OSG is planning to do for now. They may (just may) 
create rpms that refer to the repo as prereqs but only if can host multiple versions. That's what I got from the OSG 
meeting this morning.


On Tue, 7 Jun 2011, Brian Bockelman wrote:

> Hi Doug,
> I think the idea of having a single yum repository won't work because:
> 1) If the OSG can't control the precise release version of xrootd in the repo, they can't certify the supplemental RPMs ws working.
> 2) doesn't want to slow down their release process to wait on OSG Q/A.
> Basically, I don't want to unnecessarily tie the two independent groups together: I don't think anyone would be happy.  Let me suggest an alternative:
> 1) has an official release repository containing the latest, greatest release.  This is targeted to the broadest community possible.
> 2) OSG has a release repository containing the set of RPMs they support.  This is targeted to OSG sites.
> Each repository provides a separate service to a separate audience; I think tying them together will be painful for both parties.  The above suggestion follows the well-tested upstream/distribution model Linux uses.
> Brian
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Doug BENJAMIN wrote:
>> Dear Andy and Dirk,
>>  What is the policy statement about the yum repository?
>> Will there be one? If so on what time scale?  I ask because as ATLAS
>> Tier 3 technical coordinator, I have to make a recommendation to my
>> ATLAS colleagues world-wide for those who want to install xrootd.
>> Right now I know of two "official" repositories, OSG and
>> Thanks,
>> Doug Benjamin