

We will have a meeting of the Muon Collider Physics and Detector
group this Wednesday at 11:30 in the Fishtank (WH 13th floor crossover) .

   Remote access is available at:

        To Join the Audio Conference
            Dial-In:           1 (847) 944-7644    Local US - this is 
the preferred number.
                               1 (888) 762-3768
            Enter Passcode:       9765689#

   The agenda is:

1. N. Mokhov "Status and Plans for New Modeling of Backgrounds" - 20'
2. N. Terentiev "Update on timing and double layer criteria in ILCRoot 
VXD and Tracker: A hit rates" - 25'
3. R. Lipton - Discussion of goals

Slides will be available at: