

Hi all,

Are there asynchronous-read cache issues I should know about in 3.1?

The output (debug level = 1) below shows where I issue a ReadV with 71 chunks, sleep for a second (to make sure the server responds), and prints out the contents of the cache.

After printing out the contents of the cache, I immediately read the exact contents of the first few entries of the cache.  The client log indicates that it went back out to the server.

The code looks like this:

  // Prefetch into the cache (if any).
  if (m_client->ReadV(0, &offsets[0], &lengths[0], n) < 0) {
    edm::Exception ex(edm::errors::FileReadError);
    throw ex;
  // Issue actual reads.
  IOSize total = 0;
  for (IOSize i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    int s = m_client->Read(into[i].data(), offsets[i], lengths[i]);

The cache/read-ahead settings I used are:

  m_client->SetCacheParameters(-1, 0, 0);

Anyone see anything "obvious" I'm doing wrong?  If no, I'll dig more.


120222 18:24:01 001 Xrd: ReqReadV: Requesting to read 71 chunks.
120222 18:24:01 001 Xrd: ReqReadV: Returning: total_len 10739731
120222 18:24:01 001 Xrd: ReadV: Excessive async readv size 13424663. Fixing cache size.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 1966240
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 360->196967 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 196968->393575 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 393576->590183 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 590184->786791 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 786792->983399 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 983400->1180007 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 1180008->1376615 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 1376616->1573223 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 1573224->1769831 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 1769832->1966439 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 1966240
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 1966440->2163047 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 2163048->2359655 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 2359656->2556263 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 2556264->2752871 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 2752872->2949479 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 2949480->3146087 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 3146088->3342695 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 3342696->3539303 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 3539304->3735911 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 3735912->3932519 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 1997858
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 3932520->4129127 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 4129128->4325735 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 4325736->4522343 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 4522344->4718951 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 4718952->4915559 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 4915560->5112167 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5112168->5308775 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5308776->5505383 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5505384->5536985 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5537764->5734371 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5734372->5930979 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 2073502
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 5930980->6127587 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 6127588->6324195 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 6324196->6520803 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 6520804->6717411 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 6717412->6914019 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 6914020->7085720 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 7216971->7217663 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 7360659->7467076 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 7519223->7519932 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 7600901->7797508 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 7797509->7977539 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 8262674->8265352 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 8446084->8446711 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 8481421->8482683 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 8893583->8907505 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 9007528->9204135 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 9204136->9400743 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 9400744->9423047 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 1954115
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 9695526->9888175 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 9956070->10024962 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 10659786->10856393 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 10856394->10944615 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 10944945->11141552 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11141553->11338160 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11338161->11389968 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11547044->11547186 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11592419->11624884 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11671050->11867657 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 11867658->12064265 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12064266->12071205 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12208733->12208882 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12260125->12456732 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12456733->12653340 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12653341->12789671 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Incoming unsolicited response from streamid 4
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Processing async response from streamid 4 father=1
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: ProcessUnsolicitedMsg: Putting kXR_readV data into cache.  len 782912
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 12835083->13013821 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 13082309->13278916 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 13278917->13475524 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 13475525->13538864 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 13562322->13583340 to cache.
120222 18:24:01 16848 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 13583511->13710012 to cache.
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache: Cache Status --------------------------
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 0Data block  360->196967
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 1Data block  196968->393575
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 2Data block  393576->590183
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 3Data block  590184->786791
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 4Data block  786792->983399
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 5Data block  983400->1180007
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 6Data block  1180008->1376615
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 7Data block  1376616->1573223
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 8Data block  1573224->1769831
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 9Data block  1769832->1966439
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 10Data block  1966440->2163047
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 11Data block  2163048->2359655
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 12Data block  2359656->2556263
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 13Data block  2556264->2752871
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 14Data block  2752872->2949479
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 15Data block  2949480->3146087
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 16Data block  3146088->3342695
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 17Data block  3342696->3539303
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 18Data block  3539304->3735911
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 19Data block  3735912->3932519
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 20Data block  3932520->4129127
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 21Data block  4129128->4325735
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 22Data block  4325736->4522343
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 23Data block  4522344->4718951
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 24Data block  4718952->4915559
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 25Data block  4915560->5112167
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 26Data block  5112168->5308775
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 27Data block  5308776->5505383
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 28Data block  5505384->5536985
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 29Data block  5537764->5734371
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 30Data block  5734372->5930979
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 31Data block  5930980->6127587
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 32Data block  6127588->6324195
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 33Data block  6324196->6520803
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 34Data block  6520804->6717411
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 35Data block  6717412->6914019
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 36Data block  6914020->7085720
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 37Data block  7216971->7217663
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 38Data block  7360659->7467076
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 39Data block  7519223->7519932
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 40Data block  7600901->7797508
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 41Data block  7797509->7977539
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 42Data block  8262674->8265352
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 43Data block  8446084->8446711
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 44Data block  8481421->8482683
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 45Data block  8893583->8907505
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 46Data block  9007528->9204135
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 47Data block  9204136->9400743
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 48Data block  9400744->9423047
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 49Data block  9695526->9888175
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 50Data block  9956070->10024962
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 51Data block  10659786->10856393
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 52Data block  10856394->10944615
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 53Data block  10944945->11141552
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 54Data block  11141553->11338160
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 55Data block  11338161->11389968
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 56Data block  11547044->11547186
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 57Data block  11592419->11624884
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 58Data block  11671050->11867657
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 59Data block  11867658->12064265
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 60Data block  12064266->12071205
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 61Data block  12208733->12208882
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 62Data block  12260125->12456732
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 63Data block  12456733->12653340
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 64Data block  12653341->12789671
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 65Data block  12835083->13013821
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 66Data block  13082309->13278916
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 67Data block  13278917->13475524
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 68Data block  13475525->13538864
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 69Data block  13562322->13583340
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache blk: 70Data block  13583511->13710012
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache: -------------------------------------- fTotalByteCount = 10739731
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Read: Read(offs=360, len=5536626)
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: SendGenCommand: Sending command ReadBuffer
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: ReadPartialAnswer: Reading a XrdClientMessage from the server []...
120222 18:24:02 001 Xrd: Cache: Submitting 360->2097511 to cache.

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