

Commit in lcdd/src on MAIN removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed
lcdd/bfield/ 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
lcdd/core/ 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
lcdd/detectors/ 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
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              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
              / 1.1
lcdd/geant4/ 1.1
lcdd/hits/ 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
lcdd/id/ 1.1
       / 1.1
       / 1.1
       / 1.1
       / 1.1
lcdd/schema/ 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
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           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
           / 1.1
lcdd/subscribers/ 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
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                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
                / 1.1
lcdd/util/ 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
         / 1.1
109 added + 109 removed, total 218 files
reorganize sources into subdirectories following same conventions as headers

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/CalorimeterHitProcessor.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-// Geant4
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-CalorimeterHitProcessor::CalorimeterHitProcessor(CellReadout* readout) :
-        m_readout(readout)
-bool CalorimeterHitProcessor::processHits(G4Step* step)
-    // Compute step mid-point.
-    G4ThreeVector midpoint = (0.5 * (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()));
-    // DEBUG
-    //std::cout << "midpoint(x,y,z) = " << midpoint.x() << ", " << midpoint.y() << ", " << midpoint.z() << std::endl;
-    // Get the touchable handle from the step.
-    G4TouchableHandle touchable = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
-    // Compute local position using global position and touchable.
-    G4ThreeVector localPosition = touchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(midpoint);
-    // DEBUG
-    //std::cout << "localPosition(x,y,z) = " << localPosition.x() << ", " << localPosition.y() << ", " << localPosition.z() << std::endl;
-    // Get the cell ID from the position.
-    CellReadout::Position2D readoutPosition;
-    readoutPosition.first = localPosition.x();
-    readoutPosition.second = localPosition.y();
-    CellReadout::CellId cellId = m_readout->cellId(readoutPosition);
-    // DEBUG: print neighbors
-    //CellReadout::Neighbors neighbors = m_readout->neighbors(cellId);
-    //std::cout << "# neighbors = " << neighbors.size() << std::endl;
-    //for (CellReadout::Neighbors::iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it) {
-    //    CellReadout::CellId neighborId = *it;
-    //    std::cout << "neighbor(x,y) = " << neighborId[0] << ", " << neighborId[1] << std::endl;
-    //}
-    // DEBUG: print cell ID
-    //std::cout << "cellId(x,y) = " << cellId[0] << ", " << cellId[1] << std::endl;
-    // Get the local cell position from the cell ID.
-    CellReadout::Position2D cellPosition = m_readout->position(cellId);
-    // DEBUG: print local cell position
-    //std::cout << "cellPosition = " << cellPosition.first << ", " << cellPosition.second << std::endl;
-    // Transform local cell position to global.
-    G4ThreeVector cellVec(cellPosition.first, cellPosition.second, 0);
-    // Compute global position using local point and touchable.
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = touchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(cellVec);
-    // DEBUG: print global position
-    //std::cout << "globalPosition(x,y,z) = " << globalPos.x() << ", " << globalPos.x() << ", " << globalPos.z() << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << std::endl;
-    // TODO: make and return or store hit data from id, position, energy, & time
-    //G4CalorimeterHit* hit = new G4CalorimeterHit();
-    return true;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-// Original PurgMagTabulatedField3D code developed by:
-//  S.Larsson and J. Generowicz.
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap.hh"
-// STL
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
-using namespace std;
-Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap::Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap( const char* filename, double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset ) 
-	:_xOffset(xOffset),_yOffset(yOffset),_zOffset(zOffset),_invertX(false),_invertY(false),_invertZ(false)
-	//cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------"
-	//	<< "\n      Magnetic field"
-	//	<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------";
-	//cout << "\n ---> " "Reading the field grid from " << filename << " ... " << endl;
-	ifstream file( filename ); // Open the file for reading.
-	// Ignore first blank line
-	char buffer[256];
-	file.getline(buffer,256);
-	// Read table dimensions 
-	file >> _nx >> _ny >> _nz; // Note dodgy order
-	//cout << "  [ Number of values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _nx << " " << _ny << " " << _nz << " ] "
-	//	<< endl;
-	// Set up storage space for table
-	_xField.resize( _nx );
-	_yField.resize( _nx );
-	_zField.resize( _nx );
-	int ix, iy, iz;
-	for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
-		_xField[ix].resize(_ny);
-		_yField[ix].resize(_ny);
-		_zField[ix].resize(_ny);
-		for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
-			_xField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
-			_yField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
-			_zField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
-		}
-	}
-	// Ignore other header information    
-	// The first line whose second character is '0' is considered to
-	// be the last line of the header.
-	do {
-		file.getline(buffer,256);
-	} while ( buffer[1]!='0');
-	// Read in the data
-	double xval,yval,zval,bx,by,bz;
-	for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
-		for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
-			for (iz=0; iz<_nz; iz++) {
-				file >> xval >> yval >> zval >> bx >> by >> bz;
-				if ( ix==0 && iy==0 && iz==0 ) {
-					_minx = xval;
-					_miny = yval;
-					_minz = zval;
-				}
-				_xField[ix][iy][iz] = bx;
-				_yField[ix][iy][iz] = by;
-				_zField[ix][iy][iz] = bz;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	file.close();
-	_maxx = xval;
-	_maxy = yval;
-	_maxz = zval;
-	//cout << "\n ---> ... done reading " << endl;
-	// cout << " Read values of field from file " << filename << endl; 
-	//cout << " ---> assumed the order:  x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz "
-	//	<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _minx << " " << _miny << " " << _minz << " cm "
-	//	<< "\n ---> Max values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _maxx << " " << _maxy << " " << _maxz << " cm "
-	//	<< "\n ---> The field will be offset by " << _xOffset << " " << _yOffset << " " << _zOffset << " cm " << endl;
-	// Should really check that the limits are not the wrong way around.
-	if (_maxx < _minx) {swap(_maxx,_minx); _invertX = true;} 
-	if (_maxy < _miny) {swap(_maxy,_miny); _invertY = true;} 
-	if (_maxz < _minz) {swap(_maxz,_minz); _invertZ = true;} 
-	//cout << "\nAfter reordering if necessary"
-	//	<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _minx << " " << _miny << " " << _minz << " cm "
-	//	<< " \n ---> Max values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _maxx << " " << _maxy << " " << _maxz << " cm ";
-	_dx = _maxx - _minx;
-	_dy = _maxy - _miny;
-	_dz = _maxz - _minz;
-	//cout << "\n ---> Range of values x,y,z: "
-	//	<< _dx << " " << _dy << " " << _dz << " cm in z "
-	//	<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-void Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap::GetFieldValue(const double point[4],
-	double *Bfield ) const
-	double x = point[0];
-	double y = point[1];
-	double z = point[2] + _zOffset;
-	// Check that the point is within the defined region 
-	if ( x>=_minx && x<=_maxx &&
-		y>=_miny && y<=_maxy && 
-		z>=_minz && z<=_maxz ) {
-			// Position of given point within region, normalized to the range
-			// [0,1]
-			double xfraction = (x - _minx) / _dx;
-			double yfraction = (y - _miny) / _dy; 
-			double zfraction = (z - _minz) / _dz;
-			if (_invertX) { xfraction = 1 - xfraction;}
-			if (_invertY) { yfraction = 1 - yfraction;}
-			if (_invertZ) { zfraction = 1 - zfraction;}
-			// Need addresses of these to pass to modf below.
-			// modf uses its second argument as an OUTPUT argument.
-			double xdindex, ydindex, zdindex;
-			// Position of the point within the cuboid defined by the
-			// nearest surrounding tabulated points
-			double xlocal = ( std::modf(xfraction*(_nx-1), &xdindex));
-			double ylocal = ( std::modf(yfraction*(_ny-1), &ydindex));
-			double zlocal = ( std::modf(zfraction*(_nz-1), &zdindex));
-			// The indices of the nearest tabulated point whose coordinates
-			// are all less than those of the given point
-			int xindex = static_cast<int>(xdindex);
-			int yindex = static_cast<int>(ydindex);
-			int zindex = static_cast<int>(zdindex);
-			cout << "Local x,y,z: " << xlocal << " " << ylocal << " " << zlocal << endl;
-			cout << "Index x,y,z: " << xindex << " " << yindex << " " << zindex << endl;
-			double valx0z0, mulx0z0, valx1z0, mulx1z0;
-			double valx0z1, mulx0z1, valx1z1, mulx1z1;
-			valx0z0= table[xindex  ][0][zindex];  mulx0z0=  (1-xlocal) * (1-zlocal);
-			valx1z0= table[xindex+1][0][zindex];  mulx1z0=   xlocal    * (1-zlocal);
-			valx0z1= table[xindex  ][0][zindex+1]; mulx0z1= (1-xlocal) * zlocal;
-			valx1z1= table[xindex+1][0][zindex+1]; mulx1z1=  xlocal    * zlocal;
-			// Full 3-dimensional version
-			Bfield[0] =
-				_xField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_xField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
-				_xField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
-			Bfield[1] =
-				_yField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_yField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
-				_yField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
-			Bfield[2] =
-				_zField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_zField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
-				_zField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
-	} else {
-		Bfield[0] = 0.0;
-		Bfield[1] = 0.0;
-		Bfield[2] = 0.0;
-	}
-int main()
-	Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap field("C:/work/magfield/magfield3DMap/ThreeDFieldMap.dat", 0.,0.,0.);
-	double pos[4];
-	pos[0]=0.;
-	pos[1]=0.;
-	pos[2]=0.;
-	pos[3]=0.;
-	double B[3];
-	for(double x=-0.05; x<=0.05; x+=.005)
-	{
-		for(double y=-0.05; y<=0.17; y+=.005)
-		{
-			for(double z=-0.26; z<=0.1; z+=.05)
-			{
-				pos[0]=x;
-				pos[1] =y;
-				pos[2] = z;
-				field.GetFieldValue(pos, B);
-				//cout << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << " " << B[0] << " " << B[1] << " " << B[2] << endl;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	pos[0]=-0.01;
-	pos[1]=0.038;
-	pos[2]=-0.02;
-	field.GetFieldValue(pos, B);
-	//cout << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << " " << B[0] << " " << B[1] << " " << B[2] << endl;
-	return 0;

lcdd/src removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.2 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout.hh"
- * Get the list of field names.
- */
-const CellReadout::FieldNames& CellReadout::fieldNames()
-    return m_fieldNames;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2D.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cmath>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-CellReadout2D::CellReadout2D(double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY)
-    m_cellSizeX = cellSizeX;
-    m_cellSizeY = cellSizeY;
-    m_fieldNames.push_back("ix");
-    m_fieldNames.push_back("iy");
-CellReadout2D::Position2D CellReadout2D::position(CellReadout2D::CellId cellId)
-    Position2D pos;
-    pos.first = getCellPositionX(cellId[0]);
-    pos.second = getCellPositionY(cellId[1]);
-    return pos;
-CellReadout::CellId CellReadout2D::cellId(Position2D pos)
-    return createCell(getXIndex(pos.first), getYIndex(pos.second));
- * Create a list of neighbor cells from a cell ID.
- */
-CellReadout::Neighbors CellReadout2D::neighbors(CellId cellId)
-    Neighbors neighbors;
-    int ix, iy;
-    // top left
-    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = -1;
-    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = 1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
-    // top middle
-    ix = cellId[0];
-    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = 1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
-    // top right
-    ix = cellId[0];
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = 1;
-    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = 1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
-    // middle left
-    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = -1;
-    iy = cellId[1];
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
-    // middle right
-    ix = cellId[0] + 1;
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = 1;
-    iy = cellId[1];
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
-    // bottom left
-    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = -1;
-    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = -1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix - 1, iy - 1));
-    // bottom middle
-    ix = cellId[0];
-    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = -1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy - 1));
-    // bottom right
-    ix = cellId[0] + 1;
-    if (ix == 0)
-        ix = 1;
-    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
-    if (iy == 0)
-        iy = -1;
-    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy - 1));
-    return neighbors;
-double CellReadout2D::getCellSizeX()
-    return m_cellSizeX;
-double CellReadout2D::getCellSizeY()
-    return m_cellSizeY;
-int CellReadout2D::getXIndex(double x)
-    return getCellIndex(x, m_cellSizeX);
-int CellReadout2D::getYIndex(double y)
-    return getCellIndex(y, m_cellSizeY);
-double CellReadout2D::getCellCoordinate(int i, double cellSize)
-    double v = i * cellSize;
-    if (v > 0)
-        v -= cellSize / 2;
-    else
-        v += cellSize / 2;
-    return v;
-int CellReadout2D::getCellIndex(double c, double cellSize)
-    int v = std::ceil(c / cellSize);
-    if (v == 0)
-        v -= 1;
-    return v;
-double CellReadout2D::getCellPositionX(int ix)
-    return getCellCoordinate(ix, m_cellSizeX);
-double CellReadout2D::getCellPositionY(int iy)
-    return getCellCoordinate(iy, m_cellSizeY);
-CellReadout2D::CellId CellReadout2D::createCell(int x, int y)
-    CellId cell;
-    cell.push_back(x);
-    cell.push_back(y);
-    return cell;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2DSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4Box.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cmath>
-CellReadout2DSegmentation::CellReadout2DSegmentation(double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY) :
-        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective, 2)
-    m_readout = new CellReadout2D(cellSizeX, cellSizeY);
-    setBinNames();
-    delete m_readout;
-G4ThreeVector CellReadout2DSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // TODO: implement me
-void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Set state from current step.
-    setup(aStep);
-    // Compute the global mid-point of the step.
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // Compute the local step position from the global mid-point.
-    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
-    // Compute the X and Y readout coordinates from the local position.
-    CellReadout2D::Position2D localXY;
-    localXY.first = localStepPos.x();
-    localXY.second = localStepPos.y();
-    CellReadout2D::Position2D xy;
-    //= m_readout->localToReadoutCoordinates(localXY);
-    // Get the cell for the position.
-    CellReadout2D::CellId cell = m_readout->cellId(xy);
-    // Set bin values.
-    this->setBin(0, xy.first);
-    this->setBin(1, xy.second);
-void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setBinNames()
-    addBinName("ix");
-    addBinName("iy");
-void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setup(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Set dimensions from box volume.
-    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
-    G4Box* box = dynamic_cast<G4Box*>(solid);
-    if (0 == box) {
-        std::cerr << "Volume is not a box" << std::endl;
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "CellReadout2D points to shape that is not a box.");
-    }
-    //m_readout->setReadoutDimensionX(box->GetXHalfLength() * 2);
-    //m_readout->setReadoutDimensionY(box->GetYHalfLength() * 2);
-CellReadout2D::Position2D CellReadout2DSegmentation::localToReadoutCoordinates(G4ThreeVector& vec)
-    CellReadout2D::Position2D xy;
-    //xy.first = vec.x() + m_readout->getReadoutDimensionX() / 2.0;
-    //xy.second = vec.y() + m_readout->getReadoutDimensionY() / 2.0;
-    return xy;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-// Class to calculate Number of photons created by Cerenkov Radiation
-//  Hans Wenzel
-//  The algorithm is stripped from the geant 4 class
-//  but since we are only interested in the number of photons created don't need to 
-//  actually create optical phtons and put them on the stack. 
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/Cerenkov.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
-#include <iomanip>
-    Initialize();
-void Cerenkov::Initialize()
-    //
-    // now get the Cerenkov Angle Integrals for all materials that have the refraction index defined
-    //
-    const G4MaterialTable* theMaterialTable = G4Material::GetMaterialTable();
-    G4int numOfMaterials = G4Material::GetNumberOfMaterials();
-    for (G4int i = 0; i < numOfMaterials; i++) {
-        // Retrieve vector of refraction indices for the material
-        // from the material's optical properties table
-        G4Material* aMaterial = (*theMaterialTable)[i];
-        G4MaterialPropertiesTable* aMaterialPropertiesTable = aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
-        G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector* CerAngleIntegrals = new G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector();
-        if (aMaterialPropertiesTable) {
-            G4MaterialPropertyVector* theRefractionIndexVector = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
-            if (theRefractionIndexVector) {
-                // Retrieve the first refraction index in vector
-                // of (photon energy, refraction index) pairs
-                G4double currentRI = (*theRefractionIndexVector)[0];
-                if (currentRI > 1.0) {
-                    // Create first (photon energy, Cerenkov Integral) pair
-                    G4double currentPM = theRefractionIndexVector->Energy(0);
-                    G4double currentCAI = 0.0;
-                    CerAngleIntegrals->InsertValues(currentPM, currentCAI);
-                    // Set previous values to current ones prior to loop
-                    G4double prevPM = currentPM;
-                    G4double prevCAI = currentCAI;
-                    G4double prevRI = currentRI;
-                    // loop over all (photon energy, refraction index)
-                    // pairs stored for this material
-                    for (size_t ii = 1; ii < theRefractionIndexVector->GetVectorLength(); ii++) {
-                        currentRI = (*theRefractionIndexVector)[ii];
-                        currentPM = theRefractionIndexVector->Energy(ii);
-                        currentCAI = 0.5 * (1.0 / (prevRI * prevRI) + 1.0 / (currentRI * currentRI));
-                        currentCAI = prevCAI + (currentPM - prevPM) * currentCAI;
-                        CerAngleIntegrals->InsertValues(currentPM, currentCAI);
-                        prevPM = currentPM;
-                        prevCAI = currentCAI;
-                        prevRI = currentRI;
-                    }
-                }
-                G4cout << "Material:  " << aMaterial->GetName() << G4endl;
-                G4cout << "Refraction Index: " << G4endl;
-                G4cout << "=================" << G4endl;
-                theRefractionIndexVector->DumpValues();
-                G4cout << "Cerenkov angle Integrals: " << G4endl;
-                G4cout << "=========================" << G4endl;
-                CerAngleIntegrals->DumpValues();
-                CAI.push_back(aMaterial->GetName());
-                CerenkovAngleIntegrals.push_back(CerAngleIntegrals);
-                RefractionIndeces.push_back(theRefractionIndexVector);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// This routine computes the number of Cerenkov photons produced per
-// GEANT-unit (millimeter) in the current medium.
-//             ^^^^^^^^^^
-G4double Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons(const G4double charge, const G4double beta, const G4String Material) const
-    G4bool Ceren = false;
-    G4int MaterialIndex = -1;
-    //
-    // check if optical properties are defined for this material:
-    //
-    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < CAI.size(); ii++) {
-        if (CAI[ii] == Material) {
-            MaterialIndex = ii;
-            Ceren = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!Ceren)
-        return 0.0;
-    const G4double Rfact = 369.81 / (eV * cm);
-    if (beta <= 0.0)
-        return 0.0;
-    if (abs(charge) == 0.0)
-        return 0.0;
-    G4double BetaInverse = 1. / beta;
-    // Min and Max photon energies
-    G4double Pmin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMinLowEdgeEnergy();
-    G4double Pmax = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy();
-    // Min and Max Refraction Indices
-    G4double nMin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMinValue();
-    G4double nMax = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxValue();
-    // Max Cerenkov Angle Integral
-    G4double CAImax = CerenkovAngleIntegrals[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxValue();
-    G4double dp, ge;
-    // If n(Pmax) < 1/Beta -- no photons generated
-    if (nMax < BetaInverse) {
-        dp = 0;
-        ge = 0;
-    }    // otherwise if n(Pmin) >= 1/Beta -- photons generated
-    else if (nMin > BetaInverse) {
-        dp = Pmax - Pmin;
-        ge = CAImax;
-    }    // If n(Pmin) < 1/Beta, and n(Pmax) >= 1/Beta, then
-         // we need to find a P such that the value of n(P) == 1/Beta.
-         // Interpolation is performed by the GetEnergy() and
-         // Value() methods of the G4MaterialPropertiesTable and
-         // the GetValue() method of G4PhysicsVector.
-    else {
-        Pmin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetEnergy(BetaInverse);
-        dp = Pmax - Pmin;
-        // need boolean for current implementation of G4PhysicsVector
-        // ==> being phased out
-        G4bool isOutRange;
-        G4double CAImin = CerenkovAngleIntegrals[MaterialIndex]->GetValue(Pmin, isOutRange);
-        ge = CAImax - CAImin;
-    }
-    // Calculate number of photons
-    G4double NumPhotons = Rfact * charge / eplus * charge / eplus * (dp - ge * BetaInverse * BetaInverse);
-    return NumPhotons;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4BoxDipole.hh"
-G4BoxDipole::G4BoxDipole(double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double bx, double by, double bz) :
-        _x(x), _y(y), _z(z), _dx(dx), _dy(dy), _dz(dz), _bx(bx), _by(by), _bz(bz)
-    _maxx = x + dx;
-    _maxy = y + dy;
-    _maxz = z + dz;
-    _minx = x - dx;
-    _miny = y - dy;
-    _minz = z - dz;
-void G4BoxDipole::GetFieldValue(const double point[3], double* bfield) const
-    if (point[0] < _minx || point[0] > _maxx)
-        return;
-    if (point[1] < _miny || point[1] > _maxy)
-        return;
-    if (point[2] < _minz || point[2] > _maxz)
-        return;
-    bfield[0] += _bx;
-    bfield[1] += _by;
-    bfield[2] += _bz;
-    //std::cout << point[0] << ", " << point[1] << ", " << point[2] << " --> " << bfield[0] << ", " << bfield[1] << ", " << bfield[2] << std::endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.15
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.15
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.15 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/hits/G4CalorimeterHit.hh"
-// Geant4
-#ifdef G4VIS_USE
-#include "G4VVisManager.hh"
-#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
-#include "G4Circle.hh"
-#include "G4Point3D.hh"
-#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
-G4Allocator<G4CalorimeterHit> G4CalorimeterHitAllocator;
-G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit() :
-        G4VHit(), m_edep(0)
-    ;
-G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit(G4double edep, G4ThreeVector globalCellPos) :
-        G4VHit(), m_edep(edep), m_pos(globalCellPos)
-    ;
-    ;
-G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit(const G4CalorimeterHit &right) :
-        G4VHit()
-    m_edep = right.m_edep;
-    m_pos = right.m_pos;
-const G4CalorimeterHit& G4CalorimeterHit::operator=(const G4CalorimeterHit &right)
-    m_edep = right.m_edep;
-    m_pos = right.m_pos;
-    return *this;
-bool G4CalorimeterHit::operator==(const G4CalorimeterHit &right)
-    return (m_pos == right.m_pos);
-#ifdef G4VIS_USE
-void G4CalorimeterHit::Draw()
-    G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();
-    if(pVVisManager)
-    {
-        G4Point3D p3D = G4Point3D( m_pos );
-        G4Circle chit(p3D);
-        chit.SetScreenDiameter(3.0);
-        chit.SetFillStyle(G4Circle::filled);
-        G4Colour col(1.0,0.,1.0);
-        chit.SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes( col ) );
-        pVVisManager->Draw( chit );
-    }
-void G4CalorimeterHit::printMcpHitContribs(std::ostream& os)
-    printMcpHitContribsHeader(os);
-    for (McpHitContribList::iterator iter = m_particleList.begin(); iter != m_particleList.end(); iter++) {
-        (*iter).printOut(os);
-    }
-void G4CalorimeterHit::printMcpHitContribsHeader(std::ostream& os)
-    os << "McpHitContribs" << std::endl;
-    os << "trackID" << '\t' << "edep" << '\t' << '\t' << "PdgId" << '\t' << "time" << std::endl;
-void G4CalorimeterHit::Print()
-    std::cout << *this << std::endl;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const G4CalorimeterHit& hit)
-    os << hit.getPos() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getEdep(), "Energy") << std::endl;
-    return os;

lcdd/src removed after 1.42
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.42
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.42 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/PositionComparator.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/McpHitContrib.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Track.hh"
-#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
-#include "G4Timer.hh"
-#include "G4Geantino.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
-        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcName, G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter), m_segmentation(sdSeg)
-    m_hitsCollections.push_back(m_collection);
-    m_hits.clear();
-    hits_vector.clear();
-    hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
-    if (compare == 0)
-        m_hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
-    else
-        m_hitCompare = compare;
-G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
-        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcNames, G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter), m_segmentation(sdSeg)
-    m_hits.clear();
-    hits_vector.clear();
-    hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) hcNames.size(); i++) {
-        hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
-        hits_vector[i].clear();
-        m_hitsCollections.push_back(m_collection);
-    }
-    if (compare == 0) {
-        m_hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
-    } else {
-        m_hitCompare = compare;
-    }
-bool G4CalorimeterSD::isValidVolume(G4LogicalVolume* lv)
-    bool valid = G4SensitiveDetector::isValidVolume(lv);
-    if (valid && m_segmentation != 0) {
-        valid = m_segmentation->isValidSolid(lv->GetSolid());
-    }
-    return valid;
-void G4CalorimeterSD::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *HCE)
-    clearHits();
-    // new cal hits collection
-    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
-        m_hitsCollections[i] = new G4CalorimeterHitsCollection(GetName(), collectionName[i]);
-        // set HCID
-        if (getHCID(i) < 0) {
-            setHCID(GetCollectionID(i), i);
-        }
-        // add collection to HC of event
-        HCE->AddHitsCollection(getHCID(i), m_hitsCollections[i]);
-    }
-G4Segmentation* G4CalorimeterSD::getSegmentation() const
-    return m_segmentation;
-G4bool G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if (getVerbose() > 0)
-    {
-        std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
-    }
-    // set cached step
-    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-    // get the edep
-    G4double theEdep = edep();
-    // This needs to be a <= comparison for cutting on 0,
-    // Geantinos, which always have 0 edep, are allowed.
-    if (theEdep <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if (getVerbose() > 2) {
-            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - cut on edep " << theEdep << std::endl;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    // Get global cell pos from segmentation.
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = m_segmentation->getGlobalHitPos(aStep);
-    // Reset the segmentation bin values.
-    m_segmentation->resetBins();
-    // Set the segmentation bin values from the step.
-    m_segmentation->setBins(aStep);
-    // Create a 64-bit ID.
-    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-    // DEBUG: Compute step midpoint and compare to the cell pos
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
-        G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = midPosition();
-        std::cout << "globalMidPos " << globalMidPos << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "globalCellPos - globalMidPos = " << globalCellPos - globalMidPos << std::endl;
-    }
-    // find hit by simple lkp of new hit with above info
-    G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, globalCellPos);
-    thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
-    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
-    // hit is not found?
-    if (!(fndHit = findHit(thisHit))) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if (getVerbose() > 1) {
-            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - new hit" << std::endl;
-        }
-        // add it to lkp map
-        hits_vector[0].push_back(thisHit);
-        // add to the HC
-        m_hitsCollections[0]->insert(thisHit);
-    }
-    // found a hit
-    else {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
-            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - existing hit" << std::endl;
-        }
-        // don't need to insert thisHit, so delete it
-        delete thisHit;
-        thisHit = 0;
-        // incr total edep of the hit
-        fndHit->incrEdep(theEdep);
-        // for setting contrib
-        thisHit = fndHit;
-    }
-    // add McpHitContrib to this hit, setting info from step info
-    thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
-    return true;
-G4CalorimeterHit* G4CalorimeterSD::findHit(G4CalorimeterHit* aHit) const
-    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
-    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[0].begin(); iter != hits_vector[0].end(); iter++) {
-        if (m_hitCompare->compare(**iter, *aHit)) {
-            fndHit = *iter;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return fndHit;
-G4CalorimeterHit* G4CalorimeterSD::findHit(G4CalorimeterHit* aHit, G4int nHC) const
-    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
-    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[nHC].begin(); iter != hits_vector[nHC].end(); iter++) {
-        if (m_hitCompare->compare(**iter, *aHit)) {
-            fndHit = *iter;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return fndHit;
-std::ostream& G4CalorimeterSD::printHits(std::ostream& os)
-    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
-        os << getHitsCollection(i)->GetName() << std::endl;
-        for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[i].begin(); iter != hits_vector[i].end(); iter++) {
-            os << "    " << **iter;
-        }
-    }
-    os << std::endl;
-    return os;
-void G4CalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-        printHits( std::cout );
-    }
-std::ostream& G4CalorimeterSD::printBasicInfo(std::ostream& os)
-    G4SensitiveDetector::printBasicInfo(os);
-    os << "segmentation type: " << m_segmentation->getTypeString() << std::endl;
-    os << "segmentation bins:";
-    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_segmentation->getBinNames().begin(); it != m_segmentation->getBinNames().end(); it++) {
-        os << " " << *it;
-    }
-    os << std::endl;
-    return os;
-double G4CalorimeterSD::getEdep() const
-    double edep = 0.0;
-    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator it = hits_vector[0].begin(); it != hits_vector[0].end(); it++) {
-        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
-    }
-    return edep;
-double G4CalorimeterSD::getEdep(G4int nHC) const
-    double edep = 0.0;
-    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator it = hits_vector[nHC].begin(); it != hits_vector[nHC].end(); it++) {
-        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
-    }
-    return edep;
-void G4CalorimeterSD::clearHits()
-    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
-        hits_vector[i].clear();
-    }
-G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterHitList G4CalorimeterSD::getCalorimeterHitList()
-    return hits_vector[0];
-G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterHitList G4CalorimeterSD::getCalorimeterHitList(G4int nHC)
-    return hits_vector[nHC];

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Dipole.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
- * Apply polynomial fit of dipole field, with variable number of coefficients
- * read from the input XML file.
- */
-void G4Dipole::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double* Bfield) const
-    //std::cout << "G4Dipole::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "point = " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "BEFORE --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl;
-    double bx = 0;
-    double z = Point[2];
-    double r = sqrt(Point[0] * Point[0] + Point[1] * Point[1]);
-    // Check if z coordinate is within dipole z bounds.
-    if (z > m_zmin && z < m_zmax && r < m_rmax) {
-        // Convert to absolute value z and apply specified length unit.
-        double zc = fabs(z) / m_lunit;
-        //std::cout << "zc = " << zc << std::endl;
-        // Apply all coefficients to this z coordinate.
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_coeffs.size(); ++i) {
-            bx += m_coeffs[i] * pow(zc, i);
-        }
-        // Convert to specified field unit.
-        bx *= m_funit;
-        // Flip sign for negative z.
-        if (z < 0) {
-            bx = -bx;
-        }
-        // Add Bx to the input Bfield.
-        Bfield[0] += bx;
-    }
-    //std::cout << "AFTER --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << Point[2] << " " << Bfield[0] << std::endl;
-    return;
-void G4Dipole::setZMax(double zmax)
-    m_zmax = zmax;
-double G4Dipole::getZMax()
-    return m_zmax;
-void G4Dipole::setZMin(double zmin)
-    m_zmin = zmin;
-double G4Dipole::getZMin()
-    return m_zmin;
-void G4Dipole::setRMax(double rmax)
-    m_rmax = rmax;
-double G4Dipole::getRMax()
-    return m_rmax;
-void G4Dipole::addCoeff(double coeff)
-    m_coeffs.push_back(coeff);
-const std::vector<double>& G4Dipole::getCoeffs()
-    return m_coeffs;
-void G4Dipole::setFieldUnit(double unit)
-    m_funit = unit;
-double G4Dipole::getFieldUnit()
-    return m_funit;
-void G4Dipole::setLengthUnit(double unit)
-    m_lunit = unit;
-double G4Dipole::getLengthUnit()
-    return m_lunit;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation(double gridSizeX, double gridSizeY) :
-        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizeX(gridSizeX), m_gridSizeY(gridSizeY)
-    setBinNames();
-G4ThreeVector G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Compute the midpoint of the global step.
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // Create 3vec for cell position.
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos;
-    // Set binned coordinates of cell position.
-    globalCellPos.setX(computeDimX(computeBinX(globalStepPos)));
-    globalCellPos.setY(computeDimY(computeBinY(globalStepPos)));
-    // Set Z coordinate of cell position from the volume's Z center position.
-    G4ThreeVector vpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
-    globalCellPos.setZ(vpos.z());
-    return globalCellPos;
-void G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Compute the midpoint of the step.
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // Compute the bin values.
-    int binX = computeBinX(globalStepPos);
-    int binY = computeBinY(globalStepPos);
-    // Set the bin values.
-    setBin(0, binX);
-    setBin(1, binY);
-int G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeBinX(const G4ThreeVector& stepPos)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(stepPos.x(), m_gridSizeX);
-int G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeBinY(const G4ThreeVector& stepPos)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(stepPos.y(), m_gridSizeY);
-double G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeDimX(int bin)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeX);
-double G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeDimY(int bin)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeY);

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GridXYZSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-G4GridXYZSegmentation::G4GridXYZSegmentation(double gridSizeX, double gridSizeY, double gridSizeZ) :
-        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizeX(gridSizeX), m_gridSizeY(gridSizeY), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ)
-    setBinNames();
-G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // compute midpoint
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // figure local step pos using touchable and global midpoint
-    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
-    // local cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = this->getLocalHitPos(localStepPos);
-    // global cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aStep, localCellPos);
-    return globalCellPos;
-void G4GridXYZSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Compute the midpoint of the step.
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // Transform from global coordinate system to local coordinate system of volume pointed to by this step.
-    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
-    // Compute the bin values.
-    int binX = computeBinX(localStepPos);
-    int binY = computeBinY(localStepPos);
-    int binZ = computeBinZ(localStepPos);
-    // Set the bins.
-    int idx = 0;
-    setBin(idx, binX);
-    ++idx;
-    setBin(idx, binY);
-    ++idx;
-    setBin(idx, binZ);
-    ++idx;
-int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinX(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
-    int ret;
-    if (m_gridSizeX != 0) {
-        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.x(), m_gridSizeX);
-    } else {
-        ret = 0;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinY(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
-    int ret;
-    if (m_gridSizeY != 0) {
-        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.y(), m_gridSizeY);
-    } else {
-        ret = 0;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinZ(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
-    int ret;
-    if (m_gridSizeZ != 0) {
-        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.z(), m_gridSizeZ);
-    } else {
-        ret = 0;
-    }
-    return ret;
-double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimX(int bin)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeX);
-double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimY(int bin)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeY);
-double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimZ(int bin)
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeZ);
-G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getGlobalHitPosPreStep(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    // Figure out local step pos using touchable and global midpoint.
-    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aPreStepPoint, globalStepPos);
-    // Compute local cell pos.
-    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = this->getLocalHitPos(localStepPos);
-    // Compute global cell pos.
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aPreStepPoint, localCellPos);
-    return globalCellPos;
-G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
-    G4ThreeVector localHitPos;
-    if (m_gridSizeX > 0) {
-        localHitPos.setX(computeDimX(computeBinX(localStepPos)));
-    }
-    if (m_gridSizeY > 0) {
-        localHitPos.setY(computeDimY(computeBinY(localStepPos)));
-    }
-    if (m_gridSizeZ > 0) {
-        localHitPos.setZ(computeDimZ(computeBinZ(localStepPos)));
-    }
-    return localHitPos;

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/geant4/G4LimitSet.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Track.hh"
-/* Code for any particle. */
-const G4LimitSet::ParticleType G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE = "*";
-/* Code for no limit, as -1 is never a valid limit. */
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::LIMIT_NOT_SET = -1;
-/* Keys to limit value maps for each parameter. */
-const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY = "step_length_max";
-const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY = "track_length_max";
-const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::TIME_MAX_KEY = "time_max";
-const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::EKIN_MIN_KEY = "ekin_min";
-const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::RANGE_MIN_KEY = "range_min";
-/* Default values for limits.  Taken from G4UserLimit ctor default args. */
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::STEP_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::TIME_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::EKIN_MIN_DEFAULT = 0.;
-const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT = 0.;
-G4LimitSet::G4LimitSet(const G4String& name) :
-        G4UserLimits("G4LimitSet"), m_name(name)
-    m_limitsMap[STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
-    m_limitsMap[TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
-    m_limitsMap[TIME_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
-    m_limitsMap[EKIN_MIN_KEY] = LimitMap();
-    m_limitsMap[RANGE_MIN_KEY] = LimitMap();
-G4double G4LimitSet::GetMaxAllowedStep(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    double maxStepLength = getLimitForParticle(STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
-    return maxStepLength == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? STEP_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT : maxStepLength;
-G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMaxTrackLength(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    double maxTrackLength = getLimitForParticle(TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
-    return maxTrackLength == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT : maxTrackLength;
-G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMaxTime(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    double maxTime = getLimitForParticle(TIME_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
-    return maxTime == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? TIME_MAX_DEFAULT : maxTime;
-G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMinEkine(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    double minEkine = getLimitForParticle(EKIN_MIN_KEY, aTrack);
-    return minEkine == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? EKIN_MIN_DEFAULT : minEkine;
-G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMinRange(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    double minRange = getLimitForParticle(RANGE_MIN_KEY, aTrack);
-    return minRange == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT : minRange;
-const G4LimitSet::ParticleType G4LimitSet::getParticleType(const G4Track& aTrack)
-    return aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
-void G4LimitSet::setLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, ParticleType particleType, LimitValueType limitValue)
-    if (m_limitsMap.find(limitName) != m_limitsMap.end()) {
-        m_limitsMap[limitName][particleType] = limitValue;
-    } else {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid limits map.");
-    }
-G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, ParticleType particleType)
-    //std::cout << "G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle()" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "limitName, particleType: " << limitName << " " << particleType << std::endl;
-    LimitValueType limitValue = 0;
-    if (m_limitsMap.find(limitName) != m_limitsMap.end()) {
-        if (m_limitsMap[limitName].find(particleType) != m_limitsMap[limitName].end()) {
-            limitValue = m_limitsMap[limitName][particleType];
-        } else {
-            if ((m_limitsMap[limitName].find(ANY_PARTICLE) != m_limitsMap[limitName].end())) {
-                limitValue = m_limitsMap[limitName][ANY_PARTICLE];
-            } else {
-                limitValue = LIMIT_NOT_SET;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid limits map.");
-    }
-    //std::cout << "limitValue: " << limitValue << std::endl;
-    return limitValue;
-G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, const G4Track& aTrack)
-    return getLimitForParticle(limitName, getParticleType(aTrack));
-void G4LimitSet::setName(const G4String& n)
-    m_name = n;
-G4String& G4LimitSet::getName()
-    return m_name;

lcdd/src removed after 1.16
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.16
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.16 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Tubs.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cmath>
-G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation(double gridSizePhi, double gridSizeZ) :
-        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizePhi(gridSizePhi), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ)
-    setBinNames();
-G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // local cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = getLocalHitPos(aStep);
-    // global cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aStep, localCellPos);
-    // DEBUG: print local, global cell pos
-    //G4cout << "localCellPos " << localCellPos << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "globalCellPos " << globalCellPos << G4endl;
-    //
-    return localCellPos;
-G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    // local cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = getLocalHitPos(aPreStepPoint);
-    // global cell pos
-    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aPreStepPoint, localCellPos);
-    // DEBUG: print local, global cell pos
-    //G4cout << "localCellPos " << localCellPos << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "globalCellPos " << globalCellPos << G4endl;
-    //
-    return localCellPos;
-G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    // retrieve G4Tubs
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep);
-    assert(tubs);
-    // rcyl of cell = mid rad of current tubs
-    double rcyl = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(tubs);
-    // compute single delta phi in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aStep);
-    // phi index
-    int iphi = computeBinPhi(aStep);
-    // z index in local
-    int iz = computeBinZ(ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalMidPos));
-    // compute cell Z, phi
-    double cellPhi = computeDim(iphi, deltaPhi);
-    double cellZ = computeDim(iz, m_gridSizeZ);
-    // compute X, Y
-    double cellX = rcyl * cos(cellPhi);
-    double cellY = rcyl * sin(cellPhi);
-    G4ThreeVector cellCenter(cellX, cellY, cellZ);
-    // DEBUG: print all
-    //G4cout << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "deltaPhi <" << deltaPhi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "iphi <" << iphi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "iz <" << iz << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cellPhi <" << cellPhi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cellCenter " << cellCenter << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << G4endl;
-    //
-    return cellCenter;
-G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    // retrieve G4Tubs
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint);
-    assert(tubs);
-    // rcyl of cell = mid rad of current tubs
-    double rcyl = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(tubs);
-    // compute single delta phi in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aPreStepPoint);
-    // phi index
-    int iphi = computeBinPhi(aPreStepPoint);
-    // z index in local
-    int iz = computeBinZ(ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aPreStepPoint, globalPos));
-    // compute cell Z, phi
-    double cellPhi = computeDim(iphi, deltaPhi);
-    double cellZ = computeDim(iz, m_gridSizeZ);
-    // compute X, Y
-    double cellX = rcyl * cos(cellPhi);
-    double cellY = rcyl * sin(cellPhi);
-    G4ThreeVector cellCenter(cellX, cellY, cellZ);
-    // DEBUG: print all
-    //G4cout << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "deltaPhi <" << deltaPhi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "iphi <" << iphi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "iz <" << iz << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cellPhi <" << cellPhi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cellCenter " << cellCenter << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << G4endl;
-    //
-    return cellCenter;
-double G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeDeltaPhi(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // mid radius of current tubs
-    double mid_rad_layer = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(aStep);
-    // circumference of current tubs
-    double circ = 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI * mid_rad_layer;
-    // number of cells along phi in curr layer
-    int nphi = (int) floor(circ / m_gridSizePhi);
-    // single phi division in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = (360.0 * deg) / nphi;
-    return deltaPhi;
-double G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeDeltaPhi(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    // mid radius of current tubs
-    double mid_rad_layer = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(aPreStepPoint);
-    // circumference of current tubs
-    double circ = 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI * mid_rad_layer;
-    // number of cells along phi in curr layer
-    int nphi = (int) floor(circ / m_gridSizePhi);
-    // single phi division in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = (360.0 * deg) / nphi;
-    return deltaPhi;
-void G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
-    //G4cout << "G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins()" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    int bphi = computeBinPhi(aStep);
-    int bz = computeBinZ(globalMidPos);
-    setBin(0, bphi);
-    setBin(1, bz);
-void G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4cout << "G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins()" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    int bphi = computeBinPhi(aPreStepPoint);
-    int bz = computeBinZ(globalPos);
-    setBin(0, bphi);
-    setBin(1, bz);
-int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinPhi(const G4Step* aStep)
-    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep);
-    assert(tubs);
-    // compute single delta phi in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aStep);
-    // step phi
-    double stepPhi = globalMidPos.phi();
-    if (stepPhi < 0) {
-        stepPhi += 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI;
-    }
-    // phi index
-    return computeBin(stepPhi, deltaPhi / radian);
-int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinPhi(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint);
-    assert(tubs);
-    // compute single delta phi in degrees
-    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aPreStepPoint);
-    // step phi
-    double stepPhi = globalPos.phi();
-    if (stepPhi < 0) {
-        stepPhi += 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI;
-    }
-    // phi index
-    return computeBin(stepPhi, deltaPhi / radian);
-int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinZ(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
-    //G4cout << "localStepPos.z() <" << localStepPos.z() << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "m_gridSizeZ <" << m_gridSizeZ << ">" << G4endl;
-    return computeBin(localStepPos.z(), m_gridSizeZ);
-bool G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
-    bool valid = G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(s);
-    if (valid) {
-        if (s->GetEntityType() != "G4Tubs") {
-            valid = false;
-        }
-    }
-    return valid;

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4OpticalCalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/Cerenkov.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4OpticalPhoton.hh"
-#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
-#include "G4VProcess.hh"
-#include "G4Poisson.hh"
-using std::vector;
- * Constructor for the case only one Hit Collection is given.
- * In this case the only the energy deposited by aborbed Cerenkov 
- * photons is stored. Probably this will be dropped in the 
- * near future.
- */
-G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
-        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcName, sdSeg, compare)
-    CerenGenerator = 0;
- * Constructor for multiple Hit Collections.
- *
- * The current implementation uses the first Hit Collection for the 
- * Cerenkov Photons and the second Collection to store the ionization losses. 
- * If more than 2 collections are given the additional Hit collections will 
- * be ignored.
- */
-G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
-        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcNames, sdSeg, compare)
-    CerenGenerator = 0;
-G4bool G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory* tahis)
-    if (!CerenGenerator)
-        CerenGenerator = new Cerenkov();
-    G4int NCerenPhotons = 0;
-    G4Track* theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
-    const G4double charge = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
-    G4StepPoint* pPreStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
-    G4StepPoint* pPostStepPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
-    G4double beta = 0.5 * (pPreStepPoint->GetBeta() + pPostStepPoint->GetBeta());
-    const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
-    G4String thematerial = touch->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial()->GetName();
-    G4double MeanNumberOfPhotons = CerenGenerator->GetAverageNumberOfPhotons(charge, beta, thematerial);
-    if (MeanNumberOfPhotons > 0.0) {
-        G4double step_length = aStep->GetStepLength();
-        MeanNumberOfPhotons = MeanNumberOfPhotons * step_length;
-        NCerenPhotons = (G4int) G4Poisson(MeanNumberOfPhotons);
-    } else {
-        NCerenPhotons = 0;
-    }
-    if (NCerenPhotons <= 0) {
-        return G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(aStep, tahis);
-    } else {
-        G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-        G4ThreeVector myPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
-        G4StepPoint* apreStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
-        G4Navigator* theNavigator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking();
-        G4VPhysicalVolume* myVolume = theNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(myPoint);
-        if (getVerbose() > 2) {
-            G4cout << "Physical volume       = " << myVolume->GetName() << G4endl;
-            G4cout << "Point of interaction  = " << myPoint<< G4endl;
-            G4cout << "sdname " << GetName() << "  hcname " <<collectionName[0]<< G4endl;
-        }
-            // total photon energy
-            // G4double theEdep = aTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
-        G4double theEdep = double(NCerenPhotons);
-        // get global cell pos from seg
-        G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = m_segmentation->getGlobalHitPosPreStep(apreStepPoint);
-        // reset the seg bins
-        m_segmentation->resetBins();
-        // set the seg bins
-        m_segmentation->setBins(aStep);
-        // create id and pack into 64
-        Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-        // find hit by simple lkp of new hit with above info
-        G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, globalCellPos);
-        thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
-        G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
-        // hit is not found?
-        if (!(fndHit = findHit(thisHit, eCerenkov))) {
-            // add it to lkp map    
-            hits_vector[eCerenkov].push_back(thisHit);
-            // add to the HC
-            m_hitsCollections[eCerenkov]->insert(thisHit);
-        } else {
-            // found a hit
-            // don't need to insert thisHit, so delete it
-            delete thisHit;
-            thisHit = 0;
-            // incr total edep of the hit
-            fndHit->incrEdep(theEdep);
-            // for setting contrib
-            thisHit = fndHit;
-        }
-        // add McpHitContrib to this hit, setting info from step info
-        thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
-        //        aTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); // don't step photon any further
-        return true;
-    }  // end Cerenkov photon treatment 

lcdd/src removed after 1.11
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.11
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.11 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4Tubs.hh"
-G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
-        G4ProjectiveSegmentation(ntheta, nphi)
-double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep));
-double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint));
-double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
-    double rcyl = getRadius(aStep);
-    double ctheta = getThetaDim(aStep);
-    // ctheta in 0 to pi ...
-    // ctheta < pi/2 should be negative
-    double zcell = rcyl / tan(ctheta);
-    return zcell;
-double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    double rcyl = getRadius(aPreStepPoint);
-    double ctheta = getThetaDim(aPreStepPoint);
-    // ctheta in 0 to pi ...
-    // ctheta < pi/2 should be negative
-    double zcell = rcyl / tan(ctheta);
-    return zcell;
-bool G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
-    bool valid = G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(s);
-    if (valid) {
-        if (s->GetEntityType() != "G4Tubs") {
-            valid = false;
-        }
-    }
-    return valid;

lcdd/src removed after 1.12
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.12
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.12 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4Tubs.hh"
-G4ProjectiveSegmentation::G4ProjectiveSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
-        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eProjective), m_ntheta(ntheta), m_nphi(nphi)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "ntheta, nphi: " << ntheta << ", " << nphi << G4endl;
-    computeDivisions();
-    setBinNames();
-G4ThreeVector G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // DEBUG
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos()" << G4endl;
-    //
-    // divide entire theta, phi range into bins; bins always positive
-    // theta, phi coord of step midpoint
-    // compute bin numbers
-    // get dim from bins
-    // get radius, z components (probably from subclass function)
-    double rcyl = getRadius(aStep);
-    double zcell = getZ(aStep);
-    // get phi component
-    double cphi = getPhiDim(aStep);
-    // compute x, y cells
-    double xcell = rcyl * cos(cphi);
-    double ycell = rcyl * sin(cphi);
-    G4ThreeVector pos(xcell, ycell, zcell);
-    //G4ThreeVector midPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos( aStep );
-    // DEBUG: print all
-    //G4cout << "sphi <" << midPos.phi() << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cphi <" << cphi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "sphi - cphi = " << midPos.phi() - cphi << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "stheta <" << midPos.theta() << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "ctheta <" << getThetaDim( aStep ) << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "stheta - ctheta = " << midPos.theta() - getThetaDim( aStep ) << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "zcell <" << zcell << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "globalCellPos <" << pos << ">" << G4endl;
-    //
-    return pos;
-G4ThreeVector G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    // DEBUG
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos()" << G4endl;
-    //
-    // divide entire theta, phi range into bins; bins always positive
-    // theta, phi coord of step midpoint
-    // compute bin numbers
-    // get dim from bins
-    // get radius, z components (probably from subclass function)
-    double rcyl = getRadius(aPreStepPoint);
-    double zcell = getZ(aPreStepPoint);
-    // get phi component
-    double cphi = getPhiDim(aPreStepPoint);
-    // compute x, y cells
-    double xcell = rcyl * cos(cphi);
-    double ycell = rcyl * sin(cphi);
-    G4ThreeVector pos(xcell, ycell, zcell);
-    //G4ThreeVector midPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos( aStep );
-    // DEBUG: print all
-    //G4cout << "sphi <" << midPos.phi() << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "cphi <" << cphi << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "sphi - cphi = " << midPos.phi() - cphi << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "stheta <" << midPos.theta() << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "ctheta <" << getThetaDim( aStep ) << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "stheta - ctheta = " << midPos.theta() - getThetaDim( aStep ) << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "zcell <" << zcell << ">" << G4endl;
-    //G4cout << "globalCellPos <" << pos << ">" << G4endl;
-    //
-    return pos;
-void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
-    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    setBin(0, getThetaBin(globalMidPos));
-    setBin(1, getPhiBin(globalMidPos));
-void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::setBins(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    setBin(0, getThetaBin(globalPos));
-    setBin(1, getPhiBin(globalPos));
-G4int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getNtheta() const
-    return m_ntheta;
-G4int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getNphi() const
-    return m_nphi;
-void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::computeDivisions()
-    m_divTheta = (180.0 * deg) / m_ntheta;
-    m_divPhi = (360.0 * deg) / m_nphi;
-int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaBin(const G4ThreeVector& globalStepPos)
-    // theta needs to be in range 0 - PI
-    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(globalStepPos.theta(), m_divTheta / radian);
-int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiBin(const G4ThreeVector& globalStepPos)
-    // adjust phi for < 0
-    double sphi = globalStepPos.phi();
-    if (sphi < 0.0) {
-        sphi += 360.0 * deg;
-    }
-    // needs more checks, for phi in range 0 - TWOPI
-    // if > TWOPI, then subtract TWOPI
-    //
-    // OR use X, Y for phi calc
-    // compute and return bin
-    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(sphi, m_divPhi / radian);
-// default impl. returns mag of pos 
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius()" << G4endl;
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep).mag();
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius()" << G4endl;
-    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition().mag();
-// default impl. returns z of pos
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ()" << G4endl;
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep).z();
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ()" << G4endl;
-    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition().z();
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const int &thetaBin) const
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(thetaBin, m_divTheta);
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const int &phiBin) const
-    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(phiBin, m_divPhi);
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const G4Step* aStep)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    double ctheta = getThetaDim(getThetaBin(globalStepPos));
-    return ctheta;
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    double ctheta = getThetaDim(getThetaBin(globalStepPos));
-    return ctheta;
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const G4Step* aStep)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-    double cphi = getPhiDim(getPhiBin(globalStepPos));
-    return cphi;
-double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
-    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    double cphi = getPhiDim(getPhiBin(globalStepPos));
-    return cphi;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
-        G4ProjectiveSegmentation(ntheta, nphi)
-double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
-    double zcell = getZ(aStep);
-    double ctheta = G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(aStep);
-    double rcyl = zcell * tan(ctheta);
-    return rcyl;
-double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    double zcell = getZ(aPreStepPoint);
-    double ctheta = G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(aPreStepPoint);
-    double rcyl = zcell * tan(ctheta);
-    return rcyl;
-double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
-    G4ThreeVector gpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStep->GetPreStepPoint(), G4ThreeVector());
-    return gpos.z();
-double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    G4ThreeVector gpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aPreStepPoint, G4ThreeVector());
-    return gpos.z();

lcdd/src removed after 1.13
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.13
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.13 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4RZFieldMap.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "globals.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cmath>
-// Set this preprocessor symbol for lots of debugging output.
-//#define FIELD_MAP_DEBUG 1
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-G4RZFieldMap::G4RZFieldMap(int numBinsR, int numBinsZ, double gridSizeR, double gridSizeZ, std::vector<RZBData> fieldData) :
-        m_numBinsR(numBinsR), m_numBinsZ(numBinsZ), m_gridSizeR(gridSizeR), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ), m_BrArray(0), m_BzArray(0)
-    cout << "numBinsR=" << numBinsR << endl;
-    cout << "numBinsZ=" << numBinsZ << endl;
-    cout << "gridSizeR=" << gridSizeR << endl;
-    cout << "gridSizeZ=" << gridSizeZ << endl;
-    if (numBinsR < 2) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "numBinsR must be >= 2");
-    }
-    if (numBinsZ < 2) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "numBinsZ must be >= 2");
-    }
-    if (gridSizeR <= 0) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "gridSizeR must be >= 0");
-    }
-    if (gridSizeZ <= 0) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "gridSizeZ must be >= 0");
-    }
-    m_maxR = (numBinsR - 1) * m_gridSizeR;
-    m_maxZ = (numBinsZ - 1) * m_gridSizeZ;
-    initializeArrays();
-    fillArrays(fieldData);
-void G4RZFieldMap::initializeArrays()
-    // Make two 2D arrays of numBinsZ x numBinsR 
-    m_BrArray = new double*[m_numBinsZ];
-    m_BzArray = new double*[m_numBinsZ];
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
-        m_BrArray[i] = new double[m_numBinsR];
-        m_BzArray[i] = new double[m_numBinsR];
-    }
-    // Initialize arrays to all 0's.
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < m_numBinsR; j++) {
-            m_BrArray[i][j] = 0;
-            m_BzArray[i][j] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-void G4RZFieldMap::fillArrays(std::vector<RZBData> fieldData)
-    for (std::vector<RZBData>::iterator iter = fieldData.begin(); iter != fieldData.end(); iter++) {
-        RZBData rzb = *iter;
-        int iz = (int) ((rzb.z() + 0.0001) / m_gridSizeZ);
-        iz = iz;
-        int ir = (int) ((rzb.r() + 0.0001) / m_gridSizeR);
-        ir = ir;
-        m_BzArray[iz][ir] = rzb.Bz();
-        m_BrArray[iz][ir] = rzb.Br();
-        cout << "ir iz = " << ir << " " << iz << endl;
-        cout << "Br Bz = " << m_BrArray[iz][ir] << " " << m_BzArray[iz][ir] << endl;
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    deleteArrays();
-void G4RZFieldMap::deleteArrays()
-    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
-        delete[] m_BrArray[i];
-        delete[] m_BzArray[i];
-    }
-    delete[] m_BrArray;
-    delete[] m_BzArray;
- * Compute B field at given point using the arrays of Br and Bz field strengths.
- *
- * This function is based on Takashi's FORTRAN code at
- *
- * /afs/slac/www/accel/nlc/local/systems/beamdelivery/geant/SDNEW/solenoid.f
- *
- * via the RZBFieldProvider.cpp test code provided by Norman.
- *
- */
-void G4RZFieldMap::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double *Bfield) const
-    cout << "Point = " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << endl;
-    double r = sqrt((Point[0] * Point[0]) + (Point[1] * Point[1]));
-    double z = Point[2];
-    double hz = 0;
-    double hr = 0;
-    // Check for z or r out of range.
-    if (fabs(z) >= m_maxZ || r >= m_maxR) {
-        cout << "OUT OF RANGE: z r = " << fabs(z) << " " << r << endl;
-        cout << "MAX: maxZ maxR " << m_maxZ << " " << m_maxR << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Compute z bin.
-    int iz = (int) ((fabs(z) + 0.001) / m_gridSizeZ);
-    // Compute r bin.
-    int ir = (int) ((r + 0.001) / m_gridSizeR);
-    // Adjust for iz out of range.
-//   int izfar = 0;
-//   if( iz >= m_numBinsZ-1 ) {
-//     izfar = 1;
-//     iz = m_numBinsZ - 1;
-//   }
-// Check for iz < 0.
-    if (iz < 0) {
-        cout << "ERROR: iz < 0" << endl;
-        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
-        cout << "returning" << endl;
-    }
-// Check for Z overflow on iz+1.
-    if (iz + 1 >= m_numBinsZ) {
-        cout << "ERROR: iz overflow" << endl;
-        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
-        cout << "returning" << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    // Check for R overflow on ir+1.
-    if (ir + 1 >= m_numBinsR) {
-        cout << "ERROR: ir overflow" << endl;
-        cout << "ir=" << ir << endl;
-        cout << "returning" << endl;
-        return;
-    }
-    cout << "dz " << m_gridSizeZ << " dr " << m_gridSizeR << endl;
-    cout << "z " << z << " r " << r << endl;
-    cout << "iz " << iz << " ir " << ir << endl;
-    double bz0 = m_BzArray[iz][ir];
-    double br0 = m_BrArray[iz][ir];
-    cout << "bz0 " << bz0 << " br0 " << br0 << endl;
-    double delz = 0.;
-    double delr = 0.;
-    double brdz = 0.;
-    double brdr = 0.;
-    if (r > 0.0) {
-        delr = r - float(ir) * m_gridSizeR;
-        if ( iz+1 == m_gridSizeZ-1 ) {
-            cout << "WARNING: iz+1 == gridSizeZ-1" << endl;
-        }
-        if ( ir+1 == m_gridSizeR-1 ) {
-            cout << "WARNING: ir+1 == gridSizeR-1" << endl;
-        }
-        cout << "checking brarray access ..." << endl;
-        cout << "iz+1=" << iz+1 << endl;
-        cout << "ir=" << ir << endl;
-        cout << m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] << endl;
-        cout << "m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] is ok" << endl;
-        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
-        cout << "ir+1=" << ir+1 << endl;
-        cout << m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
-        cout << "m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] is ok" << endl;
-        cout << "done" << endl;
-        brdz = (m_BrArray[iz + 1][ir] - br0) / m_gridSizeZ;
-        brdr = (m_BrArray[iz][ir + 1] - br0) / m_gridSizeR;
-        cout << "br= " << m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] << " " << m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
-    }
-    delz = fabs(z) - float(iz) * m_gridSizeZ;
-    cout << " z " << z << " abs(z) " << fabs(z) << " iz " << iz << endl;
-    cout << " float(iz-1) " << float(iz-1) << " dz " << m_gridSizeZ << endl;
-    cout << " delz " << delz << endl;
-    double bzdz = (m_BzArray[iz + 1][ir] - bz0) / m_gridSizeZ;
-    double bzdr = (m_BzArray[iz][ir + 1] - bz0) / m_gridSizeR;
-    cout << "bz= " << m_BzArray[iz+1][ir] << " " << m_BzArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
-//   if(izfar==1) {
-//     hz = bz0+bzdr*delr;
-//     hr = br0+brdr*delr;
-//   }
-//   else {
-    hz = bz0 + bzdz * delz + bzdr * delr;
-    hr = br0 + brdz * delz + brdr * delr;
-//   }
-    if (z < 0.0)
-        hr = -hr;
-    double theta = atan2(Point[1], Point[0]);
-    double hx = hr * cos(theta);
-    double hy = hr * sin(theta);
-    Bfield[0] += hx;
-    Bfield[1] += hy;
-    Bfield[2] += hz;
-    cout << "Bfield XYZ = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << endl;
-    cout << endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-G4ScorerSD::G4ScorerSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
-        G4TrackerSD(sdName, hcName), m_currentTrackID(-1)
-G4bool G4ScorerSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( m_verbose > 1 ) {
-        std::cout << "G4ScorerSD::ProcessHits() - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
-    }
-    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-    bool sameTrack = false;
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( m_verbose > 3 ) {
-        std::cout << "current trackID <" << m_currentTrackID << ">" << std::endl;
-    }
-    if ((m_currentTrackID == -1) || (m_currentTrackID != trackID())) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
-            std::cout << "new track <" << trackID() << ">" << std::endl;
-        }
-        m_currentTrackID = trackID();
-    } else {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
-            std::cout << "old track <" << trackID() << ">" << std::endl;
-        }
-        sameTrack = true;
-    }
-    if (!sameTrack) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
-            std::cout << "writing hit" << std::endl;
-        }
-        // edep
-        G4double e = edep();
-        // get track information
-        TrackInformation* trkInfo = trackInformation();
-        // set hit flag in trk info
-        trkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(true);
-        // hit data
-        G4int trkID = trackID();
-        G4double tdep = globalTime();
-        G4ThreeVector prepos = prePosition();
-        G4ThreeVector meanmom = meanMomentum();
-        // create hit
-        G4TrackerHit* trkHit = new G4TrackerHit();
-        // create id vector
-        Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-        // set track hit info
-        trkHit->setTrackID(trkID);
-        trkHit->setEdep(e);
-        trkHit->setPos(prepos);
-        trkHit->setMomentum(meanmom);
-        trkHit->setTdep(tdep);
-        trkHit->setId(id64.getId0());
-        trkHit->setLength(ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(aStep));
-        // add to HC
-        m_HC->insert(trkHit);
-    } else {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( m_verbose > 0 ) {
-            std::cout << "Skipping hit from track <" << m_currentTrackID << ">." << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;

lcdd/src removed after 1.14
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.14
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.14 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-G4Segmentation::G4Segmentation(EType segType, int nbins) :
-        m_numBins(nbins), m_type(segType)
-    // reserve nbins
-    m_bins.reserve(m_numBins);
-    // fill in 0 vals
-    resetBins();
-void G4Segmentation::setBin(int binIdx, int binVal)
-    m_bins.insert(m_bins.begin() + binIdx, binVal);
-int G4Segmentation::getNumberOfBins()
-    return m_numBins;
-const std::vector<int>& G4Segmentation::getBins()
-    return m_bins;
-G4Segmentation::EType G4Segmentation::getType()
-    return m_type;
-G4ThreeVector G4Segmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
-G4ThreeVector G4Segmentation::getGlobalHitPosPreStep(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    //G4Exception("Do not use this method!");
-    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
-void G4Segmentation::resetBins()
-    m_bins.clear();
-void G4Segmentation::printOutBins(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<int>& bins)
-    os << "segmentationBins <" << bins.size() << "> :: ";
-    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = bins.begin(); iter != bins.end(); iter++) {
-        os << *iter << " ";
-    }
-    os << std::endl;
-bool G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
-    bool valid = true;
-    if (0 == s) {
-        valid = false;
-    }
-    return valid;

lcdd/src removed after 1.13
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.13
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.13 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/grid_xyz.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/global_grid_xy.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/nonprojective_cylinder.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/projective_cylinder.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/projective_zplane.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/cell_readout_2d.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GridXYZSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2DSegmentation.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXObject.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-G4Segmentation* G4SegmentationFactory::createSegmentation(SAXObject* obj, const std::string& tag)
-    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
-    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-    if (tag == "projective_cylinder") {
-        projective_cylinder* prj = dynamic_cast<projective_cylinder*>(obj);
-        if (prj) {
-            int ntheta, nphi;
-            std::string sval = prj->get_ntheta();
-            ntheta = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = prj->get_nphi();
-            nphi = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-            seg = new G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation(ntheta, nphi);
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "Failed cast to projective_cylinder!" << std::endl;
-        }
-    } else if (tag == "grid_xyz") {
-        // GridXYZ
-        grid_xyz* np = dynamic_cast<grid_xyz*>(obj);
-        if (np) {
-            double gsx, gsy, gsz;
-            gsx = gsy = gsz = 0.;
-            std::string lunit = np->get_lunit();
-            std::string sval = np->get_gridSizeX();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsx = calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = np->get_gridSizeY();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsy = calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = np->get_gridSizeZ();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsz = calc->Eval(sval);
-            //std::cout << "grid x, y, z: " << gsx << ", " << gsy << ", " << gsz << std::endl;
-            seg = new G4GridXYZSegmentation(gsx, gsy, gsz);
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "Failed cast to grid_xyz!" << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    // GlobalGridXY
-    else if (tag == "global_grid_xy") {
-        global_grid_xy* gridxy = dynamic_cast<global_grid_xy*>(obj);
-        if (gridxy) {
-            double gsx, gsy;
-            gsx = gsy = 0.;
-            std::string lunit = gridxy->get_lunit();
-            std::string sval = gridxy->get_gridSizeX();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsx = calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = gridxy->get_gridSizeY();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsy = calc->Eval(sval);
-            seg = new G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation(gsx, gsy);
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "Failed cast to global_grid_xy!" << std::endl;
-        }
-    } else if (tag == "nonprojective_cylinder") {
-        // handle NP cylinder
-        //std::cout << "add nonprojective_cylinder here" << std::endl;
-        nonprojective_cylinder* np = dynamic_cast<nonprojective_cylinder*>(obj);
-        if (np) {
-            double gsp = 0;
-            double gsz = 0;
-            std::string lunit = np->get_lunit();
-            std::string sval = np->get_gridSizePhi();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsp = calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = np->get_gridSizeZ();
-            sval += "*" + lunit;
-            gsz = calc->Eval(sval);
-            seg = new G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation(gsp, gsz);
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "Failed cast to nonprojective_cylinder!" << std::endl;
-        }
-    } else if (tag == "projective_zplane") {
-        // handle projective_zplane
-        //std::cout << "add projective_zplane here" << std::endl;
-        projective_zplane* prj = dynamic_cast<projective_zplane*>(obj);
-        if (prj) {
-            int ntheta, nphi;
-            std::string sval = prj->get_ntheta();
-            ntheta = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-            sval = prj->get_nphi();
-            nphi = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-            //std::cout << "ntheta, nphi : " 
-            //		<< ntheta << ", " 
-            //		<< nphi << std::endl;
-            seg = new G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation(ntheta, nphi);
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "Failed cast to projective_zplane!" << std::endl;
-        } // prj no exist
-    } else if (tag == "cell_readout_2d") {
-        //std::cout << "building cell_readout_2d" << std::endl;
-        cell_readout_2d* elem = dynamic_cast<cell_readout_2d*>(obj);
-        if (0 != elem) {
-            double cellSizeX, cellSizeY;
-            cellSizeX = cellSizeY = 0;
-            std::string lengthUnit = elem->getLengthUnit();
-            std::string val = elem->getCellSizeX();
-            val += "*" + lengthUnit;
-            cellSizeX = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = elem->getCellSizeY();
-            val += "*" + lengthUnit;
-            cellSizeY = calc->Eval(val);
-            //std::cout << "G4SegmentationFactory creating CellReadout2DSegmentation(x,y): " << cellSizeX << " " << cellSizeY << std::endl;
-            seg = new CellReadout2DSegmentation(cellSizeX, cellSizeY);
-        }
-    } else {
-        // bad segmentation tag
-        std::cerr << "Unknown child tag for calorimeter: " << tag << "." << std::endl;
-    }
-    if (seg == 0) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed to create segmentation.");
-    }
-    return seg;

lcdd/src removed after 1.20
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.20
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.20 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorMessenger.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4EventManager.hh"
-#include "G4Event.hh"
-#include "G4SDManager.hh"
-#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
-#include "G4VHitsCollection.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
-#include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::trackerStr = "tracker";
-const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::calorimeterStr = "calorimeter";
-const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::noneStr = "none";
-G4SensitiveDetector::G4SensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, EType sdType) :
-        G4VSensitiveDetector(sdName), m_idspec(0), m_type(sdType)
-    // insert hits collection name into SD's name vector
-    collectionName.insert(hcName);
-    // register detector with G4SDManager
-    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(this);
-    // Create the command messenger.
-    m_messenger = new SensitiveDetectorMessenger(this);
-    // Only one HC 
-    m_hcids.clear();
-    m_hcids.push_back(-1);
-G4SensitiveDetector::G4SensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, EType sdType) :
-        G4VSensitiveDetector(sdName), m_idspec(0), m_type(sdType)
-    m_hcids.clear();
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) hcNames.size(); i++) {
-        // insert hits collection name into SD's name vector
-        collectionName.insert(hcNames[i]);
-        m_hcids.push_back(-1);
-    }
-    // register detector with G4SDManager 
-    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(this);
-    // Create the command messenger.
-    m_messenger = new SensitiveDetectorMessenger(this);
-void G4SensitiveDetector::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *)
-    // no-op
-void G4SensitiveDetector::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
-    // no-op
-G4bool G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-    // set cached step
-    setStep(aStep);
-    // doesn't write a hit
-    return false;
-const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::getTypeString() const
-    if (m_type == eTracker) {
-        return trackerStr;
-    } else if (m_type == eCalorimeter) {
-        return calorimeterStr;
-    }
-    return noneStr;
-std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printBasicInfo(std::ostream& os)
-    os << "name: " << GetName() << std::endl;
-    os << "type: " << m_type << std::endl;
-    os << "hits collection: " << this->getHCName() << std::endl;
-    os << "hits collection ID: " << m_hcids[0] << std::endl;
-    os << "energy cut: " << G4BestUnit(m_ecut, "Energy") << std::endl;
-    os << "endcap flag: " << m_endcap << std::endl;
-    os << "verbose level: " << m_verbose << std::endl;
-    if (m_idspec != 0) {
-        os << "id spec: " << m_idspec->getName() << std::endl;
-        os << "id fields:";
-        for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator it = m_idspec->IdFieldsBegin(); it != m_idspec->IdFieldsEnd(); it++) {
-            os << " " << (*it)->getLabel();
-        }
-        os << std::endl;
-    } else {
-        os << "idspec points to null!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    return os;
-Id64bit G4SensitiveDetector::makeId() const
-    Id64bit id64;
-    if (hasIdSpec()) {
-        // get idvec ordered by this idspec
-        const IdVec ids = IdFactory::createOrderedIdVec(step(), this);
-        // pack into 64 bit cell id
-        id64 = IdFactory::createId64bit(ids, getIdSpec());
-    }
-    return id64;
-G4VHitsCollection* G4SensitiveDetector::getHitsCollection() const
-    G4VHitsCollection* hc = 0;
-    if (this->getHCID() != -1) {
-        hc = G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(this->getHCID());
-    }
-    return hc;
-G4VHitsCollection* G4SensitiveDetector::getHitsCollection(G4int nHC) const
-    G4VHitsCollection* hc = 0;
-    if (this->getHCID(nHC) != -1) {
-        hc = G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(this->getHCID(nHC));
-    }
-    return hc;
-std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printNumberOfHits(std::ostream& os)
-    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
-        os << getHitsCollection(i)->GetName() << " " << getHitsCollection(i)->GetSize() << std::endl;
-    }
-    return os;
-std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printEdep(std::ostream& os)
-    os << "total edep: " << G4BestUnit(this->getEdep(), "Energy") << std::endl;
-    return os;
-std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> G4SensitiveDetector::getLogicalVolumes() const
-    std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> volumes;
-    for (G4LogicalVolumeStore::const_iterator it = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->begin(); it != G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->end(); it++) {
-        if ((*it)->GetSensitiveDetector() == this) {
-            volumes.push_back(*it);
-        }
-    }
-    return volumes;
-std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printVolumes(std::ostream& os)
-    std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> volumes = this->getLogicalVolumes();
-    for (std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator it = volumes.begin(); it != volumes.end(); it++) {
-        std::cout << (*it)->GetName() << std::endl;
-    }
-    return os;

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Solenoid.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "globals.hh"
-G4Solenoid::G4Solenoid() :
-        _innerField(0), _outerField(0), _innerR(0), _outerR(0), _innerZ(0), _outerZ(0)
- * Apply simple solenoid magnetic field to the given Point.
- */
-// TODO: use inner/outer Z
-void G4Solenoid::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double* Bfield) const
-    //std::cout << "G4Solenoid::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "point: " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "BEFORE --> bfield " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl;
-    double this_radius = sqrt(Point[0] * Point[0] + Point[1] * Point[1]);
-    if (this_radius < _innerR) {
-        Bfield[2] += _innerField;
-    } else if (this_radius < _outerR) {
-        Bfield[2] += _outerField;
-    }
-    //std::cout << "AFTER --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;
-    return;
-void G4Solenoid::printOut(std::ostream& os)
-    os << "innerField <" << _innerField << ">" << std::endl;
-    os << "outerField <" << _outerField << ">" << std::endl;
-    os << "outerR <" << _outerR << ">" << std::endl;
-    os << "innerZ <" << _innerZ << ">" << std::endl;
-    os << "outerZ <" << _outerZ << ">" << std::endl;
-    os << std::endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/G4StoreManager.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
-G4StoreManager *G4StoreManager::_instance = 0;
-    G4UIdirectory* m_storesDir;
-    m_storesDir = new G4UIdirectory("/stores/");
-    m_storesDir->SetGuidance("Commands to inspect the Geant4 object stores. [LCDD]");
-G4StoreManager* G4StoreManager::instance()
-    static G4StoreManager mgr;
-    if (!_instance) {
-        _instance = &mgr;
-    }
-    return _instance;

lcdd/src removed after 1.14
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.14
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.14 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerCombineSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-G4TrackerCombineSD::G4TrackerCombineSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
-        G4TrackerSD(sdName, hcName), m_combineHits(false), m_currentTrackID(-1), m_currentPV(0), m_edepTotal(0), m_minTime(0), m_startedHit(false), m_currentTrack(false)
-void G4TrackerCombineSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *hce)
-    G4TrackerSD::EndOfEvent(hce);
-    clear();
-G4bool G4TrackerCombineSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-    // set cached step
-    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if (getVerbose() > 0) {
-        G4cout << "G4TrackerCombineSD::ProcessHits - " << GetName() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "trackID - " << trackID() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "particle - " << track()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "edep - " << step()->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "pre-physvol=" << aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "post-physvol=" << aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName() << G4endl;
-        if ( prePV() != postPV() ) {
-            G4cout << "post-pv != pre-pv" << G4endl;
-        }
-    }
-    // Return value indicating whether a hit was inserted.
-    bool r = false;
-    // Started a hit already?
-    if (!m_startedHit) {
-        // If no hit, then start a new hit on the pre-step.
-        startHit(pre());
-    }
-    // Check if the cached trackID is valid.
-    if (m_currentTrackID != -1) {
-        // Is this step's trackID different from the cached trackID?
-        if (trackID() != m_currentTrackID) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-            if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-                G4cout << "new track ID this step!" << G4endl;
-            }
-            // Insert the hit on the old track.
-            r = insertHit();
-            // Start a new hit on the pre-step.
-            startHit(pre());
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef G4DEBUG
-    else {
-        std::cout << GetName() << "::WARNING : current TrackID == -1" << std::endl;
-    }
-    // Update the hit, checking if the call to this function is applicable.
-    updateHit();
-    // Entering a new PV on this step?
-    if (prePV() != postPV()) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-            G4cerr << "new physvol this step!" << G4endl;
-        }
-        // Insert the current hit.
-        r = insertHit();
-        // Check if pre and post steps have the same detector.
-        if (hasSameSD()) {
-            // Start a new hit for the adjacent tracker layer.
-            startHit(post());
-        }
-    }
-    // Special case where the track status is StopAndKill.  
-    // If so, we won't see it again, so need to insert the hit.
-    else if (m_currentTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill) {
-        r = insertHit();
-    }
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-        G4cerr << "----" << G4endl;
-    }
-    return r;
-void G4TrackerCombineSD::updateHit()
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-        G4cout << "updateHit" << G4endl;
-    }
-    // can only update if started hit
-    if (m_startedHit) {
-        // incr edep
-        m_edepTotal += edep();
-        // first time only
-        if (m_minTime == 0) {
-            m_minTime = globalTime();
-        }
-        // exit point and momentum
-        m_exitPoint = postPosition();
-        m_exitMomentum = postMomentum();
-    }
-void G4TrackerCombineSD::clear()
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-        G4cout << "clear" << G4endl;
-    }
-    m_minTime = 0;
-    m_edepTotal = 0;
-    m_currentPV = 0;
-    m_currentTrackID = -1;
-    m_startedHit = false;
-bool G4TrackerCombineSD::insertHit()
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-        G4cout << "insertHit" << G4endl;
-    }
-    // never started another hit after clearing
-    if (!m_startedHit) {
-        G4cerr << "never started hit!" << G4endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    // total energy below cut
-                if ( m_edepTotal <= getEcut() && !isGeantino() ) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-                if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-                    std::cout << GetName() << " : cut this edep " << m_edepTotal << std::endl;
-                }
-                clear();
-                return false;
-            }
-            // compute mid point
-            G4ThreeVector midPoint =
-            ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(m_entryPoint, m_exitPoint);
-            // compute mean momentum
-            G4ThreeVector meanMom =
-            ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(m_entryMomentum, m_exitMomentum);
-            // compute distance from start to entry
-            G4double pathlength = ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(m_entryPoint, m_exitPoint);
-            // hit data
-            G4TrackerHit* trkhit = new G4TrackerHit();
-            trkhit->setTdep(m_minTime);
-            trkhit->setEdep(m_edepTotal);
-            trkhit->setPos(midPoint);
-            trkhit->setMomentum(meanMom);
-            trkhit->setTrackID(m_currentTrackID);
-            trkhit->setLength(pathlength);
-            // set id
-            Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-            trkhit->setId(id64.getId0());
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-                if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-                    std::cout << GetName() << " : inserting new tracker hit" << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << *trkhit << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "entryPoint = " << m_entryPoint << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "entryPointR = " << m_entryPoint.mag() << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "midPoint = " << midPoint << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "midPointR = " << midPoint.mag() << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "exitPoint = " << m_exitPoint << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "exitPointR = " << m_exitPoint.mag() << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << "(exitPointR - entryPointR) / 2 = " << (m_exitPoint.mag() - m_entryPoint.mag()) / 2 << std::endl;
-                    std::cout << std::endl;
-                }
-                m_HC->insert(trkhit);
-                TrackInformation::getTrackInformation( m_currentTrack )->setHasTrackerHit( true );
-                // clear cached data
-                clear();
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-                if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-                    G4cout << G4endl;
-                }
-                return true;
-            }
-void G4TrackerCombineSD::startHit(G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-        G4cout << "startHit" << G4endl;
-    }
-    m_currentTrack = step()->GetTrack();
-    m_currentPV = aStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
-    m_entryPoint = m_exitPoint = aStepPoint->GetPosition();
-    m_entryMomentum = m_exitMomentum = aStepPoint->GetMomentum();
-    m_currentTrackID = trackID();
-    m_startedHit = true;
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
-        std::cout << GetName() << " : starting new hit" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "volume = " << m_currentPV->GetName() << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "trackID = " << m_currentTrackID << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "entry point = " << m_entryPoint << std::endl;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/hits/G4TrackerHit.hh"
-// for Draw() method
-#ifdef G4VIS_USE
-#include "G4VVisManager.hh"
-#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
-#include "G4Circle.hh"
-#include "G4Point3D.hh"
-#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
-G4Allocator<G4TrackerHit> G4TrackerHitAllocator;
-G4TrackerHit::G4TrackerHit() :
-        G4VHit(), m_edep(0), m_tdep(0), m_trkID(-1), m_length(0)
-#ifdef G4VIS_USE
-void G4TrackerHit::Draw()
-    G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();
-    if(pVVisManager) {
-        G4Point3D p3D = G4Point3D( m_pos );
-        G4Circle chit(p3D);
-        chit.SetScreenDiameter(3.0);
-        chit.SetFillStyle(G4Circle::filled);
-        G4Colour col(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-        chit.SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes( col ) );
-        pVVisManager->Draw( chit );
-    }
-void G4TrackerHit::Print()
-    std::cout << *this << std::endl;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const G4TrackerHit& hit)
-    std::cout << hit.getTrackID() << " " << hit.getPos() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getEdep(), "Energy") << " " << hit.getMomentum() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getLength(), "Length") << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getTdep(), "Time") << " " << hit.getPDG() << " " << std::endl;
-    return os;

lcdd/src removed after 1.42
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.42
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.42 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdVec.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/G4TrackerHit.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Geantino.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-G4TrackerSD::G4TrackerSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
-        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcName, G4SensitiveDetector::eTracker), m_HC(0)
-    m_hits.clear();
-void G4TrackerSD::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *HCE)
-    clearHits();
-    // create tracker hits coll
-    m_HC = new G4TrackerHitsCollection(GetName(), collectionName[0]);
-    // set HCID
-    if (getHCID() < 0) {
-        setHCID(GetCollectionID(0));
-    }
-    // add collection to HC of event
-    HCE->AddHitsCollection(getHCID(), m_HC);
-G4bool G4TrackerSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-    // set cached step
-    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-    // edep
-    G4double e = edep();
-    // check edep < cut
-    if (e <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // get track information
-    TrackInformation* trkInfo = trackInformation();
-    // set hit flag in trk info
-    trkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(true);
-    // hit data
-    G4int trkID = trackID();
-    G4double tdep = globalTime();
-    G4ThreeVector midPos = midPosition();
-    G4ThreeVector prePos = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
-    G4ThreeVector postPos = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
-    double avgMom = (pre()->GetMomentum().mag() + post()->GetMomentum().mag()) / 2;
-    G4ThreeVector mom = (postPos - prePos);
-    if (mom.mag() > 0) {
-        mom.setMag(avgMom);
-    } else {
-        std::cerr << "prePos - postPos = 0 --> " << prePos << " | " << postPos << std::endl;
-    }
-    G4double pathLength = ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(aStep);
-    // create hit
-    G4TrackerHit* trkHit = new G4TrackerHit();
-    // create id vector
-    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-    // set track hit info
-    trkHit->setTrackID(trkID);
-    trkHit->setEdep(e);
-    trkHit->setPos(midPos);
-    trkHit->setMomentum(mom);
-    trkHit->setTdep(tdep);
-    trkHit->setId(id64.getId0());
-    trkHit->setLength(pathLength);
-    // add to HC
-    m_HC->insert(trkHit);
-    m_hits.push_back(trkHit);
-    return true;
-std::ostream& G4TrackerSD::printHits(std::ostream& os)
-    for (G4TrackerHitList::const_iterator iter = m_hits.begin(); iter != m_hits.end(); iter++) {
-        os << (*(const_cast<const G4TrackerHit*>(*iter)));
-    }
-    os << std::endl;
-    return os;
-void G4TrackerSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
-        std::cout << GetName() << " has " << m_HC->GetSize() << " hits." << std::endl;
-    }
-    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
-        printHits ( std::cout );
-    }
-double G4TrackerSD::getEdep() const
-    double edep = 0.0;
-    for (G4TrackerHitList::const_iterator it = m_hits.begin(); it != m_hits.end(); it++) {
-        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
-    }
-    return edep;
-void G4TrackerSD::clearHits()
-    m_hits.clear();
-G4TrackerSD::G4TrackerHitList G4TrackerSD::getTrackerHitList()
-    return m_hits;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// $Id:,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD.hh"
-G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* seg) :
-        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcName, seg)
-G4bool G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-    if ( getVerbose() > 0 )
-    {
-        std::cout << "G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
-    }
-    /* Cache the step information. */
-    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
-    /* Get the energy deposition. */
-    G4double theEdep = edep();
-    /*
-     * This needs to be a <= comparison for cutting on 0,
-     * but it allows geantinos, which always have 0 edep.
-     */
-    if (theEdep <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
-#ifdef G4VERBOSE
-        if ( getVerbose() > 2 )
-        {
-            std::cout << "G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - cut on edep " << theEdep << std::endl;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /* Get the step mid position. */
-    G4ThreeVector hitPos = midPosition();
-    //std::cout << "hit at " << hitPos << std::endl;
-    /* Reset the segmentation bins. */
-    //m_segmentation->resetBins();
-    /* Set the segmentation bins. */
-    //m_segmentation->setBins( aStep );
-    /* Create a 64-bit ID. */
-    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
-    /* Create a new hit. */
-    G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, hitPos);
-    /* Set the 64-bit ID. */
-    thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
-    /* Add hit to lookup map. */
-    hits_vector[0].push_back(thisHit);
-    /* Add hit to the HC. */
-    m_hitsCollections[0]->insert(thisHit);
-    /* Add an MCParticle contribution for this hit. */
-    thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
-    /* Success. */
-    return true;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriter.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "G4Writer/G4GDMLWriter.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
-void GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(const std::string& fileName, std::vector<std::string> volumes)
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* world = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
-    G4GDMLWriter g4writer("", fileName);
-    try {
-        g4writer.DumpGeometryInfo(world, volumes);
-    } catch (std::exception &err) {
-        G4cerr << "problem writing geometry: " << err.what() << std::endl;
-    }
-void GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(const std::string& fileName)
-    G4cout << "Dumping current geometry to file <" << fileName << ">" << G4endl;
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* world =
-    G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
-    G4GDMLWriter g4writer("", fileName);
-    try {
-        g4writer.DumpGeometryInfo(world);
-    }
-    catch(std::exception &lerr) {
-        G4cerr << "problem writing geometry: " << lerr.what () << std::endl;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriterMessenger.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriter.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh"
-    defineCommands();
-void GDMLWriterMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *, G4String newVals)
-    std::string volume;
-    std::string fileName;
-    std::istringstream is(newVals);
-    is >> fileName >> volume;
-    if (volume.length() > 1) {
-        std::vector<std::string> volumes;
-        volumes.push_back(volume);
-        GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(fileName, volumes);
-    } else {
-        GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(fileName);
-    }
-void GDMLWriterMessenger::defineCommands()
-    m_dumpGDMLCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/dumpGDML", this);
-    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetGuidance("Dump current geometry to GDML output file.");
-    G4UIparameter* p = new G4UIparameter("outputFile", 's', false);
-    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("topVolume", 's', true);
-    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    m_dumpGDMLCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle);

lcdd/src removed after 1.14
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.14
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.14 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/geant4/G4UserRegionInformation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/G4StoreManager.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Run.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
-#include "G4PVPlacement.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
-#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
-#include "G4Navigator.hh"
-GeometryManager* GeometryManager::m_instance = 0;
-GeometryManager::GeometryManager() :
-        m_worldRegionIsSetup(false)
-    G4StoreManager::instance();
-GeometryManager* GeometryManager::instance()
-    if (m_instance == 0) {
-        m_instance = new GeometryManager();
-    }
-    return m_instance;
-void GeometryManager::beginRun(const G4Run*)
-    // only setup world region info on first run
-    if (!m_worldRegionIsSetup) {
-        setupWorldRegionInformation();
-    }
-G4LogicalVolume* GeometryManager::getWorldLogicalVolume() const
-    //return GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetWorldVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
-    return getWorldPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
-G4VPhysicalVolume* GeometryManager::getWorldPhysicalVolume() const
-    return G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
-void GeometryManager::setupWorldRegionInformation()
-    G4LogicalVolume* worldLV = getWorldLogicalVolume();
-    assert(worldLV);
-    G4UserRegionInformation* regInfo = new G4UserRegionInformation();
-    regInfo->setStoreSecondaries(false);
-    regInfo->setThreshold(0.0);
-    worldLV->GetRegion()->SetUserInformation(regInfo);
-    m_worldRegionIsSetup = true;
-void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps() const
-    checkOverlaps(getWorldLogicalVolume(), true);
-void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps(G4LogicalVolume* lvolume, bool recurse) const
-    if (lvolume==0) return;
-    for (G4int i=0; i<lvolume->GetNoDaughters(); i++) {
-        G4PVPlacement* dau = static_cast<G4PVPlacement*>(lvolume->GetDaughter(i));
-        if (dau) {
-            // Check overlaps of daughters in mother.
-            dau->CheckOverlaps();
-            // Recursively check overlaps of daughters.
-            if (recurse) {
-                checkOverlaps(dau->GetLogicalVolume(), true);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps(const G4String& name, bool recurse) const
-    G4LogicalVolumeStore* store = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
-    bool found=false;
-    for (std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::iterator it = store->begin();
-            it != store->end();
-            it++) {
-        G4LogicalVolume* vol = (*it);
-        if (vol->GetName() == name) {
-            checkOverlaps(vol, recurse);
-            found=true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!found) {
-        G4cerr << "WARNING: The logical volume named <" << name << "> was not found in the G4LogicalVolumeStore!" << std::endl;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.30
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.30
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.30 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// Uncomment to enable verbose debug output from this class.
-//#define ID_DEBUG 1
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
-using namespace std;
-IdFactory::Bits const IdFactory::MASK_ON = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-Id64bit IdFactory::createId64bit(const IdVec& idvec, IdSpec* idspec)
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-    G4cout << G4endl;
-    G4cout.setf( ios::hex );
-    G4cout << "IdFactory::createId64bit()" << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "idvec size: " << idvec.size() << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "idspec numFields: " << idspec->getNumFields() << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "idspec bitLength: " << idspec->getBitLength() << G4endl;
-    /* IdVec (expanded id) size must equal IdSpec size or die. */
-    if (idvec.size() != idspec->getNumFields()) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "idspec size != idvec size.");
-    }
-    /* Make a 64-bit id to return. */
-    Id64bit id64;
-    /* A 2 member array for cell ids 1 & 2 (2x32-bit int). */
-    Bits id64_val[2] = { 0, 0 };
-    size_t id64_val_idx = 0;
-    /* Ptr to value of current idx. */
-    Bits* id64_val_ptr = &id64_val[id64_val_idx];
-    /* Ptr to the current idfield. */
-    IdField* id_field = 0;
-    /* Flag indicating that next 32-bit id has been reached. */
-    bool next_id = false;
-    /* loop vars */
-    IdField::SizeType field_bit_len = 0;
-    Bits curr_bit = 0;
-    IdSpec::SizeType idspec_idx = 0;
-    /* Loop over the IdVec, packing its values into the 64-bit Id
-     using information from the IdSpec. */
-    for (IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator iter = idvec.getFieldsBegin(); iter != idvec.getFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
-        /* field ptr from idspec */
-        id_field = idspec->getIdField(idspec_idx);
-        assert(id_field);
-        /* id value of field */
-        Id64bit::ElementType field_val = (Id64bit::ElementType) *iter;
-        /* field length */
-        field_bit_len = id_field->getLength();
-        /* field start */
-        Bits field_start = id_field->getStart();
-        /* Don't allow crossing of 32-bit boundary.
-         FIXME: See
-         */
-        if ((field_start < 32) && (field_start + field_bit_len > 32)) {
-            G4cerr << "Field <" << id_field->getLabel() << "> crosses the 32-bit boundary." << G4endl;
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Fields are not allowed to cross the 32-bit boundary.");
-        }
-        /* check if on 2nd dbl word. */
-        else if (field_start >= 32) {
-            /* If 1st time, set id val pntr. */
-            if (!next_id) {
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                    G4cout << "setting ptr to next id" << G4endl;
-                    ++id64_val_idx;
-                    id64_val_ptr = &id64_val[id64_val_idx];
-                    next_id = true;
-                }
-                /* Adjust start idx for position in next 32-bit id. */
-                field_start -= 32;
-            }
-        Bits field_mask = makeBitMask(field_bit_len);
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-        G4cout << "idspec_idx: " << dec << idspec_idx << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "shifting left: " << dec << field_bit_len << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "curr_bit: " << dec << curr_bit << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_label: " << id_field->getLabel() << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_start: " << field_start << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_val (dec): " << dec << field_val << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_val (hex): " << hex << field_val << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_bit_len: " << dec << field_bit_len << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "field_mask: " << hex << field_mask << G4endl;
-        /* For positive values, check that this value doesn't overflow the assigned length. */
-        //    if ( field_val > 0 ) {
-        if (checkOverflow(field_val, field_mask) != 0) {
-            G4cerr << "Value <" << field_val << "> is too big for the field <" << id_field->getLabel() << ">, len <" << field_bit_len << ">." << G4endl;
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Value too large for field.");
-        }
-            //    }
-            //    else {
-            //    }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-            G4cout << "field_mask: " << hex << field_mask << G4endl;
-            /* Apply bit mask and shift to proper left pos. */
-        Bits field_val_shifted_masked = (field_val & field_mask) << field_start;
-        /* AND into the current id val. */
-        (*id64_val_ptr) = (*id64_val_ptr) | field_val_shifted_masked;
-        /* Set current bit to next start pos. */
-        curr_bit += id_field->getLength();
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-        G4cout << "id64_val (hex): " << hex << *id64_val_ptr << G4endl;
-        G4cout << G4endl;
-        /* Increment the idspec idx. */
-        ++idspec_idx;
-    }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-    G4cout << "end curr_bit: " << dec << curr_bit << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "end id64[0]: " << hex << id64_val[0] << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "end id64[1]: " << hex << id64_val[1] << G4endl;
-    G4cout.unsetf( ios::hex );
-    G4cout << G4endl << G4endl;
-    /* Set the two 32-bit ids in the packed id to return. */
-    id64.setId0(id64_val[0]);
-    id64.setId1(id64_val[1]);
-    return id64;
-inline IdFactory::Bits IdFactory::makeBitMask(IdField::SizeType len)
-    return (Bits) ((1 << len) - 1);
-inline IdFactory::Bits IdFactory::checkOverflow(Id64bit::ElementType val, Bits mask)
-    Bits xbits = 0x0;
-    /* get flipped mask of all 1's in positions that should be masked off for this val */
-    Bits flipMask = mask ^ MASK_ON;
-    /* mask off all the valid bits, leaving overflow bits */
-    Id64bit::ElementType overflow = (val & flipMask);
-    /* for pos vals, check that no bits past max bit are = 1 */
-    if (val >= 0) {
-        xbits = (Bits) ((flipMask) & overflow);
-    }
-    /* for neg vals, check that no bits past max bit are = 0 */
-    else {
-        xbits = (Bits) ((flipMask) ^ overflow);
-    }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-    G4cout << "flipMask: " << hex << flipMask << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "overflow: " << hex << overflow << G4endl;
-    G4cout << "overflow bits (hex): " << hex << xbits << G4endl;
-    return xbits;
-IdVec IdFactory::createOrderedIdVec(G4Step* aStep, const G4SensitiveDetector* sd)
-    //std::cout << "createOrderedIdVec" << std::endl;
-    assert(aStep);
-    assert(sd);
-    IdSpec* idspec = sd->getIdSpec();
-    IdVec ids;
-    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
-    if (sd->getType() == G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter) {
-        seg = (dynamic_cast<const G4CalorimeterSD*>(sd))->getSegmentation();
-    }
-    if (idspec) {
-        for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator iter = idspec->IdFieldsBegin(); iter != idspec->IdFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
-            IdField* f = *iter;
-            int bin_val = 0;
-            bool fnd_it = false;
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-            G4cout << "handling field: " << f->getLabel() << G4endl;
-            // look in seg, if exists
-            if (seg) {
-                int bin_idx = IdFactory::findFieldIdxInSegmentation(seg, f->getLabel());
-                if (bin_idx != -1) {
-                    std::cout << "getting bin: " << bin_idx << std::endl;
-                    bin_val = seg->getBin(bin_idx);
-                    std::cout << "got bin val: " << bin_val << std::endl;
-                    fnd_it = true;
-                }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                else {
-                    G4cout << "not in segmentation" << G4endl;
-                }
-            }
-            // find in PV ids
-            if (!fnd_it) {
-                std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> pv_list = ReadoutUtil::getPhysVolList(aStep);
-                if (hasPhysVolId(pv_list, f->getLabel())) {
-                    fnd_it = true;
-                    bin_val = findIdInPhysVols(pv_list, f->getLabel());
-                }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                else {
-                    G4cout << "not in physvolids" << G4endl;
-                }
-            }
-            /* Find in copy numbers of the volume. */
-            if (!fnd_it && f->getLabel() == "volume") {
-                bin_val = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeNumber(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle());
-                if (-1 == bin_val) {
-                    G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Valid copy number not found for PV.");
-                } else {
-                    fnd_it = true;
-                }
-            }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-            else {
-                G4cout << "not in volume (copyNum)" << G4endl;
-            }
-            // Push back zero as the default value for field not found.
-            ids.push_back(bin_val);
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-            G4cout << "set bin val: " << bin_val << G4endl << G4endl;
-        }
-    }
-    return ids;
-int IdFactory::findFieldIdxInSegmentation(G4Segmentation* seg, const std::string& field_name)
-    const std::vector<std::string>& bin_names = seg->getBinNames();
-    int bin_count = 0;
-    bool fnd = false;
-    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = bin_names.begin(); iter != bin_names.end(); iter++) {
-        if (*iter == field_name) {
-            fnd = true;
-            break;
-        }
-        ++bin_count;
-    }
-    if (!fnd) {
-        bin_count = -1;
-    }
-    return bin_count;
-int IdFactory::findIdInPhysVols(const std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>& pvs, const std::string& field_name)
-    IdManager* id_mgr = IdManager::instance();
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-    G4cout << "looking for field_name match on <" << field_name << ">" << G4endl;
-    int id = 0;
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = 0;
-    bool fnd = false;
-    for (std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::const_iterator iter_pv = pvs.begin(); iter_pv != pvs.end(); iter_pv++) {
-        pv = *iter_pv;
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-        G4cout << "searching in ids of PV <" << pv->GetName() << ">" << G4endl;
-        if (id_mgr->hasPhysVolIds(pv)) {
-            PhysVolId::PhysVolIds pvids = id_mgr->getPhysVolIds(pv);
-            for (PhysVolId::PhysVolIds::const_iterator iter = pvids.begin(); iter != pvids.end(); iter++) {
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                G4cout << "current field <" << (*iter).getFieldName() << ">" << G4endl;
-                if ((*iter).getFieldName() == field_name) {
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                    G4cout << "found a match" << G4endl;
-                    id = (*iter).getValue();
-                    fnd = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-                else {
-                    G4cout << "no match on this PV" << G4endl;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (fnd) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return id;
-bool IdFactory::hasPhysVolId(const std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>& pvs, const std::string& field_name)
-    IdManager* id_mgr = IdManager::instance();
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = 0;
-    bool fnd = false;
-    for (std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::const_iterator iter_pv = pvs.begin(); iter_pv != pvs.end(); iter_pv++) {
-        pv = *iter_pv;
-        if (id_mgr->hasPhysVolIds(pv)) {
-            PhysVolId::PhysVolIds pvids = id_mgr->getPhysVolIds(pv);
-            for (PhysVolId::PhysVolIds::const_iterator iter = pvids.begin(); iter != pvids.end(); iter++) {
-                if ((*iter).getFieldName() == field_name) {
-                    fnd = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (fnd) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return fnd;

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/idfieldElem.hh"
-// std
-#include <iostream>
- @class idfieldProcess
- @brief SAX process to create the idfield element.
- */
-class idfieldProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    idfieldProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~idfieldProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        idfieldElem* idfield = new idfieldElem;
-        idfield->set_label(attrs.getValue("label"));
-        idfield->set_start(attrs.getValue("start"));
-        idfield->set_length(attrs.getValue("length"));
-        idfield->set_signed(attrs.getValue("signed"));
-        m_obj = idfield;
-        *obj = idfield;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "idfield";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-IdManager* IdManager::m_instance = 0;
-IdManager* IdManager::instance()
-    if (m_instance == 0) {
-        m_instance = new IdManager;
-    }
-    return m_instance;
-void IdManager::addIdSpec(const std::string& name, IdSpec* spec)
-    m_idSpecs[name] = spec;
-IdSpec* IdManager::getIdSpec(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getIdSpec(key);
-IdSpec* IdManager::getIdSpec(const std::string& name)
-    return m_idSpecs[name];
-IdManager::IdSpecs::const_iterator IdManager::getIdSpecsBegin()
-    return m_idSpecs.begin();
-IdManager::IdSpecs::const_iterator IdManager::getIdSpecsEnd()
-    return m_idSpecs.end();
-void IdManager::addPhysVolId(G4LogicalVolume* lvMom, int childIdx, PhysVolId childId)
-    // DEBUG
-    //std::cout << std::endl << "assigning physvolid..." << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "lvMom <" << lvMom->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "childIdx <" << childIdx << ">" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "childId field: " << childId.getFieldName() << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "childId <" << childId.getValue() << ">" << std::endl;
-    //
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* dau = lvMom->GetDaughter(childIdx);
-    if (dau) {
-        //std::cout << "found daughter <" << dau->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
-        //std::cout << "dau ptr <" << dau << ">" << std::endl;
-        m_physVolIdMap.addPhysVolId(dau, childId);
-    } else {
-        std::cerr << "IdManager::assignPhysVolId() - childIdx <" << childIdx << "> does not exist!" << std::endl;
-    }
-    //std::cout << std::endl;
-void IdManager::printIds(std::ostream& os, const IdVec& ids)
-    os << "id stack:";
-    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = ids.getFieldsBegin(); iter != ids.getFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
-        os << " " << *iter;
-    }
-    os << std::endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
-// STL
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace std;
-void IdSpec::printOut(std::ostream& os) const
-    os << std::endl;
-    os << "IdSpec: " << m_name << std::endl;
-    os << "bitLength: " << m_bitLength << std::endl;
-    static const int def_width = 15;
-    os.width(def_width);
-    os << left << "label";
-    os.width(def_width);
-    os << left << "start";
-    os.width(def_width);
-    os << left << "end";
-    os.width(def_width);
-    os << left << "size";
-    os.width(def_width);
-    os << left << "signed";
-    os << std::endl;
-    os.fill('-');
-    os.width(66);
-    os << left << "-" << std::endl;
-    os.fill(' ');
-    for (IdFields::const_iterator iter = IdFieldsBegin(); iter != IdFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
-        IdField* f = *iter;
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << f->getLabel();
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << f->getStart();
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << f->getStart() + f->getLength() - 1;
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << f->getLength();
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << f->getSigned();
-        os.width(def_width);
-        os << left << std::endl;
-    }
-    os << std::endl;
-std::string IdSpec::getFieldDescription()
-    std::stringstream enc;
-    // Loop over the fields in the IdSpec.
-    for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator it = this->IdFieldsBegin(); it != this->IdFieldsEnd(); it++) {
-        // Get the IdField.
-        IdField* field = (*it);
-        // Encode the field information into the LCIO / compact format.
-        enc << field->getLabel() << ":" << field->getStart() << ":";
-        if (field->getSigned()) {
-            enc << "-";
-        }
-        enc << field->getLength() << ",";
-    }
-    // Return the id description string, eliminating last comma.
-    return enc.str().substr(0, enc.str().length() - 1);

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/id/IdVec.hh"
-void IdVec::clear()
-    m_fields.clear();
-void IdVec::push_back(ElementType et)
-    m_fields.push_back(et);
-IdVec::ElementType IdVec::getFieldValue(SizeType idx) const
-    return;
-void IdVec::setFieldValue(SizeType idx, ElementType et)
-    m_fields.insert(m_fields.begin() + idx, et);
-IdVec::ElementType IdVec::operator [](SizeType idx) const
-    return getFieldValue(idx);
-IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator IdVec::getFieldsBegin() const
-    return m_fields.begin();
-IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator IdVec::getFieldsEnd() const
-    return m_fields.end();

lcdd/src removed after 1.16
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.16
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.16 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDDetectorConstruction.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDMessenger.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDObjectStoreInspector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriterMessenger.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4UImanager.hh"
-#include "G4Timer.hh"
-// std
-#include <cassert>
-LCDDDetectorConstruction::LCDDDetectorConstruction() :
-        m_world(0)
-    // LCDD messenger
-    m_messenger = new LCDDMessenger();
-    // writer messenger
-    m_writerMessenger = new GDMLWriterMessenger();
-    // setup geo manager
-    GeometryManager::instance();
-    // setup parser if not already
-    LCDDParser::instance();
-    m_inspector = new LCDDObjectStoreInspector();
-    delete m_inspector;
-    delete m_writerMessenger;
-    delete m_messenger;
-G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDDetectorConstruction::Construct()
-    // start build timer
-    G4Timer geoTimer;
-    geoTimer.Start();
-    G4cout << "Started geometry construction timer." << G4endl;
-    // get geometry from the global parser instance, which will die on failure
-    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = LCDDParser::instance()->construct();
-    // set world ptr
-    setWorldVolume(pv);
-    // stop build timer and print
-    geoTimer.Stop();
-    G4cout << "Geometry construction time: " << geoTimer << G4endl;
-    return pv;
-void LCDDDetectorConstruction::setWorldVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume *pv)
-    if (pv == 0) {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "PhysVol points to null.");
-    }
-    m_world = pv;
-G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDDetectorConstruction::getWorldVolume()
-    return m_world;

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-LCDDFieldManager* LCDDFieldManager::m_instance = 0;
-LCDDFieldManager* LCDDFieldManager::instance()
-    if (m_instance == 0) {
-        m_instance = new LCDDFieldManager();
-    }
-    return m_instance;
-MagneticFieldOverlay* LCDDFieldManager::makeOverlay(std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields)
-    MagneticFieldOverlay* overlay = new MagneticFieldOverlay();
-    for (std::vector<G4MagneticField*>::const_iterator iter = fields.begin(); iter != fields.end(); iter++) {
-        overlay->addMagneticField(*iter);
-    }
-    return overlay;
-void LCDDFieldManager::setup()
-    // Pointer to the field which will be passed to Geant4.
-    G4MagneticField* field = 0;
-    // Setup only the global fields specified in global_field.
-    if (m_globalfields.size() != 0) {
-        // Use specific list of global fields registered with LCDDFieldManager.
-        field = setup(m_globalfields);
-    }
-    // No global fields, so treat all fields registered with LCDDProcessor
-    // as global.
-    else {
-        // Build a list of fields that were registered with the LCDDProcessor.
-        std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields;
-        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-        for (LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator iter = proc->getMagneticFieldsBegin(); iter != proc->getMagneticFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
-            fields.push_back(iter->second);
-        }
-        // Setup fields from LCDDProcessor.
-        field = setup(fields);
-    }
-    // Initialize the single or overlay field with Geant4.
-    initialize(field);
-G4MagneticField* LCDDFieldManager::setup(std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields)
-    G4MagneticField* field = 0;
-    //if (fields.size() == 0) {
-    //  G4cerr << "LCDDFieldManager - No magnetic fields to setup." << G4endl;
-    //}
-    //else if (fields.size() == 1) {
-    //  field = fields[0];
-    //}
-    //else {
-    field = makeOverlay(fields);
-    //}
-    return field;
-void LCDDFieldManager::initialize(G4MagneticField* field)
-    if (field != 0) {
-        G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager();
-        fieldMgr->SetDetectorField(field);
-        fieldMgr->CreateChordFinder(field);
-    }
-void LCDDFieldManager::addGlobalField(G4MagneticField* f)
-    m_globalfields.push_back(f);
-void LCDDFieldManager::addField(G4MagneticField* f)
-    m_allfields.push_back(f);

lcdd/src removed after 1.31
diff -N
---	24 Jun 2013 22:10:36 -0000	1.31
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include <iostream>
-extern "C"
-void LCDDLoadProcesses()
-    // header
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(headerProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(detectorProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(authorProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(generatorProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(commentProcess);
-    // volume extended
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(volumeExtendedProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(physvolidProcess);
-    // SDs
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(calorimeterProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(optical_calorimeterProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(unsegmented_calorimeterProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(trackerProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(scorerProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(sdrefProcess);
-    // segmentations
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(grid_xyzProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(projective_cylinderProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(projective_zplaneProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(nonprojective_cylinderProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_grid_xyProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(cell_readout_2dProcess);
-    // Ids
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(idfieldProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecrefProcess);
-    // field
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(fieldrefProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_fieldProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(solenoidProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(rz_field_mapProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(rzbProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipoleProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipole_coeffProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(box_dipoleProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(field_map_3dProcess)
-    // region
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionrefProcess);
-    // display
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(visProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(visrefProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(colorProcess);
-    // limit
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetrefProcess);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitProcess);
-void LCDDLoadSubscribers()
-    // subscribers
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(headerSubscriber);
-    // volume extended
-    //LOAD_COMPONENT(volumeExtendedSubscriber);
-    // SDs
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(calorimeterSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(optical_calorimeterSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(trackerSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(scorerSubscriber);
-    // Ids
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecSubscriber);
-    // field
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(solenoidSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(rz_field_mapSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipoleSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(box_dipoleSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_fieldSubscriber);
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(field_map_3dSubscriber);
-    // region
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionSubscriber);
-    // display
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(visSubscriber);
-    // limit
-    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetSubscriber);
-void LCDDLibLoad()
-    LCDDLoadProcesses();
-    LCDDLoadSubscribers();

lcdd/src removed after 1.11
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.11
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.11 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDMessenger.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/NistElementsDump.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
-#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
-#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cassert>
-    // define UI commands
-    defineCommands();
-    delete m_setupCmd;
-    delete m_setURICmd;
-    delete m_setSetupNameCmd;
-    delete m_setVersionCmd;
-    delete m_lcddDir;
-void LCDDMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *cmd, G4String newVals)
-    LCDDParser* parser = LCDDParser::instance();
-    G4String singleArg = newVals;
-    std::istringstream is((const char*) newVals);
-    if (cmd == m_setURICmd) {
-        parser->setURI(singleArg);
-    } else if (cmd == m_setSetupNameCmd) {
-        parser->setSetupName(singleArg);
-    } else if (cmd == m_setVersionCmd) {
-        parser->setVersion(singleArg);
-    } else if (cmd == m_setupCmd) {
-        G4String uri, setup, version;
-        is >> uri >> setup >> version;
-        parser->setURI(uri);
-        parser->setSetupName(setup);
-        parser->setVersion(version);
-    } else if (cmd == m_dumpCmd) {
-        //std::cout<<"arg: "<<singleArg<<std::endl;
-        NistElementsDump::writeXml(singleArg);
-    }
-    else if (cmd==m_checkOverlapsCmd || cmd==m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd)
-    {
-        bool recurse=false;
-        if (cmd == m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd)
-        {
-            recurse=true;
-        }
-        G4String vol("");
-        is >> vol;
-        G4cout << "vol=" << vol << G4endl;
-        G4cout << "recurse=" << recurse << G4endl;
-        if (newVals != "")
-        {
-            // Check the named volume with optional recursion.
-            GeometryManager::instance()->checkOverlaps(vol, recurse);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // No volume.  Check the world, which is always done recursively!
-            GeometryManager::instance()->checkOverlaps();
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        G4cerr << "WARNING: Unknown cmd to LCDDMessenger - " << cmd << G4endl;
-    }
-G4String LCDDMessenger::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand *)
-    return G4String("");
-void LCDDMessenger::defineCommands()
-    G4UIparameter *p;
-    // LCDD directory
-    m_lcddDir = new G4UIdirectory("/lcdd/");
-    m_lcddDir->SetGuidance("XML detector description and geometry commands. [LCDD]");
-    // set URL for input geometry file
-    m_setURICmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/url", this);
-    m_setURICmd->SetGuidance("Set the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the input geometry file.");
-    m_setURICmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("URI", 's', false);
-    m_setURICmd->SetParameter(p);
-    // set name of GDML setup
-    m_setSetupNameCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/setupName", this);
-    m_setSetupNameCmd->SetGuidance("Set GDML setup name.");
-    m_setSetupNameCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("SetupName", 's', false);
-    m_setSetupNameCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    // set version of GDML setup
-    m_setVersionCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/version", this);
-    m_setVersionCmd->SetGuidance("Set GDML version tag.");
-    m_setVersionCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("Version", 's', false);
-    m_setVersionCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    // setup URI, Setup and Version in one command
-    m_setupCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/setup", this);
-    m_setupCmd->SetGuidance("Set URI, SetupName and Version with a single command.");
-    m_setupCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("URI", 's', false);
-    p->SetGuidance("URI is a URL to the input file.  It MUST NOT contain unescaped spaces.");
-    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("SetupName", 's', true);
-    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    p = new G4UIparameter("Version", 's', true);
-    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    m_dumpCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/dumpNistElements", this);
-    m_dumpCmd->SetGuidance("Dump NIST elements to file as GDML fragment, including lambda and X0.");
-    p = new G4UIparameter("Filename", 's', true);
-    p->SetDefaultValue("NistElements.xml");
-    m_dumpCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    // Check overlaps.
-    m_checkOverlapsCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/checkOverlaps",this);
-    m_checkOverlapsCmd->SetGuidance("Call CheckOverlaps on a given volume or the world volume (no arguments).");
-    p = new G4UIparameter("Volume",'s',true);
-    p->SetDefaultValue("");
-    m_checkOverlapsCmd->SetParameter(p);
-    // Check overlaps with recursion to daughters.
-    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/checkOverlapsRecurse",this);
-    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd->SetGuidance("Call CheckOverlaps on a given volume and recursively check daughters.");
-    p = new G4UIparameter("Volume",'s',true);
-    p->SetDefaultValue("");
-    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd->SetParameter(p);

lcdd/src removed after 1.14
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.14
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.14 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/subscribers/volumeExtendedSubscriber.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactoryTable.h"
-#include "Saxana/RCObjectHandle.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriberPool.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-extern "C" void LCDDLibLoad();
-LCDDParser* LCDDParser::m_instance = 0;
-LCDDParser::LCDDParser() :
-        m_URI(""), m_setupName(""), m_version(""), m_initialized(false), m_constructed(false), m_setURI(false)
-LCDDParser* LCDDParser::instance()
-    if (m_instance == 0) {
-        m_instance = new LCDDParser();
-    }
-    return m_instance;
-    finalize();
-void LCDDParser::setupParserConfig()
-    setupParserConfig(m_URI, m_setupName, m_version);
-void LCDDParser::setupParserConfig(const std::string& URI, const std::string&, const std::string& version)
-    // settings from messenger commands
-    std::cout << "LCDD URI <" << m_URI << ">" << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "SetupName <" << m_setupName << ">" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Version <" << m_version << ">" << std::endl;
-    // set configuration vals
-    m_config.SetURI(URI);
-    //m_config.SetSetupName(setupName);
-    m_config.SetSetupVersion(version);
-    // set config in parser
-    m_sxp.Configure(&m_config);
-void LCDDParser::initializeParser()
-    // standard SAX parser init
-    m_sxp.Initialize();
-    // load custom LCDD tag handlers
-    LCDDLibLoad();
-    addVolumeExtendedSubscriber();
-void LCDDParser::initialize()
-    if (!m_initialized) {
-        initializeParser();
-        m_initialized = true;
-    }
-G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDParser::construct()
-    if (!m_constructed) {
-        // initialize
-        initialize();
-        // set GDML parser params from inst vars
-        setupParserConfig();
-        // run the parser
-        m_sxp.Run();
-        // get world volume from GDML
-        try {
-            m_world = (G4VPhysicalVolume*) GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetWorldVolume();
-        } catch (std::exception& e) {
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed to get the world volume.");
-        }
-        // Setup magnetic field.
-        LCDDFieldManager::instance()->setup();
-        // This method should only be called once.
-        m_constructed = true;
-    } else {
-        std::cerr << "LCDD geometry was already constructed." << std::endl;
-    }
-    return m_world;
-void LCDDParser::finalize()
-    m_sxp.Finalize();
-void LCDDParser::setURI(std::string URI)
-    m_URI = URI;
-    m_setURI = true;
-void LCDDParser::setSetupName(std::string setupName)
-    m_setupName = setupName;
-void LCDDParser::setVersion(std::string version)
-    m_version = version;
-const std::string& LCDDParser::URI()
-    return m_URI;
-const std::string& LCDDParser::setupName()
-    return m_setupName;
-const std::string& LCDDParser::version()
-    return m_version;
-void LCDDParser::setWorld(G4VPhysicalVolume *world)
-    m_world = world;
-bool LCDDParser::isValidSetup()
-    bool valid = true;
-    if (!m_setURI) {
-        valid = false;
-    }
-    return valid;
-void LCDDParser::addVolumeExtendedSubscriber()
-    RCObjectHandle<SAXSubscriber> obj;
-    obj = new volumeExtendedSubscriber();
-    SAXSubscriberPool* pool = const_cast<SAXSubscriberPool*>(m_sxp.GetSubscriberPool());
-    pool->AddSubscriber("volume", obj);

lcdd/src removed after 1.19
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.19
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.19 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/MagneticFieldOverlay.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
-#include "G4FieldManager.hh"
-#include "G4EventManager.hh"
-#include "G4Event.hh"
-#include "G4SDManager.hh"
-#include "G4HCtable.hh"
-LCDDProcessor* LCDDProcessor::sInstance = 0;
-LCDDProcessor::LCDDProcessor() :
-        m_header(0)
-    if (m_header != 0) {
-        delete m_header;
-    }
-LCDDProcessor* LCDDProcessor::instance()
-    if (sInstance == 0) {
-        sInstance = new LCDDProcessor;
-    }
-    return sInstance;
-void LCDDProcessor::addSensitiveDetector(std::string& name, G4SensitiveDetector* sd)
-    //std::cout << "adding SD: " << name << std::endl;
-    m_sensitiveDetectors[name] = sd;
-G4SensitiveDetector* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetector(const std::string& name)
-    return m_sensitiveDetectors[name];
-G4SensitiveDetector* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetector(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getSensitiveDetector(key);
-LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorsBegin()
-    return m_sensitiveDetectors.begin();
-LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorsEnd()
-    return m_sensitiveDetectors.end();
-void LCDDProcessor::addMagneticField(std::string& name, G4MagneticField* mag)
-    m_magneticFields[name] = mag;
-void LCDDProcessor::addGlobalField(G4MagneticField* mag)
-    LCDDFieldManager::instance()->addGlobalField(mag);
-G4MagneticField* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticField(const std::string& name)
-    return m_magneticFields[name];
-G4MagneticField* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticField(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getMagneticField(key);
-LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldsBegin()
-    return m_magneticFields.begin();
-LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldsEnd()
-    return m_magneticFields.end();
-void LCDDProcessor::addRegion(std::string& name, G4Region* reg)
-    m_regions[name] = reg;
-G4Region* LCDDProcessor::getRegion(const std::string& name)
-    return m_regions[name];
-G4Region* LCDDProcessor::getRegion(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getRegion(name);
-LCDDProcessor::Regions::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getRegionsBegin()
-    return m_regions.begin();
-LCDDProcessor::Regions::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getRegionsEnd()
-    return m_regions.end();
-void LCDDProcessor::addVisAttributes(std::string& name, G4VisAttributes* vis)
-    m_visAttributes[name] = vis;
-G4VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributes(const std::string& name)
-    return m_visAttributes[name];
-G4VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributes(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getVisAttributes(key);
-LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesBegin()
-    return m_visAttributes.begin();
-LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesEnd()
-    return m_visAttributes.end();
-void LCDDProcessor::addLimitSet(std::string& name, G4LimitSet* lim)
-    m_limitSets[name] = lim;
-G4LimitSet* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSet(const std::string& name)
-    return m_limitSets[name];
-G4LimitSet* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSet(const char* name)
-    std::string key = name;
-    return getLimitSet(key);
-LCDDProcessor::LimitSets::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetsBegin()
-    return m_limitSets.begin();
-LCDDProcessor::LimitSets::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetsEnd()
-    return m_limitSets.end();
-const LCDDHeaderRecord* LCDDProcessor::getHeader() const
-    return m_header;
-void LCDDProcessor::setHeader(LCDDHeaderRecord* h)
-    assert(h);
-    m_header = h;
-std::string LCDDProcessor::getDetectorName() const
-    std::string detTag;
-    if (m_header == 0) {
-        detTag = "UNKNOWN";
-    } else {
-        detTag = m_header->getDetectorName();
-    }
-    return detTag;
-const LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesStore() const
-    return &m_visAttributes;
-const LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorStore() const
-    return &m_sensitiveDetectors;
-const LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldStore() const
-    return &m_magneticFields;
-const LCDDProcessor::Regions* LCDDProcessor::getRegionStore() const
-    return &m_regions;
-const LCDDProcessor::LimitSets* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetStore() const
-    return &m_limitSets;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/bfield/MagneticFieldOverlay.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-void MagneticFieldOverlay::addMagneticField(G4MagneticField* field)
-    if (field != 0) {
-        m_fields.push_back(field);
-    }
- * Call GetFieldValue of all G4MagneticField objects registered with this MagneticFieldOverlay.
- */
-void MagneticFieldOverlay::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double *Bfield) const
-    //std::cout << "MagneticFieldOverlay::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
-    Bfield[0] = Bfield[1] = Bfield[2] = 0.;
-    for (std::vector<G4MagneticField*>::const_iterator iter = m_fields.begin(); iter != m_fields.end(); iter++) {
-        (*iter)->GetFieldValue(Point, Bfield);
-    }
-    //std::cout << "x y z: " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "bx, by, bz: " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/hits/McpHitContrib.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Track.hh"
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
-#include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
-McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib() :
-        m_trackID(-1), m_edep(0), m_PdgId(9999999), m_globalTime(0)
-    ;
-McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib(G4int trackID, G4double edep, G4int PDGID, G4double globalTime) :
-        m_trackID(trackID), m_edep(edep), m_PdgId(PDGID), m_globalTime(globalTime)
-    ;
-    ;
-McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib(const G4Step* aStep)
-    // Get the track.
-    const G4Track* aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
-    // Get the track information.
-    TrackInformation* trkInfo = static_cast<TrackInformation*>(aTrack->GetUserInformation());
-    // Get the track ID.
-    m_trackID = trkInfo->getOriginalTrackID();
-    // Set edep according to type of track.
-    if (aTrack->GetDefinition() == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition()) {
-        m_edep = aTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
-    } else {
-        m_edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
-    }
-    // PDG ID.
-    m_PdgId = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
-    // Global time.
-    m_globalTime = aTrack->GetGlobalTime();
-    // Compute the step midpoint.
-    G4ThreeVector posVec = (0.5 * (aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()));
-    m_position[0] = posVec[0];
-    m_position[1] = posVec[1];
-    m_position[2] = posVec[2];
-void McpHitContrib::printOut(std::ostream& os)
-    os << m_trackID << '\t' << m_edep << '\t' << m_PdgId << '\t' << m_globalTime << std::endl;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// $Id:,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/util/NistElementsDump.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Writer/Element.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4String.hh"
-#include "G4NistManager.hh"
-// STL
-#include <vector>
-#include <fstream>
-using gdml::writer::Element;
-using namespace std;
-#include "lcdd/util/ElementNames.icc"
-void NistElementsDump::writeXml(const std::string& filename)
-    ofstream fstr;
-, fstream::out);
-    printXml(fstr);
-    fstr.close();
-void NistElementsDump::printXml(std::ostream& out)
-    // Get the NIST manager from G4.
-    G4NistManager* mgr = G4NistManager::Instance();
-    // Create the XML root node.
-    Element* materials = new Element("materials");
-    // Loop over chemical elements array.
-    for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
-        // Get the element abbreviation and name.
-        const std::string& elemAbbrev = abbrevs[i];
-        const std::string& elemName = names[i];
-        // Get element and material from G4.
-        G4Element* elem = mgr->FindOrBuildElement(elemAbbrev);
-        if (elem == 0) {
-            std::cout << elemAbbrev << " not found." << std::endl;
-            continue;
-        }
-        const std::string& g4mat = "G4_" + elemAbbrev;
-        G4Material* mat = mgr->FindOrBuildMaterial(g4mat);
-        if (mat == 0) {
-            std::cout << g4mat << " not found." << std::endl;
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Create new element.
-        Element* elemNode = new Element("element");
-        elemNode->addAttribute("name", elem->GetName());
-        elemNode->addAttribute("formula", elem->GetSymbol());
-        elemNode->addAttribute("Z", StringUtil::toString(elem->GetZ()));
-        // Setup atom.
-        Element* atomNode = new Element("atom");
-        atomNode->addAttribute("type", "A");
-        atomNode->addAttribute("unit", "g/mol");
-        atomNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString((elem->GetA() * mole / g)));
-        // Append atom node to element.
-        elemNode->appendChild(*atomNode);
-        // Append element node to top.
-        materials->appendChild(*elemNode);
-        // Create material node.
-        Element* matNode = new Element("material");
-        matNode->addAttribute("name", elemName);
-        matNode->addAttribute("formula", elem->GetName());
-        // Set material state.
-        G4State g4state = mat->GetState();
-        std::string state;
-        if (g4state == kStateSolid) {
-            state = "solid";
-        } else if (g4state == kStateLiquid) {
-            state = "liquid";
-        } else if (g4state == kStateGas) {
-            state = "gas";
-        } else {
-            state = "unknown";
-        }
-        matNode->addAttribute("state", state);
-        // Add radlen node.
-        Element* radlNode = new Element("RL");
-        radlNode->addAttribute("unit", "cm");
-        radlNode->addAttribute("type", "X0");
-        radlNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(mat->GetRadlen() / cm));
-        matNode->appendChild(*radlNode);
-        // Add nuclear interaction length node.
-        Element* nilNode = new Element("NIL");
-        nilNode->addAttribute("unit", "cm");
-        nilNode->addAttribute("type", "lambda");
-        nilNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(mat->GetNuclearInterLength() / cm));
-        matNode->appendChild((*nilNode));
-        // Add density node.
-        Element* densNode = new Element("D");
-        densNode->addAttribute("type", "density");
-        densNode->addAttribute("unit", "g/cm3");
-        double matDens = mat->GetDensity() / (g / cm3);
-        densNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(matDens));
-        matNode->appendChild(*densNode);
-        // Add composition node.
-        Element* compNode = new Element("composite");
-        compNode->addAttribute("n", "1");
-        compNode->addAttribute("ref", elem->GetName());
-        matNode->appendChild(*compNode);
-        // Add material node to root.
-        materials->appendChild((*matNode));
-    }
-    // Write root node to output stream.
-    materials->toXml(out, true, true);

lcdd/src removed after 1.16
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.16
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.16 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
-#include "G4Geantino.hh"
-#include "G4ChargedGeantino.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cmath>
-const double ReadoutUtil::PI = acos(-1);
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(const G4ThreeVector& vec1, const G4ThreeVector& vec2)
-    return (0.5 * (vec1 + vec2));
-G4double ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(const G4ThreeVector& vec1, const G4ThreeVector& vec2)
-    return (sqrt(pow(vec1.x() - vec2.x(), 2) + pow(vec1.y() - vec2.y(), 2) + pow(vec1.z() - vec2.z(), 2)));
-G4double ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return computeDistance(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(), aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return computeThreeVectorMean(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(), aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
-G4VSolid* ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
-    assert(aStepPoint);
-    return aStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid();
-G4TouchableHandle ReadoutUtil::getTouchableFromStep(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& pnt)
-    return aStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(pnt);
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
-    return getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStepPoint, G4ThreeVector());
-const G4Tubs* ReadoutUtil::getTubs(const G4Step* aStep)
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = 0;
-    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
-    tubs = static_cast<const G4Tubs*>(solid);
-    return tubs;
-const G4Tubs* ReadoutUtil::getTubs(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    const G4Tubs* tubs = 0;
-    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aPreStepPoint);
-    tubs = static_cast<const G4Tubs*>(solid);
-    return tubs;
-double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4Tubs* tubs)
-    double thickness = getTubsThickness(tubs);
-    double rcyl = tubs->GetInnerRadius() + thickness / 2;
-    return rcyl;
-double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
-    return computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep));
-double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
-    return computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint));
-double ReadoutUtil::getTubsThickness(const G4Tubs* tubs)
-    return tubs->GetOuterRadius() - tubs->GetInnerRadius();
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(const G4Step* aStep, const G4ThreeVector& localPos)
-    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
-    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
-    // compute global pos using local point and touchable
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(localPos);
-    return globalPos;
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& localPos)
-    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
-    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aPreStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
-    // compute global pos using local point and touchable
-    G4ThreeVector globalPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(localPos);
-    return globalPos;
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(const G4Step* aStep, const G4ThreeVector& globalPos)
-    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
-    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
-    // compute local pos using global point and touchable
-    G4ThreeVector localPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(globalPos);
-    return localPos;
-G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& globalPos)
-    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
-    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aPreStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
-    // compute local pos using global point and touchable
-    G4ThreeVector localPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(globalPos);
-    return localPos;
-std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> ReadoutUtil::getPhysVolList(G4Step* aStep)
-    std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> physVols;
-    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
-    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
-    G4int hdepth = theTouchable->GetHistoryDepth();
-    const G4NavigationHistory* theTouchableHistory = theTouchable->GetHistory();
-    for (int i = hdepth; i > 0; i--) {
-        G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = theTouchableHistory->GetVolume(i);
-        physVols.push_back(pv);
-#ifdef ID_DEBUG
-        G4cout << "pushed back <" << pv->GetName() << ">" << G4endl;
-    }
-    return physVols;
-int ReadoutUtil::getVolumeNumber(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable, int historyDepth)
-    bool no_depth = false;
-    if (historyDepth == -1) {
-        no_depth = true;
-    }
-    G4VPhysicalVolume *pv = 0;
-    // pv only with depth arg
-    if (!no_depth) {
-        pv = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetVolume(historyDepth);
-    }
-    int vnum = -1;
-    // rep num: no pv, replicated, parameterised
-    if (!pv || pv->IsReplicated() || pv->IsParameterised()) {
-        // no depth
-        if (no_depth) {
-            vnum = theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber();
-        }
-        // use history depth
-        else {
-            vnum = theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(historyDepth);
-        }
-    } else {
-        // copy num: placement
-        vnum = pv->GetCopyNo();
-    }
-    return vnum;
-bool ReadoutUtil::isGeantino(G4Step* aStep)
-    G4ParticleDefinition* def = aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition();
-    if (def == G4Geantino::Definition() || def == G4ChargedGeantino::Definition())
-        return true;
-    else
-        return false;

lcdd/src removed after 1.26
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.26
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.26 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerCombineSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4OpticalCalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/PositionComparator.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdComparator.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-G4SensitiveDetector* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(const SAXObject* object)
-    //std::cout << "create SD" << std::endl;
-    G4SensitiveDetector* sd = 0;
-    const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt = dynamic_cast<const SensitiveDetectorType*>(object);
-    if (sdt) {
-        std::string sd_type = sdt->get_type();
-        /* Create calorimeter subdetector. */
-        // TODO Check if "calorimeter" in the sd_type.
-        if (sd_type == "calorimeter" || sd_type == "optical_calorimeter" || sd_type == "unsegmented_calorimeter") {
-            //std::cout << "creating calorimeter" << std::endl;
-            sd = createCalorimeterSD(object);
-        }
-        /* Create tracker subdetector. */
-        else if (sd_type == "tracker") {
-            sd = createTrackerSD(object);
-        }
-        /* Create scorer subdetector. */
-        else if (sd_type == "scorer") {
-            sd = createScorerSD(object);
-        } else {
-            /* Type not recognized. */
-            G4cerr << "Invalid sd_type <" << sd_type << ">." << G4endl;
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Unknown SD type.  Check the LCDD file.");
-        }
-            // set ecut and verbose
-        setBaseSensitiveDetectorAttributes(sd, sdt);
-        // find idspec
-        IdSpec* idspec = findIdSpec(sdt);
-        // set idspec, if exists (null is ok)
-        if (idspec != 0) {
-            sd->setIdSpec(idspec);
-        }
-        // register the SD
-        std::string sdName = sd->GetName();
-        LCDDProcessor::instance()->addSensitiveDetector(sdName, sd);
-    } else {
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to SensitiveDetectorType.");
-    }
-    return sd;
-G4CalorimeterSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createCalorimeterSD(const SAXObject* object)
-    G4CalorimeterSD* sd = 0;
-    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
-    const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt = dynamic_cast<const SensitiveDetectorType*>(object);
-    std::string sd_type = sdt->get_type();
-    // Create the segmentation.
-    ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(sdt->get_content());
-    size_t count = seq->size();
-    // Look for segmentation tag.
-    bool fnd_seg = false;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-        std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
-        const ContentGroup::ContentItem& segitem = seq->content(i);
-        // Create segmentation using factory.
-        if (isSegmentationTag(child_tag)) {
-            seg = G4SegmentationFactory::createSegmentation(segitem.object, segitem.tag);
-            fnd_seg = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // Get the calorimeter XML object.
-    const calorimeter* cal = dynamic_cast<const calorimeter*>(object);
-    // Find out hit aggregation algorithm.
-    const std::string& hitCompareStr = cal->get_compare();
-    // Comparison algorithm to be used for combining hits, to be determined from SD.
-    HitComparator* hitCompare = 0;
-    // Find the IdSpec.
-    IdSpec* idspec = findIdSpec(sdt);
-    if (hitCompareStr != "id" && hitCompareStr != "position") {
-        G4cerr << "Invalid selection for hit comparison <" << hitCompareStr << ">, for calorimeter <" << sdt->get_name() << ">." << G4endl;
-        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid selection for hit comparison.");
-    }
-        // Compare on IDs.
-    if (hitCompareStr == "id") {
-        if (idspec) {
-            hitCompare = new IdComparator();
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "WARNING: IdSpec for <" << sdt->get_name() << "> does not exist!  Position comparison will be used for hit aggregation instead of id." << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    // Compare on position.
-    if (!hitCompare) {
-        hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
-    }
-    if (sd_type == "calorimeter") {
-        sd = new G4CalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), sdt->get_hitsCollectionName(), seg, hitCompare);
-    } else if (sd_type == "optical_calorimeter") {
-        //
-        // in case of optical alorimeter there are 2 hit collections
-        //
-        //G4String  hcnames[2];
-        // TODO Fix hardcoded collection names.
-        std::vector<G4String> hcnames;
-        hcnames.push_back("Edep_" + sdt->get_hitsCollectionName());
-        hcnames.push_back("Ceren_" + sdt->get_hitsCollectionName());
-        //std::cout<< " now creating optical calorimeter"<<std::endl;
-        sd = new G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), hcnames, seg, hitCompare);
-    } else if (sd_type == "unsegmented_calorimeter") {
-        // Segmentation could be null but that is fine for this type of calorimeter.
-        sd = new G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), sdt->get_hitsCollectionName(), seg);
-    } else {
-        G4cerr << "Unknown sensitive detector type: " << sd_type << G4endl;
-        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Unknown sensitive detector type.");
-    }
-    return sd;
-G4TrackerSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createTrackerSD(const SAXObject* object)
-    const tracker* trk = dynamic_cast<const tracker*>(object);
-    bool combineHits = StringUtil::toBool(trk->get_combine_hits());
-    G4TrackerSD* sd = 0;
-    std::string nm = trk->get_name();
-    std::string hc = trk->get_hitsCollectionName();
-    if (checkHCName(hc)) {
-        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Name of the hits collection is invalid.");
-    }
-    /* tracker that aggregates hits */
-    if (combineHits) {
-        sd = new G4TrackerCombineSD(nm, hc);
-    } else {
-        /* regular tracker */
-        sd = new G4TrackerSD(nm, hc);
-    }
-    return sd;
-G4ScorerSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createScorerSD(const SAXObject* object)
-    const scorer * scr = dynamic_cast<const scorer*>(object);
-    G4ScorerSD* sd = 0;
-    std::string nm = scr->get_name();
-    std::string hc = scr->get_hitsCollectionName();
-    if (checkHCName(hc)) {
-        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Name of the hits collections is invalid.");
-    }
-    sd = new G4ScorerSD(nm, hc);
-    return sd;
-IdSpec* SensitiveDetectorFactory::findIdSpec(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
-    IdSpec* idspec = 0;
-    ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(sdt->get_content());
-    size_t count = seq->size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-        std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
-        // find idspec
-        if (child_tag == "idspecref") {
-            IdSpecType::idspecref* id_ref = dynamic_cast<IdSpecType::idspecref*>(seq->content(i).object);
-            idspec = IdManager::instance()->getIdSpec(id_ref->get_ref());
-            if (idspec == 0) {
-                G4cerr << "IdSpec <" << id_ref->get_ref() << "> referenced by detector <" << sdt->get_name() << "> does not exist." << G4endl;
-                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "IdSpec does not exist.");
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return idspec;
-void SensitiveDetectorFactory::setBaseSensitiveDetectorAttributes(G4SensitiveDetector* sd, const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
-    sd->setEcut(SensitiveDetectorFactory::computeEcut(sdt));
-    sd->setVerbose(SensitiveDetectorFactory::convertVerbose(sdt));
-    sd->setEndcapFlag(StringUtil::toBool(sdt->get_endcap_flag()));
-double SensitiveDetectorFactory::computeEcut(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
-    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-    std::string sval = sdt->get_ecut();
-    sval += "*" + sdt->get_eunit();
-    double ecut = calc->Eval(sval);
-    return ecut;
-int SensitiveDetectorFactory::convertVerbose(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
-    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-    std::string sval = sdt->get_verbose();
-    int verbose = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-    return verbose;
-// NOTE: New segmentations must appear here!
-bool SensitiveDetectorFactory::isSegmentationTag(const std::string& s)
-    // @todo Fix this to know all segmentation types automatically somehow.  (schema?)
-    return (s == "projective_cylinder" || s == "grid_xyz" || s == "global_grid_xy" || s == "nonprojective_cylinder" || s == "projective_zplane" || s == "cell_readout_2d");
-bool SensitiveDetectorFactory::checkHCName(const std::string& s)
-    bool bad = false;
-    // is size <= 1 ?
-    if (s.size() <= 1) {
-        bad = true;
-        //std::cerr << "HCName <" << s << "> is not enough characters." << std::endl;
-    } else {
-        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-        for (LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator iter = proc->getSensitiveDetectorsBegin(); iter != proc->getSensitiveDetectorsBegin(); iter++) {
-            if (iter->second->getHCName() == s) {
-                bad = true;
-                //std::cerr << "HCName <" << s << "> already assigned to SD <" << iter->second->GetName() << ">." << std::endl;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return bad;

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// $Id:,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorMessenger.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
-#include "G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.hh"
-#include "G4UIcmdWithABool.hh"
-#include "G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit.hh"
-#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
-#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
-G4UIdirectory* SensitiveDetectorMessenger::m_detectorsDir = 0;
-SensitiveDetectorMessenger::SensitiveDetectorMessenger(G4SensitiveDetector* detector) :
-        m_detector(detector)
-    if (m_detectorsDir == 0) {
-        makeDetectorsDir();
-    }
-    defineCommands(m_detector);
-    // TODO: put command deletes here
-void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* cmd, G4String newVals)
-    if (cmd == m_printInfoCmd) {
-        m_detector->printBasicInfo(std::cout);
-    } else if (cmd == m_printNHitsCmd) {
-        m_detector->printNumberOfHits(std::cout);
-    } else if (cmd == m_printTotalEdepCmd) {
-        m_detector->printEdep(std::cout);
-    } else if (cmd == m_printVolumesCmd) {
-        m_detector->printVolumes(std::cout);
-    } else if (cmd == m_printHitsCmd) {
-        m_detector->printHits(std::cout);
-    } else if (cmd == m_verboseCmd) {
-        m_detector->setVerbose(m_verboseCmd->GetNewIntValue(newVals));
-    } else if (cmd == m_activateCmd) {
-        m_detector->Activate(m_activateCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newVals));
-    } else if (cmd == m_ecutCmd) {
-        m_detector->setEcut(m_ecutCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newVals));
-    }
-void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::makeDetectorsDir()
-    m_detectorsDir = new G4UIdirectory("/detectors/");
-    m_detectorsDir->SetGuidance("Commands for sensitive detectors. [LCDD]");
-void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::defineCommands(G4VSensitiveDetector* sd)
-    // Name of the sensitive detector.
-    const G4String& name = sd->GetName();
-    // Name of the sensitive detector's command directory.
-    const G4String& dirName = G4String("/detectors/" + name + "/");
-    // Create the sensitive detector's Geant4 macro command directory.
-    m_detectorDir = new G4UIdirectory(dirName.c_str());
-    m_detectorDir->SetGuidance(G4String("Commands for the sensitive detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Print command.
-    m_printInfoCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "print").c_str(), this);
-    m_printInfoCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print basic information about the sensitive detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Print number of hits command.
-    m_printNHitsCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printNumberOfHits").c_str(), this);
-    m_printInfoCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print the number of hits from the detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Print energy deposition.
-    m_printTotalEdepCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printEdep").c_str(), this);
-    m_printTotalEdepCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print the total energy deposition from the detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Print energy deposition.
-    m_printVolumesCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printVolumes").c_str(), this);
-    m_printVolumesCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print a list of logical volume names associated with the detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Print energy deposition.
-    m_printHitsCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printHits").c_str(), this);
-    m_printHitsCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print a list of hits from the detector " + name).c_str());
-    // Set the verbosity.
-    m_verboseCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger(G4String(dirName + "setVerbose").c_str(), this);
-    m_verboseCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set the verbosity of the detector " + name).c_str());
-    m_verboseCmd->SetDefaultValue(2);
-    m_verboseCmd->SetParameterName("verbose", true, true);
-    // Activate or deactive this detector.
-    m_activateCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool(G4String(dirName + "setActive").c_str(), this);
-    m_activateCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set whether the detector " + name + " is active.").c_str());
-    m_activateCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
-    m_activateCmd->SetParameterName("active", true, true);
-    // Set the ecut with unit.
-    m_ecutCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit(G4String(dirName + "setHitEnergyCut").c_str(), this);
-    m_ecutCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set the single hit energy cut for detector " + name).c_str());
-    m_ecutCmd->SetDefaultValue(0.0);
-    m_ecutCmd->SetDefaultUnit("GeV");
-    m_ecutCmd->SetParameterName("cut", true, true);

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/StepReadout.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-// G4
-#include "G4Step.hh"
-#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
-#include "G4Track.hh"
-#include "G4VSolid.hh"
-#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
-#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "G4TouchableHandle.hh"
-#include "G4Region.hh"
-#include "G4Material.hh"
-#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
-StepReadout::StepReadout() :
-        m_step(0)
-void StepReadout::setStep(G4Step* s)
-    m_step = s;
-G4Step* StepReadout::step() const
-    return m_step;
-bool StepReadout::hasStep() const
-    return (0 != m_step);
-G4StepPoint* StepReadout::pre() const
-    return step()->GetPreStepPoint();
-G4StepPoint* StepReadout::post() const
-    return step()->GetPostStepPoint();
-G4VPhysicalVolume* StepReadout::prePV() const
-    return preTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
-G4VPhysicalVolume* StepReadout::postPV() const
-    return postTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
-G4VSolid* StepReadout::preSolid() const
-    return preLV()->GetSolid();
-G4VSolid* StepReadout::postSolid() const
-    return postLV()->GetSolid();
-G4LogicalVolume* StepReadout::preLV() const
-    return prePV()->GetLogicalVolume();
-G4LogicalVolume* StepReadout::postLV() const
-    return postPV()->GetLogicalVolume();
-G4Material* StepReadout::preMaterial() const
-    return pre()->GetMaterial();
-G4Material* StepReadout::postMaterial() const
-    return post()->GetMaterial();
-G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::preSD() const
-    return getSD(pre());
-G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::postSD() const
-    return getSD(post());
-G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::getSD(G4StepPoint* stepPoint) const
-    return stepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSensitiveDetector();
-bool StepReadout::hasSameSD() const
-    bool r = false;
-    // post vol has an SD
-    if (0 != postSD()) {
-        // post SD same as pre SD
-        if (preSD() == postSD()) {
-            r = true;
-        }
-    }
-    return r;
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::volumePosition(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable) const
-    return theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(m_origin);
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::preVolumePosition() const
-    return volumePosition(preTouchableHandle());
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postVolumePosition() const
-    return volumePosition(postTouchableHandle());
-double StepReadout::edep() const
-    return step()->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
-G4Track* StepReadout::track() const
-    return step()->GetTrack();
-double StepReadout::globalTime() const
-    return track()->GetGlobalTime();
-int StepReadout::trackID() const
-    return track()->GetTrackID();
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::momentum() const
-    return track()->GetMomentum();
-TrackInformation* StepReadout::trackInformation() const
-    return TrackInformation::getTrackInformation(track());
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::prePosition() const
-    return pre()->GetPosition();
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::midPosition() const
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(prePosition(), postPosition());
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postPosition() const
-    return post()->GetPosition();
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::preMomentum() const
-    return pre()->GetMomentum();
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postMomentum() const
-    return post()->GetMomentum();
-G4ThreeVector StepReadout::meanMomentum() const
-    return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(preMomentum(), postMomentum());
-G4TouchableHandle StepReadout::preTouchableHandle() const
-    return pre()->GetTouchableHandle();
-G4TouchableHandle StepReadout::postTouchableHandle() const
-    return post()->GetTouchableHandle();
-bool StepReadout::isGeantino()
-    return ReadoutUtil::isGeantino(step());

lcdd/src removed after 1.12
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.12
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.12 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-// STL
-#include <cctype>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-const std::string StringUtil::ALPHA_STR = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-const std::string StringUtil::NUM_STR = "1234567890";
-const std::string StringUtil::WS_STR = "\x20\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D";
-const std::string StringUtil::NULL_STR = "";
-using std::string;
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::istringstream;
-using std::vector;
-string StringUtil::toString(double d)
-    stringstream ostr;
-    ostr << d;
-    return ostr.str();
-string StringUtil::toString(float f)
-    stringstream ostr;
-    ostr << f;
-    return ostr.str();
-string StringUtil::toString(bool b)
-    if (b) {
-        return "1";
-    }
-    return "0";
-string StringUtil::toString(int i)
-    stringstream ostr;
-    ostr << i;
-    return ostr.str();
-string& StringUtil::toLower(string& s)
-    std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower);
-    return s;
-string& StringUtil::toLower(const string& s)
-    return StringUtil::toLower(const_cast<string&>(s));
-double StringUtil::toDouble(string& s)
-    std::istringstream is(s.c_str());
-    double d;
-    is >> d;
-    return d;
-int StringUtil::toInt(string& s)
-    std::istringstream is(s.c_str());
-    int i;
-    is >> i;
-    return i;
-bool StringUtil::toBool(string& s)
-    if (StringUtil::toLower(s) == "true" || s == "1") {
-        return true;
-    } else {
-        return false;
-    }
-bool StringUtil::toBool(const string& s)
-    return StringUtil::toBool(const_cast<string&>(s));
-double StringUtil::toDouble(const string& s)
-    return StringUtil::toDouble(const_cast<string&>(s));
-void StringUtil::trim(string& str)
-    string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
-    if (pos != string::npos) {
-        str.erase(pos + 1);
-        pos = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
-        if (pos != string::npos)
-            str.erase(0, pos);
-    } else
-        str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
-string StringUtil::concatStrVec(const vector<string>& s_vec, const string& sep)
-    string r;
-    // concat w/ a space in between
-    for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = s_vec.begin(); iter != s_vec.end(); iter++) {
-        r += (*iter) + string(sep);
-    }
-    // lop off dangling space
-    r.erase(r.end() - 1, r.end());
-    return r;
-void StringUtil::split(const string& str, const string& delimiters, vector<string>& tokens)
-    // Skip delimiters at beginning.
-    string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
-    // Find first "non-delimiter".
-    string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
-    while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos) {
-        // Found a token, add it to the vector.
-        tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
-        // Skip delimiters.  Note the "not_of"
-        lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
-        // Find next "non-delimiter"
-        pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
-G4Allocator<TrackInformation> TrackInformationAllocator;
-    setDefaults();
-TrackInformation::TrackInformation(const G4Track* aTrack)
-    setDefaults();
-    m_originalTrackID = aTrack->GetTrackID();
-TrackInformation::TrackInformation(const TrackInformation* aTrackInfo)
-    assert(aTrackInfo);
-    setFromTrackInformation(aTrackInfo, this);
-TrackInformation& TrackInformation::operator =(const TrackInformation& right)
-    setFromTrackInformation(&right, this);
-    return *this;
-void TrackInformation::setDefaults()
-    // default to invalid trackID
-    m_originalTrackID = -1;
-    // default to tracking region in both current and orig
-    m_originalTrackingStatus = TrackInformation::eInTrackingRegion;
-    m_trackingStatus = TrackInformation::eInTrackingRegion;
-    // default flag vals
-    m_hasTrackerHit = false;
-    m_vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent = false;
-    m_backscatter = false;
-    m_belowThreshold = false;
-void TrackInformation::setFromTrackInformation(const TrackInformation* srcTrkInfo, TrackInformation* trgtTrkInfo)
-    trgtTrkInfo->setTrackID(srcTrkInfo->m_originalTrackID);
-    trgtTrkInfo->setOriginalTrackingStatus(srcTrkInfo->m_originalTrackingStatus);
-    trgtTrkInfo->setTrackingStatus(srcTrkInfo->m_trackingStatus);
-    trgtTrkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(false);
-    trgtTrkInfo->setVertexIsNotEndpointOfParent(false);
-    trgtTrkInfo->setBackscatter(srcTrkInfo->getBackscatter());
-    trgtTrkInfo->setBelowThreshold(srcTrkInfo->getBelowThreshold());
-const std::string& TrackInformation::getTrackingStatusString(ETrackingStatus ts)
-    static const std::string str_none = "None";
-    static const std::string str_tracking = "InTrackingRegion";
-    static const std::string str_nontracking = "InNontrackingRegion";
-    static const std::string str_invalid = "Invalid";
-    if (ts == eNone) {
-        return str_none;
-    } else if (ts == eInTrackingRegion) {
-        return str_tracking;
-    } else if (ts == eInNontrackingRegion) {
-        return str_nontracking;
-    }
-    return str_invalid;

lcdd/src removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.2 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/util/Verbose.hh"
-const Verbose::LevelType Verbose::m_defaultLevel = 0;

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/author.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for author element.
- */
-class authorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    authorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~authorProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "authorProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        author* a = new author;
-        a->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        a->set_email(attrs.getValue("email"));
-        m_obj = a;
-        *obj = a;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "author";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/box_dipole.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldTypeProcess.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-class box_dipoleProcess: public FieldTypeProcess
-    box_dipoleProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            FieldTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~box_dipoleProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        box_dipole* x = new box_dipole;
-        x->set_x(attrs.getValue("x"));
-        x->set_y(attrs.getValue("y"));
-        x->set_z(attrs.getValue("z"));
-        x->set_dx(attrs.getValue("dx"));
-        x->set_dy(attrs.getValue("dy"));
-        x->set_dz(attrs.getValue("dz"));
-        x->set_bx(attrs.getValue("bx"));
-        x->set_by(attrs.getValue("by"));
-        x->set_bz(attrs.getValue("bz"));
-        m_obj = x;
-        *obj = x;
-        FieldTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "box_dipole";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4BoxDipole.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/box_dipole.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
-class box_dipoleSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    box_dipoleSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("box_dipole");
-    }
-    virtual ~box_dipoleSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-        if (object != 0) {
-            const box_dipole* dipoleElement = dynamic_cast<const box_dipole*>(object);
-            double x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, bx, by, bz;
-            x = y = z = dx = dy = dz = bx = by = bz = 0;
-            std::string lunit = dipoleElement->get_lunit();
-            std::string funit = dipoleElement->get_funit();
-            std::string val = dipoleElement->get_x();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            x = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_y();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            y = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_z();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            z = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_dx();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            dx = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_dy();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            dy = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_dz();
-            val += "*" + lunit;
-            dz = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_bx();
-            val += "*" + funit;
-            bx = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_by();
-            val += "*" + funit;
-            by = calc->Eval(val);
-            val = dipoleElement->get_bz();
-            val += "*" + funit;
-            bz = calc->Eval(val);
-            G4BoxDipole* boxDipole = new G4BoxDipole(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, bx, by, bz);
-            std::string fieldName = dipoleElement->get_name();
-            LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(fieldName, boxDipole);
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
-calorimeterProcess::calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context) :
-        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
-void calorimeterProcess::StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-    calorimeter* cal = new calorimeter;
-    cal->set_compare(attrs.getValue("hit_aggregation"));
-    m_obj = cal;
-    *obj = cal;
-    // parent type to set name and hitsCollectionName
-    SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-void calorimeterProcess::EndElement(const std::string&)
-void calorimeterProcess::Characters(const std::string&)
-void calorimeterProcess::StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
-const std::string& calorimeterProcess::State() const
-    static std::string tag = "calorimeter";
-    return tag;

lcdd/src removed after 1.17
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.17
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.17 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeter.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
- @class calorimeterSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
- @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4CalorimeterSD object.
- */
-class calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("calorimeter");
-    }
-    virtual ~calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        // use factory to create this SD
-        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/cell_readout_2d.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-class cell_readout_2dProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    cell_readout_2dProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~cell_readout_2dProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        std::cout << "cell_readout_2dProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        cell_readout_2d* np = new cell_readout_2d;
-        np->setLengthUnit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        np->setCellSizeX(attrs.getValue("cell_size_x"));
-        np->setCellSizeY(attrs.getValue("cell_size_y"));
-        m_obj = np;
-        *obj = np;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "cell_readout_2d";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/color.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class colorProcess
- @brief SAX process for color element.
- */
-class colorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    colorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~colorProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "color::StartElement()" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        color* c = new color;
-        c->set_R(attrs.getValue("R"));
-        c->set_G(attrs.getValue("G"));
-        c->set_B(attrs.getValue("B"));
-        c->set_alpha(attrs.getValue("alpha"));
-        m_obj = c;
-        *obj = c;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "color";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/comment.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class commentProcess
- @brief SAX process for comment element.
- */
-class commentProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    commentProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~commentProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "commentProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        comment* c = new comment;
-        m_obj = c;
-        *obj = c;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string& cdata)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "commentProcess::Characters() - <" << cdata << ">" << std::endl;
-        comment* c = dynamic_cast<comment*>(m_obj);
-        c->set_comment(cdata);
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "comment";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/detector.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for detector element.
- */
-class detectorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    detectorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~detectorProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        detector* d = new detector;
-        d->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        d->set_version(attrs.getValue("version"));
-        d->set_url(attrs.getValue("url"));
-        m_obj = d;
-        *obj = d;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "detector";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/dipole.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
- * @brief SAX process for the dipole element.
- */
-class dipoleProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    dipoleProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~dipoleProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        dipole* d = new dipole;
-        d->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        d->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        d->set_funit(attrs.getValue("funit"));
-        d->set_zmax(attrs.getValue("zmax"));
-        d->set_zmin(attrs.getValue("zmin"));
-        d->set_rmax(attrs.getValue("rmax"));
-        m_obj = d;
-        *obj = d;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        dipole* d = dynamic_cast<dipole*>(m_obj);
-        d->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "dipole";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/dipole.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/dipole_coeff.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Dipole.hh"
- * @brief Creates G4Dipole runtime objects in Geant4 from dipole elements.
- */
-class dipoleSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    dipoleSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("dipole");
-    }
-    virtual ~dipoleSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-        if (object) {
-            const dipole* d = dynamic_cast<const dipole*>(object);
-            if (d) {
-                double zmin, zmax, rmax;
-                std::string lunit = d->get_lunit();
-                std::string funit = d->get_funit();
-                // Evaluate zmin with lunit.
-                std::string sval = d->get_zmin();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                zmin = calc->Eval(sval);
-                // Evaluate zmax with lunit.
-                sval = d->get_zmax();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                zmax = calc->Eval(sval);
-                // Evaluate rmax with lunit.
-                sval = d->get_rmax();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                rmax = calc->Eval(sval);
-                // Create the Geant4 dipole object.
-                G4Dipole* g4d = new G4Dipole();
-                // Set the field unit's value.
-                g4d->setFieldUnit(calc->Eval(funit));
-                // Set the length unit's value.
-                g4d->setLengthUnit(calc->Eval(lunit));
-                // Set zmin and zmax.
-                g4d->setZMax(zmax);
-                g4d->setZMin(zmin);
-                g4d->setRMax(rmax);
-                // Add the dipole coefficients.
-                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(d->get_content());
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    const ContentGroup::ContentItem& elem = seq->content(i);
-                    if (elem.tag == "dipole_coeff") {
-                        dipole_coeff* coeff = dynamic_cast<dipole_coeff*>(elem.object);
-                        g4d->addCoeff(calc->Eval(coeff->get_value()));
-                    } else {
-                        std::cerr << "dipoleSubscriber :: Activate - The child element " << elem.tag << " is not a dipole_coeff!" << std::endl;
-                    }
-                }
-                // Add the G4Dipole to the magnetic field store.
-                std::string field_name = d->get_name();
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(field_name, g4d);
-            } else {
-                std::cerr << "dipoleSubscriber :: Activate - Failed cast to dipole!" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/dipole_coeff.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @class dipole_coeffProcess
- * @brief SAX process to create the dipole_coeff element.
- */
-class dipole_coeffProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    dipole_coeffProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~dipole_coeffProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        dipole_coeff* dpc = new dipole_coeff;
-        dpc->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
-        m_obj = dpc;
-        *obj = dpc;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "dipole_coeff";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldMapTypeProcess.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/field_map_3d.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-// Geant4
-#include "globals.hh"
- * @brief
- */
-class field_map_3dProcess: public FieldMapTypeProcess
-    field_map_3dProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            FieldMapTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~field_map_3dProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        field_map_3d* fmap = new field_map_3d;
-        fmap->set_filename(attrs.getValue("filename"));
-        // Top-level caller needs to setup the SAXObject references.
-        m_obj = fmap;
-        *obj = fmap;
-        // Call next process UP in inheritance chain, after the SAXObject is set.
-        FieldMapTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "field_map_3d::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
-        FieldMapTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "field_map_3d";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// lcdd
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/field_map_3d.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentObject.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
- * @class
- * @brief
- */
-class field_map_3dSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    field_map_3dSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("field_map_3d");
-    }
-    virtual ~field_map_3dSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "field_map_3d::Subscriber" << std::endl;
-        const field_map_3d* obj = dynamic_cast<const field_map_3d*>(object);
-        if (object != 0) {
-            if (obj) {
-                if (obj) {
-                    //GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-                    //std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
-                    //std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
-                    std::string name = obj->get_name();
-                    std::string field_name = obj->get_filename();
-                    Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap* fmap = new Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap(field_name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
-                    LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(name, fmap);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldType.hh"
- * @brief SAX process for fieldref element.
- */
-class fieldrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    fieldrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~fieldrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        FieldType::fieldref* fref = new FieldType::fieldref;
-        *obj = fref;
-        m_obj = fref;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "fieldref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/generator.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for generator element.
- */
-class generatorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    generatorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~generatorProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        generator* g = new generator;
-        g->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        g->set_version(attrs.getValue("version"));
-        g->set_file(attrs.getValue("file"));
-        g->set_checksum(attrs.getValue("checksum"));
-        m_obj = g;
-        *obj = g;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "generator";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/global_field.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for global_field element.
- */
-class global_fieldProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    global_fieldProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~global_fieldProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        global_field* cal = new global_field;
-        m_obj = cal;
-        *obj = cal;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::EndElement: " << name << " " << std::endl;
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::StackPopNotify: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        global_field* fobj = dynamic_cast<global_field*>(m_obj);
-        fobj->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "global_field";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.12
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.12
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Id:,v 1.12 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/global_field.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldType.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4MagneticField.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX subscriber for global_field element.
- * @note  Resolves fieldref and sets global field in LCDDProcessor.
- */
-class global_fieldSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    global_fieldSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("global_field");
-    }
-    virtual ~global_fieldSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        const global_field* fobj = 0;
-        G4MagneticField* mag = 0;
-        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-        if (object != 0) {
-            fobj = dynamic_cast<const global_field*>(object);
-            if (fobj) {
-                const ContentSequence* seq = fobj->get_content();
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "fieldref") {
-                        FieldType::fieldref* fref = dynamic_cast<FieldType::fieldref*>(seq->content(i).object);
-                        mag = proc->getMagneticField(fref->get_ref());
-                        if (mag != 0) {
-                            LCDDProcessor::instance()->addGlobalField(mag);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                std::cerr << "Failed cast to global_field!" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/global_grid_xy.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class grid_xyzProcess
- @brief SAX process for grid_xyz element.
- */
-class global_grid_xyProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    global_grid_xyProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~global_grid_xyProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        global_grid_xy* np = new global_grid_xy;
-        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        np->set_gridSizeX(attrs.getValue("grid_size_x"));
-        np->set_gridSizeY(attrs.getValue("grid_size_y"));
-        m_obj = np;
-        *obj = np;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-        ;
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-        ;
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-        ;
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "global_grid_xy";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/grid_xyz.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for grid_xyz element.
- */
-class grid_xyzProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    grid_xyzProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~grid_xyzProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "grid_xyzProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        grid_xyz* np = new grid_xyz;
-        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        np->set_gridSizeX(attrs.getValue("grid_size_x"));
-        np->set_gridSizeY(attrs.getValue("grid_size_y"));
-        np->set_gridSizeZ(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
-        m_obj = np;
-        *obj = np;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "PROCESS::END OF TAG  : " << name << " " << std::endl;
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "PROCESS::NOTIFIED AFTER THE TAG: " << name << std::endl;
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "grid_xyz";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/header.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for header element.
- */
-class headerProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    headerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~headerProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "headerProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        header* h = new header;
-        m_obj = h;
-        *obj = h;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "headerProcess::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        header* h = dynamic_cast<header*>(m_obj);
-        h->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "header";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.11
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.11
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.11 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/geant4/LCDDHeaderRecord.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/header.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/detector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/generator.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/comment.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/author.hh"
-// std
-#include <iostream>
- @class headerSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for header element.
- @note  Creates the LCDDHeaderRecord and sets in LCDDProcessor.
- */
-class headerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    headerSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("header");
-    }
-    virtual ~headerSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-        const header* obj = dynamic_cast<const header*>(object);
-        LCDDHeaderRecord* hdr = new LCDDHeaderRecord();
-        // handle child element content
-        ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(obj->get_content());
-        size_t count = seq->size();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-            const ContentGroup::ContentItem& citem = seq->content(i);
-            const std::string& tag = citem.tag;
-            SAXObject* cobj = citem.object;
-            if (tag == "detector") {
-                const detector* d = dynamic_cast<detector*>(cobj);
-                hdr->setDetectorName(d->get_name());
-                hdr->setDetectorVersion(d->get_version());
-                hdr->setDetectorUrl(d->get_url());
-            } else if (tag == "generator") {
-                const generator* g = dynamic_cast<generator*>(cobj);
-                hdr->setGeneratorName(g->get_name());
-                hdr->setGeneratorVersion(g->get_version());
-                hdr->setGeneratorFile(g->get_file());
-                hdr->setGeneratorChecksum(g->get_checksum());
-            } else if (tag == "author") {
-                const author* a = dynamic_cast<author*>(cobj);
-                hdr->setAuthorName(a->get_name());
-                hdr->setAuthorEmail(a->get_email());
-            } else if (tag == "comment") {
-                const comment* c = dynamic_cast<comment*>(cobj);
-                hdr->setComment(c->get_comment());
-            } else {
-                std::cerr << "Unknown content for header element." << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
-        // set header in LCDDProc
-        proc->setHeader(hdr);
-        // print header
-        hdr->printOut(std::cout);
-        //delete object;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/idspecElem.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for idspec element.
- */
-class idspecProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    idspecProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~idspecProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "idspecProcess::StartElement() - " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        idspecElem* idspec = new idspecElem;
-        idspec->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        idspec->set_length(attrs.getValue("length"));
-        m_obj = idspec;
-        *obj = idspec;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        idspecElem* idspec = dynamic_cast<idspecElem*>(m_obj);
-        idspec->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "idspec";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/idspecElem.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/idfieldElem.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
- @class idspecSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for idspec element.
- @note  Creates an IdSpec object and registers with IdManager.
- @note  Also creates IdField objects from idfield child elements.
- */
-class idspecSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    idspecSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("idspec");
-    }
-    virtual ~idspecSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "idspecSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
-        if (object) {
-            const idspecElem* idspec_elem = dynamic_cast<const idspecElem*>(object);
-            if (idspec_elem) {
-                std::string name = idspec_elem->get_name();
-                std::string length = idspec_elem->get_length();
-                IdSpec::SizeType length_s = (IdSpec::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(length);
-                // @todo support lengths over 64
-                if (length_s > 64) {
-                    std::cerr << "Number of bits cannot be greater than 64 at this time." << std::endl;
-                    assert(0);
-                }
-                IdSpec* idspec = new IdSpec;
-                idspec->setName(name);
-                idspec->setBitLength(length_s);
-                IdManager::instance()->addIdSpec(name, idspec);
-                // create fields
-                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(idspec_elem->get_content());
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    const ContentGroup::ContentItem& segitem = seq->content(i);
-                    if (segitem.tag == "idfield") {
-                        idfieldElem* idfield_elem = dynamic_cast<idfieldElem*>(segitem.object);
-                        if (idfield_elem) {
-                            IdField* idfield = new IdField;
-                            // label
-                            std::string label = idfield_elem->get_label();
-                            // start
-                            std::string start = idfield_elem->get_start();
-                            IdField::SizeType start_s = (IdField::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(start);
-                            // signed
-                            std::string signed_str = idfield_elem->get_signed();
-                            bool signed_bool = StringUtil::toBool(signed_str);
-                            // length
-                            std::string length = idfield_elem->get_length();
-                            IdField::SizeType length_s = (IdField::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(length);
-                            // set in G4 object
-                            idfield->setLabel(label);
-                            idfield->setSigned(signed_bool);
-                            idfield->setStart(start_s);
-                            idfield->setLength(length_s);
-                            // add to spec
-                            idspec->addIdField(idfield);
-                        } else {
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to idfieldElem.");
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        std::cerr << "Ignoring unknown child - " << segitem.tag << std::endl;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to idspecElem.");
-            }
-        } else {
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "SAXObject is null!");
-        }
-        //delete object;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/IdSpecType.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for idspecref element.
- * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to idspec element.
- */
-class idspecrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    idspecrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~idspecrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        IdSpecType::idspecref* s = new IdSpecType::idspecref;
-        *obj = s;
-        m_obj = s;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "idspecref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
- *
- */
-class limitProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    limitProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~limitProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        limit* lim = new limit;
-        lim->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        lim->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
-        lim->set_particles(attrs.getValue("particles"));
-        lim->set_unit(attrs.getValue("unit"));
-        m_obj = lim;
-        *obj = lim;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "limit";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/LimitType.hh"
- * @brief SAX process for limitref element.
- */
-class limitrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    limitrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~limitrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "limitrefProcess" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        LimitType::limitref* lref = new LimitType::limitref;
-        *obj = lref;
-        m_obj = lref;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "limitref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.5
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.5 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/limitset.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "globals.hh"
-class limitsetProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    limitsetProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~limitsetProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        limitset* lim = new limitset;
-        lim->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        m_obj = lim;
-        *obj = lim;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        if (name == "limit") {
-            SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-            limitset* lim = dynamic_cast<limitset*>(m_obj);
-            if (lim != 0) {
-                lim->add_content(name, *so);
-            } else {
-                G4Exception("limitsetProcess::StackPopNotify()", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limitset.");
-            }
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "limitsetProcess::StackPopNotify() - Got limitset content that wasn't limit." << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "limitset";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/limitset.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/geant4/G4LimitSet.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
- */
-class limitsetSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    limitsetSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("limitset");
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "limitsetSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
-        if (object != 0) {
-            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-            const limitset* lsobj = dynamic_cast<const limitset*>(object);
-            if (lsobj != 0) {
-                //std::cout << "got limitset: " << lsobj->get_name() << std::endl;
-                G4LimitSet* ls = new G4LimitSet(lsobj->get_name());
-                const ContentSequence* seq = lsobj->get_content();
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "limit") {
-                        limit* param = dynamic_cast<limit*>(seq->content(i).object);
-                        if (param != 0) {
-                            //std::cout << "got limit: " << param->get_name() << std::endl;
-                            string unit = param->get_unit();
-                            string particles = param->get_particles();
-                            string limitName = param->get_name();
-                            string sval = param->get_value();
-                            sval += "*" + unit;
-                            double value = calc->Eval(sval);
-                            /* Process the comma-delimited list of particles. */
-                            vector<string> particleList;
-                            StringUtil::split(particles, ",", particleList);
-                            /* No specific particles so make an entry for all particles. */
-                            if (particleList.end() == particleList.begin()) {
-                                //std::cout << "adding limit with name, particle, value: <" << limitName << "> <" << G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE << "> <" << value << ">" << std::endl;
-                                ls->setLimitForParticle(limitName, G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE, value);
-                            }
-                            /* Insert the limit once for each particle. */
-                            else {
-                                for (vector<string>::iterator iter = particleList.begin(); iter != particleList.end(); iter++) {
-                                    string particle = (*iter);
-                                    StringUtil::trim(particle);
-                                    //std::cout << "adding limit with name, particle, value: <" << limitName << "> <" << particle << "> <" << value << ">" << std::endl;
-                                    ls->setLimitForParticle(limitName, particle, value);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limit.");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addLimitSet(ls->getName(), ls);
-            } else {
-                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limitset.");
-            }
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/LimitSetType.hh"
- * @brief SAX process for limitsetref element.
- */
-class limitsetrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    limitsetrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~limitsetrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "limitsetrefProcess" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        LimitSetType::limitsetref* lref = new LimitSetType::limitsetref;
-        *obj = lref;
-        m_obj = lref;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "limitsetref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/nonprojective_cylinder.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class nonprojective_cylinderProcess
- @brief SAX process for nonprojective_cylinder element.
- */
-class nonprojective_cylinderProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    nonprojective_cylinderProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~nonprojective_cylinderProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "nonprojective_cylinderProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        nonprojective_cylinder* np = new nonprojective_cylinder;
-        np->set_gridSizeZ(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
-        np->set_gridSizePhi(attrs.getValue("grid_size_phi"));
-        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        m_obj = np;
-        *obj = np;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "nonprojective_cylinder";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/optical_calorimeter.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class optical_calorimeterProcess
- @brief SAX process for optical_calorimeter element.
- @note  Calls SAX processor for SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess parent class.
- */
-class optical_calorimeterProcess: public calorimeterProcess
-    optical_calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            calorimeterProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~optical_calorimeterProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "optical_calorimeter";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeter.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
-#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
- * @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
- * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory for creation of G4CalorimeterSD objects.
- */
-class optical_calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    optical_calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("optical_calorimeter");
-    }
-    virtual ~optical_calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/physvolidElem.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for physvolid element.
- */
-class physvolidProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    physvolidProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~physvolidProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        physvolidElem* pvid = new physvolidElem;
-        pvid->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
-        pvid->set_field_name(attrs.getValue("field_name"));
-        m_obj = pvid;
-        *obj = pvid;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "physvolid";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/projective_cylinder.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for projective_cylinder element.
- */
-class projective_cylinderProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    projective_cylinderProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~projective_cylinderProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "projective_cylinderProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        projective_cylinder* prj = new projective_cylinder;
-        prj->set_ntheta(attrs.getValue("ntheta"));
-        prj->set_nphi(attrs.getValue("nphi"));
-        m_obj = prj;
-        *obj = prj;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "projective_cylinder";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/projective_zplane.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class projective_zplaneProcess
- @brief SAX process for projective_zplane element.
- */
-class projective_zplaneProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    projective_zplaneProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~projective_zplaneProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "projective_zplaneProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        projective_zplane* prj = new projective_zplane;
-        prj->set_ntheta(attrs.getValue("ntheta"));
-        prj->set_nphi(attrs.getValue("nphi"));
-        m_obj = prj;
-        *obj = prj;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "projective_zplane";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/region.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for region element.
- */
-class regionProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    regionProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~regionProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        region* reg = new region;
-        reg->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        reg->set_storeSecondaries(attrs.getValue("store_secondaries"));
-        reg->set_killTracks(attrs.getValue("kill_tracks"));
-        reg->set_cut(attrs.getValue("cut"));
-        reg->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
-        reg->set_threshold(attrs.getValue("threshold"));
-        reg->set_eunit(attrs.getValue("eunit"));
-        m_obj = reg;
-        *obj = reg;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        region* r = dynamic_cast<region*>(m_obj);
-        r->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "region";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.19
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:23 -0000	1.19
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.19 2013/06/26 01:36:23 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/region.hh"
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/geant4/G4UserRegionInformation.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/LimitSetType.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4Region.hh"
-#include "G4ProductionCuts.hh"
-// std
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
- @class regionSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for region element.
- @note  Creates a G4Region with user information and registers with LCDDProcessor.
- */
-class regionSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    regionSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("region");
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        if (object != 0) {
-            LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-            const region* robj = dynamic_cast<const region*>(object);
-            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-            G4Region* reg = 0;
-            if (robj) {
-                std::string name = robj->get_name();
-                reg = new G4Region(name);
-                // compute prod cut
-                std::string lunit = robj->get_lunit();
-                std::string sval = robj->get_cut();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                double cut = calc->Eval(sval);
-                std::string eunit = robj->get_eunit();
-                sval = robj->get_threshold();
-                sval += "*" + eunit;
-                double threshold = calc->Eval(sval);
-                // set production cut
-                std::string store_seco = robj->get_storeSecondaries();
-                G4ProductionCuts* prod_cuts = new G4ProductionCuts();
-                prod_cuts->SetProductionCut(cut);
-                reg->SetProductionCuts(prod_cuts);
-                // create region info with storeSecondaries flag
-                G4UserRegionInformation* reg_info = new G4UserRegionInformation();
-                // set storeSeco
-                reg_info->setStoreSecondaries(StringUtil::toBool(store_seco));
-                std::string killTracks = robj->get_killTracks();
-                //std::cout << "regionSubscriber.killTracks: " << killTracks << std::endl;
-                reg_info->setKillTracks(StringUtil::toBool(killTracks));
-                //std::cout << "regInfo.killTracsk: " << reg_info << std::endl;
-                // set threshold
-                reg_info->setThreshold(threshold);
-                // set info in region
-                reg->SetUserInformation(reg_info);
-                // get content
-                const ContentSequence* seq = robj->get_content();
-                // get size of content
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                // iterate over and process content
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "limitsetref") {
-                        LimitSetType::limitsetref* limitsetref = dynamic_cast<LimitSetType::limitsetref*>(seq->content(i).object);
-                        G4UserLimits* ulim = dynamic_cast<G4LimitSet*>(proc->getLimitSet(limitsetref->get_ref()));
-                        if (ulim) {
-                            reg->SetUserLimits( ulim );
-                            std::cout << "Set user limits <" << limitsetref->get_ref() << "> on region <" << name << ">" << std::endl;
-                            std::cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring limitsetref on region.  The method G4Region::SetUserLimits is not supported by your Geant4 version." << std::endl;
-                        } else {
-                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: limit element not found - " << limitsetref->get_ref() << std::endl;
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "limitsetref not found.");
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        std::cerr << "Bad content to region tag: " << seq->content(i).tag << std::endl;
-                    }
-                }
-                // register with processor
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addRegion(name, reg);
-            } else {
-                std::cerr << "Failed cast to region!" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/RegionType.hh"
- * @brief SAX process for regionref element.
- * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to region element.
- */
-class regionrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    regionrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~regionrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        RegionType::regionref* regref = new RegionType::regionref;
-        *obj = regref;
-        m_obj = regref;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "regionref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldMapTypeProcess.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/rz_field_map.hh"
-// Geant4
-#include "globals.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief Processor for rz_field_map elements.
- */
-class rz_field_mapProcess: public FieldMapTypeProcess
-    rz_field_mapProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            FieldMapTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~rz_field_mapProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //    std::cout << "rz_field_mapProcess::StartElement - " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        rz_field_map* rzmap = new rz_field_map;
-        /* set attributes */
-        rzmap->set_num_bins_r(attrs.getValue("num_bins_r"));
-        rzmap->set_grid_size_r(attrs.getValue("grid_size_r"));
-        rzmap->set_num_bins_z(attrs.getValue("num_bins_z"));
-        rzmap->set_grid_size_z(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
-        /* Top-level caller needs to setup the SAXObject references. */
-        m_obj = rzmap;
-        *obj = rzmap;
-        /* Call next process UP in inheritance chain, after the SAXObject is set. */
-        FieldMapTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        //    std::cout << "rz_field_mapProcess::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
-        if (name != "rzB") {
-            std::cerr << name << " is not a valid child element for rz_field_map." << std::endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        FieldMapTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "rz_field_map";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/rz_field_map.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/rzb.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4RZFieldMap.hh"
- * @class rz_field_mapSubscriber
- * @brief Subscriber for rz_field_map elements.
- */
-class rz_field_mapSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    rz_field_mapSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("rz_field_map");
-    }
-    virtual ~rz_field_mapSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    /** Instantiates a G4RZFieldMap object into Geant4 runtime. */
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "rz_field_mapSubscriber" << std::endl;
-        if (object != 0) {
-            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-            const rz_field_map* obj = dynamic_cast<const rz_field_map*>(object);
-            if (obj) {
-                std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
-                std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
-                std::string name = obj->get_name();
-                int numBinsR, numBinsZ;
-                double gridSizeR, gridSizeZ;
-                std::string sval = obj->get_num_bins_r();
-                numBinsR = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_num_bins_z();
-                numBinsZ = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_grid_size_r();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                gridSizeR = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_grid_size_z();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                gridSizeZ = calc->Eval(sval);
-                /* Make list of RZB rows from content. */
-                const ContentSequence* seq = obj->get_content();
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                std::vector<RZBData> fieldData;
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "rzB") {
-                        rzb* row = dynamic_cast<rzb*>(seq->content(i).object);
-                        if (row != 0) {
-                            std::string sr = row->get_r();
-                            std::string sz = row->get_z();
-                            std::string sBr = row->get_Br();
-                            std::string sBz = row->get_Bz();
-                            std::string sval = sr;
-                            sval += "*" + lunit;
-                            double r = calc->Eval(sval);
-                            sval = sz;
-                            sval += "*" + lunit;
-                            double z = calc->Eval(sval);
-                            sval = sBr;
-                            sval += "*" + funit;
-                            double Br = calc->Eval(sval);
-                            sval = sBz;
-                            sval += "*" + funit;
-                            double Bz = calc->Eval(sval);
-                            fieldData.push_back(RZBData(r, z, Br, Bz));
-                        } else {
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to rzB.");
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        G4cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring unknown element " << seq->content(i).tag << "." << std::endl;
-                    }
-                }
-                G4RZFieldMap* fmap = new G4RZFieldMap(numBinsR, numBinsZ, gridSizeR, gridSizeZ, fieldData);
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(name, fmap);
-            } else {
-                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to rz_field_map.");
-            }
-        } else {
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "SAXObject is null.");
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/rzb.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief Processor for rzB elements.
- */
-class rzbProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    rzbProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~rzbProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "rzbProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        rzb* row = new rzb;
-        row->set_r(attrs.getValue("r"));
-        row->set_z(attrs.getValue("z"));
-        row->set_Br(attrs.getValue("Br"));
-        row->set_Bz(attrs.getValue("Bz"));
-        m_obj = row;
-        *obj = row;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "rzB";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/scorer.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for scorer element.
- */
-class scorerProcess: public SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess
-    scorerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~scorerProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "PROCESS::START OF TAG  : " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        scorer* scr = new scorer;
-        /*
-         scr->set_kill_tracks(attrs.getValue("kill_tracks") );
-         */
-        m_obj = scr;
-        *obj = scr;
-        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "PROCESS::END OF TAG  : " << name << " " << std::endl;
-        //SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::EndElement( name );
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "scorer";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/scorer.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX subscriber for scorer element.
- * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4ScorerSD.
- */
-class scorerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    scorerSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("scorer");
-    }
-    virtual ~scorerSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.7
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.7 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorType.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class sdrefProcess
- @brief SAX process for sdref element.
- @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to sd element.
- */
-class sdrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    sdrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~sdrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        SensitiveDetectorType::sdref* s = new SensitiveDetectorType::sdref;
-        *obj = s;
-        m_obj = s;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "sdref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.6
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.6
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.6 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/solenoid.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/FieldTypeProcess.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for solenoid element.
- */
-class solenoidProcess: public FieldTypeProcess
-    solenoidProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            FieldTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~solenoidProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "solenoidProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        solenoid* sol = new solenoid;
-        sol->set_innerField(attrs.getValue("inner_field"));
-        sol->set_outerField(attrs.getValue("outer_field"));
-        sol->set_zmin(attrs.getValue("zmin"));
-        sol->set_zmax(attrs.getValue("zmax"));
-        sol->set_innerRadius(attrs.getValue("inner_radius"));
-        sol->set_outerRadius(attrs.getValue("outer_radius"));
-        m_obj = sol;
-        *obj = sol;
-        FieldTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "solenoidProcess::EndElement: " << name << " " << std::endl;
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "calorimeterProcess::StackPopNotify: " << name << std::endl;
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "solenoid";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
-#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
-// processor 
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/solenoid.hh"
-#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Solenoid.hh"
- * @brief SAX subscriber for solenoid element.
- * @note  Creates a G4Solenoid object and registers with LCDDProcessor.
- */
-class solenoidSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    solenoidSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("solenoid");
-    }
-    virtual ~solenoidSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "solenoidSubscriber" << std::endl;
-        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-        if (object != 0) {
-            const solenoid* obj = dynamic_cast<const solenoid*>(object);
-            if (obj) {
-                //std::cout << "GOT SOLENOID: " << obj->get_name() << std::endl;
-                double outer_field, inner_field;
-                double zmin, zmax;
-                double inner_radius, outer_radius;
-                std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
-                std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
-                std::string sval = obj->get_innerField();
-                sval += "*" + funit;
-                inner_field = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_outerField();
-                sval += "*" + funit;
-                outer_field = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_zmin();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                zmin = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_zmax();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                zmax = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_innerRadius();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                inner_radius = calc->Eval(sval);
-                sval = obj->get_outerRadius();
-                sval += "*" + lunit;
-                outer_radius = calc->Eval(sval);
-                G4Solenoid* sol = new G4Solenoid();
-                sol->setInnerField(inner_field);
-                sol->setOuterField(outer_field);
-                sol->setInnerZ(zmin);
-                sol->setOuterZ(zmax);
-                sol->setInnerR(inner_radius);
-                sol->setOuterR(outer_radius);
-                std::string field_name = obj->get_name();
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(field_name, sol);
-            } else {
-                std::cerr << "Failed cast to solenoid!" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
-        //delete object;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.8
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.8
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.8 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/tracker.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class trackerProcess
- @brief SAX process for tracker element.
- */
-class trackerProcess: public SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess
-    trackerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~trackerProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        tracker* trk = new tracker;
-        trk->set_combine_hits(attrs.getValue("combine_hits"));
-        m_obj = trk;
-        *obj = trk;
-        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "tracker";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.10
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.10
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.10 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/tracker.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
-// STL
-#include <iostream>
- @class trackerSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for tracker element.
- @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4TrackerSD.
- */
-class trackerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    trackerSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("tracker");
-    }
-    virtual ~trackerSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/unsegmented_calorimeter.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for unsegmented_calorimeter element.@note  Calls SAX processor for SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess parent class.
- */
-class unsegmented_calorimeterProcess: public calorimeterProcess
-    unsegmented_calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            calorimeterProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~unsegmented_calorimeterProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "unsegmented_calorimeter";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
- * @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
- * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4CalorimeterSD object.
- */
-class unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("unsegmented_calorimeter");
-    }
-    virtual ~unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.3
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.3
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.3 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/vis.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// std
-#include <iostream>
- * @brief SAX process for vis element.
- */
-class visProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    visProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~visProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "visProcess::StartElement()" << std::endl;
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        vis* v = new vis;
-        v->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        v->set_visible(attrs.getValue("visible"));
-        v->set_show_daughters(attrs.getValue("show_daughters"));
-        v->set_line_style(attrs.getValue("line_style"));
-        v->set_drawing_style(attrs.getValue("drawing_style"));
-        m_obj = v;
-        *obj = v;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        // add all content
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        vis* v = dynamic_cast<vis*>(m_obj);
-        v->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "vis";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/vis.hh"
-#include "lcdd/schema/color.hh"
-#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-// Geant4
-#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
- @class visSubscriber
- @brief SAX subscriber for vis element.
- @note  Creates and registers a G4VisAttributes object with LCDDProcessor.
- */
-class visSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    visSubscriber()
-    {
-        Subscribe("vis");
-    }
-    virtual ~visSubscriber()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    {
-        //std::cout << "visSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
-        if (object != 0) {
-            const vis* vobj = dynamic_cast<const vis*>(object);
-            if (vobj) {
-                G4VisAttributes* g4vis = new G4VisAttributes;
-                std::string name = vobj->get_name();
-                bool visible = StringUtil::toBool(vobj->get_visible());
-                bool show_daughters = StringUtil::toBool(vobj->get_show_daughters());
-                G4VisAttributes::LineStyle line = convertLineStyle(vobj->get_line_style());
-                G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle draw = convertDrawingStyle(vobj->get_drawing_style());
-                g4vis->SetVisibility(visible);
-                g4vis->SetDaughtersInvisible(!show_daughters);
-                g4vis->SetLineStyle(line);
-                if (draw == G4VisAttributes::wireframe) {
-                    g4vis->SetForceWireframe(true);
-                } else if (draw == G4VisAttributes::solid) {
-                    g4vis->SetForceSolid(true);
-                }
-                // set color
-                bool color_set = false;
-                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(vobj->get_content());
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
-                    SAXObject* child_obj = seq->content(i).object;
-                    if (child_tag == "color") {
-                        //std::cout << "handling color" << std::endl;
-                        color* c = dynamic_cast<color*>(child_obj);
-                        double r = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_R());
-                        double g = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_G());
-                        double b = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_B());
-                        double alpha = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_alpha());
-                        //std::cout << "r g b alpha: " << r << " " << g << " " << b << " " << alpha << std::endl;
-                        g4vis->SetColor(r, g, b, alpha);
-                        // should be only one	    
-                        color_set = true;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!color_set) {
-                    std::cerr << "WARNING: Color was not explicitly set and got the default value." << std::endl;
-                }
-                // add to proc's map
-                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addVisAttributes(name, g4vis);
-            }
-        }
-        //delete object;
-    }
-    static G4VisAttributes::LineStyle convertLineStyle(const std::string& s)
-    {
-        G4VisAttributes::LineStyle l = G4VisAttributes::unbroken;
-        if (s == "unbroken") {
-            l = G4VisAttributes::unbroken;
-        } else if (s == "dashed") {
-            l = G4VisAttributes::dashed;
-        } else if (s == "dotted") {
-            l = G4VisAttributes::dotted;
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "WARNING: unknown LineStyle - " << s << std::endl;
-        }
-        return l;
-    }
-    static G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle convertDrawingStyle(const std::string& s)
-    {
-        G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle d = G4VisAttributes::wireframe;
-        if (s == "wireframe") {
-            d = G4VisAttributes::wireframe;
-        } else if (s == "solid") {
-            d = G4VisAttributes::solid;
-        } else {
-            std::cerr << "WARNING: unknown DrawingStyle - " << d << std::endl;
-        }
-        return d;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.4
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.4 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/schema/VisType.hh"
-// GDML
-#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
- * @brief SAX process for visref element.
- * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for referencing the vis elements.
- */
-class visrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
-    visrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~visrefProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        VisType::visref* visref = new VisType::visref;
-        *obj = visref;
-        m_obj = visref;
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
-    }
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "visref";
-        return tag;
-    }

lcdd/src removed after 1.9
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.9
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.9 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-#ifndef VolumeExtendedProcess_hh
-#define VolumeExtendedProcess_hh 1
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
-#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
-#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
-#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
-#include "Schema/volume.h"
- * @brief SAX process for the volume element, as extended by LCDD.
- * @note  This is mostly a cut and paste job of GDML's volumeProcess class,
- * as this class does not appear to be extendable.  It is only defined in a cpp
- * file with no include guards!
- */
-class volumeExtendedProcess: public SAXStateProcess
-    volumeExtendedProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
-            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual ~volumeExtendedProcess()
-    {
-    }
-    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    // Analogical to SAX startElement callback
-    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
-    {
-        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        volume* vo = new volume;
-        vo->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
-        m_obj = vo;
-        *obj = vo;
-    }
-    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
-    {
-    }
-    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
-    {
-        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
-        volume* vobj = dynamic_cast<volume*>(m_obj);
-        vobj->add_content(name, *so);
-    }
-    // The name of the state this object will process
-    virtual const std::string& State() const
-    {
-        static std::string tag = "volume";
-        return tag;
-    }
-    SAXObject* m_obj;
-    static SAXObject* m_volumeSaved;

lcdd/src removed after 1.32
diff -N
---	26 Jun 2013 01:36:24 -0000	1.32
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/Attic/,v 1.32 2013/06/26 01:36:24 jeremy Exp $
-// LCDD
-#include "lcdd/subscribers/volumeExtendedSubscriber.hh"
- * @brief SAX subscriber to handle extra LCDD tags on volume element.
- * @note  This is the major subscriber extension class for the LCDD package.
- */
-const SAXComponentObject* volumeExtendedSubscriber::Build() const
-    return this;
-    Subscribe("volume");
-void volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate(const SAXObject* object)
-    LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
-    const volume* vobj = 0;
-    G4SensitiveDetector* g4sd = 0;
-    G4LogicalVolume* lv;
-    int nchildren = 0;
-    if (object) {
-        vobj = dynamic_cast<const volume*>(object);
-        if (vobj) {
-            // get LV
-            lv = const_cast<G4LogicalVolume*>(GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetLogicalVolume(vobj->get_name()));
-            if (lv) {
-                // get content
-                const ContentSequence* seq = vobj->get_content();
-                // get size of content
-                size_t count = seq->size();
-                // iterate over and process content
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-                    // handle sdref tag
-                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "sdref") {
-                        SensitiveDetectorType::sdref* sd = dynamic_cast<SensitiveDetectorType::sdref*>(seq->content(i).object);
-                        g4sd = proc->getSensitiveDetector(sd->get_ref());
-                        if (g4sd) {
-                            if (!g4sd->isValidVolume(lv)) {
-                                //G4Exception("FATAL ERROR: The G4LogicalVolume <" + lv->GetName() + "> is not valid for the SD <" + g4sd->GetName() + ">.");
-                                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "LogVol not valid for the SD");
-                            }
-                            lv->SetSensitiveDetector(g4sd);
-                        } else {
-                            G4cerr << "SD not found: " << sd->get_ref() << "." << G4endl;
-                            G4Exception( "volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate()", "", FatalException, "Invalid sdref.");
-                        }
-                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "regionref" ) {
-                        // handle regionref
-                        // get regionref object
-                        RegionType::regionref* regref = dynamic_cast<RegionType::regionref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
-                        // get region from store
-                        G4Region* reg = dynamic_cast<G4Region*> ( proc->getRegion( regref->get_ref() ) );
-                        // add LV to region
-                        if ( reg ) {
-                        reg->AddRootLogicalVolume( lv );
-                        } else {
-                            G4cerr << "Failed to fetch and/or cast to region: " << regref->get_ref() << G4endl;
-                            G4Exception("volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate()", "", FatalException, "Invalid regionref.");
-                        }
-                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "limitsetref" ) {
-                        // handle limitsetref
-                        LimitSetType::limitsetref* limitsetref = dynamic_cast<LimitSetType::limitsetref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
-                        G4UserLimits* ulim = dynamic_cast<G4LimitSet*> ( proc->getLimitSet( limitsetref->get_ref() ) );
-                        if ( ulim ) {
-                            lv->SetUserLimits( ulim );
-                            std::cout << "Set user limits <" << limitsetref->get_ref() << "> on logical volume <" << lv->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
-                        } else {
-                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: limit element not found - " << limitsetref->get_ref() << std::endl;
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "limitsetref not found.");
-                        }
-                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "visref" ) {
-                        // handle visref
-                        //std::cout << "handling visref" << std::endl;
-                        VisType::visref* visref = dynamic_cast<VisType::visref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
-                        G4VisAttributes* vis = dynamic_cast<G4VisAttributes*> ( proc->getVisAttributes( visref->get_ref() ) );
-                        if ( vis ) {
-                            //std::cout << "assigning vis: " << visref->get_ref() << std::endl;
-                            lv->SetVisAttributes( vis );
-                        } else {
-                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: vis element not found - " << visref->get_ref() << std::endl;
-                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "vis element not found.");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ( seq->content(i).tag == "physvol" ) {
-                        // handle physvols to look for physvolids
-                        ++nchildren;
-                        // get physvol content sequence
-                        physvol* pv = dynamic_cast<physvol*>( seq->content(i).object );
-                        const ContentSequence* pv_seq = pv->get_content();
-                        size_t ccount = pv_seq->size();
-                        // iterate over physvol content
-                        for ( size_t pvidx = 0; pvidx < ccount; pvidx++ ) {
-                            // found "choice" tag?
-                            if( pv_seq->content(pvidx).tag == "choice" ) {
-                                const ContentChoice* pv_choice = dynamic_cast<const ContentChoice*>( pv_seq->content(pvidx).object );
-                                // found a physvolid?
-                                if ( pv_choice->content().tag == "physvolid" ) {
-                                    // add the physvolid...
-                                    physvolidElem* pvid_elem =
-                                            dynamic_cast<physvolidElem*>( pv_choice->content().object );
-                                    if ( pvid_elem == 0 ) {
-                                        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to physvolidElem.");
-                                    }
-                                    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
-                                    std::string strID = pvid_elem->get_value();
-                                    std::string fld = pvid_elem->get_field_name();
-                                    int intID = (int)calc->Eval( strID );
-                                    PhysVolId pvid(intID, fld);
-                                    // assign physvolid to lv's child by the in-order idx
-                                    IdManager::instance()->addPhysVolId(
-                                                        lv,            // LV mom
-                                                        nchildren - 1, // child idx in mom
-                                                        pvid );        // PhysVolId
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to G4LogicalVolume.");
-            }
-        } else {
-            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to volume.");
-        }
-    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Original PurgMagTabulatedField3D code developed by:
+//  S.Larsson and J. Generowicz.
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap.hh"
+// STL
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std;
+Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap::Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap( const char* filename, double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset ) 
+	:_xOffset(xOffset),_yOffset(yOffset),_zOffset(zOffset),_invertX(false),_invertY(false),_invertZ(false)
+	//cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------"
+	//	<< "\n      Magnetic field"
+	//	<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------";
+	//cout << "\n ---> " "Reading the field grid from " << filename << " ... " << endl;
+	ifstream file( filename ); // Open the file for reading.
+	// Ignore first blank line
+	char buffer[256];
+	file.getline(buffer,256);
+	// Read table dimensions 
+	file >> _nx >> _ny >> _nz; // Note dodgy order
+	//cout << "  [ Number of values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _nx << " " << _ny << " " << _nz << " ] "
+	//	<< endl;
+	// Set up storage space for table
+	_xField.resize( _nx );
+	_yField.resize( _nx );
+	_zField.resize( _nx );
+	int ix, iy, iz;
+	for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
+		_xField[ix].resize(_ny);
+		_yField[ix].resize(_ny);
+		_zField[ix].resize(_ny);
+		for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
+			_xField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
+			_yField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
+			_zField[ix][iy].resize(_nz);
+		}
+	}
+	// Ignore other header information    
+	// The first line whose second character is '0' is considered to
+	// be the last line of the header.
+	do {
+		file.getline(buffer,256);
+	} while ( buffer[1]!='0');
+	// Read in the data
+	double xval,yval,zval,bx,by,bz;
+	for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
+		for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
+			for (iz=0; iz<_nz; iz++) {
+				file >> xval >> yval >> zval >> bx >> by >> bz;
+				if ( ix==0 && iy==0 && iz==0 ) {
+					_minx = xval;
+					_miny = yval;
+					_minz = zval;
+				}
+				_xField[ix][iy][iz] = bx;
+				_yField[ix][iy][iz] = by;
+				_zField[ix][iy][iz] = bz;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	file.close();
+	_maxx = xval;
+	_maxy = yval;
+	_maxz = zval;
+	//cout << "\n ---> ... done reading " << endl;
+	// cout << " Read values of field from file " << filename << endl; 
+	//cout << " ---> assumed the order:  x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz "
+	//	<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _minx << " " << _miny << " " << _minz << " cm "
+	//	<< "\n ---> Max values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _maxx << " " << _maxy << " " << _maxz << " cm "
+	//	<< "\n ---> The field will be offset by " << _xOffset << " " << _yOffset << " " << _zOffset << " cm " << endl;
+	// Should really check that the limits are not the wrong way around.
+	if (_maxx < _minx) {swap(_maxx,_minx); _invertX = true;} 
+	if (_maxy < _miny) {swap(_maxy,_miny); _invertY = true;} 
+	if (_maxz < _minz) {swap(_maxz,_minz); _invertZ = true;} 
+	//cout << "\nAfter reordering if necessary"
+	//	<< "\n ---> Min values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _minx << " " << _miny << " " << _minz << " cm "
+	//	<< " \n ---> Max values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _maxx << " " << _maxy << " " << _maxz << " cm ";
+	_dx = _maxx - _minx;
+	_dy = _maxy - _miny;
+	_dz = _maxz - _minz;
+	//cout << "\n ---> Range of values x,y,z: "
+	//	<< _dx << " " << _dy << " " << _dz << " cm in z "
+	//	<< "\n-----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+void Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap::GetFieldValue(const double point[4],
+	double *Bfield ) const
+	double x = point[0];
+	double y = point[1];
+	double z = point[2] + _zOffset;
+	// Check that the point is within the defined region 
+	if ( x>=_minx && x<=_maxx &&
+		y>=_miny && y<=_maxy && 
+		z>=_minz && z<=_maxz ) {
+			// Position of given point within region, normalized to the range
+			// [0,1]
+			double xfraction = (x - _minx) / _dx;
+			double yfraction = (y - _miny) / _dy; 
+			double zfraction = (z - _minz) / _dz;
+			if (_invertX) { xfraction = 1 - xfraction;}
+			if (_invertY) { yfraction = 1 - yfraction;}
+			if (_invertZ) { zfraction = 1 - zfraction;}
+			// Need addresses of these to pass to modf below.
+			// modf uses its second argument as an OUTPUT argument.
+			double xdindex, ydindex, zdindex;
+			// Position of the point within the cuboid defined by the
+			// nearest surrounding tabulated points
+			double xlocal = ( std::modf(xfraction*(_nx-1), &xdindex));
+			double ylocal = ( std::modf(yfraction*(_ny-1), &ydindex));
+			double zlocal = ( std::modf(zfraction*(_nz-1), &zdindex));
+			// The indices of the nearest tabulated point whose coordinates
+			// are all less than those of the given point
+			int xindex = static_cast<int>(xdindex);
+			int yindex = static_cast<int>(ydindex);
+			int zindex = static_cast<int>(zdindex);
+			cout << "Local x,y,z: " << xlocal << " " << ylocal << " " << zlocal << endl;
+			cout << "Index x,y,z: " << xindex << " " << yindex << " " << zindex << endl;
+			double valx0z0, mulx0z0, valx1z0, mulx1z0;
+			double valx0z1, mulx0z1, valx1z1, mulx1z1;
+			valx0z0= table[xindex  ][0][zindex];  mulx0z0=  (1-xlocal) * (1-zlocal);
+			valx1z0= table[xindex+1][0][zindex];  mulx1z0=   xlocal    * (1-zlocal);
+			valx0z1= table[xindex  ][0][zindex+1]; mulx0z1= (1-xlocal) * zlocal;
+			valx1z1= table[xindex+1][0][zindex+1]; mulx1z1=  xlocal    * zlocal;
+			// Full 3-dimensional version
+			Bfield[0] =
+				_xField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_xField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_xField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_xField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
+				_xField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_xField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_xField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
+			Bfield[1] =
+				_yField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_yField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_yField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_yField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
+				_yField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_yField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_yField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
+			Bfield[2] =
+				_zField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_zField[xindex  ][yindex  ][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_zField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex  ] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_zField[xindex  ][yindex+1][zindex+1] * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
+				_zField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex  ] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
+				_zField[xindex+1][yindex  ][zindex+1] *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
+				_zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex  ] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
+				_zField[xindex+1][yindex+1][zindex+1] *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
+	} else {
+		Bfield[0] = 0.0;
+		Bfield[1] = 0.0;
+		Bfield[2] = 0.0;
+	}
+int main()
+	Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap field("C:/work/magfield/magfield3DMap/ThreeDFieldMap.dat", 0.,0.,0.);
+	double pos[4];
+	pos[0]=0.;
+	pos[1]=0.;
+	pos[2]=0.;
+	pos[3]=0.;
+	double B[3];
+	for(double x=-0.05; x<=0.05; x+=.005)
+	{
+		for(double y=-0.05; y<=0.17; y+=.005)
+		{
+			for(double z=-0.26; z<=0.1; z+=.05)
+			{
+				pos[0]=x;
+				pos[1] =y;
+				pos[2] = z;
+				field.GetFieldValue(pos, B);
+				//cout << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << " " << B[0] << " " << B[1] << " " << B[2] << endl;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	pos[0]=-0.01;
+	pos[1]=0.038;
+	pos[2]=-0.02;
+	field.GetFieldValue(pos, B);
+	//cout << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << " " << B[0] << " " << B[1] << " " << B[2] << endl;
+	return 0;

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4BoxDipole.hh"
+G4BoxDipole::G4BoxDipole(double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double bx, double by, double bz) :
+        _x(x), _y(y), _z(z), _dx(dx), _dy(dy), _dz(dz), _bx(bx), _by(by), _bz(bz)
+    _maxx = x + dx;
+    _maxy = y + dy;
+    _maxz = z + dz;
+    _minx = x - dx;
+    _miny = y - dy;
+    _minz = z - dz;
+void G4BoxDipole::GetFieldValue(const double point[3], double* bfield) const
+    if (point[0] < _minx || point[0] > _maxx)
+        return;
+    if (point[1] < _miny || point[1] > _maxy)
+        return;
+    if (point[2] < _minz || point[2] > _maxz)
+        return;
+    bfield[0] += _bx;
+    bfield[1] += _by;
+    bfield[2] += _bz;
+    //std::cout << point[0] << ", " << point[1] << ", " << point[2] << " --> " << bfield[0] << ", " << bfield[1] << ", " << bfield[2] << std::endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Dipole.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+ * Apply polynomial fit of dipole field, with variable number of coefficients
+ * read from the input XML file.
+ */
+void G4Dipole::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double* Bfield) const
+    //std::cout << "G4Dipole::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "point = " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "BEFORE --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl;
+    double bx = 0;
+    double z = Point[2];
+    double r = sqrt(Point[0] * Point[0] + Point[1] * Point[1]);
+    // Check if z coordinate is within dipole z bounds.
+    if (z > m_zmin && z < m_zmax && r < m_rmax) {
+        // Convert to absolute value z and apply specified length unit.
+        double zc = fabs(z) / m_lunit;
+        //std::cout << "zc = " << zc << std::endl;
+        // Apply all coefficients to this z coordinate.
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_coeffs.size(); ++i) {
+            bx += m_coeffs[i] * pow(zc, i);
+        }
+        // Convert to specified field unit.
+        bx *= m_funit;
+        // Flip sign for negative z.
+        if (z < 0) {
+            bx = -bx;
+        }
+        // Add Bx to the input Bfield.
+        Bfield[0] += bx;
+    }
+    //std::cout << "AFTER --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << Point[2] << " " << Bfield[0] << std::endl;
+    return;
+void G4Dipole::setZMax(double zmax)
+    m_zmax = zmax;
+double G4Dipole::getZMax()
+    return m_zmax;
+void G4Dipole::setZMin(double zmin)
+    m_zmin = zmin;
+double G4Dipole::getZMin()
+    return m_zmin;
+void G4Dipole::setRMax(double rmax)
+    m_rmax = rmax;
+double G4Dipole::getRMax()
+    return m_rmax;
+void G4Dipole::addCoeff(double coeff)
+    m_coeffs.push_back(coeff);
+const std::vector<double>& G4Dipole::getCoeffs()
+    return m_coeffs;
+void G4Dipole::setFieldUnit(double unit)
+    m_funit = unit;
+double G4Dipole::getFieldUnit()
+    return m_funit;
+void G4Dipole::setLengthUnit(double unit)
+    m_lunit = unit;
+double G4Dipole::getLengthUnit()
+    return m_lunit;

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4RZFieldMap.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "globals.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cmath>
+// Set this preprocessor symbol for lots of debugging output.
+//#define FIELD_MAP_DEBUG 1
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+G4RZFieldMap::G4RZFieldMap(int numBinsR, int numBinsZ, double gridSizeR, double gridSizeZ, std::vector<RZBData> fieldData) :
+        m_numBinsR(numBinsR), m_numBinsZ(numBinsZ), m_gridSizeR(gridSizeR), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ), m_BrArray(0), m_BzArray(0)
+    cout << "numBinsR=" << numBinsR << endl;
+    cout << "numBinsZ=" << numBinsZ << endl;
+    cout << "gridSizeR=" << gridSizeR << endl;
+    cout << "gridSizeZ=" << gridSizeZ << endl;
+    if (numBinsR < 2) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "numBinsR must be >= 2");
+    }
+    if (numBinsZ < 2) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "numBinsZ must be >= 2");
+    }
+    if (gridSizeR <= 0) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "gridSizeR must be >= 0");
+    }
+    if (gridSizeZ <= 0) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "gridSizeZ must be >= 0");
+    }
+    m_maxR = (numBinsR - 1) * m_gridSizeR;
+    m_maxZ = (numBinsZ - 1) * m_gridSizeZ;
+    initializeArrays();
+    fillArrays(fieldData);
+void G4RZFieldMap::initializeArrays()
+    // Make two 2D arrays of numBinsZ x numBinsR 
+    m_BrArray = new double*[m_numBinsZ];
+    m_BzArray = new double*[m_numBinsZ];
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
+        m_BrArray[i] = new double[m_numBinsR];
+        m_BzArray[i] = new double[m_numBinsR];
+    }
+    // Initialize arrays to all 0's.
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < m_numBinsR; j++) {
+            m_BrArray[i][j] = 0;
+            m_BzArray[i][j] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void G4RZFieldMap::fillArrays(std::vector<RZBData> fieldData)
+    for (std::vector<RZBData>::iterator iter = fieldData.begin(); iter != fieldData.end(); iter++) {
+        RZBData rzb = *iter;
+        int iz = (int) ((rzb.z() + 0.0001) / m_gridSizeZ);
+        iz = iz;
+        int ir = (int) ((rzb.r() + 0.0001) / m_gridSizeR);
+        ir = ir;
+        m_BzArray[iz][ir] = rzb.Bz();
+        m_BrArray[iz][ir] = rzb.Br();
+        cout << "ir iz = " << ir << " " << iz << endl;
+        cout << "Br Bz = " << m_BrArray[iz][ir] << " " << m_BzArray[iz][ir] << endl;
+        cout << endl;
+    }
+    deleteArrays();
+void G4RZFieldMap::deleteArrays()
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_numBinsZ; i++) {
+        delete[] m_BrArray[i];
+        delete[] m_BzArray[i];
+    }
+    delete[] m_BrArray;
+    delete[] m_BzArray;
+ * Compute B field at given point using the arrays of Br and Bz field strengths.
+ *
+ * This function is based on Takashi's FORTRAN code at
+ *
+ * /afs/slac/www/accel/nlc/local/systems/beamdelivery/geant/SDNEW/solenoid.f
+ *
+ * via the RZBFieldProvider.cpp test code provided by Norman.
+ *
+ */
+void G4RZFieldMap::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double *Bfield) const
+    cout << "Point = " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << endl;
+    double r = sqrt((Point[0] * Point[0]) + (Point[1] * Point[1]));
+    double z = Point[2];
+    double hz = 0;
+    double hr = 0;
+    // Check for z or r out of range.
+    if (fabs(z) >= m_maxZ || r >= m_maxR) {
+        cout << "OUT OF RANGE: z r = " << fabs(z) << " " << r << endl;
+        cout << "MAX: maxZ maxR " << m_maxZ << " " << m_maxR << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Compute z bin.
+    int iz = (int) ((fabs(z) + 0.001) / m_gridSizeZ);
+    // Compute r bin.
+    int ir = (int) ((r + 0.001) / m_gridSizeR);
+    // Adjust for iz out of range.
+//   int izfar = 0;
+//   if( iz >= m_numBinsZ-1 ) {
+//     izfar = 1;
+//     iz = m_numBinsZ - 1;
+//   }
+// Check for iz < 0.
+    if (iz < 0) {
+        cout << "ERROR: iz < 0" << endl;
+        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
+        cout << "returning" << endl;
+    }
+// Check for Z overflow on iz+1.
+    if (iz + 1 >= m_numBinsZ) {
+        cout << "ERROR: iz overflow" << endl;
+        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
+        cout << "returning" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Check for R overflow on ir+1.
+    if (ir + 1 >= m_numBinsR) {
+        cout << "ERROR: ir overflow" << endl;
+        cout << "ir=" << ir << endl;
+        cout << "returning" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    cout << "dz " << m_gridSizeZ << " dr " << m_gridSizeR << endl;
+    cout << "z " << z << " r " << r << endl;
+    cout << "iz " << iz << " ir " << ir << endl;
+    double bz0 = m_BzArray[iz][ir];
+    double br0 = m_BrArray[iz][ir];
+    cout << "bz0 " << bz0 << " br0 " << br0 << endl;
+    double delz = 0.;
+    double delr = 0.;
+    double brdz = 0.;
+    double brdr = 0.;
+    if (r > 0.0) {
+        delr = r - float(ir) * m_gridSizeR;
+        if ( iz+1 == m_gridSizeZ-1 ) {
+            cout << "WARNING: iz+1 == gridSizeZ-1" << endl;
+        }
+        if ( ir+1 == m_gridSizeR-1 ) {
+            cout << "WARNING: ir+1 == gridSizeR-1" << endl;
+        }
+        cout << "checking brarray access ..." << endl;
+        cout << "iz+1=" << iz+1 << endl;
+        cout << "ir=" << ir << endl;
+        cout << m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] << endl;
+        cout << "m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] is ok" << endl;
+        cout << "iz=" << iz << endl;
+        cout << "ir+1=" << ir+1 << endl;
+        cout << m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
+        cout << "m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] is ok" << endl;
+        cout << "done" << endl;
+        brdz = (m_BrArray[iz + 1][ir] - br0) / m_gridSizeZ;
+        brdr = (m_BrArray[iz][ir + 1] - br0) / m_gridSizeR;
+        cout << "br= " << m_BrArray[iz+1][ir] << " " << m_BrArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
+    }
+    delz = fabs(z) - float(iz) * m_gridSizeZ;
+    cout << " z " << z << " abs(z) " << fabs(z) << " iz " << iz << endl;
+    cout << " float(iz-1) " << float(iz-1) << " dz " << m_gridSizeZ << endl;
+    cout << " delz " << delz << endl;
+    double bzdz = (m_BzArray[iz + 1][ir] - bz0) / m_gridSizeZ;
+    double bzdr = (m_BzArray[iz][ir + 1] - bz0) / m_gridSizeR;
+    cout << "bz= " << m_BzArray[iz+1][ir] << " " << m_BzArray[iz][ir+1] << endl;
+//   if(izfar==1) {
+//     hz = bz0+bzdr*delr;
+//     hr = br0+brdr*delr;
+//   }
+//   else {
+    hz = bz0 + bzdz * delz + bzdr * delr;
+    hr = br0 + brdz * delz + brdr * delr;
+//   }
+    if (z < 0.0)
+        hr = -hr;
+    double theta = atan2(Point[1], Point[0]);
+    double hx = hr * cos(theta);
+    double hy = hr * sin(theta);
+    Bfield[0] += hx;
+    Bfield[1] += hy;
+    Bfield[2] += hz;
+    cout << "Bfield XYZ = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << endl;
+    cout << endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Solenoid.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "globals.hh"
+G4Solenoid::G4Solenoid() :
+        _innerField(0), _outerField(0), _innerR(0), _outerR(0), _innerZ(0), _outerZ(0)
+ * Apply simple solenoid magnetic field to the given Point.
+ */
+// TODO: use inner/outer Z
+void G4Solenoid::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double* Bfield) const
+    //std::cout << "G4Solenoid::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "point: " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "BEFORE --> bfield " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl;
+    double this_radius = sqrt(Point[0] * Point[0] + Point[1] * Point[1]);
+    if (this_radius < _innerR) {
+        Bfield[2] += _innerField;
+    } else if (this_radius < _outerR) {
+        Bfield[2] += _outerField;
+    }
+    //std::cout << "AFTER --> bfield = " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;
+    return;
+void G4Solenoid::printOut(std::ostream& os)
+    os << "innerField <" << _innerField << ">" << std::endl;
+    os << "outerField <" << _outerField << ">" << std::endl;
+    os << "outerR <" << _outerR << ">" << std::endl;
+    os << "innerZ <" << _innerZ << ">" << std::endl;
+    os << "outerZ <" << _outerZ << ">" << std::endl;
+    os << std::endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+LCDDFieldManager* LCDDFieldManager::m_instance = 0;
+LCDDFieldManager* LCDDFieldManager::instance()
+    if (m_instance == 0) {
+        m_instance = new LCDDFieldManager();
+    }
+    return m_instance;
+MagneticFieldOverlay* LCDDFieldManager::makeOverlay(std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields)
+    MagneticFieldOverlay* overlay = new MagneticFieldOverlay();
+    for (std::vector<G4MagneticField*>::const_iterator iter = fields.begin(); iter != fields.end(); iter++) {
+        overlay->addMagneticField(*iter);
+    }
+    return overlay;
+void LCDDFieldManager::setup()
+    // Pointer to the field which will be passed to Geant4.
+    G4MagneticField* field = 0;
+    // Setup only the global fields specified in global_field.
+    if (m_globalfields.size() != 0) {
+        // Use specific list of global fields registered with LCDDFieldManager.
+        field = setup(m_globalfields);
+    }
+    // No global fields, so treat all fields registered with LCDDProcessor
+    // as global.
+    else {
+        // Build a list of fields that were registered with the LCDDProcessor.
+        std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields;
+        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+        for (LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator iter = proc->getMagneticFieldsBegin(); iter != proc->getMagneticFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
+            fields.push_back(iter->second);
+        }
+        // Setup fields from LCDDProcessor.
+        field = setup(fields);
+    }
+    // Initialize the single or overlay field with Geant4.
+    initialize(field);
+G4MagneticField* LCDDFieldManager::setup(std::vector<G4MagneticField*> fields)
+    G4MagneticField* field = 0;
+    //if (fields.size() == 0) {
+    //  G4cerr << "LCDDFieldManager - No magnetic fields to setup." << G4endl;
+    //}
+    //else if (fields.size() == 1) {
+    //  field = fields[0];
+    //}
+    //else {
+    field = makeOverlay(fields);
+    //}
+    return field;
+void LCDDFieldManager::initialize(G4MagneticField* field)
+    if (field != 0) {
+        G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager();
+        fieldMgr->SetDetectorField(field);
+        fieldMgr->CreateChordFinder(field);
+    }
+void LCDDFieldManager::addGlobalField(G4MagneticField* f)
+    m_globalfields.push_back(f);
+void LCDDFieldManager::addField(G4MagneticField* f)
+    m_allfields.push_back(f);

lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/bfield/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/bfield/MagneticFieldOverlay.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+void MagneticFieldOverlay::addMagneticField(G4MagneticField* field)
+    if (field != 0) {
+        m_fields.push_back(field);
+    }
+ * Call GetFieldValue of all G4MagneticField objects registered with this MagneticFieldOverlay.
+ */
+void MagneticFieldOverlay::GetFieldValue(const double Point[3], double *Bfield) const
+    //std::cout << "MagneticFieldOverlay::GetFieldValue" << std::endl;
+    Bfield[0] = Bfield[1] = Bfield[2] = 0.;
+    for (std::vector<G4MagneticField*>::const_iterator iter = m_fields.begin(); iter != m_fields.end(); iter++) {
+        (*iter)->GetFieldValue(Point, Bfield);
+    }
+    //std::cout << "x y z: " << Point[0] << " " << Point[1] << " " << Point[2] << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "bx, by, bz: " << Bfield[0] << " " << Bfield[1] << " " << Bfield[2] << std::endl << std::endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/G4StoreManager.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
+G4StoreManager *G4StoreManager::_instance = 0;
+    G4UIdirectory* m_storesDir;
+    m_storesDir = new G4UIdirectory("/stores/");
+    m_storesDir->SetGuidance("Commands to inspect the Geant4 object stores. [LCDD]");
+G4StoreManager* G4StoreManager::instance()
+    static G4StoreManager mgr;
+    if (!_instance) {
+        _instance = &mgr;
+    }
+    return _instance;

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/geant4/G4UserRegionInformation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/G4StoreManager.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Run.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
+#include "G4PVPlacement.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
+#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
+#include "G4Navigator.hh"
+GeometryManager* GeometryManager::m_instance = 0;
+GeometryManager::GeometryManager() :
+        m_worldRegionIsSetup(false)
+    G4StoreManager::instance();
+GeometryManager* GeometryManager::instance()
+    if (m_instance == 0) {
+        m_instance = new GeometryManager();
+    }
+    return m_instance;
+void GeometryManager::beginRun(const G4Run*)
+    // only setup world region info on first run
+    if (!m_worldRegionIsSetup) {
+        setupWorldRegionInformation();
+    }
+G4LogicalVolume* GeometryManager::getWorldLogicalVolume() const
+    //return GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetWorldVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
+    return getWorldPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
+G4VPhysicalVolume* GeometryManager::getWorldPhysicalVolume() const
+    return G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
+void GeometryManager::setupWorldRegionInformation()
+    G4LogicalVolume* worldLV = getWorldLogicalVolume();
+    assert(worldLV);
+    G4UserRegionInformation* regInfo = new G4UserRegionInformation();
+    regInfo->setStoreSecondaries(false);
+    regInfo->setThreshold(0.0);
+    worldLV->GetRegion()->SetUserInformation(regInfo);
+    m_worldRegionIsSetup = true;
+void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps() const
+    checkOverlaps(getWorldLogicalVolume(), true);
+void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps(G4LogicalVolume* lvolume, bool recurse) const
+    if (lvolume==0) return;
+    for (G4int i=0; i<lvolume->GetNoDaughters(); i++) {
+        G4PVPlacement* dau = static_cast<G4PVPlacement*>(lvolume->GetDaughter(i));
+        if (dau) {
+            // Check overlaps of daughters in mother.
+            dau->CheckOverlaps();
+            // Recursively check overlaps of daughters.
+            if (recurse) {
+                checkOverlaps(dau->GetLogicalVolume(), true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void GeometryManager::checkOverlaps(const G4String& name, bool recurse) const
+    G4LogicalVolumeStore* store = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
+    bool found=false;
+    for (std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::iterator it = store->begin();
+            it != store->end();
+            it++) {
+        G4LogicalVolume* vol = (*it);
+        if (vol->GetName() == name) {
+            checkOverlaps(vol, recurse);
+            found=true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!found) {
+        G4cerr << "WARNING: The logical volume named <" << name << "> was not found in the G4LogicalVolumeStore!" << std::endl;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDDetectorConstruction.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDMessenger.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDObjectStoreInspector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriterMessenger.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4UImanager.hh"
+#include "G4Timer.hh"
+// std
+#include <cassert>
+LCDDDetectorConstruction::LCDDDetectorConstruction() :
+        m_world(0)
+    // LCDD messenger
+    m_messenger = new LCDDMessenger();
+    // writer messenger
+    m_writerMessenger = new GDMLWriterMessenger();
+    // setup geo manager
+    GeometryManager::instance();
+    // setup parser if not already
+    LCDDParser::instance();
+    m_inspector = new LCDDObjectStoreInspector();
+    delete m_inspector;
+    delete m_writerMessenger;
+    delete m_messenger;
+G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDDetectorConstruction::Construct()
+    // start build timer
+    G4Timer geoTimer;
+    geoTimer.Start();
+    G4cout << "Started geometry construction timer." << G4endl;
+    // get geometry from the global parser instance, which will die on failure
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = LCDDParser::instance()->construct();
+    // set world ptr
+    setWorldVolume(pv);
+    // stop build timer and print
+    geoTimer.Stop();
+    G4cout << "Geometry construction time: " << geoTimer << G4endl;
+    return pv;
+void LCDDDetectorConstruction::setWorldVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume *pv)
+    if (pv == 0) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "PhysVol points to null.");
+    }
+    m_world = pv;
+G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDDetectorConstruction::getWorldVolume()
+    return m_world;

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include <iostream>
+extern "C"
+void LCDDLoadProcesses()
+    // header
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(headerProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(detectorProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(authorProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(generatorProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(commentProcess);
+    // volume extended
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(volumeExtendedProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(physvolidProcess);
+    // SDs
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(calorimeterProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(optical_calorimeterProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(unsegmented_calorimeterProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(trackerProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(scorerProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(sdrefProcess);
+    // segmentations
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(grid_xyzProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(projective_cylinderProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(projective_zplaneProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(nonprojective_cylinderProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_grid_xyProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(cell_readout_2dProcess);
+    // Ids
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(idfieldProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecrefProcess);
+    // field
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(fieldrefProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_fieldProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(solenoidProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(rz_field_mapProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(rzbProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipoleProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipole_coeffProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(box_dipoleProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(field_map_3dProcess)
+    // region
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionrefProcess);
+    // display
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(visProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(visrefProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(colorProcess);
+    // limit
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetrefProcess);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitProcess);
+void LCDDLoadSubscribers()
+    // subscribers
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(headerSubscriber);
+    // volume extended
+    //LOAD_COMPONENT(volumeExtendedSubscriber);
+    // SDs
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(calorimeterSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(optical_calorimeterSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(trackerSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(scorerSubscriber);
+    // Ids
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(idspecSubscriber);
+    // field
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(solenoidSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(rz_field_mapSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(dipoleSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(box_dipoleSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(global_fieldSubscriber);
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(field_map_3dSubscriber);
+    // region
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(regionSubscriber);
+    // display
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(visSubscriber);
+    // limit
+    LOAD_COMPONENT(limitsetSubscriber);
+void LCDDLibLoad()
+    LCDDLoadProcesses();
+    LCDDLoadSubscribers();

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDMessenger.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/GeometryManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/NistElementsDump.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
+#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
+#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cassert>
+    // define UI commands
+    defineCommands();
+    delete m_setupCmd;
+    delete m_setURICmd;
+    delete m_setSetupNameCmd;
+    delete m_setVersionCmd;
+    delete m_lcddDir;
+void LCDDMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *cmd, G4String newVals)
+    LCDDParser* parser = LCDDParser::instance();
+    G4String singleArg = newVals;
+    std::istringstream is((const char*) newVals);
+    if (cmd == m_setURICmd) {
+        parser->setURI(singleArg);
+    } else if (cmd == m_setSetupNameCmd) {
+        parser->setSetupName(singleArg);
+    } else if (cmd == m_setVersionCmd) {
+        parser->setVersion(singleArg);
+    } else if (cmd == m_setupCmd) {
+        G4String uri, setup, version;
+        is >> uri >> setup >> version;
+        parser->setURI(uri);
+        parser->setSetupName(setup);
+        parser->setVersion(version);
+    } else if (cmd == m_dumpCmd) {
+        //std::cout<<"arg: "<<singleArg<<std::endl;
+        NistElementsDump::writeXml(singleArg);
+    }
+    else if (cmd==m_checkOverlapsCmd || cmd==m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd)
+    {
+        bool recurse=false;
+        if (cmd == m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd)
+        {
+            recurse=true;
+        }
+        G4String vol("");
+        is >> vol;
+        G4cout << "vol=" << vol << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "recurse=" << recurse << G4endl;
+        if (newVals != "")
+        {
+            // Check the named volume with optional recursion.
+            GeometryManager::instance()->checkOverlaps(vol, recurse);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // No volume.  Check the world, which is always done recursively!
+            GeometryManager::instance()->checkOverlaps();
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        G4cerr << "WARNING: Unknown cmd to LCDDMessenger - " << cmd << G4endl;
+    }
+G4String LCDDMessenger::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand *)
+    return G4String("");
+void LCDDMessenger::defineCommands()
+    G4UIparameter *p;
+    // LCDD directory
+    m_lcddDir = new G4UIdirectory("/lcdd/");
+    m_lcddDir->SetGuidance("XML detector description and geometry commands. [LCDD]");
+    // set URL for input geometry file
+    m_setURICmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/url", this);
+    m_setURICmd->SetGuidance("Set the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the input geometry file.");
+    m_setURICmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("URI", 's', false);
+    m_setURICmd->SetParameter(p);
+    // set name of GDML setup
+    m_setSetupNameCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/setupName", this);
+    m_setSetupNameCmd->SetGuidance("Set GDML setup name.");
+    m_setSetupNameCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("SetupName", 's', false);
+    m_setSetupNameCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    // set version of GDML setup
+    m_setVersionCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/version", this);
+    m_setVersionCmd->SetGuidance("Set GDML version tag.");
+    m_setVersionCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("Version", 's', false);
+    m_setVersionCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    // setup URI, Setup and Version in one command
+    m_setupCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/setup", this);
+    m_setupCmd->SetGuidance("Set URI, SetupName and Version with a single command.");
+    m_setupCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("URI", 's', false);
+    p->SetGuidance("URI is a URL to the input file.  It MUST NOT contain unescaped spaces.");
+    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("SetupName", 's', true);
+    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("Version", 's', true);
+    m_setupCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    m_dumpCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/dumpNistElements", this);
+    m_dumpCmd->SetGuidance("Dump NIST elements to file as GDML fragment, including lambda and X0.");
+    p = new G4UIparameter("Filename", 's', true);
+    p->SetDefaultValue("NistElements.xml");
+    m_dumpCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    // Check overlaps.
+    m_checkOverlapsCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/checkOverlaps",this);
+    m_checkOverlapsCmd->SetGuidance("Call CheckOverlaps on a given volume or the world volume (no arguments).");
+    p = new G4UIparameter("Volume",'s',true);
+    p->SetDefaultValue("");
+    m_checkOverlapsCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    // Check overlaps with recursion to daughters.
+    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/checkOverlapsRecurse",this);
+    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd->SetGuidance("Call CheckOverlaps on a given volume and recursively check daughters.");
+    p = new G4UIparameter("Volume",'s',true);
+    p->SetDefaultValue("");
+    m_checkOverlapsRecurseCmd->SetParameter(p);

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDParser.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/subscribers/volumeExtendedSubscriber.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactoryTable.h"
+#include "Saxana/RCObjectHandle.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriberPool.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+extern "C" void LCDDLibLoad();
+LCDDParser* LCDDParser::m_instance = 0;
+LCDDParser::LCDDParser() :
+        m_URI(""), m_setupName(""), m_version(""), m_initialized(false), m_constructed(false), m_setURI(false)
+LCDDParser* LCDDParser::instance()
+    if (m_instance == 0) {
+        m_instance = new LCDDParser();
+    }
+    return m_instance;
+    finalize();
+void LCDDParser::setupParserConfig()
+    setupParserConfig(m_URI, m_setupName, m_version);
+void LCDDParser::setupParserConfig(const std::string& URI, const std::string&, const std::string& version)
+    // settings from messenger commands
+    std::cout << "LCDD URI <" << m_URI << ">" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "SetupName <" << m_setupName << ">" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Version <" << m_version << ">" << std::endl;
+    // set configuration vals
+    m_config.SetURI(URI);
+    //m_config.SetSetupName(setupName);
+    m_config.SetSetupVersion(version);
+    // set config in parser
+    m_sxp.Configure(&m_config);
+void LCDDParser::initializeParser()
+    // standard SAX parser init
+    m_sxp.Initialize();
+    // load custom LCDD tag handlers
+    LCDDLibLoad();
+    addVolumeExtendedSubscriber();
+void LCDDParser::initialize()
+    if (!m_initialized) {
+        initializeParser();
+        m_initialized = true;
+    }
+G4VPhysicalVolume* LCDDParser::construct()
+    if (!m_constructed) {
+        // initialize
+        initialize();
+        // set GDML parser params from inst vars
+        setupParserConfig();
+        // run the parser
+        m_sxp.Run();
+        // get world volume from GDML
+        try {
+            m_world = (G4VPhysicalVolume*) GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetWorldVolume();
+        } catch (std::exception& e) {
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed to get the world volume.");
+        }
+        // Setup magnetic field.
+        LCDDFieldManager::instance()->setup();
+        // This method should only be called once.
+        m_constructed = true;
+    } else {
+        std::cerr << "LCDD geometry was already constructed." << std::endl;
+    }
+    return m_world;
+void LCDDParser::finalize()
+    m_sxp.Finalize();
+void LCDDParser::setURI(std::string URI)
+    m_URI = URI;
+    m_setURI = true;
+void LCDDParser::setSetupName(std::string setupName)
+    m_setupName = setupName;
+void LCDDParser::setVersion(std::string version)
+    m_version = version;
+const std::string& LCDDParser::URI()
+    return m_URI;
+const std::string& LCDDParser::setupName()
+    return m_setupName;
+const std::string& LCDDParser::version()
+    return m_version;
+void LCDDParser::setWorld(G4VPhysicalVolume *world)
+    m_world = world;
+bool LCDDParser::isValidSetup()
+    bool valid = true;
+    if (!m_setURI) {
+        valid = false;
+    }
+    return valid;
+void LCDDParser::addVolumeExtendedSubscriber()
+    RCObjectHandle<SAXSubscriber> obj;
+    obj = new volumeExtendedSubscriber();
+    SAXSubscriberPool* pool = const_cast<SAXSubscriberPool*>(m_sxp.GetSubscriberPool());
+    pool->AddSubscriber("volume", obj);

lcdd/src/lcdd/core added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:50:59 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/core/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:50:59 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/LCDDFieldManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/MagneticFieldOverlay.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
+#include "G4FieldManager.hh"
+#include "G4EventManager.hh"
+#include "G4Event.hh"
+#include "G4SDManager.hh"
+#include "G4HCtable.hh"
+LCDDProcessor* LCDDProcessor::sInstance = 0;
+LCDDProcessor::LCDDProcessor() :
+        m_header(0)
+    if (m_header != 0) {
+        delete m_header;
+    }
+LCDDProcessor* LCDDProcessor::instance()
+    if (sInstance == 0) {
+        sInstance = new LCDDProcessor;
+    }
+    return sInstance;
+void LCDDProcessor::addSensitiveDetector(std::string& name, G4SensitiveDetector* sd)
+    //std::cout << "adding SD: " << name << std::endl;
+    m_sensitiveDetectors[name] = sd;
+G4SensitiveDetector* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetector(const std::string& name)
+    return m_sensitiveDetectors[name];
+G4SensitiveDetector* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetector(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getSensitiveDetector(key);
+LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorsBegin()
+    return m_sensitiveDetectors.begin();
+LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorsEnd()
+    return m_sensitiveDetectors.end();
+void LCDDProcessor::addMagneticField(std::string& name, G4MagneticField* mag)
+    m_magneticFields[name] = mag;
+void LCDDProcessor::addGlobalField(G4MagneticField* mag)
+    LCDDFieldManager::instance()->addGlobalField(mag);
+G4MagneticField* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticField(const std::string& name)
+    return m_magneticFields[name];
+G4MagneticField* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticField(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getMagneticField(key);
+LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldsBegin()
+    return m_magneticFields.begin();
+LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldsEnd()
+    return m_magneticFields.end();
+void LCDDProcessor::addRegion(std::string& name, G4Region* reg)
+    m_regions[name] = reg;
+G4Region* LCDDProcessor::getRegion(const std::string& name)
+    return m_regions[name];
+G4Region* LCDDProcessor::getRegion(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getRegion(name);
+LCDDProcessor::Regions::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getRegionsBegin()
+    return m_regions.begin();
+LCDDProcessor::Regions::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getRegionsEnd()
+    return m_regions.end();
+void LCDDProcessor::addVisAttributes(std::string& name, G4VisAttributes* vis)
+    m_visAttributes[name] = vis;
+G4VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributes(const std::string& name)
+    return m_visAttributes[name];
+G4VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributes(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getVisAttributes(key);
+LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesBegin()
+    return m_visAttributes.begin();
+LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesEnd()
+    return m_visAttributes.end();
+void LCDDProcessor::addLimitSet(std::string& name, G4LimitSet* lim)
+    m_limitSets[name] = lim;
+G4LimitSet* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSet(const std::string& name)
+    return m_limitSets[name];
+G4LimitSet* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSet(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getLimitSet(key);
+LCDDProcessor::LimitSets::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetsBegin()
+    return m_limitSets.begin();
+LCDDProcessor::LimitSets::const_iterator LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetsEnd()
+    return m_limitSets.end();
+const LCDDHeaderRecord* LCDDProcessor::getHeader() const
+    return m_header;
+void LCDDProcessor::setHeader(LCDDHeaderRecord* h)
+    assert(h);
+    m_header = h;
+std::string LCDDProcessor::getDetectorName() const
+    std::string detTag;
+    if (m_header == 0) {
+        detTag = "UNKNOWN";
+    } else {
+        detTag = m_header->getDetectorName();
+    }
+    return detTag;
+const LCDDProcessor::VisAttributes* LCDDProcessor::getVisAttributesStore() const
+    return &m_visAttributes;
+const LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors* LCDDProcessor::getSensitiveDetectorStore() const
+    return &m_sensitiveDetectors;
+const LCDDProcessor::MagneticFields* LCDDProcessor::getMagneticFieldStore() const
+    return &m_magneticFields;
+const LCDDProcessor::Regions* LCDDProcessor::getRegionStore() const
+    return &m_regions;
+const LCDDProcessor::LimitSets* LCDDProcessor::getLimitSetStore() const
+    return &m_limitSets;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/CalorimeterHitProcessor.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+// Geant4
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+CalorimeterHitProcessor::CalorimeterHitProcessor(CellReadout* readout) :
+        m_readout(readout)
+bool CalorimeterHitProcessor::processHits(G4Step* step)
+    // Compute step mid-point.
+    G4ThreeVector midpoint = (0.5 * (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()));
+    // DEBUG
+    //std::cout << "midpoint(x,y,z) = " << midpoint.x() << ", " << midpoint.y() << ", " << midpoint.z() << std::endl;
+    // Get the touchable handle from the step.
+    G4TouchableHandle touchable = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
+    // Compute local position using global position and touchable.
+    G4ThreeVector localPosition = touchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(midpoint);
+    // DEBUG
+    //std::cout << "localPosition(x,y,z) = " << localPosition.x() << ", " << localPosition.y() << ", " << localPosition.z() << std::endl;
+    // Get the cell ID from the position.
+    CellReadout::Position2D readoutPosition;
+    readoutPosition.first = localPosition.x();
+    readoutPosition.second = localPosition.y();
+    CellReadout::CellId cellId = m_readout->cellId(readoutPosition);
+    // DEBUG: print neighbors
+    //CellReadout::Neighbors neighbors = m_readout->neighbors(cellId);
+    //std::cout << "# neighbors = " << neighbors.size() << std::endl;
+    //for (CellReadout::Neighbors::iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it) {
+    //    CellReadout::CellId neighborId = *it;
+    //    std::cout << "neighbor(x,y) = " << neighborId[0] << ", " << neighborId[1] << std::endl;
+    //}
+    // DEBUG: print cell ID
+    //std::cout << "cellId(x,y) = " << cellId[0] << ", " << cellId[1] << std::endl;
+    // Get the local cell position from the cell ID.
+    CellReadout::Position2D cellPosition = m_readout->position(cellId);
+    // DEBUG: print local cell position
+    //std::cout << "cellPosition = " << cellPosition.first << ", " << cellPosition.second << std::endl;
+    // Transform local cell position to global.
+    G4ThreeVector cellVec(cellPosition.first, cellPosition.second, 0);
+    // Compute global position using local point and touchable.
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = touchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(cellVec);
+    // DEBUG: print global position
+    //std::cout << "globalPosition(x,y,z) = " << globalPos.x() << ", " << globalPos.x() << ", " << globalPos.z() << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << std::endl;
+    // TODO: make and return or store hit data from id, position, energy, & time
+    //G4CalorimeterHit* hit = new G4CalorimeterHit();
+    return true;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout.hh"
+ * Get the list of field names.
+ */
+const CellReadout::FieldNames& CellReadout::fieldNames()
+    return m_fieldNames;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2D.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+CellReadout2D::CellReadout2D(double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY)
+    m_cellSizeX = cellSizeX;
+    m_cellSizeY = cellSizeY;
+    m_fieldNames.push_back("ix");
+    m_fieldNames.push_back("iy");
+CellReadout2D::Position2D CellReadout2D::position(CellReadout2D::CellId cellId)
+    Position2D pos;
+    pos.first = getCellPositionX(cellId[0]);
+    pos.second = getCellPositionY(cellId[1]);
+    return pos;
+CellReadout::CellId CellReadout2D::cellId(Position2D pos)
+    return createCell(getXIndex(pos.first), getYIndex(pos.second));
+ * Create a list of neighbor cells from a cell ID.
+ */
+CellReadout::Neighbors CellReadout2D::neighbors(CellId cellId)
+    Neighbors neighbors;
+    int ix, iy;
+    // top left
+    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = -1;
+    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = 1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
+    // top middle
+    ix = cellId[0];
+    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = 1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
+    // top right
+    ix = cellId[0];
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = 1;
+    iy = cellId[1] + 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = 1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
+    // middle left
+    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = -1;
+    iy = cellId[1];
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
+    // middle right
+    ix = cellId[0] + 1;
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = 1;
+    iy = cellId[1];
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy));
+    // bottom left
+    ix = cellId[0] - 1;
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = -1;
+    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = -1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix - 1, iy - 1));
+    // bottom middle
+    ix = cellId[0];
+    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = -1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy - 1));
+    // bottom right
+    ix = cellId[0] + 1;
+    if (ix == 0)
+        ix = 1;
+    iy = cellId[1] - 1;
+    if (iy == 0)
+        iy = -1;
+    neighbors.push_back(createCell(ix, iy - 1));
+    return neighbors;
+double CellReadout2D::getCellSizeX()
+    return m_cellSizeX;
+double CellReadout2D::getCellSizeY()
+    return m_cellSizeY;
+int CellReadout2D::getXIndex(double x)
+    return getCellIndex(x, m_cellSizeX);
+int CellReadout2D::getYIndex(double y)
+    return getCellIndex(y, m_cellSizeY);
+double CellReadout2D::getCellCoordinate(int i, double cellSize)
+    double v = i * cellSize;
+    if (v > 0)
+        v -= cellSize / 2;
+    else
+        v += cellSize / 2;
+    return v;
+int CellReadout2D::getCellIndex(double c, double cellSize)
+    int v = std::ceil(c / cellSize);
+    if (v == 0)
+        v -= 1;
+    return v;
+double CellReadout2D::getCellPositionX(int ix)
+    return getCellCoordinate(ix, m_cellSizeX);
+double CellReadout2D::getCellPositionY(int iy)
+    return getCellCoordinate(iy, m_cellSizeY);
+CellReadout2D::CellId CellReadout2D::createCell(int x, int y)
+    CellId cell;
+    cell.push_back(x);
+    cell.push_back(y);
+    return cell;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2DSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Step.hh"
+#include "G4Box.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cmath>
+CellReadout2DSegmentation::CellReadout2DSegmentation(double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY) :
+        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective, 2)
+    m_readout = new CellReadout2D(cellSizeX, cellSizeY);
+    setBinNames();
+    delete m_readout;
+G4ThreeVector CellReadout2DSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // TODO: implement me
+void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Set state from current step.
+    setup(aStep);
+    // Compute the global mid-point of the step.
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // Compute the local step position from the global mid-point.
+    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
+    // Compute the X and Y readout coordinates from the local position.
+    CellReadout2D::Position2D localXY;
+    localXY.first = localStepPos.x();
+    localXY.second = localStepPos.y();
+    CellReadout2D::Position2D xy;
+    //= m_readout->localToReadoutCoordinates(localXY);
+    // Get the cell for the position.
+    CellReadout2D::CellId cell = m_readout->cellId(xy);
+    // Set bin values.
+    this->setBin(0, xy.first);
+    this->setBin(1, xy.second);
+void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setBinNames()
+    addBinName("ix");
+    addBinName("iy");
+void CellReadout2DSegmentation::setup(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Set dimensions from box volume.
+    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
+    G4Box* box = dynamic_cast<G4Box*>(solid);
+    if (0 == box) {
+        std::cerr << "Volume is not a box" << std::endl;
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "CellReadout2D points to shape that is not a box.");
+    }
+    //m_readout->setReadoutDimensionX(box->GetXHalfLength() * 2);
+    //m_readout->setReadoutDimensionY(box->GetYHalfLength() * 2);
+CellReadout2D::Position2D CellReadout2DSegmentation::localToReadoutCoordinates(G4ThreeVector& vec)
+    CellReadout2D::Position2D xy;
+    //xy.first = vec.x() + m_readout->getReadoutDimensionX() / 2.0;
+    //xy.second = vec.y() + m_readout->getReadoutDimensionY() / 2.0;
+    return xy;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Class to calculate Number of photons created by Cerenkov Radiation
+//  Hans Wenzel
+//  The algorithm is stripped from the geant 4 class
+//  but since we are only interested in the number of photons created don't need to 
+//  actually create optical phtons and put them on the stack. 
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/Cerenkov.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Step.hh"
+#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
+#include <iomanip>
+    Initialize();
+void Cerenkov::Initialize()
+    //
+    // now get the Cerenkov Angle Integrals for all materials that have the refraction index defined
+    //
+    const G4MaterialTable* theMaterialTable = G4Material::GetMaterialTable();
+    G4int numOfMaterials = G4Material::GetNumberOfMaterials();
+    for (G4int i = 0; i < numOfMaterials; i++) {
+        // Retrieve vector of refraction indices for the material
+        // from the material's optical properties table
+        G4Material* aMaterial = (*theMaterialTable)[i];
+        G4MaterialPropertiesTable* aMaterialPropertiesTable = aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
+        G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector* CerAngleIntegrals = new G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector();
+        if (aMaterialPropertiesTable) {
+            G4MaterialPropertyVector* theRefractionIndexVector = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
+            if (theRefractionIndexVector) {
+                // Retrieve the first refraction index in vector
+                // of (photon energy, refraction index) pairs
+                G4double currentRI = (*theRefractionIndexVector)[0];
+                if (currentRI > 1.0) {
+                    // Create first (photon energy, Cerenkov Integral) pair
+                    G4double currentPM = theRefractionIndexVector->Energy(0);
+                    G4double currentCAI = 0.0;
+                    CerAngleIntegrals->InsertValues(currentPM, currentCAI);
+                    // Set previous values to current ones prior to loop
+                    G4double prevPM = currentPM;
+                    G4double prevCAI = currentCAI;
+                    G4double prevRI = currentRI;
+                    // loop over all (photon energy, refraction index)
+                    // pairs stored for this material
+                    for (size_t ii = 1; ii < theRefractionIndexVector->GetVectorLength(); ii++) {
+                        currentRI = (*theRefractionIndexVector)[ii];
+                        currentPM = theRefractionIndexVector->Energy(ii);
+                        currentCAI = 0.5 * (1.0 / (prevRI * prevRI) + 1.0 / (currentRI * currentRI));
+                        currentCAI = prevCAI + (currentPM - prevPM) * currentCAI;
+                        CerAngleIntegrals->InsertValues(currentPM, currentCAI);
+                        prevPM = currentPM;
+                        prevCAI = currentCAI;
+                        prevRI = currentRI;
+                    }
+                }
+                G4cout << "Material:  " << aMaterial->GetName() << G4endl;
+                G4cout << "Refraction Index: " << G4endl;
+                G4cout << "=================" << G4endl;
+                theRefractionIndexVector->DumpValues();
+                G4cout << "Cerenkov angle Integrals: " << G4endl;
+                G4cout << "=========================" << G4endl;
+                CerAngleIntegrals->DumpValues();
+                CAI.push_back(aMaterial->GetName());
+                CerenkovAngleIntegrals.push_back(CerAngleIntegrals);
+                RefractionIndeces.push_back(theRefractionIndexVector);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// This routine computes the number of Cerenkov photons produced per
+// GEANT-unit (millimeter) in the current medium.
+//             ^^^^^^^^^^
+G4double Cerenkov::GetAverageNumberOfPhotons(const G4double charge, const G4double beta, const G4String Material) const
+    G4bool Ceren = false;
+    G4int MaterialIndex = -1;
+    //
+    // check if optical properties are defined for this material:
+    //
+    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < CAI.size(); ii++) {
+        if (CAI[ii] == Material) {
+            MaterialIndex = ii;
+            Ceren = true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!Ceren)
+        return 0.0;
+    const G4double Rfact = 369.81 / (eV * cm);
+    if (beta <= 0.0)
+        return 0.0;
+    if (abs(charge) == 0.0)
+        return 0.0;
+    G4double BetaInverse = 1. / beta;
+    // Min and Max photon energies
+    G4double Pmin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMinLowEdgeEnergy();
+    G4double Pmax = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy();
+    // Min and Max Refraction Indices
+    G4double nMin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMinValue();
+    G4double nMax = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxValue();
+    // Max Cerenkov Angle Integral
+    G4double CAImax = CerenkovAngleIntegrals[MaterialIndex]->GetMaxValue();
+    G4double dp, ge;
+    // If n(Pmax) < 1/Beta -- no photons generated
+    if (nMax < BetaInverse) {
+        dp = 0;
+        ge = 0;
+    }    // otherwise if n(Pmin) >= 1/Beta -- photons generated
+    else if (nMin > BetaInverse) {
+        dp = Pmax - Pmin;
+        ge = CAImax;
+    }    // If n(Pmin) < 1/Beta, and n(Pmax) >= 1/Beta, then
+         // we need to find a P such that the value of n(P) == 1/Beta.
+         // Interpolation is performed by the GetEnergy() and
+         // Value() methods of the G4MaterialPropertiesTable and
+         // the GetValue() method of G4PhysicsVector.
+    else {
+        Pmin = RefractionIndeces[MaterialIndex]->GetEnergy(BetaInverse);
+        dp = Pmax - Pmin;
+        // need boolean for current implementation of G4PhysicsVector
+        // ==> being phased out
+        G4bool isOutRange;
+        G4double CAImin = CerenkovAngleIntegrals[MaterialIndex]->GetValue(Pmin, isOutRange);
+        ge = CAImax - CAImin;
+    }
+    // Calculate number of photons
+    G4double NumPhotons = Rfact * charge / eplus * charge / eplus * (dp - ge * BetaInverse * BetaInverse);
+    return NumPhotons;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/PositionComparator.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/McpHitContrib.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Track.hh"
+#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
+#include "G4Timer.hh"
+#include "G4Geantino.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+using std::vector;
+G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
+        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcName, G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter), m_segmentation(sdSeg)
+    m_hitsCollections.push_back(m_collection);
+    m_hits.clear();
+    hits_vector.clear();
+    hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
+    if (compare == 0)
+        m_hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
+    else
+        m_hitCompare = compare;
+G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
+        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcNames, G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter), m_segmentation(sdSeg)
+    m_hits.clear();
+    hits_vector.clear();
+    hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) hcNames.size(); i++) {
+        hits_vector.push_back(m_hits);
+        hits_vector[i].clear();
+        m_hitsCollections.push_back(m_collection);
+    }
+    if (compare == 0) {
+        m_hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
+    } else {
+        m_hitCompare = compare;
+    }
+bool G4CalorimeterSD::isValidVolume(G4LogicalVolume* lv)
+    bool valid = G4SensitiveDetector::isValidVolume(lv);
+    if (valid && m_segmentation != 0) {
+        valid = m_segmentation->isValidSolid(lv->GetSolid());
+    }
+    return valid;
+void G4CalorimeterSD::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *HCE)
+    clearHits();
+    // new cal hits collection
+    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
+        m_hitsCollections[i] = new G4CalorimeterHitsCollection(GetName(), collectionName[i]);
+        // set HCID
+        if (getHCID(i) < 0) {
+            setHCID(GetCollectionID(i), i);
+        }
+        // add collection to HC of event
+        HCE->AddHitsCollection(getHCID(i), m_hitsCollections[i]);
+    }
+G4Segmentation* G4CalorimeterSD::getSegmentation() const
+    return m_segmentation;
+G4bool G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if (getVerbose() > 0)
+    {
+        std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
+    }
+    // set cached step
+    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+    // get the edep
+    G4double theEdep = edep();
+    // This needs to be a <= comparison for cutting on 0,
+    // Geantinos, which always have 0 edep, are allowed.
+    if (theEdep <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if (getVerbose() > 2) {
+            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - cut on edep " << theEdep << std::endl;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Get global cell pos from segmentation.
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = m_segmentation->getGlobalHitPos(aStep);
+    // Reset the segmentation bin values.
+    m_segmentation->resetBins();
+    // Set the segmentation bin values from the step.
+    m_segmentation->setBins(aStep);
+    // Create a 64-bit ID.
+    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+    // DEBUG: Compute step midpoint and compare to the cell pos
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
+        G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = midPosition();
+        std::cout << "globalMidPos " << globalMidPos << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "globalCellPos - globalMidPos = " << globalCellPos - globalMidPos << std::endl;
+    }
+    // find hit by simple lkp of new hit with above info
+    G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, globalCellPos);
+    thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
+    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
+    // hit is not found?
+    if (!(fndHit = findHit(thisHit))) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if (getVerbose() > 1) {
+            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - new hit" << std::endl;
+        }
+        // add it to lkp map
+        hits_vector[0].push_back(thisHit);
+        // add to the HC
+        m_hitsCollections[0]->insert(thisHit);
+    }
+    // found a hit
+    else {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
+            std::cout << "G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - existing hit" << std::endl;
+        }
+        // don't need to insert thisHit, so delete it
+        delete thisHit;
+        thisHit = 0;
+        // incr total edep of the hit
+        fndHit->incrEdep(theEdep);
+        // for setting contrib
+        thisHit = fndHit;
+    }
+    // add McpHitContrib to this hit, setting info from step info
+    thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
+    return true;
+G4CalorimeterHit* G4CalorimeterSD::findHit(G4CalorimeterHit* aHit) const
+    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
+    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[0].begin(); iter != hits_vector[0].end(); iter++) {
+        if (m_hitCompare->compare(**iter, *aHit)) {
+            fndHit = *iter;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return fndHit;
+G4CalorimeterHit* G4CalorimeterSD::findHit(G4CalorimeterHit* aHit, G4int nHC) const
+    G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
+    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[nHC].begin(); iter != hits_vector[nHC].end(); iter++) {
+        if (m_hitCompare->compare(**iter, *aHit)) {
+            fndHit = *iter;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return fndHit;
+std::ostream& G4CalorimeterSD::printHits(std::ostream& os)
+    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
+        os << getHitsCollection(i)->GetName() << std::endl;
+        for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator iter = hits_vector[i].begin(); iter != hits_vector[i].end(); iter++) {
+            os << "    " << **iter;
+        }
+    }
+    os << std::endl;
+    return os;
+void G4CalorimeterSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+        printHits( std::cout );
+    }
+std::ostream& G4CalorimeterSD::printBasicInfo(std::ostream& os)
+    G4SensitiveDetector::printBasicInfo(os);
+    os << "segmentation type: " << m_segmentation->getTypeString() << std::endl;
+    os << "segmentation bins:";
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_segmentation->getBinNames().begin(); it != m_segmentation->getBinNames().end(); it++) {
+        os << " " << *it;
+    }
+    os << std::endl;
+    return os;
+double G4CalorimeterSD::getEdep() const
+    double edep = 0.0;
+    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator it = hits_vector[0].begin(); it != hits_vector[0].end(); it++) {
+        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
+    }
+    return edep;
+double G4CalorimeterSD::getEdep(G4int nHC) const
+    double edep = 0.0;
+    for (G4CalorimeterHitList::const_iterator it = hits_vector[nHC].begin(); it != hits_vector[nHC].end(); it++) {
+        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
+    }
+    return edep;
+void G4CalorimeterSD::clearHits()
+    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
+        hits_vector[i].clear();
+    }
+G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterHitList G4CalorimeterSD::getCalorimeterHitList()
+    return hits_vector[0];
+G4CalorimeterSD::G4CalorimeterHitList G4CalorimeterSD::getCalorimeterHitList(G4int nHC)
+    return hits_vector[nHC];

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diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation(double gridSizeX, double gridSizeY) :
+        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizeX(gridSizeX), m_gridSizeY(gridSizeY)
+    setBinNames();
+G4ThreeVector G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Compute the midpoint of the global step.
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // Create 3vec for cell position.
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos;
+    // Set binned coordinates of cell position.
+    globalCellPos.setX(computeDimX(computeBinX(globalStepPos)));
+    globalCellPos.setY(computeDimY(computeBinY(globalStepPos)));
+    // Set Z coordinate of cell position from the volume's Z center position.
+    G4ThreeVector vpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
+    globalCellPos.setZ(vpos.z());
+    return globalCellPos;
+void G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Compute the midpoint of the step.
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // Compute the bin values.
+    int binX = computeBinX(globalStepPos);
+    int binY = computeBinY(globalStepPos);
+    // Set the bin values.
+    setBin(0, binX);
+    setBin(1, binY);
+int G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeBinX(const G4ThreeVector& stepPos)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(stepPos.x(), m_gridSizeX);
+int G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeBinY(const G4ThreeVector& stepPos)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(stepPos.y(), m_gridSizeY);
+double G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeDimX(int bin)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeX);
+double G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation::computeDimY(int bin)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeY);

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diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GridXYZSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+G4GridXYZSegmentation::G4GridXYZSegmentation(double gridSizeX, double gridSizeY, double gridSizeZ) :
+        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizeX(gridSizeX), m_gridSizeY(gridSizeY), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ)
+    setBinNames();
+G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // compute midpoint
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // figure local step pos using touchable and global midpoint
+    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
+    // local cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = this->getLocalHitPos(localStepPos);
+    // global cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aStep, localCellPos);
+    return globalCellPos;
+void G4GridXYZSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Compute the midpoint of the step.
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // Transform from global coordinate system to local coordinate system of volume pointed to by this step.
+    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalStepPos);
+    // Compute the bin values.
+    int binX = computeBinX(localStepPos);
+    int binY = computeBinY(localStepPos);
+    int binZ = computeBinZ(localStepPos);
+    // Set the bins.
+    int idx = 0;
+    setBin(idx, binX);
+    ++idx;
+    setBin(idx, binY);
+    ++idx;
+    setBin(idx, binZ);
+    ++idx;
+int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinX(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
+    int ret;
+    if (m_gridSizeX != 0) {
+        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.x(), m_gridSizeX);
+    } else {
+        ret = 0;
+    }
+    return ret;
+int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinY(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
+    int ret;
+    if (m_gridSizeY != 0) {
+        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.y(), m_gridSizeY);
+    } else {
+        ret = 0;
+    }
+    return ret;
+int G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeBinZ(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
+    int ret;
+    if (m_gridSizeZ != 0) {
+        ret = G4Segmentation::computeBin(localStepPos.z(), m_gridSizeZ);
+    } else {
+        ret = 0;
+    }
+    return ret;
+double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimX(int bin)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeX);
+double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimY(int bin)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeY);
+double G4GridXYZSegmentation::computeDimZ(int bin)
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(bin, m_gridSizeZ);
+G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getGlobalHitPosPreStep(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    // Figure out local step pos using touchable and global midpoint.
+    G4ThreeVector localStepPos = ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aPreStepPoint, globalStepPos);
+    // Compute local cell pos.
+    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = this->getLocalHitPos(localStepPos);
+    // Compute global cell pos.
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aPreStepPoint, localCellPos);
+    return globalCellPos;
+G4ThreeVector G4GridXYZSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
+    G4ThreeVector localHitPos;
+    if (m_gridSizeX > 0) {
+        localHitPos.setX(computeDimX(computeBinX(localStepPos)));
+    }
+    if (m_gridSizeY > 0) {
+        localHitPos.setY(computeDimY(computeBinY(localStepPos)));
+    }
+    if (m_gridSizeZ > 0) {
+        localHitPos.setZ(computeDimZ(computeBinZ(localStepPos)));
+    }
+    return localHitPos;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Tubs.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cmath>
+G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation(double gridSizePhi, double gridSizeZ) :
+        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eNonprojective), m_gridSizePhi(gridSizePhi), m_gridSizeZ(gridSizeZ)
+    setBinNames();
+G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // local cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = getLocalHitPos(aStep);
+    // global cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aStep, localCellPos);
+    // DEBUG: print local, global cell pos
+    //G4cout << "localCellPos " << localCellPos << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "globalCellPos " << globalCellPos << G4endl;
+    //
+    return localCellPos;
+G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    // local cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector localCellPos = getLocalHitPos(aPreStepPoint);
+    // global cell pos
+    G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(aPreStepPoint, localCellPos);
+    // DEBUG: print local, global cell pos
+    //G4cout << "localCellPos " << localCellPos << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "globalCellPos " << globalCellPos << G4endl;
+    //
+    return localCellPos;
+G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    // retrieve G4Tubs
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep);
+    assert(tubs);
+    // rcyl of cell = mid rad of current tubs
+    double rcyl = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(tubs);
+    // compute single delta phi in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aStep);
+    // phi index
+    int iphi = computeBinPhi(aStep);
+    // z index in local
+    int iz = computeBinZ(ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aStep, globalMidPos));
+    // compute cell Z, phi
+    double cellPhi = computeDim(iphi, deltaPhi);
+    double cellZ = computeDim(iz, m_gridSizeZ);
+    // compute X, Y
+    double cellX = rcyl * cos(cellPhi);
+    double cellY = rcyl * sin(cellPhi);
+    G4ThreeVector cellCenter(cellX, cellY, cellZ);
+    // DEBUG: print all
+    //G4cout << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "deltaPhi <" << deltaPhi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "iphi <" << iphi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "iz <" << iz << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cellPhi <" << cellPhi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cellCenter " << cellCenter << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << G4endl;
+    //
+    return cellCenter;
+G4ThreeVector G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::getLocalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    // retrieve G4Tubs
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint);
+    assert(tubs);
+    // rcyl of cell = mid rad of current tubs
+    double rcyl = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(tubs);
+    // compute single delta phi in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aPreStepPoint);
+    // phi index
+    int iphi = computeBinPhi(aPreStepPoint);
+    // z index in local
+    int iz = computeBinZ(ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(aPreStepPoint, globalPos));
+    // compute cell Z, phi
+    double cellPhi = computeDim(iphi, deltaPhi);
+    double cellZ = computeDim(iz, m_gridSizeZ);
+    // compute X, Y
+    double cellX = rcyl * cos(cellPhi);
+    double cellY = rcyl * sin(cellPhi);
+    G4ThreeVector cellCenter(cellX, cellY, cellZ);
+    // DEBUG: print all
+    //G4cout << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "deltaPhi <" << deltaPhi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "iphi <" << iphi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "iz <" << iz << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cellPhi <" << cellPhi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cellCenter " << cellCenter << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << G4endl;
+    //
+    return cellCenter;
+double G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeDeltaPhi(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // mid radius of current tubs
+    double mid_rad_layer = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(aStep);
+    // circumference of current tubs
+    double circ = 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI * mid_rad_layer;
+    // number of cells along phi in curr layer
+    int nphi = (int) floor(circ / m_gridSizePhi);
+    // single phi division in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = (360.0 * deg) / nphi;
+    return deltaPhi;
+double G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeDeltaPhi(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    // mid radius of current tubs
+    double mid_rad_layer = ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(aPreStepPoint);
+    // circumference of current tubs
+    double circ = 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI * mid_rad_layer;
+    // number of cells along phi in curr layer
+    int nphi = (int) floor(circ / m_gridSizePhi);
+    // single phi division in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = (360.0 * deg) / nphi;
+    return deltaPhi;
+void G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
+    //G4cout << "G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins()" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    int bphi = computeBinPhi(aStep);
+    int bz = computeBinZ(globalMidPos);
+    setBin(0, bphi);
+    setBin(1, bz);
+void G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4cout << "G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::setBins()" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    int bphi = computeBinPhi(aPreStepPoint);
+    int bz = computeBinZ(globalPos);
+    setBin(0, bphi);
+    setBin(1, bz);
+int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinPhi(const G4Step* aStep)
+    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep);
+    assert(tubs);
+    // compute single delta phi in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aStep);
+    // step phi
+    double stepPhi = globalMidPos.phi();
+    if (stepPhi < 0) {
+        stepPhi += 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI;
+    }
+    // phi index
+    return computeBin(stepPhi, deltaPhi / radian);
+int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinPhi(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint);
+    assert(tubs);
+    // compute single delta phi in degrees
+    double deltaPhi = computeDeltaPhi(aPreStepPoint);
+    // step phi
+    double stepPhi = globalPos.phi();
+    if (stepPhi < 0) {
+        stepPhi += 2.0 * ReadoutUtil::PI;
+    }
+    // phi index
+    return computeBin(stepPhi, deltaPhi / radian);
+int G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::computeBinZ(const G4ThreeVector& localStepPos)
+    //G4cout << "localStepPos.z() <" << localStepPos.z() << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "m_gridSizeZ <" << m_gridSizeZ << ">" << G4endl;
+    return computeBin(localStepPos.z(), m_gridSizeZ);
+bool G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
+    bool valid = G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(s);
+    if (valid) {
+        if (s->GetEntityType() != "G4Tubs") {
+            valid = false;
+        }
+    }
+    return valid;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4OpticalCalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/Cerenkov.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4OpticalPhoton.hh"
+#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
+#include "G4VProcess.hh"
+#include "G4Poisson.hh"
+using std::vector;
+ * Constructor for the case only one Hit Collection is given.
+ * In this case the only the energy deposited by aborbed Cerenkov 
+ * photons is stored. Probably this will be dropped in the 
+ * near future.
+ */
+G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
+        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcName, sdSeg, compare)
+    CerenGenerator = 0;
+ * Constructor for multiple Hit Collections.
+ *
+ * The current implementation uses the first Hit Collection for the 
+ * Cerenkov Photons and the second Collection to store the ionization losses. 
+ * If more than 2 collections are given the additional Hit collections will 
+ * be ignored.
+ */
+G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, G4Segmentation* sdSeg, HitComparator* compare) :
+        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcNames, sdSeg, compare)
+    CerenGenerator = 0;
+G4bool G4OpticalCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory* tahis)
+    if (!CerenGenerator)
+        CerenGenerator = new Cerenkov();
+    G4int NCerenPhotons = 0;
+    G4Track* theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
+    const G4double charge = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
+    G4StepPoint* pPreStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
+    G4StepPoint* pPostStepPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
+    G4double beta = 0.5 * (pPreStepPoint->GetBeta() + pPostStepPoint->GetBeta());
+    const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
+    G4String thematerial = touch->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial()->GetName();
+    G4double MeanNumberOfPhotons = CerenGenerator->GetAverageNumberOfPhotons(charge, beta, thematerial);
+    if (MeanNumberOfPhotons > 0.0) {
+        G4double step_length = aStep->GetStepLength();
+        MeanNumberOfPhotons = MeanNumberOfPhotons * step_length;
+        NCerenPhotons = (G4int) G4Poisson(MeanNumberOfPhotons);
+    } else {
+        NCerenPhotons = 0;
+    }
+    if (NCerenPhotons <= 0) {
+        return G4CalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(aStep, tahis);
+    } else {
+        G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+        G4ThreeVector myPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+        G4StepPoint* apreStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
+        G4Navigator* theNavigator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking();
+        G4VPhysicalVolume* myVolume = theNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(myPoint);
+        if (getVerbose() > 2) {
+            G4cout << "Physical volume       = " << myVolume->GetName() << G4endl;
+            G4cout << "Point of interaction  = " << myPoint<< G4endl;
+            G4cout << "sdname " << GetName() << "  hcname " <<collectionName[0]<< G4endl;
+        }
+            // total photon energy
+            // G4double theEdep = aTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
+        G4double theEdep = double(NCerenPhotons);
+        // get global cell pos from seg
+        G4ThreeVector globalCellPos = m_segmentation->getGlobalHitPosPreStep(apreStepPoint);
+        // reset the seg bins
+        m_segmentation->resetBins();
+        // set the seg bins
+        m_segmentation->setBins(aStep);
+        // create id and pack into 64
+        Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+        // find hit by simple lkp of new hit with above info
+        G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, globalCellPos);
+        thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
+        G4CalorimeterHit* fndHit = 0;
+        // hit is not found?
+        if (!(fndHit = findHit(thisHit, eCerenkov))) {
+            // add it to lkp map    
+            hits_vector[eCerenkov].push_back(thisHit);
+            // add to the HC
+            m_hitsCollections[eCerenkov]->insert(thisHit);
+        } else {
+            // found a hit
+            // don't need to insert thisHit, so delete it
+            delete thisHit;
+            thisHit = 0;
+            // incr total edep of the hit
+            fndHit->incrEdep(theEdep);
+            // for setting contrib
+            thisHit = fndHit;
+        }
+        // add McpHitContrib to this hit, setting info from step info
+        thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
+        //        aTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); // don't step photon any further
+        return true;
+    }  // end Cerenkov photon treatment 

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4Tubs.hh"
+G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
+        G4ProjectiveSegmentation(ntheta, nphi)
+double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep));
+double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint));
+double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
+    double rcyl = getRadius(aStep);
+    double ctheta = getThetaDim(aStep);
+    // ctheta in 0 to pi ...
+    // ctheta < pi/2 should be negative
+    double zcell = rcyl / tan(ctheta);
+    return zcell;
+double G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    double rcyl = getRadius(aPreStepPoint);
+    double ctheta = getThetaDim(aPreStepPoint);
+    // ctheta in 0 to pi ...
+    // ctheta < pi/2 should be negative
+    double zcell = rcyl / tan(ctheta);
+    return zcell;
+bool G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
+    bool valid = G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(s);
+    if (valid) {
+        if (s->GetEntityType() != "G4Tubs") {
+            valid = false;
+        }
+    }
+    return valid;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4Tubs.hh"
+G4ProjectiveSegmentation::G4ProjectiveSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
+        G4Segmentation(G4Segmentation::eProjective), m_ntheta(ntheta), m_nphi(nphi)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "ntheta, nphi: " << ntheta << ", " << nphi << G4endl;
+    computeDivisions();
+    setBinNames();
+G4ThreeVector G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // DEBUG
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos()" << G4endl;
+    //
+    // divide entire theta, phi range into bins; bins always positive
+    // theta, phi coord of step midpoint
+    // compute bin numbers
+    // get dim from bins
+    // get radius, z components (probably from subclass function)
+    double rcyl = getRadius(aStep);
+    double zcell = getZ(aStep);
+    // get phi component
+    double cphi = getPhiDim(aStep);
+    // compute x, y cells
+    double xcell = rcyl * cos(cphi);
+    double ycell = rcyl * sin(cphi);
+    G4ThreeVector pos(xcell, ycell, zcell);
+    //G4ThreeVector midPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos( aStep );
+    // DEBUG: print all
+    //G4cout << "sphi <" << midPos.phi() << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cphi <" << cphi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "sphi - cphi = " << midPos.phi() - cphi << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "stheta <" << midPos.theta() << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "ctheta <" << getThetaDim( aStep ) << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "stheta - ctheta = " << midPos.theta() - getThetaDim( aStep ) << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "zcell <" << zcell << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "globalCellPos <" << pos << ">" << G4endl;
+    //
+    return pos;
+G4ThreeVector G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    // DEBUG
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getGlobalHitPos()" << G4endl;
+    //
+    // divide entire theta, phi range into bins; bins always positive
+    // theta, phi coord of step midpoint
+    // compute bin numbers
+    // get dim from bins
+    // get radius, z components (probably from subclass function)
+    double rcyl = getRadius(aPreStepPoint);
+    double zcell = getZ(aPreStepPoint);
+    // get phi component
+    double cphi = getPhiDim(aPreStepPoint);
+    // compute x, y cells
+    double xcell = rcyl * cos(cphi);
+    double ycell = rcyl * sin(cphi);
+    G4ThreeVector pos(xcell, ycell, zcell);
+    //G4ThreeVector midPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos( aStep );
+    // DEBUG: print all
+    //G4cout << "sphi <" << midPos.phi() << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "cphi <" << cphi << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "sphi - cphi = " << midPos.phi() - cphi << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "stheta <" << midPos.theta() << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "ctheta <" << getThetaDim( aStep ) << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "stheta - ctheta = " << midPos.theta() - getThetaDim( aStep ) << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "rcyl <" << rcyl << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "zcell <" << zcell << ">" << G4endl;
+    //G4cout << "globalCellPos <" << pos << ">" << G4endl;
+    //
+    return pos;
+void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::setBins(const G4Step* aStep)
+    G4ThreeVector globalMidPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    setBin(0, getThetaBin(globalMidPos));
+    setBin(1, getPhiBin(globalMidPos));
+void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::setBins(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    setBin(0, getThetaBin(globalPos));
+    setBin(1, getPhiBin(globalPos));
+G4int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getNtheta() const
+    return m_ntheta;
+G4int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getNphi() const
+    return m_nphi;
+void G4ProjectiveSegmentation::computeDivisions()
+    m_divTheta = (180.0 * deg) / m_ntheta;
+    m_divPhi = (360.0 * deg) / m_nphi;
+int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaBin(const G4ThreeVector& globalStepPos)
+    // theta needs to be in range 0 - PI
+    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(globalStepPos.theta(), m_divTheta / radian);
+int G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiBin(const G4ThreeVector& globalStepPos)
+    // adjust phi for < 0
+    double sphi = globalStepPos.phi();
+    if (sphi < 0.0) {
+        sphi += 360.0 * deg;
+    }
+    // needs more checks, for phi in range 0 - TWOPI
+    // if > TWOPI, then subtract TWOPI
+    //
+    // OR use X, Y for phi calc
+    // compute and return bin
+    return G4Segmentation::computeBin(sphi, m_divPhi / radian);
+// default impl. returns mag of pos 
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius()" << G4endl;
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep).mag();
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getRadius()" << G4endl;
+    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition().mag();
+// default impl. returns z of pos
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ()" << G4endl;
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep).z();
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getZ()" << G4endl;
+    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition().z();
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const int &thetaBin) const
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(thetaBin, m_divTheta);
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const int &phiBin) const
+    return G4Segmentation::computeDim(phiBin, m_divPhi);
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const G4Step* aStep)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    double ctheta = getThetaDim(getThetaBin(globalStepPos));
+    return ctheta;
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    double ctheta = getThetaDim(getThetaBin(globalStepPos));
+    return ctheta;
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const G4Step* aStep)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+    double cphi = getPhiDim(getPhiBin(globalStepPos));
+    return cphi;
+double G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4cout << "G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getPhiDim(G4Step*)" << G4endl;
+    G4ThreeVector globalStepPos = aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    double cphi = getPhiDim(getPhiBin(globalStepPos));
+    return cphi;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation(G4int ntheta, G4int nphi) :
+        G4ProjectiveSegmentation(ntheta, nphi)
+double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
+    double zcell = getZ(aStep);
+    double ctheta = G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(aStep);
+    double rcyl = zcell * tan(ctheta);
+    return rcyl;
+double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    double zcell = getZ(aPreStepPoint);
+    double ctheta = G4ProjectiveSegmentation::getThetaDim(aPreStepPoint);
+    double rcyl = zcell * tan(ctheta);
+    return rcyl;
+double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getZ(const G4Step* aStep)
+    G4ThreeVector gpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStep->GetPreStepPoint(), G4ThreeVector());
+    return gpos.z();
+double G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation::getZ(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    G4ThreeVector gpos = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(aPreStepPoint, G4ThreeVector());
+    return gpos.z();

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+G4ScorerSD::G4ScorerSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
+        G4TrackerSD(sdName, hcName), m_currentTrackID(-1)
+G4bool G4ScorerSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( m_verbose > 1 ) {
+        std::cout << "G4ScorerSD::ProcessHits() - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
+    }
+    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+    bool sameTrack = false;
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( m_verbose > 3 ) {
+        std::cout << "current trackID <" << m_currentTrackID << ">" << std::endl;
+    }
+    if ((m_currentTrackID == -1) || (m_currentTrackID != trackID())) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
+            std::cout << "new track <" << trackID() << ">" << std::endl;
+        }
+        m_currentTrackID = trackID();
+    } else {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
+            std::cout << "old track <" << trackID() << ">" << std::endl;
+        }
+        sameTrack = true;
+    }
+    if (!sameTrack) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( m_verbose > 2 ) {
+            std::cout << "writing hit" << std::endl;
+        }
+        // edep
+        G4double e = edep();
+        // get track information
+        TrackInformation* trkInfo = trackInformation();
+        // set hit flag in trk info
+        trkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(true);
+        // hit data
+        G4int trkID = trackID();
+        G4double tdep = globalTime();
+        G4ThreeVector prepos = prePosition();
+        G4ThreeVector meanmom = meanMomentum();
+        // create hit
+        G4TrackerHit* trkHit = new G4TrackerHit();
+        // create id vector
+        Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+        // set track hit info
+        trkHit->setTrackID(trkID);
+        trkHit->setEdep(e);
+        trkHit->setPos(prepos);
+        trkHit->setMomentum(meanmom);
+        trkHit->setTdep(tdep);
+        trkHit->setId(id64.getId0());
+        trkHit->setLength(ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(aStep));
+        // add to HC
+        m_HC->insert(trkHit);
+    } else {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( m_verbose > 0 ) {
+            std::cout << "Skipping hit from track <" << m_currentTrackID << ">." << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+G4Segmentation::G4Segmentation(EType segType, int nbins) :
+        m_numBins(nbins), m_type(segType)
+    // reserve nbins
+    m_bins.reserve(m_numBins);
+    // fill in 0 vals
+    resetBins();
+void G4Segmentation::setBin(int binIdx, int binVal)
+    m_bins.insert(m_bins.begin() + binIdx, binVal);
+int G4Segmentation::getNumberOfBins()
+    return m_numBins;
+const std::vector<int>& G4Segmentation::getBins()
+    return m_bins;
+G4Segmentation::EType G4Segmentation::getType()
+    return m_type;
+G4ThreeVector G4Segmentation::getGlobalHitPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(aStep);
+G4ThreeVector G4Segmentation::getGlobalHitPosPreStep(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    //G4Exception("Do not use this method!");
+    return aPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
+void G4Segmentation::resetBins()
+    m_bins.clear();
+void G4Segmentation::printOutBins(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<int>& bins)
+    os << "segmentationBins <" << bins.size() << "> :: ";
+    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = bins.begin(); iter != bins.end(); iter++) {
+        os << *iter << " ";
+    }
+    os << std::endl;
+bool G4Segmentation::isValidSolid(G4VSolid* s)
+    bool valid = true;
+    if (0 == s) {
+        valid = false;
+    }
+    return valid;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/grid_xyz.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/global_grid_xy.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/nonprojective_cylinder.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/projective_cylinder.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/projective_zplane.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/cell_readout_2d.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GridXYZSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/CellReadout2DSegmentation.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXObject.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+G4Segmentation* G4SegmentationFactory::createSegmentation(SAXObject* obj, const std::string& tag)
+    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
+    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+    if (tag == "projective_cylinder") {
+        projective_cylinder* prj = dynamic_cast<projective_cylinder*>(obj);
+        if (prj) {
+            int ntheta, nphi;
+            std::string sval = prj->get_ntheta();
+            ntheta = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = prj->get_nphi();
+            nphi = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+            seg = new G4ProjectiveCylinderSegmentation(ntheta, nphi);
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "Failed cast to projective_cylinder!" << std::endl;
+        }
+    } else if (tag == "grid_xyz") {
+        // GridXYZ
+        grid_xyz* np = dynamic_cast<grid_xyz*>(obj);
+        if (np) {
+            double gsx, gsy, gsz;
+            gsx = gsy = gsz = 0.;
+            std::string lunit = np->get_lunit();
+            std::string sval = np->get_gridSizeX();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsx = calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = np->get_gridSizeY();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsy = calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = np->get_gridSizeZ();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsz = calc->Eval(sval);
+            //std::cout << "grid x, y, z: " << gsx << ", " << gsy << ", " << gsz << std::endl;
+            seg = new G4GridXYZSegmentation(gsx, gsy, gsz);
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "Failed cast to grid_xyz!" << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    // GlobalGridXY
+    else if (tag == "global_grid_xy") {
+        global_grid_xy* gridxy = dynamic_cast<global_grid_xy*>(obj);
+        if (gridxy) {
+            double gsx, gsy;
+            gsx = gsy = 0.;
+            std::string lunit = gridxy->get_lunit();
+            std::string sval = gridxy->get_gridSizeX();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsx = calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = gridxy->get_gridSizeY();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsy = calc->Eval(sval);
+            seg = new G4GlobalGridXYSegmentation(gsx, gsy);
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "Failed cast to global_grid_xy!" << std::endl;
+        }
+    } else if (tag == "nonprojective_cylinder") {
+        // handle NP cylinder
+        //std::cout << "add nonprojective_cylinder here" << std::endl;
+        nonprojective_cylinder* np = dynamic_cast<nonprojective_cylinder*>(obj);
+        if (np) {
+            double gsp = 0;
+            double gsz = 0;
+            std::string lunit = np->get_lunit();
+            std::string sval = np->get_gridSizePhi();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsp = calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = np->get_gridSizeZ();
+            sval += "*" + lunit;
+            gsz = calc->Eval(sval);
+            seg = new G4NonprojectiveCylinderSegmentation(gsp, gsz);
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "Failed cast to nonprojective_cylinder!" << std::endl;
+        }
+    } else if (tag == "projective_zplane") {
+        // handle projective_zplane
+        //std::cout << "add projective_zplane here" << std::endl;
+        projective_zplane* prj = dynamic_cast<projective_zplane*>(obj);
+        if (prj) {
+            int ntheta, nphi;
+            std::string sval = prj->get_ntheta();
+            ntheta = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+            sval = prj->get_nphi();
+            nphi = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+            //std::cout << "ntheta, nphi : " 
+            //		<< ntheta << ", " 
+            //		<< nphi << std::endl;
+            seg = new G4ProjectiveZPlaneSegmentation(ntheta, nphi);
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "Failed cast to projective_zplane!" << std::endl;
+        } // prj no exist
+    } else if (tag == "cell_readout_2d") {
+        //std::cout << "building cell_readout_2d" << std::endl;
+        cell_readout_2d* elem = dynamic_cast<cell_readout_2d*>(obj);
+        if (0 != elem) {
+            double cellSizeX, cellSizeY;
+            cellSizeX = cellSizeY = 0;
+            std::string lengthUnit = elem->getLengthUnit();
+            std::string val = elem->getCellSizeX();
+            val += "*" + lengthUnit;
+            cellSizeX = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = elem->getCellSizeY();
+            val += "*" + lengthUnit;
+            cellSizeY = calc->Eval(val);
+            //std::cout << "G4SegmentationFactory creating CellReadout2DSegmentation(x,y): " << cellSizeX << " " << cellSizeY << std::endl;
+            seg = new CellReadout2DSegmentation(cellSizeX, cellSizeY);
+        }
+    } else {
+        // bad segmentation tag
+        std::cerr << "Unknown child tag for calorimeter: " << tag << "." << std::endl;
+    }
+    if (seg == 0) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed to create segmentation.");
+    }
+    return seg;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorMessenger.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4EventManager.hh"
+#include "G4Event.hh"
+#include "G4SDManager.hh"
+#include "G4UImessenger.hh"
+#include "G4VHitsCollection.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
+#include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+using std::vector;
+const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::trackerStr = "tracker";
+const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::calorimeterStr = "calorimeter";
+const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::noneStr = "none";
+G4SensitiveDetector::G4SensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, EType sdType) :
+        G4VSensitiveDetector(sdName), m_idspec(0), m_type(sdType)
+    // insert hits collection name into SD's name vector
+    collectionName.insert(hcName);
+    // register detector with G4SDManager
+    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(this);
+    // Create the command messenger.
+    m_messenger = new SensitiveDetectorMessenger(this);
+    // Only one HC 
+    m_hcids.clear();
+    m_hcids.push_back(-1);
+G4SensitiveDetector::G4SensitiveDetector(G4String sdName, const vector<G4String>& hcNames, EType sdType) :
+        G4VSensitiveDetector(sdName), m_idspec(0), m_type(sdType)
+    m_hcids.clear();
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) hcNames.size(); i++) {
+        // insert hits collection name into SD's name vector
+        collectionName.insert(hcNames[i]);
+        m_hcids.push_back(-1);
+    }
+    // register detector with G4SDManager 
+    G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(this);
+    // Create the command messenger.
+    m_messenger = new SensitiveDetectorMessenger(this);
+void G4SensitiveDetector::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *)
+    // no-op
+void G4SensitiveDetector::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
+    // no-op
+G4bool G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+    // set cached step
+    setStep(aStep);
+    // doesn't write a hit
+    return false;
+const std::string& G4SensitiveDetector::getTypeString() const
+    if (m_type == eTracker) {
+        return trackerStr;
+    } else if (m_type == eCalorimeter) {
+        return calorimeterStr;
+    }
+    return noneStr;
+std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printBasicInfo(std::ostream& os)
+    os << "name: " << GetName() << std::endl;
+    os << "type: " << m_type << std::endl;
+    os << "hits collection: " << this->getHCName() << std::endl;
+    os << "hits collection ID: " << m_hcids[0] << std::endl;
+    os << "energy cut: " << G4BestUnit(m_ecut, "Energy") << std::endl;
+    os << "endcap flag: " << m_endcap << std::endl;
+    os << "verbose level: " << m_verbose << std::endl;
+    if (m_idspec != 0) {
+        os << "id spec: " << m_idspec->getName() << std::endl;
+        os << "id fields:";
+        for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator it = m_idspec->IdFieldsBegin(); it != m_idspec->IdFieldsEnd(); it++) {
+            os << " " << (*it)->getLabel();
+        }
+        os << std::endl;
+    } else {
+        os << "idspec points to null!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    return os;
+Id64bit G4SensitiveDetector::makeId() const
+    Id64bit id64;
+    if (hasIdSpec()) {
+        // get idvec ordered by this idspec
+        const IdVec ids = IdFactory::createOrderedIdVec(step(), this);
+        // pack into 64 bit cell id
+        id64 = IdFactory::createId64bit(ids, getIdSpec());
+    }
+    return id64;
+G4VHitsCollection* G4SensitiveDetector::getHitsCollection() const
+    G4VHitsCollection* hc = 0;
+    if (this->getHCID() != -1) {
+        hc = G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(this->getHCID());
+    }
+    return hc;
+G4VHitsCollection* G4SensitiveDetector::getHitsCollection(G4int nHC) const
+    G4VHitsCollection* hc = 0;
+    if (this->getHCID(nHC) != -1) {
+        hc = G4EventManager::GetEventManager()->GetConstCurrentEvent()->GetHCofThisEvent()->GetHC(this->getHCID(nHC));
+    }
+    return hc;
+std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printNumberOfHits(std::ostream& os)
+    for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfHitsCollections(); i++) {
+        os << getHitsCollection(i)->GetName() << " " << getHitsCollection(i)->GetSize() << std::endl;
+    }
+    return os;
+std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printEdep(std::ostream& os)
+    os << "total edep: " << G4BestUnit(this->getEdep(), "Energy") << std::endl;
+    return os;
+std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> G4SensitiveDetector::getLogicalVolumes() const
+    std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> volumes;
+    for (G4LogicalVolumeStore::const_iterator it = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->begin(); it != G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->end(); it++) {
+        if ((*it)->GetSensitiveDetector() == this) {
+            volumes.push_back(*it);
+        }
+    }
+    return volumes;
+std::ostream& G4SensitiveDetector::printVolumes(std::ostream& os)
+    std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> volumes = this->getLogicalVolumes();
+    for (std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator it = volumes.begin(); it != volumes.end(); it++) {
+        std::cout << (*it)->GetName() << std::endl;
+    }
+    return os;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerCombineSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+G4TrackerCombineSD::G4TrackerCombineSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
+        G4TrackerSD(sdName, hcName), m_combineHits(false), m_currentTrackID(-1), m_currentPV(0), m_edepTotal(0), m_minTime(0), m_startedHit(false), m_currentTrack(false)
+void G4TrackerCombineSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *hce)
+    G4TrackerSD::EndOfEvent(hce);
+    clear();
+G4bool G4TrackerCombineSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+    // set cached step
+    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if (getVerbose() > 0) {
+        G4cout << "G4TrackerCombineSD::ProcessHits - " << GetName() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "trackID - " << trackID() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "particle - " << track()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "edep - " << step()->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "pre-physvol=" << aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "post-physvol=" << aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName() << G4endl;
+        if ( prePV() != postPV() ) {
+            G4cout << "post-pv != pre-pv" << G4endl;
+        }
+    }
+    // Return value indicating whether a hit was inserted.
+    bool r = false;
+    // Started a hit already?
+    if (!m_startedHit) {
+        // If no hit, then start a new hit on the pre-step.
+        startHit(pre());
+    }
+    // Check if the cached trackID is valid.
+    if (m_currentTrackID != -1) {
+        // Is this step's trackID different from the cached trackID?
+        if (trackID() != m_currentTrackID) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+            if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+                G4cout << "new track ID this step!" << G4endl;
+            }
+            // Insert the hit on the old track.
+            r = insertHit();
+            // Start a new hit on the pre-step.
+            startHit(pre());
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef G4DEBUG
+    else {
+        std::cout << GetName() << "::WARNING : current TrackID == -1" << std::endl;
+    }
+    // Update the hit, checking if the call to this function is applicable.
+    updateHit();
+    // Entering a new PV on this step?
+    if (prePV() != postPV()) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+            G4cerr << "new physvol this step!" << G4endl;
+        }
+        // Insert the current hit.
+        r = insertHit();
+        // Check if pre and post steps have the same detector.
+        if (hasSameSD()) {
+            // Start a new hit for the adjacent tracker layer.
+            startHit(post());
+        }
+    }
+    // Special case where the track status is StopAndKill.  
+    // If so, we won't see it again, so need to insert the hit.
+    else if (m_currentTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill) {
+        r = insertHit();
+    }
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+        G4cerr << "----" << G4endl;
+    }
+    return r;
+void G4TrackerCombineSD::updateHit()
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+        G4cout << "updateHit" << G4endl;
+    }
+    // can only update if started hit
+    if (m_startedHit) {
+        // incr edep
+        m_edepTotal += edep();
+        // first time only
+        if (m_minTime == 0) {
+            m_minTime = globalTime();
+        }
+        // exit point and momentum
+        m_exitPoint = postPosition();
+        m_exitMomentum = postMomentum();
+    }
+void G4TrackerCombineSD::clear()
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+        G4cout << "clear" << G4endl;
+    }
+    m_minTime = 0;
+    m_edepTotal = 0;
+    m_currentPV = 0;
+    m_currentTrackID = -1;
+    m_startedHit = false;
+bool G4TrackerCombineSD::insertHit()
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+        G4cout << "insertHit" << G4endl;
+    }
+    // never started another hit after clearing
+    if (!m_startedHit) {
+        G4cerr << "never started hit!" << G4endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // total energy below cut
+                if ( m_edepTotal <= getEcut() && !isGeantino() ) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+                if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+                    std::cout << GetName() << " : cut this edep " << m_edepTotal << std::endl;
+                }
+                clear();
+                return false;
+            }
+            // compute mid point
+            G4ThreeVector midPoint =
+            ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(m_entryPoint, m_exitPoint);
+            // compute mean momentum
+            G4ThreeVector meanMom =
+            ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(m_entryMomentum, m_exitMomentum);
+            // compute distance from start to entry
+            G4double pathlength = ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(m_entryPoint, m_exitPoint);
+            // hit data
+            G4TrackerHit* trkhit = new G4TrackerHit();
+            trkhit->setTdep(m_minTime);
+            trkhit->setEdep(m_edepTotal);
+            trkhit->setPos(midPoint);
+            trkhit->setMomentum(meanMom);
+            trkhit->setTrackID(m_currentTrackID);
+            trkhit->setLength(pathlength);
+            // set id
+            Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+            trkhit->setId(id64.getId0());
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+                if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+                    std::cout << GetName() << " : inserting new tracker hit" << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << *trkhit << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "entryPoint = " << m_entryPoint << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "entryPointR = " << m_entryPoint.mag() << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "midPoint = " << midPoint << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "midPointR = " << midPoint.mag() << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "exitPoint = " << m_exitPoint << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "exitPointR = " << m_exitPoint.mag() << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << "(exitPointR - entryPointR) / 2 = " << (m_exitPoint.mag() - m_entryPoint.mag()) / 2 << std::endl;
+                    std::cout << std::endl;
+                }
+                m_HC->insert(trkhit);
+                TrackInformation::getTrackInformation( m_currentTrack )->setHasTrackerHit( true );
+                // clear cached data
+                clear();
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+                if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+                    G4cout << G4endl;
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+void G4TrackerCombineSD::startHit(G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+        G4cout << "startHit" << G4endl;
+    }
+    m_currentTrack = step()->GetTrack();
+    m_currentPV = aStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
+    m_entryPoint = m_exitPoint = aStepPoint->GetPosition();
+    m_entryMomentum = m_exitMomentum = aStepPoint->GetMomentum();
+    m_currentTrackID = trackID();
+    m_startedHit = true;
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 2 ) {
+        std::cout << GetName() << " : starting new hit" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "volume = " << m_currentPV->GetName() << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "trackID = " << m_currentTrackID << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "entry point = " << m_entryPoint << std::endl;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdVec.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/G4TrackerHit.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Geantino.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+G4TrackerSD::G4TrackerSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName) :
+        G4SensitiveDetector(sdName, hcName, G4SensitiveDetector::eTracker), m_HC(0)
+    m_hits.clear();
+void G4TrackerSD::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *HCE)
+    clearHits();
+    // create tracker hits coll
+    m_HC = new G4TrackerHitsCollection(GetName(), collectionName[0]);
+    // set HCID
+    if (getHCID() < 0) {
+        setHCID(GetCollectionID(0));
+    }
+    // add collection to HC of event
+    HCE->AddHitsCollection(getHCID(), m_HC);
+G4bool G4TrackerSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+    // set cached step
+    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+    // edep
+    G4double e = edep();
+    // check edep < cut
+    if (e <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // get track information
+    TrackInformation* trkInfo = trackInformation();
+    // set hit flag in trk info
+    trkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(true);
+    // hit data
+    G4int trkID = trackID();
+    G4double tdep = globalTime();
+    G4ThreeVector midPos = midPosition();
+    G4ThreeVector prePos = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+    G4ThreeVector postPos = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+    double avgMom = (pre()->GetMomentum().mag() + post()->GetMomentum().mag()) / 2;
+    G4ThreeVector mom = (postPos - prePos);
+    if (mom.mag() > 0) {
+        mom.setMag(avgMom);
+    } else {
+        std::cerr << "prePos - postPos = 0 --> " << prePos << " | " << postPos << std::endl;
+    }
+    G4double pathLength = ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(aStep);
+    // create hit
+    G4TrackerHit* trkHit = new G4TrackerHit();
+    // create id vector
+    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+    // set track hit info
+    trkHit->setTrackID(trkID);
+    trkHit->setEdep(e);
+    trkHit->setPos(midPos);
+    trkHit->setMomentum(mom);
+    trkHit->setTdep(tdep);
+    trkHit->setId(id64.getId0());
+    trkHit->setLength(pathLength);
+    // add to HC
+    m_HC->insert(trkHit);
+    m_hits.push_back(trkHit);
+    return true;
+std::ostream& G4TrackerSD::printHits(std::ostream& os)
+    for (G4TrackerHitList::const_iterator iter = m_hits.begin(); iter != m_hits.end(); iter++) {
+        os << (*(const_cast<const G4TrackerHit*>(*iter)));
+    }
+    os << std::endl;
+    return os;
+void G4TrackerSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 0 ) {
+        std::cout << GetName() << " has " << m_HC->GetSize() << " hits." << std::endl;
+    }
+    if ( getVerbose() > 1 ) {
+        printHits ( std::cout );
+    }
+double G4TrackerSD::getEdep() const
+    double edep = 0.0;
+    for (G4TrackerHitList::const_iterator it = m_hits.begin(); it != m_hits.end(); it++) {
+        edep += (*it)->getEdep();
+    }
+    return edep;
+void G4TrackerSD::clearHits()
+    m_hits.clear();
+G4TrackerSD::G4TrackerHitList G4TrackerSD::getTrackerHitList()
+    return m_hits;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// $Id:,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD.hh"
+G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD(G4String sdName, G4String hcName, G4Segmentation* seg) :
+        G4CalorimeterSD(sdName, hcName, seg)
+G4bool G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, G4TouchableHistory*)
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+    if ( getVerbose() > 0 )
+    {
+        std::cout << "G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - " << this->GetName() << std::endl;
+    }
+    /* Cache the step information. */
+    G4SensitiveDetector::ProcessHits(aStep, 0);
+    /* Get the energy deposition. */
+    G4double theEdep = edep();
+    /*
+     * This needs to be a <= comparison for cutting on 0,
+     * but it allows geantinos, which always have 0 edep.
+     */
+    if (theEdep <= getEcut() && !isGeantino()) {
+#ifdef G4VERBOSE
+        if ( getVerbose() > 2 )
+        {
+            std::cout << "G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD::ProcessHits - cut on edep " << theEdep << std::endl;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Get the step mid position. */
+    G4ThreeVector hitPos = midPosition();
+    //std::cout << "hit at " << hitPos << std::endl;
+    /* Reset the segmentation bins. */
+    //m_segmentation->resetBins();
+    /* Set the segmentation bins. */
+    //m_segmentation->setBins( aStep );
+    /* Create a 64-bit ID. */
+    Id64bit id64 = makeId();
+    /* Create a new hit. */
+    G4CalorimeterHit* thisHit = new G4CalorimeterHit(theEdep, hitPos);
+    /* Set the 64-bit ID. */
+    thisHit->setId64bit(id64.getId0(), id64.getId1());
+    /* Add hit to lookup map. */
+    hits_vector[0].push_back(thisHit);
+    /* Add hit to the HC. */
+    m_hitsCollections[0]->insert(thisHit);
+    /* Add an MCParticle contribution for this hit. */
+    thisHit->addMcpHitContrib(McpHitContrib(aStep));
+    /* Success. */
+    return true;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
+#include "G4Geantino.hh"
+#include "G4ChargedGeantino.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cmath>
+const double ReadoutUtil::PI = acos(-1);
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(const G4ThreeVector& vec1, const G4ThreeVector& vec2)
+    return (0.5 * (vec1 + vec2));
+G4double ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(const G4ThreeVector& vec1, const G4ThreeVector& vec2)
+    return (sqrt(pow(vec1.x() - vec2.x(), 2) + pow(vec1.y() - vec2.y(), 2) + pow(vec1.z() - vec2.z(), 2)));
+G4double ReadoutUtil::computeDistance(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return computeDistance(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(), aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::computeMidPos(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return computeThreeVectorMean(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(), aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition());
+G4VSolid* ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
+    assert(aStepPoint);
+    return aStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid();
+G4TouchableHandle ReadoutUtil::getTouchableFromStep(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& pnt)
+    return aStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(pnt);
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::getVolumeGlobalPosition(const G4StepPoint* aStepPoint)
+    return getVolumeGlobalPosition(aStepPoint, G4ThreeVector());
+const G4Tubs* ReadoutUtil::getTubs(const G4Step* aStep)
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = 0;
+    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aStep->GetPreStepPoint());
+    tubs = static_cast<const G4Tubs*>(solid);
+    return tubs;
+const G4Tubs* ReadoutUtil::getTubs(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    const G4Tubs* tubs = 0;
+    G4VSolid* solid = ReadoutUtil::getSolidFromStepPoint(aPreStepPoint);
+    tubs = static_cast<const G4Tubs*>(solid);
+    return tubs;
+double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4Tubs* tubs)
+    double thickness = getTubsThickness(tubs);
+    double rcyl = tubs->GetInnerRadius() + thickness / 2;
+    return rcyl;
+double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4Step* aStep)
+    return computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aStep));
+double ReadoutUtil::computeTubsMidRadius(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint)
+    return computeTubsMidRadius(ReadoutUtil::getTubs(aPreStepPoint));
+double ReadoutUtil::getTubsThickness(const G4Tubs* tubs)
+    return tubs->GetOuterRadius() - tubs->GetInnerRadius();
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(const G4Step* aStep, const G4ThreeVector& localPos)
+    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
+    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
+    // compute global pos using local point and touchable
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(localPos);
+    return globalPos;
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformLocalToGlobal(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& localPos)
+    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
+    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aPreStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
+    // compute global pos using local point and touchable
+    G4ThreeVector globalPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(localPos);
+    return globalPos;
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(const G4Step* aStep, const G4ThreeVector& globalPos)
+    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
+    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
+    // compute local pos using global point and touchable
+    G4ThreeVector localPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(globalPos);
+    return localPos;
+G4ThreeVector ReadoutUtil::transformGlobalToLocal(const G4StepPoint* aPreStepPoint, const G4ThreeVector& globalPos)
+    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
+    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aPreStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
+    // compute local pos using global point and touchable
+    G4ThreeVector localPos = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(globalPos);
+    return localPos;
+std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> ReadoutUtil::getPhysVolList(G4Step* aStep)
+    std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> physVols;
+    // get touchable from PreStepPoint
+    G4TouchableHandle theTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
+    G4int hdepth = theTouchable->GetHistoryDepth();
+    const G4NavigationHistory* theTouchableHistory = theTouchable->GetHistory();
+    for (int i = hdepth; i > 0; i--) {
+        G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = theTouchableHistory->GetVolume(i);
+        physVols.push_back(pv);
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+        G4cout << "pushed back <" << pv->GetName() << ">" << G4endl;
+    }
+    return physVols;
+int ReadoutUtil::getVolumeNumber(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable, int historyDepth)
+    bool no_depth = false;
+    if (historyDepth == -1) {
+        no_depth = true;
+    }
+    G4VPhysicalVolume *pv = 0;
+    // pv only with depth arg
+    if (!no_depth) {
+        pv = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetVolume(historyDepth);
+    }
+    int vnum = -1;
+    // rep num: no pv, replicated, parameterised
+    if (!pv || pv->IsReplicated() || pv->IsParameterised()) {
+        // no depth
+        if (no_depth) {
+            vnum = theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber();
+        }
+        // use history depth
+        else {
+            vnum = theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(historyDepth);
+        }
+    } else {
+        // copy num: placement
+        vnum = pv->GetCopyNo();
+    }
+    return vnum;
+bool ReadoutUtil::isGeantino(G4Step* aStep)
+    G4ParticleDefinition* def = aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition();
+    if (def == G4Geantino::Definition() || def == G4ChargedGeantino::Definition())
+        return true;
+    else
+        return false;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerCombineSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4OpticalCalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/PositionComparator.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdComparator.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+G4SensitiveDetector* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(const SAXObject* object)
+    //std::cout << "create SD" << std::endl;
+    G4SensitiveDetector* sd = 0;
+    const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt = dynamic_cast<const SensitiveDetectorType*>(object);
+    if (sdt) {
+        std::string sd_type = sdt->get_type();
+        /* Create calorimeter subdetector. */
+        // TODO Check if "calorimeter" in the sd_type.
+        if (sd_type == "calorimeter" || sd_type == "optical_calorimeter" || sd_type == "unsegmented_calorimeter") {
+            //std::cout << "creating calorimeter" << std::endl;
+            sd = createCalorimeterSD(object);
+        }
+        /* Create tracker subdetector. */
+        else if (sd_type == "tracker") {
+            sd = createTrackerSD(object);
+        }
+        /* Create scorer subdetector. */
+        else if (sd_type == "scorer") {
+            sd = createScorerSD(object);
+        } else {
+            /* Type not recognized. */
+            G4cerr << "Invalid sd_type <" << sd_type << ">." << G4endl;
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Unknown SD type.  Check the LCDD file.");
+        }
+            // set ecut and verbose
+        setBaseSensitiveDetectorAttributes(sd, sdt);
+        // find idspec
+        IdSpec* idspec = findIdSpec(sdt);
+        // set idspec, if exists (null is ok)
+        if (idspec != 0) {
+            sd->setIdSpec(idspec);
+        }
+        // register the SD
+        std::string sdName = sd->GetName();
+        LCDDProcessor::instance()->addSensitiveDetector(sdName, sd);
+    } else {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to SensitiveDetectorType.");
+    }
+    return sd;
+G4CalorimeterSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createCalorimeterSD(const SAXObject* object)
+    G4CalorimeterSD* sd = 0;
+    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
+    const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt = dynamic_cast<const SensitiveDetectorType*>(object);
+    std::string sd_type = sdt->get_type();
+    // Create the segmentation.
+    ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(sdt->get_content());
+    size_t count = seq->size();
+    // Look for segmentation tag.
+    bool fnd_seg = false;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
+        const ContentGroup::ContentItem& segitem = seq->content(i);
+        // Create segmentation using factory.
+        if (isSegmentationTag(child_tag)) {
+            seg = G4SegmentationFactory::createSegmentation(segitem.object, segitem.tag);
+            fnd_seg = true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // Get the calorimeter XML object.
+    const calorimeter* cal = dynamic_cast<const calorimeter*>(object);
+    // Find out hit aggregation algorithm.
+    const std::string& hitCompareStr = cal->get_compare();
+    // Comparison algorithm to be used for combining hits, to be determined from SD.
+    HitComparator* hitCompare = 0;
+    // Find the IdSpec.
+    IdSpec* idspec = findIdSpec(sdt);
+    if (hitCompareStr != "id" && hitCompareStr != "position") {
+        G4cerr << "Invalid selection for hit comparison <" << hitCompareStr << ">, for calorimeter <" << sdt->get_name() << ">." << G4endl;
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid selection for hit comparison.");
+    }
+        // Compare on IDs.
+    if (hitCompareStr == "id") {
+        if (idspec) {
+            hitCompare = new IdComparator();
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "WARNING: IdSpec for <" << sdt->get_name() << "> does not exist!  Position comparison will be used for hit aggregation instead of id." << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    // Compare on position.
+    if (!hitCompare) {
+        hitCompare = new PositionComparator();
+    }
+    if (sd_type == "calorimeter") {
+        sd = new G4CalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), sdt->get_hitsCollectionName(), seg, hitCompare);
+    } else if (sd_type == "optical_calorimeter") {
+        //
+        // in case of optical alorimeter there are 2 hit collections
+        //
+        //G4String  hcnames[2];
+        // TODO Fix hardcoded collection names.
+        std::vector<G4String> hcnames;
+        hcnames.push_back("Edep_" + sdt->get_hitsCollectionName());
+        hcnames.push_back("Ceren_" + sdt->get_hitsCollectionName());
+        //std::cout<< " now creating optical calorimeter"<<std::endl;
+        sd = new G4OpticalCalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), hcnames, seg, hitCompare);
+    } else if (sd_type == "unsegmented_calorimeter") {
+        // Segmentation could be null but that is fine for this type of calorimeter.
+        sd = new G4UnsegmentedCalorimeterSD(sdt->get_name(), sdt->get_hitsCollectionName(), seg);
+    } else {
+        G4cerr << "Unknown sensitive detector type: " << sd_type << G4endl;
+        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Unknown sensitive detector type.");
+    }
+    return sd;
+G4TrackerSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createTrackerSD(const SAXObject* object)
+    const tracker* trk = dynamic_cast<const tracker*>(object);
+    bool combineHits = StringUtil::toBool(trk->get_combine_hits());
+    G4TrackerSD* sd = 0;
+    std::string nm = trk->get_name();
+    std::string hc = trk->get_hitsCollectionName();
+    if (checkHCName(hc)) {
+        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Name of the hits collection is invalid.");
+    }
+    /* tracker that aggregates hits */
+    if (combineHits) {
+        sd = new G4TrackerCombineSD(nm, hc);
+    } else {
+        /* regular tracker */
+        sd = new G4TrackerSD(nm, hc);
+    }
+    return sd;
+G4ScorerSD* SensitiveDetectorFactory::createScorerSD(const SAXObject* object)
+    const scorer * scr = dynamic_cast<const scorer*>(object);
+    G4ScorerSD* sd = 0;
+    std::string nm = scr->get_name();
+    std::string hc = scr->get_hitsCollectionName();
+    if (checkHCName(hc)) {
+        G4Exception("SensitiveDetectorFactory", "", FatalException, "Name of the hits collections is invalid.");
+    }
+    sd = new G4ScorerSD(nm, hc);
+    return sd;
+IdSpec* SensitiveDetectorFactory::findIdSpec(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
+    IdSpec* idspec = 0;
+    ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(sdt->get_content());
+    size_t count = seq->size();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
+        // find idspec
+        if (child_tag == "idspecref") {
+            IdSpecType::idspecref* id_ref = dynamic_cast<IdSpecType::idspecref*>(seq->content(i).object);
+            idspec = IdManager::instance()->getIdSpec(id_ref->get_ref());
+            if (idspec == 0) {
+                G4cerr << "IdSpec <" << id_ref->get_ref() << "> referenced by detector <" << sdt->get_name() << "> does not exist." << G4endl;
+                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "IdSpec does not exist.");
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return idspec;
+void SensitiveDetectorFactory::setBaseSensitiveDetectorAttributes(G4SensitiveDetector* sd, const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
+    sd->setEcut(SensitiveDetectorFactory::computeEcut(sdt));
+    sd->setVerbose(SensitiveDetectorFactory::convertVerbose(sdt));
+    sd->setEndcapFlag(StringUtil::toBool(sdt->get_endcap_flag()));
+double SensitiveDetectorFactory::computeEcut(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
+    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+    std::string sval = sdt->get_ecut();
+    sval += "*" + sdt->get_eunit();
+    double ecut = calc->Eval(sval);
+    return ecut;
+int SensitiveDetectorFactory::convertVerbose(const SensitiveDetectorType* sdt)
+    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+    std::string sval = sdt->get_verbose();
+    int verbose = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+    return verbose;
+// NOTE: New segmentations must appear here!
+bool SensitiveDetectorFactory::isSegmentationTag(const std::string& s)
+    // @todo Fix this to know all segmentation types automatically somehow.  (schema?)
+    return (s == "projective_cylinder" || s == "grid_xyz" || s == "global_grid_xy" || s == "nonprojective_cylinder" || s == "projective_zplane" || s == "cell_readout_2d");
+bool SensitiveDetectorFactory::checkHCName(const std::string& s)
+    bool bad = false;
+    // is size <= 1 ?
+    if (s.size() <= 1) {
+        bad = true;
+        //std::cerr << "HCName <" << s << "> is not enough characters." << std::endl;
+    } else {
+        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+        for (LCDDProcessor::SensitiveDetectors::const_iterator iter = proc->getSensitiveDetectorsBegin(); iter != proc->getSensitiveDetectorsBegin(); iter++) {
+            if (iter->second->getHCName() == s) {
+                bad = true;
+                //std::cerr << "HCName <" << s << "> already assigned to SD <" << iter->second->GetName() << ">." << std::endl;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return bad;

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// $Id:,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorMessenger.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4UIcommand.hh"
+#include "G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.hh"
+#include "G4UIcmdWithABool.hh"
+#include "G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit.hh"
+#include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
+#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
+G4UIdirectory* SensitiveDetectorMessenger::m_detectorsDir = 0;
+SensitiveDetectorMessenger::SensitiveDetectorMessenger(G4SensitiveDetector* detector) :
+        m_detector(detector)
+    if (m_detectorsDir == 0) {
+        makeDetectorsDir();
+    }
+    defineCommands(m_detector);
+    // TODO: put command deletes here
+void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* cmd, G4String newVals)
+    if (cmd == m_printInfoCmd) {
+        m_detector->printBasicInfo(std::cout);
+    } else if (cmd == m_printNHitsCmd) {
+        m_detector->printNumberOfHits(std::cout);
+    } else if (cmd == m_printTotalEdepCmd) {
+        m_detector->printEdep(std::cout);
+    } else if (cmd == m_printVolumesCmd) {
+        m_detector->printVolumes(std::cout);
+    } else if (cmd == m_printHitsCmd) {
+        m_detector->printHits(std::cout);
+    } else if (cmd == m_verboseCmd) {
+        m_detector->setVerbose(m_verboseCmd->GetNewIntValue(newVals));
+    } else if (cmd == m_activateCmd) {
+        m_detector->Activate(m_activateCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newVals));
+    } else if (cmd == m_ecutCmd) {
+        m_detector->setEcut(m_ecutCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newVals));
+    }
+void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::makeDetectorsDir()
+    m_detectorsDir = new G4UIdirectory("/detectors/");
+    m_detectorsDir->SetGuidance("Commands for sensitive detectors. [LCDD]");
+void SensitiveDetectorMessenger::defineCommands(G4VSensitiveDetector* sd)
+    // Name of the sensitive detector.
+    const G4String& name = sd->GetName();
+    // Name of the sensitive detector's command directory.
+    const G4String& dirName = G4String("/detectors/" + name + "/");
+    // Create the sensitive detector's Geant4 macro command directory.
+    m_detectorDir = new G4UIdirectory(dirName.c_str());
+    m_detectorDir->SetGuidance(G4String("Commands for the sensitive detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Print command.
+    m_printInfoCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "print").c_str(), this);
+    m_printInfoCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print basic information about the sensitive detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Print number of hits command.
+    m_printNHitsCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printNumberOfHits").c_str(), this);
+    m_printInfoCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print the number of hits from the detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Print energy deposition.
+    m_printTotalEdepCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printEdep").c_str(), this);
+    m_printTotalEdepCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print the total energy deposition from the detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Print energy deposition.
+    m_printVolumesCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printVolumes").c_str(), this);
+    m_printVolumesCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print a list of logical volume names associated with the detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Print energy deposition.
+    m_printHitsCmd = new G4UIcommand(G4String(dirName + "printHits").c_str(), this);
+    m_printHitsCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Print a list of hits from the detector " + name).c_str());
+    // Set the verbosity.
+    m_verboseCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger(G4String(dirName + "setVerbose").c_str(), this);
+    m_verboseCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set the verbosity of the detector " + name).c_str());
+    m_verboseCmd->SetDefaultValue(2);
+    m_verboseCmd->SetParameterName("verbose", true, true);
+    // Activate or deactive this detector.
+    m_activateCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool(G4String(dirName + "setActive").c_str(), this);
+    m_activateCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set whether the detector " + name + " is active.").c_str());
+    m_activateCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
+    m_activateCmd->SetParameterName("active", true, true);
+    // Set the ecut with unit.
+    m_ecutCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit(G4String(dirName + "setHitEnergyCut").c_str(), this);
+    m_ecutCmd->SetGuidance(G4String("Set the single hit energy cut for detector " + name).c_str());
+    m_ecutCmd->SetDefaultValue(0.0);
+    m_ecutCmd->SetDefaultUnit("GeV");
+    m_ecutCmd->SetParameterName("cut", true, true);

lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/detectors/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/StepReadout.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+// G4
+#include "G4Step.hh"
+#include "G4StepPoint.hh"
+#include "G4Track.hh"
+#include "G4VSolid.hh"
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
+#include "G4TouchableHandle.hh"
+#include "G4Region.hh"
+#include "G4Material.hh"
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+StepReadout::StepReadout() :
+        m_step(0)
+void StepReadout::setStep(G4Step* s)
+    m_step = s;
+G4Step* StepReadout::step() const
+    return m_step;
+bool StepReadout::hasStep() const
+    return (0 != m_step);
+G4StepPoint* StepReadout::pre() const
+    return step()->GetPreStepPoint();
+G4StepPoint* StepReadout::post() const
+    return step()->GetPostStepPoint();
+G4VPhysicalVolume* StepReadout::prePV() const
+    return preTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
+G4VPhysicalVolume* StepReadout::postPV() const
+    return postTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
+G4VSolid* StepReadout::preSolid() const
+    return preLV()->GetSolid();
+G4VSolid* StepReadout::postSolid() const
+    return postLV()->GetSolid();
+G4LogicalVolume* StepReadout::preLV() const
+    return prePV()->GetLogicalVolume();
+G4LogicalVolume* StepReadout::postLV() const
+    return postPV()->GetLogicalVolume();
+G4Material* StepReadout::preMaterial() const
+    return pre()->GetMaterial();
+G4Material* StepReadout::postMaterial() const
+    return post()->GetMaterial();
+G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::preSD() const
+    return getSD(pre());
+G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::postSD() const
+    return getSD(post());
+G4VSensitiveDetector* StepReadout::getSD(G4StepPoint* stepPoint) const
+    return stepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSensitiveDetector();
+bool StepReadout::hasSameSD() const
+    bool r = false;
+    // post vol has an SD
+    if (0 != postSD()) {
+        // post SD same as pre SD
+        if (preSD() == postSD()) {
+            r = true;
+        }
+    }
+    return r;
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::volumePosition(G4TouchableHandle theTouchable) const
+    return theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().Inverse().TransformPoint(m_origin);
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::preVolumePosition() const
+    return volumePosition(preTouchableHandle());
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postVolumePosition() const
+    return volumePosition(postTouchableHandle());
+double StepReadout::edep() const
+    return step()->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+G4Track* StepReadout::track() const
+    return step()->GetTrack();
+double StepReadout::globalTime() const
+    return track()->GetGlobalTime();
+int StepReadout::trackID() const
+    return track()->GetTrackID();
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::momentum() const
+    return track()->GetMomentum();
+TrackInformation* StepReadout::trackInformation() const
+    return TrackInformation::getTrackInformation(track());
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::prePosition() const
+    return pre()->GetPosition();
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::midPosition() const
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(prePosition(), postPosition());
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postPosition() const
+    return post()->GetPosition();
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::preMomentum() const
+    return pre()->GetMomentum();
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::postMomentum() const
+    return post()->GetMomentum();
+G4ThreeVector StepReadout::meanMomentum() const
+    return ReadoutUtil::computeThreeVectorMean(preMomentum(), postMomentum());
+G4TouchableHandle StepReadout::preTouchableHandle() const
+    return pre()->GetTouchableHandle();
+G4TouchableHandle StepReadout::postTouchableHandle() const
+    return post()->GetTouchableHandle();
+bool StepReadout::isGeantino()
+    return ReadoutUtil::isGeantino(step());

lcdd/src/lcdd/geant4 added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/geant4/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/geant4/G4LimitSet.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Track.hh"
+/* Code for any particle. */
+const G4LimitSet::ParticleType G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE = "*";
+/* Code for no limit, as -1 is never a valid limit. */
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::LIMIT_NOT_SET = -1;
+/* Keys to limit value maps for each parameter. */
+const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY = "step_length_max";
+const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY = "track_length_max";
+const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::TIME_MAX_KEY = "time_max";
+const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::EKIN_MIN_KEY = "ekin_min";
+const G4LimitSet::LimitNameKeyType G4LimitSet::RANGE_MIN_KEY = "range_min";
+/* Default values for limits.  Taken from G4UserLimit ctor default args. */
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::STEP_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::TIME_MAX_DEFAULT = DBL_MAX;
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::EKIN_MIN_DEFAULT = 0.;
+const G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT = 0.;
+G4LimitSet::G4LimitSet(const G4String& name) :
+        G4UserLimits("G4LimitSet"), m_name(name)
+    m_limitsMap[STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
+    m_limitsMap[TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
+    m_limitsMap[TIME_MAX_KEY] = LimitMap();
+    m_limitsMap[EKIN_MIN_KEY] = LimitMap();
+    m_limitsMap[RANGE_MIN_KEY] = LimitMap();
+G4double G4LimitSet::GetMaxAllowedStep(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    double maxStepLength = getLimitForParticle(STEP_LENGTH_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
+    return maxStepLength == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? STEP_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT : maxStepLength;
+G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMaxTrackLength(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    double maxTrackLength = getLimitForParticle(TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
+    return maxTrackLength == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? TRACK_LENGTH_MAX_DEFAULT : maxTrackLength;
+G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMaxTime(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    double maxTime = getLimitForParticle(TIME_MAX_KEY, aTrack);
+    return maxTime == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? TIME_MAX_DEFAULT : maxTime;
+G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMinEkine(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    double minEkine = getLimitForParticle(EKIN_MIN_KEY, aTrack);
+    return minEkine == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? EKIN_MIN_DEFAULT : minEkine;
+G4double G4LimitSet::GetUserMinRange(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    double minRange = getLimitForParticle(RANGE_MIN_KEY, aTrack);
+    return minRange == LIMIT_NOT_SET ? RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT : minRange;
+const G4LimitSet::ParticleType G4LimitSet::getParticleType(const G4Track& aTrack)
+    return aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
+void G4LimitSet::setLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, ParticleType particleType, LimitValueType limitValue)
+    if (m_limitsMap.find(limitName) != m_limitsMap.end()) {
+        m_limitsMap[limitName][particleType] = limitValue;
+    } else {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid limits map.");
+    }
+G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, ParticleType particleType)
+    //std::cout << "G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle()" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "limitName, particleType: " << limitName << " " << particleType << std::endl;
+    LimitValueType limitValue = 0;
+    if (m_limitsMap.find(limitName) != m_limitsMap.end()) {
+        if (m_limitsMap[limitName].find(particleType) != m_limitsMap[limitName].end()) {
+            limitValue = m_limitsMap[limitName][particleType];
+        } else {
+            if ((m_limitsMap[limitName].find(ANY_PARTICLE) != m_limitsMap[limitName].end())) {
+                limitValue = m_limitsMap[limitName][ANY_PARTICLE];
+            } else {
+                limitValue = LIMIT_NOT_SET;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Invalid limits map.");
+    }
+    //std::cout << "limitValue: " << limitValue << std::endl;
+    return limitValue;
+G4LimitSet::LimitValueType G4LimitSet::getLimitForParticle(LimitNameType limitName, const G4Track& aTrack)
+    return getLimitForParticle(limitName, getParticleType(aTrack));
+void G4LimitSet::setName(const G4String& n)
+    m_name = n;
+G4String& G4LimitSet::getName()
+    return m_name;

lcdd/src/lcdd/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/hits/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/hits/G4CalorimeterHit.hh"
+// Geant4
+#ifdef G4VIS_USE
+#include "G4VVisManager.hh"
+#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
+#include "G4Circle.hh"
+#include "G4Point3D.hh"
+#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
+G4Allocator<G4CalorimeterHit> G4CalorimeterHitAllocator;
+G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit() :
+        G4VHit(), m_edep(0)
+    ;
+G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit(G4double edep, G4ThreeVector globalCellPos) :
+        G4VHit(), m_edep(edep), m_pos(globalCellPos)
+    ;
+    ;
+G4CalorimeterHit::G4CalorimeterHit(const G4CalorimeterHit &right) :
+        G4VHit()
+    m_edep = right.m_edep;
+    m_pos = right.m_pos;
+const G4CalorimeterHit& G4CalorimeterHit::operator=(const G4CalorimeterHit &right)
+    m_edep = right.m_edep;
+    m_pos = right.m_pos;
+    return *this;
+bool G4CalorimeterHit::operator==(const G4CalorimeterHit &right)
+    return (m_pos == right.m_pos);
+#ifdef G4VIS_USE
+void G4CalorimeterHit::Draw()
+    G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();
+    if(pVVisManager)
+    {
+        G4Point3D p3D = G4Point3D( m_pos );
+        G4Circle chit(p3D);
+        chit.SetScreenDiameter(3.0);
+        chit.SetFillStyle(G4Circle::filled);
+        G4Colour col(1.0,0.,1.0);
+        chit.SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes( col ) );
+        pVVisManager->Draw( chit );
+    }
+void G4CalorimeterHit::printMcpHitContribs(std::ostream& os)
+    printMcpHitContribsHeader(os);
+    for (McpHitContribList::iterator iter = m_particleList.begin(); iter != m_particleList.end(); iter++) {
+        (*iter).printOut(os);
+    }
+void G4CalorimeterHit::printMcpHitContribsHeader(std::ostream& os)
+    os << "McpHitContribs" << std::endl;
+    os << "trackID" << '\t' << "edep" << '\t' << '\t' << "PdgId" << '\t' << "time" << std::endl;
+void G4CalorimeterHit::Print()
+    std::cout << *this << std::endl;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const G4CalorimeterHit& hit)
+    os << hit.getPos() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getEdep(), "Energy") << std::endl;
+    return os;

lcdd/src/lcdd/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/hits/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/hits/G4TrackerHit.hh"
+// for Draw() method
+#ifdef G4VIS_USE
+#include "G4VVisManager.hh"
+#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
+#include "G4Circle.hh"
+#include "G4Point3D.hh"
+#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
+G4Allocator<G4TrackerHit> G4TrackerHitAllocator;
+G4TrackerHit::G4TrackerHit() :
+        G4VHit(), m_edep(0), m_tdep(0), m_trkID(-1), m_length(0)
+#ifdef G4VIS_USE
+void G4TrackerHit::Draw()
+    G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();
+    if(pVVisManager) {
+        G4Point3D p3D = G4Point3D( m_pos );
+        G4Circle chit(p3D);
+        chit.SetScreenDiameter(3.0);
+        chit.SetFillStyle(G4Circle::filled);
+        G4Colour col(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+        chit.SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes( col ) );
+        pVVisManager->Draw( chit );
+    }
+void G4TrackerHit::Print()
+    std::cout << *this << std::endl;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const G4TrackerHit& hit)
+    std::cout << hit.getTrackID() << " " << hit.getPos() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getEdep(), "Energy") << " " << hit.getMomentum() << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getLength(), "Length") << " " << G4BestUnit(hit.getTdep(), "Time") << " " << hit.getPDG() << " " << std::endl;
+    return os;

lcdd/src/lcdd/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/hits/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/hits/McpHitContrib.hh"
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Track.hh"
+#include "G4Step.hh"
+#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
+#include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
+McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib() :
+        m_trackID(-1), m_edep(0), m_PdgId(9999999), m_globalTime(0)
+    ;
+McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib(G4int trackID, G4double edep, G4int PDGID, G4double globalTime) :
+        m_trackID(trackID), m_edep(edep), m_PdgId(PDGID), m_globalTime(globalTime)
+    ;
+    ;
+McpHitContrib::McpHitContrib(const G4Step* aStep)
+    // Get the track.
+    const G4Track* aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
+    // Get the track information.
+    TrackInformation* trkInfo = static_cast<TrackInformation*>(aTrack->GetUserInformation());
+    // Get the track ID.
+    m_trackID = trkInfo->getOriginalTrackID();
+    // Set edep according to type of track.
+    if (aTrack->GetDefinition() == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition()) {
+        m_edep = aTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
+    } else {
+        m_edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+    }
+    // PDG ID.
+    m_PdgId = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
+    // Global time.
+    m_globalTime = aTrack->GetGlobalTime();
+    // Compute the step midpoint.
+    G4ThreeVector posVec = (0.5 * (aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()));
+    m_position[0] = posVec[0];
+    m_position[1] = posVec[1];
+    m_position[2] = posVec[2];
+void McpHitContrib::printOut(std::ostream& os)
+    os << m_trackID << '\t' << m_edep << '\t' << m_PdgId << '\t' << m_globalTime << std::endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/hits added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/hits/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/hits/TrackInformation.hh"
+G4Allocator<TrackInformation> TrackInformationAllocator;
+    setDefaults();
+TrackInformation::TrackInformation(const G4Track* aTrack)
+    setDefaults();
+    m_originalTrackID = aTrack->GetTrackID();
+TrackInformation::TrackInformation(const TrackInformation* aTrackInfo)
+    assert(aTrackInfo);
+    setFromTrackInformation(aTrackInfo, this);
+TrackInformation& TrackInformation::operator =(const TrackInformation& right)
+    setFromTrackInformation(&right, this);
+    return *this;
+void TrackInformation::setDefaults()
+    // default to invalid trackID
+    m_originalTrackID = -1;
+    // default to tracking region in both current and orig
+    m_originalTrackingStatus = TrackInformation::eInTrackingRegion;
+    m_trackingStatus = TrackInformation::eInTrackingRegion;
+    // default flag vals
+    m_hasTrackerHit = false;
+    m_vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent = false;
+    m_backscatter = false;
+    m_belowThreshold = false;
+void TrackInformation::setFromTrackInformation(const TrackInformation* srcTrkInfo, TrackInformation* trgtTrkInfo)
+    trgtTrkInfo->setTrackID(srcTrkInfo->m_originalTrackID);
+    trgtTrkInfo->setOriginalTrackingStatus(srcTrkInfo->m_originalTrackingStatus);
+    trgtTrkInfo->setTrackingStatus(srcTrkInfo->m_trackingStatus);
+    trgtTrkInfo->setHasTrackerHit(false);
+    trgtTrkInfo->setVertexIsNotEndpointOfParent(false);
+    trgtTrkInfo->setBackscatter(srcTrkInfo->getBackscatter());
+    trgtTrkInfo->setBelowThreshold(srcTrkInfo->getBelowThreshold());
+const std::string& TrackInformation::getTrackingStatusString(ETrackingStatus ts)
+    static const std::string str_none = "None";
+    static const std::string str_tracking = "InTrackingRegion";
+    static const std::string str_nontracking = "InNontrackingRegion";
+    static const std::string str_invalid = "Invalid";
+    if (ts == eNone) {
+        return str_none;
+    } else if (ts == eInTrackingRegion) {
+        return str_tracking;
+    } else if (ts == eInNontrackingRegion) {
+        return str_nontracking;
+    }
+    return str_invalid;

lcdd/src/lcdd/id added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:00 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/id/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:00 jeremy Exp $
+// Uncomment to enable verbose debug output from this class.
+//#define ID_DEBUG 1
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4Segmentation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/ReadoutUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Step.hh"
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
+using namespace std;
+IdFactory::Bits const IdFactory::MASK_ON = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+Id64bit IdFactory::createId64bit(const IdVec& idvec, IdSpec* idspec)
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+    G4cout << G4endl;
+    G4cout.setf( ios::hex );
+    G4cout << "IdFactory::createId64bit()" << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "idvec size: " << idvec.size() << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "idspec numFields: " << idspec->getNumFields() << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "idspec bitLength: " << idspec->getBitLength() << G4endl;
+    /* IdVec (expanded id) size must equal IdSpec size or die. */
+    if (idvec.size() != idspec->getNumFields()) {
+        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "idspec size != idvec size.");
+    }
+    /* Make a 64-bit id to return. */
+    Id64bit id64;
+    /* A 2 member array for cell ids 1 & 2 (2x32-bit int). */
+    Bits id64_val[2] = { 0, 0 };
+    size_t id64_val_idx = 0;
+    /* Ptr to value of current idx. */
+    Bits* id64_val_ptr = &id64_val[id64_val_idx];
+    /* Ptr to the current idfield. */
+    IdField* id_field = 0;
+    /* Flag indicating that next 32-bit id has been reached. */
+    bool next_id = false;
+    /* loop vars */
+    IdField::SizeType field_bit_len = 0;
+    Bits curr_bit = 0;
+    IdSpec::SizeType idspec_idx = 0;
+    /* Loop over the IdVec, packing its values into the 64-bit Id
+     using information from the IdSpec. */
+    for (IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator iter = idvec.getFieldsBegin(); iter != idvec.getFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
+        /* field ptr from idspec */
+        id_field = idspec->getIdField(idspec_idx);
+        assert(id_field);
+        /* id value of field */
+        Id64bit::ElementType field_val = (Id64bit::ElementType) *iter;
+        /* field length */
+        field_bit_len = id_field->getLength();
+        /* field start */
+        Bits field_start = id_field->getStart();
+        /* Don't allow crossing of 32-bit boundary.
+         FIXME: See
+         */
+        if ((field_start < 32) && (field_start + field_bit_len > 32)) {
+            G4cerr << "Field <" << id_field->getLabel() << "> crosses the 32-bit boundary." << G4endl;
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Fields are not allowed to cross the 32-bit boundary.");
+        }
+        /* check if on 2nd dbl word. */
+        else if (field_start >= 32) {
+            /* If 1st time, set id val pntr. */
+            if (!next_id) {
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                    G4cout << "setting ptr to next id" << G4endl;
+                    ++id64_val_idx;
+                    id64_val_ptr = &id64_val[id64_val_idx];
+                    next_id = true;
+                }
+                /* Adjust start idx for position in next 32-bit id. */
+                field_start -= 32;
+            }
+        Bits field_mask = makeBitMask(field_bit_len);
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+        G4cout << "idspec_idx: " << dec << idspec_idx << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "shifting left: " << dec << field_bit_len << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "curr_bit: " << dec << curr_bit << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_label: " << id_field->getLabel() << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_start: " << field_start << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_val (dec): " << dec << field_val << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_val (hex): " << hex << field_val << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_bit_len: " << dec << field_bit_len << G4endl;
+        G4cout << "field_mask: " << hex << field_mask << G4endl;
+        /* For positive values, check that this value doesn't overflow the assigned length. */
+        //    if ( field_val > 0 ) {
+        if (checkOverflow(field_val, field_mask) != 0) {
+            G4cerr << "Value <" << field_val << "> is too big for the field <" << id_field->getLabel() << ">, len <" << field_bit_len << ">." << G4endl;
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Value too large for field.");
+        }
+            //    }
+            //    else {
+            //    }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+            G4cout << "field_mask: " << hex << field_mask << G4endl;
+            /* Apply bit mask and shift to proper left pos. */
+        Bits field_val_shifted_masked = (field_val & field_mask) << field_start;
+        /* AND into the current id val. */
+        (*id64_val_ptr) = (*id64_val_ptr) | field_val_shifted_masked;
+        /* Set current bit to next start pos. */
+        curr_bit += id_field->getLength();
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+        G4cout << "id64_val (hex): " << hex << *id64_val_ptr << G4endl;
+        G4cout << G4endl;
+        /* Increment the idspec idx. */
+        ++idspec_idx;
+    }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+    G4cout << "end curr_bit: " << dec << curr_bit << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "end id64[0]: " << hex << id64_val[0] << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "end id64[1]: " << hex << id64_val[1] << G4endl;
+    G4cout.unsetf( ios::hex );
+    G4cout << G4endl << G4endl;
+    /* Set the two 32-bit ids in the packed id to return. */
+    id64.setId0(id64_val[0]);
+    id64.setId1(id64_val[1]);
+    return id64;
+inline IdFactory::Bits IdFactory::makeBitMask(IdField::SizeType len)
+    return (Bits) ((1 << len) - 1);
+inline IdFactory::Bits IdFactory::checkOverflow(Id64bit::ElementType val, Bits mask)
+    Bits xbits = 0x0;
+    /* get flipped mask of all 1's in positions that should be masked off for this val */
+    Bits flipMask = mask ^ MASK_ON;
+    /* mask off all the valid bits, leaving overflow bits */
+    Id64bit::ElementType overflow = (val & flipMask);
+    /* for pos vals, check that no bits past max bit are = 1 */
+    if (val >= 0) {
+        xbits = (Bits) ((flipMask) & overflow);
+    }
+    /* for neg vals, check that no bits past max bit are = 0 */
+    else {
+        xbits = (Bits) ((flipMask) ^ overflow);
+    }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+    G4cout << "flipMask: " << hex << flipMask << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "overflow: " << hex << overflow << G4endl;
+    G4cout << "overflow bits (hex): " << hex << xbits << G4endl;
+    return xbits;
+IdVec IdFactory::createOrderedIdVec(G4Step* aStep, const G4SensitiveDetector* sd)
+    //std::cout << "createOrderedIdVec" << std::endl;
+    assert(aStep);
+    assert(sd);
+    IdSpec* idspec = sd->getIdSpec();
+    IdVec ids;
+    G4Segmentation* seg = 0;
+    if (sd->getType() == G4SensitiveDetector::eCalorimeter) {
+        seg = (dynamic_cast<const G4CalorimeterSD*>(sd))->getSegmentation();
+    }
+    if (idspec) {
+        for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator iter = idspec->IdFieldsBegin(); iter != idspec->IdFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
+            IdField* f = *iter;
+            int bin_val = 0;
+            bool fnd_it = false;
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+            G4cout << "handling field: " << f->getLabel() << G4endl;
+            // look in seg, if exists
+            if (seg) {
+                int bin_idx = IdFactory::findFieldIdxInSegmentation(seg, f->getLabel());
+                if (bin_idx != -1) {
+                    //std::cout << "getting bin: " << bin_idx << std::endl;
+                    bin_val = seg->getBin(bin_idx);
+                    //std::cout << "got bin val: " << bin_val << std::endl;
+                    fnd_it = true;
+                }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                else {
+                    G4cout << "not in segmentation" << G4endl;
+                }
+            }
+            // find in PV ids
+            if (!fnd_it) {
+                std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> pv_list = ReadoutUtil::getPhysVolList(aStep);
+                if (hasPhysVolId(pv_list, f->getLabel())) {
+                    fnd_it = true;
+                    bin_val = findIdInPhysVols(pv_list, f->getLabel());
+                }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                else {
+                    G4cout << "not in physvolids" << G4endl;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Find in copy numbers of the volume. */
+            if (!fnd_it && f->getLabel() == "volume") {
+                bin_val = ReadoutUtil::getVolumeNumber(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle());
+                if (-1 == bin_val) {
+                    G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Valid copy number not found for PV.");
+                } else {
+                    fnd_it = true;
+                }
+            }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+            else {
+                G4cout << "not in volume (copyNum)" << G4endl;
+            }
+            // Push back zero as the default value for field not found.
+            ids.push_back(bin_val);
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+            G4cout << "set bin val: " << bin_val << G4endl << G4endl;
+        }
+    }
+    return ids;
+int IdFactory::findFieldIdxInSegmentation(G4Segmentation* seg, const std::string& field_name)
+    const std::vector<std::string>& bin_names = seg->getBinNames();
+    int bin_count = 0;
+    bool fnd = false;
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = bin_names.begin(); iter != bin_names.end(); iter++) {
+        if (*iter == field_name) {
+            fnd = true;
+            break;
+        }
+        ++bin_count;
+    }
+    if (!fnd) {
+        bin_count = -1;
+    }
+    return bin_count;
+int IdFactory::findIdInPhysVols(const std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>& pvs, const std::string& field_name)
+    IdManager* id_mgr = IdManager::instance();
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+    G4cout << "looking for field_name match on <" << field_name << ">" << G4endl;
+    int id = 0;
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = 0;
+    bool fnd = false;
+    for (std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::const_iterator iter_pv = pvs.begin(); iter_pv != pvs.end(); iter_pv++) {
+        pv = *iter_pv;
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+        G4cout << "searching in ids of PV <" << pv->GetName() << ">" << G4endl;
+        if (id_mgr->hasPhysVolIds(pv)) {
+            PhysVolId::PhysVolIds pvids = id_mgr->getPhysVolIds(pv);
+            for (PhysVolId::PhysVolIds::const_iterator iter = pvids.begin(); iter != pvids.end(); iter++) {
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                G4cout << "current field <" << (*iter).getFieldName() << ">" << G4endl;
+                if ((*iter).getFieldName() == field_name) {
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                    G4cout << "found a match" << G4endl;
+                    id = (*iter).getValue();
+                    fnd = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+#ifdef ID_DEBUG
+                else {
+                    G4cout << "no match on this PV" << G4endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (fnd) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return id;
+bool IdFactory::hasPhysVolId(const std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>& pvs, const std::string& field_name)
+    IdManager* id_mgr = IdManager::instance();
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = 0;
+    bool fnd = false;
+    for (std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::const_iterator iter_pv = pvs.begin(); iter_pv != pvs.end(); iter_pv++) {
+        pv = *iter_pv;
+        if (id_mgr->hasPhysVolIds(pv)) {
+            PhysVolId::PhysVolIds pvids = id_mgr->getPhysVolIds(pv);
+            for (PhysVolId::PhysVolIds::const_iterator iter = pvids.begin(); iter != pvids.end(); iter++) {
+                if ((*iter).getFieldName() == field_name) {
+                    fnd = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (fnd) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return fnd;

lcdd/src/lcdd/id added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/id/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/idfieldElem.hh"
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+ @class idfieldProcess
+ @brief SAX process to create the idfield element.
+ */
+class idfieldProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    idfieldProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~idfieldProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        idfieldElem* idfield = new idfieldElem;
+        idfield->set_label(attrs.getValue("label"));
+        idfield->set_start(attrs.getValue("start"));
+        idfield->set_length(attrs.getValue("length"));
+        idfield->set_signed(attrs.getValue("signed"));
+        m_obj = idfield;
+        *obj = idfield;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "idfield";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/id added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/id/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
+IdManager* IdManager::m_instance = 0;
+IdManager* IdManager::instance()
+    if (m_instance == 0) {
+        m_instance = new IdManager;
+    }
+    return m_instance;
+void IdManager::addIdSpec(const std::string& name, IdSpec* spec)
+    m_idSpecs[name] = spec;
+IdSpec* IdManager::getIdSpec(const char* name)
+    std::string key = name;
+    return getIdSpec(key);
+IdSpec* IdManager::getIdSpec(const std::string& name)
+    return m_idSpecs[name];
+IdManager::IdSpecs::const_iterator IdManager::getIdSpecsBegin()
+    return m_idSpecs.begin();
+IdManager::IdSpecs::const_iterator IdManager::getIdSpecsEnd()
+    return m_idSpecs.end();
+void IdManager::addPhysVolId(G4LogicalVolume* lvMom, int childIdx, PhysVolId childId)
+    // DEBUG
+    //std::cout << std::endl << "assigning physvolid..." << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "lvMom <" << lvMom->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "childIdx <" << childIdx << ">" << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "childId field: " << childId.getFieldName() << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "childId <" << childId.getValue() << ">" << std::endl;
+    //
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* dau = lvMom->GetDaughter(childIdx);
+    if (dau) {
+        //std::cout << "found daughter <" << dau->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
+        //std::cout << "dau ptr <" << dau << ">" << std::endl;
+        m_physVolIdMap.addPhysVolId(dau, childId);
+    } else {
+        std::cerr << "IdManager::assignPhysVolId() - childIdx <" << childIdx << "> does not exist!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    //std::cout << std::endl;
+void IdManager::printIds(std::ostream& os, const IdVec& ids)
+    os << "id stack:";
+    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = ids.getFieldsBegin(); iter != ids.getFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
+        os << " " << *iter;
+    }
+    os << std::endl;

lcdd/src/lcdd/id added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/id/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
+// STL
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+void IdSpec::printOut(std::ostream& os) const
+    os << std::endl;
+    os << "IdSpec: " << m_name << std::endl;
+    os << "bitLength: " << m_bitLength << std::endl;
+    static const int def_width = 15;
+    os.width(def_width);
+    os << left << "label";
+    os.width(def_width);
+    os << left << "start";
+    os.width(def_width);
+    os << left << "end";
+    os.width(def_width);
+    os << left << "size";
+    os.width(def_width);
+    os << left << "signed";
+    os << std::endl;
+    os.fill('-');
+    os.width(66);
+    os << left << "-" << std::endl;
+    os.fill(' ');
+    for (IdFields::const_iterator iter = IdFieldsBegin(); iter != IdFieldsEnd(); iter++) {
+        IdField* f = *iter;
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << f->getLabel();
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << f->getStart();
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << f->getStart() + f->getLength() - 1;
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << f->getLength();
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << f->getSigned();
+        os.width(def_width);
+        os << left << std::endl;
+    }
+    os << std::endl;
+std::string IdSpec::getFieldDescription()
+    std::stringstream enc;
+    // Loop over the fields in the IdSpec.
+    for (IdSpec::IdFields::const_iterator it = this->IdFieldsBegin(); it != this->IdFieldsEnd(); it++) {
+        // Get the IdField.
+        IdField* field = (*it);
+        // Encode the field information into the LCIO / compact format.
+        enc << field->getLabel() << ":" << field->getStart() << ":";
+        if (field->getSigned()) {
+            enc << "-";
+        }
+        enc << field->getLength() << ",";
+    }
+    // Return the id description string, eliminating last comma.
+    return enc.str().substr(0, enc.str().length() - 1);

lcdd/src/lcdd/id added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/id/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/id/IdVec.hh"
+void IdVec::clear()
+    m_fields.clear();
+void IdVec::push_back(ElementType et)
+    m_fields.push_back(et);
+IdVec::ElementType IdVec::getFieldValue(SizeType idx) const
+    return;
+void IdVec::setFieldValue(SizeType idx, ElementType et)
+    m_fields.insert(m_fields.begin() + idx, et);
+IdVec::ElementType IdVec::operator [](SizeType idx) const
+    return getFieldValue(idx);
+IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator IdVec::getFieldsBegin() const
+    return m_fields.begin();
+IdVec::ElementVector::const_iterator IdVec::getFieldsEnd() const
+    return m_fields.end();

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/author.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for author element.
+ */
+class authorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    authorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~authorProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "authorProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        author* a = new author;
+        a->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        a->set_email(attrs.getValue("email"));
+        m_obj = a;
+        *obj = a;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "author";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/box_dipole.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldTypeProcess.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+class box_dipoleProcess: public FieldTypeProcess
+    box_dipoleProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            FieldTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~box_dipoleProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        box_dipole* x = new box_dipole;
+        x->set_x(attrs.getValue("x"));
+        x->set_y(attrs.getValue("y"));
+        x->set_z(attrs.getValue("z"));
+        x->set_dx(attrs.getValue("dx"));
+        x->set_dy(attrs.getValue("dy"));
+        x->set_dz(attrs.getValue("dz"));
+        x->set_bx(attrs.getValue("bx"));
+        x->set_by(attrs.getValue("by"));
+        x->set_bz(attrs.getValue("bz"));
+        m_obj = x;
+        *obj = x;
+        FieldTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "box_dipole";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
+calorimeterProcess::calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context) :
+        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
+void calorimeterProcess::StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+    calorimeter* cal = new calorimeter;
+    cal->set_compare(attrs.getValue("hit_aggregation"));
+    m_obj = cal;
+    *obj = cal;
+    // parent type to set name and hitsCollectionName
+    SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+void calorimeterProcess::EndElement(const std::string&)
+void calorimeterProcess::Characters(const std::string&)
+void calorimeterProcess::StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
+const std::string& calorimeterProcess::State() const
+    static std::string tag = "calorimeter";
+    return tag;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/cell_readout_2d.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+class cell_readout_2dProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    cell_readout_2dProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~cell_readout_2dProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        std::cout << "cell_readout_2dProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        cell_readout_2d* np = new cell_readout_2d;
+        np->setLengthUnit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        np->setCellSizeX(attrs.getValue("cell_size_x"));
+        np->setCellSizeY(attrs.getValue("cell_size_y"));
+        m_obj = np;
+        *obj = np;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "cell_readout_2d";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/color.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class colorProcess
+ @brief SAX process for color element.
+ */
+class colorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    colorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~colorProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "color::StartElement()" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        color* c = new color;
+        c->set_R(attrs.getValue("R"));
+        c->set_G(attrs.getValue("G"));
+        c->set_B(attrs.getValue("B"));
+        c->set_alpha(attrs.getValue("alpha"));
+        m_obj = c;
+        *obj = c;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "color";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/comment.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class commentProcess
+ @brief SAX process for comment element.
+ */
+class commentProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    commentProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~commentProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "commentProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        comment* c = new comment;
+        m_obj = c;
+        *obj = c;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string& cdata)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "commentProcess::Characters() - <" << cdata << ">" << std::endl;
+        comment* c = dynamic_cast<comment*>(m_obj);
+        c->set_comment(cdata);
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "comment";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/detector.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for detector element.
+ */
+class detectorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    detectorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~detectorProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        detector* d = new detector;
+        d->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        d->set_version(attrs.getValue("version"));
+        d->set_url(attrs.getValue("url"));
+        m_obj = d;
+        *obj = d;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "detector";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/dipole.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+ * @brief SAX process for the dipole element.
+ */
+class dipoleProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    dipoleProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~dipoleProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        dipole* d = new dipole;
+        d->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        d->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        d->set_funit(attrs.getValue("funit"));
+        d->set_zmax(attrs.getValue("zmax"));
+        d->set_zmin(attrs.getValue("zmin"));
+        d->set_rmax(attrs.getValue("rmax"));
+        m_obj = d;
+        *obj = d;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        dipole* d = dynamic_cast<dipole*>(m_obj);
+        d->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "dipole";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/dipole_coeff.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @class dipole_coeffProcess
+ * @brief SAX process to create the dipole_coeff element.
+ */
+class dipole_coeffProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    dipole_coeffProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~dipole_coeffProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        dipole_coeff* dpc = new dipole_coeff;
+        dpc->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
+        m_obj = dpc;
+        *obj = dpc;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "dipole_coeff";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldMapTypeProcess.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/field_map_3d.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+// Geant4
+#include "globals.hh"
+ * @brief
+ */
+class field_map_3dProcess: public FieldMapTypeProcess
+    field_map_3dProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            FieldMapTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~field_map_3dProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        field_map_3d* fmap = new field_map_3d;
+        fmap->set_filename(attrs.getValue("filename"));
+        // Top-level caller needs to setup the SAXObject references.
+        m_obj = fmap;
+        *obj = fmap;
+        // Call next process UP in inheritance chain, after the SAXObject is set.
+        FieldMapTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "field_map_3d::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
+        FieldMapTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "field_map_3d";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldType.hh"
+ * @brief SAX process for fieldref element.
+ */
+class fieldrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    fieldrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~fieldrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        FieldType::fieldref* fref = new FieldType::fieldref;
+        *obj = fref;
+        m_obj = fref;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "fieldref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/generator.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for generator element.
+ */
+class generatorProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    generatorProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~generatorProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        generator* g = new generator;
+        g->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        g->set_version(attrs.getValue("version"));
+        g->set_file(attrs.getValue("file"));
+        g->set_checksum(attrs.getValue("checksum"));
+        m_obj = g;
+        *obj = g;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "generator";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/global_field.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for global_field element.
+ */
+class global_fieldProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    global_fieldProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~global_fieldProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        global_field* cal = new global_field;
+        m_obj = cal;
+        *obj = cal;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::EndElement: " << name << " " << std::endl;
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "global_fieldProcess::StackPopNotify: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        global_field* fobj = dynamic_cast<global_field*>(m_obj);
+        fobj->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "global_field";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/global_grid_xy.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class grid_xyzProcess
+ @brief SAX process for grid_xyz element.
+ */
+class global_grid_xyProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    global_grid_xyProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~global_grid_xyProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        global_grid_xy* np = new global_grid_xy;
+        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        np->set_gridSizeX(attrs.getValue("grid_size_x"));
+        np->set_gridSizeY(attrs.getValue("grid_size_y"));
+        m_obj = np;
+        *obj = np;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+        ;
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "global_grid_xy";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/grid_xyz.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for grid_xyz element.
+ */
+class grid_xyzProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    grid_xyzProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~grid_xyzProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "grid_xyzProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        grid_xyz* np = new grid_xyz;
+        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        np->set_gridSizeX(attrs.getValue("grid_size_x"));
+        np->set_gridSizeY(attrs.getValue("grid_size_y"));
+        np->set_gridSizeZ(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
+        m_obj = np;
+        *obj = np;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "PROCESS::END OF TAG  : " << name << " " << std::endl;
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "PROCESS::NOTIFIED AFTER THE TAG: " << name << std::endl;
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "grid_xyz";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/header.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for header element.
+ */
+class headerProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    headerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~headerProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "headerProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        header* h = new header;
+        m_obj = h;
+        *obj = h;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "headerProcess::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        header* h = dynamic_cast<header*>(m_obj);
+        h->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "header";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/idspecElem.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for idspec element.
+ */
+class idspecProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    idspecProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~idspecProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "idspecProcess::StartElement() - " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        idspecElem* idspec = new idspecElem;
+        idspec->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        idspec->set_length(attrs.getValue("length"));
+        m_obj = idspec;
+        *obj = idspec;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        idspecElem* idspec = dynamic_cast<idspecElem*>(m_obj);
+        idspec->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "idspec";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/IdSpecType.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for idspecref element.
+ * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to idspec element.
+ */
+class idspecrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    idspecrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~idspecrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        IdSpecType::idspecref* s = new IdSpecType::idspecref;
+        *obj = s;
+        m_obj = s;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "idspecref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
+ *
+ */
+class limitProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    limitProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~limitProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        limit* lim = new limit;
+        lim->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        lim->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
+        lim->set_particles(attrs.getValue("particles"));
+        lim->set_unit(attrs.getValue("unit"));
+        m_obj = lim;
+        *obj = lim;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "limit";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/LimitType.hh"
+ * @brief SAX process for limitref element.
+ */
+class limitrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    limitrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~limitrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "limitrefProcess" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        LimitType::limitref* lref = new LimitType::limitref;
+        *obj = lref;
+        m_obj = lref;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "limitref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/limitset.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "globals.hh"
+class limitsetProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    limitsetProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~limitsetProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        limitset* lim = new limitset;
+        lim->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        m_obj = lim;
+        *obj = lim;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        if (name == "limit") {
+            SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+            limitset* lim = dynamic_cast<limitset*>(m_obj);
+            if (lim != 0) {
+                lim->add_content(name, *so);
+            } else {
+                G4Exception("limitsetProcess::StackPopNotify()", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limitset.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "limitsetProcess::StackPopNotify() - Got limitset content that wasn't limit." << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "limitset";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/LimitSetType.hh"
+ * @brief SAX process for limitsetref element.
+ */
+class limitsetrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    limitsetrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~limitsetrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "limitsetrefProcess" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        LimitSetType::limitsetref* lref = new LimitSetType::limitsetref;
+        *obj = lref;
+        m_obj = lref;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "limitsetref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/nonprojective_cylinder.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class nonprojective_cylinderProcess
+ @brief SAX process for nonprojective_cylinder element.
+ */
+class nonprojective_cylinderProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    nonprojective_cylinderProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~nonprojective_cylinderProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "nonprojective_cylinderProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        nonprojective_cylinder* np = new nonprojective_cylinder;
+        np->set_gridSizeZ(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
+        np->set_gridSizePhi(attrs.getValue("grid_size_phi"));
+        np->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        m_obj = np;
+        *obj = np;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "nonprojective_cylinder";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/optical_calorimeter.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class optical_calorimeterProcess
+ @brief SAX process for optical_calorimeter element.
+ @note  Calls SAX processor for SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess parent class.
+ */
+class optical_calorimeterProcess: public calorimeterProcess
+    optical_calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            calorimeterProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~optical_calorimeterProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "optical_calorimeter";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/physvolidElem.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for physvolid element.
+ */
+class physvolidProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    physvolidProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~physvolidProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        physvolidElem* pvid = new physvolidElem;
+        pvid->set_value(attrs.getValue("value"));
+        pvid->set_field_name(attrs.getValue("field_name"));
+        m_obj = pvid;
+        *obj = pvid;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "physvolid";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/projective_cylinder.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for projective_cylinder element.
+ */
+class projective_cylinderProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    projective_cylinderProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~projective_cylinderProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "projective_cylinderProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        projective_cylinder* prj = new projective_cylinder;
+        prj->set_ntheta(attrs.getValue("ntheta"));
+        prj->set_nphi(attrs.getValue("nphi"));
+        m_obj = prj;
+        *obj = prj;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "projective_cylinder";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/projective_zplane.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class projective_zplaneProcess
+ @brief SAX process for projective_zplane element.
+ */
+class projective_zplaneProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    projective_zplaneProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~projective_zplaneProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "projective_zplaneProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        projective_zplane* prj = new projective_zplane;
+        prj->set_ntheta(attrs.getValue("ntheta"));
+        prj->set_nphi(attrs.getValue("nphi"));
+        m_obj = prj;
+        *obj = prj;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "projective_zplane";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/region.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for region element.
+ */
+class regionProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    regionProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~regionProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        region* reg = new region;
+        reg->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        reg->set_storeSecondaries(attrs.getValue("store_secondaries"));
+        reg->set_killTracks(attrs.getValue("kill_tracks"));
+        reg->set_cut(attrs.getValue("cut"));
+        reg->set_lunit(attrs.getValue("lunit"));
+        reg->set_threshold(attrs.getValue("threshold"));
+        reg->set_eunit(attrs.getValue("eunit"));
+        m_obj = reg;
+        *obj = reg;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        region* r = dynamic_cast<region*>(m_obj);
+        r->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "region";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/RegionType.hh"
+ * @brief SAX process for regionref element.
+ * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to region element.
+ */
+class regionrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    regionrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~regionrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        RegionType::regionref* regref = new RegionType::regionref;
+        *obj = regref;
+        m_obj = regref;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "regionref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldMapTypeProcess.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/rz_field_map.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "globals.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief Processor for rz_field_map elements.
+ */
+class rz_field_mapProcess: public FieldMapTypeProcess
+    rz_field_mapProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            FieldMapTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~rz_field_mapProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //    std::cout << "rz_field_mapProcess::StartElement - " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        rz_field_map* rzmap = new rz_field_map;
+        /* set attributes */
+        rzmap->set_num_bins_r(attrs.getValue("num_bins_r"));
+        rzmap->set_grid_size_r(attrs.getValue("grid_size_r"));
+        rzmap->set_num_bins_z(attrs.getValue("num_bins_z"));
+        rzmap->set_grid_size_z(attrs.getValue("grid_size_z"));
+        /* Top-level caller needs to setup the SAXObject references. */
+        m_obj = rzmap;
+        *obj = rzmap;
+        /* Call next process UP in inheritance chain, after the SAXObject is set. */
+        FieldMapTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        //    std::cout << "rz_field_mapProcess::StackPopNotify" << std::endl;
+        if (name != "rzB") {
+            std::cerr << name << " is not a valid child element for rz_field_map." << std::endl;
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        FieldMapTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "rz_field_map";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/rzb.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief Processor for rzB elements.
+ */
+class rzbProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    rzbProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~rzbProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "rzbProcess::StartElement" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        rzb* row = new rzb;
+        row->set_r(attrs.getValue("r"));
+        row->set_z(attrs.getValue("z"));
+        row->set_Br(attrs.getValue("Br"));
+        row->set_Bz(attrs.getValue("Bz"));
+        m_obj = row;
+        *obj = row;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "rzB";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/scorer.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for scorer element.
+ */
+class scorerProcess: public SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess
+    scorerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~scorerProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "PROCESS::START OF TAG  : " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        scorer* scr = new scorer;
+        /*
+         scr->set_kill_tracks(attrs.getValue("kill_tracks") );
+         */
+        m_obj = scr;
+        *obj = scr;
+        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "PROCESS::END OF TAG  : " << name << " " << std::endl;
+        //SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::EndElement( name );
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "scorer";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorType.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class sdrefProcess
+ @brief SAX process for sdref element.
+ @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for reference to sd element.
+ */
+class sdrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    sdrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~sdrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        SensitiveDetectorType::sdref* s = new SensitiveDetectorType::sdref;
+        *obj = s;
+        m_obj = s;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "sdref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/solenoid.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldTypeProcess.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for solenoid element.
+ */
+class solenoidProcess: public FieldTypeProcess
+    solenoidProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            FieldTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~solenoidProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "solenoidProcess::StartElement: " << name << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        solenoid* sol = new solenoid;
+        sol->set_innerField(attrs.getValue("inner_field"));
+        sol->set_outerField(attrs.getValue("outer_field"));
+        sol->set_zmin(attrs.getValue("zmin"));
+        sol->set_zmax(attrs.getValue("zmax"));
+        sol->set_innerRadius(attrs.getValue("inner_radius"));
+        sol->set_outerRadius(attrs.getValue("outer_radius"));
+        m_obj = sol;
+        *obj = sol;
+        FieldTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "solenoidProcess::EndElement: " << name << " " << std::endl;
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string&)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "calorimeterProcess::StackPopNotify: " << name << std::endl;
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "solenoid";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/tracker.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class trackerProcess
+ @brief SAX process for tracker element.
+ */
+class trackerProcess: public SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess
+    trackerProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~trackerProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        tracker* trk = new tracker;
+        trk->set_combine_hits(attrs.getValue("combine_hits"));
+        m_obj = trk;
+        *obj = trk;
+        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess::StackPopNotify(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "tracker";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeterProcess.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/unsegmented_calorimeter.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for unsegmented_calorimeter element.@note  Calls SAX processor for SensitiveDetectorTypeProcess parent class.
+ */
+class unsegmented_calorimeterProcess: public calorimeterProcess
+    unsegmented_calorimeterProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            calorimeterProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~unsegmented_calorimeterProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "unsegmented_calorimeter";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/vis.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX process for vis element.
+ */
+class visProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    visProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~visProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "visProcess::StartElement()" << std::endl;
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        vis* v = new vis;
+        v->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        v->set_visible(attrs.getValue("visible"));
+        v->set_show_daughters(attrs.getValue("show_daughters"));
+        v->set_line_style(attrs.getValue("line_style"));
+        v->set_drawing_style(attrs.getValue("drawing_style"));
+        m_obj = v;
+        *obj = v;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        // add all content
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        vis* v = dynamic_cast<vis*>(m_obj);
+        v->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "vis";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/VisType.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Processes/ReferenceTypeProcess.h"
+ * @brief SAX process for visref element.
+ * @note  Extends ReferenceTypeProcess for referencing the vis elements.
+ */
+class visrefProcess: public ReferenceTypeProcess
+    visrefProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            ReferenceTypeProcess(context)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~visrefProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string& name, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        VisType::visref* visref = new VisType::visref;
+        *obj = visref;
+        m_obj = visref;
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::StartElement(name, attrs);
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        ReferenceTypeProcess::EndElement(name);
+    }
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "visref";
+        return tag;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/schema added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:01 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/schema/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:01 jeremy Exp $
+#ifndef VolumeExtendedProcess_hh
+#define VolumeExtendedProcess_hh 1
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingConfigurator.h"
+#include "Saxana/ProcessingContext.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessor.h"
+#include "Saxana/StateStack.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXProcessingState.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXStateProcess.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "Schema/volume.h"
+ * @brief SAX process for the volume element, as extended by LCDD.
+ * @note  This is mostly a cut and paste job of GDML's volumeProcess class,
+ * as this class does not appear to be extendable.  It is only defined in a cpp
+ * file with no include guards!
+ */
+class volumeExtendedProcess: public SAXStateProcess
+    volumeExtendedProcess(const ProcessingContext* context = 0) :
+            SAXStateProcess(context), m_obj(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~volumeExtendedProcess()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    // Analogical to SAX startElement callback
+    virtual void StartElement(const std::string&, const ASCIIAttributeList& attrs)
+    {
+        SAXObject** obj = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        volume* vo = new volume;
+        vo->set_name(attrs.getValue("name"));
+        m_obj = vo;
+        *obj = vo;
+    }
+    virtual void EndElement(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Characters(const std::string&)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void StackPopNotify(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        SAXObject** so = Context()->GetTopObject();
+        volume* vobj = dynamic_cast<volume*>(m_obj);
+        vobj->add_content(name, *so);
+    }
+    // The name of the state this object will process
+    virtual const std::string& State() const
+    {
+        static std::string tag = "volume";
+        return tag;
+    }
+    SAXObject* m_obj;
+    static SAXObject* m_volumeSaved;

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4BoxDipole.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/box_dipole.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
+class box_dipoleSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    box_dipoleSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("box_dipole");
+    }
+    virtual ~box_dipoleSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+        if (object != 0) {
+            const box_dipole* dipoleElement = dynamic_cast<const box_dipole*>(object);
+            double x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, bx, by, bz;
+            x = y = z = dx = dy = dz = bx = by = bz = 0;
+            std::string lunit = dipoleElement->get_lunit();
+            std::string funit = dipoleElement->get_funit();
+            std::string val = dipoleElement->get_x();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            x = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_y();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            y = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_z();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            z = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_dx();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            dx = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_dy();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            dy = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_dz();
+            val += "*" + lunit;
+            dz = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_bx();
+            val += "*" + funit;
+            bx = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_by();
+            val += "*" + funit;
+            by = calc->Eval(val);
+            val = dipoleElement->get_bz();
+            val += "*" + funit;
+            bz = calc->Eval(val);
+            G4BoxDipole* boxDipole = new G4BoxDipole(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, bx, by, bz);
+            std::string fieldName = dipoleElement->get_name();
+            LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(fieldName, boxDipole);
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeter.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+ @class calorimeterSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
+ @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4CalorimeterSD object.
+ */
+class calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("calorimeter");
+    }
+    virtual ~calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        // use factory to create this SD
+        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/dipole.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/dipole_coeff.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Dipole.hh"
+ * @brief Creates G4Dipole runtime objects in Geant4 from dipole elements.
+ */
+class dipoleSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    dipoleSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("dipole");
+    }
+    virtual ~dipoleSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+        if (object) {
+            const dipole* d = dynamic_cast<const dipole*>(object);
+            if (d) {
+                double zmin, zmax, rmax;
+                std::string lunit = d->get_lunit();
+                std::string funit = d->get_funit();
+                // Evaluate zmin with lunit.
+                std::string sval = d->get_zmin();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                zmin = calc->Eval(sval);
+                // Evaluate zmax with lunit.
+                sval = d->get_zmax();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                zmax = calc->Eval(sval);
+                // Evaluate rmax with lunit.
+                sval = d->get_rmax();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                rmax = calc->Eval(sval);
+                // Create the Geant4 dipole object.
+                G4Dipole* g4d = new G4Dipole();
+                // Set the field unit's value.
+                g4d->setFieldUnit(calc->Eval(funit));
+                // Set the length unit's value.
+                g4d->setLengthUnit(calc->Eval(lunit));
+                // Set zmin and zmax.
+                g4d->setZMax(zmax);
+                g4d->setZMin(zmin);
+                g4d->setRMax(rmax);
+                // Add the dipole coefficients.
+                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(d->get_content());
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    const ContentGroup::ContentItem& elem = seq->content(i);
+                    if (elem.tag == "dipole_coeff") {
+                        dipole_coeff* coeff = dynamic_cast<dipole_coeff*>(elem.object);
+                        g4d->addCoeff(calc->Eval(coeff->get_value()));
+                    } else {
+                        std::cerr << "dipoleSubscriber :: Activate - The child element " << elem.tag << " is not a dipole_coeff!" << std::endl;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Add the G4Dipole to the magnetic field store.
+                std::string field_name = d->get_name();
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(field_name, g4d);
+            } else {
+                std::cerr << "dipoleSubscriber :: Activate - Failed cast to dipole!" << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ;

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// lcdd
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/field_map_3d.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentObject.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+ * @class
+ * @brief
+ */
+class field_map_3dSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    field_map_3dSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("field_map_3d");
+    }
+    virtual ~field_map_3dSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "field_map_3d::Subscriber" << std::endl;
+        const field_map_3d* obj = dynamic_cast<const field_map_3d*>(object);
+        if (object != 0) {
+            if (obj) {
+                if (obj) {
+                    //GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+                    //std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
+                    //std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
+                    std::string name = obj->get_name();
+                    std::string field_name = obj->get_filename();
+                    Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap* fmap = new Cartesian3DMagneticFieldMap(field_name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
+                    LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(name, fmap);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Id:,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/global_field.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/FieldType.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4MagneticField.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX subscriber for global_field element.
+ * @note  Resolves fieldref and sets global field in LCDDProcessor.
+ */
+class global_fieldSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    global_fieldSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("global_field");
+    }
+    virtual ~global_fieldSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        const global_field* fobj = 0;
+        G4MagneticField* mag = 0;
+        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+        if (object != 0) {
+            fobj = dynamic_cast<const global_field*>(object);
+            if (fobj) {
+                const ContentSequence* seq = fobj->get_content();
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "fieldref") {
+                        FieldType::fieldref* fref = dynamic_cast<FieldType::fieldref*>(seq->content(i).object);
+                        mag = proc->getMagneticField(fref->get_ref());
+                        if (mag != 0) {
+                            LCDDProcessor::instance()->addGlobalField(mag);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                std::cerr << "Failed cast to global_field!" << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/geant4/LCDDHeaderRecord.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/header.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/detector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/generator.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/comment.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/author.hh"
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+ @class headerSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for header element.
+ @note  Creates the LCDDHeaderRecord and sets in LCDDProcessor.
+ */
+class headerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    headerSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("header");
+    }
+    virtual ~headerSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+        const header* obj = dynamic_cast<const header*>(object);
+        LCDDHeaderRecord* hdr = new LCDDHeaderRecord();
+        // handle child element content
+        ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(obj->get_content());
+        size_t count = seq->size();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+            const ContentGroup::ContentItem& citem = seq->content(i);
+            const std::string& tag = citem.tag;
+            SAXObject* cobj = citem.object;
+            if (tag == "detector") {
+                const detector* d = dynamic_cast<detector*>(cobj);
+                hdr->setDetectorName(d->get_name());
+                hdr->setDetectorVersion(d->get_version());
+                hdr->setDetectorUrl(d->get_url());
+            } else if (tag == "generator") {
+                const generator* g = dynamic_cast<generator*>(cobj);
+                hdr->setGeneratorName(g->get_name());
+                hdr->setGeneratorVersion(g->get_version());
+                hdr->setGeneratorFile(g->get_file());
+                hdr->setGeneratorChecksum(g->get_checksum());
+            } else if (tag == "author") {
+                const author* a = dynamic_cast<author*>(cobj);
+                hdr->setAuthorName(a->get_name());
+                hdr->setAuthorEmail(a->get_email());
+            } else if (tag == "comment") {
+                const comment* c = dynamic_cast<comment*>(cobj);
+                hdr->setComment(c->get_comment());
+            } else {
+                std::cerr << "Unknown content for header element." << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+        // set header in LCDDProc
+        proc->setHeader(hdr);
+        // print header
+        hdr->printOut(std::cout);
+        //delete object;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/idspecElem.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/idfieldElem.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+ @class idspecSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for idspec element.
+ @note  Creates an IdSpec object and registers with IdManager.
+ @note  Also creates IdField objects from idfield child elements.
+ */
+class idspecSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    idspecSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("idspec");
+    }
+    virtual ~idspecSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "idspecSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
+        if (object) {
+            const idspecElem* idspec_elem = dynamic_cast<const idspecElem*>(object);
+            if (idspec_elem) {
+                std::string name = idspec_elem->get_name();
+                std::string length = idspec_elem->get_length();
+                IdSpec::SizeType length_s = (IdSpec::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(length);
+                // @todo support lengths over 64
+                if (length_s > 64) {
+                    std::cerr << "Number of bits cannot be greater than 64 at this time." << std::endl;
+                    assert(0);
+                }
+                IdSpec* idspec = new IdSpec;
+                idspec->setName(name);
+                idspec->setBitLength(length_s);
+                IdManager::instance()->addIdSpec(name, idspec);
+                // create fields
+                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(idspec_elem->get_content());
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    const ContentGroup::ContentItem& segitem = seq->content(i);
+                    if (segitem.tag == "idfield") {
+                        idfieldElem* idfield_elem = dynamic_cast<idfieldElem*>(segitem.object);
+                        if (idfield_elem) {
+                            IdField* idfield = new IdField;
+                            // label
+                            std::string label = idfield_elem->get_label();
+                            // start
+                            std::string start = idfield_elem->get_start();
+                            IdField::SizeType start_s = (IdField::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(start);
+                            // signed
+                            std::string signed_str = idfield_elem->get_signed();
+                            bool signed_bool = StringUtil::toBool(signed_str);
+                            // length
+                            std::string length = idfield_elem->get_length();
+                            IdField::SizeType length_s = (IdField::SizeType) StringUtil::toInt(length);
+                            // set in G4 object
+                            idfield->setLabel(label);
+                            idfield->setSigned(signed_bool);
+                            idfield->setStart(start_s);
+                            idfield->setLength(length_s);
+                            // add to spec
+                            idspec->addIdField(idfield);
+                        } else {
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to idfieldElem.");
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        std::cerr << "Ignoring unknown child - " << segitem.tag << std::endl;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to idspecElem.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "SAXObject is null!");
+        }
+        //delete object;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/limit.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/limitset.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/geant4/G4LimitSet.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+ */
+class limitsetSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    limitsetSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("limitset");
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "limitsetSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
+        if (object != 0) {
+            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+            const limitset* lsobj = dynamic_cast<const limitset*>(object);
+            if (lsobj != 0) {
+                //std::cout << "got limitset: " << lsobj->get_name() << std::endl;
+                G4LimitSet* ls = new G4LimitSet(lsobj->get_name());
+                const ContentSequence* seq = lsobj->get_content();
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "limit") {
+                        limit* param = dynamic_cast<limit*>(seq->content(i).object);
+                        if (param != 0) {
+                            //std::cout << "got limit: " << param->get_name() << std::endl;
+                            string unit = param->get_unit();
+                            string particles = param->get_particles();
+                            string limitName = param->get_name();
+                            string sval = param->get_value();
+                            sval += "*" + unit;
+                            double value = calc->Eval(sval);
+                            /* Process the comma-delimited list of particles. */
+                            vector<string> particleList;
+                            StringUtil::split(particles, ",", particleList);
+                            /* No specific particles so make an entry for all particles. */
+                            if (particleList.end() == particleList.begin()) {
+                                //std::cout << "adding limit with name, particle, value: <" << limitName << "> <" << G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE << "> <" << value << ">" << std::endl;
+                                ls->setLimitForParticle(limitName, G4LimitSet::ANY_PARTICLE, value);
+                            }
+                            /* Insert the limit once for each particle. */
+                            else {
+                                for (vector<string>::iterator iter = particleList.begin(); iter != particleList.end(); iter++) {
+                                    string particle = (*iter);
+                                    StringUtil::trim(particle);
+                                    //std::cout << "adding limit with name, particle, value: <" << limitName << "> <" << particle << "> <" << value << ">" << std::endl;
+                                    ls->setLimitForParticle(limitName, particle, value);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limit.");
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addLimitSet(ls->getName(), ls);
+            } else {
+                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to limitset.");
+            }
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/calorimeter.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4CalorimeterSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SegmentationFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdManager.hh"
+#include "lcdd/id/IdSpec.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+ * @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
+ * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory for creation of G4CalorimeterSD objects.
+ */
+class optical_calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    optical_calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("optical_calorimeter");
+    }
+    virtual ~optical_calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/schema/region.hh"
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/geant4/G4UserRegionInformation.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/LimitSetType.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4Region.hh"
+#include "G4ProductionCuts.hh"
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+ @class regionSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for region element.
+ @note  Creates a G4Region with user information and registers with LCDDProcessor.
+ */
+class regionSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    regionSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("region");
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        if (object != 0) {
+            LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+            const region* robj = dynamic_cast<const region*>(object);
+            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+            G4Region* reg = 0;
+            if (robj) {
+                std::string name = robj->get_name();
+                reg = new G4Region(name);
+                // compute prod cut
+                std::string lunit = robj->get_lunit();
+                std::string sval = robj->get_cut();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                double cut = calc->Eval(sval);
+                std::string eunit = robj->get_eunit();
+                sval = robj->get_threshold();
+                sval += "*" + eunit;
+                double threshold = calc->Eval(sval);
+                // set production cut
+                std::string store_seco = robj->get_storeSecondaries();
+                G4ProductionCuts* prod_cuts = new G4ProductionCuts();
+                prod_cuts->SetProductionCut(cut);
+                reg->SetProductionCuts(prod_cuts);
+                // create region info with storeSecondaries flag
+                G4UserRegionInformation* reg_info = new G4UserRegionInformation();
+                // set storeSeco
+                reg_info->setStoreSecondaries(StringUtil::toBool(store_seco));
+                std::string killTracks = robj->get_killTracks();
+                //std::cout << "regionSubscriber.killTracks: " << killTracks << std::endl;
+                reg_info->setKillTracks(StringUtil::toBool(killTracks));
+                //std::cout << "regInfo.killTracsk: " << reg_info << std::endl;
+                // set threshold
+                reg_info->setThreshold(threshold);
+                // set info in region
+                reg->SetUserInformation(reg_info);
+                // get content
+                const ContentSequence* seq = robj->get_content();
+                // get size of content
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                // iterate over and process content
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "limitsetref") {
+                        LimitSetType::limitsetref* limitsetref = dynamic_cast<LimitSetType::limitsetref*>(seq->content(i).object);
+                        G4UserLimits* ulim = dynamic_cast<G4LimitSet*>(proc->getLimitSet(limitsetref->get_ref()));
+                        if (ulim) {
+                            reg->SetUserLimits( ulim );
+                            std::cout << "Set user limits <" << limitsetref->get_ref() << "> on region <" << name << ">" << std::endl;
+                            std::cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring limitsetref on region.  The method G4Region::SetUserLimits is not supported by your Geant4 version." << std::endl;
+                        } else {
+                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: limit element not found - " << limitsetref->get_ref() << std::endl;
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "limitsetref not found.");
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        std::cerr << "Bad content to region tag: " << seq->content(i).tag << std::endl;
+                    }
+                }
+                // register with processor
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addRegion(name, reg);
+            } else {
+                std::cerr << "Failed cast to region!" << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/rz_field_map.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/rzb.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4RZFieldMap.hh"
+ * @class rz_field_mapSubscriber
+ * @brief Subscriber for rz_field_map elements.
+ */
+class rz_field_mapSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    rz_field_mapSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("rz_field_map");
+    }
+    virtual ~rz_field_mapSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    /** Instantiates a G4RZFieldMap object into Geant4 runtime. */
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "rz_field_mapSubscriber" << std::endl;
+        if (object != 0) {
+            GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+            const rz_field_map* obj = dynamic_cast<const rz_field_map*>(object);
+            if (obj) {
+                std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
+                std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
+                std::string name = obj->get_name();
+                int numBinsR, numBinsZ;
+                double gridSizeR, gridSizeZ;
+                std::string sval = obj->get_num_bins_r();
+                numBinsR = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_num_bins_z();
+                numBinsZ = (int) calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_grid_size_r();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                gridSizeR = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_grid_size_z();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                gridSizeZ = calc->Eval(sval);
+                /* Make list of RZB rows from content. */
+                const ContentSequence* seq = obj->get_content();
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                std::vector<RZBData> fieldData;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "rzB") {
+                        rzb* row = dynamic_cast<rzb*>(seq->content(i).object);
+                        if (row != 0) {
+                            std::string sr = row->get_r();
+                            std::string sz = row->get_z();
+                            std::string sBr = row->get_Br();
+                            std::string sBz = row->get_Bz();
+                            std::string sval = sr;
+                            sval += "*" + lunit;
+                            double r = calc->Eval(sval);
+                            sval = sz;
+                            sval += "*" + lunit;
+                            double z = calc->Eval(sval);
+                            sval = sBr;
+                            sval += "*" + funit;
+                            double Br = calc->Eval(sval);
+                            sval = sBz;
+                            sval += "*" + funit;
+                            double Bz = calc->Eval(sval);
+                            fieldData.push_back(RZBData(r, z, Br, Bz));
+                        } else {
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to rzB.");
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        G4cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring unknown element " << seq->content(i).tag << "." << std::endl;
+                    }
+                }
+                G4RZFieldMap* fmap = new G4RZFieldMap(numBinsR, numBinsZ, gridSizeR, gridSizeZ, fieldData);
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(name, fmap);
+            } else {
+                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to rz_field_map.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "SAXObject is null.");
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/scorer.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4ScorerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ * @brief SAX subscriber for scorer element.
+ * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4ScorerSD.
+ */
+class scorerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    scorerSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("scorer");
+    }
+    virtual ~scorerSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+#include "G4Processor/GDMLProcessor.h"
+#include "G4Evaluator/GDMLExpressionEvaluator.h"
+// processor 
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/solenoid.hh"
+#include "lcdd/bfield/G4Solenoid.hh"
+ * @brief SAX subscriber for solenoid element.
+ * @note  Creates a G4Solenoid object and registers with LCDDProcessor.
+ */
+class solenoidSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    solenoidSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("solenoid");
+    }
+    virtual ~solenoidSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "solenoidSubscriber" << std::endl;
+        GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+        if (object != 0) {
+            const solenoid* obj = dynamic_cast<const solenoid*>(object);
+            if (obj) {
+                //std::cout << "GOT SOLENOID: " << obj->get_name() << std::endl;
+                double outer_field, inner_field;
+                double zmin, zmax;
+                double inner_radius, outer_radius;
+                std::string lunit = obj->get_lunit();
+                std::string funit = obj->get_funit();
+                std::string sval = obj->get_innerField();
+                sval += "*" + funit;
+                inner_field = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_outerField();
+                sval += "*" + funit;
+                outer_field = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_zmin();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                zmin = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_zmax();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                zmax = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_innerRadius();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                inner_radius = calc->Eval(sval);
+                sval = obj->get_outerRadius();
+                sval += "*" + lunit;
+                outer_radius = calc->Eval(sval);
+                G4Solenoid* sol = new G4Solenoid();
+                sol->setInnerField(inner_field);
+                sol->setOuterField(outer_field);
+                sol->setInnerZ(zmin);
+                sol->setOuterZ(zmax);
+                sol->setInnerR(inner_radius);
+                sol->setOuterR(outer_radius);
+                std::string field_name = obj->get_name();
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addMagneticField(field_name, sol);
+            } else {
+                std::cerr << "Failed cast to solenoid!" << std::endl;
+            }
+        }
+        //delete object;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/tracker.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4SensitiveDetector.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/G4TrackerSD.hh"
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+// STL
+#include <iostream>
+ @class trackerSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for tracker element.
+ @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4TrackerSD.
+ */
+class trackerSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    trackerSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("tracker");
+    }
+    virtual ~trackerSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/detectors/SensitiveDetectorFactory.hh"
+ * @brief SAX subscriber for calorimeter element.
+ * @note  Delegates to SensitiveDetectorFactory to create G4CalorimeterSD object.
+ */
+class unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("unsegmented_calorimeter");
+    }
+    virtual ~unsegmented_calorimeterSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        SensitiveDetectorFactory::createSensitiveDetector(object);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/core/LCDDProcessor.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/vis.hh"
+#include "lcdd/schema/color.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Saxana/SAXSubscriber.h"
+#include "Saxana/SAXComponentFactory.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
+ @class visSubscriber
+ @brief SAX subscriber for vis element.
+ @note  Creates and registers a G4VisAttributes object with LCDDProcessor.
+ */
+class visSubscriber: virtual public SAXSubscriber
+    virtual const SAXComponentObject* Build() const
+    {
+        return this;
+    }
+    visSubscriber()
+    {
+        Subscribe("vis");
+    }
+    virtual ~visSubscriber()
+    {
+    }
+    virtual void Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    {
+        //std::cout << "visSubscriber::Activate()" << std::endl;
+        if (object != 0) {
+            const vis* vobj = dynamic_cast<const vis*>(object);
+            if (vobj) {
+                G4VisAttributes* g4vis = new G4VisAttributes;
+                std::string name = vobj->get_name();
+                bool visible = StringUtil::toBool(vobj->get_visible());
+                bool show_daughters = StringUtil::toBool(vobj->get_show_daughters());
+                G4VisAttributes::LineStyle line = convertLineStyle(vobj->get_line_style());
+                G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle draw = convertDrawingStyle(vobj->get_drawing_style());
+                g4vis->SetVisibility(visible);
+                g4vis->SetDaughtersInvisible(!show_daughters);
+                g4vis->SetLineStyle(line);
+                if (draw == G4VisAttributes::wireframe) {
+                    g4vis->SetForceWireframe(true);
+                } else if (draw == G4VisAttributes::solid) {
+                    g4vis->SetForceSolid(true);
+                }
+                // set color
+                bool color_set = false;
+                ContentSequence* seq = const_cast<ContentSequence*>(vobj->get_content());
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    std::string child_tag = seq->content(i).tag;
+                    SAXObject* child_obj = seq->content(i).object;
+                    if (child_tag == "color") {
+                        //std::cout << "handling color" << std::endl;
+                        color* c = dynamic_cast<color*>(child_obj);
+                        double r = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_R());
+                        double g = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_G());
+                        double b = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_B());
+                        double alpha = StringUtil::toDouble(c->get_alpha());
+                        //std::cout << "r g b alpha: " << r << " " << g << " " << b << " " << alpha << std::endl;
+                        g4vis->SetColor(r, g, b, alpha);
+                        // should be only one	    
+                        color_set = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!color_set) {
+                    std::cerr << "WARNING: Color was not explicitly set and got the default value." << std::endl;
+                }
+                // add to proc's map
+                LCDDProcessor::instance()->addVisAttributes(name, g4vis);
+            }
+        }
+        //delete object;
+    }
+    static G4VisAttributes::LineStyle convertLineStyle(const std::string& s)
+    {
+        G4VisAttributes::LineStyle l = G4VisAttributes::unbroken;
+        if (s == "unbroken") {
+            l = G4VisAttributes::unbroken;
+        } else if (s == "dashed") {
+            l = G4VisAttributes::dashed;
+        } else if (s == "dotted") {
+            l = G4VisAttributes::dotted;
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "WARNING: unknown LineStyle - " << s << std::endl;
+        }
+        return l;
+    }
+    static G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle convertDrawingStyle(const std::string& s)
+    {
+        G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle d = G4VisAttributes::wireframe;
+        if (s == "wireframe") {
+            d = G4VisAttributes::wireframe;
+        } else if (s == "solid") {
+            d = G4VisAttributes::solid;
+        } else {
+            std::cerr << "WARNING: unknown DrawingStyle - " << d << std::endl;
+        }
+        return d;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/subscribers/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/subscribers/volumeExtendedSubscriber.hh"
+ * @brief SAX subscriber to handle extra LCDD tags on volume element.
+ * @note  This is the major subscriber extension class for the LCDD package.
+ */
+const SAXComponentObject* volumeExtendedSubscriber::Build() const
+    return this;
+    Subscribe("volume");
+void volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate(const SAXObject* object)
+    LCDDProcessor* proc = LCDDProcessor::instance();
+    const volume* vobj = 0;
+    G4SensitiveDetector* g4sd = 0;
+    G4LogicalVolume* lv;
+    int nchildren = 0;
+    if (object) {
+        vobj = dynamic_cast<const volume*>(object);
+        if (vobj) {
+            // get LV
+            lv = const_cast<G4LogicalVolume*>(GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetLogicalVolume(vobj->get_name()));
+            if (lv) {
+                // get content
+                const ContentSequence* seq = vobj->get_content();
+                // get size of content
+                size_t count = seq->size();
+                // iterate over and process content
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    // handle sdref tag
+                    if (seq->content(i).tag == "sdref") {
+                        SensitiveDetectorType::sdref* sd = dynamic_cast<SensitiveDetectorType::sdref*>(seq->content(i).object);
+                        g4sd = proc->getSensitiveDetector(sd->get_ref());
+                        if (g4sd) {
+                            if (!g4sd->isValidVolume(lv)) {
+                                //G4Exception("FATAL ERROR: The G4LogicalVolume <" + lv->GetName() + "> is not valid for the SD <" + g4sd->GetName() + ">.");
+                                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "LogVol not valid for the SD");
+                            }
+                            lv->SetSensitiveDetector(g4sd);
+                        } else {
+                            G4cerr << "SD not found: " << sd->get_ref() << "." << G4endl;
+                            G4Exception( "volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate()", "", FatalException, "Invalid sdref.");
+                        }
+                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "regionref" ) {
+                        // handle regionref
+                        // get regionref object
+                        RegionType::regionref* regref = dynamic_cast<RegionType::regionref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
+                        // get region from store
+                        G4Region* reg = dynamic_cast<G4Region*> ( proc->getRegion( regref->get_ref() ) );
+                        // add LV to region
+                        if ( reg ) {
+                        reg->AddRootLogicalVolume( lv );
+                        } else {
+                            G4cerr << "Failed to fetch and/or cast to region: " << regref->get_ref() << G4endl;
+                            G4Exception("volumeExtendedSubscriber::Activate()", "", FatalException, "Invalid regionref.");
+                        }
+                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "limitsetref" ) {
+                        // handle limitsetref
+                        LimitSetType::limitsetref* limitsetref = dynamic_cast<LimitSetType::limitsetref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
+                        G4UserLimits* ulim = dynamic_cast<G4LimitSet*> ( proc->getLimitSet( limitsetref->get_ref() ) );
+                        if ( ulim ) {
+                            lv->SetUserLimits( ulim );
+                            std::cout << "Set user limits <" << limitsetref->get_ref() << "> on logical volume <" << lv->GetName() << ">" << std::endl;
+                        } else {
+                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: limit element not found - " << limitsetref->get_ref() << std::endl;
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "limitsetref not found.");
+                        }
+                    } else if ( seq->content(i).tag == "visref" ) {
+                        // handle visref
+                        //std::cout << "handling visref" << std::endl;
+                        VisType::visref* visref = dynamic_cast<VisType::visref*> ( seq->content(i).object );
+                        G4VisAttributes* vis = dynamic_cast<G4VisAttributes*> ( proc->getVisAttributes( visref->get_ref() ) );
+                        if ( vis ) {
+                            //std::cout << "assigning vis: " << visref->get_ref() << std::endl;
+                            lv->SetVisAttributes( vis );
+                        } else {
+                            std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: vis element not found - " << visref->get_ref() << std::endl;
+                            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "vis element not found.");
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( seq->content(i).tag == "physvol" ) {
+                        // handle physvols to look for physvolids
+                        ++nchildren;
+                        // get physvol content sequence
+                        physvol* pv = dynamic_cast<physvol*>( seq->content(i).object );
+                        const ContentSequence* pv_seq = pv->get_content();
+                        size_t ccount = pv_seq->size();
+                        // iterate over physvol content
+                        for ( size_t pvidx = 0; pvidx < ccount; pvidx++ ) {
+                            // found "choice" tag?
+                            if( pv_seq->content(pvidx).tag == "choice" ) {
+                                const ContentChoice* pv_choice = dynamic_cast<const ContentChoice*>( pv_seq->content(pvidx).object );
+                                // found a physvolid?
+                                if ( pv_choice->content().tag == "physvolid" ) {
+                                    // add the physvolid...
+                                    physvolidElem* pvid_elem =
+                                            dynamic_cast<physvolidElem*>( pv_choice->content().object );
+                                    if ( pvid_elem == 0 ) {
+                                        G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to physvolidElem.");
+                                    }
+                                    GDMLExpressionEvaluator* calc = GDMLProcessor::GetInstance()->GetEvaluator();
+                                    std::string strID = pvid_elem->get_value();
+                                    std::string fld = pvid_elem->get_field_name();
+                                    int intID = (int)calc->Eval( strID );
+                                    PhysVolId pvid(intID, fld);
+                                    // assign physvolid to lv's child by the in-order idx
+                                    IdManager::instance()->addPhysVolId(
+                                                        lv,            // LV mom
+                                                        nchildren - 1, // child idx in mom
+                                                        pvid );        // PhysVolId
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to G4LogicalVolume.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            G4Exception("", "", FatalException, "Failed cast to volume.");
+        }
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/util added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/util/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriter.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "G4Writer/G4GDMLWriter.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
+#include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
+void GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(const std::string& fileName, std::vector<std::string> volumes)
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* world = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
+    G4GDMLWriter g4writer("", fileName);
+    try {
+        g4writer.DumpGeometryInfo(world, volumes);
+    } catch (std::exception &err) {
+        G4cerr << "problem writing geometry: " << err.what() << std::endl;
+    }
+void GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(const std::string& fileName)
+    G4cout << "Dumping current geometry to file <" << fileName << ">" << G4endl;
+    G4VPhysicalVolume* world =
+    G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume();
+    G4GDMLWriter g4writer("", fileName);
+    try {
+        g4writer.DumpGeometryInfo(world);
+    }
+    catch(std::exception &lerr) {
+        G4cerr << "problem writing geometry: " << lerr.what () << std::endl;
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/util added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/util/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriterMessenger.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/GDMLWriter.hh"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh"
+    defineCommands();
+void GDMLWriterMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *, G4String newVals)
+    std::string volume;
+    std::string fileName;
+    std::istringstream is(newVals);
+    is >> fileName >> volume;
+    if (volume.length() > 1) {
+        std::vector<std::string> volumes;
+        volumes.push_back(volume);
+        GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(fileName, volumes);
+    } else {
+        GDMLWriter::writeCurrentGeometry(fileName);
+    }
+void GDMLWriterMessenger::defineCommands()
+    m_dumpGDMLCmd = new G4UIcommand("/lcdd/dumpGDML", this);
+    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetGuidance("Dump current geometry to GDML output file.");
+    G4UIparameter* p = new G4UIparameter("outputFile", 's', false);
+    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    p = new G4UIparameter("topVolume", 's', true);
+    m_dumpGDMLCmd->SetParameter(p);
+    m_dumpGDMLCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle);

lcdd/src/lcdd/util added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// $Id:,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/util/NistElementsDump.hh"
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+// GDML
+#include "Writer/Element.h"
+// Geant4
+#include "G4String.hh"
+#include "G4NistManager.hh"
+// STL
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using gdml::writer::Element;
+using namespace std;
+#include "lcdd/util/ElementNames.icc"
+void NistElementsDump::writeXml(const std::string& filename)
+    ofstream fstr;
+, fstream::out);
+    printXml(fstr);
+    fstr.close();
+void NistElementsDump::printXml(std::ostream& out)
+    // Get the NIST manager from G4.
+    G4NistManager* mgr = G4NistManager::Instance();
+    // Create the XML root node.
+    Element* materials = new Element("materials");
+    // Loop over chemical elements array.
+    for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
+        // Get the element abbreviation and name.
+        const std::string& elemAbbrev = abbrevs[i];
+        const std::string& elemName = names[i];
+        // Get element and material from G4.
+        G4Element* elem = mgr->FindOrBuildElement(elemAbbrev);
+        if (elem == 0) {
+            std::cout << elemAbbrev << " not found." << std::endl;
+            continue;
+        }
+        const std::string& g4mat = "G4_" + elemAbbrev;
+        G4Material* mat = mgr->FindOrBuildMaterial(g4mat);
+        if (mat == 0) {
+            std::cout << g4mat << " not found." << std::endl;
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Create new element.
+        Element* elemNode = new Element("element");
+        elemNode->addAttribute("name", elem->GetName());
+        elemNode->addAttribute("formula", elem->GetSymbol());
+        elemNode->addAttribute("Z", StringUtil::toString(elem->GetZ()));
+        // Setup atom.
+        Element* atomNode = new Element("atom");
+        atomNode->addAttribute("type", "A");
+        atomNode->addAttribute("unit", "g/mol");
+        atomNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString((elem->GetA() * mole / g)));
+        // Append atom node to element.
+        elemNode->appendChild(*atomNode);
+        // Append element node to top.
+        materials->appendChild(*elemNode);
+        // Create material node.
+        Element* matNode = new Element("material");
+        matNode->addAttribute("name", elemName);
+        matNode->addAttribute("formula", elem->GetName());
+        // Set material state.
+        G4State g4state = mat->GetState();
+        std::string state;
+        if (g4state == kStateSolid) {
+            state = "solid";
+        } else if (g4state == kStateLiquid) {
+            state = "liquid";
+        } else if (g4state == kStateGas) {
+            state = "gas";
+        } else {
+            state = "unknown";
+        }
+        matNode->addAttribute("state", state);
+        // Add radlen node.
+        Element* radlNode = new Element("RL");
+        radlNode->addAttribute("unit", "cm");
+        radlNode->addAttribute("type", "X0");
+        radlNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(mat->GetRadlen() / cm));
+        matNode->appendChild(*radlNode);
+        // Add nuclear interaction length node.
+        Element* nilNode = new Element("NIL");
+        nilNode->addAttribute("unit", "cm");
+        nilNode->addAttribute("type", "lambda");
+        nilNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(mat->GetNuclearInterLength() / cm));
+        matNode->appendChild((*nilNode));
+        // Add density node.
+        Element* densNode = new Element("D");
+        densNode->addAttribute("type", "density");
+        densNode->addAttribute("unit", "g/cm3");
+        double matDens = mat->GetDensity() / (g / cm3);
+        densNode->addAttribute("value", StringUtil::toString(matDens));
+        matNode->appendChild(*densNode);
+        // Add composition node.
+        Element* compNode = new Element("composite");
+        compNode->addAttribute("n", "1");
+        compNode->addAttribute("ref", elem->GetName());
+        matNode->appendChild(*compNode);
+        // Add material node to root.
+        materials->appendChild((*matNode));
+    }
+    // Write root node to output stream.
+    materials->toXml(out, true, true);

lcdd/src/lcdd/util added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/util/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/util/StringUtil.hh"
+// STL
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+const std::string StringUtil::ALPHA_STR = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+const std::string StringUtil::NUM_STR = "1234567890";
+const std::string StringUtil::WS_STR = "\x20\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D";
+const std::string StringUtil::NULL_STR = "";
+using std::string;
+using std::stringstream;
+using std::istringstream;
+using std::vector;
+string StringUtil::toString(double d)
+    stringstream ostr;
+    ostr << d;
+    return ostr.str();
+string StringUtil::toString(float f)
+    stringstream ostr;
+    ostr << f;
+    return ostr.str();
+string StringUtil::toString(bool b)
+    if (b) {
+        return "1";
+    }
+    return "0";
+string StringUtil::toString(int i)
+    stringstream ostr;
+    ostr << i;
+    return ostr.str();
+string& StringUtil::toLower(string& s)
+    std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower);
+    return s;
+string& StringUtil::toLower(const string& s)
+    return StringUtil::toLower(const_cast<string&>(s));
+double StringUtil::toDouble(string& s)
+    std::istringstream is(s.c_str());
+    double d;
+    is >> d;
+    return d;
+int StringUtil::toInt(string& s)
+    std::istringstream is(s.c_str());
+    int i;
+    is >> i;
+    return i;
+bool StringUtil::toBool(string& s)
+    if (StringUtil::toLower(s) == "true" || s == "1") {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+bool StringUtil::toBool(const string& s)
+    return StringUtil::toBool(const_cast<string&>(s));
+double StringUtil::toDouble(const string& s)
+    return StringUtil::toDouble(const_cast<string&>(s));
+void StringUtil::trim(string& str)
+    string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
+    if (pos != string::npos) {
+        str.erase(pos + 1);
+        pos = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
+        if (pos != string::npos)
+            str.erase(0, pos);
+    } else
+        str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
+string StringUtil::concatStrVec(const vector<string>& s_vec, const string& sep)
+    string r;
+    // concat w/ a space in between
+    for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = s_vec.begin(); iter != s_vec.end(); iter++) {
+        r += (*iter) + string(sep);
+    }
+    // lop off dangling space
+    r.erase(r.end() - 1, r.end());
+    return r;
+void StringUtil::split(const string& str, const string& delimiters, vector<string>& tokens)
+    // Skip delimiters at beginning.
+    string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
+    // Find first "non-delimiter".
+    string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
+    while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos) {
+        // Found a token, add it to the vector.
+        tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
+        // Skip delimiters.  Note the "not_of"
+        lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
+        // Find next "non-delimiter"
+        pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
+    }

lcdd/src/lcdd/util added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	26 Jun 2013 23:51:02 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// $Header: /cvs/lcd/lcdd/src/lcdd/util/,v 1.1 2013/06/26 23:51:02 jeremy Exp $
+// LCDD
+#include "lcdd/util/Verbose.hh"
+const Verbose::LevelType Verbose::m_defaultLevel = 0;
CVSspam 0.2.12

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