

Hi Jeremy,

Great. This looks just like what we need. I'll give it and
try and then use it on the jlab systems for testing.


On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, McCormick, Jeremy I. wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just added a utility class to hps-java which will produce LCIO files from EVIO Test Run data.  It uses existing code in LCSimTestRunEventBuilder to perform this conversion.
> The class is at...
> org.lcsim.hps.evio.TestRunEvioToLcio
> It has a command line interface, defined as follows...
> -e [evioInputFile] -l [lcioOutputFile] -d [detectorName] -x [lcsimXmlFile]
> Here is an example of running it from the command line...
> java -classpath `pwd`/hps-java_local/target/hps-java-1.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar org.lcsim.hps.evio.TestRunEvioToLcio \
> -d HPS-Test-JLAB-v4pt0 \
> -e /nfs/slac/g/hps/jeremym/TestRunRecon.evio \
> -l TestRunRecon.slcio \
> -x hps-java/src/main/resources/org/lcsim/hps/steering/TestRunCnv.lcsim
> To run this yourself, you need to point it at a local installation of hps-java as well as EVIO data that is locally accessible.  This example uses an EVIO file from my NFS space at SLAC.
> Basically, this class will take an EVIO input file with Test Run data, convert it to an LCSim event, and then run an LCSim job on the events, defined by the LCSim XML "steering" file that is specified.  I have confirmed that it works.  I get two output collections in the resultant LCIO file: EcalRawHits and SVTRawTrackerHits.  They both look okay to me, though I've not looked in detail at the output, just confirmed that it is written successfully.  The LCSim job could do whatever you like, including run the full reconstruction.  For now, I just convert to LCIO.  The writing to LCIO is included in the class, so no need to include an LCIODriver in your .lcsim file.
> I hope that works for purposes of running the offline reconstruction on EVIO files.
> If you have any questions, let me know.
> --Jeremy
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