

Attendees: Daniel, Serge, Bill, Douglas, Jacek

integrating time series analysis into qserv etc
  - need separate system alongside qserv to run
    non-sql "queries", indexes will be in specialized
  - consider using hadoop
  - need to think through how to integrate w/qserv,
    eg for queries that need specialized time series
    analysis that are based on object ids or have
    spatial constraints
    - could be done in user code,
    --> need dedicated meeting to discuss details

reworking scripts that partition csv input data
  - want to throw arbitrary number of resources at
  - implemented such script, almost finished
    - script is using local mysqld instance on each
      batch machine as a "scratch" space
  - almost done with (re-)partitioning full W13
    - also packed the data using myisampack
  --> prepare space for dumping qserv-ready
      on lsst10 [Jacek]

concurrency test on yilis
  - Daniel to email queries to Serge

  - tried to simulate different error conditions
  - ready to merge with master
  - next step: fault tolerance (trigger error during
    query execution, catch it, rerun query under the
    hood, all without user knowing about the extra

  - fixing near neighbor

push metadata to master?
  - it will be disruptive (now we need to run qms,
    metadata must be loaded)
  - warn the whole team first, especially the in2p3 group

no meeting next week
  - Jacek @mysql conf, Daniel taking ~2 days off


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