

Commit in mcd-analysis/src/main/java/org/lcsim/mcd/evtgen on MAIN 1.1
Class to convert text files output by Takashi from Fluka into stdhep files. One particle per event.
Particle / event weights are not currently handled.

mcd-analysis/src/main/java/org/lcsim/mcd/evtgen added at 1.1
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++	23 Sep 2013 23:08:16 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
+ *
+ * @author Norman A. Graf
+ *
+ * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2013/09/23 23:08:16 ngraf Exp $ 
+ */
+public class MuonColliderFlukaToStdhepConverter
+    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
+    {
+        boolean debug = false;
+        // remind user of correct usage
+        if (args.length == 0)
+        {
+            usage();
+        }
+        if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-h"))
+        {
+            usage();
+        }
+        File outputDir = new File(".");
+        if (args.length > 1)
+        {
+            outputDir = new File(args[1]);
+        }
+        // check if output directory exists
+        if (!outputDir.exists())
+        {
+            System.out.println("\n\n  Directory " + outputDir + " does not exist!");
+            System.exit(1);
+        }
+        System.out.println("processing: " + args[0]);
+        File f = new File(args[0]);
+        if (!f.exists())
+        {
+            System.out.println("\n\n  File " + f + " does not exist!");
+            System.exit(1);
+        }
+        // file exists, get its name...
+        String stdhepFileName = f.getName();
+        int outPutFileNum = 0;
+        int numEventsInFile = 0;
+        int maxnumEventsInFile = 10000;
+        stdhepFileName += "_" + outPutFileNum + "_" + maxnumEventsInFile + ".stdhep";
+        String outputFile = outputDir + "/" + stdhepFileName;
+        System.out.println(outputFile);
+        /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
+        /* NEVHEP          - event number (or some special meaning*/
+        /*                    (see documentation for details)     */
+        /* NHEP            - actual number of entries in current  */
+        /*                    event.                              */
+        /* ISTHEP[IHEP]    - status code for IHEP'th entry - see  */
+        /*                    documentation for details           */
+        /* IDHEP [IHEP]    - IHEP'th particle identifier according*/
+        /*                    to PDG.                             */
+        /* JMOHEP[IHEP][0] - pointer to position of 1st mother    */
+        /* JMOHEP[IHEP][1] - pointer to position of 2nd mother    */
+        /* JDAHEP[IHEP][0] - pointer to position of 1st daughter  */
+        /* JDAHEP[IHEP][1] - pointer to position of 2nd daughter  */
+        /* PHEP  [IHEP][0] - X momentum [Gev/c]                   */
+        /* PHEP  [IHEP][1] - Y momentum [Gev/c]                   */
+        /* PHEP  [IHEP][2] - Z momentum [Gev/c]                   */
+        /* PHEP  [IHEP][3] - Energy [Gev]                         */
+        /* PHEP  [IHEP][4] - Mass[Gev/c^2]                        */
+        /* VHEP  [IHEP][0] - X vertex [mm]                        */
+        /* VHEP  [IHEP][1] - Y vertex [mm]                        */
+        /* VHEP  [IHEP][2] - Z vertex [mm]                        */
+        /* VHEP  [IHEP][3] - production time [mm/c]               */
+        /*========================================================*/
+        //IstHep convention:
+        //                            0      - final state particle if JdaHEP=0
+        //                                     intermediate particle if JdaHEP>0
+        //                                     (NEUGEN extension; was "null")
+        //                            1      - final state particle
+        //                            2      - intermediate state
+        //                            3      - documentation line
+        //                            4-10   - reserved for future
+        //                            11-200 - reserved for specific model use
+        //                            201+   - reserved for users
+        int _nmax = 500000;
+        int _eventnum = 0;
+        int _nhep = 0;
+        int[] _isthep = new int[_nmax];
+        int[] _idhep = new int[_nmax];
+        int[] _jmohep = new int[2 * _nmax];
+        int[] _jdahep = new int[2 * _nmax];
+        double[] _phep = new double[5 * _nmax];
+        double[] _vhep = new double[4 * _nmax];
+        int _nevents = 0;
+        //Dummy values...
+        int nevtreq = 1;
+        int nevtgen = 1;
+        int nevtwrt = 1;
+        float stdecom = 2.F;
+        float stdxsec = 2.F;
+        double stdseed1 = 137.;
+        double stdseed2 = 138.;
+        double[] mom = new double[3];
+        double[] pos = new double[3];
+        int[] id2pdg = new int[26];
+        double[] idmasses = new double[26];
+        String[] idnames = new String[26];
+        setupFlukaParticleTable(id2pdg, idmasses, idnames);
+        StdhepWriter w = null;
+        try
+        {
+            w = new StdhepWriter(outputFile, "Imported Stdhep Events v1.0", "From file " + f.getName(), 10);
+            w.setCompatibilityMode(false);
+        } catch ( ex)
+        {
+            System.err.println("Error opening file: " + outputFile);
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+            System.exit(1);
+        }
+        // write a begin run record
+        double energy = 0.;
+        w.writeRecord(new StdhepBeginRun(nevtreq, nevtgen, nevtwrt, stdecom, stdxsec, stdseed1, stdseed2));
+        // now loop over contents of this file...
+        FileInputStream fin2 = new FileInputStream(f);
+        try
+        {
+            BufferedReader myInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fin2));
+//            double[] values = new double[8];
+            String thisLine;
+            _nhep = 0;      // number of particles in this event
+            // read file line by line, each line represents one particle
+            while ((thisLine = myInput.readLine()) != null)
+            {
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    System.out.println(thisLine);
+                }
+                String[] nums = thisLine.trim().split("\\s+");
+                //should be 11 entries per line
+//Every row consists of
+// 0     iregion 
+// 1     itype
+// 2     weight 
+// 3     energy(GeV)
+// 4     x 
+// 5     y
+// 6     z (cm)
+// 7     u 
+// 8     v
+// 9     w (direction cosines)
+// 10    time (ns)
+                int id = Integer.parseInt(nums[1]);
+                if (id > 25)
+                {
+                    System.out.println("Bad particle ID!!!");
+                }
+                int pdgId = id2pdg[id];
+                double mass = idmasses[id];
+                //Fluka is cm, stdhep is mm
+                pos[0] = Double.parseDouble(nums[4]) * 10.;
+                pos[1] = Double.parseDouble(nums[5]) * 10.;
+                pos[2] = Double.parseDouble(nums[6]) * 10.;
+                //Fluka and stdhep in GeV
+                energy = Double.parseDouble(nums[3]);
+                double momentum = sqrt(energy * energy - mass * mass);
+                mom[0] = Double.parseDouble(nums[7]) * momentum;
+                mom[1] = Double.parseDouble(nums[8]) * momentum;
+                mom[2] = Double.parseDouble(nums[9]) * momentum;
+                //Fluka time in ns, stdhep in mm/c
+                //      .299792458 m      1    1000 mm      
+                // ns * -------------- * --- * -------- 
+                //            ns          c        m    
+                double time = Double.parseDouble(nums[10]) * 299.792458;
+                // now populate the HEPEVT "common block"
+                _isthep[_nhep] = 1; // final state particle
+                _idhep[_nhep] = pdgId;
+                _phep[0 + 5 * _nhep] = mom[0]; //px
+                _phep[1 + 5 * _nhep] = mom[1]; //py
+                _phep[2 + 5 * _nhep] = mom[2]; //pz
+                _phep[3 + 5 * _nhep] = energy; //E
+                _phep[4 + 5 * _nhep] = mass; // mass
+                _vhep[0 + 4 * _nhep] = pos[0]; //x
+                _vhep[1 + 4 * _nhep] = pos[1]; //y
+                _vhep[2 + 4 * _nhep] = pos[2]; //z
+                _vhep[3 + 4 * _nhep] = time; //t
+//                // increment the number of particles in this event
+                _nhep++;
+                if (_nhep >= _nmax)
+                {
+                    throw new RuntimeException("\nAre you sure you want to create an event with more than " + _nmax + " particles?\nIf so, please recompile.");
+                }
+                //
+                // Create an StdhepEvent for this event and write it out...
+                //
+                StdhepEvent event = new StdhepEvent(_eventnum++, _nhep, _isthep, _idhep, _jmohep, _jdahep, _phep, _vhep);
+                w.writeRecord(event);
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    System.out.println("writing event " + _eventnum + " with " + energy + " GeV");
+                    System.out.println("pos: " + Arrays.toString(pos));
+                    System.out.println("mom: " + Arrays.toString(mom));
+                    System.out.println("pdg: " + pdgId + " " + idnames[id]);
+                }
+                _nevents++;
+            }
+            // write an end run record
+            w.writeRecord(new StdhepEndRun(nevtreq, nevtgen, nevtwrt, stdecom, stdxsec, stdseed1, stdseed2));
+            // close the file
+            try
+            {
+                System.out.println(" Closing file: " + outputFile + " with " + _nevents + " events");
+                w.close();
+            } catch ( ex)
+            {
+                System.err.println("Error closing file: " + outputFile);
+                ex.printStackTrace();
+                System.exit(1);
+            }
+            fin2.close();
+        } catch (EOFException ex)
+        {
+            ex.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public static void usage()
+    {
+        System.out.println("MuonColliderFlukaToStdhepConverter: \n  an application to read in data files from Fluka and convert to stdhep format.\n");
+        System.out.println("Usage: \n\n >> java MuonColliderFlukaToStdhepConverter InputTextFile <output directory> \n");
+        System.out.println(" Where: \n InputTextFile    is the input text file to process ");
+        System.out.println(" Writes to the current working directory unless output directory is specified");
+        System.out.println("\n e.g. >> java MuonColliderFlukaToStdhepConverter pairs.txt \n");
+        System.out.println("  will convert the particles listed in decays.txt to the same named decays.stdhep");
+        System.exit(0);
+    }
+    public static void setupFlukaParticleTable(int[] id2pdg, double[] mass, String[] idnames)
+    {
+        // id conversion
+        /*
+        PROTON              1          Proton                  2212
+        APROTON             2          Antiproton             -2212
+        ELECTRON            3          Electron                  11
+        POSITRON            4          Positron                 -11
+        NEUTRIE             5          Electron Neutrino         12
+        ANEUTRIE            6          Electron Antineutrino    -12
+        PHOTON              7          Photon                    22
+        NEUTRON             8          Neutron                 2112
+        ANEUTRON            9          Antineutron            -2112
+        MUON+              10          Positive Muon            -13
+        MUON-              11          Negative Muon             13
+        KAONLONG           12          Kaon-zero long           130
+        PION+              13          Positive Pion            211
+        PION-              14          Negative Pion           -211
+        KAON+              15          Positive Kaon            321
+        KAON-              16          Negative Kaon           -321
+        LAMBDA             17          Lambda                  3122
+        ALAMBDA            18          Antilambda             -3122
+        KAONSHRT           19          Kaon zero short          310
+        SIGMA-             20          Negative Sigma          3112
+        SIGMA+             21          Positive Sigma          3222
+        SIGMAZER           22          Sigma-zero              3212
+        PIZERO             23          Pion-zero                111
+        KAONZERO           24          Kaon-zero                311
+        AKAONZER           25          Antikaon-zero           -311
+        Reserved           26               ---                 ---
+        NEUTRIM            27          Muon neutrino             14
+        ANEUTRIM           28          Muon antineutrino        -14
+        Blank              29               ---                 ---
+        Reserved           30               ---                 ---
+        ASIGMA-            31          Antisigma-minus        -3222
+        ASIGMAZE           32          Antisigma-zero         -3212
+        ASIGMA+            33          Antisigma-plus         -3112
+        XSIZERO            34          Xi-zero                 3322
+        AXSIZERO           35          Antixi-zero            -3322
+        XSI-               36          Negative Xi             3312
+        AXSI+              37          Positive Xi            -3312
+        OMEGA-             38          Omega-minus             3334
+        AOMEGA+            39          Antiomega              -3334
+        Reserved           40               ---                 ---
+        TAU+               41          Positive Tau             -15
+        TAU-               42          Negative Tau              15
+        NEUTRIT            43          Tau neutrino              16
+        ANEUTRIT           44          Tau antineutrino         -16
+        D+                 45          D-plus                   411
+        D-                 46          D-minus                 -411
+        D0                 47          D-zero                   421
+        D0BAR              48          AntiD-zero              -421
+        DS+                49          D_s-plus                 431
+        DS-                50          D_s-minus               -431
+        LAMBDAC+           51          Lambda_c-plus           4122
+        XSIC+              52          Xi_c-plus               4232
+        XSIC0              53          Xi_c-zero               4112
+        XSIPC+             54          Xi'_c-plus              4322
+        XSIPC0             55          Xi'_c-zero              4312
+        OMEGAC0            56          Omega_c-zero            4332
+        ALAMBDC-           57          Antilambda_c-minus     -4122
+        AXSIC-             58          AntiXi_c-minus         -4232
+        AXSIC0             59          AntiXi_c-zero          -4132
+        AXSIPC-            60          AntiXi'_c-minus        -4322
+        AXSIPC0            61          AntiXi'_c-zero         -4312
+        AOMEGAC0           62          AntiOmega_c-zero       -4332
+         */
+        id2pdg[1] = 2212; // p
+        id2pdg[2] = -2212; // pbar
+        id2pdg[3] = 11;  //e-
+        id2pdg[4] = -11; //e+
+        id2pdg[5] = 12; //nue
+        id2pdg[6] = -12; //nuebar
+        id2pdg[7] = 22; //gamma
+        id2pdg[8] = 2112; //n
+        id2pdg[9] = -2112; //nbar
+        id2pdg[10] = -13; //mu+
+        id2pdg[11] = 13; //mu-
+        id2pdg[12] = 130; //K0L
+        id2pdg[13] = 211; //pi+
+        id2pdg[14] = -211; //pi-
+        id2pdg[15] = 321; //K+
+        id2pdg[16] = -321; //K-
+        id2pdg[17] = 3122; //Lambda
+        id2pdg[18] = -3122; //Lambdabar
+        id2pdg[19] = 310; //K0S
+        id2pdg[20] = 3112; // Sigma-
+        id2pdg[21] = -3112; //Sigma+
+        id2pdg[22] = 3212; //Sigma0
+        id2pdg[23] = 111; //pi0
+        id2pdg[24] = 311; //K0
+        id2pdg[25] = -311; //K0bar
+        ParticlePropertyProvider ppp = ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider();
+        for (int i = 0; i < id2pdg.length; ++i)
+        {
+            ParticleType t = ppp.get(id2pdg[i]);
+//            System.out.println("Fluka id= " + i + " pdg= " + id2pdg[i] + " " + t.getName());
+            if (!t.getName().equals("unknown"))
+            {
+                mass[i] = t.getMass();
+                idnames[i] = t.getName();
+//                System.out.println(mass[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
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