Commit in hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/particle on MAIN -> 1.5
Changes to improve track-cluster matching

hps-java/src/main/java/org/lcsim/hps/recon/particle 1.4 -> 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
---	11 Apr 2013 02:37:26 -0000	1.4
+++	12 Apr 2013 17:25:07 -0000	1.5
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@
  * @author Mathew Graham <[log in to unmask]>
  * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
- * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2013/04/11 02:37:26 omoreno Exp $ 
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2013/04/12 17:25:07 omoreno Exp $ 
 public class ReconParticleDriver extends Driver {
 	SvtTrackExtrapolator extrapolator = new SvtTrackExtrapolator();
+	// List to contained all tracks which have been matched in an event
+	List<Track> matchedTracks; 	
+	List<HPSEcalCluster> matchedClusters; 
 	// Flags
 	boolean debug = false; 
@@ -108,7 +112,7 @@
     	Hep3Vector IP = new BasicHep3Vector(0., 0., 1.);
         double bfield = event.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(IP).y();
         if (bfield < 0) flipSign = -1;
         // If the event does not have Ecal clusters, skip the event
         if (!event.hasCollection(HPSEcalCluster.class, ecalClustersCollectionName)) return;
@@ -122,6 +126,13 @@
         List<Track> tracks = event.get(Track.class, tracksCollectionName);
         this.printDebug("Number of Tracks: " + tracks.size()); 
+        // Instantiate the list of matched tracks and clusters. This list 
+        // will be used to check if a track has already been previously matched
+        matchedTracks = new ArrayList<Track>(); 
+        matchedClusters = new ArrayList<HPSEcalCluster>(); 
         reconParticles	= new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
         aprimeCands 	= new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
         aprimeCandsCon 	= new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
@@ -129,28 +140,40 @@
         electrons = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
         positrons = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
-        // If there are tracks present in the event, try to match them to an 
-        // Ecal cluster
-        if (!tracks.isEmpty()) {
-            // Loop over all tracks in the event
-        	for(Track track : tracks){
+        // If there are clusters and tracks in the event, try to match them
+        // to each other
+        if (!tracks.isEmpty() && !clusters.isEmpty()) {
+        	// Loop over all Ecal clusters in the event
+        	HPSEcalCluster matchedCluster = null; 
+        	for(HPSEcalCluster cluster : clusters){
-        		// Set the track to extrapolate 
-        		extrapolator.setTrack(track);
+        		// If the cluster has already been matched to a track, continue
+        		// on to the next cluster
+        		if(matchedClusters.contains(cluster)) continue;
+        		matchedCluster = cluster; 
+        		// Get the Ecal cluster position
+        		Hep3Vector clusterPos = new BasicHep3Vector(cluster.getPosition());
+        		this.printDebug("Ecal cluster position: " + clusterPos.toString());
+                Track matchedTrack = null; 
+        		Hep3Vector matchedTrackPosition = null; 
                 double rMax = Double.MAX_VALUE;
-                HPSEcalCluster matchedCluster = null;
-        		// Loop over all Ecal clusters	
-        		for(HPSEcalCluster cluster : clusters){
-        			// Get the Ecal cluster position
-        			Hep3Vector ecalClusterPos = new BasicHep3Vector(cluster.getPosition());
-        			this.printDebug("Ecal cluster position: " + ecalClusterPos.toString());
+        		// Loop over all tracks in the event
+                for(Track track : tracks){        	
+                	// Check if the track has already been matched to another cluster
+                	if(matchedTracks.contains(track)){
+                		this.printDebug("Track has already been matched"); 
+                		continue; 
+                	}
+        			// Set the track to extrapolate 
+        			extrapolator.setTrack(track);
         			// Extrapolate the track to the Ecal cluster shower max
-        			Hep3Vector trkPosAtShowerMax = extrapolator.extrapolateTrack(ecalClusterPos.z());
+        			Hep3Vector trkPosAtShowerMax = extrapolator.extrapolateTrack(clusterPos.z());
         			// Check if any of the extrapolated values are invalid.
         			// TODO: There are some track whose extrapolated coordinates
         			//        are NaN. The problem seems to be that the y-coordinate
@@ -161,46 +184,64 @@
         			// Find the distance between the track position at shower
         			// max and the cluster position
-        			double r = VecOp.sub(trkPosAtShowerMax, ecalClusterPos).magnitude();
+        			double r = VecOp.sub(trkPosAtShowerMax, clusterPos).magnitude();
         			this.printDebug("Distance between Ecal cluster and track position at shower max: " + r + " mm");
-        			// Check if the cluster is closest to the track
+        			// Check if the track is the closest to the cluster.  If it is, then
+        			// save the track and contineu looping over all other tracks
                     if (r < rMax && r <= maxTrackClusterDistance) {
                         rMax = r;
-                        matchedCluster = cluster;
+                        matchedTrack = track; 
+                        matchedTrackPosition = trkPosAtShowerMax; 
-        		// If there isn't a matched cluster found continue to the next 
-        		// track.  This will occur when a track is found to have NaN 
-        		// coordinate values as explained above or when a the distance
-        		// between a cluster and a track fails the maximum track 
-        		// cluster distance. 
-        		if(matchedCluster == null){
+                // If a matching track isn't found, continue to the next cluster 
+                // in the event. This will occur when a track is found to have 
+                // NaN coordinate values as explained above or when the distance
+                // between a cluster and a track fails the maximum track cluster
+                // distance.
+                if(matchedTrack == null){                
         			this.printDebug("No matching cluster found!");
-        			continue; 
-        		}
-        		// Remove the matched Ecal cluster from the collection of 
-        		// clusters so it's not matched to another track
-        		clusters.remove(matchedCluster);
-        		this.printDebug("Remaining number of Ecal clusters: " + clusters.size());
-        		// Create a reconstructed particle and add it to collection of 
-        		// reconstructed particles
-                ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
-                particle.addCluster(matchedCluster);
-                particle.addTrack(track);
-                reconParticles.add(particle);
+                	continue;
+                }
+                // Check if the track is a closer match to any other cluster in
+                // the event
+                for(HPSEcalCluster ecalCluster : clusters){ 
+                	if(ecalCluster.equals(cluster) || matchedClusters.contains(ecalCluster)) continue; 
+                	Hep3Vector ecalClusterPos = new BasicHep3Vector(ecalCluster.getPosition());
+                	this.printDebug("Ecal cluster position: " + ecalClusterPos.toString());
+                	extrapolator.setTrack(matchedTrack);
+                	Hep3Vector trkPosAtShowerMax = extrapolator.extrapolateTrack(ecalClusterPos.z());
+        			this.printDebug("Track position at shower max: " + trkPosAtShowerMax.toString());
+        			double r = VecOp.sub(trkPosAtShowerMax, ecalClusterPos).magnitude();
+        			if(r < rMax && r <= maxTrackClusterDistance){
+        				rMax = r; 
+        				matchedCluster = ecalCluster; 
+        			}
+                }
+               // Add the track to the list of matched tracks
+                matchedTracks.add(matchedTrack);
+                matchedClusters.add(matchedCluster);
+                this.printDebug("Matched track position: " + matchedTrackPosition.toString()); 
+                this.printDebug("Matched Cluster Position: " + (new BasicHep3Vector(matchedCluster.getPosition()).toString()));
+                // Create a reconstructed particle and add it to the 
+                // collection of final state particles
+                ReconstructedParticle particle = new BaseReconstructedParticle(); 
+                particle.addCluster(matchedCluster); 
+                particle.addTrack(matchedTrack); 
+                reconParticles.add(particle);	
                 // Add the particle to either the collection of possible
                 // electrons or positrons
-                if (track.getCharge() * flipSign > 0){
-                	positrons.add(particle);
-                } else {
-                	electrons.add(particle);
-                }
-        	}
+                if(matchedTrack.getCharge()*flipSign > 0) positrons.add(particle);
+                else electrons.add(particle); 
+        	}	
         // After iterating through all tracks, if there still
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