Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/tracking on MAIN -> 1.19
Cleaning up: now extending lcsim version of HelicalTrackHitDriver.

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/tracking 1.18 -> 1.19
diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
---	7 Nov 2012 20:57:57 -0000	1.18
+++	22 Nov 2012 02:47:28 -0000	1.19
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
- *
- *
- * Created on January 4, 2010
- *
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
 package org.lcsim.hps.recon.tracking;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import java.util.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
 import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
 import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerModule;
@@ -19,191 +18,154 @@
 import org.lcsim.event.LCRelation;
 import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
 import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.BarrelEndcapFlag;
 import org.lcsim.hps.event.HPSTransformations;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHit;
 import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.SiTrackerHitStrip1D;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.TrackerHitType.CoordinateSystem;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.vsegment.hit.DigiTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.vsegment.hit.TrackerCluster;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.TrackerHitType;
- Create the appropriate HelicalTrackHits for the specified TrackerHit
- collections. The resulting HelicalTrackHits encapsulate the information needed
- to perform a helical track hit for either a segmented strip detector, a pixel
- detector, or cross hits from a stereo detector.
- This driver was developed for the Dark Forces silicon tracker, where digitized
- hits are in either axial or stereo layers. The pairs of layers to be used in
- forming stereo hits can be specified using the setStereoPairs method.
- The list of hit collections to be converted must be specified before the process
- method is executed.
- @author Richard Partridge
- @version 1.0
+ *
+ * @author phansson
-public class HPSHelicalTrackHitDriver extends Driver {
-//    private StereoHitMaker _crosser = new StereoHitMaker(2., 10.);
+public class HPSHelicalTrackHitDriver extends HelicalTrackHitDriver {
     private boolean _debug = false;
-    private StereoHitMaker _crosser = new StereoHitMaker(0.01, 10.01);
-    private HitIdentifier _ID = new HitIdentifier();
-    private String _outname = "HelicalTrackHits";
-    private String _hitrelname = "HelicalTrackHitRelations";
-    private String _mcrelname = "HelicalTrackMCRelations";
+    private String subdetectorName = "Tracker";
+    private Map<String,String> _stereomap = new HashMap<String,String>();
     private List<String> _colnames = new ArrayList<String>();
-    private Map<String, String> _stereomap = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    private Hep3Vector _orgloc = new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 0.);
-    private boolean _doTranformToTracking = true;
-    private boolean addAllStripsToEventForDebug = false;
-    private HPSTransformations _detToTrk;
-    String subdetectorName = "Tracker";
-    /**
-     Creates a new instance of HelicalTrackHitDriver
-     */
-    public HPSHelicalTrackHitDriver() {
-//        setDetToTrkMatrix();
-        _detToTrk = new HPSTransformations();
-        _colnames.add("StripClusterer_SiTrackerHitStrip1D");
+    private boolean _doTransformToTracking = true;
+    private HPSTransformations _detToTrk = new HPSTransformations();
+    public enum LayerGeometryType { 
+        /*
+         * Each Layer in the geometry is a separate sensor
+         */
+        Split, 
+        /*
+         * Each layer in the geometry comprises top and bottom sensor
+         */
+        Common
+    private LayerGeometryType _layerGeometryType;
+    public HPSHelicalTrackHitDriver() {
+        this.setLayerGeometryType("Common");
+        this.addCollection("StripClusterer_SiTrackerHitStrip1D");
+    }
+    public void setLayerGeometryType(String geomType) {
+        this._layerGeometryType = LayerGeometryType.valueOf(geomType);
+    }
     public void setSubdetectorName(String subdetectorName) {
         this.subdetectorName = subdetectorName;
+    public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
+        this._debug = debug;
+    }
+    public void setTransformToTracking(boolean trans) {
+        this._doTransformToTracking = trans;
+    }
+    public void setStripHitsCollectionName(String stripHitsCollectionName) {
+        HitRelationName(stripHitsCollectionName);
+    }
-    @Override
-    public void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
-        // Setup default stereo pairings, which should work for even number of
-        // modules.
-        List<SiTrackerModule> modules = detector.getSubdetector(subdetectorName).getDetectorElement().findDescendants(SiTrackerModule.class);
-        if (modules.isEmpty()) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("No SiTrackerModules found in detector.");
-        }
-        if (_debug)
-            System.out.println("Number of layers = " + detector.getSubdetector(subdetectorName).getLayering().getLayers().getNumberOfLayers());
-        int nlayers = detector.getSubdetector(subdetectorName).getLayering().getLayers().getNumberOfLayers();
-        if (nlayers % 2 != 0) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to do stereo pairing for odd number of modules.");
-        }
-        List<int[]> pairs = new ArrayList<int[]>();
-        for (int i = 1; i <= (nlayers) - 1; i += 2) {
-            int[] pair = {i, i + 1};
-            if (_debug)
-                System.out.println("Adding stereo pair: " + pair[0] + ", " + pair[1]);
-            pairs.add(pair);
-        }
-        for (int[] pair : pairs) {
-            setStereoPair(subdetectorName, pair[0], pair[1]);
-        }
+    public void setHelicalTrackHitRelationsCollectionName(String helicalTrackHitRelationsCollectionName) {
+        HitRelationName(helicalTrackHitRelationsCollectionName);
-    /**
-     Create the HelicalTrackHits for the specified hit collections.
+    public void setHelicalTrackMCRelationsCollectionName(String helicalTrackMCRelationsCollectionName) {
+        MCRelationName(helicalTrackMCRelationsCollectionName);
+    }
-     @param event EventHeader of the event to be processed
-     */
+    public void setOutputHitCollectionName(String outputHitCollectionName) {
+        OutputCollection(outputHitCollectionName);
+    }
     public void process(EventHeader event) {
-        super.process(event);
+        //super.process(event);
         //  Initialize the list of HelicalTrackHits
+        List<HelicalTrackCross> stereoCrosses = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackCross>();
         List<HelicalTrackHit> helhits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackHit>();
         //  Create a List of LCRelations to relate HelicalTrackHits to the original hits
         List<LCRelation> hitrelations = new ArrayList<LCRelation>();
+        //  Create a List of LCRelations to relate HelicalTrackHits to the MC particle
+        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = new ArrayList<LCRelation>();
-        List<HelicalTrackCross> stereoCrosses = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackCross>();
-        List<HelicalTrackStrip> allstrips = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackStrip>();
-        for (String _colname : _colnames) {
+        for(String _colname : this._colnames) {
             if (!event.hasCollection(SiTrackerHit.class, _colname)) {
             //  Get the list of SiTrackerHits for this collection
             List<SiTrackerHit> hitlist = (List<SiTrackerHit>) event.get(_colname);
+            if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: found %d SiTrackerHits = ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),hitlist.size());
             //  Create collections for strip hits by layer and hit cross references
             Map<String, List<HelicalTrackStrip>> striplistmap = new HashMap<String, List<HelicalTrackStrip>>();
             Map<HelicalTrackStrip, SiTrackerHitStrip1D> stripmap = new HashMap<HelicalTrackStrip, SiTrackerHitStrip1D>();
-            if (_debug) {
-                System.out.println("HPSHelicalTrackHitDriver:  # of hits found = " + hitlist.size());
-            }
-            //  Loop over the SiTrackerHits in this collection
-            for (SiTrackerHit hit : hitlist) {
-                //  Check if we have a 1D strip hit
-                if (hit instanceof SiTrackerHitStrip1D) {
+            for(SiTrackerHit hit : hitlist) {
+                if( hit instanceof SiTrackerHitStrip1D) {
                     //  Cast the hit as a 1D strip hit and find the identifier for the detector/layer combo
                     SiTrackerHitStrip1D h = (SiTrackerHitStrip1D) hit;
                     IDetectorElement de = h.getSensor();
-                    String id = makeID(_ID.getName(de), _ID.getLayer(de));
-                    //  Check if hit is on a stereo pair layer
-                    // Why wouldn't it be on a pair? 
-                    if (_stereomap.containsKey(id) || _stereomap.containsValue(id)) {
-                        //  Create a HelicalTrackStrip for this hit
-                        HelicalTrackStrip strip = makeDigiStrip(h);
-                        //  Get the list of strips for this layer - create a new list if one doesn't already exist
-                        List<HelicalTrackStrip> lyrhits = striplistmap.get(id);
-                        if (lyrhits == null) {
-                            lyrhits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackStrip>();
-                            striplistmap.put(id, lyrhits);
-                        }
+                    String id = this.makeID(_ID.getName(de), _ID.getLayer(de));
-                        //  Add the strip to the list of strips on this sensor
-                        lyrhits.add(strip);
-                        //  Map a reference back to the hit needed to create the stereo hit LC relations
-                        stripmap.put(strip, h);
-                        if( addAllStripsToEventForDebug ) allstrips.add(strip);
+                    //  This hit should be a on a stereo pair!
+                    if (!_stereomap.containsKey(id) &&! _stereomap.containsValue(id)) {
+                        throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": this " + id + " was not among the stereo modules!");
+                    }
+                    //  Create a HelicalTrackStrip for this hit
+                    HelicalTrackStrip strip = makeDigiStrip(h);
+                    //  Get the list of strips for this layer - create a new list if one doesn't already exist
+                    List<HelicalTrackStrip> lyrhits = striplistmap.get(id);
+                    if (lyrhits == null) {
+                        lyrhits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackStrip>();
+                        striplistmap.put(id, lyrhits);
+                    }
-                    } else {
+                    //  Add the strip to the list of strips on this sensor
+                    lyrhits.add(strip);
-                        //  If not a stereo hit, create an axial strip hit and the corresponding LC Relation
-                        HelicalTrackHit dah = makeDigiAxialHit(h);
-                        helhits.add(dah);
-                        hitrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(dah, hit));
-                    }
+                    //  Map a reference back to the hit needed to create the stereo hit LC relations
+                    stripmap.put(strip, h);
+                    if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: added strip (org=%s,umeas=%.3f) at layer %d ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),strip.origin().toString(),strip.umeas(),strip.layer());
                 } else {
                     //  If not a 1D strip hit, make a pixel hit
-                    HelicalTrackHit hit3d = makeDigi3DHit(hit);
+                    HelicalTrackHit hit3d = this.makeDigi3DHit(hit);
                     hitrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(hit3d, hit));
-            }
-            if (_debug) {
-                for (Map.Entry<String, List<HelicalTrackStrip>> entry : striplistmap.entrySet()) {
-                    String ident = entry.getKey();
-                    List<HelicalTrackStrip> hts = entry.getValue();
-                    System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Total number of HelicalTrackStrips: " + ident + ": " + hts.size());
-                    for(HelicalTrackStrip strip : hts) {
-                        System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": strip at origin " + strip.origin().toString() + " umeas " + strip.umeas());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //  Now create the stereo hits
+            } // Loop over SiTrackerHits
             //  Create a list of stereo hits
-            List<HelicalTrackCross> stereohits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackCross>();
+            //List<HelicalTrackCross> stereohits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackCross>();
             if (_debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Create stereo hits from " + striplistmap.size() + " strips (map size)");
             //  Loop over the stereo layer pairs
             for (String id1 : _stereomap.keySet()) {
@@ -211,202 +173,137 @@
                 String id2 = _stereomap.get(id1);
                 if (_debug) {
-                    System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Form stereo hits from " + id1 + " ( " + striplistmap.get(id1) + ") and " + id2 + " (" + striplistmap.get(id2) );
+                    if (striplistmap.get(id1) != null && striplistmap.get(id2) != null) {
+                        System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Form stereo hits from " + id1 + " and " + id2);
+                        //for(HelicalTrackStrip strip: striplistmap.get(id1)) System.out.printf("%s: stripid1 at origin %s\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),strip.origin().toString());
+                        //for(HelicalTrackStrip strip: striplistmap.get(id2)) System.out.printf("%s: stripid2 at origin %s\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),strip.origin().toString());
+                    }
-                //  Form the stereo hits and add them to our hit list
-                stereohits.addAll(_crosser.MakeHits(striplistmap.get(id1), striplistmap.get(id2)));
+                /*
+                 * Form the stereo hits and add them to our hit list
+                 * Add LC relations for stereo hit to SiTrackHitStrip1D object 
+                 * Add LC relation between MC particle and stereo hit
+                 */
-                if (_debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": stereo hits so far " + stereohits.size());
+                List<HelicalTrackCross> cross_list =  _crosser.MakeHits(striplistmap.get(id1), striplistmap.get(id2));
+                for(HelicalTrackCross cross : cross_list) {
+                    stereoCrosses.add(cross);
+                    if(cross.getMCParticles()!=null) {
+                        for(MCParticle mcp : cross.getMCParticles()) {
+                            mcrelations.add(new MyLCRelation((HelicalTrackHit)cross,mcp));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    for(HelicalTrackStrip strip : cross.getStrips()) {
+                        hitrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(cross,stripmap.get(strip)));
+                    }
+                }
-            }
+            } // Loop over stereo pairs
             if (_debug) {
-                System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":Number of stereo hits = " + stereohits.size());
+                System.out.printf("%s: added %d stereo hits from %s collection ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),stereoCrosses.size(),_colname);
-            //  Add the stereo hits to our list of HelicalTrackHits
-            helhits.addAll(stereohits);
-            stereoCrosses.addAll(stereohits);
-            //add LCRelation for strip hits
-            for (HelicalTrackCross cross : stereohits) {
-                for (HelicalTrackStrip strip : cross.getStrips()) {
-                    hitrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(cross, stripmap.get(strip)));
-                }
-                if (_debug)
-                    System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Found HTC in Layer :  " + cross.Layer());
-            }
-        }
-        //mg...6/24/11  add new set of helical track hits that are rotated to from jlab to tracking frame
-        if (_doTranformToTracking) {
-            addRotatedHitsToEvent(event, stereoCrosses);
-        }
+        } // Loop over collection names
-        if( addAllStripsToEventForDebug ) addStripsToEvent(event,allstrips);
-        //  Create the LCRelations between HelicalTrackHits and MC particles
-        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = new ArrayList<LCRelation>();
-        for (HelicalTrackHit hit : helhits) {
-            for (MCParticle mcp : hit.getMCParticles()) {
-                mcrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(hit, mcp));
-            }
-        }
-        //  Put the HelicalTrackHits back into the event
+        // Add things to the event
+        // Cast crosses to HTH
+        helhits.addAll(stereoCrosses);
         event.put(_outname, helhits, HelicalTrackHit.class, 0);
-        if (_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": The HelicalTrackHit collection " + _outname + " has " + helhits.size() + " hits.");
-        }
-        event.put(_hitrelname, hitrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
-        event.put(_mcrelname, mcrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
-    }
+        event.put(_hitrelname,hitrelations,LCRelation.class,0);
+        event.put(_mcrelname,mcrelations,LCRelation.class,0);       
+        if(_doTransformToTracking) addRotatedHitsToEvent(event, stereoCrosses);
+    } //Process()
     public void addCollection(String colname) {
     public void setCollection(String colname) {
-        _colnames.add(colname);
-    }
-    public void setCollectionNames(String[] collectionNames) {
-        _colnames = Arrays.asList(collectionNames);
+        this.addCollection(colname);
-    /**
-     Name of the HelicalTrackHit collection to be put back in the event.
-     @param outname Name to use for the HelicalTrackHit collection
-     */
-    public void setOutputCollectionName(String outname) {
-        _outname = outname;
-    }
-    public void setHitRelationName(String hitrelname) {
-        _hitrelname = hitrelname;
-    }
-    public void setMCRelationName(String mcrelname) {
-        _mcrelname = mcrelname;
-    }
-    public void setStripMaxSeparation(double maxsep) {
-        _crosser.setMaxSeparation(maxsep);
-    }
-    public void setStripTolerance(double tolerance) {
-        _crosser.setTolerance(tolerance);
+    private String makeID(String detname, int lyr) {
+        return detname + lyr;
     public void setStereoPair(String detname, int lyr1, int lyr2) {
-        _stereomap.put(makeID(detname, lyr1), makeID(detname, lyr2));
-    }
-    public void setTransformToTracking(boolean xfrm) {
-        _doTranformToTracking = xfrm;
+        this._stereomap.put(this.makeID(detname, lyr1), this.makeID(detname, lyr2));
-    private List<MCParticle> getMCParticles(TrackerCluster cluster) {
-        List<MCParticle> mcplist = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
-        for (DigiTrackerHit dhit : cluster.getDigiHits()) {
-            //  Get the elemental hits - not sure what the dif is...
-            for (DigiTrackerHit dhit2 : dhit.getElementalHits()) {
-                //  Get the MCParticle and add it to the hit
-                MCParticle mcp = dhit2.getMCParticle();
-                if (mcp != null) {
-                    mcplist.add(mcp);
-                }
-            }
+    @Override
+    protected void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
+        /*
+         * Setup default pairing
+         */
+        if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: Setup stereo hit pair modules ",this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+        List<SiTrackerModule> modules = detector.getSubdetector(this.subdetectorName).getDetectorElement().findDescendants(SiTrackerModule.class);
+        if (modules.isEmpty()) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + ": No SiTrackerModules found in detector.");
-        return mcplist;
-    }
-    private HelicalTrackHit makeDigi3DHit(SiTrackerHit h) {
-        IDetectorElement de = h.getSensor();
-        int lyr = _ID.getLayer(de);
-        BarrelEndcapFlag be = _ID.getBarrelEndcapFlag(de);
-        HelicalTrackHit hit = new HelicalTrack3DHit(h.getPositionAsVector(),
-                h.getCovarianceAsMatrix(), h.getdEdx(), h.getTime(),
-                h.getRawHits(), _ID.getName(de), lyr, be);
-        for (MCParticle p : h.getMCParticles()) {
-            hit.addMCParticle(p);
+        int nLayersTotal = detector.getSubdetector(subdetectorName).getLayering().getLayers().getNumberOfLayers();
+        if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: %d layers ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),nLayersTotal);
+        if (nLayersTotal % 2 != 0) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + ": Don't know how to do stereo pairing for odd number of modules.");
+        }
+        if(this._layerGeometryType==LayerGeometryType.Split) {
+            int nLayers = nLayersTotal/2;
+            for(int i=1;i<=nLayers;++i) {
+                int ly1 = i;
+                int ly2 = i+10;
+                if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: adding stereo pair from layer %d and %d ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),ly1,ly2);
+                this.setStereoPair(subdetectorName, ly1, ly2);
+            }            
+        } else if(this._layerGeometryType==LayerGeometryType.Common) {
+            List<int[]> pairs = new ArrayList<int[]>();
+            for (int i = 1; i <= (nLayersTotal) - 1; i += 2) {
+                int[] pair = {i, i + 1};
+                if (_debug)
+                    System.out.println("Adding stereo pair: " + pair[0] + ", " + pair[1]);
+                pairs.add(pair);
+            }
+            for (int[] pair : pairs) {
+                if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: adding stereo pair from layer %d and %d ",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),pair[0],pair[1]);
+                setStereoPair(subdetectorName, pair[0], pair[1]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": this layer geometry is not implemented!");
-        return hit;
-    }
-    private HelicalTrackHit makeDigiAxialHit(SiTrackerHitStrip1D h) {
-        double z1 = h.getHitSegment().getEndPoint().z();
-        double z2 = h.getHitSegment().getStartPoint().z();
-        double zmin = Math.min(z1, z2);
-        double zmax = Math.max(z1, z2);
-        IDetectorElement de = h.getSensor();
-        HelicalTrackHit hit = new HelicalTrack2DHit(h.getPositionAsVector(),
-                h.getCovarianceAsMatrix(), h.getdEdx(), h.getTime(),
-                h.getRawHits(), _ID.getName(de), _ID.getLayer(de),
-                _ID.getBarrelEndcapFlag(de), zmin, zmax);
-        for (MCParticle p : h.getMCParticles()) {
-            hit.addMCParticle(p);
-        }
-        return hit;
+        if (_debug) System.out.printf("%s: %d stereo modules added",this.getClass().getSimpleName(),this._stereomap.size());
-    private HelicalTrackStrip makeDigiStrip(SiTrackerHitStrip1D h) {
+     private HelicalTrackStrip makeDigiStrip(SiTrackerHitStrip1D h) {
-        if(_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": makeDigiStrip--");
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": SiTrackerHitStrip1D at " + h.getPositionAsVector().toString());
-        }
+        if(_debug) System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": makeDigiStrip--");
-        SiTrackerHitStrip1D local = h.getTransformedHit(CoordinateSystem.SENSOR);
-        SiTrackerHitStrip1D global = h.getTransformedHit(CoordinateSystem.GLOBAL);
+        SiTrackerHitStrip1D local = h.getTransformedHit(TrackerHitType.CoordinateSystem.SENSOR);
+        SiTrackerHitStrip1D global = h.getTransformedHit(TrackerHitType.CoordinateSystem.GLOBAL);
-        if(_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": local at  " + local.getPositionAsVector().toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": global at " + global.getPositionAsVector().toString());
-        }
         ITransform3D trans = local.getLocalToGlobal();
         Hep3Vector org = trans.transformed(_orgloc);
         Hep3Vector u = global.getMeasuredCoordinate();
         Hep3Vector v = global.getUnmeasuredCoordinate();
-        Hep3Vector w = VecOp.cross(u, v);
-        if(_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": local to global using transform:");
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": rotation:");
-            System.out.println(trans.getRotation().getRotationMatrix().toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": translation:");
-            System.out.println(trans.getTranslation().getTranslationVector().toString());
-        }
         double umeas = local.getPosition()[0];
         double vmin =, local.getHitSegment().getStartPoint());
         double vmax =, local.getHitSegment().getEndPoint());
         double du = Math.sqrt(local.getCovarianceAsMatrix().diagonal(0));
-        if(_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": resulting org " + org.toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": resulting u " + u.toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": resulting v " + v.toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": u.cross(v) " + w.toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": resulting umeas " + umeas);
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": vmin " + vmin + " vmax " + vmax);
-        }
         IDetectorElement de = h.getSensor();
         String det = _ID.getName(de);
@@ -428,22 +325,15 @@
         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
             // Okay when MC info not present.
         if(_debug) {
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": produce final strip at origin " + strip.origin().toString());
-            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": produce final strip with vmin " + strip.vmin() + " vmax " + strip.vmax());   
+            System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": produced HelicalTrackStrip with origin " + strip.origin().toString());
         return strip;
-    private String makeID(String detname, int lyr) {
-        return detname + lyr;
-    }
-//    public HelicalTrack3DHit(Hep3Vector pos, SymmetricMatrix cov, double dEdx, double time,
-//            List rawhits, String detname, int layer, BarrelEndcapFlag beflag) {
-    private void addRotatedHitsToEvent(EventHeader event, List<HelicalTrackCross> stereohits) {
+     private void addRotatedHitsToEvent(EventHeader event, List<HelicalTrackCross> stereohits) {
         List<HelicalTrackHit> rotatedhits = new ArrayList<HelicalTrackHit>();
         List<LCRelation> hthrelations = new ArrayList<LCRelation>();
@@ -465,9 +355,9 @@
                 String detname = strip.detector();
                 int layer = strip.layer();
                 BarrelEndcapFlag bec = strip.BarrelEndcapFlag();
-                Hep3Vector neworigin = getPosTrkSystem(origin);
-                Hep3Vector newu = getPosTrkSystem(u);
-                Hep3Vector newv = getPosTrkSystem(v);
+                Hep3Vector neworigin = _detToTrk.transformVectorToTracking(origin);
+                Hep3Vector newu = _detToTrk.transformVectorToTracking(u);
+                Hep3Vector newv = _detToTrk.transformVectorToTracking(v);
                 HelicalTrackStrip newstrip = new HelicalTrackStrip(neworigin, newu, newv, umeas, du, vmin, vmax, dedx, time, rthList, detname, layer, bec);
                 for (MCParticle p : strip.MCParticles()) {
@@ -481,27 +371,14 @@
                 mcrelations.add(new MyLCRelation(newhit, mcp));
-        event.put("RotatedHelicalTrackHits", rotatedhits, HelicalTrackHit.class, 0);
-        event.put("RotatedHTHRelation", hthrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
-        event.put("RotatedMCRelations", mcrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
+        event.put("Rotated"+_outname, rotatedhits, HelicalTrackHit.class, 0);
+        event.put("Rotated"+_hitrelname, hthrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
+        event.put("Rotated"+_mcrelname, mcrelations, LCRelation.class, 0);
         //  Create the LCRelations between HelicalTrackHits and MC particles
-    private void addStripsToEvent(EventHeader event, List<HelicalTrackStrip> strips) {
-        event.put("HelicalTrackStrips", strips, HelicalTrackStrip.class,0);
-    }
-    private Hep3Vector getPosTrkSystem(Hep3Vector pos) {
-        return _detToTrk.transformVectorToTracking(pos);
-    }
-    private SymmetricMatrix getCovTrkSystem(SymmetricMatrix cov) {
-        return _detToTrk.transformCovarianceToTracking(cov);
-    }
-    public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
-        this._debug = debug;
-    }
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