


                 Summary: request change so frm_xrfd and frm_purged have
separate log files
                 Project: XROOTD
            Submitted by: bdouglas
            Submitted on: 2011-11-11 17:35
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
      Fixed by commit(s): 




Right now in Linux  frm_purged and frm_xfrd write to same log file -

[root@wrk1prv ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/xrootd | grep -i FRM
# Define the instances of xrootd, cmsd and frmd here and specify the option
#   DAEMON - the daemon name, the valid values are: XROOTD, CMSD or FRMD
FRMD_DEFAULT_OPTIONS="-k 7 -l /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log -c

[root@wrk1prv ~]# ps aux | grep frm
root      5505  0.0  0.0  61216   768 pts/2    S+   11:25   0:00 grep frm
xrootd    6229  0.0  0.0  28976  1244 ?        Sl   Nov10   0:00
/usr/bin/frm_purged -k 7 -l /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log -c
/etc/xrootd/xrootd-clustered.cfg -b -s /var/run/xrootd/
-n default
xrootd    8246  0.0  0.0 106088  1528 ?        Sl   Nov10   0:00
/usr/bin/frm_xfrd -k 7 -l /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log -c
/etc/xrootd/xrootd-clustered.cfg -b -s /var/run/xrootd/
-n default

Though when the logs roll over at Midnight, frm_xfrd starts writing into the
a file with *.0 on the end of the file name. 

[root@wrk1prv ~]# lsof | grep frmd
new-stage  5268    xrootd    2w      REG              253,3     89226   
1703982 /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log.20111110.0
new-stage  5484    xrootd    2w      REG              253,3     89226   
1703982 /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log.20111110.0
frm_purge  6229    xrootd    2w      REG              253,3      5181   
1704001 /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log
frm_xfrd   8246    xrootd    2w      REG              253,3     89226   
1703982 /var/log/xrootd/frmd.log.20111110.0

This means that frmd.log does not contain the transfer information after the
log file roll over.

Can this be fixed so that both deamons write into separate log files. 


Doug Benjamin


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