

Commit in GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/field on MAIN removed

GeomConverter/src/org/lcsim/geometry/field removed after 1.2
diff -N
---	3 Sep 2013 20:20:03 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-package org.lcsim.geometry.field;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import org.jdom.Element;
-class FieldMap3D extends AbstractFieldMap
-    // Storage space for the table
-    List<List<List<Double>>> _xField;
-    List<List<List<Double>>> _yField;
-    List<List<List<Double>>> _zField;
-    // The dimensions of the table
-    int _nx, _ny, _nz;
-    // The physical limits of the defined region
-    double _minx, _maxx, _miny, _maxy, _minz, _maxz;
-    // The physical extent of the defined region
-    double _dx, _dy, _dz;
-    // Offsets if field map is not in global coordinates
-    double _xOffset, _yOffset, _zOffset;
-    boolean _invertX, _invertY, _invertZ;
-    String _filename;
-    FieldMap3D(Element node)
-    {
-    	super(node);
-    	load(node.getAttributeValue("filename"));
-    }
-    private final void load(String filename) 
-    {
-    	System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------");
-    	System.out.println("Magnetic field");
-    	System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------");
-    	System.out.println("Reading the field grid from " + filename + " ... ");
-    	InputStream fis;
-    	BufferedReader br;
-    	String line;
-    	try {
-    		fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
-    		br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
-    		line = br.readLine();
-    		// Read table dimensions.    		    	
-    		readTableDimensions(line);
-    		// Reserve space in table for field map data.
-    		createTableBuffer();
-    		// Ignore 7 lines of input.
-    		for (int i=0; i<=7; i++) 
-    		{
-    			line = br.readLine();
-    		}
-    		// Read the field data.
-    		readFieldData(br);    		
-    		br.close();
-    	} catch (IOException x) {
-    		throw new RuntimeException(x);
-    	}    	   
-    }
-	private final void readFieldData(BufferedReader br) {
-		System.out.println("readFieldData");
-		double xval, yval, zval, bx, by, bz;
-		xval = yval = zval = bx = by = bz = 0;
-		int ix, iy, iz;
-		ix = iy = iz = 0;
-		for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
-			for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
-				for (iz=0; iz<_nz; iz++) {
-					String line = null;
-					try {
-						line = br.readLine();
-					} catch (IOException x) {
-						throw new RuntimeException(x);
-					}
-					double fieldValues[] = new double[6];
-					StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(" ", line);
-					int i = 0;
-					while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
-						fieldValues[i] = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken());
-						i++;
-					}
-					xval = fieldValues[0];
-					yval = fieldValues[1];
-					zval = fieldValues[2];
-					bx = fieldValues[3];
-					by = fieldValues[4];
-					bz = fieldValues[5];
-					if ( ix==0 && iy==0 && iz==0 ) {
-						_minx = xval;
-						_miny = yval;
-						_minz = zval;
-					}
-					_xField.get(ix).get(iy).add(iz, bx);
-					_yField.get(ix).get(iy).add(iz, by);
-					_zField.get(ix).get(iy).add(iz, bz);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		_maxx = xval;
-		_maxy = yval;
-		_maxz = zval;
-		// Should really check that the limits are not the wrong way around.
-		double temp = 0;
-		if (_maxx < _minx) {
-			temp = _maxx;
-			_maxx = _minx;
-			_minx = temp;
-			_invertX = true;
-		} 
-		if (_maxy < _miny) {
-			temp = _maxy;
-			_maxy = _miny;
-			_miny = temp;
-			_invertY = true;
-		} 
-		if (_maxz < _minz) {
-			temp = _maxz;
-			_maxz = _minz;
-			_minz = temp;
-			_invertZ = true;
-		}
-		// Set deltas from field values.
-		_dx = _maxx - _minx;
-		_dy = _maxy - _miny;
-		_dz = _maxz - _minz;
-		System.out.println("min values x, y, z: " + _minx + " " + _miny + " " + _minz);
-		System.out.println("max values x, y, z: " + _maxx + " " + _maxy + " " + _maxz);
-		System.out.println("offset x, y, z: " + _xOffset + " " + _yOffset +  " " + _zOffset);
-		System.out.println("delta x, y, z: " + _dx + " " + _dy + " " + _dz);
-		System.out.println("done reading field data");
-	}
-	private final void readTableDimensions(String line) {
-		int gridSizes[] = new int[3];
-		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(" ", line);    		
-		int i = 0;
-		while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
-			gridSizes[i] = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
-			++i;
-		}
-		_nx = gridSizes[0];
-		_ny = gridSizes[1];
-		_nz = gridSizes[2];
-		System.out.println("  [ Number of values x,y,z: " + _nx + " " + _ny + " " + _nz + " ] ");
-	}
-	private final void createTableBuffer() {
-		_xField = new ArrayList<List<List<Double>>>(_nx);
-		_yField = new ArrayList<List<List<Double>>>(_nx);
-		_zField = new ArrayList<List<List<Double>>>(_nx);
-		int ix, iy, iz;
-		ix = iy = iz = 0;
-		for (ix=0; ix<_nx; ix++) {
-			_xField.add(ix, new ArrayList<List<Double>>(_ny));
-			_xField.add(iy, new ArrayList<List<Double>>(_ny));
-			_xField.add(iz, new ArrayList<List<Double>>(_ny));
-			for (iy=0; iy<_ny; iy++) {
-				_xField.get(ix).add(iy, new ArrayList<Double>(_nz));
-				_yField.get(ix).add(iy, new ArrayList<Double>(_nz));
-				_zField.get(ix).add(iy, new ArrayList<Double>(_nz));    				
-			}
-		}
-	}
-    void getField(double x, double y, double z, BasicHep3Vector field)
-    {
-    	//double x = point[0];
-    	//double y = point[1];
-    	//double z = point[2] + _zOffset;
-    	z = z + _zOffset;
-    	// Check that the point is within the defined region 
-    	if ( x>=_minx && x<=_maxx &&
-        		y>=_miny && y<=_maxy && 
-        		z>=_minz && z<=_maxz ) {
-			// Position of given point within region, normalized to the range [0,1]
-			double xfraction = (x - _minx) / _dx;
-			double yfraction = (y - _miny) / _dy; 
-			double zfraction = (z - _minz) / _dz;
-			if (_invertX) { xfraction = 1 - xfraction;}
-			if (_invertY) { yfraction = 1 - yfraction;}
-			if (_invertZ) { zfraction = 1 - zfraction;}
-			// Need addresses of these to pass to modf below.
-			// modf uses its second argument as an OUTPUT argument.
-			double xdindex, ydindex, zdindex;
-			double xlocal, ylocal, zlocal;
-			xdindex = ydindex = zdindex = 0;
-			double results[] = new double[2];
-			// Position of the point within the cuboid defined by the
-			// nearest surrounding tabulated points
-			modf(xfraction*(_nx-1), results);
-			xdindex = results[0];
-			xlocal = results[1];
-			modf(yfraction*(_ny-1), results);
-			ydindex = results[0];
-			ylocal = results[1];
-			modf(zfraction*(_nz-1), results);	
-			zdindex = results[0];
-			zlocal = results[1];
-			// The indices of the nearest tabulated point whose coordinates
-			// are all less than those of the given point
-			int xindex = (int)xdindex;
-			int yindex = (int)ydindex;
-			int zindex = (int)zdindex;
-		    //			cout << "Local x,y,z: " << xlocal << " " << ylocal << " " << zlocal << endl;
-		    //			cout << "Index x,y,z: " << xindex << " " << yindex << " " << zindex << endl;
-		    //			double valx0z0, mulx0z0, valx1z0, mulx1z0;
-		    //			double valx0z1, mulx0z1, valx1z1, mulx1z1;
-		    //			valx0z0= table[xindex  ][0][zindex];  mulx0z0=  (1-xlocal) * (1-zlocal);
-		    //			valx1z0= table[xindex+1][0][zindex];  mulx1z0=   xlocal    * (1-zlocal);
-		    //			valx0z1= table[xindex  ][0][zindex+1]; mulx0z1= (1-xlocal) * zlocal;
-		    //			valx1z1= table[xindex+1][0][zindex+1]; mulx1z1=  xlocal    * zlocal;
-			// Full 3-dimensional version
-			double bx, by, bz;
-			bx =
-				_xField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * zlocal     +
-				_xField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1) * (1-xlocal) * ylocal  * zlocal  +
-				_xField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex) * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) * xlocal * (1-ylocal) *  zlocal  +
-				_xField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex)   * xlocal     *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_xField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1) * xlocal     *    ylocal  *    zlocal;
-			by =
-				_yField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * zlocal  +
-				_yField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) * ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1)* (1-xlocal) * ylocal * zlocal  +
-				_yField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex) * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) * xlocal * (1-ylocal) * zlocal  +
-				_yField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex) * xlocal * ylocal * (1-zlocal) +
-				_yField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1) * xlocal * ylocal * zlocal ;
-			bz =
-				_zField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField.get(xindex).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) * (1-xlocal) * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_zField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex) * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField.get(xindex).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1) * (1-xlocal) *    ylocal  *    zlocal  +
-				_zField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex) *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex).get(zindex+1) *    xlocal  * (1-ylocal) *    zlocal  +
-				_zField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex) *    xlocal  *    ylocal  * (1-zlocal) +
-				_zField.get(xindex+1).get(yindex+1).get(zindex+1) *    xlocal  *    ylocal  *    zlocal ;
-			field.setV(bx, by, bz);
-    	} else {    		
-    		field.setV(0., 0., 0.);
-    	}    	       	   
-    }
-    static private final void modf(double value, double results[]) 
-    {
-    	int whole = (int)value;
-    	double frac = value - ((float)whole);
-    	results[0] = whole;
-    	results[1] = frac;
-    }
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