


At UCSD we have a set of read-only servers (uaf-X, hadoop, all serving /store namespace) and now I'm adding another set of read-write servers (nfs-X, local disk, each serving /tas-X top directory).

All these guys report to a common manager,

Now, writing works if I write directly to the new machines, like:
  xrdcp some-file root://
but (mostly) fails when I try writing through the redirector:
  xrdcp some-file root://

Looking at logs, I see the write request is forwarded to a random node. It works if this is nfs-3 but fails with:
  Last server error 3010 ('Unable to create /tas-3/xrd-write-test/jebo.zotarccxx; Permission denied')
if it's one of uaf-X machines. Also, this pollutes the name-space (that is, a subsequent write attempt with the same file name will fail immediately with this error from the redirector itself:
  Last server error 3011 ('Unable to create new file; file already exists.')

What do I have to add into configuration, for each set of machines, to specify what part of namespace they are serving? 
Something like this?
  all.export /store if uaf-*
  all.export /nfs-3 if

Will this also work for writing?
