

Commit in mcd-analysis/src/main/java/org/lcsim/mcd/analysis on MAIN -> 1.2
Driver to look at the timing in calorimeter cells

mcd-analysis/src/main/java/org/lcsim/mcd/analysis 1.1 -> 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
---	11 Jan 2012 16:26:22 -0000	1.1
+++	12 Jan 2012 15:41:11 -0000	1.2
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
 import hep.aida.ICloud1D;
+import hep.aida.ICloud2D;
 import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
 import hep.aida.IHistogramFactory;
 import hep.aida.ITree;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -15,7 +17,6 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader.LCMetaData;
 import org.lcsim.event.SimCalorimeterHit;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
@@ -27,16 +28,14 @@
     IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
     ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create();
     IHistogramFactory hf = af.createHistogramFactory(tree);
-    // tree.mkdir("/Histograms");
-    //"/Histograms");
-    IHistogram1D h1 = hf.createHistogram1D("time", 1000, -1., 1.);
-//      IHistogram2D h2 = hf.createHistogram2D("Histogram 1D",);
-    //tree.mkdir("/Clouds");
-    //"/Clouds");
+    IHistogram1D hctime = hf.createHistogram1D("pathlength corrected time weighted by energy", 1000, -1., 1.);
+    IHistogram1D hctimef = hf.createHistogram1D("pathlength corrected time weighted by energy full range", 1000, -1., 1000.);
+    IHistogram1D htime = hf.createHistogram1D("time", 1000, 0., 1000.);
+    IHistogram1D htimeweighted = hf.createHistogram1D("time energy weighted", 1000, 0., 1000.);
     ICloud1D c1 = hf.createCloud1D("Energy");
     ICloud1D c2 = hf.createCloud1D("Radius");
-//    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-//   IHistogram1D h1 = aida.Histogram1D("Histogram 1D",50,-3,3);
+    IHistogram2D hrz = hf.createHistogram2D("r vs z energy weighted", 500, -6000., 6000., 500, 0., 5500.);
+    ICloud2D c3 = hf.createCloud2D("Radiusvsz energy weighted");
     protected void process(EventHeader event) {
@@ -45,24 +44,24 @@
             LCMetaData meta = event.getMetaData(calHitList);
             String calName = meta.getName();
-//            System.out.println(calName);
-            if ("Edep_EcalBarrelHits".equals(calName)||"Edep_HcalBarrelHits".equals(calName)) {
-                for (SimCalorimeterHit h : calHitList) {
-                    double time = h.getTime();
-                    if (time < 0.0) {
-                        System.out.println(time);
-                    }
-                    double energy = h.getRawEnergy();
-                    double[] xpos = h.getPosition();
-                    double radius = Math.sqrt(xpos[0] * xpos[0] + xpos[1] * xpos[1]);
-                    double length = Math.sqrt(xpos[0] * xpos[0] + xpos[1] * xpos[1] + xpos[2] * xpos[2]);
-                    h1.fill(time - length / clight, energy * 0.001);
-                    c1.fill(energy);
-                    c2.fill(radius);
-                    //aida.cloud2D("rvsz").fill(xpos[2], radius);
-                    //aida.cloud1D("energy").fill(energy);
-                }
+//            if ("Edep_EcalBarrelHits".equals(calName)||"Edep_HcalBarrelHits".equals(calName)) {
+            for (SimCalorimeterHit h : calHitList) {
+                double time = h.getTime();
+                double energy = h.getRawEnergy();
+                double[] xpos = h.getPosition();
+                double radius = Math.sqrt(xpos[0] * xpos[0] + xpos[1] * xpos[1]);
+                double length = Math.sqrt(xpos[0] * xpos[0] + xpos[1] * xpos[1] + xpos[2] * xpos[2]);
+                hctime.fill(time - length / clight, energy * 0.001);
+                hctimef.fill(time - length / clight, energy * 0.001);
+                htime.fill(time);
+                htimeweighted.fill(time, energy * 0.001);
+                c1.fill(energy);
+                c2.fill(radius);
+                c3.fill(xpos[2], radius, energy * 0.001);
+                hrz.fill(xpos[2], radius, energy * 0.001);
+                //aida.cloud1D("energy").fill(energy);
+//            }
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