Commit in lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/homer/vvHratio/sid/java-e on MAIN removed removed removed removed
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lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/homer/vvHratio/sid/java-e removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	11 Oct 2012 16:17:22 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.recon.postrecon.leptonID.electron;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
-import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseReconstructedParticle;
-import hep.physics.vec.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class AddBremPhotonsToElectrons extends Driver
-   String rpl = "PandoraPFOCollection";
-   String outrpn = "eehReconstructedParticles";
-// Mass squared cut for associating photon with electron
-   double msqcut = 0.49;
-// # sigma cut on electron cluster match to ignore photon 
-// correction
-   double nsigematch = 4.;
-// # sigma cut on combined cluster energy to ignore photon
-// correction
-   double nsigtotignore = -999.;
-   public AddBremPhotonsToElectrons()
-   {
-   }
-   public void setMassSquaredCut(double x){msqcut = x;}
-   public void setOutputRPName(String x){outrpn = x;}
-   protected void process(EventHeader event)
-   {
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> el = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> phl = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> nrp = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>(event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class,rpl));
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> rp = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class,rpl);
-// Find the reconstructed electrons and photons
-      for(ReconstructedParticle p:rp)
-      {
-         if(p.getCharge() == 0.)
-         {
-            if(p.getMass() == 0.)phl.add(p);
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            if(p.getMass() < .001)
-            {
-               el.add(p);
-            }
-         }
-      }
-// For each electron, loop over photons and use inv mass to
-// identify brem photons
-      for(ReconstructedParticle pp:el)
-      {
-         Hep3Vector ep = pp.getMomentum();
-         double eE = pp.getEnergy();
-         List<ReconstructedParticle> addphl = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-         double addE = 0.;
-         for(ReconstructedParticle p:phl)
-         {
-            Hep3Vector php = p.getMomentum();
-            double phE = p.getEnergy();
-            double masssq = (eE+phE)*(eE+phE) - (ep.x()+php.x())*(ep.x()+php.x()) -
-                                      (ep.y()+php.y())*(ep.y()+php.y()) - (ep.z()+php.z())*(ep.z()+php.z());
-            if(masssq < msqcut)
-            {
-               addphl.add(p);
-               addE += phE;
-            }
-         }
-         double addf = 1. + addE/eE;
-         if(addE > 0.)
-         {
-// Check for electron ID without an e/p match. In that case, assume combined brem and electron
-// shower, and just use the Track measurement.
-            double clE = 0.;
-            for(Cluster c:pp.getClusters())
-            {
-               clE += c.getEnergy();
-            }
-            if(clE/eE < (1. - nsigematch*.18/Math.sqrt(eE)))addf = 1.;
-// Also check that adding the brem photons exceed e/p match. If not,
-// assume the photons are electron fragments.
-            if( (clE+addE)/eE < (1. + nsigtotignore*.18/Math.sqrt(eE)) )addf = 1.;
-// Now modify the output ReconstructedParticle list
-            BaseReconstructedParticle newe = new BaseReconstructedParticle(addf*eE,addf*ep.x(),addf*ep.y(),addf*ep.z());
-            newe.setMass(pp.getMass());
-            newe.setCharge(pp.getCharge());
-            newe.setReferencePoint(pp.getReferencePoint());
-            newe.setParticleIdUsed(pp.getParticleIDUsed());
-            newe.addTrack(pp.getTracks().get(0));
-            nrp.remove(pp);
-            nrp.add(newe);
-            for(Cluster c:pp.getClusters())
-            {
-               newe.addCluster(c);
-            }
-            newe.addParticle(pp);
-            for(ReconstructedParticle ph:addphl)
-            {
-               nrp.remove(ph);
-               newe.addParticle(ph);
-               for(Cluster c:ph.getClusters())
-               {
-                  newe.addCluster(c);
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      event.put(outrpn,nrp,ReconstructedParticle.class,0);
-   }

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/homer/vvHratio/sid/java-e removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	11 Oct 2012 16:17:22 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.recon.postrecon.leptonID.electron;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.event.ParticleID;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseParticleID;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackState;
-import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
-import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseReconstructedParticle;
-import org.lcsim.util.lcio.LCIOConstants;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
-import hep.physics.vec.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class IsolatedHighPElectronIdentifier extends Driver
-   String rpl = "ReconstructedParticles";
-   protected String inputPfoCollection = "PandoraPFOCollection";
-   double conect;
-   double maxE;
-   double minE;
-   final ParticlePropertyProvider dPPP;
-   ParticleID eppid;
-   ParticleID empid;
-   double emass;
-   Hep3Vector origin;
-   public IsolatedHighPElectronIdentifier()
-   {
-      conect = 0.90;
-      maxE = 125.;
-      minE = 15.;
-      dPPP = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider();
-      eppid = new BaseParticleID(dPPP.get(-11));
-      empid = new BaseParticleID(dPPP.get(11));
-      emass = dPPP.get(11).getMass();
-      origin = new BasicHep3Vector(0.,0.,0.);
-   }
-   public void setConeCosTheta(double x){conect = x;}
-   public void setMaxE(double x){maxE = x;}
-   public void setMinE(double x){minE = x;}
-    //  List<ReconstructedParticle> rp = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-   protected void process(EventHeader event)
-   {
-// Match Tracks with Recon Particles
-      System.out.println("This is the one!");
-      //      if (1==1) return;
-      List<Track> allTracks = event.get(Track.class,"Tracks");
-      List<Track> unusedTracks = new ArrayList<Track>(allTracks);
-      //      List<ReconstructedParticle> rp = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class,rpl);
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> rp = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-      rp = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, inputPfoCollection);
-      Map<Track,ReconstructedParticle> ttorp = new HashMap<Track,ReconstructedParticle>();
-      Map<Cluster,ReconstructedParticle> ctorp = new HashMap<Cluster,ReconstructedParticle>();
-      for(ReconstructedParticle p:rp)
-      {
-         if(p.getCharge() != 0.)
-         {
-            Track t = p.getTracks().get(0);
-            ttorp.put(t,p);
-            unusedTracks.remove(t);
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            if(p.getClusters().size() > 0)ctorp.put(p.getClusters().get(0),p);
-         }
-      }
-// Map non-muon tracks > minE GeV to clusters within a 25 degree cone
-      List<Track> xtrae = new ArrayList<Track>();
-      //      List<Cluster> cl = event.get(Cluster.class,"Clusters");
-      List<Cluster> cl = event.get(Cluster.class,"ReconClusters");
-      Map<Track,List<Cluster>> ttocll = new HashMap<Track,List<Cluster>>();
-      for(Track trck:allTracks)
-      {
-	 TrackState t = trck.getTrackStates().get(0);
-         boolean eid = false;
-         Hep3Vector tp = new BasicHep3Vector(t.getMomentum());
-         if(tp.magnitude() < minE)continue;
-         if(tp.magnitude() > maxE)continue;
-         if(ttorp.containsKey(trck))
-         {
-            double mass = ttorp.get(trck).getMass();
-            if( Math.abs(mass - .105) < .005)continue;
-            if( Math.abs(mass - .0005) < .0001)eid = true;
-         }
-         List<Cluster> tcl = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
-         double HcalE = 0.;
-         for(Cluster c:cl)
-         {
-            Hep3Vector cp = new BasicHep3Vector(c.getPosition());
-            double ct = (tp.x()*cp.x()+tp.y()*cp.y()+tp.z()*cp.z())/tp.magnitude()/cp.magnitude();
-	    //	    double hec = 0.0;
-	    //            double hec = c.getSubdetectorEnergies()[3] + c.getSubdetectorEnergies()[7];
-	    //	    System.out.println(" ....... energy = " + hec);
-	    double hec = 0.0;
-	    List<CalorimeterHit> calhitsList = c.getCalorimeterHits();
-	    for (CalorimeterHit pfochit : calhitsList) {
-		IDDecoder _decoder = pfochit.getIDDecoder();
-		String dname = _decoder.getSubdetector().getName();
-		//		System.out.println(" name of subdetector for this hit " + dname);
-		if (dname.equals("HcalBarrel") || dname.equals("HcalEndcap")) {
-		    hec += pfochit.getCorrectedEnergy();
-		    //		    System.out.println(" HCAL energy contribution = "+pfochit.getCorrectedEnergy());
-		}
-	    }
-	    System.out.println(" hec = "+hec); 
-            if(ct > conect)
-            {
-               tcl.add(c);
-               HcalE += hec;
-            }
-         }
-         double f = HcalE/tp.magnitude();
-         if(!eid)
-         {
-	    System.out.println(" f = "+f); 
-	     if(f < 1000.)xtrae.add(trck); // .04
-         }
-         ttocll.put(trck,tcl);
-      }
-      if(xtrae.size() < 1)return;
-// Have Tracks IDed as electrons. If we already have a ReconstructedParticle
-// for this Track, just replace it with clone with electron ID. Otherwise, we
-// need to make a new ReconstructedParticle and do some association
-// to determine which neutrals to remove.
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> addlist = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-      List<ReconstructedParticle> removelist = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-      for(Track t:xtrae)
-      {
-         if(ttorp.containsKey(t))
-         {
-            ReconstructedParticle erp = makeElectronRP(ttorp.get(t));
-            addlist.add(erp);
-            removelist.add(ttorp.get(t));
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            BaseReconstructedParticle erp = makeElectronBRP(t);
-            if(ttocll.get(t).size() < 1)
-            {
-               addlist.add(erp);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               List<Cluster> ocl = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
-               List<Cluster> mcl = new ArrayList<Cluster>(ttocll.get(t));
-               Hep3Vector eP = erp.getMomentum();
-               double eE = erp.getEnergy();
-               double cE = 0.;
-               for(int i=0;i<ttocll.get(t).size();i++)
-               {
-                  double maxct = -1.;
-                  Cluster c = null;
-                  for(int j=0;j<mcl.size();j++)
-                  {
-                     Cluster tc = mcl.get(j);
-                     Hep3Vector cp = new BasicHep3Vector(tc.getPosition());
-                     double ct = (eP.x()*cp.x() + eP.y()*cp.y() + eP.z()*cp.z())/eP.magnitude()/cp.magnitude();
-                     if(ct > maxct)
-                     {
-                        maxct = ct;
-                        c = tc;
-                     }
-                  }
-                  ocl.add(i,c);
-                  mcl.remove(c);
-               }
-               List<Cluster> acl = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
-               for(Cluster c:ocl)
-               {
-                  if( (cE + c.getEnergy()) < (eE + 3.*.2*Math.sqrt(eE)) )
-                  {
-                     cE += c.getEnergy();
-                     acl.add(c);
-                  }
-               }
-               addlist.add(erp);
-               double Erem = 0.;
-               int nrem = 0;
-               for(Cluster c:acl)
-               {
-                  if(ctorp.containsKey(c))
-                  {
-                     erp.addCluster(c);
-                     removelist.add(ctorp.get(c));
-                     nrem++;
-                     Erem += ctorp.get(c).getEnergy();
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      System.out.println("Removing and Adding Reconstructed Particles");
-      for(ReconstructedParticle p:removelist)
-      {
-         System.out.println("removing particle; mass = " + p.getMass());
-         rp.remove(p);
-      }
-      for(ReconstructedParticle p:addlist)
-      {
-         System.out.println("adding particle; mass = " + p.getMass());
-         rp.add(p);
-      }
-   }
-   public ReconstructedParticle makeElectronRP(ReconstructedParticle pi)
-   {
-      Hep3Vector m = pi.getMomentum();
-      double E = Math.sqrt(emass*emass + m.magnitudeSquared());
-      BaseReconstructedParticle p = new BaseReconstructedParticle(E,m);
-      p.setMass(emass);
-      p.setCharge(pi.getCharge());
-      p.setReferencePoint(pi.getReferencePoint());
-      if(pi.getCharge() > 0.)p.setParticleIdUsed(eppid);
-      else p.setParticleIdUsed(empid);
-      for(Cluster c:pi.getClusters())
-      {
-         p.addCluster(c);
-      }
-      for(Track c:pi.getTracks())
-      {
-         p.addTrack(c);
-      }
-      return p;
-   }
-   public BaseReconstructedParticle makeElectronBRP(Track trck)
-   {
-      TrackState t = trck.getTrackStates().get(0);
-      Hep3Vector m = new BasicHep3Vector(t.getMomentum());
-      double E = Math.sqrt(emass*emass + m.magnitudeSquared());
-      BaseReconstructedParticle p = new BaseReconstructedParticle(E,m);
-      p.setMass(emass);
-      double tcharge = t.getOmega()/Math.abs(t.getOmega());
-      //      p.setCharge((double) (t.getOmega()/Math.abs(t.getOmega)));
-      p.setCharge(tcharge);
-      p.setReferencePoint(origin);
-      if(tcharge > 0.)p.setParticleIdUsed(eppid);
-      else p.setParticleIdUsed(empid);
-      p.addTrack(trck);
-      return p;
-   }

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/homer/vvHratio/sid/java-e removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	11 Oct 2012 16:17:22 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-//import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import hep.aida.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.*;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.event.*;
-import org.lcsim.util.lcio.LCIOConstants;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.*;
-import org.lcsim.recon.util.McTruthLinker;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianVector;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
-import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpaceVector;
-public class MyDBDvvHAnalysiseid extends Driver
-   // collections
-    protected String inputPfoCollection = "PandoraPFOCollection";
-    protected String mcParticlesSkimmedName = "MCParticle";
-    protected String recoMCTruthName = "RecoMCTruthLink";
-    boolean first = true;
-    IProfile1D effprof1; 
-    IProfile1D fakeprof1;
-    protected double E_BEAM = 500.0;
-    // First get the reconstructed particles from the event
-    List<ReconstructedParticle> PFOs = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    protected void process(EventHeader event)
-    {
-	//    try {
-	PFOs = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, inputPfoCollection);
-	//    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-	//      print(HLEVEL_DEFAULT, e.getMessage(), true);
-	//    }
-        // check for event with reconstruction errors
-        int skipEvent = 0;
-	for (ReconstructedParticle pfo : PFOs) {
-	    boolean passPfoSelection = true;
-	    int type = pfo.getType();
-//	    double cosTheta = momentum.cosTheta();
-	    double energy = pfo.getEnergy();
-	    System.out.println("energy =  "+energy + "type = " + type);
-	    if (energy>1000.) {
-                             skipEvent = 1;
-                             continue;
-                          }
-	}
-	// if (skipEvent == 1) return; // skip this bad event
-	List<Track> tracklist = event.getTracks();
-	//	int nTrks = tracklist.size();
-	//	List<List<ReconstructedParticle>> jetList = (List<List<ReconstructedParticle>>) event.get("JetOut");
-	List<ReconstructedParticle> jetList = null;
-	try {
-	    jetList = (List<ReconstructedParticle>)event.get("JetOut");
-	} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-	    //	    print(HLEVEL_DEFAULT, e.getMessage(), true);
-	    return;
-	}
-	int nJets = jetList.size();
-	aida.cloud1D("Trk #all Tracks").fill(tracklist.size());
-	aida.cloud1D("#Jets from PFO in ALL Events").fill(jetList.size());
-	//    List<MCParticle> particles = event.get(MCParticle.class,event.MC_PARTICLES);
-	List<MCParticle> particles = event.get(MCParticle.class,mcParticlesSkimmedName);
-	aida.cloud1D("Number of MC particles").fill(particles.size());
-	double MCM2vis = 0.0;
-	double EsumMC = 0.0;
-	double PsumMCX = 0.0;
-	double PsumMCY = 0.0;
-	double PsumMCZ = 0.0;
-	int nid=0;
-	for (MCParticle particle : particles) {
-	    //	    System.out.println("Sim stat: " + nid + "  " + (particle.getSimulatorStatus()).getValue());
-	    //	    if (particle.getGeneratorStatus() == particle.FINAL_STATE) {
-	    int pdgid = particle.getPDGID();
-	    int apdgid = Math.abs(pdgid);
-	    if (particle.getGeneratorStatus() == particle.FINAL_STATE && !((apdgid == 12 || apdgid == 14 || apdgid == 16) && (particle.getParents().get(0).getPDGID()==pdgid))) {
-		//	    if ((particle.getSimulatorStatus()).getValue()==67108864) {
-		// ||
-		//		(particle.getSimulatorStatus()).getValue()==16777216 ) {
-		double[] momentum = (particle.getMomentum()).v();
-		double PX = momentum[0];	
-		double PY = momentum[1];	
-		double PZ = momentum[2];
-		double PT = Math.sqrt(PX*PX + PY*PY);
-		double P   = Math.sqrt(PT*PT+PZ*PZ);
-		aida.cloud1D("final state MC particle PT").fill(PT);
-		aida.cloud1D("final state MC particle P").fill(P);
-		aida.cloud1D("final state MC particle cosTheta").fill(VecOp.cosTheta(particle.getMomentum()));
-		//		System.out.println("Sim stat: " + nid + "  " + (particle.getSimulatorStatus()).getValue() + " " + PX + " " + PY + " " + PZ + " " + P);
-		//		if (Math.abs(VecOp.cosTheta(particle.getMomentum()))<0.95) {
-		EsumMC += P;
-		PsumMCX += PX;
-		PsumMCY += PY;
-		PsumMCZ += PZ;
-		//		    System.out.println("Sums: " + nid + "  " + (particle.getSimulatorStatus()).getValue() + " " + PsumMCX + " " + PsumMCY + " " + PsumMCZ + " " + EsumMC);
-		//		}
-	    }
-	    //don't want
-	    //33554432 left
-	    //1107296256 left
-	    //134217728 tracker
-	    //want
-	    //67108864 cal
-	    //67108864 cal
-	    //16777216 stopped
-	    for (MCParticle mcp2 : particle.getParents()) {
-		int parentid = mcp2.getPDGID();
-		if (Math.abs(parentid)==25) {
-		    int id = particle.getPDGID();
-		    aida.cloud1D("All MC H daughters energy").fill(particle.getEnergy());
-		    aida.cloud1D("All MC H daughters cosTheta").fill(VecOp.cosTheta(particle.getMomentum()));
-		    aida.cloud1D("All MC H daughters phi").fill(VecOp.phi(particle.getMomentum())); 
-		    aida.cloud1D("All MC H daughter ID").fill(id);
-		    System.out.println("Parent type:"+mcp2.getType().getName());
-		    System.out.println("Daughter type:"+particle.getType().getName());
-		    //                                System.out.println("Starting point: "+mcp2.getOrigin().toString());
-		    //                                System.out.println("Momentum: "+mcp2.getMomentum());
-		    //                                System.out.println("Endpoint: "+mcp2.getEndPoint());
-		    //                                System.out.println("# Daughters: "+mcp2.getDaughters().size());
-		    System.out.println("Daughter id:"+id);
-		}
-	    }
-	    nid++;
-	}
-	double EvisMC = EsumMC;
-	double PTvisMC = Math.sqrt(PsumMCX*PsumMCX+PsumMCY*PsumMCY);
-	double M2visMC = EsumMC*EsumMC - PTvisMC*PTvisMC - PsumMCZ*PsumMCZ;
-	aida.cloud1D("Evis from MC").fill(EvisMC);
-	aida.cloud1D("PTvis from MC").fill(PTvisMC);
-	aida.cloud1D("M2vis from MC").fill(M2visMC);   
-	if (M2visMC > 0.) aida.cloud1D("Mvis from MC").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visMC));
-// --------------------------------------------------
-	int    nTrks = 0;
-	double EsumTrk = 0.0;
-	double PsumTrkX = 0.0;
-	double PsumTrkY = 0.0;
-	double PsumTrkZ = 0.0;
-	for (Track track : tracklist) {
-	    //	aida.cloud1D("Trk cosTheta").fill(track.getMomentum());
-	    TrackState trkstate = track.getTrackStates().get(0);
-	    double[] momentum = trkstate.getMomentum();
-	    //	    System.out.println("mom = " + momentum[0] + "," + momentum[1] + ","  + momentum[2]);
-	    double PX = momentum[0];
-	    double PY = momentum[1];
-	    double PZ = momentum[2];
-	    double PT = Math.sqrt(PX*PX + PY*PY);
-	    double P   = Math.sqrt(PT*PT+PZ*PZ);
-//	    System.out.println("PT =  "+PT);
-//	    System.out.println("P   =  "+P+"     EsumTrk = "+EsumTrk);
-	    double q   = trkstate.getOmega()/Math.abs(trkstate.getOmega());
-//	    System.out.println("q   =  "+q);
-	    double tlam = trkstate.getTanLambda();
-//	    System.out.println("tlam   =  "+tlam);
-	    aida.cloud1D("Trk cosTheta").fill(PZ/P);
-	    if (Math.abs(PZ/P)<0.95) {
-		if (P>0.5) nTrks++;
-		EsumTrk += P;
-		PsumTrkX += PX;
-		PsumTrkY += PY;
-		PsumTrkZ += PZ;
-	    }	    
-	}
-	double EvisTrk = EsumTrk;
-	double PTvisTrk = Math.sqrt(PsumTrkX*PsumTrkX+PsumTrkY*PsumTrkY);
-	double M2visTrk = EsumTrk*EsumTrk - PTvisTrk*PTvisTrk - PsumTrkZ*PsumTrkZ;
-	aida.cloud1D("#good Tracks").fill(nTrks);
-	aida.cloud1D("Evis from Tracks").fill(EvisTrk);
-	aida.cloud1D("PTvis from Tracks").fill(PTvisTrk);
-	//	aida.cloud1D("M2vis from Tracks").fill(M2visTrk);
-	if (M2visTrk>0.) aida.cloud1D("Mvis from Tracks").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visTrk));
-	if ((PTvisTrk>20.0 && PTvisTrk<250.0) &&
-	    (EvisTrk>100.0 && EvisTrk<500.0)  &&
-	    (nTrks>=6 && nTrks<=45)) {
-	    aida.cloud1D("Select M2vis from Tracks").fill(M2visTrk);
-                          aida.cloud1D("#Jets from PFO in Track Selected Events").fill(jetList.size());
-	}
-// ---------------------PFO-----------------------------------------------------	
-	double EsumPFO = 0.0;
-	double PsumPFOX = 0.0;
-	double PsumPFOY = 0.0;
-	double PsumPFOZ = 0.0;
-	double eTotalInput = 0.0;
-	int nelec = 0;
-	for (ReconstructedParticle pfo : PFOs) {
-	    boolean passPfoSelection = true;
-	    MCParticle mcpart = null;
-	    int pfoPDGID = 0;
-	    List<LCRelation> MCTs = new ArrayList<LCRelation>();
-	    MCTs = event.get(LCRelation.class, recoMCTruthName);
-	    for(LCRelation mct:MCTs) {
-		if( (ReconstructedParticle) (mct.getFrom()) == pfo ) {
-		    mcpart = (MCParticle) (mct.getTo());
-		    pfoPDGID = mcpart.getPDGID();
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (mcpart != null) {
-		double[] momentum = (mcpart.getMomentum()).v();
-		double mPX = momentum[0];	
-		double mPY = momentum[1];	
-		double mPZ = momentum[2];
-		SpaceVector pP = new SpaceVector(pfo.getMomentum());
-		double pPX = pP.x();
-		double pPY = pP.y();
-		double pPZ = pP.z();
-		System.out.println(" mPX,Y,Z = "+mPX+","+mPY+","+mPZ); 
-		System.out.println(" pPX,Y,Z = "+pPX+","+pPY+","+pPZ); 
-		System.out.println(" -------------------------------"); 
-	    } else {
-		System.out.println(" ----assoc. mcpart no found-----"); 
-	    }
-	    /* -------------- just testing for the electron identifier -------------
-	    double hec = 0.0;
-	    List<Cluster> pfoclusList = pfo.getClusters();
-	    for (Cluster pfoclus : pfoclusList) {
-		List<CalorimeterHit> calhitsList = pfoclus.getCalorimeterHits();
-		for (CalorimeterHit pfochit : calhitsList) {
-		    IDDecoder _decoder = pfochit.getIDDecoder();
-		    String dname = _decoder.getSubdetector().getName();
-		    System.out.println(" name of subdetector for this hit " + dname);
-		    if (dname.equals("HcalBarrel") || dname.equals("HcalEndcap")) {
-			hec += pfochit.getCorrectedEnergy();
-			System.out.println(" HCAL energy contribution = "+pfochit.getCorrectedEnergy());
-		    }
-		}
-		System.out.println(" hec = "+hec); 
-	    }
-            ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	    int type = pfo.getType();
-	    SpaceVector momentum = new SpaceVector(pfo.getMomentum());
-	    double pT = momentum.rxy();
-	    double P = momentum.rxyz();
-	    double PX = momentum.x();
-	    double PY = momentum.y();
-	    double PZ = momentum.z();
-	    double cosTheta = momentum.cosTheta();
-	    double energy = pfo.getEnergy();
-	    int foundelec = 0;
-	    if (pfo.getParticleIDUsed() != null) {
-		int pidu = (pfo.getParticleIDUsed()).getPDG();
-		if (Math.abs(pidu)==11) {
-		    nelec++;
-		    foundelec = 1;
-		}
-	    }
-	    double CorrecteFound = 0.0;
-	    if (Math.abs(pfoPDGID) == 11 && foundelec != 0 ) {
-		CorrecteFound = 1.0;
-	    }
-	    //	    aida.cloud2D("electron finding efficiency vs. PFO momentum").fill(P,CorrecteFound);
-	   effprof1 = aida.profile1D("electron finding efficiency vs. PFO momentum", 10, 0., 100.);
-           effprof1.fill(P,CorrecteFound);
-	    double FakeeFound = 0.0;
-	    if (Math.abs(pfoPDGID) != 11 && foundelec != 0 ) {
-		FakeeFound = 1.0;
-	    }
-	    //	    aida.cloud2D("fake electron finding fraction vs. PFO momentum").fill(P,FakeeFound);
-	    fakeprof1 = aida.profile1D("fake electron finding fraction vs. PFO momentum", 10, 0., 100.);
-            fakeprof1.fill(P,FakeeFound);
-	    //	    System.out.println("energy =  "+energy + "type = " + type);
-	    if (Math.abs(PZ/P)<0.95 && energy<1000.) {
-		EsumPFO += energy;
-		PsumPFOX += PX;
-		PsumPFOY += PY;
-		PsumPFOZ += PZ;
-		eTotalInput += energy;
-		//	    List<Cluster> pfoclusters = pfo.getClusters();
-		//	    List<Track> pfotracks = pfo.getTracks();
-	    }
-	}
-	double EvisPFO = EsumPFO;
-	double PTvisPFO = Math.sqrt(PsumPFOX*PsumPFOX+PsumPFOY*PsumPFOY);
-	double M2visPFO = EsumPFO*EsumPFO - PTvisPFO*PTvisPFO - PsumPFOZ*PsumPFOZ;
-	aida.cloud1D("Evis from PFO").fill(EvisPFO);
-	aida.cloud1D("PTvis from PFO").fill(PTvisPFO);
-	if (M2visPFO>0.) aida.cloud1D("Mvis from PFO").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visPFO));
-	aida.cloud1D("Number of electrons per event").fill(nelec);
-// ------------------MC parent info for PFO selected events ----------------------------------------	
-	if ((PTvisPFO>20.0 && PTvisPFO<250.0) &&
-	    (EvisPFO>100.0 && EvisPFO<500.0)  &&
-	    (nTrks>=6 && nTrks<=45)) {
-	    aida.cloud1D("Select M2vis from PFO").fill(M2visPFO);
-	    aida.cloud1D("#Jets from PFO in PFO Selected Events").fill(nJets);
-	    if (nJets<4) aida.cloud1D("Select M2vis from PFO for #jets<4").fill(M2visPFO);
-	    if (nJets<4 && M2visPFO>0.) {
-		aida.cloud1D("Select Mvisible from PFO for #jets<4").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visPFO));
-		//                            aida.cloud1D("Select Mvisible from PFO for #jets<4 scaled using Evis").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visPFO)*500.0/EvisPFO);
-	    }
-	    for (MCParticle particle : particles) {
-		for (MCParticle mcp2 : particle.getParents()) {
-		    int parentid = mcp2.getPDGID();
-		    if (Math.abs(parentid)==25) {
-			int id = particle.getPDGID();
-			aida.cloud1D("PFO Selected MC H daughter ID").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6) aida.cloud1D("PFO Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && nelec==0) aida.cloud1D("PFO Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6 and nelec=0").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && nelec>=3) aida.cloud1D("PFO Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6 and nelec>=3").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && M2visPFO>0. && Math.abs(id)==5) aida.cloud1D("Select Mvisible from PFO for #jets<6 for H-bb").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visPFO));
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-// -------------JETS------------------------------------------------------	
-	double EsumJETS = 0.0;
-	double PsumJETSX = 0.0;
-	double PsumJETSY = 0.0;
-	double PsumJETSZ = 0.0;
-	double eJETTotalInput = 0.0;
-	//	int nelec = 0;
-	boolean passjetSelection = true;
-	for (ReconstructedParticle jet : jetList) {
-	    int ntrksjet = (jet.getParticles()).size();
-	    aida.cloud1D("#tracks in jet").fill(ntrksjet);
-	    //	    int type = pfo.getType();
-	    SpaceVector momentum = new SpaceVector(jet.getMomentum());
-	    double pT = momentum.rxy();
-	    double P = momentum.rxyz();
-	    double PX = momentum.x();
-	    double PY = momentum.y();
-	    double PZ = momentum.z();
-	    double cosTheta = momentum.cosTheta();
-	    double energy = jet.getEnergy();
-	    //	    if (pfo.getParticleIDUsed() != null) {
-	    //		int pidu = (pfo.getParticleIDUsed()).getPDG();
-	    //		if (Math.abs(pidu)==11) nelec++;
-	    //	    }
-	    //	    System.out.println("energy =  "+energy + "type = " + type);
-	    if (Math.abs(PZ/P)>0.75 || energy>(2.0*E_BEAM)) {
-		passjetSelection = false; 
-	    } else {
-		aida.cloud1D("good JETS cos theta").fill(cosTheta);
-	    }
-	    EsumJETS += energy;
-	    PsumJETSX += PX;
-	    PsumJETSY += PY;
-	    PsumJETSZ += PZ;
-	    eJETTotalInput += energy;
-		//	    List<Cluster> pfoclusters = pfo.getClusters();
-		//	    List<Track> pfotracks = pfo.getTracks();
-		//	    }
-	    aida.cloud1D("all JETS cos theta").fill(cosTheta);
-	}
-	double EvisJETS = EsumJETS;
-	double PTvisJETS = Math.sqrt(PsumJETSX*PsumJETSX+PsumJETSY*PsumJETSY);
-	double M2visJETS = EsumJETS*EsumJETS - PTvisJETS*PTvisJETS - PsumJETSZ*PsumJETSZ;
-	aida.cloud1D("Evis from JETS").fill(EvisJETS);
-	aida.cloud1D("PTvis from JETS").fill(PTvisJETS);
-	if (M2visJETS>0.) aida.cloud1D("Mvis from JETS").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visJETS));
-	//	aida.cloud1D("Number of electrons per event").fill(nelec);
-// ------------------MC parent info for JETS selected events ----------------------------------------	
-//	if ((PTvisJETS>20.0 && PTvisJETS<250.0) &&
-//	    (EvisJETS>100.0 && EvisJETS<(2.0*E_BEAM))  &&
-//	    (nTrks>=6 && nTrks<=45)) {
-	if (passjetSelection) {
-	    //	    aida.cloud1D("Select M2vis from JETS").fill(M2visJETS);
-	    aida.cloud1D("#Jets from JETS in JETS Selected Events").fill(nJets);
-	    //	    aida.cloud1D("Select M2vis from JETS f").fill(M2visJETS);
-	    if (nJets<4 && M2visJETS>0.) {
-		aida.cloud1D("Mvisible for events with good Jets").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visJETS));
-		//                            aida.cloud1D("Select Mvisible from JETS for #jets<4 scaled using Evis").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visJETS)*500.0/EvisJETS);
-	    }
-	    for (MCParticle particle : particles) {
-		for (MCParticle mcp2 : particle.getParents()) {
-		    int parentid = mcp2.getPDGID();
-		    if (Math.abs(parentid)==25) {
-			int id = particle.getPDGID();
-			aida.cloud1D("JETS Selected MC H daughter ID").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6) aida.cloud1D("JETS Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && nelec==0) aida.cloud1D("JETS Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6 and nelec=0").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && nelec>=3) aida.cloud1D("JETS Selected MC H daughter ID for #jets<6 and nelec>=3").fill(id);
-			if (nJets<6 && M2visJETS>0. && Math.abs(id)==5) aida.cloud1D("Select Mvisible from JETS for #jets<6 for H-bb").fill(Math.sqrt(M2visJETS));
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }

lcsim-contrib/src/main/java/org/lcsim/contrib/homer/vvHratio/sid/java-e removed after 1.1
diff -N
---	11 Oct 2012 16:17:22 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.List;
-//import org.lcsim.event.*;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.postrecon.leptonID.electron.*;
-import java.util.*;
-public class MyDBDvvHeid extends Driver {
-    String rplnew = "eehReconstructedParticles";
-    String rpl = "ReconstructedParticles";
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    public MyDBDvvHeid(){
-// Overwrite "ReconstructedParticles" with extra electron ID
-      add(new IsolatedHighPElectronIdentifier());
-// Make "eehReconstructedParticles" by adding brem photons to electrons
-       add(new AddBremPhotonsToElectrons());
-//        add(new MyJetFindingDriver());
-       add(new PFOJetFindingDriver());
-       add(new MyDBDvvHAnalysiseid());
-    };
-    protected String mcParticlesSkimmedName = "MCParticle";
-    public void process(EventHeader event) {
-	List<MCParticle> particles = event.get(MCParticle.class,mcParticlesSkimmedName);
-	int doit=0;
-	// a nu as the first particle is sufficient to identify this as nunuH
-	for (MCParticle particle : particles) {
-	    if (Math.abs(particle.getPDGID())==12) doit=1;
-	    break;
-	}
-                     System.out.println("doit = " + doit);
-	if (doit==1) 
-	    super.process(event); // this takes care that the child Drivers are loaded and processed.
-//          List<List<MCParticle>> jetList = (List<List<MCParticle>>) event.get("jetList");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
CVSspam 0.2.12

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