Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/tracking on MAIN -> 1.6
Changed SimTrackerHit creation so that the start and end points of the hit lie within the sensor volume; Work in progress ...

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/tracking 1.5 -> 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
---	15 Nov 2012 02:49:06 -0000	1.5
+++	19 Nov 2012 22:11:11 -0000	1.6
@@ -11,10 +11,14 @@
 import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
 import java.util.*;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IReadout;
 import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.ITranslation3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Inside;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Polygon3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.*;
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
@@ -26,11 +30,8 @@
 import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.BarrelEndcapFlag;
-import org.lcsim.hps.recon.tracking.apv25.SvtReadout;
-import org.lcsim.hps.users.omoreno.SimpleSvtTrigger;
 import org.lcsim.hps.users.phansson.WTrack;
 import org.lcsim.hps.users.phansson.WTrackUtils;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHit;
@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.TrackerHitType.CoordinateSystem;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
 import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
-import org.lcsim.util.lcio.LCIOUtil;
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
     TrackerHitType trackerType = new TrackerHitType(TrackerHitType.CoordinateSystem.GLOBAL, TrackerHitType.MeasurementType.STRIP_1D);
     CoordinateSystem coordinate_system =  trackerType.getCoordinateSystem();
     private HitIdentifier _ID = new HitIdentifier();
+    private EventHeader.LCMetaData metaData = null;
     private boolean _doHth = false;
     boolean createSimTrackerHits = false;
@@ -191,7 +192,8 @@
     public void process(EventHeader event) {
         // Obtain the tracks from the event
         if(!event.hasCollection(HpsHelicalTrackFit.class, trackCollectionName)){
             this.printDebug("No HpsHelicalTrackFits were found, skipping event");
@@ -209,24 +211,18 @@
         } else if(createSimTrackerHits){
             this.printDebug("Creating SimTrackerHits...");
             simHits = new ArrayList<SimTrackerHit>();
+            metaData = event.getMetaData(event.get(SimTrackerHit.class, "TrackerHits"));
         } else { 
             // Create StripHit1Ds by default
             this.printDebug("Creating StripHit1D...");
             stripHits1D = new ArrayList<SiTrackerHit>();
-        /*// Make new lists for output.
-        List<SiTrackerHit> stripHits1D = new ArrayList<SiTrackerHit>();
-        List<HelicalTrackHit> hths = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackHit>(); */
         if(debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Add hits for " + tracks.size() + " tracks (" + this.trackCollectionName + ")");
         for(HpsHelicalTrackFit helix : tracks) {
             if(debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": trying to add hits for this track");
-            //List<SiTrackerHit> stripHits1D_for_track = new ArrayList<SiTrackerHit>();
-            //List<HelicalTrackHit> hths_for_track = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackHit>();
             // Get the MC Particle associated with this track
             MCParticle mcParticle = helix.getMCParticle();
@@ -263,22 +259,14 @@
-                // Get the sensor position along the z direction
-                double zposition = sensor.getGeometry().getPosition().z();
-                // Get the position where the sensor and track intercept
+                // Get the position where the sensor and track intercept (Maybe this should go 
+                // inside the method makeSimTrackerHit since it's the only method that uses it
                 Hep3Vector trackPosAtSensor = this.getHelixPlaneIntercept(sensor, wtrack);
+                this.printDebug("The track/plane intercept at " + trackPosAtSensor.toString());
-                if(debug) {
-                    System.out.printf("%s: track/plane intercept at %s\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),trackPosAtSensor.toString(),zposition);
-                }
                 // Check if the track lies within the sensor
                 boolean isHit = trackUtils.sensorContainsTrack(trackPosAtSensor, sensor);
                 if(isHit) {
                     if(debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": make a tracker hit and add to this sensor");
                     if(SvtUtils.getInstance().isTopLayer(sensor)) {
@@ -293,10 +281,8 @@
                         hths.add(this.makeHelicalTrackHit(sensor, wtrack));
                     } else if(createSimTrackerHits){
                         // Create a SimTrackerHit at the intersect between a track and a sensor
-                        simHits.add(this.makeSimTrackerHit(sensor, trackPosAtSensor, mcParticle));
+                        simHits.add(this.makeSimTrackerHit(metaData, sensor, trackPosAtSensor, mcParticle, wtrack));
                     } else {
-                        this.printDebug("Creating a SimTrackerHit at position: " + trackPosAtSensor);
                         stripHits1D.add(this.makeTrackerHit(sensor, wtrack));             
                 } else {
@@ -544,7 +530,7 @@
          * Weird way of getting the org location by creating a fake raw tracker hit...must be simpler way?
-         List<RawTrackerHit> rth_cluster = this.makeRawTrackerFakeHit(sensor);
+        List<RawTrackerHit> rth_cluster = this.makeRawTrackerFakeHit(sensor);
         if(rth_cluster.size()!=1) {
             System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": the fake raw tracker hit cluster is different than one!? " + rth_cluster.size() );
@@ -583,7 +569,7 @@
         Hep3Vector h = new BasicHep3Vector(_bfield.x(),_bfield.y(),Math.abs(_bfield.z()));
         h = VecOp.unit(h);
         Hep3Vector position = wutils.getHelixAndPlaneIntercept(wtrack, _orgloc, eta, h);
-         if(debug) {
+        if(debug) {
             HelicalTrackFit htf = wtrack._htf;
             List<Double> s = HelixUtils.PathToXPlane(htf, position.x(), 0, 0);
             Hep3Vector posOnHelix = HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(htf, s.get(0));
@@ -657,31 +643,158 @@
      * Create a SimTrackerHit and add it to the corresponding readout
+     * @param metaData : meta data associated with the SimTrackerHit collection
      * @param sensor : sensor on which the hit will be created on
-     * @param trkPositionAtSensor : the position at which the SimTrackerHit will be created at
+     * @param trkPositionAtSensor : the position of a track at a sensor plane
      * @param particle : MC particle associated with the track containing the hit
      * @return SimTrackerHit
-    private SimTrackerHit makeSimTrackerHit(SiSensor sensor, Hep3Vector trkPositionAtSensor, MCParticle particle){
-        Hep3Vector trkPositionAtSensorDet = VecOp.mult(VecOp.inverse(detToTrk),trkPositionAtSensor);
-        if(this.debug) {
-            System.out.printf("%s: makeSimTrackerHit for sensor %s at position %s in JLab coord (from %s) for MCp pvec=%s \n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),sensor.getName(),trkPositionAtSensorDet.toString(),trkPositionAtSensor.toString(),particle.getMomentum().toString());
+    private SimTrackerHit makeSimTrackerHit(EventHeader.LCMetaData metaData, SiSensor sensor, Hep3Vector trkPositionAtSensor, MCParticle particle, WTrack wtrack){
+    	// Transform the position of the SimTrackerHit to the detector coordinates
+    	// TODO: Fix the extrapolator so that it returns the position in the detector frame
+    	//Hep3Vector trkPositionAtSensorDet = VecOp.mult(VecOp.inverse(detToTrk),trkPositionAtSensor);
+        //this.printDebug("The helix and sensor intercept at: " + trkPositionAtSensorDet.toString());
+        // Sensor to tracking frame transformation
+        ITransform3D localToGlobal = sensor.getGeometry().getLocalToGlobal();
+        // Tracking frame to sensor transformation
+        ITransform3D globalToSensor = sensor.getGeometry().getGlobalToLocal();
+        // Get the sensor position
+        Hep3Vector sensorPosition = sensor.getGeometry().getPosition();
+        this.printDebug("Sensor position: " + sensorPosition.toString());
+        // Transform the sensor position to the tracking frame
+        Hep3Vector transformedSensorPosition = globalToSensor.transformed(sensorPosition);
+        this.printDebug("Transformed sensor position: " + transformedSensorPosition.toString());
+    	// Get the solid representing a sensor
+        Box sensorSolid = (Box) sensor.getGeometry().getLogicalVolume().getSolid();
+        // Get the solid faces
+        Polygon3D pSide = sensorSolid.getFacesNormalTo(new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1)).get(0);
+        this.printDebug("p Side: " + pSide.toString());
+        Polygon3D nSide = sensorSolid.getFacesNormalTo(new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,-1)).get(0);
+        this.printDebug("n Side: " + pSide.toString());
+        // Translate to the sensor face (p side) 
+        ITranslation3D translateToPSide = new Translation3D(VecOp.mult(-pSide.getDistance(), pSide.getNormal()));
+        this.printDebug("pSide Translation vector: " + translateToPSide.getTranslationVector().toString());
+        // Translate to the p side of the sensor
+        Hep3Vector pSidePosition = translateToPSide.translated(transformedSensorPosition);
+        this.printDebug("Translated sensor position at p side: " + pSidePosition.toString());
+        // Transform the sensor position to the tracking coordinates
+        localToGlobal.transform(pSidePosition);
+        this.printDebug("Translated sensor position at p side in tracking coordinates: " + pSidePosition.toString());
+        // Check if the point lies inside of the sensor
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(pSidePosition) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position of p side face does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("p side position lies within the sensor volume");
+        }
+        // Find the interception between the p side face and the track
+        Hep3Vector h = new BasicHep3Vector(_bfield.x(),_bfield.y(),Math.abs(_bfield.z()));
+        h = VecOp.unit(h);
+        // Transform the sensor position to the lcsim coordinates
+        pSidePosition = VecOp.mult(detToTrk, pSidePosition);
+        this.printDebug("p side position in lcsim coordinates: " + pSidePosition.toString());
+        //Hep3Vector pSideInter = wutils.getHelixAndPlaneIntercept(wtrack, pSidePosition, VecOp.unit(pSidePosition), h);
+        Hep3Vector eta = this.getPlaneUnitVector(sensor); 
+        Hep3Vector pSideInter = wutils.getHelixAndPlaneIntercept(wtrack, pSidePosition, eta , h);
+        this.printDebug("Intersection between track and p side: " + pSideInter.toString());
+        // Transform back to the JLab coordinates 
+        pSideInter = VecOp.mult(VecOp.inverse(detToTrk), pSideInter);
+        this.printDebug("Intersection trasnformed to the JLab coordinates: " + pSideInter.toString());
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(pSideInter) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position of p side/track intercept does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("p side/track intercept lies within the sensor volume");
+        // Translate to the sensor n side
+        ITranslation3D translateToNSide = new Translation3D(VecOp.mult(-nSide.getDistance(), nSide.getNormal()));
+        this.printDebug("n side Translation vector: " + translateToNSide.getTranslationVector().toString());
+        // Translate to the n side of the sensor
+        Hep3Vector nSidePosition = translateToNSide.translated(transformedSensorPosition);
+        this.printDebug("Translated sensor position at n side: " + nSidePosition.toString());
+        // Transform the sensor position to the tracking coordinates
+        localToGlobal.transform(nSidePosition);
+        this.printDebug("Translated sensor position at n side in tracking coordinates: " + nSidePosition.toString());
+        // Check if the point lies inside of the sensor
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(nSidePosition) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position of n side face does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("n side position lies within the sensor volume");
+        }
+        // Find the interception between the p side face and the track
+        // Transform the sensor position to the lcsim coordinates
+        nSidePosition = VecOp.mult(detToTrk, nSidePosition);
+        this.printDebug("n side position in lcsim coordinates: " + nSidePosition.toString());
+        //Hep3Vector pSideInter = wutils.getHelixAndPlaneIntercept(wtrack, pSidePosition, VecOp.unit(pSidePosition), h);
+        Hep3Vector nSideInter = wutils.getHelixAndPlaneIntercept(wtrack, nSidePosition, eta , h);
+        this.printDebug("Intersection between track and n side: " + nSideInter.toString());
+        // Transform back to the JLab coordinates 
+        nSideInter = VecOp.mult(VecOp.inverse(detToTrk), nSideInter);
+        this.printDebug("Intersection trasnfored to the JLab coordinates: " + nSideInter.toString());
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(nSideInter) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position of n side/track intercept does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("n side/track intercept lies within the sensor volume");
+        }
+        // Find the midpoint between a straight line connecting the p side and n side intercepts 
+        Hep3Vector trkPositionAtSensorDet = VecOp.add(nSideInter, pSideInter);
+        trkPositionAtSensorDet = VecOp.mult(.5, trkPositionAtSensorDet);
+        this.printDebug("Hit will be placed at position: " + trkPositionAtSensorDet.toString());
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(trkPositionAtSensorDet) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Midpoint does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("midpoint lies within the sensor volume");
+        }
+        // Find the length of the line. For now, this is the path length
+        // Note: The small delta parameter is to avoid ending up outside of the sensor
+        double pathLength = VecOp.sub(nSideInter, pSideInter).magnitude() - .01;
+        this.printDebug("The path length is: " + pathLength);
+        /* DEBUG
+        Hep3Vector midpoint = new BasicHep3Vector(trkPositionAtSensorDet.v());
+        Hep3Vector direction = VecOp.unit(new BasicHep3Vector(particle.getMomentum().v()));
+        Hep3Vector half_length = VecOp.mult(pathLength/2.0,direction);
+        Hep3Vector endPoint = VecOp.add(midpoint,half_length);
+        this.printDebug("The end point is at position: " + endPoint.toString());
+        Hep3Vector startPoint = VecOp.add(midpoint,VecOp.mult(-1.0,half_length));
+        this.printDebug("The start point is at position: " + startPoint.toString());
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(endPoint) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position of end point does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("end point lies within the sensor volume");
+        }
+        if(sensor.getGeometry().inside(startPoint) == Inside.OUTSIDE){
+        	throw new RuntimeException("Position start point does not lie within the sensor volume!");
+        } else { 
+        	this.printDebug("Start point lies within the sensor volume");
+        } */
         double dEdx = 24000/* MIP */*DopedSilicon.ENERGY_EHPAIR;
         double[] momentum = particle.getMomentum().v();
-        double pathLength = 0;
+        this.printDebug("Particle Momentum: " + particle.getMomentum().toString());
         double time = 0;
         int cellID = (int) TrackerHitUtils.makeSimTrackerHitId(sensor).getValue();
-        // Create a new SimTrackerHit
-        SimTrackerHit simHit = new BaseSimTrackerHit(trkPositionAtSensorDet.v(), dEdx, momentum, pathLength, time, cellID, particle, null, sensor);
+        SimTrackerHit simHit = new BaseSimTrackerHit(trkPositionAtSensorDet.v(), dEdx, momentum, pathLength, time, cellID, particle, metaData, sensor);
         // Add it to the sensor readout
-        sensor.getReadout().addHit(simHit);
+        // sensor.getReadout().addHit(simHit);
         return simHit;
     //private SymmetricMatrix getCovariance() {     
     private SymmetricMatrix getCovariance(List<RawTrackerHit> cluster, SiSensorElectrodes electrodes) {
         SymmetricMatrix covariance = new SymmetricMatrix(3);
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