Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/users/mgraham on MAIN 1.1
Some of matt's extrapolation analysis code

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/users/mgraham added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	23 Jul 2012 21:45:40 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+package org.lcsim.hps.users.mgraham;
+import hep.aida.*;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.hps.monitoring.AIDAFrame;
+import org.lcsim.hps.recon.ecal.HPSEcalCluster;
+import org.lcsim.hps.recon.tracking.HPSTrack;
+import org.lcsim.hps.recon.vertexing.HelixConverter;
+import org.lcsim.hps.recon.vertexing.StraightLineTrack;
+import org.lcsim.hps.users.omoreno.ExtendTrack;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedCandidate;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+ @author mgraham
+ */
+public class TrackExtrapolationAnalysis extends Driver {
+    private AIDAFrame extrapFrame;
+    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private String rawTrackerHitCollectionName = "SVTRawTrackerHits";
+    private String fittedTrackerHitCollectionName = "SVTFittedRawTrackerHits";
+    private String trackerHitCollectionName = "StripClusterer_SiTrackerHitStrip1D";
+    private String helicalTrackHitCollectionName = "HelicalTrackHits";
+    private String rotatedTrackHitCollectionName = "RotatedHelicalTrackHits";
+    private String helicalTrackHitRelationsCollectionName = "HelicalTrackHitRelations";
+    private String trackCollectionName = "MatchedTracks";
+    String ecalSubdetectorName = "Ecal";
+    String ecalCollectionName = "EcalClusters";
+    private Detector detector = null;
+    private double zAtConverter = -674.062;//mm    
+    IPlotter extrap0;
+    IPlotter extrap1;
+    IPlotter extrap2;
+    IPlotter extrap3;
+    IPlotter extrap4;
+    IPlotter extrap5;
+    IPlotter extrap6;
+    IPlotter extrap7;
+    IPlotter extrap8;
+    IPlotter extrap9;
+    IPlotter extrap10;
+    IPlotter extrap11;
+    IPlotter extrap12;
+    IPlotter extrap13;
+    IAnalysisFactory fac = aida.analysisFactory();
+    protected void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
+        this.detector = detector;
+        aida.tree().cd("/");
+        extrapFrame = new AIDAFrame();
+        extrapFrame.setTitle("Extrapolation Debugging Plots");
+        makeExtrapolationPlots();
+        extrapFrame.pack();
+        extrapFrame.setVisible(true);
+    }
+    public TrackExtrapolationAnalysis() {
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        aida.tree().cd("/");
+        List<Track> tracks = event.get(Track.class, trackCollectionName);
+        for (Track trk : tracks) {
+            double trackP = trk.getPX();
+            SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) trk;
+            SeedCandidate seedEle = stEle.getSeedCandidate();
+            HelicalTrackFit ht = seedEle.getHelix();
+            HelixConverter converter = new HelixConverter(0);
+            StraightLineTrack slt = converter.Convert(ht);
+            ExtendTrack extend = new ExtendTrack();
+            extend.setTrack(stEle);
+            Hep3Vector posAtEcal = extend.positionAtEcal();
+            Hep3Vector extendAtConverter = extend.extrapolateTrack(zAtConverter);
+            int isTop = -1;
+            if (trk.getTrackerHits().get(0).getPosition()[2] > 0)
+                isTop = 0;//make plot look pretty
+            int charge = trk.getCharge();
+            if (charge > 0)
+                charge = 0;//make plot look pretty
+//            System.out.println("Charge = " + charge + "; isTop = " + isTop);
+            HPSTrack hpstrk=null;
+                hpstrk = new HPSTrack(ht);
+//            Hep3Vector posAtConv = hpstrk.getPositionAtZ(zAtConverter, -101, -100, 0.1);
+            Hep3Vector posAtConv = hpstrk.getPositionAtZMap(100,zAtConverter , 5.0);
+            double useThisx=posAtConv.x();
+            double useThisy=posAtConv.y();
+//             double useThisx=extendAtConverter.y();
+//            double useThisy=extendAtConverter.z();
+            aida.histogram1D("New X (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisx);  //this is in the JLAB frame already
+            aida.histogram1D("New Y (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisy);
+            if (isTop == 0) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Top X (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisx);  //this is in the JLAB frame already
+                aida.histogram1D("Top Y (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisy);
+            } else {
+                aida.histogram1D("Bottom X (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisx);  //this is in the JLAB frame already
+                aida.histogram1D("Bottom Y (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisy);
+            }
+            if (charge < 0) {
+                aida.histogram1D("Negative X (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisx);  //this is in the JLAB frame already
+                aida.histogram1D("Negative Y (mm) @ Converter").fill(useThisy);
+            }
+//            Hep3Vector posAtConvShort = hpstrk.getPositionAtZ(zAtConverter, -0.1, 0, 0.01);
+            Hep3Vector posAtConvShort = hpstrk.getPositionAtZMap(0,zAtConverter, 5.0);
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: short vs long fringe").fill(posAtConvShort.x(), posAtConv.x());
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: short vs long fringe").fill(posAtConvShort.y(), posAtConv.y());
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: HPS vs SLT").fill(posAtConv.x(), slt.getYZAtX(zAtConverter)[0]);
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: HPS vs SLT").fill(posAtConv.y(), slt.getYZAtX(zAtConverter)[1]);
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: Extend vs SLT").fill(extendAtConverter.y(), slt.getYZAtX(zAtConverter)[0]);
+            aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: Extend vs SLT").fill(extendAtConverter.z(), slt.getYZAtX(zAtConverter)[1]);
+            List<HPSEcalCluster> clusters = event.get(HPSEcalCluster.class, ecalCollectionName);
+            HPSEcalCluster clust = findClosestCluster(posAtEcal, clusters);
+            if (clust != null) {
+                System.out.println("Cluster Position = ("+clust.getPosition()[0]+","+clust.getPosition()[1]+","+clust.getPosition()[2]+")");
+                double minFringe=HPSTrack.DIPOLE_EDGE-10;
+                double maxFringe=HPSTrack.DIPOLE_EDGE+50;
+//                Hep3Vector posAtEcalHPS = hpstrk.getPositionAtZ(zCluster, minFringe,maxFringe, 0.1);
+//                Hep3Vector posAtEcalHPS = hpstrk.getPositionAtZMap(750,zCluster, 5.0);
+                double zCluster=clust.getPosition()[2];
+ //               double zCluster=1450.0;
+                 Hep3Vector posAtEcalHPS = hpstrk.getPositionAtZMap(750,zCluster, 5.0);
+                Hep3Vector posAtEcalExtend= extend.extrapolateTrack(zCluster);
+                aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation X :  HPS vs Extend").fill( posAtEcalExtend.y(),posAtEcalHPS.x()-posAtEcalExtend.y());
+                aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation Y :  HPS vs Extend").fill( posAtEcalExtend.z(),posAtEcalHPS.y()-posAtEcalExtend.z());
+                double dX = posAtEcalHPS.x() - clust.getPosition()[0];
+                double dY = posAtEcalHPS.y() - clust.getPosition()[1];
+//                double dX = posAtEcalExtend.y() - clust.getPosition()[0];
+//                double dY = posAtEcalExtend.z() - clust.getPosition()[1];
+                aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation HPS vs Cluster X").fill( clust.getPosition()[0],posAtEcalHPS.x() - clust.getPosition()[0]);
+                aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation HPS vs Cluster Y").fill( clust.getPosition()[1],posAtEcalHPS.y() - clust.getPosition()[1]);
+                if (isTop == 0) {
+                    if (charge < 0) {
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Top -ive").fill(dX);
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Top -ive").fill(dY);
+                    } else {
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Top +ive").fill(dX);
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Top +ive").fill(dY);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (charge < 0) {
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Bottom -ive").fill(dX);
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Bottom -ive").fill(dY);
+                    } else {
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Bottom +ive").fill(dX);
+                        aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Bottom +ive").fill(dY);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            double zmin = 0;
+            double zmax = 500.0;
+            int nstep = 100;
+            Map<Integer, Double[]> traj = hpstrk.trackTrajectory(zmin, zmax, nstep);
+            Map<Integer, Double[]> dir = hpstrk.trackDirection(zmin, zmax, nstep);
+            for (int i = 0; i < nstep; i++) {
+                Double[] xyz = traj.get(i);
+                Double[] dxdyz = dir.get(i);
+//                System.out.println("z = " + xyz[2]
+//                        + "  (x,y) = (" + xyz[0] + "," + xyz[1] + ")"
+//                        + "  (dx,dy) = (" + dxdyz[0] + "," + dxdyz[1] + ")");
+                if (i == 0) {
+                    aida.histogram2D("Track @ 0: X vs dX").fill(xyz[0], dxdyz[0]);
+                    aida.histogram2D("Track @ 0: Y vs dY").fill(xyz[1], dxdyz[1]);
+                    if (isTop == 0) {
+                        if (charge < 0) {
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Top -ive").fill(xyz[0], dxdyz[0]);
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Top -ive").fill(xyz[0], trackP);
+                            aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Top -ive").fill(dxdyz[0], trackP);
+                        } else {
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Top +ive").fill(xyz[0], dxdyz[0]);
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Top +ive").fill(xyz[0], trackP);
+                            aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Top +ive").fill(dxdyz[0], trackP);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if (charge < 0) {
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Bottom -ive").fill(xyz[0], dxdyz[0]);
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Bottom -ive").fill(xyz[0], trackP);
+                            aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Bottom -ive").fill(dxdyz[0], trackP);
+                        } else {
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Bottom +ive").fill(xyz[0], dxdyz[0]);
+                            aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Bottom +ive").fill(xyz[0], trackP);
+                            aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Bottom +ive").fill(dxdyz[0], trackP);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                aida.histogram2D("Track Trajectory:  Z vs X").fill(xyz[2], xyz[0]);
+                aida.histogram2D("Track Trajectory:  Z vs Y").fill(xyz[2], xyz[1]);
+                aida.histogram2D("Track Direction:  Z vs dX").fill(dxdyz[2], dxdyz[0]);
+                aida.histogram2D("Track Direction:  Z vs dY").fill(dxdyz[2], dxdyz[1]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void makeExtrapolationPlots() {
+        extrap0 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("HPS Tracking Plots");
+        extrap0.setTitle("New Track extrapolation");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap0);
+        IPlotterStyle style0 =;
+        style0.dataStyle().fillStyle().setColor("yellow");
+        style0.dataStyle().errorBarStyle().setVisible(false);
+        extrap0.createRegions(2, 4);
+        IHistogram1D xAtConverterNew = aida.histogram1D("New X (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 80);
+        IHistogram1D yAtConverterNew = aida.histogram1D("New Y (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D xAtCollNew = aida.histogram1D("Top X (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 80);
+        IHistogram1D yAtCollNew = aida.histogram1D("Top Y (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D xAtEcalNew = aida.histogram1D("Bottom X (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 80);
+        IHistogram1D yAtEcalNew = aida.histogram1D("Bottom Y (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D xAtEcal2New = aida.histogram1D("Negative X (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 80);
+        IHistogram1D yAtEcal2New = aida.histogram1D("Negative Y (mm) @ Converter", 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap0.region(0).plot(xAtConverterNew);
+        extrap0.region(4).plot(yAtConverterNew);
+        extrap0.region(1).plot(xAtCollNew);
+        extrap0.region(5).plot(yAtCollNew);
+        extrap0.region(2).plot(xAtEcalNew);
+        extrap0.region(6).plot(yAtEcalNew);
+        extrap0.region(3).plot(xAtEcal2New);
+        extrap0.region(7).plot(yAtEcal2New);
+        extrap1 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap1.setTitle("HPSTrack Plots");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap1);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap1.createRegions(1, 2);
+//        IHistogram2D quadrants = aida.histogram2D("Charge vs Slope", 2, -1, 1, 2, -1, 1);
+        IHistogram2D plot11 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: short vs long fringe", 50, -50, 50, 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram2D plot12 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: short vs long fringe", 50, -20, 20, 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap1.region(0).plot(plot11);
+        extrap1.region(1).plot(plot12);
+        extrap2 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap2.setTitle("HPSTrack vs SLT Plots");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap2);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap2.createRegions(1, 2);
+//        IHistogram2D quadrants = aida.histogram2D("Charge vs Slope", 2, -1, 1, 2, -1, 1);
+        IHistogram2D plot21 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: HPS vs SLT", 50, -50, 50, 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram2D plot22 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: HPS vs SLT", 50, -20, 20, 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap2.region(0).plot(plot21);
+        extrap2.region(1).plot(plot22);
+        extrap3 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap3.setTitle("Extend vs SLT Plots");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap3);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap3.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot31 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated X: Extend vs SLT", 50, -50, 50, 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram2D plot32 = aida.histogram2D("Extrapolated Y: Extend vs SLT", 50, -20, 20, 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap3.region(0).plot(plot31);
+        extrap3.region(1).plot(plot32);
+        extrap4 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap4.setTitle("Nominal Track Trajectory");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap4);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap4.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot41 = aida.histogram2D("Track Trajectory:  Z vs X", 100, 0, 500, 100, -100, 100);
+        IHistogram2D plot42 = aida.histogram2D("Track Trajectory:  Z vs Y", 100, 0, 500, 100, -75, 75);
+        extrap4.region(0).plot(plot41);
+        extrap4.region(1).plot(plot42);
+        extrap5 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap5.setTitle("Nominal Direction");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap5);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap5.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot51 = aida.histogram2D("Track Direction:  Z vs dX", 100, 0, 500, 100, -0.1, 0.1);
+        IHistogram2D plot52 = aida.histogram2D("Track Direction:  Z vs dY", 100, 0, 500, 100, -0.1, 0.1);
+        extrap5.region(0).plot(plot51);
+        extrap5.region(1).plot(plot52);
+        extrap7 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap7.setTitle("Track @ 0");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap7);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap7.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot71 = aida.histogram2D("Track @ 0: X vs dX", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        IHistogram2D plot72 = aida.histogram2D("Track @ 0: Y vs dY", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        extrap7.region(0).plot(plot71);
+        extrap7.region(1).plot(plot72);
+        extrap8 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap8.setTitle("Track X vs dX");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap8);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap8.createRegions(2, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot81 = aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Top -ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        IHistogram2D plot82 = aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Bottom -ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        IHistogram2D plot83 = aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Top +ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        IHistogram2D plot84 = aida.histogram2D("X vs dX:  Bottom +ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, -0.04, 0.04);
+        extrap8.region(0).plot(plot81);
+        extrap8.region(1).plot(plot82);
+        extrap8.region(2).plot(plot83);
+        extrap8.region(3).plot(plot84);
+        extrap9 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap9.setTitle("Track X vs P");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap9);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap9.createRegions(2, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot91 = aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Top -ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot92 = aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Bottom -ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot93 = aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Top +ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot94 = aida.histogram2D("X vs P:  Bottom +ive", 50, -50, 50, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        extrap9.region(0).plot(plot91);
+        extrap9.region(1).plot(plot92);
+        extrap9.region(2).plot(plot93);
+        extrap9.region(3).plot(plot94);
+        extrap10 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap10.setTitle("Track dX vs P");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap10);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap10.createRegions(2, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot101 = aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Top -ive", 50, -0.04, 0.04, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot102 = aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Bottom -ive", 50, -0.04, 0.04, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot103 = aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Top +ive", 50, -0.04, 0.04, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        IHistogram2D plot104 = aida.histogram2D("dX vs P:  Bottom +ive", 50, -0.04, 0.04, 50, 0.5, 2.0);
+        extrap10.region(0).plot(plot101);
+        extrap10.region(1).plot(plot102);
+        extrap10.region(2).plot(plot103);
+        extrap10.region(3).plot(plot104);
+        extrap6 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap6.setTitle("@ ECal HPS vs Extend");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap6);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap6.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot61 = aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation X :  HPS vs Extend", 50, -350, 350, 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram2D plot62 = aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation Y :  HPS vs Extend", 50, -100, 100, 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap6.region(0).plot(plot61);
+        extrap6.region(1).plot(plot62);
+        extrap11 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap11.setTitle("@ ECal HPS vs Cluster");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap11);
+        set2DStyle(;
+        extrap11.createRegions(1, 2);
+        IHistogram2D plot111 = aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation HPS vs Cluster X", 50, -350, 350, 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram2D plot112 = aida.histogram2D("ECal Extrapolation HPS vs Cluster Y", 50, -100, 100, 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap11.region(0).plot(plot111);
+        extrap11.region(1).plot(plot112);
+        extrap12 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap12.setTitle("Cluster Resid X");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap12);
+        set1DStyle(;
+        extrap12.createRegions(2, 2);
+        IHistogram1D plot121 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Top -ive", 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram1D plot122 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Bottom -ive", 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram1D plot123 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Top +ive", 50, -50, 50);
+        IHistogram1D plot124 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster X:  Bottom +ive", 50, -50, 50);
+        extrap12.region(0).plot(plot121);
+        extrap12.region(1).plot(plot122);
+        extrap12.region(2).plot(plot123);
+        extrap12.region(3).plot(plot124);
+        extrap13 = fac.createPlotterFactory().create("Extrapolation Debug Plots");
+        extrap13.setTitle("Cluster Resid Y");
+        extrapFrame.addPlotter(extrap13);
+        set1DStyle(;
+        extrap13.createRegions(2, 2);
+        IHistogram1D plot131 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Top -ive", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D plot132 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Bottom -ive", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D plot133 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Top +ive", 50, -20, 20);
+        IHistogram1D plot134 = aida.histogram1D("Track - Cluster Y:  Bottom +ive", 50, -20, 20);
+        extrap13.region(0).plot(plot131);
+        extrap13.region(1).plot(plot132);
+        extrap13.region(2).plot(plot133);
+        extrap13.region(3).plot(plot134);
+    }
+    private void set2DStyle(IPlotterStyle style) {
+        style.setParameter("hist2DStyle", "colorMap");
+        style.dataStyle().fillStyle().setParameter("colorMapScheme", "rainbow");
+        style.dataStyle().fillStyle().setColor("yellow");
+        style.dataStyle().errorBarStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
+    }
+    private void set1DStyle(IPlotterStyle style) {
+        style.setParameter("hist2DStyle", "colorMap");
+        style.dataStyle().fillStyle().setParameter("colorMapScheme", "rainbow");
+        style.dataStyle().fillStyle().setColor("yellow");
+        style.dataStyle().errorBarStyle().setVisible(false);
+        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(true);
+    }
+    private HPSEcalCluster findClosestCluster(Hep3Vector posonhelix, List<HPSEcalCluster> clusters) {
+        HPSEcalCluster closest = null;
+        double minDist = 9999;
+        for (HPSEcalCluster cluster : clusters) {
+            double[] clPos = cluster.getPosition();
+            double clEne = cluster.getEnergy();
+//            double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(clPos[0] - posonhelix.y(), 2) + Math.pow(clPos[1] - posonhelix.z(), 2)); //coordinates!!!
+            double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(clPos[1] - posonhelix.z(), 2)); //coordinates!!!
+            if (dist < minDist && clEne > 50) {
+                closest = cluster;
+                minDist = dist;
+            }
+        }
+        return closest;
+    }
CVSspam 0.2.12

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