

Commit in trf++ on MAIN
include/trfzp/PropZZRK.h+105added 1.1
src/trfzp/PropZZRK.cpp+817added 1.1
2 added files
RungeKutta Propagators

PropZZRK.h added at 1.1
diff -N PropZZRK.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ PropZZRK.h	29 Jul 2011 00:08:23 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// PropZZRK.h
+#ifndef PropZZRK_H
+#define PropZZRK_H
+// Propagates tracks from one z-plane to another in a general magnetic 
+// field.  Solve equations of motion using fourth order Runge-Kutta method.
+// Propagation will fail if either the origin or destination is 
+// not a z-plane.
+// ObjStream example:
+// [ myprop PropZZRK type="mc" precision=1.e-7 derivprec=1.e-7 ]
+// Parameter type can be "mc", "tosca", "D0", "constant", or the name
+// of an obs object.
+// Optional parameter precision specifies the target relative precision
+// for the track parameters (default value 1-e.7).
+// Optional parameter derivprec specifies the target relative precision
+// for derivatives (which contribute to propagation of errors).
+// The optional parameter dir may be used to specify the default
+// direction for propagation.  It must have one of the following
+// values: "forward", "backward" or "nearest".  E.g.
+// [ myprop PropCylRK type="constant" dir="forward" ]
+// Optional parameters scale1 and scale2 may be used to control the 
+// strength and sign of the solenoid and toroid (for type "mc") or 
+// scale1 may be used to control the overall strength and sign (for type
+// "constant" and "mag".  Scale factor scale1=1. always corresponds to
+// a 2 Tesla magnetic field.
+#include "trfbase/PropDirected.h"
+#include "mag_field/AbstractMagneticField.hpp"
+//#include "trfbase/ObjMagFieldPtr.h"
+namespace trf {
+class PropZZRK : public PropDirected {
+public:  // static methods
+  // Return the type name.
+  static TypeName get_type_name() { return "PropZZRK"; }
+  // Return the creator.
+  static ObjCreator get_creator();
+  // Return the type.
+  static Type get_static_type() { return get_creator(); }
+private:  // attributes
+  // The field.
+  //ObjMagFieldPtr _bfield_map;
+  const AbstractMagneticField* _bfield;
+  // Construction data (save for methods write_data and ostr).
+  std::string _type;
+  double _scale1;
+  double _scale2;
+  double _precision;
+  double _derivprec;
+  // output stream
+  void ostr(std::ostream& stream) const;
+  // constructor for a general megnetic field.
+  PropZZRK(const std::string& type, double precision=1.e-7, double scale1=1., 
+	   double scale2=1., double derivprec=1.e-7);
+  // destructor
+  ~PropZZRK();
+  // Clone.
+  Propagator* new_propagator( ) const;
+  // Return the type.
+  Type get_type() const { return get_static_type(); }
+  // Write the object data.
+  ObjData write_data() const;
+  // propagate a track without error in the specified direction
+  PropStat
+  vec_dir_prop(VTrack& trv, const Surface& srf, PropDir dir,
+               TrackDerivative* pder =0) const;
+  // return Bz at the origin.
+  double get_bfield() const;
+  // return the magnetic field map.
+  //  const ObjMagFieldPtr get_bfield_map() const {return _bfield_map;}
+}  // end namespace trf

PropZZRK.cpp added at 1.1
diff -N PropZZRK.cpp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ PropZZRK.cpp	29 Jul 2011 00:08:23 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+// PropZZRK.cpp
+#include "trfzp/PropZZRK.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "objstream/ObjData.hpp"
+#include "objstream/ObjTable.hpp"
+#include "trfutil/trfstream.h"
+#include "trfbase/PropStat.h"
+#include "trfutil/TRFMath.h"
+#include "trfzp/SurfZPlane.h"
+#include "trfbase/VTrack.h"
+#include "trfbase/ETrack.h"
+#include "mag_field/ConstantMagneticField.hpp"
+//#include "mag_field/MCField.hpp"
+//#include "mag_field/ToscaField.hpp"
+#include "static_la/array.h"
+//#include "trfbase/MagFieldCacher.h"
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+using std::ifstream;
+using std::runtime_error;
+//using mgf::MagFieldPtr;
+using std::sqrt;
+using std::cos;
+using std::sin;
+using std::atan2;
+using std::asin;
+using std::abs;
+using std::max;
+using std::pow;
+using trf::PI;
+using trf::TWOPI;
+using trf::PI2;
+using trf::BFAC;
+using trf::fmod2;
+using trf::Surface;
+using trf::TrackVector;
+using trf::TrackDerivative;
+using trf::VTrack;
+using trf::ETrack;
+using trf::PropStat;
+using trf::Propagator;
+using trf::SurfZPlane;
+using trf::PropZZRK;
+//using trf::MagFieldCacher;
+using static_la::array;
+// Free functions.
+namespace {
+  typedef array<double,25> TrackPar;
+  // Creator.
+  ObjPtr create(const ObjData& data) {
+    assert( data.get_object_type() == "PropZZRK" );
+    string type;
+    if(data.has("type"))
+      type = data.get_string("type");
+    double precision=1.e-7;
+    if(data.has("precision"))
+      precision=data.get_double("precision");
+    double derivprec=precision;
+    if(data.has("derivprec"))
+      derivprec=data.get_double("derivprec");
+    double scale1 = 1.;
+    if(data.has("scale1"))
+      scale1 = data.get_double("scale1");
+    double scale2 = 1.;
+    if(data.has("scale2"))
+      scale1 = data.get_double("scale2");
+    Ptr<PropZZRK,LocalSharedDeletePolicy>
+      pobj(new PropZZRK(type, precision, scale1, scale2, derivprec));
+    pobj->set_direction(data);
+    return pobj;
+  }
+  // Equations of motion in terms of track parameters x, y, dxdz, dydz,
+  // curvature (q/p), and path length and the magnetic field.
+  TrackPar motion(const TrackPar& par, double z, double crv, double sign_dz,
+		  const AbstractMagneticField* bfield) {
+    TrackPar result(par.get_size());
+    bool deriv = par.get_size() > 5;
+    // Extract track parameters.
+    double x = par(0);
+    double y = par(1);
+    double xv = par(2);
+    double yv = par(3);
+    double s = par(4);
+    // Declare derivative matrix.
+    double dxdx0;
+    double dxdy0;
+    double dxdxv0;
+    double dxdyv0;
+    double dxdcrv;
+    double dydx0;
+    double dydy0;
+    double dydxv0;
+    double dydyv0;
+    double dydcrv;
+    double dxvdx0;
+    double dxvdy0;
+    double dxvdxv0;
+    double dxvdyv0;
+    double dxvdcrv;
+    double dyvdx0;
+    double dyvdy0;
+    double dyvdxv0;
+    double dyvdyv0;
+    double dyvdcrv;
+    if(deriv) {
+      // Extract derivative matrix.
+      dxdx0 = par(5);
+      dxdy0 = par(6);
+      dxdxv0 = par(7);
+      dxdyv0 = par(8);
+      dxdcrv = par(9);
+      dydx0 = par(10);
+      dydy0 = par(11);
+      dydxv0 = par(12);
+      dydyv0 = par(13);
+      dydcrv = par(14);
+      dxvdx0 = par(15);
+      dxvdy0 = par(16);
+      dxvdxv0 = par(17);
+      dxvdyv0 = par(18);
+      dxvdcrv = par(19);
+      dyvdx0 = par(20);
+      dyvdy0 = par(21);
+      dyvdxv0 = par(22);
+      dyvdyv0 = par(23);
+      dyvdcrv = par(24);
+    }
+    double dmax = 1.e30;
+    if(!(xv < dmax && xv > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(!(yv < dmax && yv > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    double dsdz2 = 1. + xv*xv + yv*yv;
+    double dsdz = sign_dz * sqrt(dsdz2);
+    // Get Cartesian components of magnetic field & derivatives.
+    double bx;
+    double by;
+    double bz;
+    double dbxdx;
+    double dbxdy;
+    double dbydx;
+    double dbydy;
+    double dbzdx;
+    double dbzdy;
+    SpacePointVector bf;
+    if(deriv) {
+      SpacePointTensor t;
+      bf = bfield->field(CartesianPoint(x, y, z), &t);
+      dbxdx = t.t_x_x();
+      dbxdy = t.t_x_y();
+      dbydx = t.t_y_x();
+      dbydy = t.t_y_y();
+      dbzdx = t.t_z_x();
+      dbzdy = t.t_z_y();
+    }
+    else
+      bf = bfield->field(CartesianPoint(x, y, z));
+    bx = bf.v_x();
+    by = bf.v_y();
+    bz = bf.v_z();
+    // dx/dz.
+    result(0) = xv;
+    // dy/dz.
+    result(1) = yv;
+    // dxv/dz.
+    double dxvdz_nocrv = BFAC * dsdz * (xv*yv*bx - (1. + xv*xv)*by + yv*bz);
+    result(2) = dxvdz_nocrv * crv;
+    // dyv/dz.
+    double dyvdz_nocrv = BFAC * dsdz * ((1. + yv*yv)*bx - xv*yv*by - xv*bz);
+    result(3) = dyvdz_nocrv * crv;
+    // ds/dz.
+    result(4) = dsdz;
+    if(deriv) {
+      // d(dx/d x0)/dz.
+      result(5) = dxvdx0;
+      // d(dx/d y0)/dz.
+      result(6) = dxvdy0;
+      // d(dx/d xv0)/dz.
+      result(7) = dxvdxv0;
+      // d(dx/d yv0)/dz.
+      result(8) = dxvdyv0;
+      // d(dx/d crv)/dz.
+      result(9) = dxvdcrv;
+      // d(dy/d x0)/dz.
+      result(10) = dyvdx0;
+      // d(dy/d y0)/dz.
+      result(11) = dyvdy0;
+      // d(dy/d xv0)/dz.
+      result(12) = dyvdxv0;
+      // d(dy/d yv0)/dz.
+      result(13) = dyvdyv0;
+      // d(dy/d crv)/dz.
+      result(14) = dyvdcrv;
+      // d(d xv/d x0)/dz.
+      result(15) = result(2) * (xv*dxvdx0 + yv*dyvdx0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz * 
+	(dxvdx0*yv*bx + xv*dyvdx0*bx + xv*yv*(dbxdx*dxdx0 + dbxdy*dydx0)
+	 -2.*xv*dxvdx0*by - (1. + xv*xv)*(dbydx*dxdx0 + dbydy*dydx0)
+	 +dyvdx0*bz + yv*(dbzdx*dxdx0 + dbzdy*dydx0));
+      // d(d xv/d y0)/dz.
+      result(16) = result(2) * (xv*dxvdy0 + yv*dyvdy0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz * 
+	(dxvdy0*yv*bx + xv*dyvdy0*bx + xv*yv*(dbxdx*dxdy0 + dbxdy*dydy0)
+	 -2.*xv*dxvdy0*by - (1. + xv*xv)*(dbydx*dxdy0 + dbydy*dydy0)
+	 +dyvdy0*bz + yv*(dbzdx*dxdy0 + dbzdy*dydy0));
+      // d(d xv/d xv0)/dz.
+      result(17) = result(2) * (xv*dxvdxv0 + yv*dyvdxv0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz * 
+	(dxvdxv0*yv*bx + xv*dyvdxv0*bx + xv*yv*(dbxdx*dxdxv0 + dbxdy*dydxv0)
+	 -2.*xv*dxvdxv0*by - (1. + xv*xv)*(dbydx*dxdxv0 + dbydy*dydxv0)
+	 +dyvdxv0*bz + yv*(dbzdx*dxdxv0 + dbzdy*dydxv0));
+      // d(d xv/d yv0)/dz.
+      result(18) = result(2) * (xv*dxvdyv0 + yv*dyvdyv0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz * 
+	(dxvdyv0*yv*bx + xv*dyvdyv0*bx + xv*yv*(dbxdx*dxdyv0 + dbxdy*dydyv0)
+	 -2.*xv*dxvdyv0*by - (1. + xv*xv)*(dbydx*dxdyv0 + dbydy*dydyv0)
+	 +dyvdyv0*bz + yv*(dbzdx*dxdyv0 + dbzdy*dydyv0));
+      // d(d xv/d crv)/dz.
+      result(19) = dxvdz_nocrv * (1. + crv*(xv*dxvdcrv + yv*dyvdcrv) / dsdz2)
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz * 
+	(dxvdcrv*yv*bx + xv*dyvdcrv*bx + xv*yv*(dbxdx*dxdcrv + dbxdy*dydcrv)
+	 -2.*xv*dxvdcrv*by - (1. + xv*xv)*(dbydx*dxdcrv + dbydy*dydcrv)
+	 +dyvdcrv*bz + yv*(dbzdx*dxdcrv + dbzdy*dydcrv));
+      // d(d yv/d x0)/dr
+      result(20) = result(3) * (xv*dxvdx0 + yv*dyvdx0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz *
+	(2.*yv*dyvdx0*bx + (1. + yv*yv)*(dbxdx*dxdx0 + dbxdy*dydx0)
+	 -dxvdx0*yv*by - xv*dyvdx0*by - xv*yv*(dbydx*dxdx0 + dbydy*dydx0)
+	 -dxvdx0*bz - xv*(dbzdx*dxdx0 + dbzdy*dydx0));
+      // d(d yv/d y0)/dr
+      result(21) = result(3) * (xv*dxvdy0 + yv*dyvdy0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz *
+	(2.*yv*dyvdy0*bx + (1. + yv*yv)*(dbxdx*dxdy0 + dbxdy*dydy0)
+	 -dxvdy0*yv*by - xv*dyvdy0*by - xv*yv*(dbydx*dxdy0 + dbydy*dydy0)
+	 -dxvdy0*bz - xv*(dbzdx*dxdy0 + dbzdy*dydy0));
+      // d(d yv/d xv0)/dr
+      result(22) = result(3) * (xv*dxvdxv0 + yv*dyvdxv0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz *
+	(2.*yv*dyvdxv0*bx + (1. + yv*yv)*(dbxdx*dxdxv0 + dbxdy*dydxv0)
+	 -dxvdxv0*yv*by - xv*dyvdxv0*by - xv*yv*(dbydx*dxdxv0 + dbydy*dydxv0)
+	 -dxvdxv0*bz - xv*(dbzdx*dxdxv0 + dbzdy*dydxv0));
+      // d(d yv/d yv0/dr
+      result(23) = result(3) * (xv*dxvdyv0 + yv*dyvdyv0) / dsdz2
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz *
+	(2.*yv*dyvdyv0*bx + (1. + yv*yv)*(dbxdx*dxdyv0 + dbxdy*dydyv0)
+	 -dxvdyv0*yv*by - xv*dyvdyv0*by - xv*yv*(dbydx*dxdyv0 + dbydy*dydyv0)
+	 -dxvdyv0*bz - xv*(dbzdx*dxdyv0 + dbzdy*dydyv0));
+      // d(d yv/d crv)/dr
+      result(24) = dyvdz_nocrv * (1. + crv*(xv*dxvdcrv + yv*dyvdcrv) / dsdz2)
+	+ BFAC * crv * dsdz *
+	(2.*yv*dyvdcrv*bx + (1. + yv*yv)*(dbxdx*dxdcrv + dbxdy*dydcrv)
+	 -dxvdcrv*yv*by - xv*dyvdcrv*by - xv*yv*(dbydx*dxdcrv + dbydy*dydcrv)
+	 -dxvdcrv*bz - xv*(dbzdx*dxdcrv + dbzdy*dydcrv));
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Function to evolve track paramters using a single fourth order 
+  // Runge-Kutta step from z1 to z2.
+  void rk4(TrackPar& par, double& z, double h, double crv, double sign_dz, 
+	   const AbstractMagneticField* bfield, TrackPar& k1, bool reuse) {
+    int size = par.get_size();
+    TrackPar k2(size);
+    TrackPar k3(size);
+    TrackPar k4(size);
+    if(!reuse)
+      k1 = h * motion(par, z, crv, sign_dz, bfield);
+    k2 = h * motion(par + 0.5*k1, z + 0.5*h, crv, sign_dz, bfield);
+    k3 = h * motion(par + 0.5*k2, z + 0.5*h, crv, sign_dz, bfield);
+    k4 = h * motion(par + k3, z + h, crv, sign_dz, bfield);
+    par += (1./6.)*(k1 + 2.*k2 + 2.*k3 + k4);
+    z += h;
+    double dmax = 1.e30;
+    for(int i=0; i<par.get_size(); ++i) {
+      double x = par(i);
+      if(!(x < dmax && x > -dmax))
+	throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    }
+  }
+  // Function to calculate the relative difference between two sets
+  // of track parameters.  The result is scaled so that a difference
+  // of less than one is "good."
+  double pardiff(const TrackPar& par1, const TrackPar& par2,
+		 double derivscale) {
+    int n = par1.get_size();
+    assert(par2.get_size() == n);
+    double epsmax = 0.;
+    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+      double p1 = par1(i);
+      double p2 = par2(i);
+      double eps = abs(p2-p1)/max(max(abs(p1), abs(p2)), 10.);
+      if(i >= 5)
+	eps *= derivscale;
+      if(eps > epsmax)
+	epsmax = eps;
+    }
+    return epsmax;
+  }
+  // Function to evolve track parameters using fourth order Runge-Kutta
+  // with a variable step size.  The starting step size is as specified,
+  // which may be reduced until the error is estimated to be small enough.
+  // The z coordinate is updated to reflect the actual step size.  The 
+  // estimated next step size is returned as the value of the function.
+  double rkv(TrackPar& par, double& z, double h, double crv, double sign_dz, 
+	     const AbstractMagneticField* bfield, double precision, 
+	     double derivprec) {
+    double derivscale = precision / derivprec;
+    // Calculate the minimum allowed step, which is the lesser of 
+    // either 1 cm or the initial step.
+    double hmin = abs(h) / h;
+    if(abs(hmin) > abs(h))
+      hmin = h;
+    double hnext = h;
+    for(;;) {
+      // Reduce the target precision for short steps to control the 
+      // accumulation of roundoff error.
+      double maxdiff = precision * sqrt(0.1*abs(h));
+      TrackPar par1 = par;
+      TrackPar par2 = par;
+      // Try step using h.
+      double z1 = z;
+      TrackPar k1(par.get_size());
+      rk4(par1, z1, h, crv, sign_dz, bfield, k1, false);
+      // In short hop situations, quit here.
+      if(abs(hmin) <= 0.01) {
+	par = par1;
+	z = z1;
+	break;
+      }
+      // Try two steps using hh.
+      double z2 = z;
+      double hh = 0.5 * h;
+      k1 = 0.5 * k1;
+      rk4(par2, z2, hh, crv, sign_dz, bfield, k1, true);
+      rk4(par2, z2, hh, crv, sign_dz, bfield, k1, false);
+      // Calculate difference and get the next step size.
+      double eps = pardiff(par1, par2, derivscale);
+      if(eps <= maxdiff || abs(h) <= abs(hmin)) {
+	// Check for catastrophic loss of accuracy.
+	//	if(eps > 100000.*maxdiff)
+	//	  throw runtime_error("Catastrophic loss of accuracy");
+	// Current step is accurate enough.  Adjust the step size.
+	// and return current propagation.
+	if(eps != 0) {
+	  hnext = 0.8 * h * pow(maxdiff/eps, 0.25);
+	  if(abs(hnext) > 4. * abs(h))
+	    hnext = 4. * h;
+	}
+	else
+	  hnext = 4. * h;
+	par = (16./15.)*par2 - (1./15.)*par1;
+	z = z1;
+	break;
+      }
+      else {
+	// Not accurate enough.  Shrink the step size and try again.
+	// Don't let the step get too small.
+	hnext = 0.8 * h * pow(maxdiff/eps, 0.25);
+	if(abs(hnext) < abs(hmin))
+	  hnext = hmin;
+	h = hnext;
+      }
+    }
+    // Final check on minimum step size.
+    if(abs(hnext) < abs(hmin))
+      hnext = hmin;
+    return hnext;
+  }
+  // This routine uses adaptive step size control to make the specified
+  // step using one or several steps.
+  void rka(TrackPar& par, double& z, double h, double crv, double sign_dz, 
+	   const AbstractMagneticField* bfield, double precision,
+	   double derivprec) {
+    assert(h != 0);
+    double htry = h;
+    double hnext;
+    double z2 = z + h;
+    while(h > 0 && z < z2 || h < 0 && z > z2) {
+      double hmax = abs(z2 - z);
+      if(abs(htry) > hmax)
+	htry = z2 - z;
+      hnext = rkv(par, z, htry, crv, sign_dz, bfield, precision, derivprec);
+      assert(hnext * htry > 0);
+      assert(z + hnext != z);
+      htry = hnext;
+    }
+  }
+// PropZZRK member functions.
+// output stream
+void PropZZRK::ostr(ostream& stream) const {
+  stream << begin_object;
+  stream << "Z Plane RK propagation with magnetic field type " << _type 
+	 << "," << new_line 
+	 << "precision = " << _precision
+	 << ", scale factor 1 = " << _scale1
+	 << ", scale factor 2 = " << _scale2
+	 << ", derivprec = " << _derivprec;
+  stream << end_object;
+// Constructor.
+PropZZRK::PropZZRK(const string& type, double precision, double scale1, 
+		   double scale2, double derivprec) :
+  _type(type),
+  _scale1(scale1),
+  _scale2(scale2),
+  _precision(precision),
+  _derivprec(derivprec)
+  assert(precision > 0. && precision <= 0.01);
+  assert(derivprec > 0. && derivprec <= 0.1);
+  if(type.size() == 0 || type == "constant")
+    _bfield = new ConstantMagneticField(-2.*scale1);
+  // MCField.
+  /*
+  else if(type == "mc")
+    _bfield_map = new ObjMagField(new MCField(scale1, scale2));
+  else if(type == "tosca")
+    _bfield_map = new ObjMagField(new ToscaField(scale1, scale2));
+  else if(type == "D0") {
+    MagFieldMgr* mgr = MagFieldMgr::get_instance();
+    _bfield_map = new ObjMagField(mgr->get_field());
+  }
+  else {
+    ObjTable::Status status = ObjTable::get_object(type, _bfield_map);
+    if(status != ObjTable::OK) {
+      cerr << "PropZZRK: Error fetching field map global object " 
+	   << type << endl;
+      abort();
+    }
+  }
+  */
+  //  _bfield = new MagFieldCacher(_bfield_map);
+// Destructor.
+PropZZRK::~PropZZRK() {
+// Clone.
+Propagator* PropZZRK::new_propagator() const {
+  return new PropZZRK(_type, _precision, _scale1, _scale2, _derivprec);
+// Return the creator.
+ObjCreator PropZZRK::get_creator() {
+  return create;
+// Write the object data.
+ObjData PropZZRK::write_data() const {
+  ObjData data( get_type_name() );
+  data.add_string( "type", _type );
+  data.add_double( "precision", _precision );
+  data.add_double( "scale1", _scale1 );
+  data.add_double( "scale2", _scale2 );
+  data.add_double( "derivprec", _derivprec );
+  return data;
+// Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
+// The track parameters for a z-plane are:
+// x y dx/dz dy/dz curvature=q/p
+// If pder is nonzero, return the derivative matrix there.
+PropStat PropZZRK::
+vec_dir_prop(VTrack& trv, const Surface& srf, PropDir dir,
+             TrackDerivative* pder) const {
+  // construct return status
+  PropStat pstat;
+  // fetch the originating surface.
+  const Surface& srf1 = *trv.get_surface();
+  // Check origin is a z plane.
+  if ( srf1.get_pure_type( ) != SurfZPlane::get_static_type() )
+    return pstat;
+  const SurfZPlane& sz1 = (const SurfZPlane&) srf1;
+  // Check destination is a z plane.
+  assert( srf.get_pure_type() == SurfZPlane::get_static_type() );
+  if ( srf.get_pure_type( ) != SurfZPlane::get_static_type() )
+    return pstat;
+  const SurfZPlane& sz2 = (const SurfZPlane&) srf;
+  // Separate the move status from the direction.
+  PropDirected::PropDir rdir(dir);
+  bool move = Propagator::reduce_direction(rdir);
+  // This flag indicates the new surface is only a short hop away.
+  bool short_hop = false;
+  // If surfaces are the same and move is not set, then we leave the
+  // track where it is.
+  if ( srf.pure_equal(srf1) && !move ) {
+    if ( pder != 0 ) {
+      TrackDerivative& deriv = *pder;
+      deriv.fill( 0.0 );
+      deriv(0,0) = 1.0;
+      deriv(1,1) = 1.0;
+      deriv(2,2) = 1.0;
+      deriv(3,3) = 1.0;
+      deriv(4,4) = 1.0;
+    }
+    pstat.set_same();
+    return pstat;
+  }
+  // Fetch the z coordinates.
+  int iz = SurfZPlane::ZPOS;
+  double z1 = sz1.get_parameter(iz);
+  double z2 = sz2.get_parameter(iz);
+  // Fetch the starting track vector.
+  TrackVector vec = trv.get_vector();
+  double x1 = vec(SurfZPlane::IX);                   // x
+  double y1 = vec(SurfZPlane::IY);                   // y
+  double xv1 = vec(SurfZPlane::IDXDZ);               // dx/dz
+  double yv1 = vec(SurfZPlane::IDYDZ);               // dy/dz
+  double crv = vec(SurfZPlane::IQP);                 // q/p
+  double sign_dz = 0.;
+  if(trv.is_forward())
+    sign_dz = 1.;
+  else if(trv.is_backward())
+    sign_dz = -1.;
+  if(sign_dz == 0.)
+    return pstat;
+  // Check the consistency of the initial and final z positions, the track 
+  // direction and the propagation direction.  Four of the eight possible
+  // forward/backward combinations are illegal.  
+  if(z2 == z1) {
+    if(move) {
+      cerr << "PropZZRK: Invalid move" << endl;
+      return pstat;
+    }
+  }
+  else if(z2 > z1) {
+    if(rdir == Propagator::FORWARD && trv.is_backward() ||
+       rdir == Propagator::BACKWARD && trv.is_forward()) {
+      cerr << "PropZZRK: Wrong direction" << endl;
+      return pstat;
+    }
+  }
+  else {  // z2 < z1
+    if(rdir == Propagator::FORWARD && trv.is_forward() ||
+       rdir == Propagator::BACKWARD && trv.is_backward()) {
+      cerr << "PropZZRK: Wrong direction" << endl;
+      return pstat;
+    }
+  }
+  // We have all non-trivial mathematical operations in a try block
+  // so we can catch floating point exceptions.
+  try {
+    // Fill initial parameter vector.
+    int size = 5;
+    if(pder)
+      size = 25;
+    TrackPar par(size);
+    par.fill(0.);
+    par(0) = x1;       // x
+    par(1) = y1;       // y
+    par(2) = xv1;      // dx/dz
+    par(3) = yv1;      // dy/dz
+    par(4) = 0.;       // Path length.
+    if(pder) {
+      par(5) = 1.;     // d x / d x0
+      par(11) = 1.;    // d y / d y0
+      par(17) = 1.;    // d xv / d xv0
+      par(23) = 1.;    // d yv / d yv0
+    }
+    // Propagate parameter vector.
+    double z = z1;
+    double h = z2 - z1;
+    if(abs(h) < 1.e-10)
+      z = z2;
+    else
+      rka(par, z, h, crv, sign_dz, _bfield, _precision, _derivprec);
+    // Calculate final parameters and put them back into vec.
+    double dmax = 1.e30;
+    double x2 = par(0);
+    double y2 = par(1);
+    double xv2 = par(2);
+    double yv2 = par(3);
+    double s = par(4);
+    vec(SurfZPlane::IX) = x2;
+    vec(SurfZPlane::IY) = y2;
+    vec(SurfZPlane::IDXDZ) = xv2;
+    vec(SurfZPlane::IDYDZ) = yv2;
+    vec(SurfZPlane::IQP) = crv;
+    if(!(x2 < dmax && x2 > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(!(y2 < dmax && y2 > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(!(xv2 < dmax && xv2 > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(!(yv2 < dmax && yv2 > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(!(s < dmax && s > -dmax))
+      throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+    if(pder) {
+      // Calculate final derivative matrix.
+      TrackDerivative& deriv = *pder;
+      deriv(0,0) = par(5);                // dx / d x0
+      deriv(0,1) = par(6);                // dx / d y0
+      deriv(0,2) = par(7);                // dx / d xv0
+      deriv(0,3) = par(8);                // dx / d yv0
+      deriv(0,4) = par(9);                // dx / d crv
+      deriv(1,0) = par(10);               // dy / d x0
+      deriv(1,1) = par(11);               // dy / d y0
+      deriv(1,2) = par(12);               // dy / d xv0
+      deriv(1,3) = par(13);               // dy / d yv0
+      deriv(1,4) = par(14);               // dy / d crv
+      deriv(2,0) = par(15);               // d xv / d x0
+      deriv(2,1) = par(16);               // d xv / d y0
+      deriv(2,2) = par(17);               // d xv / d xv0
+      deriv(2,3) = par(18);               // d xv / d yv0
+      deriv(2,4) = par(19);               // d xv / d crv
+      deriv(3,0) = par(20);               // d yv / d x0
+      deriv(3,1) = par(21);               // d yv / d y0
+      deriv(3,2) = par(22);               // d yv / d xv0
+      deriv(3,3) = par(23);               // d yv / d yv0
+      deriv(3,4) = par(24);               // d yv / d crv
+      deriv(4,0) = 0.;                    // d crv / d x0
+      deriv(4,1) = 0.;                    // d crv / d y0
+      deriv(4,2) = 0.;                    // d crv / d xv0
+      deriv(4,3) = 0.;                    // d crv / d yv0
+      deriv(4,4) = 1.;                    // d crv / d crv
+      for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
+	for(int j=0; j<5; ++j) {
+	  double x = deriv(i,j);
+	  if(!(x < dmax && x > -dmax))
+	    throw runtime_error("Floating point exception");
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    // Update trv
+    bool forward = trv.is_forward();
+    bool backward = trv.is_backward();
+    assert(forward || backward);
+    assert(!(forward && backward));
+    trv.set_surface( SurfacePtr(srf.new_pure_surface()) );
+    trv.set_vector(vec);
+    if(forward)
+      trv.set_forward();
+    else if(backward)
+      trv.set_backward();
+    // Set the return status.
+    pstat.set_path_distance(s);
+  }
+  catch(runtime_error x) {}
+  return pstat;
+// return Bz at the origin.
+double PropZZRK::get_bfield() const
+  SpacePointVector bf = _bfield->field(CartesianPoint(0., 0., 0.));
+  return bf.v_z();
CVSspam 0.2.8