

It looks like we do not have jvisualvm on the server. When I get back to
home machine, I will see if I have it there.
On Oct 14, 2013 1:36 PM, "Sho Uemura" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The JDK usually comes with a profiler. Check to see if you have
> "jvisualvm" in the same directory as javac (e.g. I have it in
> /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_21/bin/**jvisualvm).
> On Mon, 14 Oct 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:
>  I have never been able to get LCSim to run properly through
>> Eclipse/NetBeans, so I am just using the command line directly. Is there a
>> way to run profiling without them?
>> The files are, to the best of my knowledge, just A' events, though Maurik
>> will have to confirm that, as I got the files from him. The largest two
>> files had ~170,000 events and came out to 1.4 and 2.5 GB respectively. I'm
>> not, admittedly, sure what went into the original StdHEP file generation
>> though. The source file was 78 MB, if that helps.
>> On Oct 14, 2013 1:23 PM, "Graham, Mathew Thomas" <
>> [log in to unmask]>
>> wrote:
>>  Yeah, definitely a memory leak somewhere.  If you are using netbeans or
>>> eclipse, you can run the profiler to pinpoint just where it's leaking.
>>>  I'm
>>> not sure based on your list, but I typically run fewer events-per-job.
>>> Mostly I'm chiming in because of this?
>>>  but for the larger files (>1 GB, >100,000 events)
>>> ?is that really the size of these files?  I.e 100k events=1GB?  Are these
>>> A' only?  Because my A' only events are ~10x smaller than this?even
>>> pileup
>>> shouldn't effect things much (unless truth info is kept for every beam
>>> electron?then it get's big).
>>> On Oct 14, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Kyle McCarty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hello hps-software,
>>> I have been running some A' events through the lcsim software and have
>>> been running into memory problems.
>>> System Information:
>>> OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)
>>> RAM: 22 GB
>>> SLCIO File Generation Information:
>>> SLIC: 4.9.6
>>> GEANT4: 9.6.1
>>> Geometry: HPS-Proposal2014-v5-6pt6.lcdd
>>> Input Files: ap6.6gevXXXmev.stdhep
>>> where XXX = { 050, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 } are the A' masses.
>>> LCSim Information:
>>> hps-java: 1.8
>>> Drivers:
>>>      - EventMarkerDriver
>>>      - CalibrationDriver
>>>      - TestRunTriggeredReconToLcio
>>>      - FADCEcalReadoutDriver
>>>      - EcalRawConverterDriver
>>>      - CTPEcalClusterer
>>>      - FADCTriggerDriver
>>>      - SimpleSvtReadout
>>>      - HPSEcalTriggerPlotsDriver
>>>      - AidaSaveDriver
>>>      - ClockDriver
>>> The steering file is attached for more detailed reference. It is a
>>> modified version of Sho's HPS2014ReadoutToLcio.lcsim.
>>> Problem Manifestation:
>>> When I started running the A' events through LCSim, I got heap errors and
>>> OutOfMemoryErrors. These were intially resolved by including the
>>> -Xmx[Amount] option when running, but for the larger files (>1 GB,
>>> >100,000
>>> events) I still received memory errors even when I allotted Java the
>>> entirety of the server's available memory. I was ultimately able to get
>>> all
>>> the files to run by downloading them to my personal machine (a Windows
>>> device) and running hps-java there, but it was necessary to allot Java
>>> approximately 55 GB of RAM to accomplish this.
>>> I ran some diagnostics while the LCSim software was running on my local
>>> machine and observed the memory footprint of the software. I found that
>>> it
>>> started low, but continually increased throughout the duration of the
>>> run.
>>> My guess from what I saw is that the Java virtual machine is not
>>> correctly
>>> cleaning old objects from memory, so they are building up causing the
>>> large
>>> event files to rapidly expand in memory.
>>> I have attached two log files. The first is from the 2.5 GB A' file for
>>> 600 MeV masses. This run was ultimately terminated by me because it
>>> reached
>>> the maximum amount of server memory that I could allot it and then froze
>>> while it tried to get more memory. The second log files are from another
>>> run where it did yield an OutOfMemoryError.
>>> Any ideas as to cause of this?
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