

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd on MAIN 1.1
LCDD for new HPS tracker module geometry

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	11 Jan 2012 23:12:04 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+package org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.jdom.DataConversionException;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.jdom.JDOMException;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Box;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.LCDD;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Material;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.PhysVol;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Position;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Rotation;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.SensitiveDetector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Volume;
+ * An LCDD converter for a Silicon endcap tracker model based on Bill Cooper's design from
+ * <a href="">Boulder SiD Workshop 2008</a>.
+ * 
+ * @author jeremym 
+ */
+public class HPSTracker extends LCDDSubdetector {
+    Map<String, ModuleParameters> moduleParameters = new HashMap<String, ModuleParameters>();
+    Map<String, Volume> modules = new HashMap<String, Volume>();
+    Material vacuum;
+    //static VisAttributes blah = null; 
+    public HPSTracker(Element node) throws JDOMException 
+    {
+        super(node);
+    }
+    void addToLCDD(LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sd) throws JDOMException 
+    {        
+        // DEBUG
+        //blah = new VisAttributes("TkrTestVisXYZ");
+        //blah.setColor((float)1.0,(float)0.,(float)0.,(float)1.0);
+        //lcdd.add(blah);
+        /////////////////////
+        int sysId = node.getAttribute("id").getIntValue();
+        String subdetName = node.getAttributeValue("name");
+        vacuum = lcdd.getMaterial("Vacuum");
+        boolean reflect;
+        if (node.getAttribute("reflect") != null) {
+            reflect = node.getAttribute("reflect").getBooleanValue();
+        } else {
+            reflect = true;
+        }
+        boolean flipSA=false;
+        if ( node.getAttribute( "flipSA" ) != null )
+        {
+                flipSA = node.getAttribute( "flipSA" ).getBooleanValue();
+        }
+        for (Iterator i = node.getChildren("module").iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+            Element module = (Element);
+            String moduleName = module.getAttributeValue("name");
+            moduleParameters.put(moduleName, new ModuleParameters(module));
+            modules.put(moduleName, makeModule(moduleParameters.get(moduleName), sd, lcdd));
+        }
+        for (Iterator i = node.getChildren("layer").iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+            Element layerElement = (Element);
+            int layerId = layerElement.getAttribute("id").getIntValue();
+            int ringCount = 0;
+            int moduleNumber = 0;
+            for (Iterator j = layerElement.getChildren("quadrant").iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
+                Element ringElement = (Element);
+                double zLayer = ringElement.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
+                double dz = ringElement.getAttribute("dz").getDoubleValue();
+                double xStart = ringElement.getAttribute("xStart").getDoubleValue();
+                 double xStep = ringElement.getAttribute("xStep").getDoubleValue();
+                int nx = ringElement.getAttribute("nx").getIntValue();
+                double yStart = ringElement.getAttribute("yStart").getDoubleValue();
+                int ny = ringElement.getAttribute("ny").getIntValue();
+                double yStep = ringElement.getAttribute("yStep").getDoubleValue();
+                double phi0 = 0;
+                if (ringElement.getAttribute("phi0") != null) {
+                    phi0 = ringElement.getAttribute("phi0").getDoubleValue();
+                }
+                String module = ringElement.getAttributeValue("module");
+                Volume moduleVolume = modules.get(module);
+                if (moduleVolume == null) {
+                    throw new RuntimeException("Module " + module + " was not found.");
+                }
+                double x, y, z;
+                z = zLayer;
+                x = xStart;
+                for (int k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
+                    y = yStart;
+                    for (int kk = 0; kk < ny; kk++) {
+                        String moduleBaseName = subdetName + "_layer" + layerId + "_module" + moduleNumber;
+                        Position p = new Position(moduleBaseName + "_position");
+                        p.setX(x);
+                        p.setY(y);
+                        p.setZ(z+ dz);
+                        Rotation rot = new Rotation(moduleBaseName + "_rotation");
+                        rot.setX(-Math.PI / 2);
+                        rot.setY(Math.PI / 2+phi0);
+                        rot.setZ(0);                        
+                        lcdd.add(p);
+                        lcdd.add(rot);
+                        PhysVol pv = new PhysVol(moduleVolume, lcdd.getTrackingVolume(), p, rot);
+                        pv.addPhysVolID("system", sysId);
+                        pv.addPhysVolID("barrel", 0);
+                        pv.addPhysVolID("layer", layerId);
+                        pv.addPhysVolID("module", moduleNumber);
+                         ++moduleNumber;
+                        if (reflect) {
+                            Position pr = new Position(moduleBaseName + "_reflect_position");
+                            pr.setX(x);
+                            pr.setY(-y);
+                            pr.setZ(z + dz);
+                            Rotation rotr = new Rotation(moduleBaseName + "_reflect_rotation");
+                            double rphi0=phi0;
+                            if(flipSA) rphi0=-rphi0;
+                            rotr.setX(-Math.PI / 2);
+                            rotr.setY(Math.PI / 2+rphi0);
+                            rotr.setZ(0);
+                            lcdd.add(pr);
+                            lcdd.add(rotr);
+                            //System.out.println("Reflecting "+ x+"  "+y+"  "+z);
+                            PhysVol pvr = new PhysVol(moduleVolume, lcdd.getTrackingVolume(), pr, rotr);
+                            pvr.addPhysVolID("system", sysId);
+                            pvr.addPhysVolID("barrel", 0);
+                            pvr.addPhysVolID("layer", layerId);
+                            pvr.addPhysVolID("module", moduleNumber);
+                        }
+                        dz = -dz;
+                        y += yStep;
+                        ++moduleNumber;
+                    }
+                    x += xStep;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private Volume makeModule(ModuleParameters params, SensitiveDetector sd, LCDD lcdd) 
+    {        
+        double thickness = params.getThickness();        
+        double x, y;
+        x = params.getDimension(0);
+        y = params.getDimension(1);              
+        Box box = new Box(params.getName() + "Box", x, y, thickness);        
+        lcdd.add(box);
+        Volume moduleVolume = new Volume(params.getName() + "Volume", box, vacuum);        
+        makeModuleComponents(moduleVolume, params, sd, lcdd);
+        //moduleVolume.setVisAttributes(blah);
+        lcdd.add(moduleVolume);
+        if (params.getVis() != null) {
+            moduleVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes(params.getVis()));
+        }
+        return moduleVolume;
+    }
+    private void makeModuleComponents(
+            Volume moduleVolume, 
+            ModuleParameters moduleParameters, 
+            SensitiveDetector sd, 
+            LCDD lcdd) 
+    {
+        Box envelope = (Box) lcdd.getSolid(moduleVolume.getSolidRef());
+        double moduleX = envelope.getX();
+        double moduleY = envelope.getY();
+        //System.out.println("moduleX="+moduleX);
+        //System.out.println("moduleY="+moduleY);
+        double posZ = -moduleParameters.getThickness() / 2;
+        String moduleName = moduleVolume.getVolumeName();
+        int sensor = 0;
+        for (ModuleComponentParameters component : moduleParameters) {
+            //System.out.println("making component...");
+            double thickness = component.getThickness();
+            Material material = null;
+            try {
+                material = lcdd.getMaterial(component.getMaterialName());
+            } catch (JDOMException except) {
+                throw new RuntimeException(except);
+            }
+            boolean sensitive = component.isSensitive();
+            int componentNumber = component.getComponentNumber();
+            posZ += thickness / 2;
+            //System.out.println("posY="+posY);
+            String componentName = moduleName + "_component" + componentNumber;
+            //System.out.println("componentBox = " + moduleX + ", " + moduleY + "," + thickness);
+            Box componentBox = new Box(componentName + "Box", moduleX, moduleY, thickness);
+            lcdd.add(componentBox);                       
+            Volume componentVolume = new Volume(componentName, componentBox, material);
+            Position position = new Position(componentName + "_position", 0., 0., posZ);
+            lcdd.add(position);
+            Rotation rotation = new Rotation(componentName + "_rotation");
+            lcdd.add(rotation);
+            PhysVol pv = new PhysVol(componentVolume, moduleVolume, position, rotation);
+            pv.addPhysVolID("component", componentNumber);
+            if (sensitive) {
+                if (sensor > 1) {
+                    throw new RuntimeException("Maximum of 2 sensors per module.");
+                }
+                // Build an child sensor volume to allow dead areas.
+                String sensorName = componentName + "Sensor" + sensor; 
+                double sensorX = component.getDimensionX();
+                //System.out.println("sensorX="+sensorX);
+                if (sensorX > moduleX)
+                    throw new RuntimeException("Sensor X dimension " + sensorX + " is too big for module.");
+                double sensorY = component.getDimensionY();
+                //System.out.println("sensorY="+sensorY);
+                if (sensorY > moduleY)
+                    throw new RuntimeException("Sensor Y dimension " + sensorY + " is too big for module.");
+                //System.out.println("sensorBox = "+sensorX+", " + sensorY + ", " + thickness);
+                Box sensorBox = new Box(sensorName + "Box", sensorX, sensorY, thickness);
+                lcdd.add(sensorBox);
+                Volume sensorVol = new Volume(sensorName, sensorBox, material);                
+                sensorVol.setSensitiveDetector(sd);
+                //sensorVol.setVisAttributes(blah);
+                lcdd.add(sensorVol);
+                Position sensorPosition = new Position(sensorName+"Position",0,0,0);
+                lcdd.add(sensorPosition);
+                Rotation sensorRotation = new Rotation(sensorName+"Rotation",0,0,0);
+                lcdd.add(sensorRotation);                
+                PhysVol sensorPhysVol = new PhysVol(sensorVol, componentVolume, sensorPosition, sensorRotation);
+                sensorPhysVol.addPhysVolID("sensor", sensor);                
+                ++sensor;
+            }
+            // Add component volume after (possible) sensor child volume.
+            lcdd.add(componentVolume);
+            // Set vis attributes of component.
+            if (component.getVis() != null) {
+                componentVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes(component.getVis()));
+            }
+            // Step to next component placement position.
+            posZ += thickness / 2;            
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean isTracker() 
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    static class ModuleComponentParameters
+    {
+        protected String materialName;
+        protected double thickness;
+        protected boolean sensitive;
+        protected int componentNumber;
+        protected String vis;
+        protected double dimX, dimY;
+        public ModuleComponentParameters(double dimX, double dimY, double thickness, String materialName, int componentNumber, boolean sensitive, String vis)
+        {
+            this.dimX = dimX;
+            this.dimY = dimY;
+            this.thickness = thickness;
+            this.materialName = materialName;
+            this.sensitive = sensitive;
+            this.componentNumber = componentNumber;
+            this.vis = vis;            
+        }
+        public double getThickness()
+        {
+            return thickness;
+        }
+        public double getDimensionX()
+        {
+            return dimX;
+        }
+        public double getDimensionY()
+        {
+            return dimY;
+        }
+        public String getMaterialName()
+        {
+            return materialName;
+        }
+        public boolean isSensitive()
+        {
+            return sensitive;
+        }
+        public int getComponentNumber()
+        {
+            return componentNumber;
+        }
+        public String getVis()
+        {
+            return vis;
+        }
+    }
+    static class ModuleParameters extends ArrayList<ModuleComponentParameters>
+    {
+        double thickness;
+        String name;
+        double dimensions[] = new double[3];
+        String vis;       
+        public ModuleParameters(Element element)
+        {
+            name = element.getAttributeValue("name");
+            if (element.getAttribute("vis") != null)
+                this.vis = element.getAttribute("vis").getValue();
+            // Optional dimension parameters (not always present).
+            if (element.getChild("trd") != null)
+            {
+                Element trd = element.getChild("trd");
+                try 
+                {
+                    dimensions[0] = trd.getAttribute("x1").getDoubleValue();
+                    dimensions[1] = trd.getAttribute("x2").getDoubleValue();
+                    dimensions[2] = trd.getAttribute("z").getDoubleValue();
+                }
+                catch (DataConversionException x)
+                {
+                    throw new RuntimeException(x);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (element.getChild("box") != null)
+            {
+                Element box = element.getChild("box");
+                try 
+                {
+                    dimensions[0] = box.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
+                    dimensions[1] = box.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
+                }
+                catch (DataConversionException x)
+                {
+                    throw new RuntimeException(x);
+                }
+            }            
+            int cntr=0;
+            for (Object o : element.getChildren("module_component"))
+            {
+                try {
+                    Element e = (Element)o;
+                    double thickness = e.getAttribute("thickness").getDoubleValue();
+                    String materialName = e.getAttributeValue("material");
+                    boolean sensitive = false;
+                    if (e.getAttribute("sensitive") != null)
+                        sensitive = e.getAttribute("sensitive").getBooleanValue();
+                    String componentVis = null;
+                    if (e.getAttribute("vis") != null)
+                        componentVis = e.getAttribute("vis").getValue();
+                    // Sensors may have reduced dimensions for dead area.
+                    double x = dimensions[0]; // default
+                    double y = dimensions[1]; // default
+                    if (sensitive && e.getChild("dimensions") != null)
+                    {
+                        Element dimensions = e.getChild("dimensions");
+                        x = dimensions.getAttribute("x").getDoubleValue();
+                        y = dimensions.getAttribute("y").getDoubleValue();
+                        //System.out.println("x,y="+x+","+y);
+                    }
+                    add(new ModuleComponentParameters(x, y, thickness, materialName, cntr, sensitive, componentVis));
+                }
+                catch (JDOMException x)
+                {
+                    throw new RuntimeException(x);
+                }
+                ++cntr;
+            }            
+            calculateThickness();
+        }
+        public void calculateThickness()
+        {
+            thickness = 0.; // reset thickness
+            for (ModuleComponentParameters p : this)
+            {
+                thickness += p.getThickness();
+            }
+        }
+        public double getThickness()
+        {
+            return thickness;
+        }
+        public String getName()
+        {
+            return name;
+        }
+        public double getDimension(int i)
+        {
+            if (i > (dimensions.length - 1) || i < 0)
+                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid dimensions index: " + i);
+            return dimensions[i];
+        }
+        public String getVis()
+        {
+            return vis;
+        }
+    }
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