We have accidentally created about 39 directories which contain empty spaces in EOS.
We successfully used xrdcp to copy the files from these directories into properly encoded directory names.
There is however a problem deleting files from directories with spaces.

When I try:
xrd asicoe@eosatlas rm "root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/tdaq-opmon/pbeast-data/ATLAS/DFM/Averaging time for rates/1357171200.604799.zip"

I get:
Error 3011: Unable to remove /root:/eosatlas/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/tdaq-opmon/pbeast-data/ATLAS/DFM/Averaging; No such file or directory
The command returned an error.

I see there is the same problem with listing directories with spaces (https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?99283)

How can I delete the files in directories with spaces and then the directories themselves?

Thanks for the help,


(1) I tried the eos commad and it doesn't work either (no surprise).
(2) What's a bit confusing is that while typing a path with an illegal argument once, I received an error report stating that SPACE is among the allowed characters:

        Error 3005: Unable to accept path name - illegal characters - use only A-Z a-z 0-9 / SPACE .-_~#:^

(3) I am using Xrootd version: v3.2.2

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