

You should be able to use Java 1.6 now. (In theory you always could, but
there was one stale package that was screwing that up.)

Pushing this thread back to the list so it goes in the archives.

On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:

> This seems to work (at least until I get another version error, but I'll
> have to get the server admin to fix that one). Thanks for your help! Once I
> get an up-to-date Java version, I will attempt my analysis again and see if
> I can get it going now.
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Sho Uemura <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Note: If you're running on background HPSTrackingDefaults.lcsim may not
>> really do what you want; there's no trigger so many of your events won't
>> have tracks. You really want to do readout and reconstruction separately if
>> you're doing any sort of actual analysis. But it should run, which I think
>> is all you care about at the moment.
>> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Sho Uemura wrote:
>>  The process is simulation -> readout -> reconstruction -> analysis. SLIC
>>> does the simulation, so you need to do readout and reconstruction.
>>> HPSTrackingDefaults.lcsim (see bottom of the linked page) should do both.
>>> https://confluence.slac.****
>>> Running+Reconstruction<>
>>> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:
>>>  The input LCIO file is a file I generated from the data file
>>>> "egs_0.0025x0_450na_100kb_1.**stdhep" which I believe is background
>>>> data. I
>>>> created it using
>>>> ./slic -g
>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-**detectors/detectors/HPS-**
>>>> Proposal2014-v4-6pt6/HPS-**Proposal2014-v4-6pt6.lcdd
>>>> -i /net/taro/data/HPS/StdHep/6.**6GeV/beam/egs_0.0025x0_450na_**
>>>> 100kb_1.stdhep
>>>> -x -o hpsTest -r 10000
>>>> Of course, this is just simulating the data, I suppose, and not
>>>> reconstructing it, hence the error. What should I use to reconstruct the
>>>> data for further analysis?
>>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Sho Uemura <[log in to unmask]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  The third error - what's the input LCIO file? That steering file will
>>>>> only
>>>>> work with reconstruction output. The error is complaining that the
>>>>> MatchedTracks (reconstructed tracks) collection doesn't exist.
>>>>> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Sho Uemura wrote:
>>>>>  The first error is my fault - the Confluence page example was missing
>>>>> the
>>>>>> runNumber variable. Fixed.
>>>>>> The second error refers to your Java version. If you get Java 1.7 you
>>>>>> should be fine. In theory 1.6 is supposed to work but there are some
>>>>>> packages that are stuck at the wrong version.
>>>>>> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:
>>>>>>  Thanks for the quick reply. The "-r" was indeed the reason for the
>>>>>> error
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> was getting. I was trying to link to external files. I have attempted
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> run the commands now without the "-r" and no longer get the
>>>>>>> MalformedURLException, but I now get different errors. Using the
>>>>>>> sample
>>>>>>> commands page (
>>>>>>> https://confluence.slac.**stan****<**>
>>>>>>> Running+Readout+Simulation<htt**ps://confluence.slac.stanford.**
>>>>>>> edu/display/hpsg/Running+**Readout+Simulation<>
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> again to avoid any mistakes in my steering files, I ran:
>>>>>>> java -jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/hps-java-1.7-**
>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT-**bin.jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/classes/org/lcsim/**hps/**
>>>>>>> steering/readout/****TestRunReadoutToLcio.lcsim
>>>>>>> -i filtered.slcio -DoutputFile=readout
>>>>>>> which gave the error
>>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Variable not
>>>>>>> defined: runNumber
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****substituteVariables(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****substituteVariables(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****substituteVariables(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****substituteVariables(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****substituteVariables(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.****parseCommandLineOptions(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.main(**
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> java -jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/hps-java-1.7-**
>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT-**bin.jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/classes/org/lcsim/**hps/**
>>>>>>> steering/readout/****HPS2014ReadoutToLcio.lcsim
>>>>>>> -i hpsTest.slcio -DoutputFile=readout
>>>>>>> which gives the error
>>>>>>> java.lang.****UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/jlab/coda/jevio/****
>>>>>>> EvioException
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
>>>>>>>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.****defineClass1(Native Method)
>>>>>>>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.****defineClass(***
>>>>>>> *634)
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>        at****defineClass(URLClassLoader.**
>>>>>>> java:277)
>>>>>>>        at****access$000(URLClassLoader.****
>>>>>>> java:73)
>>>>>>>        at$****
>>>>>>>        at****AccessController.doPrivileged(****Native
>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>        at****findClass(*
>>>>>>> ***205)
>>>>>>>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.****loadClass(****
>>>>>>> 321)
>>>>>>>        at sun.misc.Launcher$****AppClassLoader.loadClass(**
>>>>>>>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.****loadClass(****
>>>>>>> 266)
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.hps.evio.****TestRunTriggeredReconToLcio.****startOfData(**
>>>>>>> TestRunTriggeredReconToLcio.****java:82)
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.Driver.****startOfData(
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.DriverAdapter.***
>>>>>>> *start(
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****AbstractLoopListener.process(****
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****DefaultRecordLoop.****fireLoopEvents(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****DefaultRecordLoop.execute(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop.****loop(
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.main(**
>>>>>>> Finally, I also tried the command
>>>>>>> java -jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/hps-java-1.7-**
>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT-**bin.jar
>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/****target/classes/org/lcsim/**hps/**
>>>>>>> steering/analysis/****StarterAnalysis.lcsim
>>>>>>> -i hpsTest.slcio -DoutputFile=readout
>>>>>>> which starts to run, unlike the others which crash immediately, but it
>>>>>>> crashes as soon as Event 0 is printed with the error
>>>>>>> java.lang.****IllegalArgumentException: Unknown event component
>>>>>>> MatchedTracks
>>>>>>>        at hep.physics.event.BaseEvent.****get(
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.event.base.****BaseLCSimEvent.get(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.hps.examples.****StarterAnalysisDriver.****processTracks(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.hps.examples.****StarterAnalysisDriver.process(****
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.Driver.****doProcess(
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.Driver.****processChildren(****
>>>>>>> 284)
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.Driver.process(****
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.lcsim.util.DriverAdapter.****recordSupplied(DriverAdapter.**
>>>>>>> **java:74)
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****DefaultRecordLoop.****consumeRecord(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****DefaultRecordLoop.loop(**
>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>> org.freehep.record.loop.****DefaultRecordLoop.execute(**
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop.****loop(
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******
>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.****JobControlManager.main(**
>>>>>>> I assume that I am still doing something incorrectly, but now the
>>>>>>> errors
>>>>>>> seem to be all different. Any ideas?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Kyle
>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Sho Uemura <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>  This error means hps-java can't find your steering file.
>>>>>>>> If you use the -r option, the steering file path is a Java resource
>>>>>>>> path -
>>>>>>>> it refers to a file you compiled into the jar. But if you're
>>>>>>>> modifying
>>>>>>>> steering files, it's better to not use "-r" so you don't have to
>>>>>>>> rebuild
>>>>>>>> every time you change your steering file - I think that's what you
>>>>>>>> wanted
>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>> So use the same command, but drop the "-r".
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to run hps-java and am getting some errors.
>>>>>>>>> Specifically,
>>>>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>>>> receiving a "******MalformedURLException" error when I
>>>>>>>>> try to
>>>>>>>>> run a
>>>>>>>>> steering file through the software. As an example, I tried running
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> sample commands on the website to make sure that it wasn't something
>>>>>>>>> weird
>>>>>>>>> in my steering file. I ran the command
>>>>>>>>> java -jar
>>>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/******target/hps-java-1.7-****
>>>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT-**bin.jar
>>>>>>>>> -r
>>>>>>>>> /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/******target/classes/org/lcsim/***
>>>>>>>>> *hps/**
>>>>>>>>> steering/readout/******TestRunReadoutToLcio.lcsim
>>>>>>>>> -i filtered.slcio -DoutputFile=readout
>>>>>>>>> This crashed giving the error message
>>>>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException:
>>>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>>> org.lcsim.job.******JobControlManager.******
>>>>>>>>> parseCommandLineOptions(**
>>>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******JobControlManager.main(**
>>>>>>>>> Caused by:
>>>>>>>>>        at<init>(******617)
>>>>>>>>>        at<init>(******480)
>>>>>>>>>        at<init>(******429)
>>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.xerces.impl.******XMLEntityManager.****
>>>>>>>>> setupCurrentEntity(Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>>> org.apache.xerces.impl.******XMLVersionDetector.****
>>>>>>>>> determineDocVersion(Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.******
>>>>>>>>> XML11Configuration.parse(****
>>>>>>>>> Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.******
>>>>>>>>> XML11Configuration.parse(****
>>>>>>>>> Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.******XMLParser.parse(Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.******
>>>>>>>>> AbstractSAXParser.parse(****
>>>>>>>>> Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.******
>>>>>>>>> SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.**
>>>>>>>>> parse(Unknown
>>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>>        at org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.******
>>>>>>>>> build(
>>>>>>>>>        at org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder.******
>>>>>>>>> build(
>>>>>>>>>        at org.lcsim.job.******JobControlManager.setup(**
>>>>>>>>>        ... 3 more
>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>>>>>        at<init>(******522)
>>>>>>>>>        ... 15 more
>>>>>>>>> Note that "filtered.slcio" is in the directory which I ran the
>>>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>>>> from, and the preceding command
>>>>>>>>> java -cp /net/home/mccaky/hps/hps-java/******target/hps-java-1.7-**
>>>>>>>>> SNAPSHOT-**
>>>>>>>>> bin.jar
>>>>>>>>> org.lcsim.hps.users.meeg.******FilterMCBunches hpsTest.slcio
>>>>>>>>> filtered.slcio
>>>>>>>>> -e250
>>>>>>>>> works perfectly. My version of the software was compiled last week,
>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> should be very up-to-date.
>>>>>>>>> Since I got this same message any time I tried to put a steering
>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>> in,
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> assume that I am just doing something dumb and giving hps-java bad
>>>>>>>>> information. Can you point me to where my mistake is?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Kyle McCarty

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