

Hi all,

As mentioned, I've put together a small script to run over samples and
produce histograms with a default ttbar selection. The idea is that this is
somewhat customizable and thus can be used to study reconstruction effects
in ttbar events, make simple studies, etc. See attached tarball (it should
hopefully compile out of the box!), as well as an example output plot from
the program.

To point to your Delphes input files, you should edit "samplefile". This is
a text file with 4 columns. In each row, the first column is a string that
points to your root files (like mypath/ttbar/*). The second column is the
cross section - note that these numbers are not correct (see previous
email), as I am still waiting to hear back on official numbers, so use at
your own peril! The third column is the name of the sample for the legend,
and the fourth column is a TColor integer for the histogram fill.

That's it - then just run:
./snowmass samplefile

If you want to modify any of the default options, run:
./snowmass samplefile optionfile

where hopefully all the options in optionfile (jet and lepton pt and eta
cuts, njet cuts, ntag cuts, MET cut, luminosity, etc.) are self-explanatory.

Right now the code is very simple and doesn't do anything fancy. I make no
promises that the code isn't buggy, nor that it isn't very ugly :P And I
can't help those that prefer PyRoot!

The simple lepton+jets selection itself is made in Loop() inside
snowmass.C. If you want to add histograms, you can do so by modifying
snowmass.h in just two places - adding the histogram to the hist_struct
type, and then initializing the histogram in InitStruct(). If you want to
use photons, tracks, particle flow or CAJets, modify SetBranchStatuses(),
which otherwise turns all these branches off for speed.

That's all. Let me know if you have any questions. If people improve or use
the code, we can think about placing it somewhere more central. And if you
have feedback on xsections to use, that would be very much appreciated


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