


Few updates and reminders for these planning to
attend the XLDB-2011 conference.

Lightning talks / posters deadline
The deadline for submitting lightning talks and/or
poster abstracts is approaching. We will accept the
abstracts until September 15 (end of the day). There
will be no extension, if you plan to submit one,
make sure you submit it before the deadline.

Special hotel group rate
The special hotel rate cut off date is approaching too.
We still have few rooms left at a special rate ($102)
at the Stanford Guest House, which is located on SLAC
campus - walking distance to the conference. The
deadline to book rooms at the Stanford Guest House
is Sept 9 - after that date we have to release the
block of rooms kept for us.

The special rate at the Sheraton is valid until Sept 16.

SciDB Community Meeting
The SciDB team decided to hold a short community
meeting at SLAC immediately after the end of the
official XLDB program and before the conference
reception/dinner on the first day of the conference,
(Tuesday). Registration is not required - everybody
is welcome to attend, including these not attending
the XLDB conference.

Best regards,