

Dear HPS collaborators,

Our collaboration meeting tomorrow, Monday, will start at 8:30am with a session on software. The location is the Arc building, room 231-233. This is the first building on your right as you enter the road to the residence facility, way on the top of the attached map. 



8:30 - 10am:
10'	Welcome, agenda					- Maurik
30'	HPS Detector Simulation using LCSim	- Jeremy McCormick
30'	Trigger simulations					- Sho Uemura
20'	Status of EVIO / LCIO integration		- Homer Neil

10am - Coffee

10:30 - 12am:

30'      Status Tracker simulation and analysis		- Matt Graham
20'	Online Monitoring & Calibration - ECAL		- FX Girod
20'	Online Monitoring & Calibration - Tracker	- Tim Nelson
20'	EPICS - overview, how to plug in.			- Hovanes Egiyan
15’	HDF5 for data analysis					- Gagik Gavalian