

Hello Kyle,

Is your problem on Linux or Windows?

On my Mac, I have the following plugins installed, and the Jas3 (version 3.0.2) works fine, as far as I can tell.


On Jun 15, 2013, at 8:03 PM, Kyle McCarty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been running through the confluence site's instructions on installing and running the software. The installation instructions work pretty well - lcsim and hps-java install as suggested, as does SLIC. (hps--detectors still requires an additional change in the maven settings file, though, which is not listed in the explanation. Should this be required?)
> I do run into an issue with JAS3, though. The lcsim plugin appears to install correctly, but then when I reload JAS3, I get this error:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/freehep/record/loop/event/RecordLoopListener
>     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
>     at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
>     at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
>     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>     at
>     at
>     at
>     at
>     at org.freehep.jas.JAS3.init(
>     at org.freehep.application.Application.createFrame(
>     at org.freehep.jas.JAS3.main(
> The WIRED4 plugin seems to work fine. Any thoughts on this? Also, I noticed that the main install instructions ( don't indicate to install WIRED4 base or the lcsim plugin. Should it? I installed them, since another set of instructions ( did say to.
> Next, I attempted to follow the "Generating Monte Carlo Data" tutorial. The command it says to run is
> ./SimDist/scripts/ -g [LCDD_FILE] -i [StdHEP_File] -x -o [OutFileName] -r 10000
> I don't actually seem to have a "" script in my SLIC installation. Is this still accurate, and if so, where can I find this script? As a side note, what does -x mean? (We also might want to update the tutorial to point to the actual location of StdHEP files, since the location pointed to currently no longer exists.
> Thanks for your assistance,
> Kyle
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