

Update of bug #83376 (project xrootd):

                Priority:              5 - Normal => 7 - High               


Follow-up Comment #1:

I compared the memory usage by changing in XrdClientThread::Run() the thread
option from XRDSYSTHREAD_HOLD (joinable) to 0 (detached). Running the xrootd
proxy with this two different modes shows that if joinable threads are used
the memory usage stays high even if threads exit but with detached threads
memory usage drops as threads exit. The figure 
join/detached threads for proxy
shows this behavior. 

The problem with the joinable threads is that in
the join function (fReaderthreadhandler[i]->Join()) is not called because
XrdClientPhyConnection::CheckAutoTerm() sets fReaderthreadrunning to 0 if
there is only one reader thread for a XrdClientPhyConnection object. 


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